Page 1: Art, Science, & Technology Frances Skeirik Cover of the Qu’ran

IslamArt, Science, & Technology

Frances Skeirik

Cover of the Qu’ran

Page 2: Art, Science, & Technology Frances Skeirik Cover of the Qu’ran

The artwork during the post-classical period from Islam is displayed in many different forms:◦ Pottery◦ Paintings◦ Architecture◦ Sculptures◦ Metalworking◦ Rugs

Arabic work focusedaround plants and geometric figures.◦ Such as diamonds, triangles, and parallelograms.


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The greatest literary Art was POETRY.◦ Thousands were created during Golden Age of Islam.◦ Sung and recited aloud in Arabic.◦ Famous Poet: Al- Rumi

Gave insights into the beliefs of Sufis His tomb is found in Turkey today

Qu’ran was the like representation of the human figure.◦ Allah only created human life

Different from other art because of its geometric bases format.

Persian art was mainly focused on Muhammad.

Art (cont.)

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The Umayyad Dynasty:661 C.E.- 750 C.E.

Art (cont.)

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The Abbasid Dynasty:750 C.E.- 1250 C.E.

Art (cont.)

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Lots of knowledge was prized in Islam society.

Society and philosophy thrived in the Islamic empire, called a caliphate.

Muslims used different Greek texts to improve and discover new things.◦ Then called these their own.◦ The scholars they appointed to read the texts were

called Madrasas. Muslim scholars improved upon many Greek



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Science and math work side and side ◦ without math = NO scientific equations

used to help discover many things, such as medicines. Advanced in Math

◦ Basics: Counting started at zero. Based off of tens Their Arabic numerals are still used today

◦ Algebra ◦ Some geometry: (without knowing)

incorporated algebra to answer the problems Marker Event:

◦ Development of Arabic numbers Devised first in classical India Spread during the Abbasid Dynasty

Science (cont.)

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Science improved a lot during the Post-Classical period for Islam.

Chemistry:◦ At the time of caliphate, chemistry was

alchemy. Alchemy- mixture of chemistry and belief in

magical transformations◦ Ex. Scientists would try and turn silver into gold. ◦ Discovered element properties without knowing

Physical Characteristics: ignitable, shiny, ect.◦ Advanced in different tools and techniques.

Also advances in optical science and anatomy.

Science (cont.)

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Biology (Study of all living things) Muslims studied plants to improve

agriculture and medicine. Arabs accessed to the Mediterranean

herbal medicines. known to the Greeks

Also accessed medical plants from India and China.

Their medicines help fight very mild sicknesses Bug bites Rashes

Also the Muslims were intrigued by Aristotle.

Science (cont.)

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Muhammad influenced much, including technology

Some technology that was improved was:◦ Irrigation systems-

Better irrigation system meant that the growing of plants was enhanced, which helped since they were in the desert.

Helped Muslims to become better traders. More crops to trade

◦ Architecture- Many magnificent buildings established:

Beautiful caliphate building (Umayyad) Ka’ba


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◦ System of communication between countries they would get scholars to interpret the Greeks text Trade

◦ Medicine Helped the basic sicknesses

Bug bites, rashes, headaches, ect. Not yet for common colds or fevers.

Technology (cont.)

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Muhammad:◦ Human prophet of the Muslims who was sent

revelations from God at the age of 40. With these revelations, he memorized different

poems from Jesus, Abraham, and Moses. At first he thought that the revelations were

from demons but then finally came to the conclusion they were from God.

◦ The holy book of the Muslims is the Qu’ran. Contains the words of Allah

◦ Fled from Mecca to Medina in 622. Also known as the Hijra.

Important People