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Assignment 4 By: Maria Fashakin

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Mind map

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Topic 1: Is the educational system failing our children.

This is what you will learn.

If poverty hinders a persons educational achievement.

Weather the curriculum is ethnocentric and if race and is an interfering factor.

If children are being stereotyped and labelled .

Which ethnic origins tend to do better & worse in school.

Which gender does better in school and why.

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It could be argued that poverty begins at home.

Low income is a strong predictor of low educational performance.

White children in poverty have on average have lower educational achievement and are more likely to continue to under-achieve.

Children are being stereotyped and labelled which is causing a self fulfilling prophecy.

Boys are more likely to have low results than girls, especially those of Bangladeshi, Pakistani and black African origin.

Here are some additional facts

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Topic 2: Is the police Institutionally raciest?

This what you will learn:

Why the London met police have failed to recruit enough minorities.

We shall address the issue of stop and search.

Why black youths are six times more likely to get searched than white youths.

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Here are some additional facts

• which has 500 members in London, says the Met has failed to recruit enough minorities to reflect the capital's population.

• The issue of stop and search and its disproportionality in black and minority ethnic (BME) communities still continues to be an issue of today, because so many people perceive that the police are involved in racial profiling?

• In January, the commissioner ordered a radical review of stop-and-search policing in London as figures suggest black youths are up to six times more likely to

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Are children affected educationally by divorce.

Are children more likely to grow up and get a divorce because there parents went through one.

Do children feel they want to run away because they cant choose which parent they want to live with.

Is divorce the best option.

Topic 3: How are children affected by divorce

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We live in a disposable society. Marriages are thrown away in the same fashion one would toss an old pair of shoes without thinking of how this would affect their child.

Approximately one-half of couples divorcing in 2010 had at least one child aged under 16, and over a fifth were under age five.

Studies have also shown that children whose biological parents have split up have worse outcomes in terms of social, emotional and cognitive development, on average.

Here are some additional facts

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Interview 8 people and ask which topic the think is most effective and why.

Person: Interview:

Mum Topic 1

Dad Topic 3

Lisa Topic 2

Sarah Topic 1

Michael Topic 2

Lilly Topic 1

Mary Topic 3

Jackie Topic 3

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Because there is not enough being said around institutional racism by the police.

This is a topic that can really bring awareness to issues with the police in our society.

I believe that the people need to speak out more in order to find a solution rather than have their voices suppressed on issues such as stop and search.

My favourite topic is topic 2