Page 1: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®


AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Page 2: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

What is AT&T NetBond® for Cloud? …………………………………… 3

Why choose AT&T NetBond® for Cloud? ………………………………4

What sets AT&T NetBond® for Cloud apart? …………………………. 5

Customer Showcase: Aira……………………………………….……….6

Getting Started …………………………………………………………10

Table of Contents

2 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Page 3: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

As more enterprises are moving some, if not all of their

data and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness,

network performance and security are top of mind.

AT&T NetBond® for Cloud provides a dynamic, private

connection to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Its

enhanced infrastructure makes it easier to securely

connect applications, platforms, and services. With AT&T

NetBond® for Cloud, customers are getting a single,

end-to-end solution from one provider that allows them

to maintain a hybrid environment, meaning they can

utilize their current investments in their on-premises

infrastructure and strategy.

AT&T NetBond® for Cloud has a self-service portal that

makes it easy for any organization to provision new

Virtual Network Connections (VNCs) on-demand, within

minutes. The customizable online portal is available

to users 24x7. The easy-to-use portal, combined with

trusted support from AT&T NetBond® for Cloud advisors

allows non-tech-savvy organizations to manage their

AT&T NetBond® for Cloud environment.

What is AT&T NetBond® for Cloud?

With AT&T NetBond® for Cloud, organizations are better able to manage their cloud services, streamline operations, scale bandwidth on demand, and reduce costs.

3 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Page 4: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

Gain a reliable, scalable, secure, and high-performing network all at a lower cost than maintaining your legacy, on-premises data centers.

Why choose AT&T NetBond® for Cloud?

Reliability AT&T NetBond® for Cloud allows you to extend your

connection to AWS Direct Connect, helping you deliver

your critical business applications through a fast and

highly secure AT&T MPLS VPN.

Scalability AT&T NetBond® for Cloud makes it easy to shift network

capacity and scale bandwidth quickly to accommodate

changing demands. Traffic is automatically routed from

multiple locations directly to AWS.

Security AT&T NetBond® for Cloud provides organizations with

a dedicated, private network, meaning their data is no

longer traversing the public internet and exposed to


Performance AT&T NetBond® for Cloud prioritizes traffic based on

your requirements to help maintain high performance

for critical workloads. Within minutes, organizations

can establish a VNC to AWS and experience fewer

slowdowns than they would with the public internet.

4 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Page 5: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

5 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Automation AT&T integrated automation features into AT&T

NetBond® for Cloud so that customers can easily spin

up new network connections in just a few clicks.

Service Management With a trusted team at both AT&T and AWS,

organizations can seek help or assistance through any

part of their cloud journey. AT&T NetBond® for Cloud

offers a cloud onboarding team that sets up the initial

network and helps the organization understand what

the connection looks like. The self-service portal is

easy-to-use, making it uncommon for organizations to

require additional help.

Cost Management Because there is no additional infrastructure required,

AT&T NetBond® for Cloud helps minimize your capital

investment and reduce your on-premises

operating costs.

Expansive Ecosystem AT&T NetBond® for Cloud is compatible with a variety of

cloud service providers. Once you establish a connection

to AWS Direct Connect through AT&T NetBond® for

Cloud, you gain access to the broad ecosystem of AWS

and AWS Partner Network (APN) Partner solutions.

What sets AT&T NetBond® for Cloud apart from their competitors?

Page 6: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

About Aira Aira seeks to better the lives of the blind and low-vision

through augmented reality. With the use of “smart

glasses” that connect to professionally trained agents,

customers gain the advanced assistance they need to

perform everyday tasks that were once difficult before.

Aira’s mission is to help their customers achieve a new

sense of independence, with the tap of a button.

Challenges Because Aira’s business model revolves around

keeping people connected, a high-performing network

connection was necessary to meeting the needs of

their customers. Previously, Aira’s users would connect

through a hotspot from their phone, from a variety

of carriers. But because Aira couldn’t control which

carrier the customer was using, they were having

difficulties establishing a consistent, high quality

connection. Spotty connections were making it difficult

for customers to complete tasks in a timely manner.

Leveraging the public internet also meant that when

connections were dropped, Aira didn’t have a way to

securely maintain customer data. This is especially

important as one of Aira’s main use cases, helping

customers read prescription bottles.

Customer Showcase: Aira

6 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Page 7: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

The Solution Because the public internet was the source of Aira’s

challenges, they decided to explore options around

private connections. Putting both the customer and

the agent on the same connection would provide

the smoothest transition, as Aira could oversee the

performance on both ends. Aira chose AT&T for its AT&T

NetBond® for Cloud and Dynamic Traffic Management

(DTM) technology to connect AWS.

As pictured in the diagram, the new connection begins

with a hotspot that connects to AT&T Mobility, and

eventually to AT&T NetBond® for Cloud. It is then routed

to AWS Direct Connect, and third party services, and

Customer Showcase: Aira

7 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

back through AT&T NetBond® for Cloud to AT&T MPLS

VPN. If the Aira agent is at an office, the customer will

be connected directly to them, but if they are working

remotely, the customer will be connected through a

VPN gateway.

With this new connection, Aira has benefited from

predictable network performance, enhanced direct

connectivity, and reduced drops. Because the user and

the agent are now on the same network, AT&T DTM is

able to prioritize the data traffic, helping maintain a high

performing connection even during times of network

congestion. Additionally, because Aira’s data is no longer

traversing the public internet, customer data is more

secure than before.

Page 8: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

“Chloe” Capabilities With the new performance capabilities Aira has

gained, they have been able to develop new, better

technologies to assist their customers. Through the

use of Amazon Lex, Aira has developed “Chloe”, a

new artificial intelligence platform. With the direct

connection to AWS through AT&T NetBond® for Cloud,

and access to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine

learning technologies, Aira was no longer required to

focus on maintaining their network connection and

could instead reallocate resources towards developing

this new platform.

“Chloe” allows users to access the Aira platform hands-

free, by just saying a command to wake it up. The key

feature of “Chloe” is around prescription reading. Users

can now initiate the program, look at a prescription bot-

tle, and the AI platform will read the dosage amount and

other relevant information out loud. Instead of having to

connect with an agent, customers can get the answers

they need by simply holding up the bottle and activating

the AI platform.

Aira has developed new glasses, Aira Horizon Smart

Glasses, that come with the “Chloe” functionality already

built in. These glasses will come with an Aira-dedicated

smartphone, powered by AT&T, which unlocks the Aira

technology for users that did not previously own a


Customer Showcase: Aira

8 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Page 9: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

9 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Traffic Management When customers reach out to Aira, they’re expecting

immediate assistance to perform the task on hand.

This means that Aira needs a high-performing

network with low-latency, even during peak traffic

times. Through AT&T DTM, Aira leverages the Quality

of Service (QoS) network to prioritize their traffic.

This allows Aira to maintain stable connections with

their customers, even during peaks in demand or at

crowded events.

Prioritizing traffic has allowed Aira to provide

exceptional service for their customers, greatly

improving their day-to-day lives. A predictable network

connection means Aira’s customers can be confident

that they will quickly reach an online agent that

can help them navigate through the task at hand.

This real-time communication helps the customer

achieve a new sense of independence, mobility, and

productivity in their everyday tasks. While AI is still

being incorporated in Aira’s smart glasses, there are

some tasks that require human assistance, such as

navigating busy streets and airports, making strong

network connectivity a high priority.

Customer Showcase: Aira

Page 10: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®

10 | AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Learn more about AT&T NetBond® for Cloud and how you can get started here:

AT&T NetBond® for Cloud on AWS

AT&T NetBond® for Cloud

Getting Started

Page 11: AT&T NetBond® for Cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and applications to the cloud—cost effectiveness, network performance and security are top of mind. AT&T NetBond®


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