
Mesoscopic architecture enhances communication across the Macaque connectomerevealing structure-function correspondence in the brain

Anand Pathak,1, 2 Shakti N. Menon,1 and Sitabhra Sinha1, 2

1The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India2Homi Bhabha National Institute, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400 094, India

(Dated: July 30, 2020)

Analyzing the brain in terms of organizational structures at intermediate scales provides an ap-proach to negotiate the complexity arising from interactions between its large number of compo-nents. Focusing on a wiring diagram that spans the cortex, basal ganglia and thalamus of theMacaque brain, we provide a mesoscopic-level description of the topological architecture of one ofthe most well-studied mammalian connectomes. The robust modules we identify each comprisedensely inter-connected cortical and sub-cortical areas that play complementary roles in executingspecific cognitive functions. We find that physical proximity between areas is insufficient to explainthe modular organization, as similar mesoscopic structures can be obtained even after factoringout the effect of distance constraints on the connectivity. We observe that the distribution pro-file of brain areas, classified in terms of their intra- and inter-modular connectivity, is conservedacross the principal cortical subdivisions, as well as, sub-cortical structures. In particular provincialhubs, which have significantly higher number of connections with members of their module, butrelatively less well-connected to other modules, are the only class that exhibits homophily, i.e., adiscernible preference to connect to each other. By considering a process of diffusive propagationwe demonstrate that this architecture, instead of localizing the activity, facilitates rapid communi-cation across the connectome. By supplementing the topological information about the Macaqueconnectome with physical locations, volumes and functions of the constituent areas and analyzingthis augmented dataset, we reveal a counter-intuitive role played by the modular architecture of thebrain in promoting global interaction.


Cortical localization, which refers to specific regions ofthe cerebral cortex being associated with distinct func-tions such as vision and language, has long been a dom-inant paradigm in neuroscience [1]. As the connectomeprovides the physical substrate for cognition and behav-ior [2], it would seem intuitive that such localizationwould be reflected in the structural attributes of the net-work [3]. However, brain imaging studies show that alarge number of regions become active during any cogni-tive task, ruling out a simple one-to-one correspondencebetween a certain set of vertices of the connectome anda particular function [4]. This suggests the necessity fora theoretic framework that investigates the dynamics ofthe brain in terms of how different areas connect andinteract with each other [5]. Such an approach shouldintegrate complementary perspectives that focus on (a)dynamics, where distributed activation of the entire net-work converges to different attractors, and (b) computa-tion, in which localized processing of information occursin a sequential manner, allowing us to interpret cognitiveprocessing as dynamical computation [6].

An integrated view of how local and global coordina-tion of activity across the brain can arise may be obtainedby adopting a mesoscopic approach to analyzing the con-nectome. Such an approach focuses on understanding theinteractions within and between communities of denselyinter-connected brain areas (modules) that have beenidentified in nervous systems of different organisms [7–16]. Such structural modularity of the brain is expected

from the advantages that such an architecture may con-fer during evolution and development [15, 17], such asimparting robustness in the presence of constraints onwiring and performance [2, 18]. Traditionally, moduleshave been viewed in functional terms, associated with in-nate, domain-specific mental faculties (such as language)that are believed to be relatively independent of eachother [19]. Examining how such cognitive modules re-late to the structural communities of the connectome ad-dresses the fundamental issue of structure-function cor-respondence in the brain [20, 21].

In this paper, we focus on the structure-function re-lation as evident in the modular organization of theMacaque connectome, which balances specialized and in-tegrated processing by allowing rapid communication atboth local and global scales. This is striking in view ofthe role that modularity plays in promoting informationencapsulation in other network architectures [22]. In per-forming this analysis, we have added curated spatial andfunctional information concerning the brain areas to theexisting database of brain connectivity, which can serveas a resource for the community. The modules revealedby our analysis extends earlier work [8, 12, 16] by includ-ing sub-cortical regions. We show that each module com-prises both cortical and sub-cortical components, whichis intriguing in view of the proposal that the thalamo-cortical loop plays a central role in the computationalarchitecture of the neocortex [23]. More crucially, weshow that the empirically determined pattern of intra-and inter-modular connectivity facilitates local, as wellas global, dissemination, complementing studies showing









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that maximizing information flow may cause model net-works to evolve towards a modular structure [24, 25].Furthermore, while it has been suggested earlier thatphysical space constraints cannot exclusively account formodules [10, 26, 27], our determination of the space-independent modules and their relatively high overlapwith the original communities clearly indicate that themodularity of the Macaque brain has functional signifi-cance, viz., the facilitation of communication across theconnectome.


A. Data

Connectivity. We have used as the basis for reconstruct-ing the Macaque connectome a directed network of brainregions (cortical and sub-cortical) that was compiled inRef. [28] using several hundred tract tracing studies ob-tained from CoCoMac - a comprehensive neuroinformat-ics database [29–31]. The original network comprised 383vertices, representing regions in the cortex, basal gangliaand thalamus, at different levels of spatial resolution, and6602 directed edges corresponding to tracts, i.e., myeli-nated bundles of axons connecting different brain regions,which may span large distances. In this hierarchicallyorganized arrangement of subdivisions starting from thelevel of the entire brain, the same region may occur mul-tiple times as a vertex could represent an area that ispart of a larger area corresponding to a different ver-tex. For example, the hippocampus is a vertex of thenetwork, as are its subdivisions CA1, CA3 and DentateGyrus. Consequently, there is no unique mapping be-tween brain regions and vertices of this network. It alsoleads to ambiguity in interpreting edges connecting ver-tices that occur at any of the levels other than the lowestone in the hierarchy. For instance, if both vertices A andB link to C, but B is a sub-division of A, it is unclearif the two edges are distinct. These issues make it dif-ficult to interpret any results obtained by analyzing theoriginal network.

In the connectome we consider here, these issues areavoided by considering only those nodes that occurat the lowest hierarchical level, i.e., corresponding toregions with no further sub-divisions, in the originalnetwork. This yields a network comprising 266 nodes,representing brain areas that span a range of spatialscales ranging from the visual cortex area V1 (which hasa volume of ∼ 2000 mm3) to the thalamic region PT#2(which has a volume of less than 2 mm3). The networkthat we consider, consequently, consists of the 2602directed links that occur between these nodes. Notethat this procedure leads to the network having a largestconnected component of 261 nodes (as the followingfive regions do not have any reported connections tothe other areas at the lowest hierarchical level: PT#2,6b-beta, 4a, 4b and Sub.Th). Despite the reduction

in the size of the network upon removal of the afore-mentioned redundancies, the resulting connectome hassimilar macroscopic properties as the original network,such as the exponential nature of the degree distribution(Fig. S1).

Spatial Positions. As the brain connectome is a spatiallyembedded network, it is important to consider geomet-ric information such as physical locations and extent ofthe different brain regions, in addition to the connectiontopology. As the original network [28] did not containany spatial information, we have compiled a comprehen-sive database of the positions of the areas correspondingto each of the nodes, as well as, the volumes spanned bythem. We have obtained the stereotaxic coordinates ofeach brain region in our connectome from several sources.Information about 134 of the 266 regions included in theconnectome has been obtained from the website [32] as-sociated with the Paxinos Rhesus Monkey Atlas [33]. Forthe remaining regions, we manually curated the requisitedata from the relevant research literature. The positionof a region is identified with the approximate locationof its center obtained from the online three-dimensionalvisualization platform in the website mentioned above.The volume spanned by a particular region was estimatedby approximating the cross-sectional area occupied bythe region in each of the coronal sections of the brain inwhich it appears and obtaining the sum of these areasweighted by the thickness of the sections measured alongthe rostral-caudal axis. Data file connectome nodes.xlsin the SI contains the 3-dimensional coordinates of, andthe volumes covered by, each of the brain regions that weobtained through the above analysis. It also lists the ref-erences that were used to obtain the information abouteach region.

B. Modularity.

A prominent mesoscopic structural property as-sociated with many networks that occur in natureis modular organization. Modules (or communities)are subnetworks that are characterized by a higherdensity of connections between the constituent nodescompared to that between nodes belonging to differentmodules [34]. One of the most well-known approachesfor determining the modules of a network is to maximizea quantitative measure, Q, defined for a given modularpartitioning of the network as, Q = L−1Σi,jBijδcicj ,

where Bij = Aij − (kini koutj /L) are elements of the

modularity matrix B [35, 36]. The adjacency matrixA (Aij = 1, if a directed link exists from j to i, and0, otherwise) specifies the connection topology of thenetwork, while the number of incoming and outgoingconnections of node i are indicated by the in-degreekini = ΣjAij and out-degree kouti = ΣjAji, respectively,with L (= Σjk

inj = Σjk

outj ) being the total number

of connections in the network. The Kronecker delta


function δij yields 1 if the communities ci and cj towhich nodes i and j belong respectively, are identical,and is 0 otherwise.

Spectral analysis and its refinement. In order to achievean optimal partitioning of the network through the max-imization of Q we have used the spectral method [36].Here, we first bisect the network by assigning nodesto one of two communities according to the sign ofthe elements of the eigenvector corresponding to thelargest positive eigenvalue of the symmetrized mod-ularity matrix B + BT. Subsequently we refine thepartition by swapping the nodes between communitiesin order to achieve the highest possible value of Q.The above procedure is carried out recursively on eachof the communities to further subdivide them until Qcannot be increased further [36]. This approach yields amaximum value of Q for a partitioning of the networkinto 5 modules with Qspectral = 0.485.

Robustness of the partitioning. To ensure that the mod-ular partitions of the network obtained using the deter-ministic spectral technique (described above) are not sen-sitively dependent on the specific method used for max-imizing Q, we have used the stochastic simulated an-nealing approach to obtain an ensemble of 103 optimalpartitions. The dissimilarity between the different parti-tions generated by each realization of the annealing tech-nique reflects the extent of degeneracy (and hence, am-biguity) inherent in the modular decomposition of thenetwork. Following Refs. [37, 38], for each realization ofthe simulated annealing approach we begin with an ar-bitrary partition of the network and iteratively changethe modular composition by implementing one of threetypes of operations: (i) move a randomly chosen nodeto any other module including a newly created one, (ii)merge two randomly chosen modules and (iii) split a ran-domly chosen module into two parts so as to minimize thenumber of connections between the two parts. Any oneof the possible operations (across all types) is chosen ateach step with equal probability. The resulting partitionassociated with a change ∆Q in the modularity is ac-cepted with a probability exp(−|∆Q|/T ) if ∆Q < 0 andp = 1 otherwise. Here, the parameter T , which is anal-ogous to temperature, is decreased over time accordingto a specified cooling schedule. The process terminateswhen the number of successive failures at altering themodules exceeds a threshold value. While the Q valuescorresponding to the partitions obtained for different re-alization span a wide range, most of them cluster aroundthat obtained from the spectral method, Qspectral. Wefocus on the 291 partitions whose Q value deviates fromQspectral by less than 3%. As shown in the SI, the mod-ular membership of 70% of the nodes remain invariantacross all of these partitions, and are in fact identical tothat obtained from the spectral method, underlining therobustness of the modular decomposition. We have alsoused alternative methods of module identification that do

not rely on maximizing Q, viz., the Infomap method [39],and have obtained qualitatively similar results.

C. Classification of brain regions according to theirrole in the mesoscopic structural organization of the


The importance of a given region within the topologicalorganization of the Macaque brain network is indicatedby its connectivity within its own module (as definedabove), as well as that across the entire brain, which isevident from its connections to regions belonging to othermodules. These can be quantitatively measured by themetrics (i) the within module degree z-score (z) and (ii)the participation coefficient (P ), respectively [40, 41]. Toidentify regions that have significantly more connectionswithin their own module, we determine a within moduledegree z-score:

zi =kici − 〈kjci〉j∈ci√

〈(kjci)2〉j∈ci − 〈kjci〉2j∈ci, (1)

where kici is the number of links between region i andother regions belonging to its module (ci) and the average〈. . . 〉j∈c is taken over all regions in a module c. As inRef. [10], nodes (regions) having z > 0.7 are identified ashubs, the remainder being classified as non-hubs.

In order to distinguish between brain regions in termsof their inter-modular connectivity we calculate the par-ticipation coefficient Pi of region i as:

Pi = 1−m∑




, (2)

where kic is number of links that region i has with thoseregions belonging to module c and ki =

∑c k

ic is the

total degree of the i-th node (region). A region whoseconnections are restricted within its own module has Pi =0 while one whose links are uniformly distributed amongthe different modules has Pi closer to 1. Based uponthe value of Pi, which provides a measure of how wella node (region) bridges different modules, the non-hubregions are classified as ultra-peripheral (R1, p ≤ 0.05),peripheral (R2, 0.05 < p ≤ 0.62), satellite connectors(R3, 0.62 < p ≤ 0.8) and kinless nodes (R4, p > 0.8),while the hubs can be demarcated into provincial hubs(R5, p ≤ 0.3), connector hubs (R6, 0.3 < p ≤ 0.75) andglobal hubs (R7, p > 0.75).

D. Degree- and modularity-preserved networkrandomization.

We construct an ensemble of 103 networks obtainedby randomizing the empirical network preserving the in-degree and out-degree of each node (region) as well as themodular organization of the network [10]. Each network


is obtained by selecting directed connections, e.g., i→ pand j → q, such that the source nodes i, j belong to thesame module A and target nodes p, q belong to the samemodule B (which could be same as A), and then rewirethem so as to have i → q and j → p. This procedure isrepeated for 106 times for each realization of a random-ized network. To randomize the network preserving thedegree alone, we follow the same procedure as above withthe difference that there is no constraint on the modularmembership of the nodes.

E. Diffusive spreading model.

As the function of the connectome is to facilitate com-munication between the different brain regions, we in-vestigate the role of the empirically observed pattern ofintra- and inter-modular connections on the diffusion ofinformation across the system. For this purpose, we con-sider discrete random walks that, starting from a givennode on the network, proceeds at each time step fromone node to a randomly chosen node that receives anoutwardly directed link from the former. The rate atwhich spreading occurs in different parts of the systemcan be analyzed by obtaining the distribution of first pas-sage times (FPTs) for a random walk to reach a targetnode starting from a source node. For this, we have mea-sured the FPTs τ to all nodes that are visited by a walkinitiated from a given node of the network. The pro-cess is repeated 103 times starting from each of the 266nodes, with a walk terminating when either every nodehas been visited at least once or a node with no outgoingconnections is reached. Separate distributions for intra-modular FPTs (τ intra) and inter-modular FPTs (τ inter)can be obtained by considering the source and targetnodes to be in the same module or in different modules,respectively. For comparison, we also compute the distri-butions of FPTs τD and τDM for randomized surrogatesin which either the degrees, or both the degrees and mod-ular memberships, of the nodes are preserved, respec-tively. In each case, the distribution is averaged over20 network realizations. The deviation of the empiricalFPT distribution from those obtained from the random-ized surrogates by averaging over multiple realizations isquantified in terms of a z-score measure defined as:

z =Pemp(τ)− 〈Prand(τ)〉〈Prand(τ)2〉 − 〈Prand(τ)〉2 , (3)

where Pemp(τ) and Prand(τ) are the empirical and ran-domized surrogate FPT distributions, respectively.

F. Role of spatial geometry in the modularorganization of the connectome.

The physical distance dij between two brain regionsi and j, whose centers are indicated by the vectors xand y, respectively, has been measured in terms of the

Euclidean metric d(x,y) and scaled by the geometricmean of the radii ri, rj of the two regions (the radius ofeach region being estimated from the its volume, see SI).

Space-independent partitioning of the network into com-munities. For networks whose nodes are embedded in aspace associated with a metric, it can be argued that thenetwork properties, such as modularity, could be a con-sequence of the constraints imposed by the underlyinggeometry. We therefore need to modify the method fordetermining the modular structure of a network outlinedabove, in order to take into account the role of thephysical space in which the network is embedded. Thisis done by re-defining the modularity matrix B in thedefinition of the quantity Q (given above), so that theexpectation of a pair of nodes (i, j, say) being connectedby chance in the null model incorporates the physicaldistance (dij) between the nodes. Thus, followingRef. [42], we re-define Bij = Aij − (kini k

outj f(dij)/L),

where f(d) = Σdij=dAij/(kini k

outj ) is referred to as the

deterrence function. This function, which is estimatedfrom empirical data for the network, contains informa-tion about how the physical distance between a pairof nodes modulates their connection probability. Notethat if the communities in the network arise entirelybecause of spatial dependence, measuring Q takinginto account the physical distance between nodes doesnot yield any modular structure. Moreover, compar-ing the space-independent modular decomposition ofthe network obtained using this technique with thecommunities determined using exclusively informationabout the connection topology (as described earlier), wecan infer whether the observed modularity is primarilydriven by physical distance constraints (see SI). Thesimilarity between the communities obtained using thetwo methods is quantified using normalized mutualinformation.

Normalized mutual information. To quantify the simi-larity between two modular decompositions {cAi }MA

i=1 and

{cBj }MBj=1 resulting from different partitionings A and B of

a network (that yield MA and MB modules, respectively)we have used the normalized mutual information [43]

Inorm(A,B) =2∑


∑j P (cAi , c

Bj ) ln[P (cAi , c

Bj )/P (cAi )P (cBj )]

−∑i P (cAi ) lnP (cAi )−∑j P (cBj ) lnP (cBj ),

(4)where P (cAi ) is the probability that a randomly chosennode lies in module cAi in partition A, P (cBj ) is the proba-bility that a randomly chosen node lies in module modulecBj in partition B, and P (cAi , c

Bj ) is the joint probabil-

ity that a randomly chosen node belongs to module cAiin partition A, as well as, to module cBj in partition B(i = 1, . . . ,MA, and j = 1, . . . ,MB). Each of the proba-bilities can be estimated from the ratio of the communitysizes to the size of the entire network.

Surrogate networks. In order to explicitly show that the


FIG. 1. Mesoscopic organization of the Macaque brain. The network of brain regions, shown in (a) horizontal, (b) sagittaland (c) coronal projections, clearly indicate that the nodes (filled circles) are organized into five modules, each characterizedby dense intra-connectivity. The modular membership of each node is represented by its color (see color key to the right,containing the list of brain regions in each module), while node sizes provide a representation of the relative volumes of thecorresponding brain regions (the spatial scale being indicated by the horizontal bar in each panel). The spatial positions of thenodes are specified by the three-dimensional stereotaxic coordinates of the corresponding regions (see Methods). Links indicatethe directed nerve tracts connecting pairs of brain regions, and are colored in accordance with their source nodes. For detailsof each of the brain regions see SI. (d) Visual representation of the association between the network modules and cortical (inblack), as well as, sub-cortical (in red) subdivisions of the brain, viz., FL: Frontal Lobe, PL: Parietal Lobe, TL: TemporalLobe, OL: Occipital Lobe, Cing.: Cingulate, Ins.: Insula, BG: Basal Ganglia, Thal.: Thalamus, Hyp.: Hypothalamus, OFC :Olfactory complex, and MB : Mid-brain. For a detailed breakdown of the major subdivisions of the brain in terms of theirmodule membership, see SI. This alluvial diagram has been created using the online visualization tool RAW [44].

modular organization is not primarily driven by the con-straints imposed by the physical distance d between brainregions, we have demonstrated how spatial embeddingaffects the modular decomposition of a network, usingthree classes of surrogate random network ensembles (ofsize 100 each) having different underlying spatial depen-dences. The three ensembles, in increasing order of im-portance of d in governing the connection probability Pbetween nodes, comprise networks with (a) P ∼ d0, (b)P ∼ d−1, which is the case in the empirical network,and (c) P ∼ exp(−d), with nodes in each network occu-pying the same spatial position as in the empirical net-work. Each network (comprising an identical number ofnodes and links as in the empirical network) was sub-ject to community detection using information about theconnection topology alone, as well as, space-independentmodular decomposition, following the two approaches de-scribed above. The difference between these two setsof partitions provides a measure of the role that spatialembeddedness of the networks plays in determining themodular nature of their connectivity (see SI).


A. Mesoscopic organization of brain areas in theMacaque

Fig. 1 (a-c) shows the modular organization of theMacaque brain network spanning regions from the cortex,basal ganglia and thalamus, revealed by our analysis (fordetails see methods). The network is seen to comprise5 modules, each module i being composed of mi denselyinter-connected brain regions (their numbers ranging be-tween 39 and 71, see the color key to the right of Fig. 1,a-c, containing the list of brain regions in each mod-ule). The membership of the individual regions in thesemodules is seen to be robust (see Methods). Given thatthe network is embedded in a specific geometry, namelythat of the Macaque brain, it is noteworthy that eachof the modules are spatially clustered as is clearly seenfrom the projections shown in Fig. 1(a-c). To understandthe implications of the spatial location of these modules,we visually represent the mapping between the modulesand the major anatomical subdivisions of the brain inFig. 1 (d) [see also SI].


FIG. 2. Classification of brain regions according to their intra- and inter-modular connectivity. (a) Nodes of theMacaque brain network [colored and scaled as per Fig. 1 (a-c)] are displayed in accordance with their within-module degreez-score (z) and participation coefficient (P ), which provide a measure of their intra- and inter-modular connectivity respectively.This allows the brain regions to be categorized into one of seven possible categories (see Methods), viz., R1: ultra-peripheral,R2: peripheral, R3: satellite connector, R4: kinless, R5: provincial hub, R6: connector hub, and R7: global hub. Note thatthere are no regions in the Macaque brain belonging to the categories R4 and R7. (b) The distribution of the regions of theentire Macaque brain across the different categories R1-R7 is similar to the corresponding distributions observed in severalanatomical subdivisions, viz., Tha: Thalamus, FL#2 : Frontal Lobe, P1#6 : Parietal Lobe, CgG#2 : Cingulate Gyrus, Insula,TL#2 : Temporal Lobe, OC#2 : Occipital Lobe, Amyg : Amygdala and STR: Striatum. (c) The connectivity pattern betweenregions belonging to the different categories R1-R7 indicated by the z-scores for abundance of links between each pair ofcategories (the first symbol in Ri-Rj refers to the category of the source region and the second to that of the target), measuredwith respect to degree- and modularity-preserved randomized ensemble of networks (see Methods). Large positive (or negative)z-scores, i.e., z > 1 (or z < −1), indicated by the dotted lines, imply that the corresponding connection types occur significantlymore (or less) often than expected from random networks that have degree sequence and community structure identical to theempirical network. (d) Sagittal projection of the network of brain regions [see Fig. 1 (b)] showing that connections betweenprovincial hubs (highlighted nodes) are localized within each module. (e) Temporal evolution of spreading processes, quantifiedin terms of distributions of first passage times (τ) of random walkers starting from one node to reach another, contrastedbetween the empirical brain network (solid line, τemp) and randomized ensembles of networks, generated by preserving eitherthe degrees alone (red, τD), or both the degree and the modular membership of each node (green, τDM ). (f) The distribution ofτ differs significantly, depending on whether the target and source nodes belong to the same module (blue, τ intra) or differentmodules (red, τ inter). As in (e), spreading occurs significantly more rapidly in the empirical network (solid lines) comparedto the networks belonging to the randomized ensemble (obtained by preserving degree and modular membership). In both (e)and (f), the dotted lines and the shaded regions around them represent the mean and standard deviation of P (τ) calculatedover the randomized ensembles. To see how the different categories R1-R7 of brain regions allow spreading to occur faster inthe empirical brain network than in equivalent randomized networks, we focus on the cases where the source nodes are eithersatellite connectors R3 (g) or provincial hubs R5 (h). The z-score indicates that there is a statistically significant shift in theempirical distribution towards lower values of τ in both cases. However, while for R3 the increase in the rate of spreading issimilar, irrespective of whether the target is in the same module or in a different one, we observe that for R5, there is a relativelylarger shift at lower values for τ intra as compared to τ inter. This is consistent with the connectivity pattern of provincial hubswith the other categories of nodes [shown in (c)] which particularly favors intra-modular communication.


We observe that every module comprises sizable num-ber of both cortical and sub-cortical regions. With theexception of #3, the modules have their sub-cortical com-ponents located almost exclusively in the Thalamus. Wenote that each of these modules are associated with differ-ent sensory modalities (discussed in detail later), consis-tent with one of the primary functions of the Thalamus,namely, relaying information from the sensory organs tocortical areas for further processing. As the Thalamus isalso involved in sleep-wake regulation coordinated via ex-tensive reciprocal connections with the cortex [45–47], itis reasonable to expect that the each of the network mod-ules will have thalamic components along with corticalones, with dense intra-modular connectivity representingthalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits [48, 49]. However, noneof the sub-cortical components of module #3 (displayedin green in Fig. 1) belong to the Thalamus and insteadconstitutes almost the entirety of the Basal Ganglia.

The locations of the cortical components of the differ-ent modules across the principal lobes of the cortex, viz.,frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital, are indicated inFig. 1 (d). We observe that there is no simple corre-spondence between the modules, which are topologicalpartitions of the connectome, and the gross anatomicalsubdivisions of the cortex. While the regions comprisingthe frontal and temporal lobes are split between severalmodules, those in the parietal and occipital are domi-nated by single modules (modules #2 and #5, respec-tively), indicating the relative homogeneity of the latterlobes in the mesoscopic organization of the network. Thisassumes importance in light of a possible connection be-tween the modular divisions and functional specializationin the brain - a point that we discuss below.

As mentioned in the Introduction, the term modulehas been primarily used in the neuroscience literatureto refer to a functionally integrated set of areas [50–52]that allows for “information encapsulation” [19], whereaswe employ the term in the sense of a specific meso-levelstructural feature in the connectome [7–15]. In analogywith other biological networks where a structure-functioncorrelation has been established for modules [40, 53], wenow ask whether the network modules that appear as sep-arate structural units of the brain can be considered asdistinct functional units as well. Using information aboutthe known functions of different cortical and sub-corticalareas obtained from decades of experimental studies, wehave created a mapping between the regions belonging toeach module and the specific functionalities attributedto them (see SI). A perusal of this information revealsthat the different regions belonging to a module comple-ment each other in carrying out various cognitive func-tions. For example, several cortical areas in module #5,viz., 45a and 8Ac of the pre-frontal cortex, and V1 andV2 of the occipital lobe, are related through their in-volvement in vision, even though they may be part ofdistinct lobes and have disparate functions (controllingsaccadic eye movements in the case of 45a and 8Ac, andprocessing of visual information in the case of V1 and

V2). This suggests a general scheme of organization inwhich the regions associated with each of the principalsensory modalities are localized in specific modules, viz.,visual in module #5, auditory in module #4, somatosen-sory (along with the principal motor area M1) in module#2 and olfactory (as well as, gustatory) in module #1.We show below that the known behavior of the regionscomprising each of the modules is consistent with thebroad functions attributed to that module.

First, we observe that module #5 (displayed in purplein Fig. 1) consists of the primary visual area in the occip-ital lobe and association areas in the parietal (e.g., LIP,VIP etc.) and temporal lobe (e.g., CIT, PIT, etc.). Inaddition, its thalamic component includes lateral genic-ulate nucleus (LGN), which relays visual information tothe cortex from the retina. We note that these regionsare all involved in various aspects of visual cognition,which is consistent with the sensory modality associatedwith this module, viz., vision. Second, module #4 (dis-played in yellow in Fig. 1), consistent with its attributedsensory modality, is seen to comprise the auditory cortexlying in the superior temporal gyrus of the temporal lobe(as well as, the corresponding association areas), and themedial geniculate nucleus in the thalamus, which is therelay for all auditory information destined for the cortexfrom the brainstem [54]. Third, module #2 (displayedin red in Fig. 1), contains the primary and secondary so-matosensory areas (S1, S2) in the parietal lobe, while itsthalamic component contains all the regions which to-gether comprise the ventral posterior nucleus that relayssomatosensory information to the cortex. Apart fromits sensory function, as noted earlier it also consists ofprimary and supplementary motor areas which are asso-ciated with planning, control and execution of voluntarymovements [55]. Finally, we note that module #1 (dis-played in blue in Fig. 1), has the olfactory complex andthe gustatory cortex, both located in the frontal lobe, aswell as, a few other regions (e.g., the olfactory field of theentorhinal cortex, EO, in the temporal lobe) involved inthe sensory processing of smell. However, the module isdominated by association areas located in the prefrontalcortex which are involved in high-level multi-modal sen-sory integration and decision-making [56–60].

In contrast to the other modules, #3 neither con-tains motor areas nor does it include any primary orsecondary sensory areas. This is possibly related toour earlier observation that this module has a distinctstructural arrangement, in that its sub-cortical compo-nents do not have any contribution from the thalamus,but instead comprise regions belonging to the basal gan-glia. In particular, the module contains the entire amyg-dala which is known to regulate emotional responses andfear-conditioning in mammals [61–64]. This gains sig-nificance in light of the fact that both the Hippocampusand the Parahippocampus, which are primarily involvedin the formation of memory, feature prominently amongthis module’s cortical components. It resonates with theknown relation between emotional state and formation


of memories in individuals that have been established byseveral studies [65–68].

As the brain is characterized by structures occurring atseveral scales [69], it is pertinent to ask whether furtherlevels of organization can be identified in the connectiv-ity pattern within each of the modules described above.Indeed, when we consider module#5, the most robustunder different realizations of network partitioning (seeMethods and SI), and subject it to further modular de-composition, we observe that it comprises three commu-nities which we refer to as sub-modules. The largest ofthese contains the visual cortex and almost the entirety ofthe sub-cortical components, while the other two (whichare comparable to each other in terms of the number ofconstituent regions) are dominated by regions belongingto the superior temporal sulcus and the intraparietal sul-cus, respectively (see SI). Intriguingly, we note that thelatter two communities appear to correspond to regionsidentified with different visual processing pathways, viz.,the dorsal and ventral streams [70, 71].

B. Distribution profile of nodes in terms of theirintra- and inter-modular connectivity is conserved

across cortical and sub-cortical subdivisions

Having described the overall organizational structureof the network at the mesoscopic level, we now focus onunderstanding the role played by the individual brain re-gions in connecting other regions within their own mod-ule, as well as, across modules. The importance of eachregion is quantified in this framework by measuring thewithin-module degree z-score and the inter-modular par-ticipation coefficient P (see Methods for details). Asseen in Fig. 2 (a), the z-score allows regions to be dis-tinguished between hubs, i.e., those having significantlyhigher number of connections to other regions in theirmodule, and non-hubs, while P further classifies the hubsinto provincial (R5), connector (R6) and global (R7) cat-egories and the non-hubs into ultra-peripheral (R1), pe-ripheral (R2), satellite connector (R3) and kinless (R4)classes. We note that regions in each module have asimilar distribution across R1-R3 and R5-R6 (with thesole exception of module #4 which has no region playingthe role of a provincial hub, see SI). Uniformity of thisnature can also be observed in Fig. 2 (b) where we com-pare the distributions of constituent regions across thedifferent categories for the entire brain with that of thevarious subdivisions of the cortex, such as the Frontal(FL#2), Parietal (P1#6), Temporal (TL#2) and Occip-ital (OC#2) lobes, the Insula and the Cingulate Gyrus(CgG#2), as well as, the Amygdala (Amyg) which be-longs to the basal ganglia. However, the Striatum whichis also in the basal ganglia, and the Thalamus (Tha) havethe distinctive characteristic of being essentially devoidof regions that act as hubs, indicating a relative lack ofheterogeneity in the number of connections that theirconstituent regions have with others in their modules.

We have also analyzed the relative frequency withwhich regions belonging to the different categories con-nect to each other in the Macaque brain, compared tothe corresponding connectivity pattern observed in sur-rogate networks obtained by degree- and modularity-preserving randomization (see Methods) [41]. The profileof connection preferences between the various categoriesshown in Fig. 2 (c), with under-representation of con-nections between R1-R1, R5-R6 and R6-R6 which hasbeen related to the occurrence of multi-star structures,resembles other networks involved in information propa-gation [41]. As can also be seen from the figure, non-hubsprefer in general to connect to hubs and vice versa. Thisis indicative of degree disassortativity, i.e., connectionsbetween nodes having dissimilar characteristics (in thiscase, the number of connections) are favored. However,on investigating the connectivity between pairs of thesecategories, we notice that source regions belonging to pe-ripheral (R2) and provincial hub (R5) categories show adistinct bias in their connections in terms of the partic-ipation coefficient of the target regions. Specifically R2regions prefer to connect to connectors, both hubs (R6)and non-hubs (R3), while avoiding regions that are lo-calized in their modules (R1, R2 and R5). The trendis reversed for R5 regions. In particular, they show aslight preference for connecting to each other, which is incontrast to the other categories which exhibit a markedtendency to avoid others of their own kind.

This homophily between provincial hubs could arisefrom two different patterns of connectivity between them,viz., one in which connections between the R5 regionsare confined within the same module and another inwhich the corresponding regions across different modulesare connected. Fig. 2 (d) shows that the empirical ev-idence supports the former arrangement where, withineach module, provincial hubs connect to each other pref-erentially. We note that the three R5 regions indicatedin module #5 occur, respectively, in the three differentsub-modules that were identified in the previous subsec-tion. This intra-modular connectivity within provincialhubs, taken together with the observation that they pref-erentially connect to peripheral regions while avoidingconnectors, suggest that they help co-ordinate activitylocally within each module while limiting the spread ofinformation over the network.

C. Information spreading within the brain isenhanced by the specific pattern of intra- and

inter-modular connections

The roles played by regions belonging to different cat-egories in facilitating the transmission of informationwithin and between modules can be investigated by con-sidering a process of diffusive propagation across the net-work (see Methods). The distribution of first passagetimes τ , i.e., the time elapsed between initiating a ran-dom walk from any source node and the earliest arrival


FIG. 3. Physical distance between brain regions is seen to constrain their connectivity, but the modularorganization of the network is independent of their three-dimensional spatial arrangement. (a, top) Probabilitydistribution of the physical distances d between all pairs of nodes (red) contrasted with that of connected pairs (blue). (a,bottom) The variation with physical distance d of the connection probability P (C|d) between a pair of nodes separated by thatdistance (red). The empirical data is best fit by the relation P ∼ 1/d (represented by the solid line). (b) Joint representation ofthe space-independent modular organization of the network of brain regions showing the matrices indicating adjacency {Aij}(left surface), modularity {Bij} (normalized by total number of links L, right surface) and physical distance {dij} (top surface)between the different regions. Note that for matrix A the background intensity of each block is proportional to the density ofconnections within that block, and for matrix B only the values corresponding to linked pairs of nodes are shown. The nodes aregrouped into partitions corresponding to the space-independent modules of the network with the boundaries indicated by solidlines. The relatively large positive values clustered along the diagonal blocks of B indicate the occurrence of significantly higherdensity of connections within each module, compared to that expected from the degrees of, and the distance between, everypair of nodes. This characteristic signature of modularity is also visible in the adjacency matrix A representing the connectiontopology, suggesting that the mesoscopic structure of the brain network is a consequence of factors beyond the constraintsassociated with physical distance. Indeed, this is also true for the spatial clustering of nodes in each network module seen inFig. 1 (a-c), as is apparent from the distance matrix showing that the modules comprise many nodes that are spatially proximaleven after discounting the effect of distance in identifying the modules. (c) Visual representation of the correspondence betweenthe network modules determined using exclusively information about the connection topology (“Original”) and those obtainedfrom space-independent partitioning of the network into communities. on the right). This alluvial diagram has been createdusing the online visualization tool RAW [44].

to any given target node, is shown in Fig. 2 (e). While,in general, presence of modules in networks leads toslower global diffusion [22], surprisingly we observe thatthe distribution for the empirical network is markedlyshifted towards lower values of τ compared to random-ized networks with an identical degree sequence that

may or may not have modular organization. This indi-cates that, as opposed to information encapsulation, thespecific pattern of intra- and inter-modular connectionsbetween brain regions belonging to different categoriesactually promotes faster communication across the net-work. Moreover, as seen from Fig. 2 (f), the enhancement


of the rate of diffusion in the connectome (in comparisonto the randomized surrogates) can be seen both for trans-mission within a module, as well as, between differentmodules.

We also investigate how nodes having distinct intra-and inter-modular connectivity roles contribute to en-hancing communication in the network. This is achievedin each case by having the source node belong to the re-spective category and comparing the corresponding dis-tribution of τ with that obtained from randomized surro-gates (quantified using z-score, see Methods). Fig. 2 (g)shows that starting from a satellite connector R3, dif-fusion to other nodes belonging both within its moduleor to other modules is significantly faster compared torandomized networks with identical modular organiza-tion and degree distribution. In contrast, as seen fromFig. 2 (h), when starting from a provincial hub R5, theincrease in the rate of diffusion within a module, com-pared to that in the surrogate networks, is even higherthan the increase in the rate of diffusion across mod-ules. This resonates with the observation of homophilybetween provincial hubs in a module reported earlier(Fig. 2 (d)). When the source node belongs to any ofthe other categories, the difference between the intra-and inter-modular diffusion time-scales is seen to lie be-tween the range seen for these two cases (see SI). Thissuggests that the modular character of the mesoscopicorganization of the connectome is further shaped by thedistribution of roles played by the different nodes in al-lowing information to spread within a module, as well as,across different modules.

D. Spatial layout constrains the connectivity butdoes not determine the modular organization of

brain regions

So far we have investigated the modular structure ofthe network of brain regions exclusively in terms of theconnection topology. However, the brain is also a physi-cal system that is embedded in three-dimensional spaceassociated with a distance metric which restricts the pos-sible connections between its constituent regions. Suchconstraints arise from resource costs related to the spa-tial volume and transmission time associated with theconnections, and the rapid energy consumption duringsynaptic transmission [72–78]. Thus, given that the pat-tern of connections between the regions is a function ofthe physical distance between them, we can ask to whatextent are the modules a consequence of the brain beinga spatially embedded network [79]. To investigate therole of spatial constraints on the structure of the brainnetwork, we supplement the network topological infor-mation with that of the physical locations and volumesof each of the regions (shown in Fig. 1, a-c; for details seeMethods). By comparing the distributions of the physi-cal distances d between all possible pairs of regions (con-nected or not) with that of only the connected pairs [top

panel of Fig. 3 (a)], we can obtain the dependence of theconnection probability between two regions on the dis-tance d between them. As seen from the bottom panelof Fig. 3 (a), this probability decays linearly with thereciprocal of the distance, i.e., P (C|d) ∼ 1/d, explicitlydemonstrating the constraint imposed by the spatial lay-out of the brain regions on their connectivity.

To see if the restriction on long-range connections im-plied by the above constraint is responsible for the meso-scopic organization of the network we have reported here,we investigate whether the network can be partitionedinto modules even after taking into account the distancedependence of the connection probability in the nullmodel (see Methods for details). Thus, if the modulesare exclusively a product of the distance constraint, thedeviation of the empirically obtained connection prob-abilities from those of the null model will be minimal,yielding a single partition comprising the entire network(see SI for results on different surrogate networks). Incontrast to the above scenario, we find that applying themethod on the brain network yields an optimal parti-tioning comprising seven space-independent modules in-dicated by the diagonal blocks demarcated by white linesin the adjacency matrix shown in Fig. 3 (b) [left surface].The probability of connections within these modules de-viate strongly from the values expected from the nullmodel as shown by the modularity matrix [Fig. 3 (b),right surface]. The distance matrix [Fig. 3 (b), top sur-face] also appears to suggest that regions belonging tothe same module are, in general, physically closer to eachother than those belonging to different modules. How-ever, this physical proximity cannot provide a causal ex-planation for the modular structure as, even after fil-tering for spatial effects, the resulting space-independentmodules are substantially similar to those reported inthe previous subsections [see Fig. 3 (c)]. The similaritybetween the results of these two different modular parti-tionings is quantitatively indicated by the correspondingnormalized mutual information Inorm(= 0.6) [see Meth-ods]. Thus, the spatial layout of the brain regions cannotby themselves explain the mesoscopic organization of thenetwork, and the existence of the structural modules is afundamental attribute of the brain.


Despite differences in the details of their organization,the modules that we have identified in the Macaque con-nectome have common structural features. Most notably,each of them have cortical and thalamic components withthe sole exception of module #3, suggesting a distinctfunctionality of this module. The sizable thalamic con-tribution to modules #2, #4 and #5 can be understoodin terms of the roles that their cortical components playin processing specific sensory modalities. In particular,the information from the corresponding sensory organsarrive at the cortical regions belonging to these modules


via relay centers located in the thalamic component ofthe respective modules. This, however, cannot explainthe sizable contribution from thalamic regions to mod-ule #1, as the sensory modalities it is associated with,namely, olfaction and gustation, do not involve any thala-mic relay. As one of the primary functions of this moduleis the integration of information processed in differentcortical regions (as mentioned earlier), it suggests thatregions in the thalamic component of this module serveas relay centers coordinating inter-cortical communica-tion [45].

The module with which a particular brain region is as-sociated may also alert us to possible functions of thisregion that have not yet been identified. As an examplewe consider multi-modal association areas, which inte-grate and process inputs from different sensory modal-ities (such as the regions LIP, MIP and area 46 ). Us-ing information about their modular membership, we canidentify which modality or function each of these regionsare most strongly associated with. This is illustrated byconsidering the LIP, VIP, AIP and MIP areas of theIntraparietal Sulcus. Although they are all multi-modalassociation areas, LIP and VIP are part of module #5,whereas areas AIP and MIP are part of module #2. It isknown that LIP and VIP are involved in visual attentionand saccadic eye movements [80–82], which are predomi-nantly visual processing tasks (consistent with the broadfunction of module #5). In contrast, AIP and MIP coor-dinate the visual control of reaching and pointing [83–85],which, although guided by visual information, is primar-ily a motor function (consonant with the broad functionof module #2). Thus, the specific functionalities of theseassociation areas seem to tie in with the modules thatthey belong to.

We note that the modular nature of the brain has beenlong recognized, both in terms of function and, more re-cently, in the topological organization of its structuralconnections [15]. Considerable attention has been fo-cused on the question of structure-function convergencein the context of brain modules [20]. The hypothesis of“information encapsulation”, whereby it is assumed thatthe information processing related to specific functionsare relatively unaffected by those corresponding to otherfunctions, has been suggested as an explanation of howfunctional modules can arise from the structural organi-zation of the connectome into several communities [86].Although this may appear intuitive because spreadingprocesses are generally fast within a module and slowdown during their passage to a different module [22], wefind on the contrary that the specific modular organiza-tion of the Macaque connectome allows signals to spreadvery fast. In fact, the communication of informationacross the empirical network appears to be even fasterthan that seen in equivalent networks whose connectionsare distributed homogeneously. This is surprising as ho-mogeneous networks tend to exhibit the fastest speed ofpropagation globally, which usually tends to reduce oncemesoscopic structural features such as modularity are in-

troduced [22]. We connect this counter-intuitive result tothe detailed meso-level attributes of the topological or-ganization, specifically the roles played by different brainregions in terms of their intra- and inter-modular connec-tions. By analyzing these connections we reveal distinc-tive features of the connectome, namely, the tendency ofprovincial hubs within a module to connect to each other,and the preference shown by connector hubs to link toperipheral nodes across different modules.

While the potential of rapid communication betweendifferent regions, made possible by the underlying mod-ular architecture of the network, suggests a plausible ex-planation for the evolution of the observed mesoscopicorganization of the macaque brain, it could also plausiblybe a consequence of optimizing for wiring lengths. How-ever, we have explicitly shown that the constraint im-posed by the physical distance between the brain regionsis insufficient to explain the modular partitions observedby us. Indeed, although the five modules of the con-nectome that we have identified comprise brain regionsthat are, for the most part, spatially proximal, module#4 is a prominent exception. It spans two widely sepa-rated locations in the brain, one comprising the primaryand secondary auditory areas which are in the temporallobe and the other consisting of association areas locatedin the prefrontal lobe. While it is well-established thatthe temporal lobe regions belonging to this module con-tribute to its associated sensory modality, viz., auditoryprocessing, it is not entirely clear what role the prefrontalregions of this module plays in this context. We note,however, that there are intriguing parallels between theseareas and those occupying corresponding locations in thehuman brain. Specifically, the prefrontal and temporalparts of module #4 that are known to have a role in socialcognition in primates [87, 88] correspond to the Broca’sand Wernicke’s areas in the human brain, respectively.As is well known, the former is responsible for speechproduction in humans, while the latter is critical for lan-guage comprehension [55]. Although there is no directcounterpart of language in Macaques, non-human pri-mates are known to be capable of communicating throughsignals such as facial expressions and vocalizations [89].This correspondence therefore warrants consideration ofwhether some of the areas in module #4 of the Macaquebrain developed from a common evolutionary precursorof the apparatus responsible for facilitating language inhumans. Indeed, this view is supported by recent re-search [90–92] that have used language-like behavior innon-human primates as models for understanding howspeech and language might have evolved in humans [93].


We would like to thank Raghavendhra Singh, Sridha-ran Devarajan and Dipanjan Ray for helpful discussions.SNM has been supported by the IMSc Complex Sys-tems Project (12th Plan), and the Center of Excellence


in Complex Systems and Data Science, both funded bythe Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.The simulations and computations required for this work

were supported by High Performance Computing facility(Nandadevi and Satpura) of The Institute of Mathemat-ical Sciences, which is partially funded by DST.

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Mesoscopic architecture enhances communication across theMacaque connectome revealing structure-function correspondence in

the brain

Anand Pathak1,2, Shakti N. Menon1 and Sitabhra Sinha1,2

1 The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India2 Homi Bhabha National Institute, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400 094, India

1 The Structure of the Macaque Connectome

The data describing the Macaque connectome that we have used in our analysis are included intwo files that are part of the Supplementary Information. The file connectome_nodes.xls is aspreadsheet comprising 11 columns which contain information about each of the 266 brain regionswhich correspond to the nodes of the network. The first 7 columns provide the identity of theregion in terms of the serial number by which they are identified in our study, the abbreviation,the name, their position in the Macaque brain described in terms of the 3-dimensional coordinatesas per the Paxinos atlas and the volume that they occupy. The eighth and ninth columns con-tain information arising from our analysis, viz., the module they belong to and their role in themesoscopic organization (described in the main text), respectively. The last two columns contain,respectively, the references and the web resource from which we have gleaned information abouttheir positions and volumes.

The file connectome_links.dat is an adjacency list containing information about the directedconnections between the different nodes (brain regions) via anatomical tracts, with the first columnindicating the source node and the second column the target node (both nodes being representedby their serial number as given in the file connectome_nodes.xls).

Fig. S1 shows some of the macroscopic properties of the network, viz., the cumulative distribu-tions for the number of in-coming, out-going and total connections, and the correlation betweenthe number of in-coming and out-going connections for each node. Fig. S1 (a) shows that the totaldegree distribution of the nodes [shown in the bottom panel] follows an exponential distribution,in agreement with the observed properties of the network investigated by Modha and Singh [1].This suggests that the network that we have worked with, which has been processed extensivelyfrom the original network of 383 nodes (which contained many redundancies, as explained in themain text), shares the same macroscopic features as the original network. The top and middlepanels show the in-degree and out-degree distributions. While both of these appear to also followan exponential form, the former shows a deviation in the tail indicating that there exist regionsthat have more in-coming connections than is expected given the form of the distribution. Inparticular, the four nodes having the highest in-degrees [top panel] that show the largest deviationfrom the best-fit exponential distribution are all located in the pre-frontal cortex and are also seento belong to the same module, viz.,#1. This is in accordance with the known cognitive functionof prefrontal cortex regions which is high-level multi-modal sensory integration.

In order to see whether regions which attract many in-coming connections also tend to havemany out-going connections, we have looked at the correlation between in- and out-degrees interms of a scatter plot [Fig. S1 (b)]. Here the nodes are colored according to the module to whichthey belong, while the relative volumes are represented by the size of the corresponding markers.We note that while most of the nodes are fit well by a linear relation between in-degree andout-degree, there does appear to be several nodes which have a disproportionately higher numberof out-going connections than is expected from their in-degree, given the linear relation betweenthe two. Specifically, there are 38 nodes whose out-degree deviate significantly from the valuethat is expected from the best-fit linear relation with their in-degree, i.e., they are larger than theupper bound given by the root mean square deviation (the upper lighter curve, see figure captionfor details). Although the membership of these outliers span across all modules and functional










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categories (in terms of the role they play in the mesoscopic organization of the connectome),we note that 32% of all connector hubs (R6) and 26% of all satellite connectors (R3) belong tothese outliers. As nodes belonging to both of these categories are characterized by having theirconnections are distributed over several modules, it suggests a possible functional importance ofthe outlier nodes in coordinating information processing in the Macaque brain.

Figure S1: (a) The distributions of the (top) in-degree, (center) out-degree and (bottom) total degreeof the Macaque connectome, indicating the best-fit exponential distribution (broken line) in each case.(b) Scatter plot indicating the correlation between in-degree and out-degree of the different nodes in theconnectome. The relatively darker central curve represents the best-fit linear relation between kin andkout (the linear correlation coefficient is r = 0.62, with a p-value of 0) corresponding to a slope of 0.49.The two lighter curves on either side indicate the root mean square deviation of the empirical data fromthe best-fit linear relation. The color and sizes of the nodes are same as in Fig. 1 of the main text.


2 Modular Organization of the Connectome

2.1 Establishing the robustness of the modular decomposition

As described in the Methods section of the main text, we have ensured that the partitioning of theconnectome is not sensitively dependent on the specific method used for the decomposition. Fig. S2shows that the communities obtained using the Infomap method [2], which is based upon optimallycompressing information about dynamic processes on the network, have a high degree of overlapwith those obtained using a spectral method [3] that maximizes the modularity Q (for details,see Methods in main text). While the Infomap method generates a larger number of modules(specifically, 17), not only are many of these extremely small (in some cases comprising only asingle node), but several of them are in fact further subdivisions of the relatively fewer modules(specifically, 5) obtained using the spectral method. The relatively high degree of correspondencebetween the partitions generated by using techniques that employ completely different principlessuggests that the modular decomposition reported here is an intrinsic property of the network,and is not strongly affected by the partitioning method used.

Figure S2: Visual representation of the comparison between the modular decomposition of the Macaqueconnectome obtained using spectral partitioning [left] with that obtained using the Infomap method [right].The modules are represented as vertical bars, connected by bands which are colored according to themodule obtained using the spectral method from which they originate [using the same color scheme as inFig. 1 (d) of the main text]. This alluvial diagram has been created using the online visualization toolRAW [4].

To verify that the method used for maximizing Q does not alter our results significantly,we have performed 103 realizations of a stochastic simulated annealing algorithm for detectingcommunities [5]. As mentioned in the Methods (see main text), by comparing between theselarge number of optimal partitionings of the network, we can determine the extent to whichthe modular groupings among the different nodes is robust. Fig. S3 shows the Modularity Qvalues corresponding to these realizations, using a representation such that similar partitionings(corresponding to the circles) occur close to each other in the two-dimensional plane orthogonal tothe axis representing Q. The two-dimensional coordinates of each circle in this plane is obtainedby Curvilinear Component Analysis (CCA, see Ref. [6]) as described in Ref. [5].

As can be seen from Fig. S3, there are a large number of partitionings having high values of Qthat occur close to each other in the plateau and where the partition obtained from the spectralmethod (diamond, having a Q-value of Qspectral = 0.485) that has been for our analysis is also


Figure S3: Modularity of the Macaque connectome, shown as a function reconstructed from 103 parti-tionings (circles) obtained through a simulated annealing method for determining communities [5]. Theaxes on the horizontal plane orthogonal to the vertical axis that corresponds to modularity Q representembedding dimensions that are themselves complex functions of the partition space, such that the scaleof these axes are irrelevant. The distance between the partitionings (whose positions on the horizontalplane are obtained by CCA) are indicative of the degree of dissimilarity between the corresponding mod-ular partitions of the network. The partition obtained by the deterministic spectral method yielding aQ-value of Qspectral = 0.485 (diamond), and which has been used for our analysis, is seen to occur inthe high-modularity plateau comprising a large number of similar partitions, all having a high value of Q.The 291 partitionings that occur at the top of this surface, whose Q values differ by less than 3% fromQspectral = 0.485 (specifically, the circles lying above the translucent plane corresponding to Q = 0.47shown in the figure), have been used to determine the robustness of the modular identities of the differentnodes in the connectome, as shown in Fig. S4 (left).

seen. This suggests that the modular decomposition of the nodes in these high Q partitionings aresimilar to that determined by the spectral method. Fig. S4 shows the brain regions whose modularidentity is invariant across all the partitionings whose Q differs by less than 3% (i.e., Q > 0.47, leftpanel) and 7% (i.e., Q > 0.45, right panel) from Qspectral. The conserved modular memberships ofa large fraction (∼ 70%) of the brain regions across all the different partitionings possessing highmodularity (highlighted nodes in Fig. S4 [left]; see Table S1 for their identities) emphasizes thatthe modular mesoscopic organization we have described here does not depend sensitively on themethod used to partition the network, underlining that it is an intrinsic property of the Macaqueconnectome.


Figure S4: The network of brain regions shown in (a) horizontal, (b) sagittal and (c) coronal projections,indicating the regions (highlighted) whose modular memberships are invariant across the partitioningsobtained by the spectral method (used in our analysis) as well as those obtained by simulated annealing,whose Q differs by less than (left) 3% and (right) 7% from Qspectral = 0.485. As in Fig. 1 (a-c) inthe main text, the modular membership of each node is represented by its color (see color key at thebottom of each panel), the spatial positions of the nodes are specified by the three-dimensional stereotaxiccoordinates of the corresponding regions, and node sizes provide a representation of the relative volumes ofthe corresponding brain regions (the spatial scale being indicated by the horizontal bar shown next to eachprojection). (Left) Within the 291 partitionings that have Q > 0.47, around 70% of the 266 brain regionshave the same modular membership as that seen in the spectral modular decomposition, underliningthe robustness of their modular identities. (Right) For the 625 partitionings that have Q > 0.45, wesee a much higher degree of variation in the modular identities of the regions across the partitioningsas a result of including those with much lower values of Q. Specifically, modules #1, #3 and #5 areseen to have several nodes that are robust (i.e., consistently belong to the corresponding module) acrossthe partitionings, while, for module #4, only some of the nodes belonging to the temporal lobe have thisproperty. The nodes belonging to module #2, on the other hand, change from one partitioning to another.


Table S1: Brain regions highlighted in Fig. S4 (left) whose modular membership is conserved acrossall the 291 distinct partitionings with Q > 0.47, arranged according to the modules, and subsequentlyinto the largest anatomical subdivision (viz., lobe / nuclei), to which they belong. For each region, thecorresponding within-module degree z-score and the participation coefficient are displayed in the last twocolumns (see Methods for details).

Module #1

Lobe/nuclei region zscore pcoeff


14r 1.154 0.34413L 0.481 0.14813M 0.443 0.10213a 2.837 0.47132 3.061 0.688

10m -0.230 0.00010v -0.791 0.00010d -0.866 0.00010o 0.443 0.00012o 2.613 0.61912m 0.593 0.26312r 0.107 0.06912l 2.239 0.65911l 0.368 0.108

11m 1.042 0.447PrCO 0.032 0.5596Vb -0.305 0.4576Va -0.267 0.438


TPag -0.529 0.000TPg -0.305 0.000

TPdgv -0.604 0.000TPdgd -0.604 0.000Su#2 -0.754 0.000

Sb -0.754 0.000

cing 24b 0.780 0.549


Ial -0.267 0.000Iam 0.630 0.373Iapm 0.705 0.515Iai 1.752 0.432


AM#1 -0.492 0.569Cim -0.828 0.000Cif -0.716 0.444Cdc -0.754 0.560

MDcd -0.828 0.000MDpm -0.754 0.000MDfi -0.679 0.000

BGSI#2 0.219 0.410Pu r 0.219 0.429

OFC OFC -0.679 0.408

Module #2

Lobe/nuclei region zscore pcoeff


F5 2.706 0.5154c -0.575 0.180F4 0.807 0.355F7 3.512 0.551F2 2.418 0.360

M2-FL -0.862 0.480F6 1.267 0.512

M1-FL 2.073 0.256


MI-of -0.402 0.272


1#1 0.691 0.1742#1 0.634 0.1213b 0.346 0.3223a 0.173 0.227

SII-f -0.920 0.000PR#4 -0.690 0.000PFop -0.805 0.000PGop -0.690 0.000

PFG#1 0.404 0.140PF#1 0.807 0.353AIP -0.517 0.165MIP 0.749 0.307PEm 0.979 0.463

5 Foot -1.035 0.000PEc#1 1.152 0.228PGm 2.188 0.627PECg 1.267 0.399

OL V6A 0.231 0.375

cing24d -0.114 0.29023c 2.188 0.563

TSA -0.057 0.355

Insula Ri#1 -0.632 0.494


Pcn 0.289 0.650CM#2 0.231 0.226

Csl -0.287 0.640Ret -0.287 0.338

Pul.o 0.576 0.291X -0.287 0.427

VPS -0.862 0.000VPM -0.460 0.278VPLo -0.517 0.000VPLc -0.057 0.194VLm -0.575 0.180VLps -0.575 0.320VLo 0.058 0.308VLc -0.114 0.198

VApc -0.460 0.375

BG Pu c -0.460 0.375

Module #3

Lobe/nuclei region zscore pcoeff


TFM -0.309 0.000TFL 0.190 0.25435 2.044 0.46936c 1.117 0.11136r 2.329 0.17736p -0.452 0.000EI 0.547 0.453

ER#1 0.048 0.49928m -0.594 0.180ECL -0.309 0.408


EC#2 0.689 0.487Pros. -0.166 0.430PaS -0.737 0.406TH 3.327 0.666PrS -0.452 0.514CA1 0.333 0.159DG -0.808 0.245

cing 29d -0.951 0.560


Bla 0.261 0.442Abpc 0.832 0.320

Bi 0.903 0.412ABd 0.261 0.000Bvl -0.024 0.000ABv 0.261 0.000MB -0.024 0.290

ABvm 0.547 0.204ABmg 0.832 0.420

A -0.095 0.111I#2 -0.879 0.278

ME#1 -0.166 0.430CE#1 -0.095 0.360AHA -0.594 0.180PAC2 -0.238 0.000COp -0.808 0.000

NLOT -0.808 0.000COa -0.523 0.397Ldi 1.117 0.216

Ld#2 -0.166 0.219Lv 0.974 0.229Lvl 0.618 0.137

Module #4

Lobe/nuclei region zscore pcoeff


M9 0.227 0.677D9 -0.257 0.60246v 2.437 0.74146d 0.848 0.4778B 2.299 0.629


A1 0.641 0.340STPg -0.326 0.418ProK -0.326 0.231paAc 0.089 0.381L#1 0.019 0.320

CL#4 -0.671 0.480AL#4 -0.464 0.426ST3 1.194 0.370ST2 0.641 0.445ST1 0.227 0.469Tpt 0.848 0.461

TPOc 0.710 0.571TPOr -0.257 0.492TAa 0.434 0.441


ThalMG -0.533 0.000SG -0.188 0.519Li 0.019 0.615

Module #5

Lobe/nuclei region zscore pcoeff

FL45A 0.385 0.5628Ac -1.003 0.000


LIPe -0.268 0.660LIPi -0.023 0.568VIP 0.793 0.507

PIP#1 -0.268 0.000


CITv 0.466 0.560TEm -0.350 0.691PITd -0.023 0.142PITv 0.058 0.500IPa 0.385 0.710MT 2.997 0.314FST 1.446 0.454

MSTp 0.140 0.231MSTd 1.446 0.497


V3A 0.793 0.159V3v 0.711 0.000V4t 0.140 0.338DLr -0.921 0.000DLc -0.921 0.000V4v -0.758 0.000VPP -0.921 0.000V6 1.283 0.447DP 0.303 0.443

VOT -0.595 0.000V1 1.283 0.250V2 3.160 0.387


LGN -0.595 0.278PIl-s -0.921 0.000PIp -0.840 0.000PIm -0.513 0.245PIl -0.431 0.000PIc -0.431 0.219

PLa#1 -0.921 0.000PLvl -0.758 0.000

PLvm -0.758 0.000

BG Cd g -0.105 0.653

MB MB#2 -0.187 0.298


2.2 Modular decomposition of the cortical and sub-cortical subdivisionsof the Macaque brain

As mentioned in the main text, there is no simple correspondence between the modules and theanatomical subdivisions of the brain. The nodes of the connectome we have investigated arebrain regions that belong to larger subdivisions, such as the prefrontal cortex, which in turnare part of broader anatomical categories such as the frontal lobe. The association between thenetwork modules and the largest subdivisions have been shown in Fig. 1(d) in the main text.A more detailed representation of this relation is given in terms of the modular spectra of theanatomical subdivisions in Table S2 which indicates how the regions belonging to each subdivisionare distributed among the five modules. We note that some of the subdivisions constitute asingle brain region in the connectome we consider (e.g., Visual area V1 in the Occipital lobe), sothat they belong exclusively to one of the modules. Larger subdivisions that comprise multipleregions, on the other hand, can have their constituent regions distributed non-uniformly amongseveral modules. In such cases, we highlight the dominant module(s) of the subdivision, i.e.,those amongst the five modules having the largest number of brain regions, in the table. Thespatial layout of the brain regions belonging to these larger subdivisions, colored according to themodules to which they belong, are also shown in Figs. S5 and S6. Note that, the regions belongingto the parietal lobe occur predominantly in module #2, while those in the occipital lobe occurpredominantly in module #5 (see Fig. S5). Fig. S6 suggests that the regions belonging to thebasal ganglia mostly occur in module #3.

Table S2: Modular decomposition of the brain regions in different anatomical subdivisions of the Macaquebrain.

Lobe/Nuclei Subdivision [abbreviation] modular distrib.(no. of brain regions) 1 2 3 4 5

Frontal lobe (58)

beltline of sensorymotor syst. [belt sm] 0 1 0 0 0Prefrontal cortex [PFC] 18 5 0 11 2Supplementary motor area [Area 6] 3 11 1 0 0Primary motor area [MI] 0 4 2 0 0

Temporal lobe (56)

Ventral temporal cortex [TCV] 4 0 6 0 0Parahippocampal cortex [PHC] 3 0 11 0 0Hippocampus [Hip] 0 0 3 0 0Superior temporal gyrus [STG] 0 0 0 11 0Inferotemporal area [TE] 0 0 3 0 4Superior temporal sulcus [STS] 0 1 0 5 5

Parietal lobe (27)

Primary somatosensory cortex [S1] 0 4 0 0 0Secondary somatosensory cortex [S2] 0 1 1 0 0beltline of sensory syst. [belt s] 1 0 0 0 0Rostral parietal area [PR#4] 0 1 0 0 0Somatosensory association area [7#1] 0 5 0 2 0Cortex of intraparietal sulcus [PCip] 0 2 0 0 4Dorsal parietal cortex [PCd#2] 0 6 0 0 0

Occipital lobe (16)

Visual anterior cortex [VAC] 0 1 0 0 12Visual area V1 [V1] 0 0 0 0 1Prostriate cortex [ProST] 1 0 0 0 0Visual area V2 [V2] 0 0 0 0 1

Thalamus (53)

Anterior nuclei [AN] 2 1 0 0 1Midline nuclei [ML] 5 1 1 0 0Geniculate nucleus [GN] 0 0 0 1 1Intralaminar nuclei [IL2] 1 3 0 1 0Massa intermedia [MI1] 0 1 0 0 0Posterior nuclei [PN] 0 0 0 2 0


Reticularis thalami [Ret] 0 1 0 0 0Pulvinaris thalami [Pul#1] 0 1 0 3 8Medial dorsal nucleus [MD] 3 2 0 1 0Ventrolateral nuclei [VN] 1 12 0 0 0

Basal Ganglia (31)

Amygdala [Amyg] 0 0 22 0 0Substantia nigra [SN] 0 0 1 0 0Substantia innominata [SI#2] 1 0 0 0 0Nucleus subthalamus [Sub.Th] 0 0 1 0 0Globus pallidus [GPe] 0 0 0 0 1Striatum [STR] 1 1 1 0 1Claustrum [Clau] 0 1 0 0 0

Cingulate Gyrus (13)

Area 24 [24] 3 1 0 0 0Area 23 [23] 2 2 0 0 0Area 26 [26] 0 0 2 2 0Area 25 [25] 0 0 1 0 0

Insula (9)

Granular insular cortex [Ig#1] 0 0 1 0 0Retroinsular cortex [Ri#1] 0 1 0 0 0Insular proisocortex [IPro] 0 1 0 0 0Parainsular field [Pi#1] 0 0 1 0 0Anterior insula [IA] 4 0 1 0 0

Hypothalamus (1) Hypothalamus [Hyp] 0 0 1 0 0

Midbrain (1) Midbrain [MB] 0 0 0 0 1

Olfactory complex (1) Olfactory complex [OFC] 1 0 0 0 0


Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe

Temporal Lobe Occipital Lobe

Figure S5: The network of brain regions shown in (a) horizontal, (b) sagittal and (c) coronal projections,indicating the modular memberships of the regions (highlighted) that belong to the frontal (top left),parietal (top right), temporal (bottom left) and occipital (bottom right) lobes. As in Fig. 1 (a-c) inthe main text, the modular membership of each node is represented by its color (see color key at thebottom of each panel), the spatial positions of the nodes are specified by the three-dimensional stereotaxiccoordinates of the corresponding regions, and node sizes provide a representation of the relative volumesof the corresponding brain regions (the spatial scale being indicated by the horizontal bar shown next toeach projection).


Thalamus Basal Ganglia

Cingulate Insula

Figure S6: The network of brain regions shown in (a) horizontal, (b) sagittal and (c) coronal projections,indicating the modular memberships of the regions (highlighted) that belong to the thalamus (top left),basal ganglia (top right), cingulate (bottom left) and insula (bottom right). As in Fig. 1 (a-c) in the maintext, the modular membership of each node is represented by its color (see color key at the bottom ofeach panel), the spatial positions of the nodes are specified by the three-dimensional stereotaxic coordi-nates of the corresponding regions, and node sizes provide a representation of the relative volumes of thecorresponding brain regions (the spatial scale being indicated by the horizontal bar shown next to eachprojection).


2.3 Functional characterization of modules

As mentioned in the main text, we have investigated a possible structure-function correlation inthe mesoscopic organization of the connectome, which would be reflected in the modules beingpredominantly associated with certain functionalities. In Table S3 we list the known functions(obtained from the literature) either of the brain regions belonging to each of the modules, orof the broader subdivisions to which such regions belong (the first column indicating the lobe ornuclei, and the second specifying the areas comprising it). As the different regions belonging to asubdivision may lie in distinct modules, the fraction of all the regions in a subdivision that are in aspecific module are indicated in the third column. The role that these regions play in terms intra-and inter-modular communication can be inferred from the average values (computed over all theregions in the subdivision that are in the same module) of the participation coefficient, 〈p〉, and thewithin-module degree z-score, 〈z〉, which are shown in the fourth and fifth columns, respectively.Some of the brain regions in a subdivision that have been investigated relatively more extensivelyare mentioned in the sixth column, while the seventh column provides a non-exhaustive list of thefunctions that are known to be associated with these regions and/or the subdivision to which theybelong (along with references to the relevant literature). As alluded to in the main text, regionsbelonging to the same module have certain functions that appear to complement each other incarrying out a specific cognitive task, e.g., high-level multimodal sensory integration and decision-making (module #1), motor control and somato-sensory processing (module #2), memory andemotion (module #3), auditory processing (module #4) and visual processing (module #5).

Table S3: Functional characterization of modules

Module #1


Frac. 〈p〉 〈z〉 Notable regions Known functions

Frontal lobe

PFC 18/36 0.24 0.63 10, 11, 13, 14sensory integration,

decision making[7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

Area 6 3/15 0.48 -0.18 6Va, 6Vb, PrCocomplex locomotion

(e.g. climbing)[12, 13]

Temporal lobeTCv 4/10 0.00 -0.51PHC 3/14 0.17 -0.68 EO olfaction [14]

Parietal lobe belt s 1/1 0.64 -0.70

Occipital lobe ProSt 1/1 0.50 -0.86


AN 2/4 0.52 -0.62ML 5/7 0.39 -0.78

IL#2 1/5 0.00 -0.90MD 3/6 0.00 -0.75VN 1/12 0.57 -0.15

Basal Ganglia

SI#2 1/1 0.41 0.22

STR 1/4 0.43 0.22 Pu rmotor skills,

reinforcementlearning [15]


Area 24 3/4 0.57 0.60 24a, 24b, 24cemotional

behaviouralcontrol [16]

Area 23 2/4 0.61 -0.55 23a,23bmulti-sensory

integration [16]

Insula IA 4/5 0.33 0.70 Iam, Iai social cognition [17]


OFC 1/1 0.40 -0.68 olfaction [14]


Module #2


Frac. 〈p〉 〈z〉 Notable regions Known function

Frontal lobe

belt sm 1/1 0.54 -0.52

PFC 5/36 0.48 -0.46 45B, 8Adsaccadic guidance(frontal eye field)


Area 6 11/15 0.36 0.66complex locomotion(climbing etc.) [12]

MI 4/6 0.27 0.20 M1-FL, M1-HLvoluntary movement

(primary motorarea) [19]

Temporal lobe STS 1/11 0.44 -0.98

Parietal lobe

S1 4/4 0.21 0.46primary

somatosensorycortex [19]

S2 1/2 0.00 -0.92 SII-f

secondarysomatosensory area

(facerepresentation) [20]

PR#4 1/1 0.00 -0.69

Area 7 5/7 0.10 -0.28 PF#1, PFG#1visual-motor

coordination [21]

PCip 2/6 0.24 0.12 AIP, MIPvisual control of

reaching &pointing [22, 23]

PCd#2 6/6 0.39 0.91 PEm, PEc#1somesthesia &

motor control [24]

Occipital lobe VAC 1/13 0.38 0.23


AN 1/4 0.72 -0.86ML 1/7 0.59 -0.63

IL#2 3/5 0.50 0.07MI#1 1/1 0.00 -1.09Ret 1/1 0.34 -0.29

Pul#1 1/12 0.29 0.58MD 2/6 0.60 -0.50

VN 12/13 0.19 -0.45somatosensory

informationrelay [19]

Basal Ganglia STR 1/4 0.37 -0.50 Pu cmotor skills,

reinforcementlearning [15]


Area 24 1/4 0.29 -0.11Area 23 2/4 0.46 1.06

InsulaRi#1 1/1 0.49 -0.63Ipro 1/1 0.00 -1.03

Module #3


Frac. 〈p〉 〈z〉 Notable regions Known function

Temporal lobeTCv 6/10 0.16 0.82 35, 36c, 36r

visual perception &memory ofobjects [25]


PHC 11/14 0.46 0.09 TH spatial memory [26]

Hip 3/3 0.28 -0.38

spatialcognition [27, 28]and recognition

memory [29]TE 3/8 0.65 0.17

Parietal lobe S2 1/2 0.50 -1.16

Basal Ganglia

Amyg 22/22 0.20 0.1emotional

response [30, 31]SN 1/1 0.61 -0.88

STR 1/4 0.57 -0.80 Cd treinforcementlearning [15]


Area 26 2/2 0.57 -0.88Area 25 1/1 0.65 2.48

InsulaIg#1 1/1 0.60 0.83Pi#1 1/1 0.64 0.19

IA 1/5 0.70 0.90

Hypothalamus Hyp 1/1 0.69 -0.80

Module #4


Frac. 〈p〉 〈z〉 Notable region Known function

Frontal lobe PFC 11/36 0.55 0.25 46d, 46vworking

memory [32, 33]

Temporal lobeSTG 11/11 0.39 0.17 A1

auditorycortex [34, 35]

STS 5/11 0.52 -0.04 TPOc, TAa, Pgacomplex sound

processing [36, 35]

Parietal lobe Area 7 2/7 0.69 1.40 PG#1somato-motor

coordination [21]


GN 1/2 0.00 -0.53 MGauditory information

relay [19]IL#2 1/5 0.66 -0.67PN 2/2 0.56 -0.08

Pul#1 3/12 0.00 -1.22MD 1/6 0.66 -0.60


Area 26 2/4 0.30 -0.81

Module #5


Frac. 〈p〉 〈z〉 Notable region Known function

Frontal lobe PFC 2/36 0.28 -0.30 45A, 8Acsaccadic guidance

(frontal eyefield) [18]

Temporal lobeTE 4/7 0.47 0.03


ventral visualpathway [37, 38]

STS 5/11 0.44 1.28 MT, MST, FSTdorsal visual

pathway [37, 38]

Parietal lobe PCip 4/6 0.43 0.06 LIP, VIP, PIPvisual

attention [39, 40]

Occipital lobe VAC 12/13 0.11 -0.23 V3A, V3B, V6 visual cortex [19]


V1 1/1 0.25 1.28primary visual

cortex [19]

V2 1/1 0.39 3.15secondary visual

cortex [19]

Thalamus AN 1/4 0.69 -0.51

GN 1/2 0.28 -0.59 LGNvisual information

relay [19]

Pul#1 8/12 0.06 -0.70visual

processing [41]

Basal GangliaGpe 1/1 0.67 -0.84

STR 1/4 0.65 -0.10 Cd greinforcementlearning [15]

Mid brain MB 1/1 0.30 -0.19



PLa#1 V4t IPaPLvl DP V3v



MB#2Cd gGPe

Figure S7: The network of brain regions shown in (a) horizontal, (b) sagittal and (c) coronal projections,indicating that the nodes in module #5 (highlighted) can be further grouped into three sub-modules. Thesub-modular membership of each node of module #5 is represented by its color (see color key at thebottom) with the list of brain regions belonging to each of the three sub-modules shown in the table inthe right. Sub-module #5A is seen to comprise primary visual regions and subcoritcal regions, while sub-modules #5B and #5C contain regions that belong to the ventral and dorsal visual pathways, respectively.The node sizes provide a representation of the relative volumes of the corresponding brain regions (thespatial scale being indicated by the horizontal bar in each panel). The spatial positions of the nodes arespecified by the three-dimensional stereotaxic coordinates of the corresponding regions. Links indicate thedirected nerve tracts connecting pairs of brain regions, and are colored in accordance with their sourcenodes.

The structure-function correlation associated with the mesoscopic organization, can be seennot only at the level of modules (as indicated by the Table reftab:tab3 above) but can be extendedeven further. As mentioned in the main text, we have sbjected module #5 to further partitioningwhich yields three sub-modules. Fig. S7 shows the nodes in module #5 that belong to thesesub-modules. We find that they ae associated with distinct functionalities, with 5A containingthe visual cortex and almost all the sub-cortical components, while the regions identified withdifferent visual processing pathways, viz., the ventral and dorsal streams belong to 5B and 5C,respectively.


2.4 Categorization of nodes in terms of inter- intra-modular connectiv-ity

As described in the main text, the role played by each of the brain regions in the mesoscopicorganization of the connectome can be classified into seven categories according to their intra- andinter-modular connectivity, viz., R1: ultra-peripheral, R2: peripheral, R3: satellite connector, R4:kinless, R5: provincial hub, R6: connector hub, and R7: global hub (note that there are no regionsin the Macaque brain belonging to the categories R4 and R7). With the exception of module #4which has no region playing the role of a provincial hub, each module has a qualitatively similardistribution of its regions across these categories (Fig. S8, top).

Figure S8: The distribution of the regions across the different categories R1-R7 (see Fig. 2 in maintext) is similar for different modules (top), with the sole exception of module #4 which does not possessany provincial hub (R5) nodes. This is illustrated in the dendrogram (bottom) that represents the extentof similarity between these distributions, quantified by the Jensen-Shannon divergence, for the differentmodules.

The extent of similarity between the modules is represented by the dendrogram shown inFig. S8 (bottom) in which the distance between the distributions across x ∈ {R1, . . . ,R7} for two


modules A and B , viz., PA(x) and PB(x), is measured in terms of the Jensen-Shannon divergence:

JSD(PA, PB) =1



[PA(x) lnPA(x) + PB(x) lnPB(x)− {PA(x) + PB(x)} ln

(PA(x) + PB(x)



This quantification of the difference between a pair of distributions is also employed in Fig. S9to indicate the extent of similarity between the various anatomical subdivisions of the brain, thecorresponding distributions of whose regions across the categories R1-R7 is shown in Fig. 2 (b) inthe main text.

Figure S9: Dendrogram illustrating the extent of similarity between several anatomical subdivisions ofthe brain, viz., Tha: Thalamus, FL#2: Frontal Lobe, P1#6: Parietal Lobe, CgG#2: Cingulate Gyrus,Insula, TL#2: Temporal Lobe, OC#2: Occipital Lobe, Amyg: Amygdala and STR: Striatum, in terms ofthe distribution across the categories R1-R7 of their constituent regions (see Fig. 2 (b) in main text). As inFig. S8 (bottom), the difference between the distributions corresponding to two subdivisions is measuredusing the Jensen-Shannon divergence.

Next, we focus on how regions belonging to specific categories connect to each other. In themain text, we mention that within each module, the provincial hubs (R5) connect with each othersignificantly more often than expected by chance. This intra-modular connectivity between theR5 nodes can be clearly seen from Fig. S10, where these nodes are highlighted and their colorsindicate the modules to which they belong (see color key at the bottom). Note that one of theprojections shown here is identical to Fig. 2 (d).


Figure S10: The network of brain regions in (a) horizontal, (b) sagittal and (c) coronal projections,showing that connections between provincial hubs (highlighted nodes) are localized within each module[Figure 2 (d) in the main text is identical to panel (b) above].

Figure S11: To see how the different categories R1-R7 of brain regions allow spreading to occur fasterin the empirical brain network than in equivalent randomized networks, we compare the case where thesource node can belong to any category (a) with those where the source is either ultra-peripheral R1 (b),peripheral R2 (c), satellite connector R3 (d), provincial hub R5 (e), or global hub R6 (f). The z-scoreindicates that there is a statistically significant shift in the empirical distribution towards lower values ofτ in all cases. However, while for R3 the increase in the rate of spreading is similar irrespective of whetherthe target is in the same module or in a different one, we observe that there is a relatively larger shift atlower values for τ intra as compared to τ inter for most of the other categories (in particular, R1 and R5 ).Indeed, the latter behavior dominates when we consider sources across all categories [see panel (a)]. Notethat panels (d) and (e) are identical to see Fig. 2 (g-h) in the main text.


In the main text we have described our investigation of the role played by regions belonging todifferent categories R1-R7 in facilitating information transmission. For this we simulate diffusivepropagation within and between modules and obtain the distribution of first passage times forrandom walks between a source node and a target node. Fig. S11 (a) shows that the rate ofdiffusion in the connectome is enhanced both within a module and between modules (as indicatedby the statistically significant shift - measured in terms of z-score - in the empirical distributionsfor both τ intra and τ inter towards lower values) as compared to that seen in equivalent randomizednetworks.

Fig. S11 (b-f) show how nodes belonging to categories R1, R2, R3, R5 and R6 (respectively),which have distinct intra- and inter-modular connectivity roles, contribute to enhancing commu-nication in the connectome. In each case the source node belongs to the respective category andwe quantify the difference in the distributions of both τ intra and τ inter from that obtained fromrandomized surrogates. We observe that for source nodes of most categories, with the exceptionof satellite connectors R3, the increase in the rate of diffusion within a module, compared to thatin the surrogate networks, is even higher than the increase in the rate of diffusion across modules.

3 Spatial dependence of connectivity and modular organi-zation

In the main text, we have stated that modular organization of the connectome is not primarilydriven by constraints imposed by the physical distance between the brain regions. This is estab-lished by using three classes of surrogate random network ensembles to investigate how spatialembedding affects the modular decomposition of a network, with all the regions occupying thesame positions in physical space as in the Macaque connectome. The three ensembles we have cho-sen for our investigation are specified by the dependence of the connection probability P betweenregions on the physical distance d between them, viz., (i) P ∼ d0, i.e., independent of the distance,(ii) P ∼ 1/d, i.e., power-law dependence as in the empirical network, and (iii) P ∼ exp(−d), i.e.,exponential dependence, for which the constraint of distance most strongly affects the probabilityof connection. For each category, we have generated 100 different networks that have identicalnumbers of nodes and links as the empirical connectome. Subsequently, we subject these networksto community detection techniques using information about the connection topology alone, as wellas space-independent modular decomposition which explicitly accounts for the dependence of Pon d (see main text for details).

Fig. S12 shows how the modular nature of the networks belonging to each of the three en-sembles described above vary upon two approaches for identifying the modules, viz., (i) usingthe topological information about the connections alone, and (ii) employing a space-independentpartitioning that takes into account the dependence of the probability of connections between re-gions on the physical distance between them. The similarity between the modules obtained usingthese two methods is measured using normalized mutual information Inorm (see Methods in themain text). Note that, if the two types of partitionings yield identical modules then Inorm = 1,while Inorm = 0 implies maximal dissimilarity. Without any spatial dependence, the identifiedmodules arise through fluctuations alone, and hence the similarity between the partitions obtainedby the two methods will be entirely stochastic in nature, resulting in the broad distribution forInorm seen in panel (a). In contrast, the ensemble underlying the distribution shown in panel (b)has an inverse relation between connection probability and physical distance, as in the empiricalnetwork. The value of Inorm obtained for the empirical network (indicated by the arrow) is seento be significantly larger than those for the random ensemble. This suggests that had the mod-ules arisen exclusively from a distance-dependent constraint on connections, the topological andspace-independent approaches would have yielded highly dissimilar partitionings. Qualitativelysimilar results are obtained when the dependence of connection probability on physical distanceis even stronger, viz., P decaying exponentially with d as in the case of the ensemble whose Inormdistribution is shown in panel (c). The fact that partitioning the empirical network using either


Figure S12: The distributions of (top row) the degree of similarity between the topological and space-independent modular partitionings of a network as measured by normalized mutual information Inorm

between them, and (bottom row) the corresponding values for the modularity Q obtained using thetwo methods, for three types of random surrogate network ensembles. These are distinguished by thedependence of connection probability P between a pair of brain regions on the physical distance d betweenthem, viz., P ∼ d0 [(a) and (d)], P ∼ 1/d [(b) and (e)] and P ∼ exp(−d) [(c) and (f)]. As the Macaqueconnectome we have investigated also exhibits a power-law dependence, viz., P ∼ 1/d, similar to thatexamined in (b) and (e), we have indicated in those panels the corresponding values for the empiricalnetwork (arrows).

the topological or the space-independent approach results in relatively similar modular decompo-sitions suggest that constraints other than those related to physical distance plays a significantrole in shaping the mesoscopic organization of the Macaque connectome. The results describedabove are supported by the corresponding distributions of the modularity Q measured for thedifferent partitionings obtained using each of the two approaches (broken and solid curves in pan-els d-f). Thus, in the absence of any spatial dependence, the distributions of Q obtained usingthe topological and the space-independent approaches completely overlap [as seen in (d)]. WhenP ∼ d−1, the relatively weak spatial dependence gives rise to marginally lower values of Q for thepartitionings obtained using the space-independent method, as compared to those obtained usingthe topological information alone. This is seen to be true for both the empirical network (brokenand solid arrows) and the random ensembles [panel (e)]. With the stronger spatial dependenceinherent in an exponentially decaying functional relation, we expect to see much larger differencesin the Q values for the two types of partitionings, and this is indeed observed in the distributionsshown in panel (f). Therefore, the more dominant the role of the constraint on physical distancein determining the connections, the more dissimilar the partitionings obtained by the two methodsand the larger the difference in the corresponding Q values.

Fig. S13 illustrates the space independent modular organization of random networks with thethree different types of spatial constraints as described above, employing the representation used inFig. 3. The distributions of the physical distances d between the nodes and the nature of variationof the connection probability between nodes with d are shown in the panels (a) for networks therole of spatial constraint on connectivity is (left) absent, viz., P ∼ d0, (center) weak, viz., P ∼ 1/d,and (right) strong, viz., P ∼ exp(−d). Comparison of the modules obtained using the informationabout the connection topology alone and those determined using the space-independent method(shown in the panels (b) for each of the networks) indicate that in the absence of any dependenceof P on d (left) the partitions overlap to a large extent. Introducing a role for the spatial constraintin determining the connections result in the two types of partitionings differing substantially. Thisis seen for the power-law dependence of P on d (center), but most prominently when P decays



tance, d
















Space independent



tance m








cency m











-4 Q











































































































































































































































































































































































































































exponentially with d (right). For the latter case, a single large module is seen to encompass thebulk of the network. As in this case the topological modules arise primarily from the spatialconstraint on connections between nodes, on taking this dependence on d into account in thespace-independent method the mesoscopic structure becomes relatively homogeneous. The panels(c) show the joint representation of the adjacency, modularity and physical distance matrices foreach of the the three networks [as per the convention used in Fig. 3 (b) of the main text]. Thepartitions obtained by using the space-independent method are indicated by bounding lines ineach matrix. Note that when we take into account the constraint that physical distance places onconnectivity between regions, the partitioning results in modules that exhibit only a marginallyhigher density of connections within them (compared to the overall connection density). This isexpected as the modules observed in the topological arrangement of connections in these randomnetworks arise exclusively from the spatial constraint, and therefore the space-independent methodshould render the networks relatively homogeneous. Thus, the observation of non-trivial modulesin the empirical network upon partitioning it with the space-independent method suggests thatthe observed mesoscopic organization of the Macaque connectome cannot be explained exclusivelyby the spatial layout of the regions.


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