  • DE3262

    Assessment of water requirement problem of North

    part of Sri Lanka and methods could be

    implemented to overcome water crisis


    Index No. Name

    100235B T. Kankeyan

    100219F S. Jeyatharsine

    100333A A. Manorajh

    100001F S. Aathavan

    Department of Mechanical Engineering

    University of Moratuwa

    Sri Lanka

    21st November 2014



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    Table of Contents

    Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. ii

    Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 1

    Hard water problem of the north part of Sri Lanka ....................................................... 1

    Potential solutions to access the problems and issues related to the problems .............. 3

    [1]. Solar water distiller .......................................................................................... 3

    [2]. Water purification system ................................................................................ 5

    [3]. Using chemicals ............................................................................................... 7

    [4]. Line-in filters .................................................................................................... 7

    [5]. Using plastic components................................................................................. 8

    Actions or suggestions to overcome the issues .............................................................. 8

    Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 9

    Bibliography .................................................................................................................. v

  • ii


    WHO World Health Organization

    UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    CKD - Chronic Kidney Disease

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    According to convention of UDHR article 25, people have the right to a standard of

    living adequate for the health and well-being. This includes of having the available facilities

    for their well-being. Especially in the world according to WHO statement in 2025, half of

    the population in the world will suffer in water-stressed areas. The article will provide a

    solution for water problem faced in the north part of Sri Lanka with the available knowledge

    in the water resources management with the mechanical engineering knowledge especially in

    the solar energy and some other chemical applications, which could be implemented to

    overcome those issues and the overall drawbacks and availability is discussed in this article.

    In Sri Lanka, most of the rural areas are affected in the water issue for even for drinking and

    other human basic needs. Especially in the north part of Sri Lanka is affected by this issue

    these days. Studies have proven that the people in the north have been suffering with the

    good quality water especially for drinking and for cultivation purposes. The water is very

    badly affected by Calcium because of the land structure of the peninsula.

    The standalone systems may have to be replaced with a common water supply system

    with proper guarantee to the water in the required times especially for agricultural purposes.

    Many get suffered from the above issue in these days because of improper raining season

    effects and the ground water issue. Especially few years ago they could manage their

    agricultural needs using groundwater however these days the water level is reducing and the

    content is mixed with chemicals are some of the reasons for the problems and they are not

    providing expected cultivation. So they are looking for some solutions for the case.

    Hard water problem of the north part of Sri Lanka

    In the north part of the country most of our people are facing problems due to the

    current issues with hard water. Even though, the hard water being a common problem in

    Vavuniya, Mannar, Jaffna and closed areas. Specially, it is affecting the life style and survival

    of the people in Jaffna. As most of the people are using underground water for the cultivation

    and other daily uses. Vavuniya, Mannar areas have water network with the aid of available

    ponds and reservoirs and Jaffna is lack on that.

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    Pure water should be tasteless, colourless and odourless. As water moves soil and

    rock, it dissolves small amount of minerals and hold them in solution. Calcium and

    magnesium are that two minerals which cause in formation of hard water.

    Hard water mainly affects the cleaning task more over it affects the cultivation as well

    as the life style in main ways. Some effects are mentioned below,

    Clothes, laundered in hard water may look dingy and feel harsh and scratchy.

    Thousands of people returning to settle in the former war zone, groundwater extraction is

    bound to increase, resulting in shortages of water supply in the Jaffna peninsula for

    agriculture and domestic use.

    With pesticides and fertilizer runoff seeping into the groundwater the main source of

    drinking water in the Jaffna peninsula, kidney and other health issues are going to become

    more common. The Chronic Kidney Disease (CKDu) prevalent in Anuradhapura will be a

    walk in the park, compared to what is probably in store for the Jaffna dwellers. CKDu

    incidence in Jaffna has been low probably because agriculture and use of

    fertilizer/pesticides were minimal due to lack of access to markets in the South during the

    civil war.

    More than 65720 persons residing in Jaffna depends solely on well water to fulfil their

    needs. Currently coastal areas like peninsula in Jaffna are facing problems even with drinking

    water due the hard water problem. Numerous institutions, including National water supply,

    Department of health and intellectual committee of university of Jaffna, have done so many

    researches regarding of hard water crisis. It was concluded that these areas should be supplied

    drinking water from other parts. In the other hand due to the salinity problem in well water

    these are people are facing problems with their income sources as these people are only

    depended on the underground water, this salinity problem affect the cultivation. Mostly the

    people are involved in onion cultivation. In the past people were doing cultivation

    satisfactorily using the underground water. But now they are only depended seasonal rain. If

    the draught continues for a certain period, it affects the economic life cycle of the farmer.

    According to the article 25 of universal declaration human rights, 1948 (UDHR), it

    says everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being

    himself and of his family including food, clothing, housing and medical care and social

    services and the right to security in the event of unemployment sickness disability

    widowhood, old age or other lacks of livelihood in circumstances beyond this control.

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    Looking into the problem faced by northern part people due to the hard water, Where

    facing challenges with their standard of life. When hard water is consumed for drinking

    purpose it causes stones in the kidney. It became a health threat to the people.

    Moreover this hard water issue their traditional occupation has become a question to

    the people. This became a threat again for the standard of living of the people. For the

    production of land and soil as well as the traditional cultivation and farmers it is important to

    provide the solution for the betterment of the people as a Mechanical Engineer. The basic

    human right to fulfil the standard of living for the health and well being became a threat due

    to this hard water and salinity problem in the northern part.

    As mechanical engineers we have a huge responsibility to respect, protect and fulfil

    the needs of the society.

    Potential solutions to access the problems and issues related to the


    [1]. Solar water distiller

    Solar distillation systems can be any size. They are designed either to serve the needs

    of a single family, producing from to 3 gallons of drinking water a day on the average, or

    to produce much greater amounts for an entire neighbourhood or village. In some parts of the

    world the scarcity of fresh water is partially overcome by covering shallow salt water basins

    with glass in greenhouse-like structures. These solar energy distilling plants are relatively

    inexpensive, low-technology systems, especially useful where the need for small plants

    exists. Solar distillation of potable water from saline (salty) water has been practiced for

    many years in tropical and sub-tropical regions where fresh water is scare. However, where

    fresh water is plentiful and energy rates are moderate, the most cost-effective method has

    been to pump and purify. Solar distillation is a relatively simple treatment of brackish (i.e.

    contain dissolved salts) water supplies. In this process, water is evaporated; using the energy

    of the sun then the vapour condenses as pure water. This process removes salts and other

    impurities. Solar distillation is used to produce drinking water or to produce pure water for

    lead acid batteries, laboratories, hospitals and in producing commercial products such as rose

    water. It is recommended that drinking water has 100 to 1000 mg/l of salt to maintain

    electrolyte levels and for taste. Some saline water may need to be added to the distilled water

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    for acceptable drinking water. Generally, solar stills are used in areas where piped or well

    water is impractical. Such areas include remote locations or during power outages

    .Distillation are therefore normally considered only where there is no local source of fresh

    water that can be easily pumped or lifted. One of the main setbacks for solar desalination

    plant is the low thermal efficiency and productivity. In areas that frequently loss power, Solar

    stills can provide an alternate source of clean water. A large use of solar stills is in developing

    countries where the technology to effectively distil large quantities of water has not yet


    The Sol Aqua still is a passive solar distiller that only needs sunshine to operate.

    There are no moving parts to wear out. The distilled water from a Sol Aqua still does not

    acquire the "flat" taste of commercially distilled water since the water is not boiled (which

    lowers pH). Solar stills use natural evaporation and condensation, which is the rainwater

    process. This allows for natural pH buffering that produces excellent taste as compared to

    steam distillation. Solar stills can easily provide enough water for family drinking and

    cooking needs. Solar distillers can be used to effectively remove many impurities ranging

    from salts to microorganisms and are even used to make drinking water from seawater. Sol

    Aqua stills have been well received by many users, both rural and urban, from around the

    globe. Sol Aqua solar distillers can be successfully used anywhere the sun shines. The Sol

    Aqua solar stills are simple and have no moving parts. They are made of quality materials

    designed to stand-up to the harsh conditions produced by water and sunlight. Operation is

    simple: water should be added (either manually or automatically) once a day through the

    still's supply fill port. Excess water will drain out of the overflow port and this will keep salts

    from building up in the basin. Purified drinking water is collected from the output collection

    port. Supply Fill Port: Water should be added to the still via this port. Water can be added

    either manually or automatically. Normally, water is added once a day (in the summer it's

    normally best to fill in the late evening and in the winter, in the early morning). Care should

    be taken to add the water at a slow enough flow rate to prevent splashing onto the interior of

    the still glazing or overflowing into the collection trough.

    Overflow Port: Once the still basin has filled, excess water will flow out of this port.

    Sol Aqua recommends three times daily distilled water production to be allowed to overflow

    from the still on a daily basis to prevent salt build-up in the basin. If we still produced 2

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    gallons of product water then you should add 6 gallons of fresh feed water through the fill

    port. If flushed like this on a daily basis, the overflow water can be used for other uses as

    appropriate for our feed water (for example, landscape watering). Distilled Output Collection

    Port: Purified drinking water is collected from this port, typically with a glass collection

    container. Stills that are mounted on the roof can have the distillate output piped directly to

    an interior collection container. For a newly installed still, allow the collection trough to be

    self-cleaned by producing water for a couple of days before using the distillate output.

    [2]. Water purification system

    Ultraviolet water purification systems are used in numerous applications that consist

    of home or residential (both well water and municipal water supplies), commercial and

    industrial. The quality of well water can vary from day to day and from year to year in the

    short term, things like heavy rainfalls or drought can affect water quality. In the long term

    quality may be affected by distant contamination sources such as earthquakes, and other

    factors. Water that has been safe for years will not necessarily be safe tomorrow. Here is a list

    of quite a lot of applications where the power of UV water sterilizers are generally used to

    treat and care for the water supply for pollutes such as bacteria and viruses. Some important

    applications include private wells, campgrounds, hotels, bottlers, aquaculture, hospitals, food,

    cottages, restaurants, breweries, water systems, laboratories, marine, pharmaceutical, dairies

    and many other applications.

    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation and UV water system

    UV radiation from

    ultraviolet water systems

    solely is not suitable for

    water with high levels of

    adjourned solids, turbidity,

    colour or soluble organic

    matter. These materials can

    act in response with UV

    radiation, and reduce

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    decontamination performance. Water turbidity makes it difficult for the ultraviolet radiation

    to penetrate water. If your water supply has these characteristics, a sediment pre-filter should

    be installed before your UV water purification system to remove particulate matter prior to

    UV water disinfection.

    Ultraviolet radiation can be used as a pre-treatment or polishing step to sterilize and

    purify water. UV systems are classically used to pre-treat a water supply that is considered

    biologically unsafe (lake or sea water, well water). The UV disinfection method is a non-

    chemical method for destroying microbes (bacteria and viruses) by altering their genomic

    material, and interpreting them unable to make a replica.

    Advantages of Ultra Violet water purification system

    There are some very important reasons why UV technology is used to treat their water

    by both homeowners and municipalities.

    Highly effective

    For over 25 years, UV technology has been believed as a safe, cost-effective method to

    purify water and exclude harmful microorganisms. It is currently being used by thousands

    of cities, bottled water manufacturers and homeowners around the world.

    Chemical free

    UV provides water purification without the addition of dangerous chemicals such as

    chlorine. It also avoids the potential of generating harmful chemical purification by

    products. Recently, there are instructions which are forcing cities across the United States

    to reduce or eliminate the use of chlorine for exactly this reason.

    Taste &odor free

    UV does not make any changes of the taste, odor or color of the water, because there are

    no any mixing chemicals with water to be used.

    More effective than chlorine

    Unlike chlorine, UV systems are effective against both Cryptosporidium and Giardia.

    Compact and easy to maintain

    UV systems are capable of treating a single faucet or an entire home in a minimal amount

    of space with the only maintenance being an annual lamp and filter replacement.

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    [3]. Using chemicals


    Vinegar is a natural way to rid your home of unwanted

    calcium deposits. Pour 2 cups of white vinegar into a spray bottle

    with 1 cup of hot water. Spray the mixture onto the calcium

    deposit, and allow it to soak for several minutes. Then use a rag to

    rub the area clean of the calcium deposit. Spray this solution

    whenever you need to clean calcium deposits; it is safe to use

    around children and pets.


    Tang is a powdered drink beverage mix available in most supermarkets. Tang

    contains a high amount of ascorbic acid, which will eat away at the calcium deposits. Spread

    the powdered Tang on the calcium deposits and allow it to sit for several hours. Then use a

    cloth dipped in hot water to scrub your calcium deposits, and they should come clean.

    [4]. Line-in filters


    Uses revolutionary media inside a pressure vessel

    which is running in a counter current mode. The up

    flowing water causes the formation of a fluidized bed







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    edia. The immediate conversion of water hardness (due to Ca2+

    and Mg2+

    ) gets

    converted into sub-micron size harmless crystal when hard water passes through the

    media. The height of the pressure vessel is chosen depending on the maximum flow

    rate of the unit, to provide the required space for the expansion of the floating bed. It's

    recommended to use a pressure vessel whose volume is 6 - 7 times than the volume of

    the media used.

    [5]. Using plastic components

    a. Tap

    b. Controllers

    c. Pipes

    Because of Calcium get deposits at a high

    rate inside silver and brass components than the

    plastic components. And plastic components are

    economically beneficial.

    Implementing the entire pipe system outside the wall in order to change it when there

    is a blockage.

    Raise the tank level to increase the speed of the water flow.

    Actions or suggestions to overcome the issues

    There have been a lot of researches and studies have been in progress in the above

    mentioned issue. There are a lot of alternatives have been testing in the above context with

    different concept. Some of the above mentioned techniques are somewhat useable for only

    the residential water requirement other than drinking and agricultural aspects. Solar water

    distiller is a good solution in the above context even if the groundwater resources cannot be

    used for the water requirement of the places. Using solar water distiller the sea water of those

    areas can be assed and can be used for water requirement of people can be solved out.

    However it is little bit costly since the requirement of pumping water from sea to plants and

    then the distillation have to be done and proper irrigation design is expected to be carried out

    to deliver the water supply to the area. Mostly even now most of those areas dont have any

    Main Water Supply Unit or connections. So if such a plant is to be installed to provide the

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    water supply the requirements should have to be analyzed whether the plants to be installed at

    a single place and all the areas should have to connected through a network or different part

    of Jaffna Peninsula should have to be handled with different plants should have to be decided

    accordingly. It will be helpful on determining the cost of capital and operating cost for the

    water supply process. Almost nowadays pipe and other relevant components in the water

    system in Jaffna have been using plastic components for their use; however still there are

    some people havent change back to the plastic components. Plastic components in design

    they can be used to stock out the calcium through a proper design to make sure the water get

    cleaned. Even solar distiller, UV water purification system, Line in filters, Chemicals etc. can

    be used as previously mentioned above techniques. Those will conclude the ground water

    will also can be used effectively if we could implement these techniques effectively, rather

    than going for sea water filtration.

    However these days some other issues also have been raised in the north peninsula,

    especially there are some locations have been found with dirt oils have been mixed with the

    groundwater of the Peninsula. There are some court cases have been going on that issue as

    those are because of the Power station of North and their waste oil have been mixing with the

    groundwater. Still there are not clear views on that issue. However if such things

    continuously occurs the groundwater all over the area will be affected and the groundwater of

    peninsula will no longer will be a water resources for the north part of Sri Lanka. The

    groundwater of the Peninsula is interconnected inside the land so polluting one part of the

    groundwater means spoiling all the available water resources.


    There have been some initiatives to supply water for the north from the reservoirs in

    the Kilinochchi area. Even though such move has been taken that is not a feasible solution for

    the above problem because that will heavily effect the cultivation of those areas. The

    providing solution should have to be also better way to supplement both the areas. Therefore

    the purifying water from groundwater or sea water would be the more feasible solution in the

    context. However the feasibility study and appraisal need to be carried out to validate the

    above before going in to solutions.

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    1. Shanmugarajah, K. Water Resources Development - Jaffna Penisula. s.l. : Wild &

    Woolley Pty. Ltd. , 1993.

    2. World Health Organization. [Online]

    3. Dalima, Bella. Jaffna residents face clean water crisis. [Online] 02 Feburary 2014.

    4. Mester, Benji. Solar Water Distiller -- Solar Still Plans. [Online]

    5. Colorad, Adventure. Ultra Violet (Solar) Water Purification. [Online]

    6. Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Jaffna Limestone Aquifer. M.

    Thushyanthy, C.S. De Silva. 2012, Tropical Agricultural Research, pp. 177 - 185.