Page 1: Asset Management Fixed Income Mastering negative yields ... · Mastering negative yields and positive ... bond yields must go deeper into negative territory. Current level. ... Yields

Asset ManagementFixed IncomeAsset ManagementFixed Income

Mastering negative yields and positive uncertainties

Page 2: Asset Management Fixed Income Mastering negative yields ... · Mastering negative yields and positive ... bond yields must go deeper into negative territory. Current level. ... Yields

For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution


Consensus? Nothing to worry about for fixed income investors.

Source: IMF. Expectations are based on the federal funds rate futures of the US, the sterling overnight interbank average rate for the United Kingdom, and the euro interbank offered forward rate for the euro area; updated 30 September 2019.

GDP growth: Stable but on low level






Interest rates will be lower for longer




% Policy Rate Expectations

2011 2015 2024


World Group of Four US Euro Area UK


2020 2021 2022



WEO 2019


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For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution


Flows into Global Bonds & Money Markets

Source: EPFR, ICI, Jefferies.








05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Global Equities (US$bn, cumulative)

Global Bonds & MM (US$bn, cumulative)

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For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution


Markets aren’t pricing any surprises.

Past performance is no guide to future performance.Source: Vontobel Asset Management, Bloomberg.

FX Volatility Index CDS EU Investment Grade

The 2 biggest markets: FX and IG Credit are pricing historical low chances of any surprise in 2020.

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For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution


Low yields, high volatility: a worrying combination.

Past performance is no guide to future performance.Source: Bloomberg, Vontobel Asset Management.

2015 2017 20192016 2018-0.2



















70Rising Volatility

Falling Returns

Barclays Global Aggregate Yield (EUR %)

Fixed Income Volatility (Move Index)

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Duration is losing its capacity to balance portfolios.

Past performance is no guide to future performance. Source: Bloomberg, Vontobel Asset Management.

US UK Euro Area China






-0.20 -0.20To offset a 10% decline in stocks in a 60/40 balanced portfolio, bond yields must go deeper into negative territory.

Current level

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For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution


















07.2014 01.2015 07.2015 01.2016 07.2016 01.2017 07.2017 01.2018 07.2018 01.2019 07.2019

Barclays Bond Global Agg (L) Bund 10y Yield (inverted - R)

Recent performance is unsustainable.

Past performance is no guide to future performance. Source: Bloomberg, Vontobel Asset Management.

Previous low in yields

To replicate the last 12-month performance next year, Bund yield would have to go to -1.40% !

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For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution

But we are monitoring scenarios that could disrupt consensus.

For Institutional Investors only / not for public viewing or distribution. Source: IMF.

EU Policy

The Next Recession

No Deal Brexit

Falling Liquidity

US Dollar

Trade War

US Elections


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For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution


Financial market liquidity is falling.

LHS chart shows USD dealer investment grade corporate bond holdings, as at 31 January 2019.RHS chart shows daily US investment grade corporate bond trading volumes as % of total bonds outstanding. Source: Aardea Investment Management, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Dealer balance sheet capacity has fallen dramatically





01 04 07 10 13 16 19

Balance sheet constraints have compromised the

ability of banks to provide liquidity

in credit markets.

Corporate bond holdings (USD bn)

Corporate bond trading volumes have collapsed





05 06 08 10 13 18

Liquidity has fallen below 2008 levels despite bull market conditions.

Trading volume (% of index notional)


07 09 11 12 15 1714 16

With less liquidity it will be difficult to reduce investment if volatility increases

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Diversified: By Asset, Strategies and Investment horizons

Source: Vontobel Asset Management.

Top down risk allocation applied to global rates, credit, emerging & FX

Diversification is not only by asset class but also by approach.


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Diversified: By strategy and time horizonExample of a Relative Value trade


Overweight USA Treasuries


Underweight Germany Bund

Past performance is no guide to future performance. Subject to change, without notice, only the current prospectus or comparable document of the fund is legally binding. Source: Vontobel Asset Management, as of 31.08.2019.

Yields race to the bottom Or Fixed Income Bubble burstEUROPE is already there Biggest negative yield position is in EuropeUS and UK are on their way


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Barbell Environment (1)Detect the best value yields…

Source: Vontobel Asset Management, as of 31.12.2019.

Gilts US TreasuriesMexico rates


Portugal EUR Sub Fins

EM DebtSpreads


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Barbell environment (2)…and hedge the potential risks with the most efficient tools.

Source: Vontobel Asset Management, as of 31.12.2019.





Short Germany

CDS: CDX Protection

JPY vs Short CAD & AUD

Long Vix

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For institutional investors only / not for public viewing or distribution



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The funds authorized for distribution in the United Kingdom can be viewed in the FCA register under the Scheme Reference Number 466625. This information was approved by Vontobel Asset Management SA, London Branch, which has its registered office at Third Floor, 22 Sackville Street, London W1S 3DN and is authorized by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Details about the extent of regulation by the FCA are available from Vontobel Asset Management SA, London Branch, on request. The KIID can be obtained in English from Vontobel Asset Management SA, London Branch, Third Floor, 22 Sackville Street, London W1S 3DN or downloaded from our website Refer for more information regarding subscriptions in Italy to the Modulo di Sottoscrizione. For any further information: Vontobel Asset Management S.A., Milan Branch, Piazza degli Affari 3, 20123 Milano, telefono: 0263673444, e-mail [email protected]. The Fund and its subfunds are included in the register of Netherland's Authority for the Financial Markets as mentioned in article 1:107 of the Financial Markets Supervision Act (“Wet op het financiele toezicht”). The KIID is available in Norwegian. Please note that certain subfunds are exclusively available to qualified investors in Andorra or Portugal. The KIID is available in Swedish. The fund and its subfunds are not available to retail investors in Singapore. Selected subfunds of the fund are currently recognized as restricted schemes by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. These subfunds may only be offered to certain prescribed persons on certain conditions as provided in the “Securities and Futures Act”, Chapter 289 of Singapore. The fund is not authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. It may only be offered to those investors qualifying as professional investors under the Securities and Futures Ordinance. The contents of this document have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. You are advised to exercise caution and if you are in any doubt about any of the contents of this document, you should obtain independent professional advice. This information was approved by Vontobel Asset Management Asia Pacific Ltd., which has its registered office at 1901 Gloucester Tower, The Landmark 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.

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