
Arts and the

Education of

the Filipino

Abigail L. Odi


Enhancing the value structure of students and

more effectively fostering conviction and

action on the Filipino ideology

Improving the quality of their work through an

infusion of artistic sensitivity and standards

enabling students to realize his full potential

Teaching personal traits through the discipline

and thinking process involved in artistic

creation and participation.

Arts Education in Philippine


Teachers teach the elements of art and inject it in their courses.

Curricular reforms at the elementary level have recently been instituted to contribute to the educational objectives of strengthening national consciousness and developing values in a changing world.

New elementary school curriculum orients

elementary education to national

development requirements and reflects

research-based direction for curricular


It also emphasizes the development of

desirable attitudes and values supportive

of humanism and Filipinism.

In Grade I and II, these subjects are

integrated on the affective domain with

the cognitive domain serving merely to

raise the level of consciousness of the

child in some aspects of his environment.

Philippine Art Tradition

Traditional visual and fine arts

• Painting and sculpture

• Music and the dance

• Architecture

• Decorative minor arts (embroidery, jewelry,

and metalwork, furniture)

• Photography and motion pictures

The completely-educated person is one who is able to distinguish between good and bad work to enjoy and understand the products of human art and craft.

He learns more of the history and culture of the various peoples that comprise the country, the diversity that makes one nation.

Archaeological discoveries

Chinese ceramics

Filipino gold work

Spanish Regime

Household and ecclesiastical images on


Sculpted (wood, ivory)

Polychromed and gilded

Embellished with gold

Development of architecture

Expressions of the baroque

Earthquake and typhoon resistant design

Use of local material (brick, adobe, coral


Domestic architecture

Bahay na bato

Bahay kubo

Philippine furniture

Choice of wood

The joinery

The lines

The inlay styles and techniques

Chinese, Mexican and European styles

Music and theater

Marcelo Adonay (composer and organist in

residence at San Agustin Church in Manila)

Zarzuelas and Moro-moro plays

Philippine folk dances

Jotas of the Spanish conquest


Pinya based-embroidery

Jewelry making

Art Appreciation

Develop appreciation of the beautiful

Enable the students to distinguish

between the masterpiece and the

common place

Be able to enjoy music and dance

To see the beautiful in the utilitarian objects

and the objects of nature around him

Philippine architecture

San Agustin Church in Manila

Paoay Church in Ilocos Norte

Miagao in Iloilo

Baclayon in Bohol

Taal in Batangas

Art Works

Betis church in Pampanga and portraits of

Pampanga gentry (Simon Flores)

Stations of the cross in Tanay, Rizal

17th century table (Ming Dynasty)

Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay engraving

Intramuros walls

Realizing Individual Potential

Develop values like self-discipline and motivation that contributes to a positive self-image.

Provide an acceptable outlet for emotion

Help to develop creative thinking process

Give opportunity to brought out his creative potential and transform inspiration and imagination to reality.

Learns importance of discipline, teamwork, timing, and cooperation.

Learns to be more sensitive through art and express himself more effectively.

Arts and Craftmanship

First formal private art school by Damian

Domingo in 19th century.

School of Fine Arts of the University of the


Handicraft of vocational/technical


Bamboo Harrow

Lamp Baskets

Capiz Shell

Long-armed Butaca

Rattan peacock chair

Gallinera bench

Ifugao baskets
