  • 8/18/2019 Artigo_Anaerobic Co-digestion of Source Segregated Brown Water (Feces-without-urine) and Food Waste


    Anaerobic co-digestion of source segregated brown water (feces-without-urine) andfood waste: For Singapore context

    Rajinikanth Rajagopal   a,⁎, Jun Wei Lim   a, Yu Mao  a,c, Chia-Lung Chen  a, Jing-Yuan Wang   a,b

    a Residues and Resource Reclamation Centre, Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, #06-08 CleanTech One,

    1 Cleantech Loop, 637141 Singaporeb School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, 639798 Singaporec School of Energy and Environmental Sciences, Yunnan Normal University, 121 Street, Kunming 650092 China

    H I G H L I G H T S

    ►   Source separation of organic waste/wastewater streams on household level was done.

    ►   Brown water (BW) was collected from a specially designed no-mix toilet.

    ►   BW and food waste codigestion proved as a potential substrate for biogas production.

    ►  A distinct improvement in methane yield was observed.

    ►   This concept is vital for countries facing rapid urbanization and water shortage.

    a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

     Article history:

    Received 6 September 2012

    Received in revised form 4 November 2012

    Accepted 5 November 2012

    Available online 17 December 2012


    Anaerobic co-digestion

    Brown water

    Food waste

    Source separation

    Volatile fatty acids (VFAs)

    The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of anaerobic co-digestion of brown water (BW)

    [feces-without-urine] and food waste (FW) in decentralized, source-separation-based sanitation concept. An effort

    hasbeenmade toseparatethe yellow water(urine) andbrown waterfromthe source(using no-mix toilet) primar-

    ily to facilitate further treatment, resource recovery and utilization. Batch assay analytical results indicated that

    anaerobic co-digestion [BW+FW] showed higher methane yield (0.54–0.59 L CH4/gVSadded) than BW or FW as a

    sole substrate. Anaerobic co-digestion was performed in the semi-continuously fed laboratory scale reactors viz.two-phase continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) and single-stage sequencing-batch operational mode reactor

    (SeqBR). Initial 120 d ofoperation showsthat SeqBR performedbetter intermsof organic matterremovaland max-

    imum methane production. At steady-state, CODs, CODt, VS removals of 92.0± 3.0, 76.7± 5.1 and 75.7± 6.6% were

    achieved forSeqBR at 16 d HRT, respectively. This corresponds to an OLR of 2–3 gCOD/L d and methane yield

    of about 0.41 L CH4/gVSadded. Good buffering capacity did not lead to accumulation of VFA, showing bet-

    ter process stability of SeqBR at higher loading rates. The positive   ndings show the great potential of 

    applying anaerobic co-digestion of BW+FW for energy production and waste management. In addition,

    daily   ush water consumption is reduced up to 80%. Decentralized, source-separation-based sanitation

    concept is expected to provide a practical solution for those countries experiencing rapid urbanization

    and water shortage issues, for instance Singapore.

    © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    The decentralized treatment of municipal wastewater based on

    separation between gray and black water, and even between brown

    water (BW) [feces-without-urine] and yellow water (YW) [urine], rep-

    resents a sustainable and future solution for waste (water) treatment

    (Elmitwalli et al., 2006). Theseparation of different wastewater streams

    and their treatments with the aim of energy production and nutrient

    reuse was demonstrated in the year 2000 within a housing estate for

    350 to 400 inhabitants in the pilot project   Flintenbreite   in Luebeck,

    Germany (Wendland and Oldenburg, 2003; Wendland et al., 2007).

    The concept comprises vacuum toilets with subsequent pasteurization

    and anaerobic digestion (AD) of black water together with kitchen

    waste in a semi-centralized biogas plant and   nally recycling of the

    digested anaerobic ef uent in agriculture. A few other researchers have

    also studied the co-digestion of black water and kitchen refuse in various

    anaerobic systems(Kujawa-Roeleveld et al.,2003, 2005, 2006; Elmitwalli

    et al., 2006; Wendland et al., 2007). In addition, these researchers have

    successfully demonstrated the feasibility of treating human waste in

    Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013) 877 –886

    ⁎   Corresponding author at: Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre,

    Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2000, College Street, Sherbrooke (QC), Canada

     J1M 0C8. Tel.: +1 819780 7303; fax: +1 8195645 507.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected][email protected]

    (R. Rajagopal).

    0048-9697/$ –  see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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    Science of the Total Environment

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  • 8/18/2019 Artigo_Anaerobic Co-digestion of Source Segregated Brown Water (Feces-without-urine) and Food Waste


    decentralized sanitation systems. However, source separation between

    feces and urine, and itssubsequent resource recovery approach is limited.

    Besides, such research in the urban context has been scarce.

    On the other hand, an alarming aspect worldwide is the depletion

    of non-renewable energy sources. Natural resources are not ef ciently

    used by human beings. According to an industrial ecology study

    (Deschenes and Chertow, 2004), only about 6% of material  ows end

    up in making products and the majority of the remaining natural

    resources are considered as unusable waste in our industrial systems.If natural resourcescan be more ef ciently used, therapiddepletion of 

    resources can be mitigated and, at the same time, waste management

    problems can be resolved.

    An innovative source separating toilet can separate YW and BW to

    facilitate further treatment, resource recovery and utilization. The col-

    lected YW can be properly treated for nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus)

    recovery in order to produce fertilizer and soil amendments (Sundin

    et al., 1999). This can be another source of revenue. Alternatively, this

    paper presents the potential alternative of using source separated BW

    as a feed source for bio-energy production. AD systemsymbolizes a sus-

    tainable and low-cost technology for waste (water) treatment. There-

    fore, it is protable to apply AD within decentralized sanitation.

    According to the waste statistics from Singapore's National Envi-

    ronment Agency (NEA), the annual generation of food waste (FW)

    was 542,700 tonnes in 2006 and reached about 640,500 tonnes in

    2010, which is around 10% of the total waste output in Singapore.

    However, only 16% of FW was recycled and the rest of FW was sent

    to waste-to-energy incineration plants. Organic waste presents more

    dif culties in recycling of FW because of the associated bad smell

    and contamination caused by the organics. Singapore, a small island,

     justiably  nds this a big issue. Therefore, the recycling rate of FW

    remains very low in Singapore, about 7%, over the last 20 years. The

    recent NEA report shows that the recycling rate for FW has dropped

    from 16% in 2010 to 10% in 2011 (Singapore waste statistics, 2011).

    It is likely due to the cease of operation of a giant waste management

    company in Singapore, last year, which was recycling FW into biogas

    and compost. There is currently no news of the setting up of new

    food waste recycling plants, nor is there any food waste reduction

    campaign. This evidently shows that there is an alarming need forthe FW treatment and management in Singapore. Hence in this

    study, household FW management and treatment has been given

    adequate priority. In addition to BW, the AD system can also digest

    kitchen organic-wastes, which will also improve the potential of the

    utilization of biogas produced from the AD system, as kitchen organic-

    wastes have a high-organic content.

    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the technical feasibility of 

    anaerobic co-digestion of brown water (BW) [feces without urine]

    andhousehold food waste (FW) and to identify thekey operatingcon-

    ditions governing the process performance. Special focus was put

    on the determination of (i) biomethane potential of co-digestion of 

    BW and FW in a batch assay; (ii) anaerobic biodegradability of the

    waste mixture (BW+FW); (iii) laboratory scale two-phase continu-

    ous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) and single-stage sequencing-batchoperational mode reactor (SeqBR) performances and process ef cien-

    cies; and (iv) microbial population in the various anaerobic system


    2. Materials and methods

     2.1. Feedstock and inoculum sources

    Food waste (FW) refers to leftover food. FW was collected once a

    week from one of the canteens at NTU campus, where the majority

    of the waste came from Chinese, Indian, Indonesian and Malay food

    stalls. It was a mixture of meat, rice, noodles, vegetables and salad.

    After bones and non-food materials were removed, the FW was then

    crushed by a kitchen blender to promote homogeneityof thesubstrate

    as well as disintegration of particulate organics. The blended FW was

    then mixed well, and stored in a refrigerator at 4 °C.

    Brown water (BW) refers to fecal waste without urine. BW was

    collected from a specially designed source-separation (no-mix) toilet

    located in our laboratory, where urine andfeceswere collected in sep-

    arate tanks. This system provides different options: 0.3 L of water per

    urine-ushing (YW) and 2.0 L of water per fecal-matter-ushing

    (BW). BW was collected once a week and stored in a refrigerator at

    4 °C.Inoculation was carried out for both the CSTR and SeqBR sys-

    tems using seed sludge collected from an anaerobic digester at

    the Ulu Pandan sewage treatment plant, Singapore. The pH, aver-

    age total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS) concentrations and VS/TS

    of inoculum were in the range of 7.1, 24.9 g/L, 17.7 g/L and 0.71,


     2.2. Experimental set-up

     2.2.1. Biochemical methane potential (BMP)

    Bench-scale experiments for determining the anaerobic biodegrad-

    ability and ultimate methane (CH4) potential of BW+ FW mixture

    were carried out by using Automatic Methane Potential Test System

    (AMPTS) [Bioprocess Control, Sweden]. AMPTS contains 15 identical

    batch reactors of 500 mL capacity each with working liquid volume

    of 400 mL. Each reactor was mechanically stirred (mixing time: 1 min

    ON/1 min OFF) at 80 rpm (rotations per minute) and pH was not con-

    trolled in the system. Moreover, the biogas produced and methane con-

    tent were measured online periodically using automated data logging

    system. These reactors were incubated at 35±1 °C and sparged with

    nitrogen gas before sealing to create anaerobic conditions in all the

    batch reactors. Variability may have originated from small differences

    in acclimation to the new conditions, inoculum size, carryover of nutri-

    ents with the inoculums thus substrate controls were tested to exclude

    extra BMP in the inoculum.

     2.2.2. Laboratory-scale reactors

    Anaerobic co-digestion of BW+ FW mixture was performed in the

    semi-continuously fed laboratory scale reactors viz. two-phase CSTR and SeqBR (Fig. 1). Two-phase CSTR consists of acidogenic reactor of 

    1.2 L (working volume) followed by methanogenic reactor of 4.1 L 

    (working volume). The performance of the two-phase CSTR was com-

    pared with a single-stage SeqBR of 5.3 L (working volume). All the

    systems were installed at a controlled-temperature room, adjusted

    at a temperature of 33±1 °C. These reactors were fed with source

    separatedBW (without urine)and FW mixture once a day. Thereactor

    contents of CSTR were mixed continuously (mixing time: 5 min ON/

    5 min OFF) at 80 rpm using an overhead mechanical stirrer. Whereas,

    SeqBR was operated in cycles, such that one cycle length consists

    of 24 h, i.e. lling (1 h), reaction or mixing time (20 h); settling time

    (2 h); draw (30 min) and the ideal phase (30 min). During the two-

    phase CSTR operational phase, the methanogenic reactor was fed

    with the acidied ef uent from the acidogenic reactor. The reactorswere inoculated with anaerobic sludge (50% by volume) and then

    gradually the reactor content was replaced by the BW+FW mixture.

     2.3. Waste input sampling and analytical procedures

    The composite samples of the shredded feedstock and ef uents

    from the two-phase CSTR and SeqBR were taken bi-weekly for char-

    acteristic analysis. pH was measured using a compact titrator (Mettler

    Toledo) equipped with a pH probe (Mettler Toledo DGi 115-SC). Total

    (TS) and volatile (VS) solids were analyzed according to the Standard

    Methods (APHA, 1995). Total (CODt) and soluble (CODs) chemical

    oxygen demand measurements were made using COD digestion vials

    (Hach Chemical) and a spectrophotometer (DR/2800, Hach). CODs

    measurements were made using the supernatant of samples after

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    centrifugation(Kubota 3700, Japan)at 12,000 rpmfor 20 min. Thede-

    termination of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) was carried out using a gas

    chromatograph (Agilent Technologies 7890A, USA), equipped with a

    ame ionization detector (FID) and a DB-FFAP (Agilent Technologies,

    USA) column (30 m×0.32 mm×0.50  μ m) and the samples were  l-

    tered through Membrane Solutions 0.45  μ m cellulose acetate mem-

    brane   lters. Total biogas production was monitored daily using a

    mass  ow meter (McMillan Company, Model 50D-3E), while the bio-

    gas composition (methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen contents)

    was analyzed by gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies 7890 A,

    USA) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). Carbon,

    hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur were measured using an elemental

    analyzer (Vario EL Cube), and aqueous TOC was measured using a

    TOC analyzer (TOC-V CSH, Shimadzu, Japan).

     2.4. Anaerobic biodegradability of wastes

    Organic matters in raw wastes can be symbolized with formula-

    tion of CaHbOc Nd. Assuming all organic constituent in raw wastes

    can be completely converted into CH4 and CO2, the theoretical meth-

    ane production Y(CH 4/sub)theor  can be estimated using Eqs.(1) and (2)

    (Sosnowski et al., 2003).

    CaHbOc Nd þ   4a−b−2c þ 3dð Þ=4 H2O

    → 4a þ b−2c −3dð Þ=8 CH4   þ   4a−b þ 2c þ 3dð Þ=8CO2 þ dNH3


    Y CH 4=sub


    ¼   4a þ b−2c −3dð Þ 2:8=12a þ b þ 16c þ 14d   ð2Þ

    The biological ef ciency of the anaerobic process is dened as the

    ratio of experimental yield and theoretical one. Knowing experimental

    values Y(CH 4/sub)exp and theoretical Y(CH 4/sub)theor  it is possible to esti-

    mate the biological ef ciency or in other words anaerobic biodegrad-

    ability by formula (Sobotka et al., 1983):

    Biodegradability ¼ Y CH 4=sub


    =Y CH 4=sub


    100 %    ð3Þ

     2.5. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)

    Towards the end of the operational period (on day 110), sludge

    samples were collected in all the reactors primarily to understand

    the microbial populations in different reactor congurations.

    Three sludge samples from acidogenic, methanogenic and SeqBR 

    reactors were pretreated respectively according to the protocol

    described previously for FISH analyses (Amann et al., 1995). The

    sample was   xed in 4% paraformaldehyde solution overnight at

    4 °C.

    Hybridization was carried out at 46 °C for 3-h with hybridization

    buffer containing 5 ng  μ L −1 of specic  uorescent probe. The oligo-

    nucleotide probes used in this study included EUBmix (i.e., EUB338,

    EUB338-II, EUB338-III), targeting most of the members in the domain

    Bacteria (Daims et al., 1999; Amann et al., 1995); and ARC915, targeting

    most of the members in the domain Archaea (Amann et al., 1995). FISH

    hybridizationwas performed under the stringencycondition (formamide

    concentration, 35%) for both probes (EUBmix and ARC915) in the hybrid-ization buffer. Dual-staining FISH was performed, and probes were la-

    beled with cyanine Cy3 and Cy5, respectively. FISH-stained images were

    captured by an Olympus BX53 epiuorescence microscope equipped

    with a cooled CCD camera DP72 with a 100 W halogen bulb and  uo-

    rescence  lter sets (U-FGW and U-FF-Cy5) under ×100 objective lens

    (Olympus, Japan).

    3. Results and discussions

     3.1. Operational scheme and the characteristics of feed

    The feeding mixture of BW and FW was prepared bi-weekly and

    subsequently fed to the reactors or stored at 4 °C until needed for

    feeding. The reactors were fed with BW+FW mixture every day ina semi continuous mode. A life cycle assessment (LCA) report by

    Remy (2010) suggests 160 g of FW per person per day as a good ref-

    erence. Singaporeans seldom cook at home; therefore, an estimation

    of 150 g is used for household FW in this study. BW amounts to

    about 2 L (feces+ushing water). Based on this calculation, the feed-

    ing mixture used in this study contains 150 g of FW mixed with 2 L 

    of BW. For the biodegradability study, the synergy between BW and

    FW was explored in terms of CH4  production and yield; and subse-

    quently compared with that of FW or BW as a sole substrate, i.e. in

    non-mixture conditions.

    Fig. 2 presents the operational scheme implemented for the labo-

    ratory scale two-phase CSTR and SeqBR systems. Both systems were

    initially fed at an organic loading rate (OLR) of about 1 gCOD/L d

    and the acidogenic and methanogenic reactors were operated at a

    Fig. 1. Scheme of experimental set-up for two-phase CSTR and single-stage SeqBR.

    879R. Rajagopal et al. / Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013) 877 –886 

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    hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 and 16 d, respectively. In order to

    compare the performance, SeqBR was operated at 20 d HRT. Based on

    the reactor performance, especially in terms of VFA production (in the

    case of acidogenic reactor) and organic matter removal and methane

    production (for other reactors), OLR was then increased by increasing

    the feed  ow rate and maintaining constant substrate concentrations.

    The results presented in this paper are the preliminary results obtained

    during the initial 120 d of operation. Table 1 shows the concentrations

    in measured BW, FW and the feed mixture.

     3.2. Biochemical methane potential (BMP) batch assay

    The methane production during the 30 day batch incubation per

    batch reactor per gVSadded   for BW, FW and BW+FW mixture is

    described in Fig. 3. Methane production rate was certainly showing

    better results for the BW+FW mixture with a maximum methaneyield of 0.54–0.59 L CH4/gVSadded, while for the FW and BW in

    non-mixture conditions, an average value of 0.40–0.42 and 0.26–

    0.30 L CH4/gVSadded  was recorded, respectively. Biogas production

    was nearly over within the  rst 10 d of incubation period, however

    longer HRT might be necessary for increased biogas recovery (Aoki

    and Kawase, 1991). All the experiments performed well without

    long start up times or inhibition phenomena. Anaerobic biodegrad-

    ability was higher for the BW+FW mixture with 94% of CODs re-

    moval ef ciency measured on day 30. From the results, it can be seen

    that co-digestion of these two substrates increased the biogas produc-

    tion rates and also improved the total biogas production. Some re-

    searchers (Elmitwalli et al., 2006; Nayono et al., 2010) have reported

    that addition of FW had improved the biogas production,most probably

    due to its higher lipid content. The daily FW loads given here are based

    on average household Singaporean values but they might be different

    if FW from hawker centers, food courts, restaurants are included. At

    present, only 10% of FW is recycled in Singapore and the rest is sent to

    waste-to-energy incineration plants. For maximal recovery and reuse

    of resources, FW (from other sources) containing high levels of biode-

    gradable organic matter can be integrated into the brown water stream.

     3.3. Digester performance

     3.3.1. Removal of organic fractionsIn order to compare the performance of two different congura-

    tions, two-phase (acid+ methane) CSTR and single-stage SeqBR were

    operated in parallel at almost similar operating conditions. An example

    of the results obtained for the CODs removal is presented in Fig. 4A and

    the synopsis of resultsobtained for organic matter removals at different

    HRT is given in Table 2.

    Fig. 2. Operational scheme for the laboratory scale reactors.

     Table 1

    Characteristics of BW, FW and the feed mixture.

    Parameter Unit Brown water


    Food waste


    Feed mixture

    (2-L BW+150 g FW)

    TS [g/kg, wet basis] 4.4 ± 0. 06 295 ± 1.5 18.26 ± 3.49

    VS [g/kg, wet basis] 3.8 ± 0. 08 280 ± 1.5 16.9 ± 3.19

    VS/TS [%] 87 94 93

    pH   –   6.7 ±2 4.4 ±1.5 6.18 ±0.55

    CODt [gCOD/L] 8.2 ±0.6 394 ±14 35.21 ±10.41

    CODs [gCOD/L]   – –   13.02±4.36


    A cetic [gC OD/L]   – –   0.67±0.04

    Propionic [gCOD/L]   – –   0.31±0.09

    Isobutyric [gCOD/L]   – –   0.05±0.01

    Butyric [gCOD/L]   – –   0.19±0.06

    Isovaleric [gCOD/L]   – –   0.14±0.02

    Valeric [gCOD/L]   – –   0.06±0.01









    0 5 10 15 20 25 30




       M  e   t   h  a  n  e  y   i  e   l   d   (   L   C   H   4   /  g   V   S   f  e   d   )

    Time (d)

    Fig. 3. Batch assays for methane yield.

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    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

      p   H

    Time (d)

    Acid Reactor Methane Reactor SeqBR




    HRT=20-19 d HRT=16 d

    HRT=4 d HRT=3.5 d HRT=2 d HRT=3 d

    HRT=16 d

    HRT=20 d

    Fig. 4. A. CODs removals at different HRT in two-phase CSTR and SeqBR. B. pH variations at different HRT in methanogenic CSTR and SeqBR. C. TVFA-COD variations at different HRT

    in methanogenic CSTR and SeqBR.

    881R. Rajagopal et al. / Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013) 877 –886 

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    Long HRT and an appropriate choice of inoculum at the start-up of 

    reactor operation allowed for a high-stabilization of treated ef uent

    (up to 90%). Until 40 d of operation, the HRT was maintained at 19–

    20 d for both systems. It is to be noted that, during this operational

    period, HRT of acidogenic CSTR corresponded to about 4 d and that

    of methanogenic reactor was 16 d (Fig. 2). The ef uent quality in

    terms of organic fraction was almost similar in both congurations.

    From day 41 onwards, the HRT of SeqBR and two-phase CSTR were

    reduced to about 16 d, which corresponded to 2 –3 and 13–14 d of 

    HRT for the acidogenic and methanogenic CSTRs, respectively. Due

    to the partial acidication in the  rst (acidogenic) reactor, we have

    attempted to lower the HRT of the methanogenic reactor. However,

    a decrease in HRT resulted in a drop in the performance of methan-

    ogenic reactor in terms of pH drop (Fig. 4B) and VFA accumulation

    (Fig. 4C) probably due to the washout of active biomass. From

    Fig. 4A, it is evident that CODs removal ef ciencies went as low as

    60% (CODt removal of 55%) for a period of 50 d operation (from day

    41–90), i.e. more than 3 times the HRT; whereas SeqBR was able

    to accumulate more solids within the reactor and showed better

    removal of organics (Table 2). It is signicant to note that effective

    sedimentation occurred during the study period and no   otation

    along with subsequent biomass washout was observed in the SeqBR.

    pH was not controlled in the methanogenic reactor and hence to

    recover the digester performance or to avoid further acidication,

    on day 96, HRT was increased back to 16 –17 d for the methanogenic

    reactor, which corresponded to 20 d HRT for the entire two-phase

    CSTR system in contrast to 16 d for SeqBR. Towards the end, theobtained ef uent quality corresponded to a CODt removal ef ciency of 

    68.4±6.4 and 76.7±5.1%, respectively for two-phase CSTR (20 d HRT)

    and SeqBR (16 d HRT); while the CODs was removed in 75.9± 1.1 and

    92.0±3.0%, respectively.

    Soluble organic carbonconcentration wasmeasured in theef uent

    of all the reactors. About 85% removal occurred in SeqBR, which was

    quite consistent throughout the study. TS and VS removal of more

    than 70% was observed in the ef uent of SeqBR (Table 2), which also

    shows that the sequencing-batch operational mode has resulted in

    accumulating more biomass within the system; thereby the process

    increased the sludge age compared to CSTR. An average methane

    yield of about 0.41 L CH4/gVSadded was recorded for the SeqBR during

    this operation period (Table 2). Methane content of 60–65% was

    observed in the total biogas.

     3.3.2. Anaerobic biodegradability of the waste mixture using biological


    The results of elemental compositions of FW are summarized in

    Table 3. Organic matter in raw BW+FW mixture is represented with

    formulation of C13.4H34.5O8.8N. Based on Eqs. (1) and (2), theoretical

    methane production Y(CH 4/sub)theor  for BW+FW mixture can be esti-

    mated to be0.59±0.2 L CH4/gVSadded. Forthe laboratory scalestudies,

    the biodegradability of BW+FW mixture was estimated to be 0.70

    (Table 3).It issignicant to note that the biochemical methane poten-

    tial study using AMPTS system showed similar results compared with

    that of biological stoichiometry calculations. However, for the labora-

    tory scale reactors lower anaerobic degradability (0.70) was obtained.

    In this case, biogas production could probably be underestimated due

    to technical issues, while measuring the volume of biogas. The C/N

    ratio for BW+FW mixture is lower than the numbers (15.6 and

    17.2) reported in literatures for the fruit and vegetable waste, and

    food waste, respectively (Lin et al., 2011). The low C/N of BW+FW

    mixture implied that they contain a large quantity of nitrogen, mainly

    in organic forms, such as proteins.

     3.3.3. pH and VFA concentrations during digestion

    Fig. 4(B and C) shows the pH and total VFA (TVFA)–COD con-

    centrations in the methanogenic CSTR and SeqBR. The ef cient and

    stable performance of these congurations tested at 20 d HRT was

    further corroborated by the low concentrations of VFA's (as criteria

    for the stability of the anaerobic process) and stable pH of around 7.

    The lower ef uent VFA concentrations (less than 1 gCOD/L) in the

    methanogenic reactor show that methanogens were capable of con-

    suming all VFAs produced. Once the HRT of the methanogenic reactor

    was decreasedfrom 16 to 13 d, VFA–COD concentrations were started

    accumulating gradually in this reactor (Fig.4C).TVFA–COD concentra-

    tions increased from less than 1 gCOD/L to a maximum of 4 gCOD/L on

    day 85,of which more than 50%comprised of propionicacid. Thebuff-

    ering potential of methanogenic CSTR dropped down due to the accu-

    mulation of acids especially at lower HRT (13 d), which resulted in a

    pH drop up to 5.5 (Fig. 4B). However, once we increased the HRT of 

    the methanogenic reactor to about 16–17 d, pH value was augmented

    as shown in Fig. 4B. For the initial 120 d of operation, SeqBR did not

    show much variation in the VFA accumulation (less than 0.8 gCOD/L 

    in all cases) and was able to maintain stable pH of 6.9±0.1.

     3.3.4. Acidogenic reactor performance

    The primary goal of hydrolysis and acid fermentation is the solubi-

    lization of particulate organic fraction in the feed mixture during thetreatment process. Sludge hydrolysis can be expressed by the changes

    of CODs concentrations and VFA productions (Rajagopal and Béline,

    2011). HRT of acidogenic reactor varied from 4 to 2 d as shown in

    Fig. 2. However, to ensure the process stability and prevent propionic

    acid accumulation, the HRT was maintained around 3 d from day 57

    onwards. No other pretreatment or control techniques were followed

     Table 2

    Removal of organic matters at different HRT's.

    Reactors HRT




    Removal ef ciency (% removal) Methane yield


    Two-phase CSTR 20–19 0–40 51.9 ±11.7 93.4 ±3.9 61.3 ±5.6 69.4 ±5.3   – –

    16 41–95 69.6 ±11.0 84.2 ±13.5 57.6 ±8.1 63.4 ±8.9 63.2 ±9.0 0.40–0.21

    20 96–120 68.4 ±6.4 75.9 ±1.1 62.7 ±0.4 68.6 ±2.0 65.5 ±4.3

    SeqBR 20–19 0–40 69.0 ±13.3 92.9 ±2.5 53.4 ±8.6 63.8 ±7.0   – –

    16 41–120 76.7 ±5.1 92.0 ±3.0 70.9 ±6.5 75.7 ±6.6 86.3 ±2.9 0.37–0.46

     Table 3

    Elemental compositions, C/N ratio, and theoretical methane production of BW+FW.

    Waste Elemental compositions (wt.% TS) C/N TS g/kg,

    wet basis

    VS g/kg,

    wet basis

    Y(CH 4/sub)theor L CH4/gVS

    Y (CH 4/sub)expL CH4/gVS


    (%)C H O N

    BW +FW 45 (0.6) 9.7 (0.8) 39.5 (0.9) 3.9 (0.1) 11.5 (0.7) 18.3 (3.4) 16.9 (3.2) 0.59 (0.02) 0.41 70

    Values in parenthesis () indicate standard deviation.

    882   R. Rajagopal et al. / Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013) 877 –886 

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    to prevent methanogenesis during the hydrolysis and acidication


    Inuent COD is anaerobically converted to CH4–COD, ef uent COD

    and sludge or biomass COD. The ef uent COD can be differentiated

    into to VFA and non VFA–COD. VFA–COD is the intermediate COD in

    the conversion of inuent COD to CH4–COD. Fig. 5A gives the feed-

    stock CODs, VFA–COD and non VFA-COD concentrations during the

    operational period, whereas,   Fig. 5B presents the ef uent data

    pertaining to CODs, pH, VFA–

    COD and non VFA–

    COD concentrations.It is shown that about 87% of the CODs comprised non VFA–COD in

    the feedstock, which is quite dominant compared to that of VFA–

    COD. It is interesting to note that major CODs production has not

    taken place during the studied HRTs. However, a signicant conver-

    sion of non VFA–COD to VFA–COD has occurred at an HRT of 3–4 d.

    That is to say, VFA–COD conversion from 1.6±0.6 g/L to a maximum

    value of 13.3 g/L (average: 9.0±2.1 g/L) has obtained (Fig. 5B).

    As this reactor was started with 50% of anaerobic sludge, it

    took about 2 times HRT to stabilize the pH. BW was preserved in

    4 °C storage room for more than 2 months before the experiments

    were started. Theinitial CODs values(2–3 g/L) show that these wastes

    have lost some amount of carbon through hydrolysis process duringthe storage period at 4 °C. This probably explains the lower produc-

    tion of soluble COD fractions during the initial 14 d of hydrolysis and

    acidication process. In this study, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) i.e.

    acetic (C2), propionic (C3), butyric (C4), iso-butyric (iC4), valeric (C5),

    iso-valeric (iC5), caproic (C6), iso-caproic (C6) and heptanoic (C7) were

    analyzed and are presented in Fig. 5C. The main acidication products

    at HRT of 3 d (values calculated from day 80–120) were C4  (37±6.0%

    of TVFA), C5   (23.5± 1.2% of TVFA), C2   (17±1.6% of TVFA) and C3(15±1.9% of TVFA) comprising 94% of TVFAs. The higher molecular

    weight VFAs(iC5, C6 andC7 etc.) wereproduced in insignicantamounts.

    Butyric acid, which had the highest concentration of all the VFAs,

    was produced from the start of the experiment and propionic acid

    seemed to be higher especially at HRT of 2 d. The phenomenon of 

    high butyric acid production relative to other VFAs in this study is con-

    sistent with the report of  Vogt and Wolever (2003) that butyrate acid

    bacterium are present in the human colon as they are the primary fuel

    for human colonocytes and thus it is natural for them to be present in

    human feces. BW used in this study as a co-substrate could probably

    have played a role in the higher concentration of butyric acid.

    Biogas measurements show that methane production was com-

    pletely inhibited at pH of 4.2. Low pH did not really affect the VFA

    production, however about 9–10% of H2   gas was observed during

    this phase of study. All the SCFAs produced from the acidogenic reac-

    tor were consumed by the methanogens present in the methanogenic

    reactor at HRT of 16–17 d. In particular, butyrate removal was almost

    complete at this HRT, and no inhibitory effects of this acid were

    observed in the methanogenic reactor. However, when we tried to

    decrease the HRT of methanogenic reactor from 16 to 13 d, propionic

    acid concentrations started accumulating in this reactor.The propionate as expected exhibited more severe inhibition than

    butyrate and acetate in the methanogenic reactor. Butyrate feed can

    be degraded more competently than the others because of its high

    energy gain via degradation. In contrast, acetate can be regarded as

    an ef cient substrate to exhibit a high methane yield because of its

    one-step degradation (Wong et al., 2008). The excess of VFA built up

    in thedigestercaused a drop in pH andinhibition of themethanogenic

    process. Hence to improve the process stability of the methanogenic

    reactor, HRT was maintained at 16–17 d for this reactor.

     3.3.5. Microbial populations revealed by FISH 

    The microbial populations in the reactors towards the end of study

    period were further investigated to understand their responses to

    different anaerobic system congurations. Fig. 6  (A,B and C) showsthe FISH analysis of  Bacteria (green) and Archaea (i.e., methanogens)

    (red) populations in the three reactors' sludge samples, respectively.

    In the acidogenic reactor of two-phase system, only bacterial cells

    were detected (Fig. 6A). High bacterialdiversitywith different morphol-

    ogies of bacteria including small rods, fat rods, ovals, cocci, and thin la-

    ments was observed. Absence of methanogen in the acidogenic reactor

    might be due to the unfavorable low pH value for its growth. Addition-

    ally, a mixed structure was observed based on the random distribution

    of bacterial (green) and archaeal/methanogen (red) populations with

    approximately equal abundance in methanogenic reactor of two-phase

    CSTR and single-stage SeqBR reactors (Fig. 6B and C).

    The presence of methanogens well agreed with the observation of 

    methane production (Table 3). For the methanogens, both aceticlastic

    methanogens bamboo-shaped Methanosaeta-like and coccoid-cluster










    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

    Time (d)

    Inf CODs, g/L Inf non TVFA-COD, g/L Inf TVFA-COD, g/L











    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

    Time (d)Eff CODs, g/L Eff non TVFA-COD, g/L Acid Reactor PH Eff TVFA-COD, g/L









    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00 110 120

       V   F   A  g   C   O   D   /   L

    C2 C3 iC4 C4 iC5 C5 iC6 C6 C7

    Fig. 5. A Inuent CODs, VFA-COD, Non-VFA COD concentrations prole. B. pH, CODs,

    VFA-COD, Non-VFA COD concentration prole in acidogenic CSTR. C. Evolution of VFA

    compositions in acidogenic CSTR.

    883R. Rajagopal et al. / Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013) 877 –886 

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    Methanosarcinacea-like populations were observed in methanogenic

    reactor of two-phase system (Fig. 6B). However,  Methanosaeta-likecells were dominant in the SeqBR (Fig. 6C). Generally, most of the

    methane produced in an anaerobic bioreactor is mainly derived from

    acetate (Zinder, 1993). Methanosaeta and Methanosarcina are the two

    known genera that can produce methane from acetate.  Methanosaeta

    use only acetate and generally have low values for the minimum

    threshold and maximum specic growth rate of microorganisms

    (μ max). Besides using acetate,   Methanosarcina   is metabolically more

    versatile than   Methanosaeta, as it can form methane from H2   and

    CO2   (hydrogenotroph), methanol, methylamines and methyl suldes

    (methylotroph); generally have high minimum threshold and   μ maxvalues for acetate (Zinder, 1993).

    The presence of   Methanosarcinacea-like populations in methano-

    genic reactor of two-phase system might be related to the system's con-

    ditions while the sampling time (day 110) pH was low (Fig. 4B)and the

    VFA was accumulated (Fig. 4C).  Vavilin et al. (2008)  reported thatMethanosarcina   sp. forming multicellular aggregate may resist inhibi-

    tion by VFA because a slow diffusion rate of the acids limited the VFA

    concentrations inside the Methanosarcina sp. aggregates.Despite micro-

    bial communities have been revealed by FISH observation, both bac-

    terial and archaeal populations in these reactors remain to be further

    identied and characterized.

     3.4. Overall comparison

    Table 4 presents the overall performance data of the present study

    together with similar parameter values in other literatures. In most of 

    the studies listed in Table 4, co-digestion of black water and kitchen

    refuse was experimented in various anaerobic systems such as CSTR,

    accumulation System (AC) and upow anaerobic sludge blanket reac-

    tor (UASB)-septic tank. Thecomparisonsare intrinsically hard to do as

    the data pertaining to brown water is lacking and also the rector oper-

    ating conditions were different. However, SeqBR reactor has attained

    the highest performance with relatively high organic loading rate

    (2–3 gCOD/L d) and short HRT (16 d), with a corresponding COD re-

    moval of above 90% (CODs) and 75% (CODt). From the results of 

    batch assay (Fig. 3), it is to be noted that themaximum biodegradation

    took place within10 d of HRTfor BW+FW mixture. Further optimiza-

    tion will be necessary to validate and improve the performance of 

    SeqBR at relatively short HRT's.

    Furthermore, economic cost analysis for larger scale bioreactors

    will be crucial to provide SeqBR with a sound basis for practical appli-

    cation. Overall, this study veries that (i) SeqBR system offers a reli-

    able and effective biogas recovery as well as waste stabilization by

    combining co-digestion and (ii) BW+FW are potential substrates

    for biogas production. Co-digestion with high organic contents such

    as FW could be a reliable option to enhance activity of anaerobic mi-

    croorganisms. Proper mixture brings synergistic and complementary

    effects, which offsets the lack of available nutrients for methane pro-

    duction in brown water and dilute harmful or excessive substances

    inhibiting anaerobes in FW (Kim et al., 2007). In addition, some FW

    has the tendency to acidify rapidly or lower the pH of the digester

    solution. This study demonstrated that BW provided a suf cient buff-ering capacity to the FW digestion by synergizing the effect of micro-

    organisms and handling high organic load. The comparison was made

    between the co-digestion of BW+ FW and digestion of FW or BW as a

    sole substrate. From Fig. 3, it was demonstrated that for a given load

    in a batch study, BW+FW co-digestion has attained more methane

    yield than FW or BW digestion. For co-digestion, laboratory scale

    CSTR shows no acidication at an HRT more than 20 d and OLR of 

    ~1.5 g COD/L d. When we tried to increase the OLR of two-phase

    CSTR to 2–3 gCOD/L.d, which corresponded to an HRT of 16 d, we

    have observed the acidication as given in Fig. 4B.

     3.5. Final discussion based on decentralized, source-separation-based

    sanitation concepts

    The decentralized sanitation and reuse concept is a logical source

    separation-based approach that   ts well in a sustainable develop-

    ment compared to the current centralized wastewater treatment

    plants (Kujawa-Roeleveld et al., 2006). In its simple form it may con-

    stitute an answer to solve the problem of the lack of any sanitation in

    poor, less developed parts of the world. For richer countries, with

    their complex sanitation infrastructure, it may be the answer when

    replacing existing, old infrastructures or when building new housing

    estates or larger utility objects such as hotels, of ces, etc. (STOWA,

    2005). There is no universal decentralized sanitation and reuse con-

    cept tting each situation. The common element for any decentralized

    sanitation and reuse scenario is the separation of organic waste and

    wastewater streams at the source (i.e. on a household level) followed

    by an appropriate treatment of each stream in decentralized/semi

    Fig. 6.   FISH analyses of the three sludge samples. Samples were hybridized with

    Cy3-labeled ARC915 specic for the domain  Archaea   (red) and Cy5-labeled EUBmix

    probe specic for the domain Bacteria (green). Panels (A), (B), and (C) were samples

    acidogenic reactor, methanogenic reactor, and SeqBR reactor, respectively.

    884   R. Rajagopal et al. / Science of the Total Environment 443 (2013) 877 –886 

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     Table 4

    Overall comparison cited in the literature.

    Sl No. Reactor⁎ Substrate⁎⁎ Inuent values (g/L) Operating conditions Ef  uent values (% removal) Ef  uent V


    1 CSTR (10 L) Bl. W (5 L/d)+

    KR (200 g/d)

    19.2±6.5 6.8±1.05 8.8±3.9   –   20/15/10 HRT 71 ±13/75 ±







    2 AC Bl. W with urine + KR 12.0 ± 4.37 3.04 ± 0.21   –   1.66±0.94 Pilot-scale study,

    at 20 °C

    – – –   Day 43: 3

    Day 80 on

    0.083Bl. W less urine+KR 45.2± 24.6 3.97± 1.3   –   3.09±1.9   – – –  

    3 AC Bl. W with urine+KR 18.7 2.76   –   1.9 105 d, at 20 °C Avg. 58%   – – –

    Bl. W less ur ine+ KR 53 .6 10 .1 4   –   8.89 Avg. 58%   – – –

    4 AC and


    Bl. W 9.5–12.3 1.4–2.8   –   0.76± 0.64 AC (Black+KR):

    20 °C, 115–150 HRT

    78 30   –   0.53 ± 0.1

    Bl. W+KR 13.3–22 .9 2.7–5.4   – –   AC(Bl. W+ KR):

    15/20 °C, 115–280 HRT

    61   – – –

    BW+ KR 31.8–66 .0 4.0–10.1   – –   UASB(BW+KR):

    15/25 °C, 27–29 HRT

    – – – –

    5 UASB-septic


    Bl. W +KR 12.3 ±7.8 2.0 ±1.21   – –   (1) (0.2 m3) pilot scale,

    (2) 25 °C,

    (3) OLR=0.42 gCOD/L d,

    (4) HRT=29 d

    82 94   – –

    6 Two-phase BW +FW 35.2 ±10.4 13.0 ±4.4 1 6.9 ±3.2 1.1–2.1 HRT = 20 d, OLR ~

    1.5 gCOD/L d

    68.4 ±6.4 75.9 ±1.1 68.6 ±2.0 2–3

    7 SeqBR HRT =16 d, OLR ~

    2–3 gCOD/L d

    76.7 ± 5.1 92.0 ± 3.0 75.7 ± 6.6   b0.8

    ⁎   CSTR: continuous stirred tank reactor; AC: accumulation system; UASB: upow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor.⁎⁎   Bl.W: black water; BW: brown water; KF: kitchen refuse; FW: food waste.

  • 8/18/2019 Artigo_Anaerobic Co-digestion of Source Segregated Brown Water (Feces-without-urine) and Food Waste


    centralized systems and consequent reuse of water and nutrients

    (Wendland et al.,2007). In our study wastewater streams are separated

    according to their degree and type of pollution and re-use potential

    of resources. Three main resources are considered: bio-energy (from

    transformation of organic material), nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus,

    potassium and sulfur) and water (from advanced treatment of cleaner

    wastewaterstreams). To achieve this, a no-mixtoilet hasbeen designed

    and installed in our laboratory for our research purposes. This toilet

    diverts liquid waste (YW) to a processing facility where componentsused for fertilizer can be recovered (data not shown). The solid waste

    (BW) is sent to a bioreactor where it is digested to generate biogas.

    In this case, daily ushing water consumption will be dramatically re-

    duced from currently 30 L per capita to 5.5–6.0 L per capita, indicating

    a saving of 80% ushing water use. Besides, when the amount of  ush-

    ing water is reduced, the volume production of toilet wastewater to be

    transported and treated will automatically decrease.

    With rapid increase in population density in Singaporeand the fact

    that more than 80% of the population live in the high-rise Housing

    Development Board (HDB) buildings, the proposed decentralized AD

    system is expected to provide a practical solution for managing large

    quantities of BW and FW on-site. The well-established infrastructure

    for sewer, waste collection and transportation are readily available

    for simple modications to transfer the concentrated wastes directly

    to decentralized co-digestion systems. This, together with the high

    potential for producing a substantial amount of energy in the form of 

    biogas, makes the proposed decentralized AD concept economically

    realistic. Building AD systems in HDB ats for on-site waste treatment

    and methane production will become an eco-friendly model for other

    countries, especially those experiencing rapid urbanization and water

    shortage. The challenge is in designing a space-friendly, odor and

    pathogen-controlled AD system that can be incorporated into new

    and existing residential clusters. Based on our characteristics analysis

    of BW and FW, it is estimated that 18.5–40 kg of VS are generated

    through these waste streams per HDB block with 400 residents on av-

    erage,whichcan yield 6–15 (avg. 10) m3 biogaswhen 65%VS removal

    is achieved (Speece, 1996; ACEEE, 2009). This indicates a daily elec-

    tricity generation of 12.5–33.6 kWh from biogas, on the assumption

    that thegenerator ef ciencyis 35–50%. In addition,a daily heat energyprot of 17.8–46.5 kWh from biogas can be estimated. Generally, a

    total energy prot of 0.08–0.20 kWh per person per day can be

    expected. The waste-originated energy can be utilized, for example,

    for cooking or lighting purposes within the HDB premises. Other ad-

    vantages may include that (i) digestate can be used as bio-fertilizer

    within the parks around, (ii) additional costs for transporting such

    wastes to the centralized treatment systems are saved since the

    wastes produced from HDB buildings are totally managed within the

    site of production, and (iii) thelife span of landlls can besignicantly

    extended by minimizing the needs for disposal.

    4. Conclusions

    This study demonstrated that anaerobic co-digestion of BW andFWproved to be a potentialsubstrate forbiogas production. Anaerobic

    co-digestion showed higher methane yield than BW and FW in non-

    mixture conditions. SeqBR allowed a balanced conversion of organics

    to CH4 at an OLR of 2–3 gCOD/L d that corresponds to a VS removal

    of about 75%. BW provided a suf cient buffering capacity to the FW

    digestion. We believe   “decentralized and source-separation-based

    sanitation concepts”   can eventually be introduced to other cities

    around the world. It would be especially important for mega cities

    that are beginning to emerge in the next few years.


    The authors are grateful to the National Research Foundation (NRF),

    Singapore for   nancial support (NRF-CRP5-2009-02). We appreciate

    Mr. B. Wang, Mr. Bernard Ng and Mr. G.W.H. Chia for their helping

    hands and cooperation in the experimental work. We are grateful to

    Prof. Rainer Stegmann and Prof. C.S. Lee for stimulating discussions in

    this project. We are thankful to R3C/NTU family for their contributions

    to this research program.


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