
Asociación Gantalcalá

Grundtvig Workshop: “E-literacy”

Reference: 2013-1-es1-gru13-74117

9th-15th February 2014, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain



- What means e-literacy for you? For me is the digital Literacy : the ability to use new media, which gives the opportunity to participate actively in an increasingly digitized.Historically in Italy @- literacy has been much higher in Sud of Italy , i spoken about during the first day with my powerpoint presentation. In the table below a little short point of view in column one shows regional illiteracy rates for people under the age of 65, which are nearly the same throughout Italy. Column two shows people 65 and over, where the gap still persists. And column three shows the total population. The data was compiled by Istat for the 2001 census in Italy that including e-literacy item.



during the first day of the workshop I talked about the situation in Italy in terms of possibilities about e-literacy situation in my country, including with regard to best practices and the online petition that many teachers and counselors have signed and sent to our parliament to change the laws. But during this workshop, the Italian government has resigned. I therefore fail to see very positive scenarios for the time for a change of direction in Italian politics  about e-literacy solution that these data will help to change soon.The key words that means e-literacy for me  are series of panel discussions as the workshop of Seville and for me are: participation and awareness, exchange, efficiency, monitoring, citizenship training, new entrepreneurs with the aim of sharing to build a networking qualified to innovate a world that young people seem to understand before their parents.

IN ITALY in particular, almost 40% of the population has never used a computer, and less than 50% have basic skills in the use of office applications. Adding to these data, the low percentage of graduates (only 19% of those aged between 25 and 34 years), and that of these only 1, 3% chose an undergraduate degree in computer science, we realize that the more profound gap in our country is not in the access to the network, and therefore the digital divide (recognizing, however, that this is a topic of primary importance) as digital literacy in the strict sense.It is crucial to take action as soon as possible, at continental and Italian, with a literacy program organized and directed covering large sections of the population, involving actors and stakeholders already operating in the area.

-How do you use it or would like to use it in your organisation?

Allow me to quote the experience to which I have devoted the last two years with my cultural association called SIFA

( create blogs that accompany users in learning through art and poetry in collaboration with the worldwide movement poetic 100tpc.the project from title "ALIEN" (ALIEN iN THE WORLD tO OURSELF) is a non-profit and self-funded project that brings the culture of innovation in libraries directly, through targeted interventions to disclose the most important issues of the use of blogs, innovation and sustainability in a light and lively through the internet in order not to feel isolated in Italy that is as foreign as Italian.

-What is your point of view about using TICs to literate adults?

My point of view about usint TICs to literate adults  is that it is essential.Essential to see not like a deficit (because it is not a permanent handicap) but like an opportunity .An opportunity to do better: i'm agree with Andrea Latino "only releasing the innovative potential of European citizens and Italians we can get back in the race towards Europe and a beautiful country more competitive and fast".

- Can you share any good practice (online) about this issue?Yes. WITH FILM LITERACY (LINK BELOW).I'M A TEACHER OF CINE-TEATRO.Since 2007, with the statement "An european approach to media literacy in the digital environment", the European Union has placed an emphasis on Media Literacy as a necessary process of education of the public (audience building) and practice essential to develop an approach critical of the various media forms of communication and expression. In August 2009, with the title "On media literacy in the digital environment for them to more competitive audiovisual and content industry and an inclusive knowledge society", was also reported the need to open a debate on the inclusion of media literacy in school curricula .

The Film Literacy is configured as an essential branch of the Media Literacy, and proposed education cinematographic image in an increasingly global and intermedia, and stimulating awareness of the younger generation against the European cinematographic and audiovisual heritage.It is an exeperience learning.1 ice-breakers with 2 mini-videos on youtube (10 min)1 exercise using no formal methodologies (30 min)1 energizers with brainstorming about cinema (10 min)1 vision of the film (1 hour)






-I‘m happy because i had done this blog about this exeperience.-I‘m sure that it will be interesting for my next courses!


Future cooperations proposals BE YOURS@ELF

Duration of the activities 5 DAYS


The real advances in disguise. The pedagogical value of the mask.


1 days MASK MAKING The mask and its creation 1.1. The ambiguity of the mask workshop 1.2. Literature in mask 1.3. Voices masked: the carnival of Viareggio

Continue...Venue / location and activity 2.

THEATRE workshops and music Mask and identity 2.1. Life is a stage: to each his part! 2.2. Scripts, social roles and identities 2.3. Mask, individual identity, social identity

3. MASKS AND NIK NAME Multiple identities in the media company 3.1. Avatars and Identity in Cyberspace 3.2. Multiple identities at the supermarket self 3.3.realtà virtual reality and real

Conclusions: Use of the mask in eductional contexts

Future cooperations proposals BE YOURS@ELF

Number of participants 15

Target group / participants Youth 18 years old and more

Funding (if possible) UE Erasmus +. Governament Viareggio, Carnevale Foundation, Association SIFA

Coordinator Cristina Chiochia and 1 trainer (david?)

Number of partners (if any) 4/5
