
Non Corrosive, Hi-tech, Hi-tensile

Column Pipes forsubmersible pump

Ashirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore are the pioneers in the design, manufacture and development ofhigh tensile, high impact unplasticised PVC threaded pipes for use in column pipes with submersiblepumps in the world. In the past only galvanized steel pipes were used in the column application.

The following chart demonstrates the advantages of Ashirvad high tensile, high impact column pipesover the conventional galvanized steel pipes and HDPE pipes.

? (C) COPY RIGHT. Deepak Poddar 2004.

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? The Author reserves all rights and liberty to modify, change or alter the design drawings of the products as and when he deems appropriate andnecessary without any prior notice to the users.

Materialpropertyrequirement for Column pipes



Head loss comparison can be seen from Table No. 4 & 5.

Rigidity requirement so that column pipes & pump is vertical for proper NRV function

Pipes are rigid Pipes are rigid

Strong threaded joints required for holding the column & submersible pump load & leakproof joints required for saving every drop of water

Specially designed square threads have very high load holding capacity & these threads do not corrode or rust or detoriate even up to 50 years of use. Special rubber seals are provided with the thread to ensure 100% leak proof at high pump pressure.

The threads are prone to corrosion & rusting. Since the threads do not have layer of Galvanisation, after 2-3 years of use the old thread have to be cut out & new threads have to be made on the pipes on lathe machine due to rusting problem. The users ends up with a short pipe, money & effort spent for making new threads on pipes. These threads are not pressure tight and do not have any rubber sealing system.


Pipes are flexible hence not suitable for column application. Pipes are also soft & over long term use with heavy pump set they elongate & loose their shape permanently. In the process of elongation they become thin & break.

The threads cannot be formed as these pipes are soft and therefore the jointing of the pipe with the pump or at the top with any fixture is simple push type joint & are very weak and open up during use.



COMPARATIVE CHARTWater discharge is more by 10-30% compared to steel pipes.

Always First Always Best



Weight of pipe & ease of handling

Pipes come in 3 metres standard length and are light weight for easy handling both during pump fitment and also removal

Pipes are very heavy and great effort is required for installation and removal of pumps. In deeper bore wells the column of pipe becomes very heavy and are prone to accidents during handling.

Steel pipes are prone to rusting, corrosion & ultimately they get damaged and have to be replaced very quickly.

Ashirvad column pipes do not react with acidic or alkaline water and also have a very long life inside the bore well.

Long life

Internal surface is rough & head loss is high.

Internal surface not as smooth as Ashirvad Pipes.

Since the internal surface is very smooth therefore head loss due to friction is very low and water discharge is more by 10% - 30%

Head loss due to internal friction

Becomes hard and can not be rolled back during removal.Pulling with tractor disturbs the crop.

Strength of material being very less, very thick pipes are required for high pressure application. This reduces the internal area for water flow considerably.Hence thin pipes are used for high pressure application and the pipes burst in 2-3 yrs.

Materialpropertyrequirement for Column pipes


FEATURESSpecial technical features of Ashirvad high tensile, high impact submersible column pipes.

WIRE LOCK W i r e l o c k c o u p le r d e s i g n : ( W I R E L O C K :The Guarantee for your Pump Safety) The couplers are fittedon the pipe sizes from 48mm OD (1 ½”) up to 140mm OD (5”).The couplers are locked with special wire lock system (appliedfor patent) to ensure that during installation and removal of pumps the coupler does not come out, resulting in column slippage.The wire lock system with the unique design made by only Ashirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd., is a further development of the product.

SQUARE THREADSThe joint of pipes have been specially designed with squarethreads & rubber rings to ensure proper gripping, no chance ofslipping & 100% leak proof joint. These threads are highfriction threads on load, which do not open even on constant forward and reverse torque generated by starting & stopping

the pump. They are made on specially imported CNC machines with special tools to ensure perfect dimensions and good & easyfitment. All threads are checked thoroughly with special gauges to ensure 100% accuracy.

Material - Stainless Steel


BI-AXIAL ORIENTATIONBi-axial orientation during column pipe extrusion :Ashirvad has developed a unique Bi-axial orientationtechnique used during pipe extrusion, which giveshigher drop impact and notch impact strength to thepipes. This orientation technique is a result of constantResearch and Development at Ashirvad only.

THICK & THINSpecial thick & thin construction of pipes :This special technique for making pipes thicker in thethreading portion end to compensate for materialremoval due to threads is an innovation made only byAshirvad. This technique saves on the raw materialconsumption and at the same time provides muchhigher strength to the pipes.




to formthreads.










Ashirvad high tensile, high impact column pipes are made with specially designed formulation, so that pipes arecapable of handling both internal hydro static pressure as well as huge vertical tensile load on the pipes due to thecolumn and pump weight. The special formulation ensures that the threads do not get brittle and break / chip even afterloosening and tightening several times during the life span. Special raw materials are used in very well definedprocessing techniques to make these pipes.

Ashirvad column pipes have dual function to perform. On one hand it has to withstand the pump delivery hydro static2pressure, which is maximum in the first pipe connected to the pump and may be as high as 35 Kg / cm and on the other

hand, the top most pipe bears the load of the entire column filled with water & pump which may range up to 2 tons.This dual type of loading application makes this product unique and requires special manufacturing techniques which isavailable only with Ashirvad Pipes (P) Ltd. - Bangalore.

Ashirvad column pipes are manufactured within the world class quality management systems aslaid down in ISO 9001-2000.

However Pipe specifications & test procedures have been developed by Ashirvad Pipes (P) Ltd.

An ISO 9001/2000 Company


ISO 9001:2000

Accredited bythe Dutch Councilfor Certification


Technical chart for all sizes and types of Ashirvad column pipes from 1" up to 5" has been given here below, which showsthe ultimate breakage load of pipes, safe pulling load with chain pulley or crane and also the safe allowable hydro staticpressure to be used in the pipes.

Important:V4 pipes to be used with only V4 (100mm) pumps. Pump total delivery head is available in the pump performance chart supplied by the pump manufacturer.It is the maximum head of pump at which discharge becomes zero(nil). We can manufacture other pressure rating pipes upon your request.



TYPE & SIZE Ultimatebreaking load

Safe pullingload withchain pulley

Safe allowablehydrostaticpressure(kg/cm2)

Safe TotalPumpDeliveryHead (m)

OD - Outside DiaNB - Nominal Bore

OD: 33mm (1") ND: 25mm2V4-15 Kg/Cm 1000 Kgs 700 15 150

Crystal 1400 Kgs 770 16 160Standard 1800 Kgs 1300 30 300

OD: 42mm (1¼") ND: 32mm2V4-15 Kg/Cm 1500 Kgs 1000 15 150

Crystal 2100 Kgs 1200 15 150Standard 2600 Kgs 1500 25 250Heavy 3100 Kgs 1550 35 350

OD: 48mm (1½") ND: 40mm2V4-15 Kg/Cm 2000 Kgs 1200 15 150

Crystal 2500 Kgs 1300 15 150Standard 3000 Kgs 1700 26 260Heavy 4000 Kgs 2000 35 350

OD: 60mm (2") ND: 50mmMedium 2800 Kgs 1500 13 130Standard 3800 Kgs 2100 20 200Heavy 4700 Kgs 2850 27 270Super Heavy 5600 Kgs 3500 35 350

OD: 75mm (2½") ND: 65mmMedium 3500 Kgs 1900 10 100Standard 5000 Kgs 2700 16 160Heavy 7000 Kgs 4200 26 260

2Super Heavy - 35 Kg/Cm 8600 Kgs 4800 35 3502Super Heavy - 40 Kg/Cm 9900 Kgs 5500 40 400

OD: 88mm (3") ND: 80mmMedium 5000 Kgs 2750 11 110Standard 7000 Kgs 4000 17 170Heavy 9500 Kgs 5700 26 260Super Heavy 11900 Kgs 6600 35 350

OD: 113mm (4") ND: 100mmMedium 7500 Kgs 4100 10 100Standard 10300 Kgs 5700 15 150Heavy 16000 Kgs 9500 26 260Super Heavy 19800 Kgs 11000 35 350

OD: 140mm (5") ND: 125mmMedium 10600 Kgs 5900 10 100Standard 16000 Kgs 9000 16 160


only uPVC column pipes offers installation upto


* Condition apply

TYPICAL LOAD TECHNICAL CHART Technical comparison for total load on the top pipe and ultimate breakage load of Ashirvad standard pipes.

This is just an indication of the loads to explain that in the design of the pipes adequate factor of safety has been considered.


Note: The total weight of the assembly is considerably reduced due to buoyancy when immersed in Bore well water.This is not considered above.

Size Weight of Weight of Weight of Total UltimatePipe 500 Water Pump Weight BreakingFeet Column in Approx Load of

500 ft Pipe Maximum

AshirvadHi-TechHi-TensileSubmersiblePump Pipes

in kg in kg in kg in kg in kg

33mm OD (1") 82 75 100 257 1800

42mm OD (1 ¼") 113 135 100 348 2600

48mm OD (1 ½") 132 190 125 447 3000

60mm OD (2") 166 320 150 636 3800

75mm OD (2 ½") 216 530 200 946 5000

88mm OD (3") 303 720 250 1273 7000

113mm OD (4") 450 1225 300 1975 10300



TECHNICAL CHART Specification for Ashirvad Column pipes for submersible pumps.



ThickPortion of

Both Side inmm

Outer 0D inmm



Length inmm

Wall Thickness inmm



OD - Outside DiaND - Nominal Dia

Size & Type

OD: 33mm (1") ND: 25mmV4-15 Kg/Cm2 ( Bell Type ) 3.2 / 3.4 1.9 / 2.3 32.6 / 33.2 3000 ± 10 mmCrystal ( Bell Type ) 3.6 / 4.0 2.5 / 3.0 32.6 / 33.2 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Standard ( Bell Type ) 4.95 / 5.3 4.0 / 4.5 32.6 / 33.2 3000 ± 10 mm

OD: 42mm (1¼") ND: 32mmV4-15 Kg/Cm2 ( Bell Type ) 3.7 / 3.95 2.4 / 2.65 41.5 / 42.2 3000 ± 10 mmV4-15 Kg/Cm2 ( Socket Type ) 4.2 / 4.4 2.4 / 2.6 41.5 / 42.2 3000 ± 10 mmCrystal ( Bell Type ) 4.0 / 4.35 2.9 / 3.3 41.5 / 42.2 3000 ± 10 mmCrystal ( Socket Type ) 4.8 / 5.0 2.8 / 3.0 41.5 / 42.2 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Standard ( Bell Type ) 5.2 / 5.6 4.1 / 4.5 41.5 / 42.2 3000 ± 10 mmStandard ( Socket Type ) 6.3 / 6.5 4.1 / 4.3 41.5 / 42.2 3000 ± 10 mmHeavy ( Bell Type ) 6.4 / 6.9 5.2 / 5.8 41.5 / 42.2 3000 ± 10 mm

OD: 48mm (1½") ND: 40mm2

V4-15 Kg/Cm ( Bell Type ) 4.0 / 4.3 2.7 / 3.0 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mm2

V4-15 Kg/Cm ( Socket Type ) 4.5 / 4.7 2.7 / 2.9 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mmCrystal ( Bell Type ) 4.7 / 4.9 3.4 / 3.6 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mmCrystal ( Socket Type ) 5.3 / 5.5 3.5 / 3.7 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Standard ( Bell Type ) 5.3 / 5.7 4.1 / 4.5 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mmStandard ( Socket Type ) 6.6 / 6.8 4.1 / 4.4 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mmHeavy ( Bell Type ) 7.1 / 7.6 5.9 / 6.4 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mmHeavy ( Socket Type ) 8.4 / 8.6 5.9 / 6.1 47.5 / 48.2 3000 ± 10 mm

OD: 60mm (2") ND: 50mmMedium ( Socket Type ) 5.1 / 5.4 2.6 / 2.9 59.5 / 60.1 3000 ± 10 mmStandard ( Socket Type ) 6.4 / 6.8 3.9 / 4.3 59.5 / 60.1 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Heavy ( Socket Type ) 7.9 / 8.4 5.3 / 5.7 59.5 / 60.1 3000 ± 10 mmSuper Heavy ( Socket Type ) 9.0 / 9.2 6.5 / 6.7 59.5 / 60.1 3000 ± 10 mm

OD: 75mm (2½") ND: 65mmMedium ( Socket Type ) 5.1 / 5.4 2.6 / 2.9 74.5 / 75.2 3000 ± 10 mmStandard ( Socket Type ) 6.5 / 6.9 4.0 / 4.4 74.5 / 75.2 3000 ± 10 mmHeavy ( Socket Type ) 8.5 / 9.3 6.3 / 6.8 74.5 / 75.2 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Super Heavy - 35 Kg/Cm2 ( Socket Type ) 10.8 / 11.0 8.3 / 8.5 74.5 / 75.2 3000 ± 10 mmSuper Heavy - 40 Kg/Cm2 ( Socket Type ) 12.3 / 12.5 9.7 / 9.9 74.5 / 75.2 3000 ± 10 mm

OD: 88mm (3") ND: 80mmMedium ( Socket Type ) 5.7 / 6.1 3.2 / 3.5 87.5 / 88.2 3000 ± 10 mmStandard ( Socket Type ) 7.5 / 7.8 5.0 / 5.5 87.5 / 88.2 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Heavy ( Socket Type ) 9.8 / 10.3 7.3 / 7.8 87.5 / 88.2 3000 ± 10 mmSuper Heavy ( Socket Type ) 12.4 / 12.8 9.7 / 10.1 87.5 / 88.2 3000 ± 10 mm

OD: 113mm (4") ND: 100mmMedium ( Socket Type ) 6.3 / 6.6 3.8 / 4.3 112.5 / 113.2 3000 ± 10 mmStandard ( Socket Type ) 8.2 / 8.5 5.7 / 6.2 112.5 / 113.2 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Heavy ( Socket Type ) 11.9 / 12.3 9.4 / 10.0 112.5 / 113.2 3000 ± 10 mmSuper Heavy ( Socket Type ) 15.1 / 15.4 12.6 / 13.0 112.5 / 113.2 3000 ± 10 mm

OD: 140mm (5") ND: 125mmMedium ( Socket Type ) 7.3 / 7.7 5.0 / 5.4 139.5 / 140.2 3000 ± 10 mm 200 - 250Standard ( Socket Type ) 10.1 / 10.7 7.6 / 7.85 139.5 / 140.2 3000 ± 10 mm








Extra thickness shell be given in pipes 1", 1¼" & 1½" at the ends to incorporate 'O' ring type sealing system9

The height to which the water is to be pumped has to be precisely estimated. This is most important specially on longupward inclined terrains. The length of the pipeline and the height to which the water is to be pumped together with thedepth to low water level and frictional head loss in pipes decide the total head of the pumpset.






Approx frictional head lost in Ashirvad Submersible Column Pipes in (m) per/100 m

Discharge of pump in LPM

40 60 80 100 120 150 180 240 300 360 400 500


21" V4 ( 15 Kg/Cm ) 3.0819 6.5350 11.1257 16.8263 23.5749 35.6441 49.9657 85.1054 128.6754 180.3764 219.2364331.3869

1" Crystal 3.7303 7.9100 13.466620.366528.5351 43.1437 60.4785 103.0116 155.7488 218.3277 265.3638401.1108

1" Regular 6.4792 13.7388 23.3901 35.3746 49.5625 74.9362 105.0451 178.9207 270.5198 379.2131 460.9101 696.6888

1/4 21 " V4 ( 15 Kg/Cm ) 0.9302 1.9725 3.3582 5.0788 7.1158 10.7588 15.0816 25.688238.8393 54.4447 66.1742 100.0256

1/41 " Crystal 1.0768 2.2833 3.8872 5.8789 8.2369 12.4537 17.4576 29.7351 44.9580 63.0219 76.5992 115.7836

1/41 " Regular 1.4774 3.1328 5.3335 8.0662 11.3014 17.0872 23.9527 40.7981 61.6849 86.4695 105.0983158.8614

1/41 " Heavy 2.0714 4.3923 7.4779 11.3093 15.8452 23.9572 33.5831 57.2012 86.4856 121.2349 147.3536 222.7324

1/2 21 " V4 ( 15 Kg/Cm ) 0.4773 1.0121 1.7231 2.6060 3.6512 5.5204 7.7384 13.1807 19.9286 27.9358 33.954251.3235

1/21 " Crystal 0.5193 1.1011 1.8746 2.8351 3.9721 6.0057 8.4187 14.3394 21.6806 30.3917 36.939255.8355

1/21 " Regular 0.6625 1.4047 2.3915 3.6169 5.0675 7.6619 10.7403 18.2937 27.6593 38.7726 47.1258 71.2330

1/21 " Heavy 1.0578 2.2430 3.8186 5.7752 8.0914 12.2339 17.1494 29.2101 44.1643 61.9092 75.2469 113.7394

2" Medium 0.1435 0.3043 0.5181 0.7836 1.0979 1.6600 2.3270 3.9635 5.9927 8.4005 10.2102 15.4333

2" Regular 0.1849 0.3921 0.6675 1.0095 1.4144 2.1384 2.9977 5.1058 7.7198 10.8215 13.1529 19.8813

2" Heavy 0.2454 0.5203 0.8857 1.3396 1.8769 2.8377 3.9779 6.7754 10.2441 14.3602 17.4539 26.3824

2" Super Heavy 0.3143 0.6665 1.1347 1.7161 2.4044 3.6354 5.0960 8.6799 13.1237 18.3967 22.360033.7983

1/22 " Medium 0.0440 0.0934 0.1589 0.2404 0.3368 0.5092 0.7138 1.2157 1.8381 2.5767 3.1318 4.7338

1/22 " Regular 0.0537 0.1138 0.1938 0.2930 0.4106 0.6207 0.8702 1.4821 2.2409 3.1413 3.8180 5.7712

1/22 " Heavy 0.0768 0.1629 0.2773 0.4194 0.5876 0.8884 1.2453 2.1211 3.2071 4.4957 5.4642 8.2594

1/2 22 " Super Heavy ( 35 Kg/Cm ) 0.1061 0.2249 0.3832 0.5793 0.8120 1.2275 1.7205 2.9312 4.4313 6.2111 7.5494 11.4128

1/2 22 " Super Heavy ( 40 Kg/Cm ) 0.1363 0.2888 0.4920 0.7437 1.0425 1.5759 2.2089 3.7633 5.6892 7.9743 9.6925 14.6526

3" Medium 0.0202 0.0429 0.0731 0.1105 0.1548 0.2341 0.3281 0.5589 0.8450 1.1846 1.4398 2.1763

3" Regular 0.0252 0.0534 0.0909 0.1375 0.1927 0.2914 0.4084 0.6957 1.0518 1.4745 1.7921 2.7089

3" Heavy 0.0342 0.0724 0.1233 0.1865 0.2613 0.3951 0.5538 0.9433 1.4262 1.9993 2.4300 3.6731

3" Super Heavy 0.0480 0.1017 0.1733 0.2619 0.3672 0.5550 0.7780 1.3254 2.0037 2.8085 3.4137 5.1606

4" Medium 0.0057 0.0121 0.0207 0.0312 0.0438 0.0662 0.0927 0.1580 0.2389 0.3348 0.4070 0.6151

4" Regular 0.0069 0.0146 0.0248 0.0375 0.0526 0.0795 0.1115 0.1899 0.2871 0.4025 0.4892 0.7395

4" Heavy 0.0099 0.0211 0.0359 0.0543 0.0761 0.1150 0.1613 0.2747 0.4153 0.5822 0.7076 1.0696

4" Super Heavy 0.0141 0.0298 0.0507 0.0767 0.1075 0.1626 0.2278 0.3882 0.5868 0.8225 0.9997 1.5113

5" Medium 0.0020 0.0043 0.0073 0.0111 0.0155 0.0235 0.0329 0.0561 0.0848 0.1189 0.1445 0.2184

5" Regular 0.0025 0.0053 0.0091 0.0137 0.0192 0.0290 0.0407 0.0692 0.1047 0.1468 0.1784 0.2696


Approx. frictional head lost in steel pipe head lost in m. per 100 m discharge in lpm


Friction in long pipeline is to be calculated. Technical chart - 4 gives friction losses per 100 metre of pipeline for AshirvadColumn Pipes & Technical chart - 5 give frictional head loss for steel pipes. From table it can be seen that higher diameterpipes have lower frictional head loss. This helps to reduce load on pump and thus increase its life. Following examples willhelp you to calculate friction head for different length.

1. Head Loss & discharge comparison for 2” (60 mm OD) Ashirvad Standard Column pipes & GI pipe for installation at 450 ft (137 metres) depth.

Considering that water will not be lifted higher than the ground level

(i) Head Loss due to depth of pump = 137 meters = 450 ft both incase ofAshirvad Column pipes & steel pipes.

(ii)Head Loss due to friction in Ashirvad Column pipes as per technical chart - 4



Pipe Nominal Bore





Q 40 50 65 80 100



dia mm)

40 1.15 0.38 0.10 0.03 0.01

60 2.57 0.84 0.22 0.08 0.03

80 4.58 1.50 0.40 0.14 0.05

100 7.16 2.36 0.63 0.22 0.07

120 10.30 3.38 0.91 0.32 0.11

150 16.10 5.30 1.42 0.50 0.17

180 23.20 7.60 2.05 0.72 0.24

240 41.25 13.52 3.64 1.29 0.42

300 64.45 21.12 5.69 2.01 0.66

360 30.41 8.19 2.90 0.95

400 37.55 10.11 3.58 1.17

500 15.80 5.59 1.83


Taking working range of discharge as 18 m3 / hr for

18 m3 / Hr = 300 lpm

As per Technical chart 4 frictional head loss is = 7.71 meters / 100 meters of depth for 2" (60mm Ashirvad Standard Pipes

For 137 meters frictional Head loss 137 x 7.71 = 10.56 meters100

Total head load on pump with Ashirvad Column pipe = 137+10.56= 147.56 meters

(ii) Head loss due to friction in Steel pipes

As per Technical chart 5 = 21.12 mtrs / 100 mtrs

For 137 meters frictional = 137 x 21.12100

Head loss = 28.93 mtrs

Total head load on pump with Steel pipes = 137 + 28.93= 165.93 mtrs.

In the same working condition the head load on pump is different than in the case of Ashirvad column pipes and steelpipes.

As per pump chart 10% to 30% extra water discharge is available with Ashirvad Column pipe in comparison to steel pipesdepending upon depth and discharge of pump.

This means great power saving and less pumping time.

2) Even combination of Ashirvad Standard and Heavy pipes have lesser frictional Head than steel pipes.

It has been debated that Ashirvad heavy pipes have lesser Internal diameter because of more thickness and thereforewater discharge will be less in comparison with steel pipe.

Comparison of Technical chart 4 & 5 shows that Ashirvad Super Heavy Pipes also have lesser frictional loss compared tosteel pipes. Even 2” super heavy pipe has almost 33% lesser frictional loss than 2” steel pipe.




Selection of Pipes :The pipe to be selected from V4, Medium, Standard and Heavy class so that the pump delivery pressure does not exceedthe hydrostatic allowable pressure of the pipe. In the column for every 33ft or 10 meters above the pump there ispressure drop of 1 kg / cm2. Therefore in deep bore wells with high pressure pumps two classes of pipes of same sizemay be used to save on the cost. Heavy pipes may be attached directly to the pump and after some height and loss ofdelivery pressure, standard pipes may be used in the top. A typical calculation is given here below.For combination systems do not use V4 (15), Medium or Crystal Range of Pipes. Combination to be made withStandard / Heavy and Heavy / Super Heavy pipes only.

Pump delivery pressure 25kg/cm2Pipe size (Nominal Bore 50mm) (2”)Standard pipe allowable pressure = 20 kg / cm2 As per TechnicalHeavy pipe allowable pressure = 27 kg / cm2 Chart - I(more than 25 kg / cm2 pump pressure)

25 - 20 = 5 kg / cm2 Extra pressure over Standard pipes.5 x 10 = 50 mtrs(10m for 1 kg / cm2)

Therefore 50 mtrs of heavy pipe to be used with the pump & rest of the pipes on top to be Standard.

The pump delivery pressure will always remain 25 kg / cm2 at the pump discharge point irrespective of the depth ofinstallation. Even if the pump is installed at the lower depth still 50 mtrs of heavy pipes should be used for connection withpump first to withstand the high pressure.

Pump Delivery Pressure: This is the max. delivery head of the pump. In the pump performance chart the value of head atwhich delivery becomes nil (zero) is the max. head in metres. 10 metres of head is equivalent to 1 Kg/cm2. Sometimesthe delivery head per stage of pump is mentioned. In this case the factor to be multiplied with total stage to arrive at themax. pump delivery head.





V4 10 1", 1¼", 1½" 100mm Sub. PumpV4 15 1", 1¼", 1½" 100mm Sub. Pump

Medium 1",1¼", 1½" 100mm Sub. Pump2", 2½" & 3" 150mm Sub. Pump3", 4" 200mm Sub. Pump

Standard 1", 1¼", 1½" 100mm Sub. Pump1¼", 1½", 2", 2½" 150mm Sub. Pump3", 4" 200mm Sub. Pump

Heavy 1¼", 1½", 2, 2½" & 3" 150mm Sub. Pump& Super Heavy 3, 4




UptoUpto 200mm Sub. Pump


These pipes give the best service in bore wells which have full casing or bore wells which are free from loose bolders &stones. In such areas where loose bolders & stones are prevalent then full casing or sightly larger bore should be made sothat the pump does not get stuck.

Bore collapse problem occurs in some areas & it can also be tackled by giving full casing pipes. This happens in areas withloose soil & silt.

Care should also be taken during drilling of the bore wells that it is vertical straight down without any bend.

Note: Any Design & Specifications are subject to change without any prior notice.


ACCESSORIES - BOTTOM ADAPTORSAshirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd. also supplies APPL marked bottom and top adaptors for fitment with column pipes.Bottom adaptors are available in cast iron & stainless steel for connecting the bottom pipe with the submersible pump.


Without flange Sizes1"1¼"1½"2"2½"3"4"5"

With flangeSizes1"1¼"1½"2"2½"

Reducing typeSizes1¼ x 1"1½ x 1¼"1½ x 1"2 x 1½"2½ x 2"3 x 2½"4 x 3"5 x 4"


ACCESSORIES - TOP ADAPTORSTop adaptors are made both from welded steel pipe or from cast iron and are used to connect the column top pipe withbend fitting.

Without flange (Cast Iron)

With flange and single coupling length(Steel pipe or Cast Iron)

With flange and double coupling length(Steel pipe or Cast Iron)




During every removal of pump for maintenance, both top &bottom adaptors should be carefully checked for corrosion,rusting etc. and if found unsuitable to be replacedimmediately. 16



A special pump guard which can be used between the bottom pipe and bottom adaptors is recommended for areas withexcessive pump vibration due to sand pumping, sub standard pumps, other local conditions. Photographs of pump guard isshown here below.

SS Rod

MS Flange

Quarter Pin






Inner Jig

Lowering Fixture

Outer Jig


Special lowering fixture has been developed byAshirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd., for lowering or extracting thecolumn pipes from Borewell. The fixtures are from 1”to 5” size to be tightened on the coupler side.

Inner & outer jig for extraction of pump from bore well incase of bore collapse, pump jamming due to bolders, small piecesof stones etc.

The inner & outer jig have been specially designed by Ashirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd., to help the farmers / Customers / Mechanics to retrieve the pump out of the bore well in difficult conditions.










In places where the bore well yield is less, then after sometime the pump starts running dry which may heat up theconnected Ashirvad column pipe. A correct assessment of bore yield should be done and timer switch should be used so that pump shuts off and on automatically after a certain amount of preset time and again gets on automatically as per the setting of the timer. This will ensure that water is always in the bore well and pump does not run in dry condition.

During pump dry running the submersible pump gets heated up & may damage the first connected Ashirvad ColumnPipe Another way of handling pump dry running is to use 3 metres of steel pipe in the bottom connected to the pump sothat the heated pump is in contact with steel pipe which will dissipate the heat till the time it reaches the connectedcolumn pipe.

Also the dry running condition may be tackled by installing a hand-operated valve at the top of the bore well and keepingit partially open so as to limit the water flow that the pump does not get dry.

Whenever there is dry running & pump over heating problem then there is a chance of deformation of the first pipeconnected to the pump only. Incase, any other pipe other than the first pipe bulges / deforms then it is a clear case ofhigh pressure of pumps & wrong selection of pipes.

It is suggested out of experience to make a 3mm hole in the pump NRV for deep bore wells, 500 ft & above. Due to this,water hammering will not take place in the bottom pipe at the time of pump stoppage & pipes will remain safe.


1. What is uPVC?

2. What is the life span of uPVC pipes?

3. What are the benefits of uPVC pipes?

4. How does it affect on the quantity and quality of water?

5. Why only Ashirvad uPVC pipes?

6. Can uPVC pipe's strength be compared to a steel pipe?

7. Can the pipes take load of the pump?

8. Up to what depth can the pipes be lowered?

9. Does column pipes need full casing in the bore?

10. How to choose from the range of pipes offered?

11. There is variation in thickness of the pipes. Why?

12. Are the pipes breakable?

13. What happens if a bore collapse?

uPVC means unplasticised poly vinyl chloride. Unplasticised gives rigidity to the product. Ashirvad column pipes are madewith modified uPVC compound to give very high impact strength & tensile strength. Pipes made of modified compound doesnot get brittle over long term use.

Under proper usage conditions & proper storage away from sunlight the uPVC pipes in India have shown a life span of morethan 50 years.

(a) We save on cost of pipes, (b) We save on handling time, (c) We save on power & get more water upto 30%

(d) Working life of pipes is much more.

Yes, we get more water. Over a period of use, the steel pipes get corroded, rusted & the water quality deteriorates. InAshirvad pipes since there is no corrosion throughout the depth of column pipe the water quality remains good & freshforever.

Ashirvad group, the leading PVC pipe manufacturer in the country since 1975. The first to pioneer & develop the technologyto make threaded uPVC column pipes in the world. The company is credited by ISO 9001-2000, accredited by leadingquality registrar KPMG. It has innovated & developed several new products to suit the farmers & customers requirementsand these products are well accepted across the country. Ashirvad is well represented all over the country from North toSouth & East to West. They have a all India presence with a very well developed distributor, dealer & service network.

33The specific gravity of uPVC is 1.4 - 1.45 gm / cm where as that as steel has 8 gm / cm . Taking the strength of the materialinto consideration the pipes are optimally designed to make them light without any compromise in its strength requirements.

Ashirvad Column pipes are designed to hold several times the weight of entire column filled with water & pump assembly. Allthe type of pumps of different sizes have been considered and the Ashirvad Column pipes are made accordingly in the classof Medium, Standard & Heavy.

The pipes may be used after careful selection based on pump delivery head & maximum allowable pressure in the pipes.The depth of the bore well may differ from place to place depending upon the water level in the bore well. Ashirvad offers arange of pipes to suit the customer's requirement of various depths & they have been successfully used for 2” Super Heavyup till 1100 ft. Proper selection of Ashirvad pipes can be made for various depth application after careful study of technicalbooklet.

These pipes give the best service in bore wells which have full casing or bore wells which are free from loose bolders &stones. In such areas where loose bolders & stones are prevalent then full casing or slightly larger bore should be made sothat the pump does not get stuck.

Bore collapse problem occurs in some areas & it can also be tackled by giving full casing pipes. This happens in areas withloose soil & silt.

Care should also be taken during drilling of the bore well that it is vertical down without any bend.

Right selection of pipes can be made after consulting technical leaflets.

The pipe thickness of the barrel has been designed by taking the pump weight, water column weight and pump deliverypressure into consideration. The end of the pipes are made thicker so that even after making the threads and removal ofmaterial the same barrel thickness remains under the threads so that the strength of pipe can be maintained equal in end &barrel.

The pipes do not break under normal handling conditions.

The pump & the pipes can be pulled out only in cases where the pump can be pulled out by applying a force within theultimate breaking strength of the pipe as mentioned in the chart. Normally the strength is adequate. In case of severe borecollapse & bolder problems even steel pipes cannot be retrievable from the bore.



14. What about after sales service?

15. Is tripod required for lowering?

16. How to tighten the pipes?

17. Any adhesives required during joining of pipes?

18. Do we need extra rope to hold the pipes?

19. Can we cut the pipes?

20. Can we re-thread the pipes?

21. Can metal pipe join with uPVC pipe?

22. Can we use any other metal adapters?

23. Why to use pump guard?

24. How to select a top adaptor?

25. Why only Ashirvad column pipes?

26. What makes Ashirvad "Always First. Always Best"?

District level dealers are fully equipped & have trained mechanics for correct installation of pipes. These mechanics are

always available for all types of service support.

Yes, tripod is required specifically for use of column pipes in the installation of V6 & V8 pump sets, considering the heavy

load requirements. However it is important to note that handling of uPVC pipes is much simpler in comparison to steel pipes.

The pipe is tightened on the principle of screw system. Tighten the pipe with hand & rope (holding the coupler) so that the

rubber seal fully enters in to the coupling pipe. Total description of fitment is provided in company installation booklet.

No solvent or adhesive required.

No rope is required. Pipe has adequate strength.

No, pipes cannot be cut for short length requirement. Special request has to be made to the company. The company does

however stock shorter length of 1.5 M of few standard running sizes, which can be made available on demand.

Under normal use, re-threading of pipe will not be required. Special threads cannot be made at site.

Metal pipe can be connected with the uPVC only with use of APPL marked adaptors.

The quality of APPL marked adaptors are carefully checked in the lab for (a) Value of hardness, (b) Quality of casting, (c)

Blow holes and other casting defects, (d) Sufficient thickness & (e) Properly designed threads.

Any accessory to be used with Ashirvad column pipes should be supplied by Ashirvad with APP L mark.

Areas with excessive sand pumping or defective unbalanced pump results in excessive vibration in the bottom which may

lead to pipe breakage near the adaptor. Pump guard has been designed to be used in these type of areas & problems so

that even after breakage of column pipes the pumps can be easily retrievable.

Top adaptors with flange are generally used in deep bore wells so that the flange on top may be used as a support to hold

the column. With even higher depths & bigger pump assembly, top adaptor flange type with double coupling length may be

used so that two pipe clamps may be used on top to support the column load. For low depth bore well top adaptor without

flange may also be used.

Only Ashirvad has the correct knowledge & understands the requirements for the development of uPVC column pipes. This

product has been designed & developed after considerable R&D and more than 28 years of expertise by the APPL team. All

other manufacturer who are trying to copy the product do not understand the basics and the technicality of the design which

may lead to severe failure & problems for the customer in the long run. Since, this is an engineered product other uPVC pipe

manufacturer may not have the capability for meeting the desired design specification required in Column Pipes.

Ashirvad has more than 28 years of expertise in the field of PVC pipe processing. The team of Ashirvad comprises of fully

dedicated Engineering department to cater to the engineering needs of the product. This product has been conceived,

designed, developed & marketed for the first time by APPL in the world. Ashirvad understands the customer requirements

and converts them into products, which have proven track record & mass acceptance all over the country.



In this unique wirelock system developed by Ashirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd., the coupler(1½" & above) is fitted to the pipe and locked with special aluminium wire, thuseliminating the chances of coupler loosening & column slipping during dismantlingprocess & also excessive tightening of coupler with pipe.



This technique has been developed for the first time in India by AshirvadPipes Pvt. Ltd., where in during the process the PVC molecular chain getlinearly & diametrically oriented. This results in higher impact strength.

for super strength


Due to coupling installation of pipes becomes very easy.

Only Ashirvad has easy installation system.

The 'O' ring, sealant and gripping system provides leak proof fitting and also absorbs thevibrations of the pump. Resulting in extended life of motor and pump bearings.

Only Ashirvad has unique gripping system.

WIRELOCKSystem for extra pump safety

(Patent Pending)Design registered

Innovators in PVC pipe industry since 1975, Ashirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd. is the pioneer in bringing theuPVC column pipes a miracle for the farmers of today.



Material - Stainless Steel
