Page 1: Assignment 12 indivdial planning

Maria Fashakin

Genre: Drama

Page 2: Assignment 12 indivdial planning

My sisters keeper


•The lighting is artificial. and high key lighting.•With elements of natural lighting.•The white could connote innocence, sterility, sterility and cleanliness.

•High key lighting is used.•Artificial white light is used.•

•White connotes peace and tranquillity, purity and cleanliness.•This could be used to intensify the situation

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1. Domestic violence

2. Rape

3. Drug dealers

4. Pregnancies


6. Death

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Taylor leaves classroom (Longs hot)

Taylor goes to look for sky (best friend) (POV)

Taylor finds sky

Dialogue (Shot reverse

shot) Taylor goes to shop Establishing

Taylor looks for pregnancy test (POV)

Taylor finds the pregnancy test and pays over the shoulder shot/Close up

Taylor walks home panning-dollying

Taylor opens house door (match on action)

Taylor runs upstairs to toilet

11. Test is positives (zoom)

12. Flashback of her being raped on her way home from a friends house

13. Taylor goes on to the internet & looks up abortion clinics

14. Taylor books

herself one.

15. one week later, abortion clinic appointment

16. Taylor walks to abortion clinic

17. The nurse comes out to call Taylor

18. Taylor stares blankly in to space.

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The style is Montage

Because I have chosen to have some randomly selected clips from the opening sequence for example the part where Taylor is looking on the pregnancy test which is telling her she is positive.

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The opening sequence has a non linear narrative structure as it goes back in time for the flash back so the opening sequence is not in order of time.

I thought this would be good because its different from the straight forward linear structures.

Non linear narratives are not as predictable so there fore the audience would not find it boring.

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For my setting it will be exterior & ill need a school, house & shop.

Name: Taylor

Role: Student

Actor: actor one

Representation: Represents young teenage girls that get pregnant easily.

Body language: relaxed

Facial expression: mutual

Tone/language: formal

Costume/props: school uniform, school bag & pregnancy test

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To show journeys of character development

To reflect real life situations with realistic characters, setting and stories.

The purpose of a dramatic story line is to move the audience emotionally and to make them sympathise with the character.

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Class working class it usually occurs more in working class this could be due to lone parent households or coming from a broken home.

Age 12-19 year olds It usually more common within this age group as girls as early as 12 start there period which increases there chances of teenage pregnancy.

Gender females because only females are able to get pregnant and have to deal with the experience of either keeping or aborting it.

Ethnicity black/white people it could be black or white because both ethnicities are able to have a big risk of teenage pregnancy.