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Association between partner's employment insecurity: patterns, mechanisms and potential consequences.

Juli Carrere BalcellsFrancesc Xavier Belvis i Costes

Joan Benach i Rovira

The Health Inequalities Research Group (GREDS) - (Employment Conditions Network) Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona

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Since the 70s Neoliberal Globalization. Restructuration of productive system. Flexibility of labor relations.


Precarious employment Global erosion of employment and working conditions. Multidimensional concept. Reduction of employment conditions and power relations.

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Precarious employment relationship Not limited to job stability. Expanding the study to self-employed. It should not be limited to a static perspective.

Employment securityA continuum in which the minimum level of security consists of the lack of employment , while the situation of being employed appears characterized by different risks of losing it.

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Figure 1. Conceptual framework of social determinants of health inequalities

Source: Commission to reduce social inequalities in Health in Spain (1), based on (2) and (3).

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The partner's employment security would be different if couples were paired at random (8).Concentration: an accumulation of similar situations in the couple (9-12).Asymmetry: Excess of inequality situations between men and women (10,11).

Employment security in the household Employment security is conditioned by composition and relationship of its members(4). Negative consequences in terms of poverty and material deprivation (5). Effects on the psychological well-being of adults (6) and children (7).

Concentration effect Assortative mating (9-10) Shared restrictions (10-12) Partner effect: Social Capital (15)

Asymmetry effect Partner effect: New theory of Family (13,14)

Possible causal mechanisms

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Individuals and families depend on the existence and continuity of the employment relation for their welfare.

In Southern European countries there is high employment insecurity and less social protection by the welfare state.

The basic unit of analysis is usually the individual, and there is little evidence from the household perspective.

The accumulation of (un)favorable situations in couples may reduce the family’s ability to buffer health inequalities.

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a) Describe association patterns of partner’s employment security, taking into account the intermediate situations of employment security.

b) Explore mechanisms: selective mating, shared restrictions and partner effect that explain observed patterns according to the reviewed literature.

c) Estimate the influence of association patterns of partner’s employment security on health inequalities and risk factors for health (income) of the couples.

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a) Association patterns H1) There are significant effects of concentration and/or asymmetry in partner’s employment security in Catalan labour market.

c) Health consequences (H5). Partner’s employment security association will increase inequalities on income distribution (H5a) and health distribution (H5b).

b) Mechanisms: concentration/asymmetry(H2) Concentration effect will decrease after controlling assortative mating by age (H2a) and assortative mating by educational level (H2b).(H3) Concentration effect will be significant depending on share restrictions by economic cycles (H3A) and taking into account urban/rural context (H3b).(H4) Asymmetry effect, according to the theory of the New Family, will increase in couples depending on the presence of children in the household.

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Variables: Interest variable

Couples’ employment security. Outcome variables

Income household, self-perceived health. Explanatory variables

Age homogamy, educational homogamy, economic cycle, residence area, and reproductive labour.

Material and Methods (I) Design: Exploratory cross-sectional study of a dyadic variable from

2002-2012. Population: Population of women and men in couples living in

Catalonia between 20-64 years old Source: Panel of Social Inequalities in Catalonia Sample: 9338 information pieces (2061 couples)

52,780 Information


14,044 Information


10,660 Information


10,549 Information


Population at working age 20- 65 years old



a) Both partners are retired.b) Both partners are older than 62 years old

and/or they have a disability.c) Both partners are younger than 25 years

old and they are students and/or they are inactive.

d) Homosexual couples.

9338 Information


Selection MissingExclusion

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b) Odds ratios were estimated to assess the causal mechanisms of concentration and asymmetry effects.c) We compared the distribution of household income and self-perceived health observed versus expected for a couple paired at random.

Analysis: DescriptiveDyadic distribution, response variables and explanatory factors. Inferential a) The pattern of association was studied using log-linear models.

Material and Methods (II)

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Results (I): Association paterns

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Results (I): Association paterns

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Results (II): Casual Mechanisms

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Results (III): Health inequalities

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Significant association between man and woman employment security in couples. It is explained, largely, by a concentration patterns, whereas asymmetry patterns don´t improve the explanation of the models.

Concentration effect acts not only in employment security and non-employment level, but it plays a role in employment insecurity as well (11.12)

The observed concentration effect was as expected by the mechanisms of assortative matting and shared restrictions.

There is no evidence that they constitute a significant additional risk factor for health and its associated risk factors.

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Previous research on gender inequalities (16,17) indicates a clear sexual division of labour, some alternative hypotheses to our results:

Methodological limitations. Difficulties to detect patterns in employment security indicator. Inactivity and unemployment are dissuasive factors in family planning.

According to the New Theory of the Family, we expected specialitzation patterns to be more evident and asymmetry to be increased by reproductive work-load.

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Variations were found: age homogamy, urban couples and economic cycle. In Southern European countries, age remained as a partner criteria selection (18) . The opener marriage market, which are more common in urban areas, the further the effects on social stratification.The stratified effect of concentration patterns, appears more intensely during the economic crisis.

Higher concentration mean greater inequality in the distribution of employment security among different couples, and therefore it will be an additional mechanism of social stratification.

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Strengths Explore a precarious employment indicator from the couple perspective. Differentiate between employment security and insecurity at a couple level. Identify association between employment patterns and some mechanisms which suggest future research lines. Innovative assessment of partner effect contribution to health inequalities.

Limitations Employment security is an indicator with three situations that are internally heterogeneous. It does not control the effect of others on household employment security. Make a cross sectional analysis with longitudinal sample.

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