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Argentina!is a sovereign, organized as a representative federal republic, located on the southeastern tip of South America. Its territory is divided into 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires, the nation's capital and seat of the federal government. Its 40 million average human development index, per capita income and quality of life are among the highest in Latin America. According to the World Bank, nominal GDP is 25. most important in the world, but considering the overall GDP purchasing power transformed the country into 20. The largest economy in the world.FloraMost of the vegetation of Patagonia Argentina is composed of shrubs and grasses, adapted to withstand the dry conditions of the habitat. The soil is hard and rocky precludes large-scale agriculture, except for the valleys. Coniferous forests grow in western Patagonia and on the island of Tierra del Fuego.FaunaThere are big cats like the jaguar, puma, and ocelot; big canids like the maned wolf, the bear species called spectacled bear, primates (howler monkeys) large reptiles as two species of alligators. Other animals include the tapir, capybara, two species of anteaters, the largest ferret, 3 species of peccaries, giant otter, coati, and several species of subtropical zone tortugas.En there are many birds like the harpy eagle (the continent's largest predatory bird), dozens of species of tiny hummingbirds, 3 species of flamingos, 5 species of toucans and various species of parrots. The central grasslands are populated by armadillos, the colo colo, and the rhea or South American ostrich. Hawks, falcons, herons and ducks and partridges, also inhabit the area, as well as several species of deer and foxes. Some species extend into Patagonia ..

Turism!Argentina is the most visited country in South America and the fourth most visited in the Americas. According to official figures from the World Tourism Organization, in 2010 the country received more than 5.3 million foreign tourists, which meant about 4,930 million of foreign income. Dotada de un inmenso territorio, una variedad de climas enorme, maravillas naturales, cultura, costumbres y gastronomas famosas a nivel internacional, un grado de desarrollo muy alto, buena calidad de vida, y una infraestructura bien preparada, la Argentina es receptora de masivas cantidades de viajeros. El territorio argentino se extiende desde las ms elevadas cumbres de losAndesen el oeste hacia los grandes ros y las extensas playas y acantilados delMar Argentinoen el este; desde la selva tropical de lasYungasal norte hasta los valles,glaciares, lagos ybosques frosde laPatagonia Andinaen el sur hasta laAntrtida. Las gigantescas distancias exigen en la mayora de los casos viajes en avin.
