Page 1: arXiv:2007.06925v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jul 20201;X 2;W ) and a linear combination, where W ’and W are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P(X 1;X 2) 2< 2N C,

A Graph-based Interactive Reasoning for Human-Object Interaction Detection

Dongming Yang1 and Yuexian Zou1,2∗

1School of ECE, Peking University, Shenzhen, China2Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China{yangdongming, zouyx}


Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection devotesto learn how humans interact with surrounding ob-jects via inferring triplets of 〈 human, verb, object〉. However, recent HOI detection methods mostlyrely on additional annotations (e.g., human pose)and neglect powerful interactive reasoning beyondconvolutions. In this paper, we present a novelgraph-based interactive reasoning model called In-teractive Graph (abbr. in-Graph) to infer HOIs,in which interactive semantics implied among vi-sual targets are efficiently exploited. The proposedmodel consists of a project function that maps re-lated targets from convolution space to a graph-based semantic space, a message passing processpropagating semantics among all nodes and anupdate function transforming the reasoned nodesback to convolution space. Furthermore, we con-struct a new framework to assemble in-Graph mod-els for detecting HOIs, namely in-GraphNet. Be-yond inferring HOIs using instance features respec-tively, the framework dynamically parses pairwiseinteractive semantics among visual targets by in-tegrating two-level in-Graphs, i.e., scene-wide andinstance-wide in-Graphs. Our framework is end-to-end trainable and free from costly annotations likehuman pose. Extensive experiments show that ourproposed framework outperforms existing HOI de-tection methods on both V-COCO and HICO-DETbenchmarks and improves the baseline about 9.4%and 15% relatively, validating its efficacy in detect-ing HOIs.

1 IntroductionThe task of Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection aimsto localize and classify triplets of 〈 human, verb, object 〉from a still image. Beyond detecting and comprehending in-stances, e.g., object detection [Ren et al., 2017; He et al.,2017], segmentation [Yang et al., 2018] and human pose esti-mation [Fang et al., 2017], detecting HOIs requires a deeper

∗Contact Author

Figure 1: A simplified schematic of how our framework facilitatesHOI detection. The baseline framework (above) adopts convolu-tional features directly to infer HOIs and neglects interactive rea-soning. We present a novel model (bottom) that reasons interactivesemantics among visual targets to learn HOI-specific representation.

understanding of visual semantics to depict complex relation-ships between human-object pairs. HOI detection is relatedto action recognition [Sharma et al., 2015] but presents dif-ferent challenges, e.g., an individual can simultaneously takemultiple interactions with surrounding objects. Besides, asso-ciating ever-changing roles with various objects leads to finer-grained and diverse samples of interactions.

Most existing HOI detection approaches infer HOIs by di-rectly employing the appearance features of a person andan object extracted from Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs) [He et al., 2016], which may neglect the detailedand high-level interactive semantics implied between the re-lated targets. To remedy the limitation above, a number ofalgorithms exploit additional contextual cues from the imagesuch as human intention [Xu et al., 2019] and attention boxes[Kolesnikov et al., 2018]. More recently, several works havetaken advantage of additional annotations, e.g., human pose[Xu et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019] and body parts [Zhou andChi, 2019; Wan et al., 2019]. Although incorporating contex-tual cues and annotations generally benefits feature expres-sion, it brings several drawbacks.

Firstly, stack of convolutions and contextual cues are defi-cient in modelling HOIs since recognizing HOIs requires rea-soning beyond feature extraction. However, dominant meth-








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Page 2: arXiv:2007.06925v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jul 20201;X 2;W ) and a linear combination, where W ’and W are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P(X 1;X 2) 2< 2N C,

ods are limited by treating each visual component separatelywithout considering crucial semantic dependencies among re-lated targets (i.e., scene, human and object). Secondly, em-ploying additional human pose and body parts in HOI detec-tion algorithms brings a large computational burden.

To address these issues, we propose a novel graph-basedmodel called Interactive Graph (abbr. in-Graph) to inferHOIs by reasoning and integrating strong interactive seman-tics among scene, human and object. As illustrated in Fig-ure 1, our model goes beyond current approaches lacking thecapability to reason interactive semantics. In particular, in-Graph model contains three core procedures, i.e., a projectfunction, a message passing process and an update function.Here, the project function generates a unified space to maketwo related targets syncretic and interoperable. The messagepassing process further integrates semantic information bypropagating messages among nodes. Finally, the update func-tion transforms the reasoned nodes to convolution space, pro-viding enhanced representation for HOI-specific modeling.

Based on the proposed in-Graph model, we then offera general framework referred to as in-GraphNet to implic-itly parse scene-wide interactive semantics and instance-wideinteractive semantics for inferring HOIs rather than treateach visual target separately. Concretely, the proposed in-GraphNet is a multi-stream network assembling two-level in-Graph models (i.e., scene-wide in-Graph and instance-widein-Graph). The final HOI predictions are made by combin-ing all exploited semantics. Moreover, our framework is freefrom additional annotations such as human pose.

We perform extensive experiments on two public bench-marks, i.e., V-COCO [Yatskar et al., 2016] dataset and HICO-DET [Chao et al., 2018] dataset. Our method provides obvi-ous performance gain compared with the baseline and outper-forms the state-of-the-art methods (both pose-free and pose-based methods) by a sizable margin. We also provide detailedablation studies of our method to facilitate the future research.

2 Related Work2.1 Contextual Cues in HOI DetectionThe early human activity recognition [Idrees et al., 2017] taskis confined to scenes containing single human-centric actionand ignores spatial localization of the person and related ob-ject. Therefore, Gupta [Yatskar et al., 2016] introduced vi-sual semantic role labeling to learn interactions between hu-man and object. HO-RCNN [Chao et al., 2018] introduceda three-branch architecture with one branch each for a hu-man candidate, an object candidate, and an interaction patternencoding the spatial position of the human and object. Re-cently, several works have taken advantage of contextual cuesand detailed annotations to improve HOI detection. Auxil-iary boxes [Gkioxari et al., 2015] were employed to encodecontext regions from the human bounding boxes. InteractNet[Gkioxari et al., 2018] extended the object detector Faster R-CNN [Ren et al., 2017] with an additional branch and esti-mated an action-specific density map to identify the locationsof interacted objects. iHOI [Xu et al., 2019] utilized humangaze to guide the attended contextual regions in a weakly-supervised setting for learning HOIs.

Very recently, human pose [Fang et al., 2017] has beenwidely adopted as an additional cue to tackle HOI detection.Pair-wise human parts correlation [Fang et al., 2018] was ex-ploited to learn HOIs. TIN [Li et al., 2019] combined hu-man pose and spatial configuration to encode pose configu-ration maps. PMFNet [Wan et al., 2019] developed a multi-branch network to learn a pose-augmented relation represen-tation to incorporate interaction context, object features anddetailed human parts. RPNN [Zhou and Chi, 2019] intro-duced an object-bodypart graph and a human-bodypart graphto capture relationships between body parts and surroundinginstances (i.e., human and object).

Although extracting contextual evidence benefits featureexpression, it is not favored since additional annotations andcomputation are indispensable. For example, pose-based ap-proaches are inseparable from pre-trained human pose esti-mators like Mask R-CNN [He et al., 2017] and AlphaPose[Fang et al., 2017], which bring large workload and compu-tational burden.

2.2 Semantic ReasoningAttention mechanism [Sharma et al., 2015] in action recog-nition helps to suppress irrelevant global information andhighlight informative regions. Inspired by action recogni-tion methods, iCAN [Gao et al., 2018] exploited an instance-centric attention mechanism to enhance the information fromregions and facilitate HOI classification. Furthermore, Con-textual Attention [Wang et al., 2019] proposed a deep contex-tual attention framework for HOI detection, in which context-aware appearance features for human and object were cap-tured. PMFNet [Wan et al., 2019] focused on pose-awareattention for HOI detection by employing human parts. Over-all, methods employing attention mechanisms learn informa-tive regions but treat each visual target (i.e., scene, humanand object) separately, which are still insufficient to exploitinteractive semantics for inferring HOIs.

Graph Parsing Neural Network (GPNN) [Qi et al., 2018]introduced a learnable graph-based structure, in which HOIswere represented with a graph structure and parsed in an end-to-end manner. The above structure was a generalization ofMessage Passing Neural Network [Gilmer et al., 2017] us-ing a message function and a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) toiteratively update states. GPNN was innovative but showedsome limitations. Firstly, it reasoned interactive features atthe coarse instance-level (i.e., each instance was encoded asan infrangible node), which suffered from handling complexinteractions. In addition, it required iteratively message pass-ing and updating. Thirdly, it excluded semantic informa-tion from the scene in inferring HOIs. Lately, RPNN [Zhouand Chi, 2019] introduced a complicated structure with twograph-based modules incorporated together to infer HOIs, butin which fine-grained human pose was required as prior infor-mation.

In this paper, we aim to develop a novel graph-based modelto provide interactive semantic reasoning between visual tar-gets. Instead of coarse and iterative message passing betweeninstances, our model captures pixel-level interactive seman-tics between targets all at once. Furthermore, our model isfree from costly annotations like human pose.

Page 3: arXiv:2007.06925v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jul 20201;X 2;W ) and a linear combination, where W ’and W are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P(X 1;X 2) 2< 2N C,

Figure 2: The detailed design of proposed in-Graph model. The model consists of three core procedures, which are a project function, amessage passing process and an update function. The in-Graph takes convolutional features of two visual targets as inputs and reasons stronginteractive semantics between them by a graph-based structure. Finally, reasoned semantics are output in same form as inputs.

3 Proposed Method3.1 Overview of in-GraphThe detailed design of proposed in-Graph model is providedin Figure 2. Scene, human and object are three semantic el-ements been considered as three visual targets in our model,referred to as Tscene, Thuman, and Tobject, respectively. Theproposed in-Graph takes two targets once to conduct pixel-level interactive reasoning. Each of the targets takes convolu-tional feature X ∈ <H∗W∗D according to the correspondingboxes (i.e., the whole image, human candidate boxes and ob-ject candidate boxes) as input. Here H*W denotes locationsand D denotes feature dimension.

We first propose a project function to map two featuretensors into a graph-based semantic space named interactivespace, where a fully-connected graph structure can be built.Based on the graph structure, message passing process is thenadopted as modeling the interaction among all nodes by prop-agating and aggregating interactive semantics. Finally, theupdate function provides a reversed projection over interac-tive space and output feature Y, enabling us to utilize the rea-soned semantics in convolution space. We then describe itsarchitecture in details and explain how we apply it into HOIdetection task.

3.2 Project FunctionProject function aims to provide an pattern P (∆) to fuse twotargets together, after which message passing process canbe efficiently computed. The calculation process of P (∆)can be divided into three parts: a feature conversion de-noting as ϕ(X1, X2;Wϕ), a weights inference denoting asθ(X1, X2;Wθ) and a linear combination, where Wϕ and Wθ

are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P (X1, X2) ∈ <2N∗2C , where X1 and X2 are inputfeature tensors, 2N denotes the number of nodes in interac-tive space and 2C refers to dimension.

Feature conversion. Given feature tensors of two targetsX1, X2 ∈ <H∗W∗D, we first employ 1 ∗ 1 convolutions toreduce the dimensions of X1 and X2 to C, thus the computa-tion of the block can be valid decreased. The obtained tensors

are then reshaped from H ∗W ∗C to planar L ∗C, obtainingXr

1 , Xr2 ∈ <L∗C ,where its two-dimensional location pixels

of H ∗W are converted to one-dimensional vector L. Afterthat, a concatenation operation is adopted to integrateXr

1 andXr

2 by dimensional C, obtaining Xr = [Xr1 , X

r2 ] ∈ <L∗2C .

Weights inference. Here, we infer learnable projectionweightsB so that semantic information from original featurescan be weighted aggregated. Instead of designing compli-cated calculations, we simply use convolution layers to gener-ate the dynamically weights. In this step, X1 and X2 are feedinto 1 ∗ 1 convolutions to obtain weight tensors with chan-nel of N. Obtained feature tensors are then reshaped as pla-nar B1, B2 ∈ <N∗L. Finally, integrated projection weightsB = [B1, B2] = [b1, b2, . . . bi, . . . , b2N ] ∈ <2N∗L are ob-tained by a concatenation operation.

Linear combination. Since the project function involvestwo targets, linear combination is a necessary step to aggre-gate the semantic information and transform targets to theunified interactive space. In particular, node vi ∈ V in in-teractive space is calculated as follow. Here xrj ∈ <1∗2C ,vi ∈ <1∗2C .

vi =∑∀j

bijxrj . (1)

The proposed project function is simple and fast since allparameters are end-to-end learnable and come from 1*1 con-volutions. Such a function achieves semantic fusion betweentwo targets and maps them into an interactive space effec-tively.

3.3 Message Passing and Update FunctionMessage PassingAfter projecting targets from convolution space to interac-tive space, we have a structured representation of a fully-connected graph G = (V,E,A), where each node containsa feature tensor as its state and all nodes are considered asfully-connected with each other. Based on the graph struc-ture, message passing process is adopted to broadcast and in-tegrate semantic information from all nodes over the graph.

Page 4: arXiv:2007.06925v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jul 20201;X 2;W ) and a linear combination, where W ’and W are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P(X 1;X 2) 2< 2N C,

GPNN [Qi et al., 2018] applies an iterative process withGRU to enable nodes to communicate with each other,whereas it needs to run several times iteratively towards con-vergence. We reason interactive semantics over the graphstructure by adopting a single-layer convolution to efficientlybuild communication among nodes. In our model, the mes-sage passing functionsM(∆) is computed by:

M(V ) = ω(AV ) = Conv1D(V )⊕ V. (2)

Here A denotes the adjacency matrix among nodes learnedby gradient decent during training, reflecting the weights foredge E. ω(∆) denotes the state update of nodes. In our im-plementation, the operation ofConv1D(V ) is a channel-wise1D convolution layer that performs Laplacian smoothing [Liet al., 2018] and propagates semantic information among allconnected nodes. After information diffusion, the ⊕ imple-ments addition point to point which updates the hidden nodestates according to the incoming messages.

Update FunctionTo apply above reasoning results into convolutional network,an update function U(∆) provides a reverse projection forreasoned nodes from interactive space to convolution space,which output Y as a new feature tensor. Given the reasonednodes V ′ ∈ <2N∗2C , update function first adopts a linearcombination as follows:

yi =∑∀j

bijv′j . (3)

Where the projection weights B is transposed and reused,here v′j ∈ <1∗2C , yi ∈ <1∗2C .

After the linear combination, we reshape the obtained ten-sor from planar L ∗ 2C to three-dimensional H ∗ W ∗ 2C.Finally, a 1 ∗ 1 convolution is attached to expand the featuredimensions from C to D to match the inputs. In this way,updated features in convolution space can play its due role inthe following schedule.

3.4 in-GraphNetAssembling in-Graph ModelOur in-Graph model improves the ability of modelling HOIsby employing interactive semantic reasoning beyond stack ofconvolutions. It is noted that the human visual system is ableto progressively capture interactive semantics from the sceneand related instances to recognize a HOI. Taking the HOItriplet 〈 human, surf, surfboard 〉 as an example, the scene-wide interactive semantics connected with the scene (e.g.,sea) and instances (e.g., human, surfboard) can be capturedas prior knowledge and instance-wide interactive semanticsbetween the person and surfboard are learned to further rec-ognize the verb (i.e., surf) and disambiguate other candi-dates (e.g., carry). Inspired by this human perception, we as-sign in-Graphs in two levels to build in-GraphNet, which arescene-wide level and instance-wide level. The scene-wide in-Graphs contain a human-scene in-Graph and an object-scenein-Graph, the instance-wide in-Graph refers to human-objectin-Graph.

An overview of proposed in-GraphNet is shown in Fig-ure 3. Since in-Graph models are light-weight, it can be eas-ily incorporated into existing CNN architectures. ResNet-50

Figure 3: An overview of in-GraphNet. The framework consists ofthree branches, which are a human-centric branch, an object-centricbranch and a spatial configuration branch. We integrate two scene-wide in-Graphs and an instance-wide in-Graph into in-GraphNet toinfer HOIs.

[He et al., 2016] is employed as the backbone network in ourimplementation. We denote the candidate bounding boxes ofthe human and object by bh and bo, respectively. We alsoexpress the box of the whole scene as bs. After the processof shared ResNet-50 C1-C4 and RoI pooling according to re-spective candidate boxes, ResNet-50 C5 generates input fea-tures for targets Tscene, Thuman, and Tobject, teamed as fs,fh and fo. These three targets are then assigned into threein-Graph models in pairs. While input features for in-Graphmodel have dimension D = 2048, we set reduced dimensionC = 1024 , number of nodes N = 512.

Three BranchesThe in-GraphNet contains a human-centric branch, an object-centric branch and a spatial configuration branch, where fh,fo and the spatial configuration [Gao et al., 2018] basedon two-channel interaction pattern [Chao et al., 2018] areadopted as basic feature representations, respectively. Inscene-wide interactive reasoning, semantic features obtainedfrom human-scene in-Graph and object-scene in-Graph areconcatenated to fh and fo respectively to enrich presen-tations in human-centric and object-centric branches. Ininstance-wide interactive reasoning, semantic feature outputfrom human-object in-Graph is concatenated into the object-centric branch only, because appearance of an object is usu-ally constant in different interactions and provides minor ef-fect in human-centric representation. Finally, the enhancedfeatures from three branches are fed into fully connected lay-ers and perform classification operations. In this way, the en-tire framework is implemented to be fully differentiable andend-to-end trainable using gradient-based optimization. Withthe formulation above, rich interactive relations between vi-sual targets can be explicitly utilized to infer HOIs.

TrainingSince HOI detection is a multi-label classification problemwhere more than one HOI label might be assigned to a 〈 hu-man, object 〉 candidate, our model is trained in a supervisedfashion using the multi-label binary cross-entropy loss. Allthree branches are trained jointly, where the overall loss foreach interaction category is the sum of three losses from threebranches.

Page 5: arXiv:2007.06925v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jul 20201;X 2;W ) and a linear combination, where W ’and W are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P(X 1;X 2) 2< 2N C,

Method Backbone Network mAProle(%)Gupta et al. [Yatskar et al., 2016] ResNet-50-FPN 31.8InteractNet [Gkioxari et al., 2018] ResNet-50-FPN 40.0BAR-CNN [Kolesnikov et al., 2018] Inception-ResNet 41.1GPNN [Qi et al., 2018] Deformable CNN 44.0iCAN [Gao et al., 2018] ResNet-50 45.3Contextual Att [Wang et al., 2019] ResNet-50 47.3iHOI [Xu et al., 2019] ResNet-50 40.4RPNN [Zhou and Chi, 2019] ResNet-50 47.5TIN(RPdCd) [Li et al., 2019] ResNet-50 47.8our baseline ResNet-50 44.8In-GraphNet (ours) ResNet-50 48.9

Table 1: Performance comparison with state-of-the-arts on V-COCOdataset.

Method Backbone Network Defaultfull rare non-rare

Shen et al. [Shen et al., 2018] VGG-19 6.46 4.24 7.12HO-RCNN [Chao et al., 2018] CaffeNet 7.81 5.37 8.54InteractNet [Gkioxari et al., 2018] ResNet-50-FPN 9.94 7.16 10.77GPNN [Qi et al., 2018] Deformable CNN 13.11 9.34 14.23iCAN [Gao et al., 2018] ResNet-50 14.84 10.45 16.15Contextual Att [Wang et al., 2019] ResNet-50 16.24 11.16 17.75iHOI [Xu et al., 2019] ResNet-50 9.97 7.11 10.83RPNN [Zhou and Chi, 2019] ResNet-50 17.35 12.78 18.71TIN(RPdCd) [Li et al., 2019] ResNet-50 17.03 13.42our baseline ResNet-50 15.41 10.71 16.81In-GraphNet (ours) ResNet-50 17.72 12.93 19.31

Table 2: Results on HICO-DET test set. Default: all images. Full:all 600 HOI categories. Rare: 138 HOI categories with less than 10training instances. Non-Rare: 462 HOI categories with 10 or moretraining instances.

For each image, pairwise candidate boxes (Bh ∗ Bo) foreach HOI category are assigned binary labels based on theprediction. Similar to general HOI detection frameworks[Gkioxari et al., 2018; Gao et al., 2018], we use a fusion ofscores output from each branch to predict a final score foreach HOI.

Sh,o = Spreh ∗ Spreo ∗ (Sh + So) ∗ Ss. (4)

Here Sh, So and Ss denotes scores output from binarysigmoid classifiers in human-centric branch, object-centricbranch and spatial configuration branch, respectively. Sprehand Spreo are object detection scores output from object de-tector for candidate boxes. Sh,o is the final score for eachHOI.

4 Experiments and Evaluations4.1 Experimental SetupDatasets and evaluation metrics. We evaluate our modeland compare it with the state-of-the-arts on two large-scalebenchmarks, including V-COCO [Yatskar et al., 2016] andHICO-DET [Chao et al., 2018] datasets. V-COCO [Yatskaret al., 2016] includes 10,346 images, which is a subset ofMS COCO dataset. It contains 16,199 human instances in to-tal and provides 26 common HOI annotations. HICO-DET[Chao et al., 2018] contains about 48k images and 600 HOIcategories over 80 object categories, which provides morethan 150K annotated 〈 human, object 〉 pairs. We use rolemean average precision (role mAP) [Yatskar et al., 2016] onboth benchmarks.

Figure 4: in-Graph visualization. The first column shows two HOIexamples (i.e., 〈 human, surf, surfboard 〉, 〈 human, hold, surfboard〉 ). The rest of columns visualize feature responses from ResNet-50 C5, human-scene in-Graph, object-scene in-Graph and human-object in-Graph, respectively.

number of nodes (N) 128 256 512 1024mAProle(%) 47.7 48.2 48.9 48.7

Table 3: Building interactive spaces with different number of nodes.

Implementation details. Following the protocol in [Gao etal., 2018], human and object bounding boxes are generatedusing the ResNet-50 version of Faster R-CNN [Ren et al.,2017]. Human boxes with scores higher than 0.8 and objectboxes with scores higher than 0.4 are kept for detecting HOIs.We train our model with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD),using a learning rate of 1e-4, a weight decay of 1e-4, and amomentum of 0.9. The strategy of interactiveness knowledgetraining [Li et al., 2019] is adopted in our training and themodel is trained for 300K and 1800K iterations on V-COCOand HICO-DET, respectively. All our experiments are con-ducted by tensorflow on a GPU of GeForce GTX TITAN X.

4.2 Overall PerformanceWe compare our method with several state-of-the-arts in thissubsection. Methods being compared are classified into twocategories, i.e., methods that are free from human pose (topof tables) and methods relying on additional pose estimators(middle of tables). Meanwhile, we strip all modules relatedto in-Graphs from our proposed framework as the baseline.Comparison results on V-COCO and HICO-DET in terms ofmAProle are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.

Firstly, our in-GraphNet obtains 48.9 mAP on V-COCOand 17.72 mAP on HICO-DET (Defualt full mode) andachieves absolute gains of 4.1 points and 2.3 points comparedwith the baseline, which are relative improvements of 9.4%and 15%. Besides, although pose-based methods usually per-form better than pose-free methods, our method as a pose-freeone outperforms all the others with the best performance, val-idating its efficacy for HOI detection task.

4.3 Ablation StudiesWe adopt several ablation studies in this subsection. VCOCOserves as the primary testbeds on which we further analyzethe individual effect of components in our method.

Page 6: arXiv:2007.06925v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jul 20201;X 2;W ) and a linear combination, where W ’and W are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P(X 1;X 2) 2< 2N C,

Figure 5: Visualization of HOI detections. The first and second rows show results compared with baseline on V-COCO. Each subplotdisplays one detected 〈 human, verb, object 〉 triplet for easy observation. Texts below indicate the 〈 verb, object 〉 tuple and two numbersin turn represent scores predicted by baseline and our approach. The last row shows multiple people take interactions with various objectsconcurrently detected by our method.

feature concatenation√

scene-wide in-Graphs√ √

instance-wide in-Graph√ √

mAProle(%) 44.8 45.2 48.3 47.7 48.9

Table 4: Impact of adopting different in-Graph models.

Comprehending in-Graph. We show two examples in Fig-ure 4 to visualize the effects of three in-Graphs been adopted.The brightness of the pixel indicates how much the featurebeen noticed. Intuitively, the three in-Graphs learn differ-ent interactive semantics from pairwise reasoning. Human-scene in-Graph and Object-scene in-Graph exploit interac-tive semantics between scene and instances. Human-objectin-Graph, on the other hand, mostly focuses on the regionsroughly correspond to the on-going action between humanand object. In addition, to further dissect in-Graph model,empirical tests have been conducted to study the effect ofnumber of nodes in interactive spaces. As summarized in Ta-ble 3, we get the best result when N is set as the value of512.

Effects of adopting different in-Graph models. As shownin Table 4, while directly concatenating [fh, fs] in human-centric branch and [fo, fs, fh] in object-centric branch, wecan see that simply concatenating different targets withoutinteractive reasoning barely improves the result. When weonly adopt the scene-wide in-Graphs or the instance-widein-Graph, the mAP are 48.3 and 47.7 respectively, indicat-ing the respective effects of these two parts. Specifically,we can draw a relatively conclusion from detailed class-wiseresults that scene-wide in-Graphs are more adept in mod-elling interactions closely related to the environment, whileinstance-wide in-Graph performs better in depicting interac-tions closely related to human pose.

4.4 Quantitive ExamplesFor visualization, several examples of detection are givenin Figure 5. We first compare our results with baseline todemonstrate our improvements. We can see from the first tworows that our method is capable of detecting various HOIswith higher scores. In addition, the third row shows that ourmethod can adapt to complex environments to detect multiplepeople taking different interactions with diversified objects.

5 ConclusionIn this paper, we propose a graph-based model to address theproblem of lack interactive reasoning in existing HOI detec-tion methods. Beyond convolutions, our proposed in-Graphmodel efficiently reasons interactive semantics among visualtargets by three procedures, i.e., a project function, a messagepassing process and an update function. We further constructan in-GraphNet assembling two-level in-Graph models in amulti-stream framework to parse scene-wide interactive se-mantics and instance-wide interactive semantics for inferringHOIs. The in-GraphNet is free from costly human pose andend-to-end trainable. Extensive experiments have been con-ducted to evaluate our method on two public benchmarks, in-cluding V-COCO and HICO-DET. Our method outperformsboth existing human pose-free and human pose-based meth-ods, validating its efficacy in detecting HOIs.

AcknowledgmentsThis paper was partially supported by National EngineeringLaboratory for Video Technology - Shenzhen Division, andShenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission(Disciplinary Development Program for Data Science and In-telligent Computing). Special acknowledgements are givento AOTO-PKUSZ Joint Lab for its support.

Page 7: arXiv:2007.06925v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jul 20201;X 2;W ) and a linear combination, where W ’and W are learnable parameters. Finally, the function outputs a ma-trix V = P(X 1;X 2) 2< 2N C,

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