
ASV Birgit Schielin /19 ASV WOMEN & SPORTs DEPARTEMENT EWS activities ASV intern activities EWS EWS = European Women and Sport EWS Austrian Chair Good governance in Sport AIMS of EWS To represent, defend and promote the interests of women in sport at a European level To support and further develop the participation of girls and women in sport To help increasing the number of women in decision-making bodies and in the administration of sport at all levels AIMS of EWS To promote the involvement of female representatives in local, regional, national delegations at sport-political, scientific and sport-practical events, conferences, seminars and workshops, at national and international levels To strengthen co-operation and encourage the exchange of experience on women and sport issues among European countries at bilateral and multilateral levels AIMS of EWS To cultivate relations with international organisations and bodies on women and sport issues and - where appropriate - establish links of co-operation To encourage and increase scientific research projects in various sports sciences for initiating, supporting and adopting womens perspectives; to provide information on scientific findings on women and sport. EWS-STRUCTURE EWS- Steering Group Working Group Women & Sport ASKSportunionASV Study group Sport for all High level Sport Sport structure ASV EWS ACTIVITIES Responsible for high level Sport ASV- Working Group: Women in high level sport Founded june 2004: - Brainstorming - Selection of topics - Fokus setting MEDICAL FOCUS Seminar/workshop: Medicine and health in women high level sport - 1st seminar 29./ participants Target group: coaches, attendent, athletes, doctors, etc. Freitag, 29.Oktober 2004, 16:00-20:30 Samstag, 30.Oktober 2004, 7:45-13:00 MEDICAL FOCUS Themes and lecturer of the 1st seminar: -Prof. Karl Sudi und Dr. Kogler: Nutrition and high level sport -Dr. Georg Fritsch Special features of the female Body -Dr. Eveline Ledl-Kurkowski Nutrition and undernourishment at high level sport -Univ. Doz. Dr. Dietmar Spitzer Hormonal changes in sport MEDICAL FOCUS Aims of the workshop: ASV part of EWS work Know-How-transfer (national/international) (Workshop, Seminar, ) Creation of a book Creation of expertslists Build up national and international network SOCIAL FOCUS Questionnaire (behaviour of girls in sport, etc.) Student-dissertation: High level athletes coaches parents (triangle) concept: motivation for girls participating in sport ASV-ACTIVITIES Sport and Wellness Weekend for Women - march/april Polysport-weekend including nutritional information for participants and Wellness-flair to relax 2005 head of departement: high level sport (EWS) network national/international continuing ASV-Workinggroup women and high level sport continuing med. workshops (~4 seminars in 2005) ASV Sport- and Wellness-weekend for women create guidelines for scientifical book medical aspects for women at high level sport creation/up dating expertlist of doctors formulation of futher concepts supporting women in sport Thank You!
