  • PAW PRINTS | June 2016

    Vo l u m e XX V I I I N u m b e r V I



    At the MaxFund Wellness Clinic the new thing isultrasound. The new thing allows us to look atalmost everything that you can’t see on x-ray,taking a lot of guesswork out of the diagnosis in difficultmedical cases. We use it all the time now at the clinic.

    You already know about our wonderful results with ultra-sound therapy. You may not know that we also use coldlaser for the same results, depending on the animal’s sizeand the size of the area being treated. The big advantage isthat the cold laser machines can be leased or sold to youfor treatment at home. We first became interested in thewhole laser field by talking to the head man of an organizationnamed, National Association of Pet Parents, who asked toremain anonymous. Simcha’s Best Jew donated anothercold laser to the MaxFund, for which we are very grateful.

    In the area of general pet wellness in the Denver area, thereare some new developments. The first fact you may haveseen in the news: there have been three skunks with rabiesfound in the Denver area, one in Arvada and two inAurora. We care about this because a rabid skunk may bitea human or a pet, and rabies is a very scary disease. We areeven more interested because the new vector is the skunk.Douglas County Health Department has never found arabid skunk until now. Skunks are nocturnal and representa different challenge. They are also different becauseskunks often have a long latent period after being bittenbefore the symptoms. This unpredictability is why theymade it illegal to have them as pets. Keep your petsup-to-date on rabies vaccinations.

    The other problem relates to our wet spring. The Denverarea never used to have a problem with heartworm disease in dogs and cats with our high and dry climatebecause it is spread by mosquitoes. You used to have a

    ready supply of infected dogs and mosquitoes for nativedogs to get infected. With the influx of people movingto Denver from Texas and other southern states we nowhave a real problem with heartworm here; they broughttheir heavily infected dogs with them. If we get the predicted boom in mosquito numbers this year wemight get a big increase in the number of Denver dogsdevelop heartworm disease. That is bad enough in itself,but a big increase in the number of untreated cases thisyear will increase the reservoir of infected dogs in thecommunity. Talk to the clinic, or whoever is your vet,about prevention.

    At the MaxFund WellnessClinic the new thing isultrasound.

  • PAW PRINTS | June 20162


    Weird, man. What’s with Denver weather this year?We had beautiful spring weather while it was supposedto be winter, and repeated snowstorms when it wassupposed to be beautiful spring. Now it is rainingevery day as if we live in Seattle. Go figure!

    The news around the home is OK so far as I am concerned, but Bandit is in trouble for repeatedlybreaking into Dad’s garden and digging. Dad hasreplanted and is watching him like a hawk, and hasreinforced the garden fence and gate.

    A more serious problem, I am told, is that Mom’sfavorite kitty, Daphne, got a big belly. Dad took herin to the MaxFund Clinic and the lab tests, x-rays,and ultrasound show that the belly is full of fluid. I’mquoting now from talk between Mom and Dadbecause I don’t know about these things. Daphne hasa very bad disease called FIP although she doesn’tfeel sick. Don’t ask me how the disease is so bad thatit makes Mom cry, and still Daphne feels OK Fornow, anyway, she can live at home normally.

    Dad acts normal (for him) and he’s supposed to go tothe two-legger hospital and get an operation. Maybeour family is just weird. You think?

    So much I don’t understand!

    AMAZON SHOPPERS!Smile and Help MaxFund!

    Do you shop on Amazon? If so, you can help MaxFund’sdogs and cats by using the link tomake your Amazon purchases! Here’s all you need to do:

    • Go to• Enter and save MaxFund (it will show up as “The

    Maxfund, Inc.”) as your charity• Remember to start from the

    link each and every time you shop at Amazon!

    Follow these easy steps, and Amazon will donate 0.5% ofyour eligible purchases to MaxFund! MaxFund receives adirect deposit from Amazon quarterly of Amazon Smiledonations. Let’s make those donations add up!


    IS YOUR BUGGY BUGGING OUT?Has your spirited steed become a broken-down nag?

    Is your sports car on continuous medical reserve? Or is your SUV no longer sporty or utilitarian?

    CONSIDER DONATINGthe vehicle to MaxFund

    No fuss, no muss, AND get a tax deduction for the price it sells for with no haggling.

    Call the MaxFund at (720) 266-6081____________________

  • Visit us on the web at:www.maxfund.orgEditor & Layout

    Carolyn VenardContributing Writers

    Bill Suro, VMDIlene JohnsonAngel Ireson

    Distribution3,953 Unaudited Circulation

    Published monthly by MaxFundAnimal Adoption Center, a true no-killshelter to provide medical care forinjured dogs and cats with no knownowners, and to find new homes forthese animals once they are recovered.

    The MaxFund is committed to thefollowing goals:

    –Develop and implement educa-tional programs pertaining to animalcare, with emphasis on the importance ofspay/neutering.

    –Disseminate information onspay/neuter facilities and conduct

    spay/neuter clinics for low-income families.–Be a spokesperson for the animals

    on issues of animal welfare.–Cooperate with other animal

    facilities/shelters in the accomplishmentof the above goals.

    Contributions for this newsletter arewelcome. Please check the back pageof newsletter for each month’s deadline.We especially enjoy letters and photosfrom animals adopted from our shelter.

    MaxFund Animal Adoption Center720 West 10th Avenue | Denver, Colorado 80204

    Phone (720)

    Wellness Clinic (303)

    PAW PRINTS | June 20163

    Yeah! It is finally my turn.

    The garage is finally done; at least that is what they are telling us. As I am the explorer of all large spaces, I wasthe first one in the garage. Mom said it was going to be great! Well that is a matter of opinion. They took everything outof it so all the neat places to climb and hide are gone. There are just some large shelves with big black boxes onthem. Sad Kitties.

    Since I am writing this month I get to tell stories about Snoopy. Mom keeps saying he is like a dog but that nevermade sense to me because he is a CAT. So the other evening I was curled up in my chair and Mom calls him.Snoopy heads for the living room and just before he gets within arm’s length of her he does a ski slope just like adog. You know, front legs together and down and does a big stretch with his butt up in the air. I guess I neverpaid any attention to him doing this, because I am sure he has done it a million times, but now I understand whatshe was talking about. Dogs do this all the time. How did I not remember this as it makes him even more strange than Ithought? Acting like a dog is just plain strange for a cat. It makes me wonder where all his dignity has gone.

    The second story is really funny. We both know that the time for camping is getting very close. He got all excitedwhen the RV cover came off, but the RV just sat in the back yard. Snoopy keeps rushing the back door whenMom or Big D heads that way. The other day the RV left and Snoopy was still here. We were both confused butSnoopy was really upset. The next day they brought it back home and Snoopy’s disposition improved greatly. Itseems they are not done putting things inside and he is stalking them to be sure he is one of those items to go inside.

    Guess that is all for now.Your Cat Reporter, Gizmo

    A CAT’S UNIVERSEby Snoopy & Gizmo

  • LACEYLacey is a beautiful terrier mix gal. She

    may be a bit shy at first. Very activeyoung lady.

    BUGLEBugle is a handsome Shar Pei mixboy. He has no eyes but he is stilla great guy who loves his walks.

    BEYONCEBeyonce is a regal and beautiful

    girl. She prefers to be an only cat.Sweet personality.

    CHICKENChicken is a male Puggle mix. He

    is a happy go lucky guy. Lovesmaking new friends.

    ECHOEcho likes to talk to people.

    She loves to get treats and gethuman attention.

    IGGYIggy is a young girl looking for her

    forever home. Won’t you comemeet her?

    PERSEPHONEPersephone needs medication

    and a little extra care. She lovesto be held.

    CHUCKChuck is a big loveable guy.

    Would love a home where hegets lots of attention.

    BUSTER BROWNBuster Brown is a handsome Boxer

    mix boy. He is a cutie and a fun lovinggoofball. Very protective.

    PAW PRINTS | June 20164

    Adopt a LifelongCompanion

    and a Friend Forever

  • PAW PRINTS | June 20165


    My name is Jeanette Clanton and I wasrescued by a small, 3.2 lbs., seniorChihuahua from MaxFund on August2015. He name was Gremlin, howeverhe is now goes by Kyto. He was 10 yearsold when I met him. He is now leashedtrained and walks with me, on nice days,5-7 miles per day.

    The reason I am writing to you is, Iwould like to bring more awarenessto adopting seniors. I have adopted acouple of seniors from Maxfund andthey have brought me so much joy. Iwas hoping, together, we can bringmore awareness. If you feel this isappropriate, please share with yourstaff and friends of Maxfund andplease vote every day.



    Thank you for your considerationJeanette Clanton

  • Hi MaxFund,

    My name is Buttons. It is my 3rdbirthday this month. I am not fromMaxFund, but my friend Lucky is.He is the happy grey/white fellow inthe picture. Lucky told me goodthings about MaxFund, so I amsending you a donation so you cankeep helping dogs like us.

    Lucky & Buttons

    Dear MaxFund,

    I’ve been meaning to write this letterfor months! Enclosed is a photo ofour adopted pets, Sassy & Chloe(formerly, Cloud).

    We adopted Sassy in February 2014.Sassy, we were told was a stray livingnear a mall in Denver. The poorlittle thing was so skinny and matterupon arriving at MaxFund, the matting literally caused bruisingaround her neck! As you can see in

    the photo, Sassy is fully recovered, ishealthy and receives daily walks andmuch playtime with her sister, Chloe.

    Sassy is the most loving puppy andwonderful addition to our family.

    Thinking that Sassy needed compan-ionship, we adopted Chloe in April2015. You may recall that the persondropping Chloe off at MaxFunddescribed her as being “anti-social”.This could not be further from thetruth! Chloe adores her humans andis very quick to ask for attention andtummy rubs! Chloe is just the sweetestthing and wants nothing more than love.Of which, we’re happy to provide lots of!

    Our girls enjoy playtime in their yard,walks, cuddles, their numerous puppybeds, blankets, toys, cute little sweatersand jackets, you name it! We feel it isour job to provide them the best lifepossible as they’ve already beenthrough so much.

    We are truly thankful for the servicesthat you provide lost and stray dogsand cats at your facility. Thank you,

    MaxFund for taking such good careof these furry four-leggeds!

    Regards,Mike & Erin Devitt adoring pet-parents of Sassy & Chloe

    Dear MaxFund,

    Purrs from one of your favorite kitties…It’s me, Maxie! I was only 4 or 5 months old when I left theMaxfund but I still have fond mem-ories of all the nice staff and volun-teers. I especially remember howpatient you all were when I turnedover the water dish in my kittycondo several times a day. I hate toadmit this but I still find doing thatquite entertaining…much to the displeasure of my human family.

    As is my annual custom during mybirthday month, I am enclosing acheck for the MaxFund so you canbuy kitty treats for all the kittens andadult cats that are looking for theirforever homes. I can’t believe I am 9years old…it just seems like yesterdaythat I bid you all farewell. I sometimesam called a spoiled diva which isfine with me. I think all kittiesshould be spoiled divas, don’t you?

    Purrs to everyone!Carol Johnson for Maxie Faye

    Continued on page 7


    PAW PRINTS | June 20166

    Chloe and Sassy Devitt

    Buttons and Lucky

  • PAW PRINTS | June 20167

    Mailbag continued from page 6

    Dear MaxFund,

    Thanks for checking in! Beowulf isdoing well. His new name is Chewy,because he is chocolate colored likea Chewy bar and has and under bitelike Chewbacca. He's great wth ourtwo year old and our two cats.Chewy loves to cuddle, play fetch,chew bones and play with toys!Chewy is good on road trips so longas he is strapped into a doggie carseat! (Otherwise he jumps in Laos orgets car sick)! He is a wonderful little dog full of love and joy!


    Dear MaxFund,

    Lovely Miss Daisy has been herealmost a month already and wecould not be happier. She is such asweet girl and very well behaved.

    Patricia Formosa

    Hey Maxfund team;

    Just sending you an update on Walker. Iadopted him on February 26th. Walkeris loving his new home. Walker sleepseverywhere, except on his bed, usuallyon his back with his legs up in the air.He loves playing fetch ball. He loves itwhen I pet him; if I stop petting him, hewould put his hand on me and be like“Why did you stop! Keep petting me.”Walker is a very chill and affectionatedog. He is a wonderful addition to myfamily of friends.

    Thanks Maxfund team,Sarah & Walker

    Dear MaxFund,

    I’m just sending a quick note to let youknow how Tally is doing… Well let metell you she is FABULOUS!! She is theperfect addition to our family!! She iseverything we were looking for and somuch more. She loves her new yard andlaying in the sun being lazy. It a goodthing we have a large couch and aCalifornia king size bed because she hasmade herself at home. She also enjoyscoming with me to work she has a wholewarehouse and a comfy bed in myoffice. She sticks to me like glue she isnever far away. We say Dr. Stacie yester-day and Tally has a clean bill of heath.We are all so happy to have found eachother. I have attached some pictures sothat you may see how she is adjusting.

    Melissa McArthur and Kevin O’Keefe

    Dear MaxFund,

    I acquired Bailey from the Maxfundabout 3 and a half weeks ago and havefallen head over heals in love!!!!Bailey enjoys our two to three walkseach day and thoroughly enjoys ourtime spent outdoors at parks. Heenjoys meeting other people but notsure about other dogs. We are workingon getting him acclimated to otherdogs. Will see!!! Bailey is an extremelymellow dog and loves to sleep and loungearound, especially when watching TV.When lightening hits, bailey scampersto my closet and burrows under myclothes where he feels safe. We continueto discover things about each other and Iam extremely grateful to have baileyin my life. He enriches my life morethan I can have even imagined!!! Onceagain a big shout out to the Maxfundand ALL the amazing work you do!!!!

    Best to all,Kenny SmithSatisfied customerDog walking volunteerFoster parent to maxfund dogs😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄


    Beowulf now Chewy

    Miss Daisy


  • PAW PRINTS | June 20168



    Fanny is a gorgeous CockerSpaniel who was born in 2008.We don’t know anything abouther past, as she was found as astray. However, we do knowthat Fanny is a wonderful package: she loves people ofall ages, and gets along well with other dogs. Fanny isalso a wonderful companion who is very sweet andloving. Fanny may do best in a quiet household, whereshe can show you that she is equally accomplished atbeing your walking buddy and hanging out on thecouch with you to watch TV.

    Fanny loves to take walks; her tail starts wagging fromthe moment you tell her she is heading out for a walk.She behaves very well on her leash, and enjoys takingin all the sights, sounds and smells. She also makessure that she expresses her delight at the end of thewalk with a loving gaze into your eyes.

    This easygoing and beautiful little lady is ready tobecome your very happy companion, and to show youhow very sweet and how much fun she can be! Pleasecome and meet her.


    Lucy Goosey is a two year oldlab mix. Her name sounds likea fairy tale character andshe is, in fact, like a character ina wonderful fairy tale: beautifuland captivating! She hasmesmerizing eyes and a gorgeous gray coat.

    Lucy Goosey is very smart; she is well-versed in all ofthe basic commands, and furthermore, she is eager tolearn whatever you can teach her. Lucy welcomes bothphysical and mental stimulation, and will greatlyimpress you with her intelligence.

    She likes most other dogs, so if you have another dog,she would love to have a meet and greet with them.Lucy Goosey can be protective of her food; the staff atthe front desk can let you know how to work with that.She may also do best in a home with older children.Lucy Goosey is a real joy to walk, and the volunteerstruly enjoy taking her on out on walks to explore the

    world outside the shelter. She is an active lady whowill make a wonderful running, hiking, or just plainold walking buddy.

    This beautiful and captivating girl with the gorgeousgray coat is eager to please, and is so ready for her newforever home, so please come and meet her. You willbe so impressed!


    Onyx is a spectacularly gorgeous three year old Germanshepherd mix. There are so many wonderful thingsabout Onyx – she is so sweet, and she gets along withabsolutely everyone – dogs, cats, kids, babies and adults.In fact, she has never met anyone that she does not like!

    Onyx is on a special diet, which the staff at the frontdesk can tell you about. She loves to be around herpeople so much that she can get a bit anxious when leftall alone, but the staff at the front desk can offer lots ofgreat suggestions for working with Onyx on this.

    Staff and volunteers are in love with Onyx; in fact, sheoften spends hours at the front desk with staff, whereshe serves as an official greeter and basks in all the loveshe receives. Everyone at the shelter tells Onyx that sheis a total sweetheart.

    Onyx excels at being both an active dog who can joinyou for a nice walk, run or hike, as well as just chillingout and relaxing. She loves to entertain herself by playing with her toys. She is very gentle when playingwith them, yet another adorable thing about her.

    This gorgeous and gentle girl is looking forward tomeeting you. Please come and see her.

    PAW PRINTS | June 20169

  • PAW PRINTS | June 201610

    DONATIONSThanks to the followingpeople and businesses whose gener-ous contributions helpall the animals.

    Adams, GlendaAetna FoundationAkers, Raymond & DeborahBellcoBerndt, Jr., DaleBishop, Marcia HewittCalhoun, DebraCantrell, TimCarman, JeffersonChappell, MarilynCoupal, Darcy & her sewing friendsKelly, Karen, Ida, Cindy, & CarolDavila, SpencerDrennen, ElizabethEllis, John & DaniEmmett, MaryEspinosa, AngelaGilliland, Ian & KelseyGoemans, GarrettGoss, Tate & ConnieGowans, Robert & KarenGundry-White, Douglas & RosalynHaber, GabrielHaen, JoyceHall, MarilynHauer, RonnieHayward, IvanHecht, PeterHoodak, MarthaJohnson, CarolJones, Wesley & DawnKlarin, John & Joyce BattleKrasnitsky, Daniel & InnaLarocque, Jeffrey & DorothyLong, LindaMangers, SharonMartinez, DorothyMaxwell, PamelaMcwhorter, CraigMills, LaurelMullin, KristinaNovitske, LloydOberkirsch, AngelaOja, MaureenOughtred, DarlenePihlak, LindaRaab, Ronald & Mary AnnRamelow, Jo AnnRumer, ToniaSabin, ShirlSaly, joy

    Sarabi, ArminShortt, Leland & SandraStarbuck, DavidSudduth, ElizabethSumner, Amy & Justin LittleSuro, NanciSuwannakorn, BurtriTaylor, BarbaraThe Fern & Samuel Primack

    Family FoundationVest, Pam Volk, M.Ed., Carolyn - 8th GradeLanguage Arts ClassWallace, JohnWeaver, NateWeckbaugh Foundation, Inc.Wilson, Robert & SandraWinslow, ColetteYourCause, LLC

    AUTO DONORSAdamson, LeonardAlbu, HopeBatmanglidj, KarolynBaum, KarenBeck, AnnBuckner, SandraBurridge, LindaCarle, JonathanCarmany, JeanetteCurran, NancyEiland, DeniseElger, SandraFalasco-Hatter, NancyFreese, LynaeGardner, John R.Hand, JaynaHannum, MarciaHartbarger, HazelHartman, MaryHidalgo, MarkHull, NaomiJacobsen, EllenJohnston, KarenKearns, John Kinsey, JenniferKohl, Mary J.Lentsch-Richter, Margy & JoshLevin, GailLutz, CatherineMalaby, CarolynMartinson, SherylMiller, MaggiePatrick, BettyePearson, SharronReady, Nancy & DwightRossitto, JanieRotgers, Allan

    Ryan, ScottSerkes, NanetteSims, JeffSinclair, PennySlomczewski, Laura & JohnSmith, JaniceSuro, AnneTrehern, Lanita G.Wall, William

    MEMBERSHIPSBailey, M.J.Bamber, June & TedBoesel, Karen L.Eichman, Bill & LindaGoodrick, Marcus & EvelynHagan, SusanHull, PamelaKatich, GeorgeKochevar, StevenKortman, DonnaLarson, VickyMangum, JulieMcKinney, CherriMeeker, MicheleMonahan, TheresaMyers, NancyNelson, PatriciaNiespodziani, CherylPetta, LindaRoberts, Jim & Michael RicksRonzello, ScottSharp, SharonSmith, BettySparks, MoThomas, VernieceWellington, Mark & AnnetteWinzent, TinaWood, RogerZehren, Thomas

    PET PALSAlbu, HopeAllee, SusanAndrews, NancyArnold, ElizabethBeck, AnneBishop, Marcia HewittBurnett, CariClark, CharleneCohron, Steve & MelissaCollins, ChristyEmerich, MonicaEverding, Fred & Josephine Foraker, Peggy & Danny StacyGilmore, JoanGoldberg, CarolHand, Jesse

  • PAW PRINTS | June 201611

    Hanni, KayHartbarger, HazelHildenbrand, MaggieHoule, StephenJacobsen, EllenJoseph, DavidLentsch-Richter, Margy & JoshLevin, GailLong, LindaMcLerran, Russ, Monica & LynnMeyers, Larry & Mary Ann Mostow, SusanMurdock, BobPfeifer-Fox, NancyQuinn, SharonRenaud, AnnSaly, JoySammons, Susanna, Jim Lykins

    & Della & KonaSewald, Susan & MarkSherwood, RaechelShifers, RonSlomczewski, Laura & JohnSmith, JaniceSrebacic, SandraStanwood, GrantTanoue, TamiWhitaker, AndreaWilliamson, Cindy

    MONTHLY DONATIONSWE COUNT ON YOU!Adams, McCrystieAllee, SusanArbuckle, CynthiaBabyak, NicoleBanks, JenBaker, Jetta Baron, KatharineBarrios, Linda & LeopoldoBell, MargaretBernal, BonnieBoa, RandallBond, TaraBostrom, LaurenBrown, JeffBush, BrianButler, Debbie & ScullyCiancio, DavidCollins,ChristyCompomizzo, JeanCorle, GailCreel, VickiCurley, KimberlyDavis, JosephDriscoll, AlanaDuncan, LanetteEasthope, Jennifer & Frankie

    Endicott, JohnFaircloth, Harry & SharonFieldman, LisaFreed, LauraFurman, Mary & JeromeFurnas, KatherineGillespie, Shirley & EugeneGoolsby, JohnGoozen, MonikaHaber, JudithHardwick, Dr. SallyHarrison, TeddyHeaton, David & JenniferHelmrath, LaurieHero, LindsayHoffman, William, Judith, & MichaelHoule, StephenHowe, RobertJacobs, KathleenJoseph, DavidKammerer, Annika & KerstiKellogg, George & YvonneKern, Betty Kettering, JeniferKirshner, NaomiKiser, Rona Kokesh, PatriciaKrinsky, JoshuaKval, EllenLambert, StephenLampman, Paula & DonaldLane, BrianneLatshaw, Rhonda L.Laviana, DonnaLeo, JanLevine, Amy & GemmaLuedke, JoanLynnLee, RebeccaMaddoux, LeisaMarsh, SusanMaslanik, Anne M.McCorry, K.J.McKelvey, ElizabethMcNeal, MichaelMile Hi Classified Miller, JamesMiller, SusanMotykowski, BrianMumford, CoriMurdock, BobNyholm, DianeOgnibene, ToddOrtega, JohnOrtiz, IvyParnell, JennyPatterson, Mary J.Pelphrey, DarrinPotter, William

    Powell, RebeccaPurfield, SydneyRamelow, Jo AnnRather, JoanRenaud, AnnRenquist, Maria E.Rioux, TrishRodgers, RosemaryRubinowitz, Martin Samimi, ShereanSammons, Susanna & Jim Lykins

    & Della & KonaSanders, SandySchantz, MichelleSchmied, JebSchuck, DougSelvaggi, LaraSewald, Susan & MarkShaffer, KathleenShelton, John & DonnaSherwood, RaechelShifers, RonSmith, ArdySorrentino, Helen & RobertSpita, Joyce & WalterSt. Francis, MelisaSteffen, LeeStevens, ShirleyStorz, MicheleStrickengloss, LeifTenney, KathrynThe Serenity ShoppeThomas, JamesTrumbo, SueVancil, RozanneVermilio, Ryan & RobynVickery, Sangmin KimVillax, CelineVoras, Gerry & ChristinaWaite, AnnWalker, TomWalley, ElizabethWhitaker, AndreaWilliams, LeeWinslow, JulieWiscamb, MerrieYergler, CynthiaYoho, KristiYoung, Kathryn

  • PAW PRINTS | June 201612

    MemorialsSILENT PAWS

    In memory of Bo - Joseph DavisIn memory of Pam Kortman & Joel Boulanger’s beloved,

    Lady, she will be sorely missed - Donna KortmanRemembering and missing our boy, Max - Danielle KellIn memory of John Kern & Mark Bomber’s beloved,

    Dixie - Jim & Louella StoeverIn memory of Ruby, beloved canine friend of Tom & Jan

    Hinton - Mike & Shirley BrisnehanIn memory of Matt Grisham’s beloved, Tampa

    - Karen CreagerIn memory of the Kramers beloved Manfred

    - Joyce RosenblumIn memory of the Sainer Family’s beloved Buddy

    - Dr. Susan HollanderIn memory of David Henderson’s beloved, Shimoda

    - Lucy SieberIn memory of Apollo, big, silly, and lovingly loyal. He

    helped make a vet student one of the best veterinariansI know, and he prepared the way for a gorgeous baby boy to join his family. He will be missed and remembered by all who met him - Anne Welch

    In memory of Pepper - Maureen OjaIn memory of Milo, beloved dog of the Deffner Family

    - Wendy CristIn memory of Riley - Joan KillenbergIn memory of Dee Downing’s beloved, Sammy -

    Dale Downing


    In memory of my beloved daughter, Susan Unger- Joseph Davis

    In memory of Jimmy Earls, beloved brother of Jeanette Landon. There was a special place in his heart for animals - Susan Stephenson

    In memory of Pam Appelhans - Waterson FamilyIn memory of Virginia L. Runck

    - Diane & David KopischkeIn loving memory of my Father, who loved dogs

    - Wendy BuschIn memory of El Senor Coughlin-Jarrett

    - Robin & Jeff JonesIn memory of Geraldine Joyce Toner - David GosserIn memory of Wilma Krueger -

    Nellie & Douglas HoffackerLarsen, KarenPeter & Gretchen Hannoush

    In memory of Scotland Appelhans & Pamela Appelhans - Laurel

    In memory of Kathy - Sandra Paser

    In memory of Verna Weaver -Tom & Veronica GleasonChristine Fink Stephen WilcoxThrive Home BuildersRonald Dean

    In memory of Mali - Rochelle & Daniel Shane


    In honor of Barb & Greg Casey - Mike CaseyMary McIlvain

    In honor of Rachel Hoffman - AnonymousIn honor of Neil & Adelle Anders’ 60th anniversary

    - Neil & Adelle AndersIn honor of Gabbi Goldberg’s 9th birthday

    - Valerie RowlandIn honor of Mr. Perkins - Trish HallIn honor of Buttons birthday - Barbara FlahiveIn honor of Myra Garcia’s birthday -

    Dee & John PetersElizabeth Garcia

    Congratulations to Christina, Jon and Sammy!May your life be filled with happiness, fun and fur! - Mary & John Atwater

    In honor of Lucy Sieber - Jeanne HendersonIn honor of Blue Dog, the best rescue dog ever

    - Katherine BrantIn honor of Jeff Harrison’s birthday

    - Ava Holifield-CareyIn honor of Laura Parker in recognition of her

    extraordinary pet caregiving talents - Karen Larsen

    Marvin-He is doing great!Says new parent, Dennis Hiatt

  • DONATIONS • MEMORIALS • SPECIAL GIFTSIf you would like to make a contribution to The MaxFund Animal Adoption Center to recognize an outstanding achievement or service, to com-memorate an occasion, in memory of an individual or pet, or to sponsor a Pet Pal, please complete the following and mail it to The MaxFund, 720West 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204 or call 720-266-6081 for more information.

    This gift is[ ] In Memory of (Animal Friend) __________________________(Human Friend)______________________[ ] In Honor of (Animal Friend) ____________________________(Human Friend)______________________[ ] For the special occasion of _______________________________[ ] To sponsor a pet pal ($15 a month). Cat_____Dog_____Either_____Enclosed is_____for_____months.[ ] Enclosed is my monthly Pledge. Amount__________[ ] Please contact me to volunteer.[ ] MaxFund is in my will.This donation was made by: Please send an acknowledgement of this gift to:Name: ___________________________________ Name: ______________________________________Street: ___________________________________ Street:_______________________________________City:_____________________________________ City: ________________________________________State:____________________Zip: _____________ State:_______________________Zip: _____________Phone: ___________________________________ Email:_______________________________________Email: ___________________________________

    OUR WISH LISTPurina One Dry Cat Food (Salmon & Tuna)Purina One Kitten Food Dry and Canned

    Friskies Canned Food • Iams for Dogs(Chicken & Rice or Lamb & Rice)

    Large Milk Bones• Cat LitterKMR Milk Replacement for nursing

    Kittens and Puppies

    Windex • StampsLong Choke Chains • Sturdy Leashes

    All sizes dog harnessesToys for Dogs and Cats • Cat/dog traps

    Packages of Raw Hot Dogs(dogs are given medication with them)

    Bleach • Paper Towels • Toilet Paper FacialTissues • Dish Soap • Fans

    Whiskas Cat Milk • Large Blankets(no comforters, please)

    Acreage for a Sanctuary—Our DreamGift Cards for Petco and PetsMart

    ipad and laptops for adoptionsVist the MaxFund Wish List under

    “Find a Gift” on!


    CALL PAULETTE CURRYAT (720) 266-6081


    PAW PRINTS | June 201613


    This thoughtful book is the Native American story of what happensto our pets when they die. It was written by the Director of theCompanion Golden Retriever Rescue Program in West Jordan,Utah. This story makes a perfect gift for anyone who has lost a pet.You can order your copy from the MaxFund for a $10.00 donation foreach book ordered. Pawnote: This book can be sent as a memorial.

    Please sent me_____copy(s) of The Legend of Rainbow Bridge.Enclose a $10.00 donation for each book ordered, plus S/H chargeof $1.00 for the first book, .50 for each additional book. Pleasemake checks payable to The MaxFund.I am enclosing a check for_____________.

    Name: _______________________________________________Street: _______________________________________________City:____________________________State:_____Zip: ________Phone #: (_______)_____________________________________Mail to: The MaxFund, 720 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204

  • PAW PRINTS | June 201614

    Nancy AndersonOne Source Healing Energy

    [email protected]

    Bart Potter-Broker AssociateKingery Group Resident Realty

    [email protected]

    Elizabeth WalleyOwner, PT, DPT, OCs, CSCs

    Physical Therapy & Lifetime Wellness, LLC303-952-5053 x3

    [email protected] |

    MaxFund appreciates our dog run and cat colony sponsors!Support from the following sponsors helps to cover the cost of food, vaccinations and

    medical care for the animals at MaxFund. Our sponsors appreciate your business!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Robert GratiotPet Paintings on “Good Dogs”)

    small earth vintagevintage clothing for the


    Lawrence P. HartlaubAttorney at Law

    [email protected]

    Dani StonardApex Systems303-782-9500

    Performance ConstructionRoofing, Siding, Gutters, Painting& other construction related services


    CRCG (Canine RehabilitationAnd Conditioning Group)

    Alex B. Campbell, Vice PresidentEnduring Resources, LLC

    [email protected]

    Proud Sponsor of Uma Proud Sponsor of Dayla Proud Sponsor of Buster Brown Proud Sponsor of Paloma

    Proud Sponsor of Chico

    Proud Sponsor of Faust Proud Sponsor of LaceyProud Sponsor of Bo

    Proud Sponsor of Darnell Proud Sponsor of Onyx

  • MAXFUND SERVICE DIRECTORYSponsors appearing below either pay $30.00 per monthor they contribute a significant amount of in-kinddonations. If you would like to be listed on this directory,please contact the MaxFund offices at (720) 266-6081.

    ACCOUNTING SERVICESRobert D. Colwell, CPA5728 S. Gallup St. | Littleton, CO 80120(303) 347-9402

    APARTMENT HUNTINGKatie ReardonMyApartmentMap, LLCPO Box 1102 | Rye, NH 03870-1102Phone: (603)-319-1712 MyApartmentMap is a housing search website,we have pet friendly listings all over the USA.

    ATTORNEYGlenn W. Hagen, P.C. | Attorney at LawThe Point at Inverness8310 S. Valley Hwy, Suite 300, Englewood, CO 80112Phone: (303) 524-1776Mention you support MaxFund and the legal feewill be reduced by 10%; if MaxFund is a beneficiaryunder your Will/Trust, or a Pet Trust is establishednaming MaxFund, the discount is 25%.

    CANINE REHABILITATIONCanine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group(CRCG) is 100% dedicated to enhancing and/or improving a dog’s life and physical abilitiesthrough exercise, recreation, and rehabilitation.Englewood | Broomfield | LongmontOne number - 303-762-SWIM (7946) | [email protected]

    DOG TRAINING & SERVICESTeaching in an Effective and Loving WayGroup Classes: Beginning throughSpecialized. Behavior Counseling. Boardingwith Training, Reiki, Yoga (with your dog),Intuitive Readings—10% off any service fordogs adopted through MaxFund.The Misha May Foundation, mutts in safe homes always Executive Director–Lorraine May [email protected].

    LOCKSMITHSierra Locksmith—Louis Chavez, Owner7347 W. Kentucky Dr. “B”Lakewood, CO 80226 (720) 435-7518Commercial, Residential and Vehicles

    MORTGAGEMichaela Phillips | America’s Mortgage1942 Broadway St. Ste 314, Boulder, CO 80302(303) [email protected] the MaxFund and Michaela willdonate $250 upon closing.

    PET GROOMINGUncle Dan’s Pet GroomingDan Goracke & Kerry Malloy1440 Carr St., Lakewood, CO 80214(303) 205-1586 Tues-Sat 7am to 5pm

    Waggin’ Tails “The Gentle Touch”Grooming • 21 Years Experience4223 S. Broadway, Englewood, CO 80110(303) 781-9961

    PET AND HOME CARECIJI’S Natural Pet Supplies2260 Kearney St. | Denver, CO 80207(303) 322-8000Bonnie Simpson, Owner/Mgr.

    Paws Up Pet SupplyPromotional offer: When you enter “MAXFUND” inthe coupon area of the checkout you will receive 10%off your entire order and we will donate 10% or yourorder total to MaxFund as well. Your #1 Source ForAnything Pets! http://www.pawsuppetsupply.com877-604-PUPS(7877)

    K-Canine WellnessRehab, massage, acupressure, reiki, nutritionand behavior (303) [email protected]

    Angelique Moyer | U Lucky DogDenver’s top of the town best doggie daycareand kennel-free boarding facility4040 Fox Street | Denver, CO 80216Phone: 720-328-8179 | Fax: 720-292-1817

    You Wish Pet SittersScott Dillenbeck303-313-9474 Ext. [email protected]

    REAL ESTATEPaulette Goemmer, Broker AssociateKeller Williams Real Estate(720) 313-2176 Mention the MaxFund andPaulette will donate $250 upon the success ofany Real Estate contract.

    Greg Christian, Broker AssociateColdwell Banker Residential Brokerage(303) 972-8900 $250 Contribution toMaxFund on any closed contract.

    Bart Potter-Broker AssociateKingery Group Resident Realty(303) 404-8662 [email protected] the MaxFund and Bart will donate $250upon the success of any Real Estate contract.

    RENOVATIONSEmpeyer Renovations, LLCBill Peyer (303) 681-1981Licensed and Insured

    RESTAURANTEmerald Isle—Famous for Mexican Food andSunsets on our Deck Overlooking the Cherry Creek Reservoir 4385 S. Parker Rd., Aurora, CO(303) 690-3722

    The CelticTavern1801 Blake St, Denver, CO 80202Ph: 303-308-1795 • Fax: 303-308-1576

    Pizza Republica5375 Landmark Pl., Greenwood Village, CO 80111(720) 489-2030

    ROOFINGPerformance ConstructionLocally owned by animal lovers http://performanceconstruction.com303-761-7663 | [email protected], Siding, Gutters, Painting and otherconstruction related services. Mention this adand we will make a donation to MaxFund forevery job completed.

    Strait Line Roofing ServicesYour choice for residential and commercial roofing;including asphalt, tile, metal, E.P.D.M. andrepairs. Insurance specialists. A+ BBB member.Donation to MaxFund made in your name.(720) 331-1803 or

    SHEDSColorado Custom Sheds | Nathan BrayCell: (650) 208-3885 • Landline: (303) [email protected]

    THERAPEUTIC LASERCats or Dogs – Pain Inflamation Healing –Back, Neck, Ears, Bladder, etc.Dr. Bill Suro | MaxFund Wellness Center(303) 595-0532

    THERAPEUTIC MASSAGEChristina M. Bara, NCMT(303) 750-5458Massage Heals More Than the Body...

    VETERINARY SERVICESMaxFund Wellness Center1000 Inca St., Denver, CO | (303) 595-0532Dr. Bill Suro, Dr. David O’Brien, Dr. Jamie CharlieLow Cost Veterinary Services and Laser TherapyOpen to the public

    VCA Douglas County Animal Hospital531 Jerry, Castle Rock(303) 688-2480

    Aspen Commons Animal Hospital1842 S. Parker Rd., Denver, CO 80231Dr. Bob James (303) 368-4171

    Cutting-Edge Energy Therapy InstitutePet Communication • Trauma Release TherapyPat Pattison, CMT CHT PEC(303) 722-0272 E-mail: [email protected]

    ___________________________ They give 40%of each ad placed on their webpage to theMaxFund. Place your ad on-line. $29.99for 30 days. Add photo for $1.00.

    PAW PRINTS | June 201615

  • MAXFUND, INC.MaxFund Animal Adoption Center720 W. 10th AvenueDenver, Colorado 80204


    PAIDDenver, CO

    Inside This Issue!Animal Health page 1From the World of Gus page 2ChiWOWhua Adoption Event page 8Meet These MaxFund Dogs page 9


    9th Consecutive Year We’ve Earned The Public

    “Only 2% of the charities we rate have received at least 7 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that MaxFund consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America.”

    I would like to become a member of MaxFund and help give injured animals with no knownowners a second leash on life. I understand that by becoming a member, I will receive a monthly newsletter. (Membership is renewable annually and is tax deductible.)

    Name: __________________________________________________________________________

    Address:________________________City:_____________________State:_____Zip: ___________

    Phone:____________________________Email Address: _________________________________

    Enclosed is my gift for:

    $15 Senior $25 $75 $250 $1,000Membership Bronze/Individual Silver/Family Gold/VIP Platinum/Corporate

    $10,000 Sponsorship Level $25,000 Sponsorship Level

    ____Check Made Payable to MaxFund ____Visa ____MasterCard ____Discover ____American Express

    Credit Card Number_____________________________Exp. Date_________Verification Code:_________

    Name on Card:______________________________Billing Address: ______________________________

    MAIL TO: MaxFund Animal Adoption Center • 720 West 10th Ave • Denver, Colorado, 80204 • Phone (720) 266-6081or save paper and postage and donate online at

