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Toward an Effective Theory of Neurodynamics: Topological SupersymmetryBreaking, Network Coarse-Graining, and Instanton Interaction

Igor V. Ovchinnikov1, ∗ and Skirmantas Janusonis2, †

1R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific, South San Francisco2Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara

Experimental research has shown that the brain’s fast electrochemical dynamics, or neurody-namics (ND), is strongly stochastic, chaotic, and instanton (neuroavalanche)-dominated. It is alsopartly scale-invariant which has been loosely associated with critical phenomena. It has been recentlydemonstrated that the supersymmetric theory of stochastics (STS) offers a theoretical frameworkthat can explain all of the above ND features. In the STS, all stochastic models possess a topologicalsupersymmetry (TS), and the ”criticality” of ND and similar stochastic processes is associated withnoise-induced, spontaneous breakdown of this TS (due to instanton condensation near the borderwith ordinary chaos in which TS is broken by non-integrability). Here, we propose a new approachthat may be useful for the construction of low-energy effective theories of ND. Its centerpiece is acoarse-graining procedure of neural networks based on simplicial complexes and the concept of the”enveloping lattice.” It represents a neural network as a continuous, high-dimensional base spacewhose rich topology reflects that of the original network. The reduced one-instanton state space isdetermined by the de Rham cohomology classes of this base space, and the effective ND dynamicscan be recognized as interactions of the instantons in the spirit of the Segal-Atiyah formalism.


Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) have universalapplicability in science and serve as mathematical mod-els for objects ranging in size from molecules to large-scale structures of the Universe. SDEs can also provideunique insights into the brain, one of the most complexand important known objects. In this paper, we focus onneurodynamics (ND), the basis of brain function. For thepurpose of this presentation, we define ND as the neuro-physiological processes associated with light-ion currents,such as spiking dynamics in neural networks.

One important aspect of ND is that it belongs to theclass of systems that exhibit the so-called self-organizedcriticality (SOC) [1–8]. SOC is a phenomenological con-cept that seeks to explain why a wide range of stochas-tic dynamical systems produce instantonic processes thatobey power-law statistics, e.g., earthquakes and neu-roavalanches [9–11]. Recently, the Parisi and Sourlasapproach to Langevin SDEs [12–14] has been general-ized to SDEs of arbitrary form [15], which has allowed torecognize that the theoretical mechanism behind SOC isthe spontaneous breakdown of topological supersymme-try (TS) caused by condensation of instantonic processes.

TS is present in all SDEs. To be exact, TS is a propertynot of the SDE itself but rather of its stochastic evolutionoperator (SEO). The SEO of any SDE is of a very specialform unique to the cohomological or Witten-type topo-logical field theories (TFTs) [16–22]. Namely, the SEO

is d-exact, i.e., it equals [d, ...], where d is the exteriorderivative and/or the de Rham operator that can be alsorecognized as the TS operator.[23] This SEO property

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guarantees that all eigenstates are either supersymmet-ric singlets or non-supersymmetric doublets related to

each other by d. Furthermore, if the ground state of themodel is a non-supersymmetric doublet, the TS is said tobe broken spontaneously. This situation is a stochasticgeneralization of deterministic chaos [15, 24, 25].

In SDEs, TS preserves the topology or the ”proximityof points” in the phase space, i.e., two close initial points(or conditions) produce ”close” trajectories. In determin-istic systems, TS breaking allows a simple interpretation,in which close trajectories may diverge dramatically intime (this divergence can be quantified with the Lya-punov exponent). Such systems exhibit the ”butterflyeffect” (i.e., a minor change in the initial conditions mayproduce major differences in the outcome) and are said tobe chaotic. However, this interpretation becomes unten-able in stochastic systems. Specifically, the trajectory-based picture of chaos breaks down because in stochasticmodels all trajectories are possible, just like in quantumtheory. The proposed conceptual approach to sponta-neous TS breaking and the associated Goldstone theo-rem can therefore generalize deterministic chaos. Oneimportant observation in this interpretation is that, incontrast to the common understanding, dynamical chaosis actually a low-symmetry state (in the field-theoreticterminology it could be recognized as ”ordered”).

In deterministic models, TS-breaking is equivalent tothe concept of non-integrability (in the dynamical-systemsense), which is another hallmark of the classical de-terministic chaos. However, a different type of chaosmay emerge in the presence of noise. In this chaos,TS can be broken by the condensation of antiinstanton-instanton configurations. This type of chaotic dynamicsnaturally incorporates all four key features of SOC: (i)the dynamics is dominated by instantons (such as neu-roavalanches in ND); (ii) the self-similarity or power-lawstatistics of instantons can be attributed to the Gold-









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stone theorem[26]; (iii) the position of SOC near theborder of ”ordinary chaos” (the C-phase, see Figure 1)is due to noise, so that the noise-induced TS-breakingoccurs before one reaches the non-integrability region as-sociated with the C-phase; (iv) in phase diagrams, theSOC regime has a finite width and therefore cannot beexplained by the theory of critical phenomena (i.e., it isnot a transition between phases but instead is a phase onits own). This makes SOC an inaccurate descriptor fromthe theoretical point of view; from now on, we will referto this phase as the N -phase, where the ”N” stands for”noise-induced”.

As shown in Figure 1, the N -phase is indeed unique.In particular, it is both ”chaotic,” because of the spon-taneous breakdown of TS, and ”integrable,” because thedeterministic part of its law of temporal evolution hasnot yet lost its integrablity (which would happen in theC-phase). Based on this uniqueness, it has been pro-posed that the N -phase dynamics is a natural optimizer[27]. This suggests that the N -phase may be importantfor ND. It has been proposed, based on clinical data andcomputer simulations [28, 29], that the three major low-noise phases (T -, N -, and C-phases; Fig. 1) correspond,respectively, to the coma-like, conscious-like, and seizure-like regimes of ND.

Generally, under the conditions of broken TS, unim-portant fluctuations can be separated from the essen-tial part of the dynamics. The latter can then be de-scribed by the so-called low-energy effective (field) the-ory (LEET). In the context of ND, an STS-based LEETwould yield insights into the fundamental principles ofbrain function. Since the dynamics in the N -phase isinstanton/antiinstanton-dominated, it is clear that onemust focus on these objects to capture the essential prop-erties of the system.[30]

Instantons have been reasonably well studied, particu-larly in the context of TS and its breaking in high-energy-physics models. The neuroscience community can har-ness this knowledge in the construction of the ND-LEET.This paper seeks to facilitate this convergence. We areparticularly interested in the base space of coarse-grainedmodels of ND (i.e., models that approximate the brainmatter as a continuous medium). This base space canbe assumed to be the conventional 3D-space but sucha space may lose all information about the topology ofthe network. We take an alternative approach, in whichthe coarse-grained version of the base space of a neu-ral network can be very high-dimensional and allow richtopologies.

The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II,we discuss a coarse-graining procedure that deals withthe topology of the neural network. We show that thede Rham cohomology classes of the base space can definethe reduced one-instanton state-space of the ND-LEET,and that the overall dynamics can be understood as in-staton interaction in the spirit of the Segal-Atiyah for-malism. We conclude in Sec.III. In addition, AppendixSec.A presents a brief introduction to the key ingredi-

Unbroken susy, equilibrium, symmetric phase

Broken susy, chaos, ordered phase

Integrable flow Nonintegrable flow

Deterministic chaos

Langevin(gradient-flow) SDEs




FIG. 1. The general classification of stochastic models ac-cording to the supersymmetric theory of stochastics (STS).The thick black curve separates the models with unbroken(symmetric phase, thermal equilibrium) and spontaneouslybroken (ordered phase, chaotic dynamics) topological super-symmetry (TS). The vertical straight line separates the mod-els with the integrable and non-integrable deterministic partof their law of temporal evolution. Accordingly, there arethree phases in the weak noise limit: the phase of ordinarychaos (C-phase) where TS is broken by non-integrability; thephase of noise-induced chaos (N -phase) where TS is broken bythe condensation of instantons and noise-induced antiinstan-tons; and the phase of thermal equilibrium (T -phase) withunbroken TS. In the deterministic limit, the N -phase disap-pears. A healthy brain may reside in the N -phase which iscovered by the STS but is beyond the scope of traditionalapproaches that focus exclusively on deterministic chaos (redhorizontal line). The Langevin SDEs with gradient flows (bluevertical line) are studied almost exclusively in the context ofthe relation of stochastic dynamics to supersymmetry, butin these models TS is never broken sponetaneously. Whilethe Martin-Siggia-Rose approach to SDEs is applicable to theentire phase diagram, it does not differentiate among the dif-ferent phases.

ents of the STS and discusses why it is advantageousover other potential approaches to stochastic dynamics.


In this section, we discuss the potential application ofthe STS to ND by using a simple model. An in-depthdiscussion of the STS can be found in Ref.[15]; for conve-nience, Appendix A briefly reviews the key ingredients ofthe STS and introduces the notation used in this section.

A. Neurodynamics vs. Neuromorphics

Let us begin the discussion by first clarifying whichpart of brain dynamics we are focusing on. For sim-plification, we assume that the relatively slow dynamics(neuromorphics, NM), associated with long-term mem-ory and plasticity processes (including protein synthesisand transport), can be treated separately from the rela-

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tively fast dynamics (ND) of membrane electrochemicalpotentials, associated with small-ion flows (Na, K, Cl,Ca). The latter include such well-established neurody-namical phenomena as neuron firing, bursting, and neu-roavalanches, which underlie perception and short-termmemory.

This separation has a direct analogue in Artificial In-telligence where the training of neural networks can bethought of as NM and the consequent recognition (e.g., ofnew images) can be thought of as ND. Furthermore, thenotable scale separation between ND and NM[31] makesit reasonable to use an ”adiabatic” approximation, whereND can be studied at a fixed NM configuration.[32] Whilenot perfect, this separation of time-scales allows a divide-and-conquer strategy.

B. The reduced state space for N-phase dynamics

If TS is spontaneously broken in a system, the mean-ingful part of its dynamics (i.e., the one that does notinclude unstructured fluctuations) occupies a reducedstate/phase space. Take magnetism for instance. There,the reduced state space of a system that contains a hugenumber of electrons is the space of all configurations ofonly one field, the magnetization (order parameter). Inthis context, the corresponding LEET is known as mi-cromagnetodynamics, described by the Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert equation. A similar approach may be possiblein ND. Again, the first step on the way to a ND-LEETrequires the identification of a reduced state space.

To set the stage, let us recall that ND of the healthybrain is likely to reside in the N -phase. The establishedcharacteristics of ND are well reflected in the theoreti-cal properties of this phase. Specifically, for an exter-nal observer the dynamics looks like a sequence of in-stantons (neuroavalanches), and some features of theseinstantons obey power-laws (see, e.g., Refs.[33–35] andRefs. therein).

From a more technical point of view, instantons arecondensed (into the ground state) and cause spontaneousbreakdown of the TS in the N -phase. Instantons, in turn,represent transitions between different perturbative, orlocal, supersymmetric ground states associated with localunstable manifolds of the flow F (see the Appendix fora brief discussion of local unstable manifolds).[36] [37]They are also called vacua in high-energy physics, andwe adopt this nomenclature here.

In the approximation that neglects inter-vacua transi-tions (i.e., instantons/antiinstantons), all vacua are su-persymmetric and have zero-eigenvalues. These vacuaalso have ”towers of states” above them that representfluctuations. Therefore, if only the vacua are considered,these fluctuations are essentially disregarded. If the goalis an effective description of the instanton/antiinstantondynamics, this approach is reasonable and the vacua canbe viewed as a reduced state space of the ND-LEET.

When the instantons/antiinstantons are taken into ac-

count, the reduced SEO (in the basis of the vacua) ac-quires non-zero off-diagonal matrix elements (instantonicmatrix elements). The reduced SEO is related to thescattering matrix discussed in Sec.II G. In the N -phase,the diagonalization of the reduced SEO provides a globalground state which is a superposition of multiple vacuaand is non-supersymmetric (i.e., its TS will be sponta-neously broken by the instantons).

C. A prototypical firing event in zero-dimensions

Let us introduce instantons using a simple model(Fig.2a,b) that can be thought of as a simplified descrip-tion of an isolated neuron [28]. The model has only onedynamical variable, ϕ ∈ S1, whose evolution in time isdescribed by

dt(t) = F(t|ϕ(t)) = α− ∂U0D,sG



+ (2Θ)1/2η(t),(1a)

where U is the zero-dimensional sine-Gordon potential

U0D,sG(ϕ) = − cos(ϕ+ ϕ0), (1b)

so that


∂ϕ(ϕ) = sin(ϕ+ ϕ0). (1c)

The variable ϕ can be thought to represent the mem-brane potential, with the parameter α as its thresholdparameter. The constant ϕ0 is introduced for conve-nience and set at ϕ0 = sin−1 α, so that at ϕ = 0 theneuron is at its resting state. This point is a stablecritical point (or an attractor) of the deterministic flow.In addition, the flow has an unstable critical point atϕ1 = π − 2ϕ0. The unstable critical point is the tipof the barrier that the neuron has to overcome to fire.The values of α that are relevant to ND are those where1 − α = δ 1, ϕ0 = π/2 − ε, ε 1. For such values,the saddle is close to the attractor (ϕ1 − ϕ0 = 2ε 1).(We note that when α > 1, the model loses both of itsfixed points. In higher-dimensional versions of the model,α = 1 corresponds to the loss of integrability and the on-set of chaotic/turbulent dynamics even in the determin-istic case.)

The above model represents as a class of modelsthat link Langevin/potential dynamics with the sine-Gordon potential in the limit α→ 0 and with Kuramotooscillators[38] in the limit α→∞.

If noise is weak, the dynamics looks as follows. Mostof the time, ϕ fluctuates around its attractor. Once in awhile, noise pushes the system over the barrier; ϕ thenundergoes a full-circle rotation around its phase space(S1) and comes back to the attractor from the other side.This firing event is a predecessor of neuroavalanches. Thefull circle trajectory along S1 has two parts: the excita-tion from the resting state to the saddle and the returnfrom the saddle to the resting state along the long armof S1.

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These two parts are antiinstanton and instanton pro-cesses, respectively.[39] The antiinstanton is the noise-driven dynamics against the flow vector field (the corre-sponding matrix element has exponentially weak Gibbs-like factors that vanish in the deteministic limit). Theinstanton, on the other hand, is the motion along theflow vector field that needs no assistance from noise.

As discussed in the previous section, the two criticalpoints host two vacua which are the Poincare duals ofthe unstable manifolds of the two critical points. Theyare respectively the delta-functional distribution,

|0〉 = δ(ϕ− ϕ0)χ, (2)

where δ is the Dirac delta-function, and the constantfunction, C = 1, over the entire phase space,

|1〉 = C. (3)

The extended character of the second vacuum reflectsthe presence of a modulus in the class of solutions thatlead from the saddle to the resting state. In this case,the modulus is the time of occurrence of the instanton.In higher-dimensional versions of the model, instantonmoduli are higher dimensional and they also include theposition in the base space where the firing event was ini-tiated.

D. Neuroavalanches as instantons

Before we proceed, it is important to briefly reviewwhy a neuroavalanche can be recognized as an instanton-associated process. First, it must be pointed out that in amore general setting relevant to Morse-Smale dynamicalsystems, instantons can be defined as families of deter-ministic solutions of a static flow that connect criticalpoints of different stability in the spirit of Morse the-ory. In this very general concept, any classical trajectorywith this distinct feature can be recognized to an extentas an instanton. However, neuroavalanches can be linkedto a narrower understanding of instantons, as processesthat destruct solitons in the setting of nonlinear sigma(or spatially extended) models.

Let us recall that a neuroavalanche is a chain-reactionof neuron firing where one firing neuron causes firing inneurons that are connected to it, with further propaga-tion. If neurons were theoretically located on, say, a cu-bic lattice with only nearest neighbors connected, a neu-roavalanche would look like a growing “bubble” wherethe surface of the moving “domain wall” would separatethe pre- and post-firing neurons.

Neural networks are of course not cubic lattices and theactual propagation of neuroavalanches is much more com-plex. If, however, we could “straighten out” the networkby embedding it into a higher-dimensional “enveloping”lattice with only nearest neighbor-coupling (see Sec.2.6below for details), the neuroavalanche would look like amoving domain wall in this lattice.

Once neuroavalanche is recognized as a moving do-main wall (a soliton), it only remains to notice that inextended dissipative systems (such as nonlinear sigmamodels) processes of destruction of solitons are called in-stantons. This destruction happens by the annihilationof the soliton with an anti-soliton, as in the case discussedbelow in Sec. II E. Alternatively, in finite extended sys-tems (such as neural networks) a soliton can disappear byreaching the spatial boundary of the system. Either way,solitons move to a position where they get destructed,and this motion is a part of the instantonic process.

We conclude that a neuroavalanche can be identified asan instantonic process of the propagation and destructionof the neuronal soliton that separates pre- and post-firingneurons in the higher-dimensional “enveloping” space.The process of the creation of the neuronal soliton canbe called a neuronal antiinstanton, so that the entire pro-cess becomes the creation, propagation, and destructionof a single isolated neural soliton can be treated as anantiinstanton/instanton pair. We discuss these processesfurther below.

E. An overdamped sine-Gordon model in onedimension

The one-neuron model in one of the previous subsec-tions II C has a finite-dimensional phase space and a triv-ial (zero-dimensional) base space (see Fig.2c). The sim-plest generalization of this model is a 1D-chain of neuron-like elements which are coupled to their nearest neigh-bors. This model can be coarse-grained into a spatiallyextended model with a continuous 1D-base space such asa circle. Accordingly, the 1D-generalization of Eq. (A1)has the form


∂t(rt) = F(rt|ϕ(t))

= α− δU1D,sG



+ (2Θ)1/2η(rt), (4a)

where r is the spatial coordinate of the base space andthe one-dimensional sine-Gordon potential is

U1D,sG(ϕ) =

∫dr((∂rϕ(r))2/2− cos(ϕ(r) + ϕ0)


so that


δϕ(r)= −∂2

rϕ(r) + sin(ϕ(r) + ϕ0). (4c)

As in the previous section, the parameter ϕ0 = sin−1 αis introduced for convenience so that at ϕ(rt) = 0 allneurons are at their (stable) rest state.

Equation (4) can be viewed as a non-potential (α >0) extension of the overdamped sine-Gordon equation[40, 41] or the Frenkel-Kontorova equation [42]. Suchmodels are used, for instance, for 1D-chains of Josephsonjunctions [41, 43] where they describe the temporal evo-lution of voltages. As mentioned in the previous section,

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a) b)V(t)=sin(ᵩ(t))
























FIG. 2. (a) The phase space of the single-neuron model described in Eq.(1) is S1. The flow has a stable fixed point (attractor)at ϕ = 0 (small filled circle) and an unstable fixed point close to it (small empty circle). The firing event consists of anantiinstanton (I) and an instanton (I). The antiinstanton is produced by noise and moves the system against the flow vectorfield (F) from the attractor to the unstable fixed point (and thus over the threshold (thr)). The instanton returns the systemback to the attractor along the flow. (b) The I-I pair in terms of the ”membrane voltage” (V = sin(ϕ)). Again, the firingevent consists of the I excitation above the threshold (dashed line at Vthr) and the subsequent I that returns the neuron to itsresting potential. (c) In the 1D-extension of the model described by Eq.(4), the base space (without time) is a large spatialcircle. In this case, the antiinstanton is the noise-induced creation of a kink-antikink pair (solitons at which the field jumpsby ±2π). Once created, the kink and antikink propagate in the opposite directions. When kinks and antikinks from differentantiinstantons meet, they annihilate each other in an instantonic process. The black lines denote the positions of kinks andanti-kinks as functions of time. (d) A simple example of the coarse-graining procedure of a 2D-neural network, as discussedin the text. The graph is first embedded into a sufficiently high-dimensional (square) lattice in such a way that only nearestneighbors are connected by synapses. The base space (shaded area) is the interior of the co-dimension 1 surface tightly wrappedaround the simplicial complex (collection of triangles) constructed from the graph. For realistic neural networks, the base spacewould be ultra-high dimensional and have a very rich topology. (e) Instanton interaction can be approximately understoodusing the Atiyah-Segal formulation of topological/conformal field theory, i.e., as a functor from the category of cobordismsto the category of linear spaces. The borders of the surface that represent the scattering matrix are the model’s base space(without time). The linear spaces associated with each border are one-instanton vacua tagged by the de Rham cohomologyclasses of the base space. There are in- (right hatched circles) and out- (left hatched circles) one-instanton states.

the non-potential part α relates Eq. (4) to Kuramotooscillators which are used in the context of ND [44].[45]

The elementary firing event, or the antiinstan-ton/instanton pair, is the creation and consequent an-nihilation of a pair of solitons called kink and antikink(for review of solitions see, e.g., Refs.[40, 46, 47] and Refs.therein). These solitons are the spatially localized rota-tion of ϕ by ±2π. In the antiinstanton part of the firingevent, the kink-antikink pair is created by noise out ofthe stable vacuum. The kink and antikink start movingaway from each other at a constant speed (related to theconstant α). When the solitons meet on the oppositeside of the spatial circle, they annihilate each other inthe instanton part of the firing event.

It is important to point out that the analogue of theunstable critical point in the previous section is a saddlepoint in the configuration where the kink and antikink

are balanced (position-wise) in the sense that the drivingforce pushing them in the opposite directions is compen-sated for by the attraction force between them. We notethat this balance condition only fixes the relative posi-tions of the solitons and that there are actually an infinitenumber of such configurations (the mutual positions ofbalanced solitons is arbitrary). This spatial position ofthe kink-antikink pair is yet another instanton moduluswhich represents the point at which the kink-antikinkpair was created.

With regard to the flow vector field, what was a sad-dle critical point in the 0D-model in the previous sectionnow becomes a saddle critical manifold (circle), which isjust the base space of the model. This brings the discus-sion into the domain of Morse-Bott theory [48]. The lat-ter says that the vacua associated with critical manifoldsbelong to the de Rham cohomology of these manifolds.

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Instead of a single vacuum in Eq. (3), now there are twovacua from the zeroth and first cohomology of the basespace:

|k〉 = C(σ) ∧ θk(R) ∧ f(4ϕ⊥), θk ∈ Hk, k = 0, 1. (5)

Here, the function C is the direct analogue of the samefunction in Eq.(3), σ is the time-like modulus, θ is theMorse-Bott factor from the two cohomology classes of thebase space, R is the coordinate or spatial modulus, and fis yet another factor which is the very narrow distributionin all of the other transverse modes that can be definedas

ϕ(tr) ≈ ϕI(rt|σR) +4ϕ⊥(rt|σR), (6)

where ϕI(rt|σ,R) is the ”classical” one-instanton config-uration and 4ϕ⊥ is the transverse fluctuations aroundthe instanton/unstable manifold,∫

drdt4ϕ⊥(rt) · ∂ϕI(rt|σR)

∂z= 0, z = σ,R. (7)

F. The coarse-grained base space of ND

The above model can be straightforwardly generalizedto models with more complicated base spaces. Therefore,we are now ready to discuss the base space that can beused for the LEET of ND.

Naturally, neural networks can be viewed as embed-ded in the conventional physical 3D-space. However,they also can be viewed as extremely large and com-plex graphs[49][50]. This property may allow coarse-graining. In particular, the dynamically important dis-tance between two neurons in the network can be as-sumed to be the least number of links that connect them,instead of their separation in the 3D-anatomical space (ifthe dynamics of the propagation of electrochemical sig-nals in cellular compartments of individual neurons isneglected[51]).

The coarse-graining procedure we propose reflects boththe topology and geometry of the network (Fig. 2d). Inorder to find an acceptable coarse-graining procedure,let us recall that in solid state physics a crystal lattice atlarger scales is coarse-grained into a continuous 3D-spacebecause at shorter distances the lattice looks the same atevery point and only nearest neighbors are linked throughthe hopping matrix elements. This hints at the first stepof the required coarse-graining which may embed the net-work into a sufficiently high-dimensional lattice. Let uscall it the enveloping lattice. The dimensionality of thislattice, DL, must be high enough to make sure that thesynapses connect only the nearest neighbors on the lat-tice. It is clear that the number of nearest neighbors onthe lattice (2DL for a square lattice) must be larger thanthe largest number of synaptic connections produced bya single neuron. Therefore, the practical values of DL

are on the order of tens of thousands.

The enveloping lattice can correctly treat the geometryof the network (the interneuronal distances in the graph).In order to correctly reflect the topology of the network,we can think of the network as a simplicial complex (fora review, see, e.g., Ref.[52]). This basic topological con-cept is useful for many purposes. In our case, it helpsto correctly fill the ”interior” of the graph. The rule forincluding a simplex into the graph is the following: ifN neighboring neurons are all connected to one another(i.e., form a clique), they can be considered an N -simplexand included, with all of the simplex’s lower-dimensionaledges, into the simplicial complex.

Finally, the base space can now be thought of as avolume enclosed by a DL − 1 surface, tightly wrappedaround the simplicial complex. This procedure leads toa very high dimensional, ”spongy” base space that hasa very rich topology (which represents the original net-work). For the simple case of DL = 3, this procedure isschematically shown in Figure 2d.

G. Instanton interaction and the Atiyah-Segalformulation

In section II E, we discussed one-instanton vacua.These states can be said to define the internal states ofisolated instantons or, using the field-theoretic nomen-clature, their scattering states that do not interact in theinfinite future/past. Just like in Eq.(5), let us denotethese states as

|k〉. (8)

This time, however, k runs over the de Rham cohomolgyclasses of the coarse-grained base space that representsthe neural network (as discussed in Sec.II F). We notethat the number of the indices is very large (1 ≤ k ≤N,N 1).

It follows from the discussion in Sec.II E that the num-ber of Paddeev-Popov ghosts of a one-instanton state is

f(k) = d(k) + 1, (9)

where d(k) is the degree of the cohomology class, k, andthe unity on the right side of the equation comes from thefundamental instanton modulus that can be associatedwith the time of the occurrence of the instanton.

These states are the building blocks for the overall dy-namics in the N -phase that can be described as inter-acting instantons. Many-instanton interactions, in turn,can be defined by the following scattering matrix:

M(|l1...ln) = 〈|M+∞,−∞|l1...ln〉, (10)

where M is the stochastic evolution operator defined inEq.(A4) and

|l1...ln〉 = |l1〉 ⊗ ...⊗ |ln〉, (11)

where we use the bra-ket notation for the n one-instantonvacua.

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The number of fermions must be conserved in scat-tering processes. This leads to the conclusion that thescattering amplitudes are described by

M(|l1...ln) ∼ m(|l1...ln))×× δ∑m

i=1 f(ki),∑nj=1 f(lj), (12)

where δ is the Kronecker delta and the functions f aredefined in Eq.(9).

The concept of the scattering matrix is intuitively clearbecause it is built on the traditional field-theoretic pic-ture of interacting particles. Nevertheless, its rigorousdefinition is not straightforward. For example, the veryidea that instantons do not interact in the infinite fu-ture/past is clearly an idealization that can be reliableonly in some well-defined situations. A careful treatmentof this problem falls outside the scope of this presenta-tion. Instead, in order to provide the scattering matrix amore formal look we can turn to the Segal-Atiyah formal-ism. It views the scattering matrix as a functor from thecategory of cobordisms into the category of vector spaces,as illustrated in Fig.2e.

The Segal-Atiyah formalism has been proposed for theconformal and topological field theories where the vectorHilbert spaces are finite-dimensional. The same is truein our case because the number of cohomology classes isfinite (here, we are interested not in the entire theory butonly in its application to the approximation of instantondynamics). As any approximation, it has applicabilitylimits and is mostly appropriate for the N -phase dynam-ics with dilute instantons (which is most likely realizablein the low-noise limit).

It should be noted that the scattering matrix essen-tially plays the role of a new stochastic evolution opera-tor. The diagonalization of this operator can reveal thelow-lying spectrum of the model and, in particular, cananswer the question of whether the TS is broken or not.Further work in this direction will depend crucially onthe approximations used for the construction of the scat-tering amplitudes, which falls outside the scope of thisdiscussion.


In this paper, we discuss the key elements of the ND-LEET, from the perspective of the supersymmetric the-ory of stochastic dynamics. The noise-induced chaoticregime, which is believed to host the ND of the normalbrain, is characterized by the spontaneous breakdown ofTS by configurations of instantons and noise-induced an-tiinstantons. Accordingly, the LEET must describe gap-less Faddeev-Popov ghosts which are the supersymmet-ric partners for the moduli (global collective variables) ofthese configurations. At the same time, the ghosts mustbe directly related to the topology of the neural network.

We propose the following setting that satisfies theabove requirements. The centerpiece of our propositionis a coarse-graining procedure of the neural network that

turns it into a high-dimensional continuous base spacewith a topology that reflects the original network con-figuration. The base space is an intrinsic part of theone-instanton modulus and, in the spirit of Morse-Botttheory, the de Rham cohomology classes represent the”quantum number” of the corresponding one-instantonstates/vacua. Accordingly, the reduced base space ofthe ND-LEET is a multi-instanton extension of the one-instanton vacua. Consequently, the dynamics of neuronalavalanches can be described in terms of interacting in-stantons, and the corresponding scattering amplitudescan be conveniently understood using the Atiyah-Segalformalism.

We outline only the first step. A number of questionswill have to be answered before the STS picture of NDcan become practically useful. These include but arenot limited to the calculation of the (anti-)instanton ma-trix elements between the vacua, the diagonalization ofthe effective Hamiltonian, the determination of the or-der parameter, the analysis of the response of the systemto external stimuli/perturbations, and the understand-ing of how these components are linked to the (alreadyexisting) information-processing concepts. However, thiseffort may be well justified. Specifically, information pro-cessing and storage in ND may well have a topologicalcharacter which would explain its robustness to internaland external perturbations.

We also note that the proposed approach can con-tribute to fundamental neuroscience more broadly. Nois-iness is often thought to be deleterious to biological sys-tems (including the brain) which should overcome it inorder to achieve robust self-organization and homeostaticstates. However, early studies have shown that the self-organization of molecular gradients, an essential stepin neurodevelopment, can be easily achieved in simplereaction-diffusion systems, provided the initial molecularconcentrations are noisy [53]. More recently, fluctuationsin molecular biosystems have been demonstrated to beimportant for efficient control [54]. Also, the brain con-tains many axons that produce fundamentally stochas-tic trajectories. These axons, classically placed in thevaguely defined ”ascending reticular activating system,”have now been shown to allow rigorous descriptions basedon anomalous diffusion processes [55, 56]. Intriguingly,these ”stochastic axons” routinely interact with the clas-sical ”deterministic axons” (which connect specific brainstructures and are studied in the connectomics frame-work). They are well-positioned to support the N -phase(Fig. 1), thus extending the proposed conceptual ap-proach into NM, beyond fast ND processes. Therefore,the discussed framework may contribute to many areasof neuroscience.


This research was supported by the National ScienceFoundation (grant #1822517 to SJ), the National Insti-

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tute of Mental Health (grant #MH117488 to SJ), andthe California NanoSystems Institute (Challenge grantsto SJ).

Appendix A: The Supersymmetric Theory ofStochastics

1. The class of models

We consider a class of models that covers the modeldiscussed later in the paper, as well as other potentialND models:

∂tϕ(rt) = F(rt|ϕ(t)) + (2Θ)1/2η(rt), (A1)

where t ∈ R1 is time, r is the spatial coordinate from thebase space B (which we assume to be a topological mani-fold [57] ), ϕ is the dynamical variable/field from the tar-get space (T ), η is Gaussian white noise uniquely definedby its fundamental correlator 〈η(x)η(x′)〉 = δ(x − x′),Θ is the intensity of the noise, and F is the flow vec-tor field that represents the deterministic part of law ofevolution and which is a functional of the field configu-ration (ϕ(t)). This functional may explicitly depend onr and t (here and below, we use ”rt” instead of ”r, t” forbrevity; we also introduce a combined space-time coordi-nate, x = (r, t)).

In the traditional approach to stochastic dynamics,the temporal evolution of the system is described bythe Fokker-Planck evolution of the probability distribu-tion over the phase space. In the class of models un-der consideration, the phase space, X, is the infinite-dimensional space of all (sufficiently smooth) configura-tions of the field over the base space, or, equivalently, allthe maps from the base space to the target space (i.e.,X = ϕ|ϕ : B → T ). Accordingly, the probability dis-tribution is a function(al) on X.

2. The Markovianity and reduced information inthe probability distribution

One important aspect of Focker-Planck evolution is itsMarkovianity: the instantaneous change of the probabil-ity distribution function(al), P (t), depends only on P (t)at this time[58]:

∂tP (t|ϕ) = −HP (t|ϕ), (A2)

where H is the Fokker-Planck operator that will be de-fined later.

There are infinitely many pasts of the system, includ-ing perturbations, that lead to a predetermined P (t).Therefore, P (t) contains only reduced information aboutthe system’s past. Specifically, the classical descriptionsin terms of P are limited by the information capacity ofP , as there may exist systems in which P is not ”suffi-ciently large” to contain all pertinent information about

the system’s history. Chaotic systems are quintessen-tial examples of such systems in that they may have aninfinitely long memory of the initial conditions and per-turbations during their evolution. An extension of thetheory from P to some more general ”wavefunctions” isneeded to treat such systems correctly.

The use of generalized wavefunctions may require somejustification and it is in this context that it is relevant todiscuss briefly the meaning of the classical probabilitydistribution. The probabilistic description is a naturalchoice for a stochastic model because neither the initialconditions nor the configuration of the noise term areknown exactly to the observer. At the same time, it isclear that in reality a given physical dynamical systemhas concrete initial conditions and experiences only onespecific realization of noise. Therefore, it has a concreteposition in its phase space at each time-point.

The resolution of this apparent contradiction isstraightforward. The probability distribution does notdescribe the physical dynamical system directly. Instead,it describes the external observer or rather his knowl-edge about the physical system. It can therefore be saidthat unlike, say, the wavefunction in quantum mechanicswhich is often considered to be a physical object [59], P isnot a physical but rather a mathematical object, a repre-sentation of the external observer’s knowledge about thesystem and its past. From this point of view, switchingto other mathematical coordinate-free objects is not abig leap, especially since these objects have a clear prob-abilistic meaning within the context of conditional prob-ability densities.

3. A generalization to differential forms and thepotential physicality of STS ghosts

The traditional probability distribution is not the onlyentity that can represent an abstract external observer.For example, an observer may have conditional informa-tion about the system. This kind of information can berepresented as conditional probabilities which, in turn,can be given as differential forms. For our class of mod-els, this would mean that instead of the probability dis-tribution we could consider a ”wavefunction,”

P (t|ϕ)→ ψ(t, ϕχ), (A3)

where χ(r) is a fermionic field or Faddeev-Popov ghosts(see below) represented by functional differentials overthe phase space, χ(r) ∼ ∧δϕ(r).

One major advantage of this class of wavefunctions isthat their geometro-topological character allows estab-lishing the law of their temporal evolution with relativeease. Namely, the SEO that propagates the wavefunc-tions forward in time can be defined as the result of thestochastic averaging of the action (also known as pull-back) induced by the SDE-defined maps (the collectionof all trajectories). As discussed, for example, in detailin Ref.[15], the SEO is given by

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Mtf ti(ϕfχf |ϕiχi) =


DΦ eStf ti (Φ) = e−(tf−ti)Hδ(ϕf − ϕi)δ(χf − χi), (A4)

where the functional integration is over Φ(x) =(ϕ(x), B(x), χ(x), χ(x)), which is the collection of theoriginal field, ϕ, the Lagrange multiplier or momen-tum, B, and the pair of Faddeev-Popov ghosts, χ, χ[60](with x = (r, t)). The functional integration is overall paths with open boundary conditions (o.b.c.) thatconnect the initial and final configurations of the super-symmetric extension of the field, ϕ(x)|t=tf ,ti = ϕf,i(r),χ(x)|t=tf ,ti = χf,i(r).

The action in Eq.(A4) is given by

Stf ti(Φ) = Q,Ψtf ti(Φ), (A5)

where the TS operator is given by

Q =







), (A6)

where∫dx =

∫ tftidt∫B dr and the so-called gauge

fermion is given by

Ψtf ti(Φ) =

∫dx iχ(x) (∂τϕ(x)−F(x|ϕ(t))

+ΘiB(x)) . (A7)

The Fokker-Planck operator in Eq.(A4) is given by

H = [d, ˆd], (A8)

where the exterior derivative and ”current operator” are

d =



δϕ(r), (A9)

ˆd =







). (A10)

The Q-exact action in Eq.(A5) and the d-exact SEO inEq.(A8) are a unique feature of the cohomological orWitten-type topological field theories.

Recall that we argued in the previous section that theextension of the Hilbert space from the classical probabil-ity distribution to differential forms is justified in part bythe non-physicality of the probability distribution. Buthow ”real” are the Faddeev-Popov ghosts?

We note that the STS and its ghosts offer a dualTFT description of the SDE. This description, however,leads to a solid definition and stochastic generalization ofchaos, as well as an explanation for SOC. It is reasonableto suspect that this duality is more than a mathematicaltrick.

For example, in dynamical systems theory, one can nu-merically find the Lyapunov exponents by evolving differ-entials along the trajectory of the chaotic model. Thesedifferentials are ”real” for specialists in dynamical sys-tems theory and they are also exactly ghosts in the STSframework.

When TS is broken spontaneously in chaotic systems,the ground state has a nontrivial ghost content (as willbe discussed in the next section). It can be said that theseground-state ghosts are the price to pay for a Markoviandescription of a chaotic model that retains infinite mem-ory of its initial conditions and perturbations.

In terms of the path-integral representation of evolu-tion, the fermionic ghosts represent the functional de-terminant of the original bosonic fields of the SDE[61],while the chaotic memory (or ”the butterfly effect”) isthe long-range order that this determinant develops un-der the conditions of spontaneous TS breaking. Thus theghosts of the ground state can also be viewed as collectivefields that represent the chaotic memory of the model.

The ghosts have been originally introduced only formathematical convenience. However, history shows thatsome objects that were once believed to be purely ab-stract mathematical inventions have turned out to beconsiderably more physical or even observable. Oneprominent example is the Bohm-Aharonov experimentthat has revealed the physicality of the vector potential ofthe magnetic field and of the phase of the phase function.Therefore, it is not outside the realm of possibilities thatthe STS ghosts may eventually turn out to be more thanjust a mathematical sleight-of-hand. In the meantime, wefind it convenient to think of them as quasiparticles thatare directly linked to the information contained in the dy-namical system. If the methods for detecting ghosts arefound in the future, they are likely to be based on therecently proposed pipeline that can determine whether asignal is chaotic or not [62].

4. Supersymmetry and its spontaneous breakdown

In physics, symmetries lead to protected degeneraciesof the eigenstates of evolution operators. In other words,the eigenstates come in multiplets which are irreduciblerepresentations of a particular symmetry group and theeigenstates from the same multiplets have exactly thesame eigenvalue. In the case of TS, the symmetry di-vides all eigenstates into supersymmetric singlets and

non-supersymmetric doublets of the form |ζ〉, d|ζ〉. Eachde Rham cohomology of the phase space hosts one super-symmetric eigenstate with an eigenvalue that is exactlyzero. All the other eigenstates are non-supersymmetricpairs. Their eigenvalues are real or complex conjugatepairs, with the real part bounded from below.

When one of such eigenstates is the ground state, de-fined as the fastest growing eigenstate, the TS is said tobe broken spontaneously. The deterministic counterpartof this phenomenon is known in dynamical system the-ory as dynamical chaos and/or as non-integrability of the

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flow vector field, F . The real part of the eigenvalue ofthe non-supersymmetric ground state is related to dy-namical entropy and the sum of the negative Lyapunovexponents via the Pesin entropy formula.

In deterministic models, the non-integrability of theflow is the only way how TS can be broken spontaneously.In the presence of noise, however, TS can also be brokenspontaneously by condensation of instantons and noise-induced antiinstantons that match them. In less tech-nical terms, antiinstanton/instanton configurations arenoise-induced tunneling processes between, say, differentattractors.

To elaborate on this important concept, the term in-stantons is borrowed from high-energy physics where itdenotes, in most cases, a more specific class of nonlinearobjects than the one we use here. In our more generalcase, instantons are (the families of) solutions connect-ing critical points of the deterministic flow. From thephysical point of view, every ”transient” process such asneuroavanche, earthquake, or a bubble in a boiling wa-ter can be recognized as an instanton. In the spatialliyextended models, instantons are processes of removal ofsolitons by means of annihilation with antisoliton or bymeans of pushing solitons out of the system.

When supersymmetry is spontaneously broken in thisway, it can be said that the model is the noise-inducedchaotic (or N -phase) because in the deterministic limitantiinstantons (noise-induced processes) disappear to-gether with this phase. On a phase diagram, the noise-induced chaotic phase ”precedes” ordinary chaotic be-havior. At low noise intensities, this phase can be sus-tained but remains narrow, which is why it has been be-lieved for a long time that the N -phase has something todo with critical behavior. This, however, contradicts thefinite width of this phase (Fig.1). The STS-based viewresolves this issue.

The STS picture of N -phase dynamics is particularlyimportant in ND because the healthy brain is likely to

operate in this phase.

Appendix B: Instantons, unstable manifolds, andperturbative supersymmetric ground states

One convenient way to introduce vacua and instantonsis through the concept of (un)stable manifolds. To sim-plify the discussion, let us first discuss ”gradient-like”flows with isolated critical points of F , xα|F (xα) = 0that contain no invariant cycles. The stable/unstablemanifolds, M↑,↓(x0), associated with a critical point, x0,consist of all points of the phase space that flow un-der x(t) = F (x(t)) to x0 at t → ±∞. It is clear thatdimM↓(x0) = codimM↑(x0) = ind(x0), where the indexof the critical point ind(x0) is the number of its unstabledirections, i.e., the eigenvectors of the matrix ∂F i/∂xjwith a negative real part in their eigenvalues.

Now, the instanton connecting two critical points xαand xβ is the overlap, Iα,β = M↓(xα) ∩M↑(xβ). Thisformula can be interpreted as follows: the instanton be-tween the two critical points is the family of all ODEsolutions that start at one critical point and end at theother. It is clear that dimIαβ = ind(xα)−ind(xβ), whichimplies ind(xα) > ind(xβ) because the solutions alwaysmove from a less stable critical point to a more stableone.

The concept of (un)stable manifolds is also useful be-cause these manifolds are closely related to the concept oflocally supersymmetric ground states. Let us introducethe Poincare duals of unstable manifolds, M↓(xα), whichare differential forms such that

∫ψ∧M↓(xα) =



where ψ is any differential form of degree ind(xα): ψ ∈Ω(ind(xα)), where Ω(k) is the space of all differential formsof degree k.


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