
Astrophysical Gas Dynamics

Image credit: M. S. Povich

Christoph Federrath

Astrophysical Gas Dynamics

ASTR4012 / ASTR8002

ANU – 2nd semester 2020

Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30-11:30(lecture: 9:30-11:00, drop-in session: 11:00-11:30)

Online Live (Zoom)

Course Webpage:

Lecture notes by Sormani, Glover, Bai, Ogilvie, Zaroubi, Zingale, Sijaki(available on the internet, e.g., here at the University of Heidelberg)

Fluid Mechanics Films:

Image credit: M. S. Povich

- Need at least two student representatives (by end of week 2)

- Student rep communicates with students and course convener

- Student rep name and email address published on Course website

- Please nominate yourself or someone else, if you are interested!

Astrophysical Gas Dynamics

Image credit: M. S. Povich

- assessment based on 4 assignments in total

- 4th assignment counts double as final exam

- 1st: 20%, 2nd: 20%, 3rd: 20%, 4th: 40% = total 100%

- one assignment per about every 2 weeks

- assignments published on webpage and on Wattle

- submission via Turnitin from Wattle

- feedback within about 2 weeks after submission

Astrophysical Gas Dynamics

Image credit: M. S. Povich

Astrophysical Gas Dynamics

NEXT: - Relevance of physical effects in Astrophysical Gas/Hydro Dynamics

- Hydrodynamical Equations

Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

(Bai lecture notes)

Derivation of Hydrodynamical Equations

- Introduction of fluid variables

- Conservation laws for mass, momentum, energy

- Equation of state to close the system

- Validity of the fluid/gas approach

→ Write down…

Image credit: M. S. Povich

Astrophysical Gas Dynamics

NEXT: Equation of State
