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Written by GodThe holiest relic of both religions, Judaism and Christianity, the Arc of the Covenant disappeared 2,5 thousand years ago. Rights written by the hand of the Creator that are hidden in the gold chest, may be in Ethiopia, Jerusalem, or in Scotland…

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The Arc of the Covenant was made by Israeli masters who were supervised by Moses on Mount Sinai according to precise instructions of God. They made a chest out of the acacia wood. The dimensions were about 134x80x80 cm. Outside and the inside of the Arc was covered with pure gold. The lid of the chest was made of the same materials as the chest itself. Two gold cherub statues were present on the top of the chest. Apparently, God appeared between the wings of the cherubs and talked to Moses. Two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments were inside the chest. But they weren’t the original ones, because as we know Moses had broken original stone tablets when he saw Israeli people worshiping the golden calf. But the copy of Ten Commandments was also written by the hand of God, so its value for the Israeli was the same as the original one. In the beginning, the Arc of the Covenant was kept in the tent called Tabernacle, which look was preciely described by the God. The Arc was placed in Jerusalem, and also in a tent. Salomon ordered to build a shrine for the Arc. It was build by Phoenicians masters so it resembled Baal, Astrate and other gods temples. So Babylonians demolished it first, and after it was rebuild – Romans destroyed it again as a result of Israeli rebellion against Roman reign. Famous Wailing Wall is the only thing left of this shrine, along with unexplored catacombs.

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They are unexplored as every try of exploring the catacombs was halted by Jewish or Arabian orthodox who think that exploration of such object is a sacrilege. That is why we still don’t know what can be hidden in them. The Arc was kept in the Holy Place. It was small, dark room covered with twenty tons of gold. The most important priest entered it only once a year, and lighted an incense to prevent of seeing the gold chest accidently. Every person who came near the Arc was struck by the lightning. How did it work? In a simple way – the Arc was made of 2 layers of gold (which is good electrical conductor) were separated by the wooden isolator. That makes a perfect condenser. Such device stores the electric charge and frees it when the charge was exceeded. In ancient Egypt such condensers weren’t nothing unusual. According to myth, Horus, the god of son, invented them. They were hidden in fortresses to kill any enemy who was near the walls. Besides, Egyptians apparently knew lightbulbs and batteries. The schemes of such devices can now be seen in the shrine of the goddess Hathor in Dendera. The lightbulb that is made according to these schemes is working!

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Moses grew up in Egyptian palace so he had learnt a few tricks of that kind of “magic”, so when he used them among the people he gained respect. The Arc was one of the examples. The other example can be the cane that changed in a venomous snake. This phenomenon was accurately explained by zoologists- you just have to push the right point on the snake’s body and it will stiffen and look like a cane. Then, a sudden movement will awake the snake from coma. So the Arc of the Covenant was powerful condenser. So, how did it refill the energy? First, it was constantly polished. This is the same way children play in school- they pick up static by rubbing the floor, and then they struck they colleagues with small electric charges. Second, the Arc stored the energy of Earth. In Egypt and Palestine the electromagnetic energy is high so it charged the Arc for many years. But why did it struck with lightning only intruders? As the usually walked bare foot. No wonder the Arc of the Covenant was considered as something unnatural, and of God origin.

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But what happened to it? Until the death of Salomon in the Holy Bible, the Arc is spoken of at least 200 times. After his death – there is no word more about the Arc in the Bible. When the Israel was destroyed, and people were displaced the Arc was not on the list of stolen things. Those lists, which are very exact and precise, were saved and survived to these days. It seems like the Arc was removed, destroyed, or hidden sooner. Later, the Arc was also searched by Romans and the Jews. Without a positive result. So, why did it disappear and where? We don’t know. One Ethiopian legend says that when the son of the Solomon and Sheba, Menelik grew up and came back to Jerusalem to visit his father, he picked up Uzziah, the highest priest, on the way with him to Jerusalem. Uzziah secretly took the Arc to Ethiopia. When he told Menelik what happened with the Arc, the young king took note that it happened from the God’s direct order. Second legend says that Menelik asked his father to move the Arc to the safer place, as Israel was no longer peaceful country. The kingdom of Assyria was created and it wanted to regain Palestine, what eventually happened. Egypt, when regained its strength, in 925 BC looted Jerusalem. Maybe Egyptians took the Arc to Egypt…

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So the vision of dr Indiana Jones searching for the Arc in Egypt along with nazi soldiers in one of Steven Spielberg movies would come true. Alleged place of the resting place of the Arc of the Covenant is somewhere in Ethiopia. First, it was kept in the monastery on the lake Tana (where the river Blue Nile starts it run). It was kept in the room called just the same as in Jerusalem – the Holy Place. But the room wasn’t filled with gold, but with frescoes depicting the movement of the Arc from the Jerusalem. Then, it was moved to Axum, the capital of Ethiopia of that time, and put in the cathedral in Zion. Apparently, it is still there. To tame its deadly force and power it was wound in cloth. Throughout the whole generation only one person can see it – specially chosen guard. No Ethiopian patriarch nor the Emperor has ever seen it. Many people wanted to see the Arc – the most powerful leaders, ordinary people, TV crews, but no one ever managed to do it as the entrance to the place is heavily guarded. Even the Italian Army that occupied Ethiopia between 1935-41 was not able to see the Arc. Two soldiers who wanted to see the Arc were severely beaten by the guards

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Not only Ethiopians think that the Arc of the Covenant is in Axum. – I was so close to get inside to see the Arc and take a photo, but… well – the guard… - says Krzysztof Kobus, one of the most famous Ethiopia specialist, IT teacher, press reporter, traveler and author of the great website about Ethiopia. – Ask anybody who lives in Ethiopia and he will tell you where the Arc is – in Axum! But there is one minor problem – scientists claim that the history of Ethiopia isn’t as old as 3000 thousand years, but it no older than 2000 years. They can’t explain how a big number of Judaism followers occurred in Ethiopia. Well, this only gives the proof that Ethiopia really is (or rather was as majority of these people were displaced to Israel in 1970’s) closely connected with Jerusalem. Maybe Beta Israel, or Ethiopian Jews they call them, are Jewish descendants of Menelik’s expedition, that brought the Arc from Jerusalem to Ethiopia. They claimed that they come from Israel. However, scientists think that Ethiopian Jews came from “judaistic” South Arabia around 1000 AD. Although, their rituals resembling those from the time of Solomon denote Jews left Palestine much earlier. The Arc could be allocated in Ethiopia much later.

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He might do that in the period when Jerusalem was controlled by Crusaders and the emperor Gebre Mesqel, better known as Lalibela who was the creator of monolithic churches. He frightened muslims that he will turn around the current of the Nile. So he must knew that he had a huge power in his hands. Maybe the Arc of the Covenant gave him this power? But there are some other facts. The place where the Arc was kept (island on lake Tana) crosses of the Templar Knights can be found. Identical ones can be found on the monolithic churches that Lalibela ordered to build. Scientists agree that the main builders of these churches were not local people, but the masters from Egypt and Jerusalem. Maybe Templar Knights were among them. Maybe they brought the Arc here, or they gave Ethiopians the copy of it… According to the current order members Templars after discovering the Arc of the Covenant in the ruins of the temple of Solomon, that was destroyed by Romans, made 4 identical copies of it. One of the 5 chests with Ten Commandments inside may really be in Ethiopia. What about the rest? We don’t know. Knights of this order, that operated also in Poland, were remarkably shrewd, smart and rich.

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They were simultaneously a threat to kings and popes. Templars didn’t want to tell about their discoveries knowing that it will brought a misery on them. Even, if the king Phillip IV of France destroyed the power of Templars to gain their money, the order survived nonetheless. It still exists in Scotland nowadays. There is a XV century temple in Rosslyn which is, according to the architects, the best copy of the Solomon Temple. In the opinion of few contemporary Templars the Arc of the Covenant is hidden there… Or at least one of its copies. So where are the other copies? Nobody knows. They are probably in France where Templars were in the biggest number of all other countries.

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