  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    Arre Bhai_October 2011

    Lathish Venugopal

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    1. Identify.

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    2. Identify the movie from this poster.

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    3. The Akan people of Ghana and the Ivory Coast frequently

    name their children after the day of the week they were bornand the order in which they were born. Ghana's first president,Kwame Nkrumah, was so named for being born on a Saturday(Kwame) and being the ninth born (Nkrumah).

    Another famous Ghanaian, was so named for being born on aFriday(____) as part of a twin(Atta). Who?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    *4. The theme for this set of four paintings was derived from the 1941 State of theUnion Address by United States President Franklin Roosevelt delivered to the 77th

    United States Congress on January 6, 1941. Name the painter & what is the name forthis set of four?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    5. What is the English translation of the Japanese charactersyou see in the background of this poster?

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    6. Identify.

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  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    8. Mr. Personality is a reality television show that aired on theFox Television Network with the premise that a woman(Hayley Arp) must select a husband from twenty bachelors

    whose faces are covered by masks throughout the show,supposedly basing her decisions on who to eliminate solely

    based on their personality instead of looks, hence the title. Itran five episodes from April to May 2003 and was hosted by X,produced by Brian Gadinsky.

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    9. Reem Al-Riyashi a 22 year old Palestinian from Gaza City

    was the first to female to be used by Hamas for a particularpurpose. Unlike other similar operatives, Riyashi came from awealthy family. The supposed criterion for choosing her wasthat she was a woman who had earned a bad name by

    betraying her purpose.

    The Hamas spiritual leader at the time, Sheikh Ahmed Yassinhad initially objected to her selection for the operation at Erezcrossing, altering this position shortly before his assassination

    by Israel in March 2004.

    What did Reem Al-Riyashi become the first Hamas womanoperative to do?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    10. It is one of the oldest commonwealth games. The object of

    this game/sport is to roll slightly asymmetric balls so that theystop close to a smaller white ball called "jack" or "kitty". It can

    be played in singles, triples or fours. In fours, roles such as lead,second, third or skip (captain) apply.Name the game.

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    11. "Jo, Bessie and Fanny make friends with colourful

    characters like Moon-Face, Mister Watzisname, Silky, and theSaucepan Man, feasting with them on Pop Biscuits and

    ______ ____ and sliding down the slippery-slip whichspirals down inside the trunk..."

    This is an excerpt from the plot summary of Enid Blyton's 'TheMagic Faraway Tree.' The book was in the news because it(supposedly) recorded the first use of a word, that is incommon usage today. Which word or fill in the blanks.

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    12 Started in 1920 an Italian machinery works

    originally established by Ferdinando _________.

    After World War II, the company became mostfamous for making scooter models such as LI125

    and LI150. Over the years, ownership changed hands to

    various companies including British Leyland, theDe Tomaso group and FIAT.

    FITB or Identify whose latest logo is this?

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    13. In the 1960s after he played the game Twister with EvaGabor, the sales of the newly launched game went through theroof. Who?

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    14.** _____ is a Japanese term used to refer to people withobsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, or video games.

    It is derived from a Japanese term for another's house orfamily, and it is also used as an honorific second-personpronoun. It appears to have been coined by the humorist and

    essayist Akio Nakamori in his 1983 series An Investigation of"_____," printed in the lolicon magazine Manga Burikko.

    Animators like Haruhiko Mikimoto and Shji Kawamori usedthe term among themselves as an honorific second-person

    pronoun since the late 1970s.Fill in the blanks.

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    15. He was a Baltic Germannaturalist of the Russian Empire,a biologist, geologist, meteorologist, geographer, a founding

    father of embryology, explorer of EuropeanRussia and Scandinavia, a member of the Russian Academy ofSciences, a co-founder of the Russian Geographical Society andthe first President of the Russian Entomological Society. Who?
  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    16. One glaring example of the fact that inventors are generally

    hopeless at naming their inventions:Isaac Pitman, theinventor ofshorthandcalled it 'Stenographic Soundhand!'

    Further, and possibly conclusive, evidence of this was shownin 1874 when Major Walter Clopton Wingfield, an Englishmaninvented an outdoor game that he called sphairixtike.

    It only caught on when his friend Arthur Balfour, the futurePM suggested he call it ____ ______.

    Fill in the blanks

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    17.** Which series of awards replaced these after India became aRepublic?

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    18. Connect these two sports persons.

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    19. Her landmark plea for women's equality, ' A Vindication of the Rights of

    Woman' was published in 1792.

    Inspired by the French revolution, she challenged Rousseau and others arguing forequal education and employment for women and urging national legislation toguarantee women's rights.

    She was constantly criticized for her unconventional lifestyle. She gave birth to herfirst child while unmarried and her second daughter by the political philosopher

    William Godwin achieved world wide fame as a novelist, short story writer,dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer.

    Identify this lady whose work has influenced generations of feminists.

    d if hi l h lid if d d

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    20. Identify this person. Clue on the next slide, if needed!

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    21.*** X's first apprenticeship after his undergraduate studiesin Michigan had been with Y.X once noted "Y is the only architect to have two of his majorprojects blown up."

    The first was the Pruitt-Igoe housing projects built in 1954 in StLouis Missouri, a classic case of public housing which became ahot bed of social and criminal problems and it was dynamited

    by the city in 1972!Identify X & Y and what was the second project?

    22. Name of this brand/ company translates to "Essence of taste." Tagline:"Eat

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    22. Name of this brand/ company translates to Essence of taste. Tagline: Eatwell. Live well." Visuals are that of the trademark patent & another companyRegistered trademark called "Lady & _________."

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    23. It is believed that this place was named after the Mexicanreply to the first Spanish conquistadors to fetch up on theirshores. The reply was 'What?' or 'What are you saying?'

    Name this Mexican state.

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    24. The first was the introduction of a poll tax in 1379 which ledthe government to collect the name of every person in thecountry aged 16 or over, and the second was the enactment ofthe Statute of Additions in 1413 which required that all legal

    documents contain not just the person's name, but also his orher occupation and place of abode.

    These two pieces of medieval bureaucracy gave a boost to theadoption of ________ in England.

    The rise in popularity of what is being discussed here?

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  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    26. In the fading days of the Roman Empire, a 16 year oldEnglish boy was abducted in to slavery by Celtic tribesman.

    After more than five years in bondage he was able to escape: hewalked 200 miles to the nearest port and found passage on a

    ship that took him home.

    But night after night he was tormented by dreams and visionsthat told him to return to the land of his kidnappers and preachthe word of Christ.


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    27. In the year 453, X took a new wife: a young girl named Ildicorenowned for her beauty. After a night of drunken revelry incelebration of the wedding he retired with his bride to the bedchamber.

    The following day servants were alarmed when he didn't rise at

    the normal time. Inside they found the body of their chieftainsprawled out on the bed beside his weeping wife.

    No foul play was suspected because for all his power and might,he had a weakness- he suffered from chronic nosebleeds.So it was that one of history's most fearsome warriors died notfrom a bloody wound but from a bloody nose.


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    28. In 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh sent 25 year old Thomas Hariot,a renowned historian and surveyor to a new colony in Virginia.

    In his account Hariot told of discovering an astonishing herbal

    remedy called uppowoc cultivated by the local tribes. He said,"It openeth all the pores and passages whereby their bodies arenotably preserved in health and know not many grievousdiseases, wherewithal we in England are often times afflicted."

    Today, we knowuppowoc by its Spanish name. What?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    29. In the late 1500s, the Vatican priests thought of X as asatanic concoction of Islamic infidels and banned it. However,after giving X a taste, Pope Clement VIII gave his blessing:"This Satan's _____ is so delicious, it would be a pity to let theinifidels have exclusive use of it. We shall fool Satan by

    baptising it."

    What is X?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    30. Built in 1889, it was scheduled to last for only twenty years-

    but for critics, it was twenty years too long. They bemoaned its

    "barbarous mass overwhelming and humiliating all our_________."

    When the twenty years were up, it was decided to bring it down.

    Nothing, it seemed, could save it. That is until radio wasinvented!

    In 1907 the country's government decided it could not bebrought down because it was too valuable as an antenna.

    Function followed form this time around and saved it fromcertain destruction.

    What was "it"?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    31. A ______ word is an informal term for phrases aimed atcreating an impression that something specific and meaningfulhas been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has

    been communicated.

    A sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person is some timesreferred to as a ______.Examples: "up to 50% discount, some people say, it is believed,many are of the opinion, experts declare, it is often reported,research has shown, science says, it was proved ..."

    32**. In 1981, all Paris was agog with this series of posters by thedisplay company Future This advertising campaign was

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    display company Future. This advertising campaign wasdesigned to support the slogan "Future, the display that keepsits promises." It became so popular that the lines that appeared

    in the ad copy became regular expressions in France. How/ whydid this ad copy create such a furore?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    33. X was a noted anti-apartheid activist in South Africa in the 1960s and1970s. A student leader, he later founded the Black ConsciousnessMovement which would empower and mobilize much of the urban black

    population. Since his death in police custody, he has been called a martyrof the anti-apartheid movement. His writings and activism attempted toempower black people, and he was famous for his slogan "black is

    beautiful", which he described as meaning: "man, you are okay as you are,begin to look upon yourself as a human being."

    34. Identify this person whose family name is supposedly derived

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    y p y pp yfrom the Latin expression, " ex caelis oblatus " meaning a "giftfrom heaven."One of his most famous works has been described as "the

    thinking man's Da Vinci Code."

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    35. What has been blanked out?

    36. The Common _______ ___(Desmodus rotundus) is a

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    small leaf-nosed animal native to the Americas. It is one ofthree extant species of this animal, the other two being theHairy-legged _______ ___ and the White-winged

    _______ ___. Along with them, it is the only parasiticmammal in the world. Fill in the blanks.

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    37. Ruler of X invited eight families of experts in temple arts

    and crafts from Tirunelveli district to help in the construction ofthe Parthasarathy temple. When he was miffed by theirlaziness, they gifted him a crown with an amazing power ofreflection.

    Later the family developed an object composed of a specialmetal alloy which grew in popularity all across South India. Ithas received a Geographical Indication tag. This object is one ofthe eight objects that make up the Ashtamangala set.

    Name it.

    38. They spent fifteen glorious minutes and each left a token ofh k h l b d d b f h d h

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    thanks; while one buried sweets and biscuits for the gods, theother left a crucifix.On June 2 1953, they had managed to displace details of the

    Queens coronation dress to the back page of the News Chronicle,whose headline read: The Crowning Glory: ________ is________What was the event?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    39. As a pre-Islamic term it referred to farmers burying seeds in

    the ground, covering them with soil while planting. Thus itimplies "a person who hides or covers the truth"--it is also thename of a tribe in eastern Afghanistan (because they acceptedIslam some centuries later than their neighbours)--In South

    Africa, it is an offensive term for any Black African derived from

    the Arab epithet for slaves and Negro Africans.What term?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    40. This image was created in 1904 based on little more thanguesswork, by a Japanese physicist named Hantaro Nagaoka.

    As Isaac Asimov noted, it inspired generations of science fictionwriters to create stories of worlds within worlds. Even today

    CERN the European Organization for Nuclear Research usesNagaokas image as a logo on its website; despite its inaccuracy!

    Describe this image.

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    41. This word is derived from the 17th century French root

    meaning to arrange or bring about.In modern usage, its verb form stands for deception, trickery orsubterfuge.In sports parlance it is used to indicate a bridge hand that is voidof trumps.

    It is also the name of a speed limiting device, with widespreadusage as a consequence of Ayrton Sennas tragic end.

    What's the word?

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    42. Identify

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    43. In 1994, controversy arose over a certainexhibit at the Smithsonian Institution. TheAmerican Legion and ___ _____ Association

    believed the exhibit put forward only one sideof the debate and it emphasized the effect onthe victims without any reference to the overallhistorical context. The Smithsonian changed the

    exhibit and displayed it, only with associatedtechnical data and without discussion of itshistoric role. Which exhibit?

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    44. The first of these ran on October 29, 1993, andfeatured a hapless history buff (played by SeanWhalen) receiving a call to answer a radio

    station's $10,000 trivia question (voiced by RobPaulsen), "Who shot Alexander Hamiltonin that famous duel?" The man's apartment isshown to be a private museum to the duel,

    packed with artifacts. He answers thequestion correctly, but because his mouth is fullof peanut butter and cookies, his answer isunintelligible. What first?

    45 Aldine Press was the printing office started by Aldus

  • 7/31/2019 Arre Bhai Quiz Lathish Venugopal Oct 2011


    45. Aldine Press was the printing office started by Aldus

    Manutius in 1494 in Venice, from which were issued the

    celebrated Aldine editions of the classics (Latin and

    Greek masterpieces plus a few more modern works). The

    Aldine Press is famous in the history of typography,

    among other things, for the introduction ofitalics (his

    contemporaries called itAldine Type). The press was the

    first to issue printed books in the small octavo size,similar to that of a modern paperback, and like that

    intended for portability and ease of reading.

    46 Whose passport?

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    46. Whose passport?

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    47. History has it that Nicholas Appert, aFrench chef and expert at food preservation,invented the dish in the early 1800s, at a time

    when wealthy Russian households sent theircooks to France to train. He called it ChickenSupreme and by the 1900s, it had become oneof the things to eat in Russia and Europe.

    Later New York restaurants gave the nameChicken ____ in a bid to make the Sovietimmigrants feel more at home. Fill in theblank.

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    48. Connect.

    49. Whose statue in Teheran? At his feet are the heroesfrom his epic work Clue: Rostam a Hercules like

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    from his epic work. Clue: Rostam, a Hercules likecharacter, is one of the protagonists of this epic.

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    50. *****

    (A) Animal

    (B) Type of shot

    (C) (Waltz) Musical piece

    (D) Composer(E) Movie

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