Page 1: arXiv:1901.06613v2 [cs.CL] 18 Mar 2019 · 2019-03-19 · Rapport and similar affective qual-ities (Gratch et al.,2007) have also been added to some agents. ... Alan Turing’s 1950

Beyond Turing: Intelligent Agents Centered on the User

Maxine Eskenazi, Shikib Mehri, Evgeniia Razumovskaia and Tiancheng ZhaoDialog Research Center, Language Technologies Institute

Carnegie Mellon University, USA{max,amehri,erazumov,tianchez}


Most research on intelligent agents centers onthe agent and not on the user. We look atthe origins of agent-centric research for slot-filling, gaming and chatbot agents. We thenargue that it is important to concentrate moreon the user. After reviewing relevant litera-ture, some approaches for creating and assess-ing user-centric systems are proposed.

1 Introduction

Intelligent agents have entered the realm of pop-ular use. Over 50,000,000 Alexa agents are inuse today (Sterling, 2019). As agents of all kindsbecome part of the household, the AI communitymust respect the individuals who use them. Withclose public scrutiny, the possibility of failure ishigh. If we are not attentive, our agents may causeus to lose public confidence. This can have seri-ous consequences for research, such as drasticallyreduced funding, as we have seen in the case ofautomatic speech recognition (ASR) in the 1990s.Intelligent agents must live up to the users’ ex-pectations. Consequently, the research communityshould not set those expectations above what wecan reasonably deliver. We should be especiallyconcerned about the tendency of the community toconcentrate on the agent and disregard the effect ofthe dialog on the end user. The two interlocutorsare equals in this endeavor. The agent should beserving the myriad needs of the user in the sameway that a car serves its user for travel, a pen forwriting.

Agents presently serve users in three broad a-reas: accomplishing some task (slot-filling), pro-viding enjoyment via gaming, and providing com-panionship (chat). Most research approaches theseareas separately although some recent hybrid worksuch as DialPort (Lee et al., 2017) has combinedslot-filling and chat. This paper attempts to ad-

dress agents in all three areas. We also con-sider systems independently of whether they areembodied (since there are successful agents thatare both embodied (Stratou and Morency, 2017;Muessig et al., 2018; Lycan and Artstein, 2019)and not (Siri (Apple), Alexa (Amazon), etc)).

In the early days of dialog research, the user wastreated on an equal par with the agent. The PAR-ADISE (Walker et al., 1997) approach was oftenused to assess system success. Researchers mea-sured the length of a dialog and its success rate.Thus getting the user the information that had beenrequested was a sign of success. User feedbackwas also taken into account.

Since the advent of PARADISE, the agent hasbeen endowed with new qualities, for example,emotion (Gratch and Marsella, 2001). The sys-tem chooses the “correct” emotion to express. Itis assumed that if the system chooses the cor-rect emotion, the user will benefit in some ill-defined way. Rapport and similar affective qual-ities (Gratch et al., 2007) have also been added tosome agents. Here again the goal is for the agent tocorrectly express a given emotion. If that happens,it is assumed that the result will be useful to theuser. In both cases, there is little empirical proofthat the new qualities have benefited the user. Afew exceptions do exist. The reader is referred, forexample, to the systems produced at USC-ICT 1.

One of the overarching goals of the dia-log/intelligent agent community has been to createan agent that is confused with a human, as definedby the Turing test. This idea originally appeared inAlan Turing’s 1950 paper (Turing, 1950), althoughthat was not the main concern of Turing’s originalpremise. Computers had just begun to appear. Tur-ing, like many at the time, was looking to answerthe burning question of whether a computer would









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Page 2: arXiv:1901.06613v2 [cs.CL] 18 Mar 2019 · 2019-03-19 · Rapport and similar affective qual-ities (Gratch et al.,2007) have also been added to some agents. ... Alan Turing’s 1950

some day be able to “think”. For this, he pro-posed that human thought had two characteristics:generalization and inference. Rather than testingeach of the two separately, he sought an assess-ment scheme that accounted for both at the sametime. While we could imagine several possible testscenarios, the one that Turing chose had two in-terlocutors hidden from a human judge; one beinghuman and the other a computer. The human judgehad to determine which one was the computer. Todo this, the judge could ask each interlocutor a se-ries of questions. The Turing test caught on thanksto the very seductive idea of a machine deceiving ahuman. Much research has gone into agents capa-ble of making the user believe that they are human.Some of this research has produced agents that re-side in the Uncanny Valley (Moore, 2012), havinghuman qualities that cause discomfort to the user.Deception has created a sense of fear in the gen-eral public. Consequently much “explaining” hastaken place (“robots are not out to take over theworld, they will not replace humans” (Lee, 2019)).The present paper will examine how we can getour research goals back on track: focusing on theuser rather than on the appearance and functions ofthe agent. We believe that this change in focus willshape the design of new and powerful algorithmsand agents in the future.

This paper will discuss existing work and thenpropose novel ways to approach the agent andits assessment. We address assessment since themanner in which we assess our agents has a stronginfluence on their development. The paper has sixsections. Section 2 proposes a definition of therelation of the agent to the user in a user-centricapproach. Section 3 gives background. Section4 discusses the elephant in the room, the issueof getting users for training and testing. Section5 proposes several novel approaches to assessingagents in a user-centric context and Section 6 con-cludes.

2 Defining the role of the agent in auser-centric approach

In order to focus on the user, we must first definethe role of the agent. In 1950 Turing asked “Canthe computer think?” In the early 21st century,a more pertinent question is “Can the computerserve?” This question casts the agent as a partnerrather than an opponent. The agent works seam-lessly, hand in hand with the user, to arrive at some

goal. All three types of agents (slot-filling, chatand hybrid) can be partners. The iPhone has be-come a partner. Apple stores often ask customersto come back after an hour to pick up a phone leftfor a simple repair. Employees observe that mostcustomers come back in 15 minutes (Apple, 2018)and are surprised to find that they have not beengone for a full hour. They appear to have lost theability to estimate time without their iPhone. Toget a more concrete definition of the agent as apartner, consider the well-known agent utterance,“How may I help you?” If the agent can begin adialog asking for this guidance, then it is logicalthat the agent should end that dialog by asking,“Have I helped you?”. The answer to this questionis a first user-oriented assessment. This question isflexible enough to cover systems in all three areas.

• Have I helped you accomplish some task?(slot-filling)

• Has your interaction with me given you someenjoyment? (via gaming)

• Has your interaction with me given you somecompanionship? (via conversation - chat)

We can measure how well an agent fulfills thisrole from our personal observation, from thirdparty observation (crowdsourcing, for example)and, especially, from the user’s point of view(feedback via questionnaires, for example).

Following are two examples of how a slot-filling agent can serve the user, going beyond pro-viding a “correct” answer as output.

2.1 Seniors

Human capabilities change as we age. An agentpartnering with a senior must be sensitive toslower information processing and less multitask-ing (Black et al., 2002). Thus, for example, theagent must adapt its speaking rate to that of the se-nior user. It should also not provide seniors withmore information than they can process at a giventime.

An agent communicating with seniors shouldbe assessed according to its capability to demon-strate these qualities. It should also be assessedaccording to what the user gets out of the interac-tion. Was the senior able to use the informationin some way. Did they enjoy their chat with theagent? Would they use it again?

Page 3: arXiv:1901.06613v2 [cs.CL] 18 Mar 2019 · 2019-03-19 · Rapport and similar affective qual-ities (Gratch et al.,2007) have also been added to some agents. ... Alan Turing’s 1950

2.2 Workers in industry

Industry workers use agents for a variety ofnarrowly–defined applications. For example peo-ple inspecting equipment in factories use agentsto record their observations. Such an agent mustadapt to the user’s background and preferences.Some users have had the same job for decades andneed little help. The agent in this case mainly pro-vides hands-free data entry. The advantage overa screen is that it enables the inspector to keeptheir eyes on the piece of equipment as they enterparameters into the system. In this case the per-son needs only one dialog turn to get somethingdone: “what is the measure on the upper right handpressure gauge?” A newer employee, on the otherhand, needs more help, implicit training, until theyare familiar with the task: “now you need to mea-sure the pressure in the upper right hand pressuregauge. That’s the one in the green frame.” “Ok, Isee it.” “You should hold down the button locatedunder that gauge for 5 seconds.” “Ok, done.” “Itwill give you the correct reading as soon as youlift your finger.” Some workers who have beenon the job for a while may still need some help.The agent should be able to detect that. It shouldalso know when the user needs extra time betweenturns. To assess an agent in this setting we deter-mine whether the user was able to correctly finishtheir task, if they did it with less error, if they feelfree to ask for extra information when needed andif they would use the agent again.

3 Background

In this Section, we discuss some of the literatureon intelligent agents that do focus on the user. Sig-nificant effort has gone into the assessment of indi-vidual dialog system modules such as natural lan-guage generation (NLG). Liu et al (2016) reviewdialog system assessment approaches. They de-scribe word overlap and embedding-based strate-gies. They also provide evidence that existingmeasures are insufficient. The paper states that al-though embedding-based measures hold the mostpromise, no one has, to date, found a way to carryout unsupervised evaluation. In addition, while itis important to insure that modules function prop-erly, authors cannot claim that they have designeda better agent until they interactively test a modulewith users. Section 4 discusses user issues.

Curry et al (2017) review assessment techniquesfor social dialog systems. As mentioned above,

PARADISE (Walker et al., 1997) uses task com-pletion while optimizing for the number of utter-ances. This measure has withstood the test of time.It is more relevant for slot-filling systems than forchat and gaming. The measure of response delaydoes, however, cover all three types of agents.

One strategy for agent assessment is to employthird party human judgment (Lowe et al., 2017).In this paper, human judges are recruited fromAmazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) to determine thevalidity of the agent’s response based on criteriasuch as ”topicality, informativeness and whetherthe context required background information to beunderstandable”. These three elements measurethe amount of relevant material that was provided.This may be helpful to the user. Yet there wouldbe more information about its usefulness if theuser had been one of the judges. They also usedhuman-generated responses to determine whetherthe agent’s response was useful. The use of realversus paid users, as mentioned in Ai et al (2007)could also have made the results more informative.Paid workers are not rewarded for producing a cor-rect outcome no matter how long it takes (Figure1). They are rewarded for simply completing thetask. There is also no reward for giving the sys-tem additional information. A real user often pro-vides some more context in order to help steer thesystem to a successful outcome. A paid user willabandon their original goal if it means that theymust have a longer dialog with the agent.

Shah et al (2016) demonstrated the possibilityof interactively adapting to the user’s response.They used reinforcement learning to enable thesystem developer to indicate the desired end states.The goal was to endow the system with speechthat is more varied than the speech in the train-ing database. By actively modifying the agent us-ing the simulated user turn that follows a givensystem turn, the new system response became in-creasingly more appropriate and useful to the userover time. We examine other implementations ofthis approach in Section 5.

Tan et al (2018) devised a way (using LSTMs)to predict the empathetic response of the user overtime, concentrating on the emotions of the userrather than those of the agent. They used theOMG-Empathy dataset, drawing inspiration fromthe EmotiW Challenge, both of which are orientedtoward the user’s emotions.

Hancock et al (2019) used a configuration that

Page 4: arXiv:1901.06613v2 [cs.CL] 18 Mar 2019 · 2019-03-19 · Rapport and similar affective qual-ities (Gratch et al.,2007) have also been added to some agents. ... Alan Turing’s 1950

U: <SILENCE>S: Hello, welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system. You can ask for restaurants by area, price range or food type. How may I help you? U: looking for a restaurant in the south part of town S: There are restaurants in the south of town. What type of food do you want? U: eritrean food S: You are looking for a restaurant serving any kind of food, right? U: yes

From DSTC2 with paid user

From DSTC2 with real user

U: <SILENCE> S: Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system . You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you ?U: looking for a restaurant in the south part of townS: There are restaurants in the south of town . What type of food do you want?U: eritrean foodS: You are looking for a restaurant serving any kind of food right?U: No, that’s not what I said. I asked for eritrean food. That’s like Ethopian or Somalian. Can you find that?

Figure 1: Two example dailogs from DSTC 2 with paidand real users.

enabled the user of a deployed agent to give itimmediate feedback when it made an error. Theagent first had the ability to detect that the userwas not satisfied. Then it generated an appropri-ate question that got the user to explain what itshould have said instead. Finally it modelled theuser answer to generate future utterances. The pa-per shows an improvement in performance on anoffline test. The user’s answers to the agent’s re-quest can vary significantly. It is probable that thesystem may not be able to deal with all of the dif-ferent types of responses. Yet this is one step to-ward taking the user into account. We suggest amore direct form of user feedback in Section 5.

Muralidharan et al (2018) speeds up data an-notation of user engagement by capturing specificsignals that reflect user engagement. They thenuse multitask learning and validation to increaselabelling accuracy. They choose to create coarsegrain labels, which are easier to obtain and aredeemed to be more reliable. These labels are thenused to generate finer grain labels. This techniquewas applied to requests for songs.

3.1 User-oriented guidelines from industryThe Alexa and Google Assistant ecosystems hostmany third-party applications that users can con-verse with, typically as a means of completing aparticular task (e.g., ordering food from specific

vendors, controlling smart home devices, etc.). Inorder to ensure a consistent and high-quality userexperience, Amazon and Google have each devel-oped a list of development guidelines.

Table 1 lists these guidelines; the first columnshows instructions2 that Google provides develop-ers building Google Assistant actions and the sec-ond shows instructions3 that Amazon provides forAlexa skill developers.

Third-party developers can easily understandthese instructions. Although they appear to be for-mulated in order to maximize user satisfaction,upon closer examination the focus is actually onproducing “good” system output, thus turned to-ward the qualities of the agent, rather than towarduser satisfaction.

Multiple guidelines that are common to bothsets of instructions, lead to a more “natural” andless ”robotic” appearance. The underlying as-sumption is that users would prefer assistance ina human-like manner. It is unclear whether theseinstructions result from real user studies or largescale data analysis. In order to cover every userand each action or skill, a user-centric systemshould have a flexible set of guidelines that adaptsto the nature of each action or skill and to whatreally satisfies the user. The agent should be ableto modify its behavior according to the context.For example, it is not necessarily correct to consis-tently use a simple vocabulary, particularly if theuser is speaking in “jargon and legalese”. Like-wise, if a user appears to be annoyed when theagent repeatedly attempts to be engaging, or “lead-ing with benefits”, the system should recognize thedissatisfaction and appropriately alter its behavior.

4 The user issue

In this Section, we address the elephant in theroom: user data. Getting users for training andtesting our agents, especially real users, is costlyin time, in payment and in recruitment effort (Leeet al., 2017; Lowe et al., 2017). Some of the costsinclude finding the appropriate users, advertising,website management (making the offering attrac-tive), app creation and creating and maintaininghardware and software other than the agent soft-ware itself (for example, servers so that the agent



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Google Assistant Amazon AlexaBrevity

Don’t launch into monologues. The system should not domi-nate the conversation; it should maintain concise responses andallow users to take their turn.

Be brief. The system should minimize the number of steps ittakes to complete a task, and avoid redundancy in messages.

Simplicity of Word ChoiceUse short, simple words. Responses should be simple, withplain and basic words, to ensure accessibility to people of allbackgrounds.

Be informal. Responses should use a relaxed word choice al-beit with a respectful tone.

Avoid jargon and legalese. Responses should be simple, andthe system should avoid specialized expressions that can elicitmistrust or confusion.

Natural DialogRandomize prompts when appropriate. Responses shouldbe kept diverse and varied, to ensure the conversation remainsnatural.

Vary responses. Responses should be randomly selected in or-der to sound natural and avoid sounding robotic.

Avoid niceties. Formalities should be avoided, and the conver-sation should remain friendly and informal.

Use natural prosody. Alexa skills should mimic the prosodyof natural speech to reduce ambiguity, and avoid sounding un-natural or robotic.

Use contractions. The expansion of contractions should beavoided, as they sound punishing and harsh.

Use contractions. Contractions should be used, in order tosound natural and mimic natural conversation.Engage the user. The system should prompt the user with sim-ple, open-ended questions. Rather than telling the user exactlywhat to say, questions should be kept natural.

User-Centric DialogFocus on the user. Everything should be phrased in the contextof the user, rather than making the system persona the focus.Developers should avoid referring to the system (e.g., I placedthat order) and instead focus on the user (e.g., your order willbe arriving shortly).

Be engaging. The system should contain a welcome messagewhich broadly informs the user about its capabilities. It shouldalso use brief question prompts, re-prompt the user in the eventof a mistake, offer help in the event of user confusion, haveengaging follow-up prompts and a natural exit message.

Lead with benefits. When asking the user to perform an action,the response should begin by providing a clear motivation.

Be contextually relevant. Options should be listed in order ofrelevance to the ongoing conversation.

MiscellaneousDon’t provide UI-specific directions. The system shouldavoid providing UI-specific instructions, to better remain rel-evant in the face of product and interface evolution.

Table 1: A description of user guidelines provided by Amazon and Google for third-party developers for Alexaskills and Google Assistant actions, respectively. They are grouped these into broad categories and provided a cleardescription for each instruction. The bold guideline titles are taken verbatim from the aforementioned websites.We made an effort to use similar terminology for the instructions to better reflect the motivations.

is up and running 24/7 and that many users can ac-cess the system at the same time). There are alsoIRB (Institutional Review Board) and privacy con-cerns. However, real users challenge our researchin ways that all others cannot. Real users (Ai et al.,2007) do not accept wrong system answers. Theydo not accept correct answers that do not respondto their needs. Real users will not use a gamingsystem that has made an error in calculating theirscore. Real users will not use a chatbot that re-peats the same thing several times, even if it was agood answer the first time it was said.

Many researchers have devised alternative datagathering and assessment schemes in an effort toreduce costs. In the end, to truly assess whetheran agent is the user’s partner, we have to bite thebullet and find a stream of real users to interactwith our agents.

Based on our experience with Let’s Go (Rauxet al., 2006), we define real users as people whohave some personal need for what the agent of-fers. They find some extrinsic value: getting atask done, enjoyment or companionship. Theyhave some self-defined goal: the reason why theysought to interact with the agent. The real user canbe someone who had been a paid crowdsourcingworker but then found that the agent was usefuland came back on their own to talk to it again. Areal user can also be someone who has come to de-pend on a given agent to get some task done, likethe iPhone for telling time. That is the only agentthey use each time they need to do that specifictask.

Given the high cost of real users, some lessonerous solutions in the literature are: self-dialog,simulated users, crowdsourcing.

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• In self-dialog a person imagines a conver-sation and plays the roles of both interlocu-tors (Fainberg et al., 2018). This obtains dataat half the cost and in less time. Much ofthe nature of human interaction is lost in thisapproach, for example, the natural entrain-ment that happens in a dialog between twohumans and the exchange of differing ideas.A single-user dialog can never reflect variedword choice or other linguistic characteristicsthat result from two individuals with differ-ent backgrounds interacting with one another.And it cannot measure user satisfaction.

• Others, including some of the present au-thors (Zhao and Eskenazi, 2018) have cre-ated simulated users trained on some dataset.This produces a large amount of data at lowcost (Moller et al., 2006). However, the re-sulting dialog is limited to exactly what thedataset contained. Generalization to unseendialog context and novel user expressions islimited or absent. And there cannot be ex-plicit user feedback.

• Many have used crowdsourcing (Eskenaziet al., 2013) to generate human/computerdialog. The Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) sce-nario where a human plays the part of theagent (Bonial et al., 2017) can be used hereand requires less system development. Whilethis approach is less onerous (the crowd-sourcing platform finds and pays the workers,and the cost is somewhat lower) than attract-ing real users, it still poses the paid vs realuser issue. As mentioned above, the workeris paid to finish a task. Their goal is not al-truistic. They want to get many tasks done asquickly as possible in order to earn a decentwage. Thus, they will accomplish the taskthey are assigned, but they will not insist on aspecific outcome even if it is part of their sce-nario nor will they pursue other options if thesystem cannot satisfy their request. Figure 1shows a dialog in the DSTC 2/bAbI databasetest set (Henderson et al., 2014; Bordes et al.,2016). It illustrates how real users respond inways that are very different from paid users.We see that the paid user, faced with an incor-rect agent response (not what was requested)accepts it. We constructed the second exam-ple to illustrate what a real user might have


Crowd workers can become real users if theydiscover that the agent that they were paid totest is useful. They may then want to returnto interact with it again without being paid.We have observed this for DialPort users (seebelow). The paid task was the opportunity forworkers to kick the tires of the Portal, tryingvarious services (remote agents) and findingone that is useful to them. The return visitwas counted as a real user dialog.

Industry has real users. Amazon, Google, Mi-crosoft, Apple, etc create very large streams ofdata from users talking to their agents. How-ever, they cannot share the data (even the AlexaChallenge only shares the data with the individ-ual participating team rather than the public), thusthere is no way to replicate results to verify theirfindings. Furthermore, the data collected (some-times just the first user utterance after the wakeword (Salvador et al., 2016) or the request to playa song (Muralidharan et al., 2018) may be veryspecific.

One of the first datasets of real user/agentdialogs is the Let’s Go bus information sys-tem (Raux et al., 2006). The Let’s Go dataset con-tains over 170,000 dialogs collected over 11 yearsof live daily service to real users via the Port Au-thority of Allegheny County’s phone line. Sub-sets of Let’s Go have been used in several chal-lenges, for example, DSTC1 (DSTC1). The com-plete dataset is available on Github 4.

DialPort (see the screenshot in Figure 2) col-lects real user data. Agents from any site anywherein the world can easily connect to the DialPort Por-tal using an API call (Lee et al., 2017). Severalsites (Cambridge University, USC, UCSC) are al-ready connected and more are preparing to con-nect. Unlike any other service, connected systemscollect real user data in both text and speech signalformat. The DialPort team advertises the Portal topotential users, maintains it and tallies its through-put. A daily report displays data from testers andreal users, not developers, (second, third, etc us-age, determined from the IP address). DialPortis a hybrid system including both slot-filling sys-tems (Cambridge) and chatbots (UCSC’s Slugbotand CMUs Qubot). In DialPort, Qubot deals withall out of domain (OOD) user utterances. Qubot


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keeps the dialog moving along for turns wherenone of the Portal’s agents is capable of respond-ing. This keeps the system from being unrespon-sive to the user. Another way that DialPort keepsthe dialog moving along is its use of backup sys-tems. In the rare case when Cambridge, for ex-ample, is not available, the CMU in-house Let’sEat restaurant agent answers the user. Thus, thedialog has continuity. The user never hears ”TheCambridge system is not responding at present,can I help you with something else?”. The CMULet’s Guess movie game is the backup for USCsMr. Clue game. UCSCs Slugbot has Qubot as itsbackup. A non-CMU system is always chosen bythe Portal over the CMU backup system when thatsystem is available.

Figure 2: The web interface of DialPort Portal. Userscan give both turn-level and dialog-level feedback viathumbs up/down (at lower right).

If researchers want to start a first phase oftheir assessment with crowdsourced workers, theCMU Dialog Research Center (DialRC) offersDialCrowd, a layer between the developer andthe crowdsourcing platform of choice (Lee et al.,2017). This layer helps developers create effec-tive instructions, set up commonly used testingstrategies (like ABX tests (Munson and Gardner,1950)), determine correct payment, control in-coming data quality and get a first set of statistics.

With logfile analysis, we can determine if theuser returns to use the agent again, how frequentlythis happens and the length of their engagement.In the case of CMU’s Qubot, we assess its con-tribution by determining whether Qubot’s turn al-lowed the conversation to continue seamlessly asopposed to the user quitting or getting frustrated.

5 Toward user-based assessment

This section proposes ideas for user-centric assess-ment. This first step is intended to inspire the com-

munity, who can extend and elaborate what wepropose according to their specific goals.

5.1 Thumbs upOne of the easiest ways to determine whether anagent’s output is of value is to display thumbsup/thumbs down icons on a webpage and ask forthe user’s opinion at the level of both the indi-vidual turns and the overall dialog (Young, 2017).Figure 2 shows the these icons in the lower rightcorner on DialPort’s website. The user’s opinionis gathered immediately as the interaction takesplace, rather than relying on the user’s memoryonce the dialog is finished.

5.2 FlowMany user-centric metrics focus on whether theuser found a conversation to be engaging (Yu et al.,2016) or whether they would want to use the sys-tem again (e.g., the Amazon Alexa Prize Chal-lenge, (Ram et al., 2018)). These metrics areturned toward the user. However, some are ap-plicable to non-task-oriented systems only. Taskoriented systems are typically assessed automati-cally using entity accuracy and through evaluationof the output language with metrics such as per-plexity and BLEU. These metrics mostly demon-strate the prowess of the developer in creating theagent and do not take the user into account.

A more user-centric metric is dialog flow. Weposit that this metric reveals the coherent natureof communication with a given agent. It is appli-cable to both task-oriented and non-task-orientedsystems. After defining dialog flow, we will dis-cuss how the term has been used before, the rela-tion of dialog flow to other previously-used user-centric metrics and its value as shown in the exam-ple of senior users.

We define dialog flow to be a measure ofwhether a conversation is “going smoothly.” Ateach step of the conversation, this metric measureswhether the system response is a logical continua-tion of the dialog history.

This term has been used previously in the liter-ature, however there is a lack of agreement aboutits meaning. For some authors, dialog flow re-flects whether the system has stayed on topic andhow topics have changed over the course of thedialog (Bowden et al., 2018). However, this def-inition only takes into account the continuity ofthe topics discussed and not whether the dialogwas smooth, for example, if the system repeated

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the same utterance three times, it is consideredto be one topic but each successive repetition ofthat turn is uninformative. Other authors exam-ined whether the agent could follow a set of pre-defined scripts, which were referred to as the di-alog flow (Schaefer et al., 2006; Klemmer et al.,2000). While this approach describes the dialog,it does not give us a way to assess it. The assump-tion that there is a predefined script, may be validrigidly hand-crafted task-oriented systems but notfor non-task-oriented systems.

Our definition of dialog flow complements otheruser-centric metrics. The Alexa Prize Challenge(Ram et al., 2018) acknowledges the user in its as-sessment metrics. All of the contestants were eval-uated based on real user feedback. After convers-ing with a particular system, the user was askedto rate whether they would want to talk to the sys-tem again on a scale of 1 to 5 (Ram et al., 2018). Asubset of the users was asked to rate how engagingthe system was. Other characteristics of the sys-tems such as coherence and conversational depthwere measured automatically (Ram et al., 2018).Coherence and depth do contribute to an impres-sion of dialog flow. This can complement data onwhether the user would return for another conver-sation. To further measure flow, the user could beasked (similarly to thumbs up) how content theywere at each turn of the conversation, rather thansimply after the entire dialog.

In the context of task-oriented dialogs, flow canreflect whether the user is closer to completing thetask after each turn. In the context of non-task-oriented dialogs, flow can capture whether the dia-log is coherent and smooth from the user’s point ofview. Both completing a task and dialog smooth-ness may be captured in the following user turn.

Dialog flow advances the role of the user as bothan active and passive partner and provides a globalassessment of the partnership. This more versatileapproach to partnership would be beneficial, forexample, for seniors since it intrinsically considersthe features described in section 2.1. If a dialogflows well, the dialog will proceed in a step-by-step fashion which gives the user a feeling of morecontrol over the course of the dialog.

5.3 Next-turn User Feedback (NUF)

In this section we examine the effect of lookingat the user utterance that follows the system re-sponse. We propose a method to effectively lever-

age this additional information. One of the stan-dard assessment methods used in the literatureis turn-level system response evaluation where,for each dialog context, we determine whetherthe model’s system response output matches theground truth system response. Metrics have beenproposed to test various aspects of performance,like lexical similarity (BLEU), embedding-basedsemantic matching etc.

Prior research has shown that for open-domainchatting these metrics correlate poorly with hu-man evaluation (Liu et al., 2016). Moreover,prior research has demonstrated that the context-to-response problem is one-to-many in an opendomain environment. Thus, considering each re-sponse in a dataset to be ground truth gives usnoisy supervision signals, which is one of thecauses of the dull-response problem (Zhao et al.,2017), i.e. the model can only learn to generatedull, generic responses.

The NeurIPs2018 ConvAI challenge (ConvAI,2018) further highlighted the discrepancy betweenautomated metrics and human evaluation. Hug-ging Face topped the leaderboard in every auto-mated metric (PPL, hits@1, F-1), however the fi-nal measure in the competition used human evalu-ation (Dinan, 2018). The winner was Lost in Con-versation, a team that did not do particularly wellon the automated metrics and just barely made itinto the finals. The results of this challenge stressthe importance of constructing well-defined auto-mated metrics, that better correlate with a humanevaluation of conversation quality.

Contextusr: What’s the Mountaineering Club doingthis weekend?sys: We are going to climb a cliff on the Col-orado River.usr: How hard is the climb?System Response Ssys = 5It is a very difficult climb because there are notmany places to put your hands and feet.Next-turn User Response Susr = 3What did you do last week ?

Table 2: Example where the the system response is ap-propriate given the context, but the user response sug-gests that the other speaker is not satisfied. This exam-ple comes from Daily Dialog corpus.

We would like to develop a measure of whetherthe agent utterance was correct as defined by

Page 9: arXiv:1901.06613v2 [cs.CL] 18 Mar 2019 · 2019-03-19 · Rapport and similar affective qual-ities (Gratch et al.,2007) have also been added to some agents. ... Alan Turing’s 1950

Contextsys: Welcome to the CMU Let’s Go bus infor-mation system. To get help at any time, just sayHelp or press zero. What can I do for you?usr: next bus from 6c u 12asys: I think you want the next bus. Am I right?usr: yessys: Alright Where do you wanna leave from?usr: eightSystem Response Ssys = 2For example. You can say, when the next busfrom CMU to the airport?Next-turn User Response Susr = 5bigelow boulevard

Table 3: Example where the the system response seemsoff, but the user is in fact satisfied. This example comesfrom DSTC-1.

whether the user would approve of it. We con-centrate on the validity of the agent’s utteranceconditioned on the following user utterance, ratherthan the agent’s utterance given the preceding ut-terances alone. Although ideally it is true thatthe entire dialog that follows a system responseshould be used to judge the response, this be-comes prohibitively expensive when used to as-sess each system utterance. Therefore, we assumethat the next-turn user reply/feedback (which wecall NUF) provides sufficient supervision signalsfor our goal. Given this assumption, prior workhas used coherence-based measures to determinewhether a system response is on topic (Li et al.,2016). We cannot simply predict the user’s re-sponse since we would be predicting both goodand bad (“thats right” and “No, you didn’t under-stand!”) with no reward for predicting the userresponse that reflects success. Here is an example:

• Sys: “ok, leaving from Forbes and Shady,where are you going?”

• Usr: “Not Forbes and Shady! Forbes andMurray”

In this example, the two utterances have sig-nificant word overlap. Thus, automatic analysiswould find that the agent utterance is on topic andcorrect. But it is evident that the agent utterance isincorrect. It does not respond to the user’s requestand will not result in useful information. There-fore, we propose NUF, a new extension of stan-dard system response evaluation that takes the fol-

lowing user response into account during assess-ment. Specifically, standard system response eval-uation asks “is response x an appropriate responsegiven the context c?”. Instead, our metric asks“has response x satisfied the user based on contextc and the following user reply u?”. We define be-ing satisfied in a task-oriented slot-filling domainas simply whether the system provides useful in-formation to the user. In more complex chat-basedsystems, the definition of flow in Section 5.2 canbe applied.

5.3.1 Human Study of NUF

In order to test our hypothesis, a human studycompares the ability of human annotators to as-sess the quality of a system utterance in two dif-ferent situations: first given just the context andthe system utterance alone and second given thecontext, the system utterance plus the followinguser response. We used four datasets in order tocover both slot-filling and non-slot-filling systems:DSTC-1 (Williams et al., 2013), DSTC-2 (Hen-derson et al., 2014), Daily Dialog (Li et al., 2017)and Switchboard (Godfrey et al., 1992). 30 c-x-u tuples from each dataset were sampled and la-belled by four expert raters (the coauthors of thispaper) who gave a score of 1 to 5, ranging from nouser satisfaction to complete user satisfaction. Ap-pendix A contains the annotation instructions. Ta-

Kappa Ssys Susr

DSTC-1 0.359 0.616DSTC-2 0.487 0.593Daily Dialog 0.196 0.287Switchboard 0.172 0.348

Table 4: Fleiss Kappa among the four raters.

ble 4 shows that the rater agreement on Susr (tak-ing the following user utterance into account) ismuch higher than that for Ssys for all four datasets.This confirms the hypothesis that, even for hu-mans, it is difficult to judge whether a responseis truly appropriate if only the previous dialog his-tory (dialog context) is used. But, given the fol-lowing user turn, it becomes significantly easier.This result also implies that the following userturn contains salient information that helps dis-tinguish between “good” system responses versus“mediocre” or “bad” responses, which are rarelyused in standard supervised-learning-based train-ing for end-to-end neural dialog systems.

Page 10: arXiv:1901.06613v2 [cs.CL] 18 Mar 2019 · 2019-03-19 · Rapport and similar affective qual-ities (Gratch et al.,2007) have also been added to some agents. ... Alan Turing’s 1950

Table 2 and Table 3 show examples of dialogswhere Ssys > Susr and vice versa. They show thatthe appropriateness of a system response is muchclearer when we see the following user utterance.For example, the dialog in Table 2 shows that al-though the system gives an on-point explanationfor the previous question, the user is apparentlynot interested in continuing down that path of theconversation.

Ssys = Susr Ssys < Susr Ssys > Susr

46.3% 18.6% 35.0%

Table 5: Percentage of the data where the annotatorsunderestimated and overestimated the quality of systemresponse relative to what was indicated by the follow-ing user utterance.

Table 5 compares the annotations of conversa-tion quality both in the presence and in the ab-sence of the following user utterance. We showthe percentage of the data where the raters gavethe system higher scores than the user did andinversely where the raters’ score was lower thanthat of the users. This is equivalent to compar-ing the annotators’ perception of the system utter-ance to the user’s perception of the system utter-ance. We find that the difference (practically dou-ble) between Ssys < Susr and Ssys > Susr un-derlines our claim that judging system correctnessshould be based on the following user utterance.Using the system utterance plus previous contextalone leads to an artificially high assessment of thequality of the system utterance and consequentlyof system performance.

5.3.2 Automatic NUF Prediction of Susr

We wanted to see how we can automatically pre-dict Susr given c-x-u.

Data Annotation The four experts annotated asubset of the DSTC-1 dataset, resulting in a to-tal of 1250 c-x-u data points with 150 overlapped(seen by all annotators) to ensure inter-rater agree-ment. The Fleiss kappa was computed, giving0.207 for Ssys and 0.515 for Susr. Then bothclassification and regression models were created.70% of the data was used for training and the re-maining 30% was used to test.

Model Details The last turn in the dialog con-text history, the system response and the user re-sponse are turned into vector representations viabag-of-ngram features for n ∈ [1, 2] with TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency)

weighting. We combined these sources of infor-mation by simply concatenating the feature vec-tors. Also, for classification, a support-vector-machine (SVM) with a linear kernel is used, aswell as Ridge regression (linear regression with L2

regularization). Given the above setup, we are in-terested in how well can we predict Susr and whatthe input features are.

Results Table 6 shows the results. The best per-

Input Acc MAEc 47.5% 1.31x 55.7% 1.14u 60.3% 0.81c, x 54.6% 1.08c, u 62.9% 0.78x, u 65.8% 0.67c, x, u 65.8% 0.68

Table 6: Results for Susr prediction. MAE stands forabsolute mean error.

forming model is able to achieve 65.8% accuracyand MAE 0.67, which represents less than 1 errorto the ground truth expectation. Further, the resultsyield the following insights:

• The most useful features to predict Susr

stress the importance of understanding userfeedback. Table 6 shows that the modelstruggles when only presented with the con-text and the system response whereas itachieves strong performance even when itonly uses u as its input. This opens up thepossibility of having a universal user satisfac-tion model that solely takes the user responseas its input. This is easier to obtain for train-ing than manually labelling every context-response-user response tuple.

• Regression is more suitable than classifica-tion for this task. Figure 3 shows that theclassification models mostly confuse close-by classes, e.g. class-1 and class-2, whichcome from the raters’ ambiguity concerningsimilar classes. Therefore, regression natu-rally takes care of the ordinal nature of Susr.

6 Conclusions and future directions

This paper is a first step toward making the agentinto a real partner for human users. It suggests sev-eral guidelines for system developers: avoid paid

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Figure 3: Confusion matrix for classification modelwith c-x-u as inputs.

users in favor of real ones, use an interface likeDialPort to collect data, do active rather than off-line assessment, ask for immediate feedback (e.g.thumbs up), care about the flow of the dialog, useNUF or create measures similar to it. It shows howwe can quantify the effect of the agent on the userand serves as a point of departure for the devel-opment of more assessment strategies that turn to-ward the user.

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A Appendix: Supplemental Material

Annotation instructions for Ssys Score (sys)given the dialog context and the system responseONLY, use a five point Likert scale to judge ifthe system response gives useful information andmatches the flow of the conversation. You are theobserver, judging if YOU think, in YOUR OPIN-ION, the system output was 1, 2. 3, 4, or 5.

1. System response was irrelevant or incorrect.

2. system response is slightly off topic or givingrelevant but inaccurate information.

3. System response is on topic but neutral, youcannot judge if it’s correct or incorrect.

4. System response is somewhat useful.

5. System response gives the user exactly whatthey needed

Annotation instruction for Susr Score(sys+usr) given the dialog context, the systemresponse AND the user response, using a fivepoint Likert scale to judge how much this sys-tem response satisfied the user by giving theminformation that is useful and correct. You are theobserver, reporting what you thought the USER’sopinion of the system output was, based on theuser’s turn.

1. System response was judged by the user to betotally incorrect;

2. System response was judged by the user tonot be what they wanted, but not totally off

3. The user was neutral about the value of thesystem response - or given the content of theuser utterance, you could not judge the valueto the user

4. System response was judged by the user to besomewhat helpful

5. System response was judged by the user to beexactly what they needed
