
As at 9 December 2009

260 surveys completed

Not every respondent answered every question

Responses linked to interest in issue, age of children, current situation

Comprise both online and paper surveys

Survey monkey tool

260 completed a survey

188 are parents of children aged 0 – 20 years

Representing 404 children 317 children 0 – 12 years 87 children 12 – 20 years

72 are community members interestedin the issue

189 of 196 people who answered Q5 said they would use a high school in Agnes

Representing 385 children

7 of 196 said they would not use a high school in Agnes

Representing 16 children

(multiple answers) 64 - unsure 117 - hoping for a high school at Agnes 23 - Rosedale high 9 - drive to Miriam Vale 13 - Bundaberg each day 4 - Bundaberg for the week 20 - boarding school 10 - home school 68 - will leave town 2 - another option

68 survey respondents said they and their family will leave town and relocate to a community that has a school.

Representing 151 children

40% of people will leave town Implications? An issue of significance

“No families, no business, no town?”

36 send children to Rosedale1 drives to Miriam Vale9 send children to Bundaberg each

day 6 send children to boarding school4 home school1 has relocated already2 come up with another option

36 respondents who send their children to Rosedale high completed the survey

35 of these say if Agnes Water had a middle school they would use it (representing 51 high school children and 39 0-12 year olds)(25% of Rosedale high population) (51/204)

30 of these think it is important for Agnes to have a high school

1 thinks it is not important

3.6% 7 people 16 children


96.4 % 189 people 385 children


1 % 2 people


99% 201 people


“We have resided here for 18 years and are now faced with dilemma of what we should do for our child’s schooling… 2 hours on a bus over a winding road (in some places not very wide) in an area with kangaroos and delivery trucks is a major concern… After building our life here and supporting the community after all these years it would distress the whole family to have to leave due to an absence in schooling”

“difficult to participate when we know we will relocate to educate our kids”

“Nearest school 140km round trip, 28 000 km a year on dangerous country road”

“my children are tired & cranky each day”“tried Rosedale & St Lukes, travel was too taxing” “boarding school had an impact on our family life”“child was trapped at school during floods” “I’m desperate for a highschool.. I own 2 businesses in

town..We will sell our businesses..”“We do not have enough time with our children”

“I have a child with special needs, travel is not an option, so I have to leave town”

“my children get sick on the bus, they are tired”

“I’ve lived here for 10 years, sent both children to boarding school after trying Rosedale, am still paying off fees, am investigating relocating to an area with better schooling choices”

“build the school in Agnes and we will stay”

View the full stories and view points here.
