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Coursework Evaluation

Timur Ekhov

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Throughout the project I have come across lots of new software and technology which I haven’t previously used. I have also expanded my knowledge on other programmes I have used before such as internet explorer. I have learnt about lots of new editing skills using the programmes such as Photoshop using tools such as the magic wand tool and bevel emboss. Learning how to edit images has proved very useful in this project and it will also help me in the future. Photoshop is a very complicated program; however it is extremely good and useful.

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As well as learning to edit images, using new programmes has given me knowledge on how to construct a magazine. By constructing a magazine I mean using Microsoft Publisher, which is a very simple and very easy to use software. Mostly, it was easy to use Microsoft Publisher as it has the same layout as the Word and other famous Microsoft softwares, so it was easy to find tools I was looking for.

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Another very important webpage I have learnt how to use is the blogger. Blogger is a very good webpage which helps you easily express yourself and at the same time help people who are interested in your expressions to follow you. Blogger is an easy webpage to work with and it requires only a few moments to learn how to use it. Looking at existing products helped with this and I feel confident that in the future I would be able to create another magazine from the knowledge I have gained.

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Looking back on my progress from my preliminary product, I feel that my preliminary product has helped me in many ways when creating my final product. One major factor that my preliminary product helped me with was planning my time, for example when organising when to take my images to allow enough time to edit them.

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However I had difficulty with some of the images I had taken as they were hard to edit due to the background I used. I think if I had taken into account the background of the images I was taking I would have been able to create more unique shots throughout my final product.

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Although my preliminary product helped with the planning of my time I have also had to learn new things which weren’t covered in the preliminary products. For example as the magazine was a school magazine I was only able to use 3 main colours to create a conventional magazine whereas my music magazine I was able to be a lot more creative and pacifically target my audience. Overall I think I have improved significantly since my preliminary product and have created a much more professional and creative product with the knowledge and experience gained.