
Amazing Marketing. Simplified.

Are You A Marketing Magnet Or A Megaphone?

If you’re confused about the difference between inbound and outbound marketing, look no further.

Inbound marketing refers to a concentrated effort to disseminate valuable information to a niche group of prospects, usually by digital means, and by doing so establish relationships and attract them as clients. If traditional marketing is going out and finding clients, inbound marketing is about creating incentives for clients to find you.

Imagine you’re at Costco, being offered samples at every turn. It’s a relaxed and fun environment, but it’s also carefully orchestrated to promote sales of a specific product. Inbound marketing is founded on the same principle. In a non-threatening manner, you offer small samples of your expertise to prospective clients.

So what does it mean to be a


Inbound marketing refers to service professionals acting as a magnet by sharing insightful content, becoming a thought leader in their field, and targeting specific prospects by educating themselves on what those clients are looking for. Service professionals that participate in inbound marketing draw their clients closer by building a relationship of trust and knowledge.

How to be a “Magnet”

Social Media

Take the opportunity to build your audience

● Use Facebook to share personal, topical, and evergreen content

● Use LinkedIn to grow your professional connections

● Use Twitter to constantly stay in contact with your clients

Curated Content

Establish yourself as a thought leader

● Share relevant articles from reputable sources

● Stay up-to-date on your industry

● Save and share insightful blog posts from individuals in your industry

Professional Knowledge

Target your niche audience

● Don’t try to appeal to everyone, only your “ideal” future client

● Use personas to hone in on who you want to target

● Focus on quality over quantity when it comes to your practice

Tips on Being an Inbound Marketer

● Clean up your email list and only email relevant contacts

● Share your professional knowledge freely

● Define your niche● Use a curating website like

Flipboard or StumbleUpon● Automate your marketing

To learn more about inbound marketing and being a magnet instead of a megaphone, check out our book, The Art of Inbound Marketing, a marketing guide for service professionals.
