Page 1: arXiv:1509.02173v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 13 Dec 2015

Observation of scaling in the dynamics of a strongly quenched quantum gas

E. Nicklas,1 M. Karl,1 M. Hofer,1 A. Johnson,2 W. Muessel,1

H. Strobel,1 J. Tomkovic,1 T. Gasenzer,1 and M. K. Oberthaler1

1Kirchhoff-Institut fur Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg,Im Neuenheimer Feld 227, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany and

2Laboratoire Charles-Fabry, Institut d’Optique Avenue Augustin Fresnel, 91 127 Palaiseau Cedex, France(Dated: December 15, 2015)

We report on the experimental observation of scaling in the time evolution following a suddenquench into the vicinity of a quantum critical point. The experimental system, a two-componentBose gas with coherent exchange between the constituents, allows for the necessary high level of con-trol of parameters as well as the access to time-resolved spatial correlation functions. The theoreticalanalysis reveals that when quenching the system close to the critical point, the energy introduced bythe quench leads to a short-time evolution exhibiting crossover reminiscent of the finite-temperaturecritical properties in the system’s universality class. Observing the time evolution after a quenchrepresents a paradigm shift in accessing and probing experimentally universal properties close to aquantum critical point and allows in a new way benchmarking of quantum many-body theory withexperiments.

Scaling laws and symmetries are at the foundations ofmodern science. They allow putting phenomena as dif-ferent as opalescent water under high pressure, proteindiffusion in cell membranes [1], and early-universe infla-tionary dynamics [2, 3] on the same structural footings.Typically, scaling is observed in thermal equilibrium orin relaxation dynamics close to equilibrium [4–9] whilerecently the scaling hypothesis has been extended to far-from-equilibrium dynamics [7, 10–12].

For spatially extended systems, it is natural to ask howits different parts are correlated with each other. Closeto critical configurations, the essential physics is typi-cally captured by a single parameter ε measuring thedistance to criticality, and a universal function. General-izing this to non-equilibrium quantum dynamics impliesthat the universal function explicitly includes time evolu-tion. For example, given a time-dependent characteristiclength scale ξ, scaling implies a self-similarity relation

ξ(s−νzt; sε) = s−νξ(t; ε), (1)

with positive scaling factor s and critical exponents ν, z.This relation reflects that the spatial structure for fixedsystem parameter ε at a given time is the same as thestructure at different ε, at suitably rescaled times.

Our experiments reveal such scaling behaviour in a ru-bidium condensate in a quasi one-dimensional configura-tion. The atoms are in two hyperfine states, which we de-note as |↑〉 = |F = 2,mF = −1〉 and |↓〉 = |F = 1,mF =1〉. The collisional interaction between atoms in thesestates is tuned by use of an interspecies Feshbach reso-nance [13, 14] such that the system is in the immiscibleregime, i.e. the two components tend to minimise theiroverlap (Fig. 1a). Specifically, the interspecies scatteringlength a↑↓ is chosen larger than the intraspecies scatter-ing lengths a↑↑ and a↓↓. In the experiment, we choseα = a↑↓/

√a↑↑a↓↓ ≈ 1.23. De-mixing of such kind has al-

ready been observed experimentally [15–17], and studied

theoretically [18–23]. Varying the strength of linear Rabicoupling between the two atomic species allows tuningacross a quantum phase transition between the immisci-ble and miscible regimes.

Here, we study the dynamics after a sudden change, i.e.quench, of the linear coupling, observing the time evolu-tion of the spatially resolved density patterns of the twocomponents n↑(y) and n↓(y) along the extended axis ofthe trap, on either side of the miscible-immiscible tran-sition (Fig. 1b). Due to the repulsive interactions be-tween the individual components, the local atomic den-sity ρ(y) = n↑(y) + n↓(y) is to a very good approxi-mation constant, such that only the density differencen↑(y) − n↓(y) fluctuates. Consequently, the gas canbe considered as a homogeneously distributed, coupledcollective spin ensemble, characterised by a continuousangular-momentum field J(y) (Fig. 2a). The longitudi-nal extension of ∼ 200µm allows exploring the miscibleregime where the expected length scales are of the or-der of a few microns, as well as the immiscible side, withexpected domain sizes of a few tens of microns. The z-component Jz(y) = [n↑(y)−n↓(y)]/ρ(y) of the ‘Schwingerspin’ normalised to the total density is related to thedensity difference, and spin correlations Gzz(y, y

′, t) =〈Jz(y)Jz(y

′)〉t between different points y, y′ can be de-termined from the density patterns (Fig. 1b).

The long-wavelength dynamics of our spin fluid isgiven, to a good approximation [24], by a translation-ally invariant nonlinear XXX-type Heisenberg Hamilto-nian density [25],

H =[|∂yJ|2/4 + ΩJx − ΩcJ

2z /2]ρ/2. (2)

The first term represents the Heisenberg spin coupling.The term ΩJx provides the local coupling of the twocomponents, in analogy to an effective magnetic fieldacting transversely to the spin Jz, with strength givenby the Rabi frequency Ω of the linear coupling. In ad-











] 1

3 D

ec 2


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(a) (b)


F = 2

F = 1

linear coupling interaction

0 100 200



0 100 200




200 100


displacement y y 0 (µm)

y (µm)1

0 100 200



F = 2F = 1





displacement y y 0 (µm)0 10 20 30 40 50 60



10 100 200


y (µm)

F = 2F = 1


= c= g(↵
















FIG. 1. (Color online) Details of the experimental system. (a) Phase diagram, distinguishing miscible and immiscible phasesof the elongated degenerate Bose gas of rubidium atoms in F = 2 (blue) and F = 1 (red) hyperfine states. The state of thesystem is controlled by linear coupling of the levels, with Rabi frequency Ω, and by tuning the collisional interaction betweenatoms in the hyperfine states, quantified by the relative strength α = a↑↓/

√a↑↑a↓↓ of inter- and intra-species scattering lengths

(experimentally fixed to α ≈ 1.23). A quantum phase transition occurs at Ωc = ρg(α − 1), with 1D atom density ρ andintra-species coupling constant g. (b) The system is initially prepared far in the miscible regime, and then Ω quenched closeto Ωc. After different evolution times the two species are absorption imaged. Snapshots of the patterns emerging on eitherside of the transition are shown, with corresponding normalised density imbalance (n↑(y) − n↓(y))/ρ and density correlationfunctions between spatially separated points y and y′. The correlations on the miscible side exhibit decay on a characteristiclength scale, while oscillations on the immiscible side reflect domain formation as seen in the density.

dition, a ‘single-ion anisotropy’ [26] term J2z appears

which results from the local collisional interaction be-tween the two components, with Ωc = ρg(α− 1) propor-tional to the tunable interaction strength between thespins. As the scattering lenghts of the respective Rubid-ium hyperfine scattering channels are very close, we takea↑↑ = a↓↓ = g/(~ω⊥), such that α = ~ω⊥a↑↓/g. Thissystem reveals, at zero temperature, a quantum phasetransition at Ω = Ωc where the Rabi-induced mixing ofthe components cancels the effect of the interspecies scat-tering, with the order parameter given by the magneti-zation 〈Jz〉. Specifically, for a strong effective magneticfield Ω > Ωc the spins in the ground state are polarisedin the x direction, i.e. the two components can not spa-tially separate although the bare system (Ω = 0) is phase-separating. This is confirmed experimentally (Fig. 1b).

A generic scaling hypothesis which includes dynamicsout of equilibrium implies that the spin-spin correlations〈Jz(y)Jz(y

′)〉t,ε = Gzz(y − y′, t; ε) after a sudden quenchof the linear coupling obey

Gzz(s−νy, s−νzt; sε) = s−ν−ηGzz(y, t; ε), (3)

where ε = Ω/Ωc − 1 is determined by the final effec-tive magnetic field Ω after the quench. ν and z arecritical exponents, and η is known as anomalous expo-nent. In the experiment we reach this out-of-equilibriumregime by initially preparing the system with a fast π/2microwave-radiofrequency pulse in a Jx spin state which

is the ground state of the system in the infinite-linear-coupling limit (Ω Ωc). Then, the intensity of theradiofrequency field is quickly reduced, switching ε to itsfinal value. Adjusting the linear coupling during the fol-lowing evolution compensates for the change of Ωc due tothe loss of particles which was independently determined.

The correlations Gzz(y, t; ε) developing on the misci-ble side (ε > 0) are shown in Fig. 2b, in comparison withhomogeneous Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory predictions[27], averaged over the density inhomogeneity in the trapand convoluted with the optical point spread functionof the imaging system. Fitting an exponential to theshort-distance fall-off of the observed correlation func-tions we extract a correlation length ξ(t; ε) which showsnear-linear growth after the initial quench (Fig. 2c). TheBogoliubov prediction (solid lines) qualitatively repro-duces this rise as well as the oscillations seen for largerε. The damping of the oscillations seen at smaller ε isattributed to effects of the transverse trapping potential.

We extract the maximum correlation length for differ-ent ε within the first 12 ms after the quench, where thisobservable is still weakly affected by the atom loss. Usingthe theoretically expected exponent of 0.5 for rescalingthe correlation functions at a fixed time (t = 12 ms) theyall fall on a universal curve (Fig. 3a, upper panels). Ex-tracting characteristic length scales as indicated, we findscaling according to Eq. (1) (lower panels of Fig. 3a). Theexponent extracted from a linear fit of ξ on a double-log

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0 100 200


0 100 200


x yz

0 2 4 6 8101214x-x’ (m)



s)= 0.31

01 t = 2ms


J z(x)J

z(x) t = 5ms

0 5 1015x-x’ (m)01 t = 12ms

y position

F = 2F = 1



y − y′ (µm) time (ms)



′ )〉



t = 2ms

t = 5ms

t = 8ms




FIG. 2. (Color online) Time evolution of correlations afterquench to the miscible side of the quantum phase transition.(a) Two-component gas as a coupled collective spin ensem-ble. The spatially resolved density difference between F = 1and F = 2 allows the extraction of the local z-component ofthe collective spin vector J(y). (b) Measured spin correlationfunction Gzz(y, y

′, t) = 〈Jz(y)Jz(y′)〉t at three different times

after a quench to ε = Ω/Ωc − 1 = 0.17, showing build-upof spatial correlations. Solid black lines show Bogoliubov-deGennes mean-field predictions. (c) Time-evolution of the cor-relation length ξ(t; ε), for three different ε, deduced by fittingan exponential to the short-distance fall-off of the extractedcorrelation data. The Bogoliubov evolution (solid lines) re-covers the initial near-linear rise of ξ, with slope given by thespeed of (spin-wave) sound, and captures the maximum cor-relation length at a characteristic time depending on ε. Thepredicted oscillatory behaviour is experimentally observed forlarger ε, while the maximum correlation length reached atshort times is robustly detected in all cases. Dashed lines serveas a guide to the eye, marking the predicted first maxima.For the scaling analysis of the data, the correlation lengthsare compared at a fixed time, see Fig. 3.

scale is ν = 0.51± 0.06 (Fig. 3a, lower right panel). Thescaling exponent is robust with respect to varying therange of the exponential fit of the correlation functionsand the way of extracting a characteristic length afterthe initial linear rise. In the immiscible regime, ε < 0,we choose the domain size Ld and find an exponent ofν = 0.51 ± 0.04 (Fig. 3a, lower left panel). As a result,in both, the miscible and immiscible regimes, we find selfsimilarity under rescaling y → ενy with ν = 1/2, withcorrelations following different universal functions.

To obtain the dynamical exponent z we analyse theobserved time dependence of the correlation functions,focusing on the point of time τ where ξ(t) levels off afterthe initial linear rise (Fig. 3b, upper panel). For this wedetermine the crossing point of two independent linearfits to the short and long-time behaviour. The resulting

dependence of τ(ε) is compared, on a double-log scale to apower law with exponent νz = 1/2 (Fig. 3b, lower panel,dashed line). The deviation of our data from this powerlaw for large ε can be understood within Bogoliubovtheory which predicts ξ(t; ε) = (2mΩcε)

−1/2| sin(∆(ε)t)|[24]. The time t1,ε of the first maximum (solid line inFig. 3b, lower panel), related to the characteristic time τ ,is inversely proportional to the gap, i.e., zero-momentum-mode frequency ∆(ε) = Ωc

√ε(ε+ 1).

On either side of ε = 0, the critical exponents extractedfrom our data are consistent with Bogoliubov-de Gennesmean-field predictions. To reveal the limitations of mean-field theory and study the effects due to the excitationof total-density fluctuations, we have performed semi-classical simulations of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equa-tions for the two components (Fig. 4). We define a cor-relation length ξ0 in terms of the zero-momentum limitof the Fourier transform of the spin-spin autocorrelationfunction, Gzz(k, t; ε) =

∫dy exp−ikyGzz(y, t; ε) [24].

For ε > 0.1, we find very good agreement of the computedcorrelation length at the first maximum (blue points)with mean-field scaling (solid black line). The numericaldata shows that, for ε . 0.05, the extracted correlationlength scale at the first maximum deviates from a sim-ple mean-field power law and saturates to a finite valueat vanishing ε. This ε-dependence of ξ0 shows universalcross-over behaviour reminiscent of an equilibrium one-dimensional (1D) Ising system [28]. The spontaneousbreaking of the discrete Z2 symmetry under Jz → −Jzallows for spin-↑/↓ domain formation and thus, accordingto the standard theory of critical phenomena, the transi-tion in our system belongs to the Ising universality class[29]. The analysis of the numerically observed crossoverbehavior requires a discussion of non-perturbative correc-tions to the experimentally observed mean-field scaling.As seen in Fig. 4, our current experiment touches on theregime where non-perturbative corrections start to be-come important.

In conclusion, we have demonstrated the possibility ofprobing universal properties close to a quantum criticalpoint by quenching the system out of equilibrium andobserving the short-time evolution long before equilibra-tion. With that, our experiment opens a new path tostudy universal properties building on phase coherence inclosed many-body systems. This is essential for bench-marking quantum many-body theory, moving towards aquantum simulator of universal critical phenomena.

Acknowledgements. The project was initiated in ex-tensive discussions with Jacopo Sabbatini and MatthewDavis in the context of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in1D spin systems. We acknowledge the important in-put from Isabelle Bouchoule on the Bogoliubov descrip-tion of the observations, and thank Tilman Zibold forsupport on the experiment. We thank J. Berges, S.Erne, F. Essler, and J. M. Pawlowski for discussions.This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsge-

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(a) space rescaling (b) time rescalingimmiscible miscible







0 )i

0 10 20 0 10 20 30 40y y 0 (µm) yy 0

"1/2 (µm)

0 10 0 2 4 6y y 0 (µm) yy 0

"1/2 (µm)






0 )i










10 1"

0.1 0.5 1"










0.1 0.5"








0 6 12time (ms)









FIG. 3. (Color online) Spatial and temporal scaling of the spin-spin correlations. (a) Spatial correlations after quenches todifferent proximities ε from the critical point (color-coded), on the immiscible (left panels, at t = 39 ms) and miscible side(right, t = 12 ms). Top row: The correlation functions, under a rescaling y → yεν of the distance dependence with mean-fieldexponent ν = 1/2, fall on a universal curve. Bottom row: ε-dependence (double-log scale) of the characteristic length scalesdeduced from the correlation functions. The straight lines reveal values for the critical exponent ν = 0.51(4) on the immiscibleand ν = 0.51(6) on the miscible side of the transition. (b) Temporal scaling of the spin-spin correlations. The characteristictime τ for different ε is obtained as the intersection point of the linear fits to the initial rise of ξ(t) (grey symbols for ε = 0.1)and to the behaviour after ξ deviates from this rise. The procedure of determining the intersection is exemplarily shown in theupper panel for ε = 0.23. In the lower panel we compare the extracted τ(ε) to a mean-field scaling with νz = 1/2 (dashed line)

and to the Bogoliubov prediction τ ∼ 1/∆, with gap ∆(ε) = Ωc

√ε(ε+ 1), also applicable at larger ε & 1 (solid line).

0.01 0.1 1"




FIG. 4. (Color online) Scaling analysis at short times afterthe quench. Correlation length ξ0(t; ε) on the miscible sideof the transition, at the time of the first maximum of ξ0 af-ter the quench. The solid black line marks the Bogoliubovprediction ξBog =

√~/(2mΩcε) also shown in Fig. 3a. Closer

to the critical point, the open coloured symbols show resultsof semi-classical simulations of the quench dynamics. In theexperimental range (ε & 0.1) simulation data and Bogoliubovmean-field prediction agree. For ε . 0.1, the simulationsdemonstrate a deviation from the mean-field power law andsaturation for ε→ 0.

meinschaft (GA677/7,8), Heidelberg University (CQD),the Helmholtz Association (HA216/EMMI), and the EU(FET-Proactive grant AQuS, Project No. 640800).

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Spin-fluid representation of the two-componentBose gas

Model. The microscopic Hamiltonian for two interact-ing Bose fields Φj , j ∈ ↑, ↓, in one spatial dimension(1D), with a linear Rabi coupling Ω and a zero-point de-tuning δ is H = H0 +Hcpl +Hint, with the quadratic andquartic terms

H0 =∑i=↑,↓


[− ~2

2m∂2y + V (y)

]Φj ,

Hcpl =~2


Φ†↑Φ↓ + h.c.)

+ δ(

Φ†↑Φ↑ − Φ†↓Φ↓)],

Hint =1





†jΦj . (4)

Here, m is the atomic mass, V (y) = mω2yy

2/2 the lon-gitudinal trapping potential, and gij = 2~ω⊥aij are theeffective 1D couplings, with intra-species 3D scatteringlengths a↑↑, a↓↓ and inter-species scattering length a↑↓.In the experiment, α = a↑↓/

√a↑↑a↓↓ is tuned to α = 1.23

by means of the inter-species Feshbach resonance at9.10 G. For Ω = 0, δ = 0, and equal intra-species cou-plings a↑↑ = a↓↓, a non-vanishing cross-coupling, α 6= 1,leads to a deviation from a fully U(1)×SU(2)-symmetrictheory. Adding the linear Rabi coupling, Ω 6= 0, leavesa residual Z2 symmetry, which is broken if δ 6= 0 ora↑↑ 6= a↓↓.

Spin-fluid representation. The model (4) of coupledBose gases can be interpreted to describe one gas ofatoms in two spin states. We term this system a co-herent spin fluid, as each volume element of it carriesangular momentum proportional to the local density ρof atoms, generalizing the concept of classical relativis-tic spin fluids [1]. This fluid is not to be mixed upwith the disordered state of a spin liquid, occurring, e.g.,in lattices giving rise to frustrated moments. In thecase that mode occupation numbers are large as com-pared to 1, the Bose field operators can be replaced byclassical complex fields, Φj → φj . The resulting clas-sical Hamiltonian is separated into internal degrees offreedom (DoF) and hydrodynamic ones by use of nor-

malised Schwinger angular momenta Ja = ρ−1Φ†jσaijΦi

with a ∈ x, y, z (sum over repeated indices is im-plied), with Pauli matrices σa and ρ = ρ↑ + ρ↓. Hence,Jx = 2ρ−1√ρ↑ρ↓ cosϕ , Jy = 2ρ−1√ρ↑ρ↓ sinϕ , Jz =ρ−1(ρ↑−ρ↓) , normalised to |J| = 1. Here, ϕ = ϕ↑−ϕ↓ isthe relative phase of the fields φj =

√ρj exp (ıϕj). The

3-projection Jz of the spin density describes the relativedensity difference of the fluids. In terms of spin densitiesand total DoF, ρ and Θ = ϕ↑+ϕ↓, the Hamiltonian reads

[2], for a↑↑ = a↓↓ = a = g/2~ω⊥ (in units where ~ = 1),

H =1




√ρ)2 +


4m|∂yJ|2 + ρ(V +mv2


+ gρ2 +gρ2

2(α− 1)

[1− (Jz)


+ ΩρJx + δρJz

. (5)

Here, the effective velocity of the fluid, veff = (ρ↑v↑ +ρ↓v↓)/ρ, defined in terms of the velocities vi = ∂zϕi/mof the spin components, is defined as [2]

veff =1


[∂yΘ +

Jz(Jy∂yJx − Jx∂yJy)

[1− (Jz)2]

]. (6)

The Hamiltonian (5) expresses the energy of the two-component Bose gas as that of a 1D spin field J(y) carriedby a fluid with density ρ and conserved current j = ρveff .For a fluid at rest, i.e. ρ = const. and veff = 0, the spinsystem assumes the form of a nonlinear sigma model [2]or XXX-type Heisenberg chain with single-ion anisotropy∼ J2

z in a transverse and/or longitudinal magnetic field[3], with an additional chiral-field term ∝ v2

eff . This, aswell as the anisotropic terms ∝ [1 − (Jz)

2] and ∝ Jx, Jzbreak the O(3)-symmetry of the spin system.

Quantum phase transition

Transition between miscible and immiscible phases. Toset the stage, before we describe the non-equilibriumdynamics realized in the experiment, we briefly sum-marize the equilibrium phase structure of the system.The non-linear Heisenberg model (5) for the spin DoF(ρ = const., veff = 0) represents a classical isotropicHeisenberg ferromagnet. The homogeneous (V ≡ 0) Bosegas (4) of two linearly uncoupled (Ω, δ ≡ 0) componentspossesses two distinct ground states depending on thechoice α [4–6]. In the immiscible regime, α > 1, theterm ∝ (α − 1)[1 − (Jz)

2] gives a positive contributionto the total energy for all possible spin configurations,except when Jz(y) ≡ ±1. Spontaneous breaking of theremaining discrete Z2 symmetry under Jz → −Jz leads,in a non-equilibrium or thermal system, to the formationof domains in the spin density Jz, i.e. oppositely signedpatches of Jz with Jz ' ±1, similar to the ferromag-netic classical Heisenberg model [7, 8]. In between thedomains, due to the chiral term ∝ v2

eff , the spin varies ina way that rotations around the Jz axis are suppressed.On the contrary, in the miscible regime, α < 1, spinconfigurations with Jz(y) ≡ 0 are preferred energetically,and thus in the zero-temperature ground state one hasρ↑(y) = ρ↓(y).

Modulational instability. At zero temperature and forΩ = δ = 0, the system is immiscible for the experimen-tal choice α > 1. It can be rendered miscible again byintroducing an additional linear Rabi coupling Ω, with

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Ω > Ωc = ρg(α − 1) ≡ −ρgs. A Bogoliubov anal-ysis [9] of the homogeneously mixed system gives, fora↑↑ = a↓↓ = 0, two decoupled excitation branches

ω+(κ, α) = Ωc√

(α+ 1)(α− 1)−1κ2 + κ4, (7)

ω−(κ, ε) = Ωc√ε(ε+ 1) + (2ε+ 1)κ2 + κ4 (8)

of density and spin waves, respectively, where κ2 ≡k2/[2mΩc], and ε = (Ω− Ωc)/Ωc is the relative prox-imity to the critical coupling Ωc. For unequal couplings,|a↓↓ − a↑↑| a↑↑, the two branches hybridise, develop-ing avoided crossings [9]. For α > 1 and −1 < ε < 0,the spin-wave frequency ω− is imaginary for modes withmomenta κ < κc =

√−ε. These modes hence be-come unstable, resulting in spin waves with growing am-plitude [6] and leading to a spatial separation of thetwo components. The most unstable mode is that withκ2 = κ2

f = max−ε − 1/2, 0. In the presence of thefull non-linearity of the purely repulsive two-componentGross-Pitaevskii model this classical modulational insta-bility implies small initial density fluctuations on top ofthe homogeneous mixed system to grow into fully po-larised areas delimited by sharp boundaries with a thick-ness given by the spin healing length ξs =


In the miscible regime, ε > 0, the spin-wave modesacquire a gap ω−(k = 0) =

√Ω[Ω− Ωc] ≡ ∆(ε) =


√ε(ε+ 1) in their excitation spectrum, such that the

mixed state remains stable [9, 10]. The disappearanceof the gap at ε = 0 defines the critical line of a second-order (quantum) phase transition in the α-Ω plane (Maintext, Fig. 1a). Note that the linear coupling ∝ Ω in theHamiltonian (5) breaks the O(2)-symmetry in the xy-projection of the spin configuration space. As a conse-quence the conservation of the total polarisation N1−N2

is lost.

Experimental procedure

We prepare a condensate of N ≈ 4 × 104 87Rb atomsin the |↓〉 = |F = 1,mF = 1〉 hyperfine state of the 5S1/2

manifold, in an elongated optical trapping potential with(ωy, ω⊥) = 2π× (1.9, 128) Hz, resulting in a peak densityn1D ' 230µm−1. The Feshbach resonance between |↓〉and |↑〉 = |F = 2,mF = −1〉 at 9.10 G is used to tunethe inter-species scattering length to a↓↑ ≈ 120 aBohr at9.08 G while the intra-species scattering lengths are fixed,(a↑↑, a↓↓) = (95, 100) aBohr. At this magnetic field, thebare system is immiscible. By applying resonant two-photon linear coupling, the system can be rendered mis-cible. The phase transition occurs at the critical Rabifrequency Ωc. In mean-field and uniform-gas approxi-mation, it is given by Ωc = −ρgs ≈ 2π × 70 Hz wheregs = ~ω⊥(a↑↑+a↓↓−2a↓↑) is the 1D coupling of the spindegrees of freedom, and ρ the 1D density.

After the initial preparation of all atoms in |↓〉, a π/2pulse of combined microwave and radio frequency (RF)magnetic fields with a Rabi frequency Ω ≈ 2π × 340 Hz,creates an equal superposition of | ↓〉 and | ↑〉. Subse-quently, the phase of the radio frequency is switched byπ/2 (3π/2 for ε < −1), and Ω is quenched to a finalvalue above/below the critical value Ωc. After the follow-ing evolution time, the two components are sequentiallydetected using in-situ absorption imaging at 9.08 G.

Due to the proximity of the Feshbach resonance, atomsare lost with a 1/e lifetime of ≈ 30 ms, and the densitydecreases with time. The resulting change of Ωc was com-pensated by dynamically adjusting the Rabi frequency Ωduring the evolution time. All given Ω refer to the initialvalue. Other effects of atom loss such as the change inthe spin healing length ξs remain. To ensure resonance ofthe two-photon coupling, the independently determinedAC Zeeman shift resulting from the detuning of 200 kHzto the intermediate |F = 2,mF = 0〉 state is compen-sated by adjusting the frequency of the RF. The averageof the density dependent mean-field shift ∝ (g↑↑ − g↓↓)ρis compensated in the same way.

The longitudinal extension of ∼ 200µm allows explor-ing the miscible regime where the length scales are of theorder of a few microns as well as the length scales of afew tens of microns on the immiscible side. The trans-verse extension of the atomic cloud is ≈ 2µm (chemicalpotential µ ≈ 2π×300 Hz) and is comparable to the spinhealing length ξs(Ω) = ~/

√m(gsρ+ ~Ω) =


for |ε| ∼ 1. Thus the system close to quantum critical-ity is effectively one-dimensional for the spin degree offreedom.

In the analysis of the images we select the center ofthe cloud to reduce effects of cloud inhomogeneity andposition. While the pixel resolution of the CCD cam-era is 0.41µm, the resolution of the imaging optics islarger by about a factor of three. Hence, we group pixelsby three and calculate correlation functions on a spatialgrid of 1.23µm. The experimental data is analysed withrespect to the linear density profiles ρ↑,↓(y) of each com-ponent from which the spin profile Jz(y) and its longitu-dinal correlations Gzz(y, y

′, t) = 〈Jz(y)Jz(y′)〉t between

different points y, y′ along the axis of the trap are com-puted, and averaged over ∼ 20 experimental realisations.We extract the correlation length ξ(t; ε) by fitting an ex-ponential exp−y/[

√2ξ(t; ε)] to the small-y fall-off of

the correlation function Gzz(y, 0, t; ε) normalized to 1 aty = 0. In the data analysis, images with an integratedpopulation imbalance |N↑−N↓|/[N↑+N↓] > 0.2 are nottaken into account, as well as images with large imagingnoise. To reduce the effects of the inhomogeneity we sub-tract the spin profile, smoothed by a Gaussian filter witha width of 80µm, from the measured profile. The widthensures that structures and fluctuations on the scale ofthe correlations to be measured are conserved while theprofile gets centered around zero imbalance. This pro-

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cedure corresponds to applying a high-pass filter to thespin profile.

Critical dynamics following a quench into thevicinity of the phase transition

Critical scaling in equilibrium. Before we continue withthe theory of the dynamics induced in the experiment, webriefly recapitulate equilibrium mean-field scaling prop-erties. We continue to consider the case α > 1. Inthe vicinity of the quantum phase transition at Ωc =ρg(α − 1), correlations show scaling behaviour with re-spect to the relative distance ε to the critical point. Equi-librium renormalisation-group theory predicts the scalingof the correlation length near criticality in terms of thecritical exponent ν as defined in Eq. (1). The mean-fieldprediction for ν can be derived within semi-classical Lan-dau theory as follows. Neglecting fluctuations of the totaldensity ρ and phase Θ, the Hamiltonian (5) can be writ-ten in terms of Euler angle representation of the spin,Jx = cos θ cosϕ, Jy = cos θ sinϕ, and Jz = sin θ, as

H =ρ





[(∂yϕ)2 + (∂yθ)


+ 2Ω cos θ cosϕ+ Ωc cos2 θ

, (9)

with −π/2 ≤ θ ≤ π/2, −π ≤ ϕ ≤ π, and ϕ and θ beingmutually dual variables while ∂yφ = Πθ = ∂tθ is thecanonical conjugate of θ. For Ωc = 0, this model bearsan O(2) symmetry around the Jx axis and undergoesa quantum phase transition in the Kosterlitz-Thoulessclass [11]. Choosing Ωc > 0, the energy density exhibitsthe possibility of spontaneous Z2 symmetry breaking atε = 0 which becomes apparent by expanding around θ =0, ϕ = π,

Hpot =ρΩc


[−(1 + 2ε) + ε θ2 +

3− ε12

θ4 +O(θ6)



While for ε > 0 there is only one minimum at θ = 0, theground state can assume, for −2 < ε < 0, different valuesθ0 = arccos(1 + ε). Hence, while the potential remainssymmetric under θ → −θ, the ground state is two-folddegenerate with respect to the spin orientations Jz =±√|ε|(2− |ε|) = ±


c − Ω2/Ωc, and the Z2 symmetryis spontaneously broken. 〈θ〉 or, equivalently, 〈Jz〉, is theorder parameter of the transition.

The inverse coherence length squared is proportionalto the ‘mass’ parameter in the potential, i.e. the secondderivative of Hpot with respect to θ at the value of theorder parameter. In mean-field approximation, it follows

from the potential (10) that

ξ−2 ∝ε (ε ≥ 0, symmetric phase),|ε|(2− |ε|) (−2 < ε < 0, broken phase).


Together with Eq. (1), this shows that, in both phases,ν = 1/2. To mean-field order this result is independentof the dimensionality D = d+ 1.

Dynamical exponent. Out of equilibrium, universalityclasses are defined, in addition, by the dynamical expo-nent z [12]. From Eq. (8) we infer, for ε 1 and κ 1,that

ω−(sκ, sε) = szω−(κ, ε). (12)

and therefore z = 1 at mean-field level. Our numericalstudy of the system’s response to the experimentally ap-plied quench, discussed in the following, shows that theabove mean-field scaling is approximately valid in thenon-equilibrium situation of the experiment.

Initial state and quench. In the experiment, the two-component gas is prepared in a quasi-condensate, withinteractions tuned to a fixed α ' 1.23 > 1, equal occu-pation of the modes j = ↑ and ↓, and zero relative phase,i.e. fully polarised along the positive spin x-axis. In thisstate, the relative DoF can, to a good approximation,be considered in the zero-spin-temperature ground statewhile the centre DoF are equilibrated at a total temper-ature on the order of T ' 30 nK. The system is thensubject to a quench in Ω close to the value where theabove described quantum phase transition occurs in theequilibrium setting.

Bogoliubov description of the time evolving spin cor-relations. We briefly summarize the results of a Bo-goliubov mean-field analysis of the spin degrees of free-dom, for further details cf. Ref. [9]. For convenience weintroduce the dimensionless position y = y(2mΩc)1/2,time t = tΩc, linear density ρ = ρ/(2mΩc)1/2, mo-mentum κ = k/(2mΩc)

1/2, mode frequency ω−(κ, ε) =ω−(κ, ε)/Ωc, gap ∆ = ∆/Ωc =

√ε(ε+ 1), spin-wave

speed of sound cs = (2m/Ωc)1/2cs =√

2ε+ 1, and tem-perature T = kBT/Ωc.

The Fourier mode expansion of the angle fields isϕ(y, t) = (2



κ (y)bκ exp−iωκt + h.c.], and

θ(y, t) = (2√ρ)−1

∑κ[if−κ (y)bκ exp−iωκt + h.c.]. For

a homogeneous system one finds the Bogoliubov-deGennes mode functions f±κ (y) = L−1/2[ω−(κ, ε)/(κ2 +ε + 1)]±1/2 expiκy. L is the spatial length, and the

quasiparticle operators obey [bκ, b†κ′ ] = δκκ′ , [bκ, bκ′ ] =

0. The experimental range ε ∈ 0.1 . . . 1 implies∆ ∈ 0.33 . . . 1.4, κg ∈ 0.3 . . . 0.8, cs ∈ 1.1 . . . 1.7and thus a relatively small near-linear sound-waveregime. The range of cs implies sound speeds cs ∈0.44 . . . 0.68µm/ms.

In the experiment, the spin, pointing initially intothe negative z-direction, is rotated into the x-direction,

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i.e. to (θ, ϕ) = (0, 0). After this, the Rabi coupling Ω isquenched close to the critical coupling, ε ' 0.1 . . . 1.As a consequence of the initial π/2 rotation of the spin,the initial spin and relative phase fluctuations can beconsidered to be Gaussian and delta-correlated in space:Gzz(y, y

′; t = 0) = 〈Jx(y)Jx(y′)〉0 ' 〈θ(y)θ(y′)〉0 =(2ρ)−1δ(y − y′) = 〈ϕ(y)ϕ(y′)〉0.

The local initial fluctuations of θ and ϕ can be used tocompute the time evolution of the spin-spin correlationfunctions,

gθθ(y, t) = 〈θ(y, t)θ(0, t)〉

= (2ρ)−1

[δ(y) +



sin2(ω−(κ, ε)t)

κ2 + ε

]. (13)

Using the approximation ω− ' ∆ + csκ+ κ2 in Eq. (13)one can perform the momentum integral analytically.The result gives an exponential decay with an oscillatorybehaviour added, which dominates the function at earlytimes and short distances (Main text, Fig. 2a), gθθ(y, t) =(2ρ)−1[δ(y) + (4

√ε)−1(exp−√ε|y|+ oscillatory part)].

We note that the extension of the cloud in the trap withlongitudinal frequency ωz ' (2π) 2 Hz allows an estimateof the relative size of the exponentially decaying partto the delta-noise term to

√ωz/Ωcε/4 = 0.04 . . . 0.13.

Hence, the correlation function in Gaussian approxima-tion is

Gzz(y, t) = 〈Jz(y)Jz(0)〉t= e−gθθ(0,t) sinh ([gθθ(y, t) + gθθ(−y, t)]/2) . (14)

In the experiment, ρ ' 210, such that, away from y = 0,Gzz(y, t) is well approximated by [gθθ(y, t)+gθθ(−y, t)]/2.

To compare our experimental data with Bogoliubovtheory as shown in Fig. 2b and c, we evaluate the fullcorrelation function Gzz(y, t) during the time evolutionafter a quench from an initial value Ω0 = 10 Ωc to differ-ent final Ω close to the critical value, taking into accounta 1/e life time of the subsequently decaying system of42 ms. We bin the resulting function corresponding tothe CCD resolution of 0.41µm and average over threeneighboring bins with equal weight to take into accountthe finite resolution of the imaging system. The corre-lation length is extracted by an exponential fit to thenormalized correlation function, as done for the experi-mental data.

Numerical scaling analysis. The correlations discussedabove are universal to the extent that, neglecting the os-cillatory part, they are characterised by a single relevantparameter. In our numerical analysis we take this pa-rameter to be the correlation length ξn which is defined,after subtraction of the δ(y) contribution of the initialstate, as the square root of the integral of the normalisedcorrelation function 2ρ gθθ(y, t; ε) over all y. Accordingto Eq. (13) the mean-field value of ξn is

ξBog(t; ε) = ε−1/2| sin(∆t)| (15)

This expression for the oscillating correlation length re-produces qualitatively the behaviour seen in the data andrepresents the mean-field universal scaling function obey-ing the scaling relation ξBog(s−νz t; sε) = s−ν ξBog(t; ε)with ν = 1/2, z = 1.

Since the critical behaviour we are interested in isdominated by the large infrared (IR) mode occupationnumbers, we can make use, for studying the non-lineardynamics of our system beyond the mean-field approxi-mation, of semiclassical field simulations, also known asthe Truncated Wigner approach [13, 14], which is non-perturbative and goes far beyond the mean-field treat-ment discussed above. As a result, the dynamics of thesemodes can be represented by an ensemble of field tra-jectories which are propagated according to the classicalequations of motion derived from Eq. (4),

i∂tφ↑ =[H0 + g(|φ↑|2 + α|φ↓|2)

]φ↑ + Ωφ↓ , (16a)

i∂tφ↓ =[H0 + g(|φ↓|2 + α|φ↑|2)

]φ↓ + Ωφ↑ , (16b)

where H0 = −∂2y/(2m)+V (y). Initial field configurations

φ↑,↓(y, t0) are sampled from a Gaussian Wigner distribu-tion, which is positive everywhere and takes into accountinitial quantum fluctuations. At a given evolution time,correlation functions are obtained by averaging the corre-sponding observable over the ensemble of sampled trajec-tories. For our simulations we choose V = 0. As before,our simulations are done in a fully one-dimensional ge-ometry.

In accordance with the experimental procedure, weconsider an ensemble of initial states at zero spin tem-perature, showing ground-state Gaussian fluctuationsaround a fully Jx-polarised configuration. Other than inexperiment we assume the inter-species coupling to van-ish initially, α = 0. In our simulations, the gap parameter∆ is suddenly quenched, at time t = 0, from a large pos-itive value to positive values close to zero, while simulta-neously switching the inter-species coupling from zero toα = 1.23. We then measure the time-dependent spin-spincorrelation function Gzz(y, t; ε) = 〈Jz(y)Jz(0)〉t,ε as afunction of y and infer, in accordance with the above def-inition for the mean-field case, a spin correlation lengthξn(t, ε) from the zero-momentum value of the correspond-ing Fourier spectra.

Our numerical evaluation shows, in quantitative ac-cordance with the mean-field result (15), an initial risein time and oscillations around a mean value. At longtimes, the oscillations are damped, however, and the cor-relation length tends to an asymptotic stationary non-zero limit. To compare with the mean-field critical be-haviour discussed before, the time evolution of the cor-relation length ξn(t; ε), evaluated at the time t = t1,ε ofthe first maximum, is studied with respect to its scalingin ε. Agreement with mean-field scaling is found withinthe experimentally accessed regime of ε as discussed inthe main text, cf. also Fig. 4.

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