Page 1: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot

Mach cones in viscous heavy-ion collisions

I. Bouras,1 B. Betz,1 Z. Xu,2, 3 and C. Greiner1

1Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat,Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China3Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing 100871, China

(Dated: October 29, 2018)

The formation of Mach cones is studied in a full (3 + 1)-dimensional setup of ultrarelativisticheavy-ion collisions, considering a transverse and longitudinal expanding medium at RelativisticHeavy-Ion Collider energies. For smooth initial conditions and central collisions the jet-mediuminteraction is investigated using high-energy jets and various values of the ratio of shear viscosityover entropy density, η/s. For small viscosities, the formation of Mach cones is proven, whereas forlarger viscosities the characteristic structures smear out and vanish eventually. The formation of adouble-peak structure both in a single- and in a multiple-jet event is discussed.


Collisions of heavy nuclei both at the RelativisticHeavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) [1–4] and the Large HadronCollider (LHC) [5–8] indicate the formation of a newstate of strongly interacting matter, the quark-gluonplasma (QGP). The large value of the measured ellipticflow coefficient, v2, suggests that the QGP behaves likean almost perfect fluid as demonstrated by various calcu-lations of viscous hydrodynamics [9–12] and microscopictransport models [13–15]. The values determined for theratio of shear viscosity over entropy density are approxi-mately η/s = 0.1− 0.2 and thus close to the conjecturedlower bound, η/s = 1/4π, derived via the correspondencebetween conformal field theory and string theory in ananti-de Sitter (AdS) space [16].

High-energy jets traversing the expanding medium de-posit energy and momentum. Because of this interac-tion with the bulk medium, those jets are (strongly)suppressed, a phenomenon that is called jet quench-ing [1–4, 17–21]. The explicit mechanisms of the jet-medium interaction are still a matter of research. Thetwo- and three-particle correlations extracted from exper-iment show a complete suppression of the away-side jetsfor 3 < pT < 6 GeV and due to energy and momentumconservation the signal appears again in a lower-pT range,showing a double-peak structure [22–27]. The origin ofthe double-peak structure was discussed to be connectedto Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing thestrongly coupled medium [28–47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular flow and hot spots [22, 48–54] issueda further, probably more satisfactory explanation, for theappearance of the double-peak structure.

Up until today, however, the contribution of jet-induced Mach cones to the double-peak structure remainsunclear. To gain a better understanding of the contribu-tion of Mach cones to the double-peak structure in two-particle correlations, we investigate the evolution patternof jet-induced Mach cones and their particle distributionin a relativistic, (3 + 1)-dimensional expanding systemof a heavy-ion collision for various values of the ratio of

shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s, using the micro-scopic transport model BAMPS (Boltzmann approach ofmultiparton scatterings) [55].

In an earlier publication [56], we already studied theformation of Mach cones using the above-mentioned ki-netic transport model applying a static box scenario andthus neglecting all effects from expansion. We showedthat, considering a source term depositing both energyand momentum, the double-peak structure is overshad-owed by the strong contribution of the head shock anddiffusion wake, while the double-peak structure appearsfor a source term (that lacks physical motivation fromany theoretical model) which leads to only energy but nomomentum deposition. These results are consistent withan investigation based on an AdS/Conformal Field The-ory calculation [35] and a hydrodynamic model [57, 58].The comparison with the latter publications proves oncemore that BAMPS can model a hydrodynamic expan-sion [59, 60]. Using the same non-expanding scenario, westudied the effect of dissipation in a box scenario [56] andfound that dissipation tends to destroy any Mach conesignal.

However, as discussed in Ref. [61], the flow-velocityprofile created by jets in the transverse plane interactswith the radial flow of the background medium, chang-ing, e.g., the effective angle of a Mach cone. This effect oftransverse expansion on Mach cones has also been stud-ied in Refs. [46]. It was found that a double-peak struc-ture can be created by averaging over different jet paths.The main contribution to the double-peak structure orig-inates from jets that are deflected by radial flow. In therare case that a jet traverses into the opposite directionof the radial flow, the interplay between radial flow andjets reduces the strong contribution of the diffusion wakeand head shock and results in a double-peak structurefor this single event.

In the following, we investigate a similar setup as inRef. [46], but including not only transverse but also lon-gitudinal expansion, exploring in particular the influenceof viscosity. In this work, the units are ~ = c = k = 1.





v2 [






Page 2: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot



We use the framework of BAMPS in a fully (3 + 1)-dimensional setup designed for ultrarelativistic heavy-ioncollisions [55]. Here, we treat a massless gluon gas asclassical Boltzmann particles with a degeneracy factor ofg = 16. Particles only collide via binary collisions withan isotropic cross section, i.e., a cross section with anisotropic distribution of the collision angle. We performthe numerical calculations using a constant value of theratio of shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s. Forisotropic binary collisions, the shear viscosity is given byη = 0.4 e /(nσ) [62], where e (n) is the local rest frameenergy (particle) density.

As we intend to focus on the impact of transverse ra-dial and longitudinal flow on jets, we neglect additionaleffects from density fluctuations. Likewise, we neglectany effects originating from elliptic flow and only con-sider central collisions. We apply smooth Glauber initialconditions in the transverse direction [63] and a Gaus-sian rapidity distribution in the longitudinal direction asit was found at RHIC [64] that the rapidity distributionof charged hadrons can be described by a Gaussian. Inthe beam (z) direction, we determine the width of thenuclear overlap region based on the Lorentz-contractednuclear thickness that is approximated by a Gaussian aswell. (Please note that we initialize the system with afinite width. The system, however, will behave boost-invariantly near z = 0 at times < 1 fm.) For the high-pT region we apply a power law which approximatelyfits the p + p data [65, 66]. Thus, we apply the fol-lowing parametrization for the initial non-thermal single-particle distribution function

f(~x, ~p) =K1



Qn + pnT





× exp

(− z






2, y


(x− b

2, y



where pT =√p2x + p2y denotes the transverse momen-

tum, yrap the momentum rapidity, and b the impact pa-rameter. The nuclear thickness function [67]

TA (x, y) =

∫ +∞

−∞dzρA(x, y, z) (2)

is integrated in the z-direction. ρA(~x) denotes theWoods-Saxon distribution for the nucleus A,

ρA(~x) =ρ0

1 + exp(|~x|−RA


) . (3)

Here, RA = 1.12A1/3 − 0.86A−1/3 and the mean densityof the nucleus is ρ0 = 0.17 fm−3. For the thickness pa-rameter we use D = 0.54 fm. As we are studying RHIC

FIG. 1. (Color online) Schematic representation of differentjet paths initialized on a semi-circle; see also Ref. [46]. Theleft-hand panel shows all possible paths, and the right-handpanel shows the reduced number of paths due to reasons ofsymmetry.

energies, we exclusively use gold nuclei with a mass num-ber of A = B = 197 and choose Q = 1.3 GeV, n = 4,m = 1.5, σy = 1, σz = 0.13 fm, and K = 0.0135.

In the following we investigate scenarios where the jetis set on top of the bulk medium. Please note that thejet interacts with the same cross section as the mediumparticles.

Similar to the numerical setup discussed in Ref. [46]we initialize the starting points of the jet on a semi-circledisplayed in Fig. 1 with a radius of r = 4 fm at mid-rapidity,

~xjet = r



. (4)

While in the experiment back-to-back correlated jets arecreated due to momentum conservation, we assume thatthe near-side jet escapes rapidly to the vacuum and thus,we neglect the near-side jet contribution. In contrast, theaway-side jet traverses the hot and dense medium of thecollision.

Because of symmetry, the possible jet paths that needto be studied in a central collision (see left-hand panelof Fig. 1) reduces drastically (as shown in the right-handpanel of Fig. 1). All jets studied here have an initialmomentum only in the x-direction of px = Ejet = 20GeV.

Although performing a full (3+1)-dimensional simula-tion, we restrict the following discussion on the midrapid-ity region. Thus, we extract all quantities and azimuthalparticle distributions for a small space-time rapidity of|ηrap| < 0.1. Since the parton cascade BAMPS has no ef-fective hadronization process implemented yet, the finalparticle distribution is obtained by stopping the simu-lation at a certain time and extracting the macroscopicquantities as well as the azimuthal particle distributionfrom the final gluon-momentum distribution.

Page 3: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot



In the following we study the evolution of jet-inducedMach cones in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions forthree different scenarios in order to gain a better under-standing of the contribution of transverse and longitudi-nal expansion on the evolution of Mach cones induced byhigh-energy jets, considering various values of the ratioof shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s.

A. Scenario I

In a first scenario we consider a jet starting at a fixed-angle position of φjet = 180◦ on a semi-circle. In thisparticular case the jet initially propagates in the oppo-site direction to the radial flow generated in a heavy-ioncollision. We examine different values of the ratio of shearviscosity over entropy density, reflecting different possibleinteraction strengths with the medium. To illustrate theresults we depict a time evolution of the local-rest frameenergy-density profile around mid-rapidity, |ηrap| < 0.1,in Fig. 2, overlaid with a velocity profile represented byscaled arrows.

At early times, t ∼ 1 fm/c, the energy density reachesvery high values and a Mach cone has not yet built up.The energy behind the jet, however, is significantly low-ered for η/s = 0.08, indicating that matter is pushed inthe forward direction. This effect is reduced with increas-ing values of η/s.

At later times, the energy density decreases drasticallydue to the longitudinal and the transverse expansion. Aconical structure induced by the jet has developed att = 5 fm/c for η/s = 0.08. In contrast, for larger val-ues of η/s, such a structure has not built up (yet). Thedifferences in the shape of the Mach cone for various val-ues of η/s becomes more evident at later times, t = 9and t = 12 fm/c. In the case of η/s = 0.08, the en-ergy density in the region of the developed shock front ismuch more increased than for larger values of η/s. In-terestingly enough, the maximal energy density reachedin the head-shock region for η/s = 0.2 is smaller than forη/s = 0.5. The reason is that the interaction of the jetwith the medium is weakened for η/s = 0.5; i.e., the jetis almost not quenched. In turn this means that the jetpropagates faster for larger values of η/s. For the casewith η/s = 0.08 the initial jet has already lost almost allof its energy, i.e., has thermalized, within a very shorttime in the beginning of the simulation. This effect isdemonstrated in Fig. 3, where the corresponding timeevolution of the jet energy for different values of η/s isshown. As mentioned above we do not distinguish be-tween bulk medium and jet particles, which implies thatfor η/s = 0.08 the mean free path of the jet is very small.On the other side, the larger the η/s, the smaller is theenergy loss of the jet. It is clear that considering pertur-bative QCD based elastic and inelastic processes [68, 69]would change significantly the jet energy loss. However,

such a treatment remains a future task.

The results in Fig. 2 indicate that a single jet propa-gating through the middle of the medium creates a Machcone for moderate values of η/s and sufficiently largetimes. The shock front, however, is strongly curved dueto the interaction of the jet with the medium. The dif-fusion wake is not directly visible as it is superimposedby the radial flow of the background medium, indicat-ing that the contribution of the diffusion wake and headshock is possibly reduced in the final particle distribu-tion. After passing the center of the collision, however,the radial flow broadens the jet-induced shock front re-gion. Please note that there are two competing effectshere. As shown in Fig. 4 at t = 5 fm /c, the radial flowincreases with larger η/s, while the interaction of the jetwith the background medium decreases for larger η/s.Thus, the strength of the radial flow changes betweenthe different η/s scenarios studied here.

In Fig. 5, we show the extracted normalized azimuthalparticle distribution dN/(Ndφ). The plot demonstratesthat a double-peak structure can develop for a small valueof the ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s,and a pT -cut of pT > 0.5 GeV. For η/s = 0.08 and0.5 < pT < 1 GeV a double-peak structure is observed atφ ≈ ±70◦, suggesting that the contribution of head shockand diffusion wake is indeed compensated by the radialflow. For larger transverse momenta, however [see, e.g.,Fig. 5 (d)], the double-peak structure appears aroundφ ≈ ±120◦. Here, this conical structure is due to thefact that matter flows into a region of lower pressure andenergy density behind the jet and is thus not directly asignal of the Mach cone. Finally, for η/s = 0.5 the con-tribution from the head shock and diffusion wake is verystrong, leading to a single peak in the forward direction.

The above discussion reveals that a Mach cone canonly develop if the energy of the jet is neither too highnor too low. In the former case, the strong contributionof the head shock and diffusion wake leads to a singlepeak in the jet direction, whereas in the latter case theradial flow of the background medium distorts a Machcone signal.

Please note that the local energy density in Fig. 2at t = 12 fm/c is much smaller than the typically ex-pected ecrit ≈ 0.6 GeV/fm3 in the deconfined phase[14]. We mentioned above that BAMPS has no effec-tive hadronization procedure; thus, we extract all observ-ables from the final gluon distribution. However, Fig. 6proves that the extracted azimuthal two-particle corre-lations do not change significantly after t = 5 − 6 fm/c.While the cross section increases to unphysical values forenergy densities smaller than the critical energy densityecrit ≈ 0.6 GeV/fm3, those energy densities are thus sosmall that the interaction rate of the system decreasesrapidly. This implies that the further evolution of thedeconfined phase with the same η/s after t = 5− 6 fm/cis reasonable.

Page 4: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot


FIG. 2. (Color online) Time evolution of a Mach cone in a central heavy-ion collision. The local rest frame energy densityaround midrapidity (|ηrap| < 0.1) is shown, overlaid by the velocity profile, indicated by scaled arrows. The results are depictedat various time steps and different values of the ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s. The jet is initialized at afixed-angle position of φjet = 180◦ on the semi-circle with an initial momentum of px = Ejet = 20 GeV.

Page 5: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot








0 2 4 6 8 10 12

E [



t [fm/c]




FIG. 3. (Color online) The time evolution of the jet energyextracted from BAMPS calculations shown in Fig. 2 for differ-ent values of the ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density,η/s.







0 2 4 6 8 10


r [fm]

t=5 fm/c

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5

FIG. 4. (Color online) The extracted radial flow from BAMPScalculations at t = 5 fm /c and central collisions for differentvalues of the ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s.

B. Scenario II

In a second scenario, we consider a single jet with afixed-angle position of φjet = 135◦ on the semi-circle tostudy the effects of deflection on the jet due to radialflow. The time evolution for different values of the ratioof shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s is depictedin Fig. 7. Due to the relative position on the semi-circleand the strong radial flow, the single jet is deflected, espe-cially for small η/s. This deflection, however, reduces forlarge η/s as the jet-medium interaction weakens, keepingthe jet on its initial propagation direction.

A direct comparison to scenario I indicates that thejet traverses a significantly lower energy-density region,





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0 < pT < 0.5 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0.5 < pT < 1 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


1.5 < pT < 2 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


3 < pT < 4 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5

FIG. 5. (Color online) Two-particle correlations, dN/(Ndφ),extracted from BAMPS calculations for different values of η/sand pT -cuts. The jet is initialized at a fixed-angle position ofφjet = 180◦ on the semi-circle (see Fig. 2). The results areshown for a fixed time t = 12 fm/c.





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0 < pT < 0.5 GeV

t=5 fm

t=9 fm

t=12 fm





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0.5 < pT < 1 GeV

t=5 fm

t=9 fm

t=12 fm





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


1.5 < pT < 2 GeV

t=5 fm

t=9 fm

t=12 fm





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


3 < pT < 4 GeV

t=5 fm

t=9 fm

t=12 fm

FIG. 6. (Color online) Two-particle correlations, dN/(Ndφ),extracted from BAMPS calculations for a fixed value of η/s =0.08 and various evolution times. The jet is initialized ata fixed-angle position of φjet = 180◦ on the semi-circle (seeFig. 2).

thus reaching only much lower values for the energy den-sity in the shock-front region, especially for η/s = 0.08.For lower energy-density regions, however, the mean freepath of the jet is larger and results in a reduced jetquenching. However, a medium with η/s = 0.08 is char-acterized by a strong collective behavior. The radial flowleads to a strongly distorted Mach cone pattern which issignificantly reduced in a medium with η/s = 0.5.

These results indicate that the generated diffusionwake and head shock are less compensated by the radialflow in scenario II due to the fact that the jet does notpropagate in the direction opposite to the radial flow.

Page 6: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot


FIG. 7. (Color online) Time evolution of a Mach cone in a central heavy-ion collision. We show the local-rest frame energydensity within a mid-rapidity range of |ηrap| < 0.1, overlaid by the velocity profile indicated by scaled arrows. The resultsare depicted at various time steps and for different values of the ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density, η/s. The jet isinitialized at a fixed-angle position of φjet = 135◦ on the semi-circle with an initial momentum of px = Ejet = 20 GeV.

Page 7: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot






-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0 < pT < 0.5 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0.5 < pT < 1 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5







-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


1.5 < pT < 2 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


3 < pT < 4 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5

FIG. 8. (Color online) Two-particle correlations, dN/(Ndφ),extracted from BAMPS calculations for different values of η/sand pT -cuts. The jet is initialized at a fixed-angle position ofφjet = 135◦ on the semi-circle (see Fig. 7). The results areshown for a fixed time t = 12 fm/c.

The deflection of the jet for η/s = 0.08 leads to onlyone peak in the two-particle correlations as displayed inFig. 8. This peak originates from the head shock anddiffusion wake of the distorted Mach cone and becomessharper and more pronounced for larger pT . We also seethat the position of the induced peaks in Fig. 8 changeswith viscosity. The larger the value of η/s, the smallerthe peak angle, reflecting the fact that the jet is less de-flected for larger values of η/s.

Although the two-particle correlations determined forthis specific single-jet scenario only exhibit one singlepeak, a double-peak structure is possible when consid-ering a second jet event in the lower semi-circle [46, 70–72]. In this case, however, the double peak is mainlygenerated due to the superposition of several deflectedand distorted jet-induced Mach cones; i.e., the origin forthe double-peak structure is not the Mach cone itself butthe deflected head shocks and diffusion wakes of the dis-torted Mach cones as demonstrated below in scenarioIII.

C. Scenario III

Averaging over all possible jet trajectories with ran-domly chosen starting positions on the semi-circle, i.e.,φjet = 90 − 270◦, scenario III gets closest to the ex-perimental situation. Here, in contrast to scenarios Iand II, we consider many different jet events. Figure 9displays the normalized azimuthal particle distributiondetermined for this multiple-jet scenario. A double-peakstructure appears for sufficiently high pT and low η/swith peaks around φ ≈ 50◦. This result is in line withRef. [46] applying a hydrodynamic evolution.




-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0 < pT < 0.5 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5




-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


0.5 < pT < 1 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5





-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


1.5 < pT < 2 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5






-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150


/ (

N d

φ )

φ [deg]


3 < pT < 4 GeV

η/s = 0.08

η/s = 0.2

η/s = 0.5

FIG. 9. (Color online) Two-particle correlations, dN/(Ndφ),extracted from BAMPS calculations for different values of η/sand pT -cuts. Here, we consider various starting positions ofthe jet on the semi-circle. The results are shown at a fixedtime of t = 12 fm/c.


The above results provide evidence that Mach conescan form in a heavy-ion collision if the medium createdhas a small viscosity. However, as compared to an ideal,zero-viscosity medium, the pattern of the Mach cone ismore curved. If a jet gets deflected by radial flow, theshape of the induced Mach cone is distorted. We demon-strate that the radial flow in a heavy-ion collision affectsboth, the final pattern of the Mach cone [61] and theobserved particle distribution.

Considering a single jet event for a sufficiently smallvalue of η/s = 0.08, the interplay of jet-induced Machcones and radial flow may lead to a double-peak struc-ture, as shown in scenario I. In this scenario the double-peak structure originates from the Mach cone since thecontributions of head shock and diffusion wake are can-celed by the radial flow.

For a single jet not traversing the medium in direc-tion opposite to the radial flow, however, the double-peak structure does not appear; cf. scenario II. Here,the radial flow leads to a deflection of the jet, resultingin a single peak arising in the two-particle correlations.Nonetheless, considering a multiple-jet scenario as in sce-nario III, a double-peak structure occurs as well that ismainly generated by the superposition of the deflectedand distorted head shocks and diffusion wakes of the jet-induced Mach cones [46, 70].

We demonstrate above that a sufficiently large valueof η/s tends to destroy the characteristic structure ofa Mach cone in a three-dimensional expanding heavy-ion collision and results in a single peak in the two-particle correlation. Here, the contributions from bothhead shock and diffusion wake are less canceled by the

Page 8: arXiv:1401.3019v2 [hep-ph] 29 Sep 2014to Mach cones generated by fast partons traversing the strongly coupled medium [28{47]. However, recent stud-ies on the triangular ow and hot


radial flow than in the case of a smaller value of η/s.Moreover, larger dissipation reduces the deflection of jets.However, not only viscosity tends to destroy the double-peak structure, but also the strength of the jet. A jetwith a large initial energy punches through the mediumand the effect of the radial flow weakens. For such a high-energy jet, the diffusion wake and head-shock contribu-tion in scenario I would overshadow the double-peakstructure, while in scenario III most of the jets wouldget less deflected. However, a jet with a very small initialenergy density would not lead to a double-peak structureeither, as in this case the strong radial flow observed ina heavy-ion collision does not allow a Mach cone to bedeveloped.

Our results imply that the influence of the radial flowis most important for the observation of a double-peakstructure. A large dissipation and/or a large initial jetenergy leads to a smaller influence of the radial flow. Theeffect of longitudinal flow is studied here in a qualitativeway and was not considered in previous studies [46]. Weconclude that the longitudinal flow does not affect theresults significantly.

The Mach-cone angle extracted from two-particle cor-relations is certainly not connected to the equation-ofstate [61]. Scenario III provides evidence that the con-tribution of this double-peak structure mainly originatesfrom the head shocks and diffusion wakes of the jet-induced Mach cones. To extract the Mach angle andthus determine the speed of sound of the medium wouldrequire the measurement of a single jet event as shownin scenario I which remains an extremely tough exper-imental challenge.


In conclusion, we have shown that Mach cones canform in a longitudinal and transverse expanding heavy-

ion collision. Considering multiple-jet events, a double-peak structure evolves if the ratio of shear viscosity overentropy density is η/s < 0.5. Please note that the peakposition does not change significantly with η/s. However,this double-peak structure does not originate from Machcones but arises due to the contribution of the head shockand diffusion wake originating from the deflected jets [46,61].

Although initial-state fluctuations certainly provide alarge contribution to the experimentally observed double-peak structure [48–51, 73–76], it will be important toquantify the contribution from jets. The double-peaksignal might not be an appropriate observable to dis-entangle both contributions [56] as it is mainly mediumdriven. However, allocating a more appropriate signatureremains an open challenge.


The authors are grateful to H. Niemi, E. Molnar, D. H.Rischke, J. Noronha, G. Torrieri, P. Huovinen, J. Ulery,and H. Stocker for discussions and to the Center for Sci-entific Computing (CSC) at Frankfurt University for pro-viding the necessary computing resources. I.B. acknowl-edges support from HGS-Hire. Z.X. work is supportedpartially by the Major State Basic Research DevelopmentProgram in China (Grant No. 2014CB845400) and by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China projects(Grants No. 11275103, 11335005). This work was sup-ported by BMBF and the Helmholtz International Centerfor FAIR within the framework of the LOEWE programlaunched by the State of Hesse.

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