
July 27, 2015Assignment # 3MelissaClaireworksforasoftwarecompanyasatechnical supportrepresentative. Her duties include answering telephone, providinginformation to customers, and trouble-shooting technical problems. Hersupervisortoldhertobecourteousandnottorushcallers. However, thesupervisor also told her that she must answer an average of 15 calls per hourso that their departments account manager can make her a budget. Melissacomes home each day frustrated because the computer is slow in deliveringinformation that she needs, and sometimes provides the wrong informationcausinghertosearchforthe informationincomple!manuals."he knowsthatsheoftencutsthecall o#prematurelyorprovidesonlytheminimalinformation necessary.Questions:a. What might Deming say about the situation?b. Drawing upon Demings 14 points principles, outline a planto improve the situation.Please submit your case study report on August 11, 2015