Page 1: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

ious N'S

New. years

Party's To Ri



France' 'M'ove •

fowa'ids . • .".J

War I.n Suez Crisis .~

' .. 1'ltESE:-;-rs

SCHUMANN 'th CUIIUI' Interl'als.

O~d) \\1 .• , THE DAIL Y NEWS Hailable at

., , aboul jil degree!. ~jl tlllJa, Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 63. No. 197 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, 1956

, ., I

n Blasts U'-S. Treatmenf'i est ·.ountry roposes Shipwrecked Canadian ;Seaman -(p) ._ Exlernal At': Mr. Pearson. using some of the Its soil. A g)al rlgh,' Is one thing.

t I,on ,-it! Thurs· sharpest Innguage he has em.' Propriety and justice are some· : .rr~ io \l~ .... uo justi, played in years In dealing with a thing clse. I do not feel that they are y .

ontro '. IPf,JI, 1>1' tIll' treat· I Canada·U.S. incident. said a for· should,have taken the actions tl)ey "~lte:~f ,\~~d;rll )Iilan' mal protest will be lodged III, did In these circumstances." , n ana 'prn . ~ .\mmcan im': Washington over the cuse Il the I Mr. Pearson said his depart·

e!rCNr,~", ,L,:. at ~ ell' : lacts presented by Babic lI'arrantj' ment has been In(ormed by U.S. lJt", r, . I such acUon. authorities that Babic was treated C nllll0n' that Cilna·! He said he 5cnt a telegram to ,"with great courtesy aRd ques·

• ..•.•• I:.~; .\~H n,' rca;()n.'o: ~abic asking him Ii slve his vcr· I, tloned with courlcsy." By ARTlIUR Gt\VSIION I circumstances. threatens tbe free· Eden accused Nasser of "broken Aug, 5 and Tuesday Aug, 7 re" Eden announced British mm· I.'·""C. ~ , I' ~ ~ccurll)'. slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday, George Hees LONDON (AP) - The Western I dom and security of the canal a.! faith and broken promises." He spec!il·ely." . tarl' movcs in the House amid

till ~\;~ . i added : (PC-Toronlo Broadview) read a Big Thrce Thursday nisht invited guaranteed by the convention of said Nasser's word is not ellough FLEET 'ST,\SDS BY' i ch~crs, I~·l ~'C::~h: 'n": ,\I, an)' ;e· "I would say that on Ihe basis I telegram which he sa!d he h.ud the Soviet Union and Egypt 10 1888, to ensure freedom of the canal to Premier Guy ~Iollel's govcrn'l "Their project," he said sol· ;!.,CI;i ~,:i, ,11.1 there!ure of the information that I hal'e a,l, i jU7.t received (rom BabiC: It said:. participate in a con. "This makes it necessary that ships of aIJ lands at aIJ times. I ment in France ordered iL~ Medi' i el1lnl)', "is to strengthen our posi·

· •. , ,. ."h .il;lt hr ,houtd ready received there appears ,Q. Reason no protest m~ soliei\OI ference ~imed at setting up Inter· steps be taken to assure that part. Authoritatil'e sourCes said the terrancan flect of 15 warships at lion in the castern )Iediterranean It'!';;:';IC(i :,1 :hi; kind be -no justillcation II'hatel'or f~I' Louis Herman Just arrll'ed Toron., national control of the Suez Canal. ies to that convention cia nIJa Wcslern Big Three will proposc II Toulon 10 stan,d by to sail for "an, a,nd ~ur abil,ity to deal ~l'ith, any

· '~. llr I't',iNln said. the treatment that was gil'en tlns to froOl Mexico. As per news slory This was announced as Britai ies to that convention and aIJ to the conference that a non'pro· unknown destmatlOn." Slt'.latlOn which may ame.' .. ' .. 'I' ',c,,"11 Hr {1lh~r: !hipwreeked CanadIan whcn he detained over 20 hours after being i tionals to Icave ESypt, moved to. other nations entitled to enjoy its fit International Suez Canal Au· Edcn reiterated Thllrsday th1tl The prime ministcr, II'hose po. , ",;)~;:,,; "·h)·-\\,a,, on reached New York." taken out of steamship pie~ by I ward a war looting In the Medii· benelits shall in fa~t be assured thority be set up to maintain open, Britain will not yield In rcsi,tin;: I litical future may be at stake in

,~.'~';; ht of :hc rnil~d Posse5sion?f a Canadian pa~s. I bnc!t door and apparently listed I errancan. But a good authorily of s~ICh benefits." ,and efficient Use of the canal. tt I "unlettered" Egyptian control of: thb criSIS. said that, "as the world · ,I:; i"1 ,,,. II:'! he 11"IS port did not gIve anyone Immumt)'1 M missing. Friends unable to 35· said the United States hall reo Britain issued the formal mvl· would compensatc stockholders of the canal. I I, today and as It IS hkely ,to be I .. , I': thl •• pr,·ial alten· Irom Im'cstJgations and attcntlons! certain my whereabouts ard When\'cd assuranccs that military tations to the conrerence, They, Ihe old Suez Canal Co,. pay royal· Herbert Morrison, lormer Lab· for ~ome time to come. the In?us, .(';j1~d, ' ,01 the ollicials of a foreign gOI·· i I rc,queste~. permission to com· strength will not be usc~ pending go both, to ~hc ,~igners ?f the 1888 i tics to Eg)'pt-presumably more' orite foreign ,SCCl'~lal'~', d,escribcd h'i:11 life of we,tern Europe ,hter­'!"1-llI,hl,rn, n:dlll'ahlrd ernment once the passport hol~er I mUnleate Illth Canadian consu! I the Aug. 16 conference m London conventlOn m Conslantmople and' than the sel'en per cent now palll! Amenean policy m Ihe Issue as; ally dcpend, uPtlll the conhnlled I.,,;;. IIc:;.:I1(',1 by U,S. reachcd the soil of that forelsn I' was told hy officer consul's offlc~ -unless there arc "prol'ocatil'c a second group of countrics "Iarg,' that eountry-anll undertnke lon~, , "hesitant, 'rather 1I"0bblin)!." . rree nayiAation 01 the canal."

iuthnrill'" !elr more ~ol'crnmcnt. closed and could not be contacl~d. acts." ely concerned with the usc of the I term maintenance and improved: ----------. ':cr' after Ill' WHS rc.;·: H,\S LEGAL R1GIlT . I Strongly protest Gc~tapo - l1ko Thus a period of two canal, either Ulrough ownership of 1 ment projccts. ". C . "'1'; It,lian linrr Andrea' "The U.S. has the legal rlsht to I t;ca.tment ,without ~hghtest Just!. weeks appeared to bc del'CloP'1 tonnage or pattern of trade," I ,,"OULI> GO AIIEAD II Marine Corps Regr'ets ourt . .. . question and to detain anybod)' un I flcalOn. ~llIan BabiC," ing, But Cairo dispatchcs cast The fist group includes Egypt.. While Cairo sources indicated a;

. .. r Q Ol( B'll doubt on whether PreSident Nas· Francc. italy, The Nctherlands, 'I refuse to send a reprcsentativc i G • F . 'A • II ueen S I SCI', who seized the Suez last Spain, Turkey. Britain and Rus· to the Aug. 16 meeting, thc we.;t·1 st rain or sia I. Thursday unucr a nationalization sia. Thc second Is composed 01 crn powcrs wcre reported dclcrm- Martial, Says Ex -General 'F C 'bb dc~rec, would agr~e to a~y so~t the. United States. C~yl?n. ~us.' ined !o go ahea~ rega~d!css. of I or arl ean of mternallonal action undomg hIS tral1a. Denmark. EthlO~la, "cst EgyplIan .1~d So~,let parllclpatlOn,l By ARTHUR EYER.;'!"\, ,houl" hal'e becn demoled one

h C I b PI ' U.S. Stale Secretary Dulles. w!lo Ger.many, Greece, Imha: Indo. . 'Jl1e ".le,cllng Will bc a~ the for·: PAHRIS ISLA:'JD, S,C. (,\P)-' ,tripc for drinking, and Irans· o om 0 an FederatIon SueZ.lor.Eg~·Pt pla.ns. , nesla .. ~raq, ~3pan. NCI: Zcaland, elgn ml~!stel' lel'cl., ThiS ~ealls A reitred U,S, marille cl}mb.ll! fcmd, LaIr ... , wplyin~ to a hypo. met hcre IIlth BrItish and Fr,eneh NO.l'Ila~, Paklstnn. Pollugal and that, ~o~let Fo re !,l: II MlnJslcr, general said Thursday hc Ihink, Ilhelical Ilues!wn pUl by the prose.

IlI'I-lIillfn ,\r~ue uf' ferrcd capital and lechnl~al, a~~is. i LONDON (neuter~l - The I leaders to draft Ihe, conferc~cc S\\~d?n. '" • Dmlt1'l Sh~p!lov 11111 ha\',e the i thc corps rcgrets ever court mar, cution con C ,r rs i n l\ Ihe trasie .u:~r'trd that' tance. for instance, an Irrigation! Quccn Thursday gal'e royal as- J1lans, scemed somellhat relaxed \\llIle J~ unrllse,loscd, numbel or c~ance to JOin Dulies, Llo) II anil l tiallill~ Staff Sgl. ~Iallhe\l' C, )Ic. march. he salll "It nllght bc IICC-

n b~ mrfl 101 pl'ojccl would enablc thcm 10: sent to a bill which will enable a~ h,e preparcd to depart lor emerge~Cl \Ias rec.all~d Pm~~I,I. , Kcon for the dealh of six rcelll ',,; r,.ary 10 award .. , a court mar· C;nlilian :1'.111 to A!oian' grnw more foot!. the eventuai wclding o( 10 British \\ ashlnst~n~ I~;. ca.lled results o.~ 10 millta~y sen Ice b~ Brltam. BlI\Jsh, \\ ar Sccrclar~ Antony I With this outspoken testimony hal as III the degrec of ' , . guilt"

, . Mr. Argue sait! he was not sug· Caribbean Islands into one coun. the meetm",~ I cr., sat~sfa~tory. C,ommonllc~lIh countl'les, ~.I.s ~ I~c?d saHI U,lC p~oclamatlOn under i Irom Lt..Gen, Lewis B, (Chcsty) in such a casc, "l't I~f 111\11".;,1 ~5 the, ~cstlng that fond ~uppllcs replace lr~'-the Caribbean Federation, BRTT,\IN CALI.8 RESE~'ES Ile~e lInriCistood to ~e ~dllsm,~ ~~hICh rc:~er\es \~ere called up was, ('uller, lall'yer Emile Zola Ber.', Pullcr tostiliell he bclicl'cs ~Ic· "'d,.;u .. ~u (anad~',\ 534,·1 current capital aid. Addi!ionnl Officials hope that fcderal elec. ,.Dulles hal!. been me.etmg her~ Ihclr nationals t~ .Ieale Egypt ;f: :omclhm,g, elpll~~lcnt to n gen· I man rested his defcnee or Ihe ~I· I':con's ni~ht march was goo~ mil.

, ' 10 till' Culombo ,(unds should he made al'allable lions will be held among the fu.' II tth th,e. Bl'IlIsh an.d, Frcn~h for possible. The Hnhsh a~d Fren.h elal ,m~bl~lzah~n but the num·, year.old drill instructor II'lu) Ap. itar)' tacl.; and not oppressIOn ,Jf lltal. an lOl'fca-e 01 58"1 for this purpose. India had boucht I ture federatlon's 3,000.000 resi. elgn. 1~lmsters-Sehl)n Llo)d and embasslcs stressed, the> ha~1 n?~: be~s mlolled :~er~ much smaller.! ril 8 letl "ecruit plaloon it un ~ recruit" , (IiI m.\ elliler Ihe plan, I wheat from bolh the U.S. and Au· dents next ycar anu that the fcd, Christian, ~Incau. He had.lhe ?rdered an evacllalI~n of theIr Cit I Som"e Canbclra let bombers ale: death march into Hibhol1 Crec!;, And he ,lunned a (lrcilommanllv memb~r. of the British i stratia last )'car but not one I C1'atlon wiil begin operation shorl. opportumt) to talk Ilith Prime lzens but only, adVIsed them to, amo~b the forces. ordercd to thc The case i, cxpected III go Ih'~ mihtary audience hy declaring nc

'Ire I'apilal and bushel from Canada. Soinehody In Ily after a government Is elected. ~I1nlster Eden. busy hUstling .re. leave. In WashlOston, U:S, st~le MeliJtcrranean bulld,up, The Cau. jurI' toda\'-t8 dal's after it op. wou!d train trm,ps the \l'ay he a';"t,~ce 10 underlie.! the Canadian government was The bill wllJ lead to the linking sel'l'es .to .'he colors ,and ordermg depar!me~t, sources ,salll 2 .• 'O~ : berms wcnt 10 ~.[~lta. rcfUcllc?" ened,' . "thl:~ghl Ihey should be, trained.

c)Jntrie~, ,\11 Canadian l"Iall!ng down badly." : of Barbados, Jamaica, Antlsua. a~r" 31 m~. and nal al units. to American, m Egypt, lIerc advls~d: th~n flew on to C~prus. onl,y 2~0 i Pulier. b lu e eyes n"sllln~, l'eganlles.~ of auy Ilirectll'es from Pc 10 tnil:a, Pakistan, John Diefcnbaker (PC-Prince 1II0nserrat, Trlnld~d and Toba~u. \1 Ith1l1 strlkln~ dislance of Cairo, 1 to stay ,out o.f crollds and aVOId, mIles north 01 the Sue; Canals, square ja\\' jutting, rcstifiel\ al his ,upcnors.

Albert) said Mr. Argue was sug- Dominica. Grenada, St. Lucia, 51. A communIque Issued by the downtol\n Calro. . .I nor~hern, mouth, Thc crlll~er Gla:.:, ~lcl\col1's Irial on charges of man "Success in battle. Ihat i, t!lC . m~mber for AS5ini; gesting that Canada get in I~ne Vincent and St. Christopher·Nevis· ~relgt~ sCt:lettar,les atelknolwiledse~ S~rRhVEcY °d~ CANbADI'~NSt C· I ! gO\d~' til? de,stroy?rs, SIX LCT~; slaughter, opprc'ssion 01 rccruit,: ?nl>: ol>j~~liI'e ot r.13rine tram· Cmada ;h(luld allot ad. with the "dangerous" U.S. polley Anguilla. gyp s r b I 0, na ?na Ze as e ana em ass) ,a a r~ 1 an, a mm~S\leepel were reportr.,i: and drinkin~ on duly: m~,' he F:IIII. ,

bil to thr Colombo of conducting f1re·sales of farm . In OUawa. 'Prime Minister SI. sets subject. to 115 Olin p'0litlcdl has bcen asked hy Ottalla lore I bemg reau!ed, ., ' "I sav this night murch 11':1, Befurc ('ulicr tuuk Ihe 1\111lC~3 I:! Ihat thc), h~ used to, prodllct~ a broad. Laurent c x pre! led "warm cst I c~ntrol: But It eondcm~ed •. Ihe ar· P?!l on the n~mber of Cannellan, The ,aehmrnlty, a~nounced Thurs .. and is a deplorable aecillent, . ,t'lIld. a, y"nn~ drill, 'crg.eallt h~r~

grains from CanRulan Mr. Argue said he was not for wishes" for the .future of the nell' \ hllrar~ an~ ~nllalc~~1 5ClZure of I CitIzens In Eg)pt. 1 day nlg~t t~at .It t~tends to s~n,d: [ think, from rcadin~ abc:lt the Oil Pam, I.tard I~HI h!:; mannc , the A;i;,n countries a moment suggesting that Canada I fcderation.' I !!!e .I~aler?~. sa)l~g thatl act !II~~E B' '. T' the ROlal Naly alrcra!t carmr lestimony IIC Gen, Itandnlph ~I,·t,· ("II'rer on the Ime III defencc n! Ind want lood, emulale U.S. polie),. The Conscr. Speaking at the opening of the m,;o v~,s ar more t an nat onai· en anno!1I1ce~ ntam ~ .mll' Bulwark to .the" Medltcl'ranea~ ('ate yc'slCrday, Ihat he agrce; )!'~Kcnn, ,

Alfair! )linistrr Pear· I'alive member was proposinUI Commlms sitting, he Bald the hill Izahon. .. tary precaul~nns 111 the Hou,c (If I ~!onday ca,rrYlng ,an, air groul', _ and regrrts this man Hcr ILl, 5:"1. Leland, t!I:lndlflg. 22, , .. I t~e Colomb,] Plan \\'as that Canada tell Asian countries I represenled ali Important mile. J~h !orcl~n. see~tarles Mic; C?mmodnsil ~Ih,ere sOdmc s~ca~ers, The admIralty sal.d It also pl,an, ordere:1 tried b)' gencral court (\inghamton. :\,\:. l'I>kcd d:sc,p'

I!!:;ntd to Hlprlt· fOod ex. Ihat if they didn't have dollar5 stone for the Caribbean. . '. e~, consle~ t at the ~ch,on t plcturc 1'I1,am as ~termtnc !O, to, ~cnd tll'O olhcr alrel'aft earncrs, marlial." linary action h)' rcve:,!:n; hc .!cll ltl!e d rm~r;;'ncI'. The '.to buy Canadian whet they could Oppqsltion leader Drew wished lak.en h) the ~olernmcnt of E~~PI i go II alone If force Is neCC!'sary. -Ih,cscus and ,?ccan - to the Tf.STDlO;';Y STt.::-.:S CllO\\'1l !irc rccrliit platoon; lin m:m'lWi :r;:tri!! thcnl!Chc's pre. I starl'e to death. "slIccess, happiness, prosperity haling regard to all the attendant I to safeguard the canal, ! ~Icdltcrranean about S II n d a)' Pate, comll13ndant 01 Ihr corp;, ,imi\;,,· 10 .'teKron', ,(Ie<l(h mal':h --- - ------ and a great future In the Com· --------. te,tilicd hc t h n II g h 1 :ltcl\eeil bUl \\llho:a 10;; uf hfr,

k'it~:J:an from Prpprrrell Ellt i, at Ihr Peppercll : Ih:! m"rnin~ receh"

" fnr inillrir~ he reo , In !Cciflcllt nil the Con. tl; 1Ii.h\la) 1.,1 ni~ht. !o:;t'ICtm;n, IIllidculilicll, '"J~!!clcrn1lr.r;\ dlr!t Rnd

uhcn hi.I car cra~hcII h~i~;r. nt,r Krli~rcws

t:i·,t o'docll. llatDonalrl, ~ rity rr.~i. . t~~ m!,n 10 lhe Pepper.

In h" rar, The Ser. bccn -ttempting to

·"U!:n,,,,., car on lhe ,cClflent occur.

,t(lpprd to hclp Ind after checking

R.C.l1.P, took him to SI.

IYouth Arrested m' .... '." 'M th, ""ntl". Princess Grace Expecting Baby, Do~ke~s-~rlefl For Impersonating Stassen Opens . d ReMP Constable ~H'IkedAnd .Chris"~2E~~L~?P) _ T~I~~! th':~~~ht n" J,., C~l~b~~t~~g. Business

GRAND FALLS, Aug. 2 :... A ea quarters Mon~co ~llrst with king· sized cele· va~te II. on which the 32·ycar.~ld '200 SllI'pS Flee ;>;apb, Italy I Al':-t-iir lIern.· hrl' prelly hc~.I, ''[',Il (',fl1 Ihink· young man from Montreal Char. bratlOn 1 hU,rsday. 'I!'~ palace an· 1 prmce and I~e 26·ycal··old prlO' I ,. '. al'l ~ml L~(I' Dockcr leayin: in- of rh;lIl:!in~ nil" 11 ,li~Il~lit)', lc~ Wm. Lynch was arrested by WASHINGTON (AP)-Harold E. nounced Pnnce na,mlcr 1Il and 1 cess spe~t their ,h,onc)'moon, man· " ,. thcli ohl'rlat~11 \J"iml~f and., "I dnll'l like h~(n~ INI like" Ihe police in Grand Fal1~ on Tiles. Stassen opener! An "Ike and his 1IolI.Y1I'00,d ppncess, ,Gra?c i oeul'red IOta posl:lOn 10 lake thcm Fronl Wanda' i lostrca~lsc in"Britain. look ~o tldr. 1"lIlh 10 the ,lall~lllrl' hkc some day midnight for falsely reprll. Chris" headquarters Thursday. Kelly, alC expecting II c1uld lD Ion anothcr Medltel'rancan cruisc I _ : hig white prhl Shrmara Thurs II! the pcnp!r t Sill\" ),c;tel'da)', I'\'e scnlins himself to be an R.C.?I.!'. Eeven as he did. the heads of the FcbnJary" '. Sunday bclore they deparl Scpt., PEIPtNG (Relllel'.I)-~lore thall, dal' for a Inno re,t ~'Jl l1H1rc plude," constable In the Grand Falls area l1epubllcan Senale Rnd House of Flags. mlntmg and champagne 120 ,ror 0 two·month visit to tile; 200 ships, l'al1gin~ from big (reigh,: "'We arc hl'~l\'ncd' nH "Ilrr "II Sil' Bernard l(ll)~rd lIrkrtcd, on special inl'cstigatlon work for Representatives campaign com· ~oasls could hardly, mca5ure the Umted States. ! ters to liny lishing cralt, : curried' Ihis hullabaIOlI ," said the haml.. Mkrd \I'hell,er he plans an:, the Montreal poilee. millecs 'loosed R blast at what JOY of ~Ionacans. Who want n~th. The annuunecment also pul an: into Shan~hai harhm: Tlmrsdal 10 SOl11e blonde Lad)' Docker. who' m'\I' mlll'c a;:ain,1 the board, I~c

they termed his "irresponsible ae· Ing more than the patter of tillY end-at least tempurarily-:-Io rll'l escape the fury of, Wanda, !he I 1'0\1'5 she is read\' to lurn in hcr: rich industriali,t shru~gecl hI' According to the Cl'idr.nce of

t 11'0 taxi drh'ers in court today Lynch approached them on sep· arate occasions and told them he was a police officer from Mon· treal here on a spacial assign, ment . and he wanted entertain· ment. One driver declined to ac· commodate Lynch but anolher took him around and eventually he be· came intoxicated.

He was fined twenty five dol· lars and costs.

lions." 'feit aroll~d the, stone and ~tueco mol'S that the film star mlgh,t reo worst typhoon to lut Ule Cluna Hritlsh passport.' "One would be; broad sllOulders. and sald: . Senator Andrew Schoeppcl (Rep pa ace oleriookmg the Medlterra· turn 10 Holl)'wood for more fIlms. coast for <It least 50 years. I anl'thing now but a British su!).: "There 1I'0uldn t he much POlO:

Kan.) and Representative Richard nean. ", a mOl'e the prince is known to . Vicioll,s winds trailcd b, torrc.n, 1 je~t," ! 10 it. The shareholdcrs secn~ In. III, Simpson (Rep. Pa.) contended With the IJdgetmg Oler, Monaco oppose. hal raInS lashed Ihe Chmcse The hullahaloll 'I rose ol'e)' the: Ihink the)' knoll' what they \\3nt. in a joint statement that Stassen prepared a celebration sc~ond In Philadelphia. II'callhy John mainland alter plotting a pattern Dockcrs' ca~paig~ t~ win back I So thcy'd bettcr get on with ,I. is wrong In his argument that only to the fanfare of Ooodhg,hts B. Kelly Sr .• father of the movie of wreckagc through Formosa and his S129ooo.a.)'ca1 job as mana~.! Anyway. ,'m reliel'ed of m)' I" Vice. President Richard Nixon andl pageanAtry given the weddmg queen. said "We have known Okinawa. south of Japan, in~ dlr~ctor of Ule Birminoham: sponsibility." would cost the Republicans votes Usc f .Iast prU 18·19. about It for about six wceks and U.S. army authorities on Okin, Small Arms Corporation. a beom, : ------if renominated and should be re· A loyal heir Is extremly 1m· we are very hAppy for thtm." aWa Thursday issued an all·elcar an' II' h 0 s e products include "t S I H" placed on the Republican ticket porta~t to Monacans. By a ,1018 Reports that the American ae· 10 Iroops 1!onfined to barracks bai~ler luxurv cars,' I tllU 0 • a cs ~', by Governor Christian Herter of treat~ with F~anee, Monaco Iloutd tress was expecting have been when Wanda hit the island Wed, The stockholders voted reso,! . ' Massachusetts. ~e! a Freneb. protectorate an<\ current for weeks. They first were nesday. lutcly against Sir Bernard. and In 1 Record HI 0' 11

"The loss of VICe - President .. onaenns su lect to French taxes heard shortly after the couple re, f f th d' t ho fred ... NIXon on the Republican ticket and the French military draft If tUrned Junc 6 from their hone... Military spokesmen said it h~vor 0 e Irlrec ords, II' I m LJ

'U R I dl d ,'th hlld Th J I t k f' d b I 1m at an ex aor mary co . WI cost miT parly many milllons an er C ViI out a c . c moon cruise tomthe Balcarlc Is .. wou d a e a ew ays to ta u ate an;' meetin" in London Wednes. OTTA \\J\ (CP)-Total sales of of votes," Sehoeppcl and Simpson heir to the centurles'old throne lands and Spain i thc amount 01 dam:l,ge caused hy dP • '1'1 I "I I d h' t rncil new motor I'ehicle~ in Canada

Id b b , " 'J . I th tiN It'" al·. lOug I ler a ys IP u : ' sa • can e a o~ or gil , I e yp lOon. 0 easuu les II ere I . 'II I 'h" ., I'. b 'h It 'b,t vcar zoomed to a record Back . to end British rule and unlle their

C Island with Greece. Many Cyprjot yPI'US leauers Insisted exiled Archbishop Stassen Is beginning four weeks The 4000 citizens of the 3GO·acrr ' ,nn.' IeI' c al m m 11s ca. I " I • 'I tl b f pa

I '1'1'1 '. d't f Nfld Sl' i rep~rled 011 Okinawa. : 1.;1111' Docker, who has made a: 11Ig I. l\'Itl Ie ,num cr ,0 s· ~e:n~e if:e~ho~!:r,r~ls::m:~ee~i ~~I~C ::d

1 tj1el~a~S ~~ d;:hc

for a~~i~ • nes In Formosa, police re~orletl ril'e lint Ii headlines in her 50 years.: senger ~'al';;r snld 11\ OI~~11'10 . a~~n~ lIJakarlos was the only person t (AP) - Lorll Rad. with whom negotiations could be I legal e~l,ert scnt to held.

advisor. '1'1 ~I I' C 'I bl'l ~ per~ons killed by Wanda's frin"l" !ing~l'ed a pearl n~ck\ace and I :l('counhn~ ur neal Y ,pel n zen~. Ie OIbl e 310 gam 11"1 FRlJ)AY. AUGUST 3' winds Wedne~da" 19 missin" a~d' comnwnlrd aridh' to rcporlers on! ur the tul,,1 ear ,ale.',

monlh 10 he~in work Radcliffe said he probably wlll 1IJ1~ CDn~tttution lor the have to make another trip to the

Ie turned to umdon 1~land before his recommenda. 13:~ he no\\' will lions to the government are com·

IOUI the impre,slon~" plete.

In a statemenl, he predicted ca81110 pa>'s a out 10 per cent II ' 'J. 'b", " " .'

that- by convimtlon ttme-now 18 the annual $3.000,000 budget and (Standard Time) 10,UUO sli'undclt by f1oo.ds, ,: thiS .st~te 01 allull's In all'port JII'; The burcau of st;J,ti>lics Tllm';' days away-the Republicans will the remainder comes from, a gOI', Sunrisc ........ 4,40 a,m. Wunda struck (\~e Clunese ma~n:' tervlCIIs at ,London, I\here t~e tl~O day rcporled that 46:;.678 pas, come to the vIew that Herter ernment monopoly on clgarel3. Sunset........ 7,32 p,m. laml on the Chckl~nc co.ast cal,l) . boarded thclr planc, and at • api,s >en~cr and co 111 mer c I a t I'C'

1V0uid be the !trongest. running matches and the sale of postagr IIIgh T!Df;S 1,011' today and seyth,c.hkc \\'mds Il'Ith, wl!~r~ they lan,dcd;, ' .. ' hiclcs with a relail I'alile 01 $1. mate for President Eis~nhower's stamps. a,5R a.m. 10.17 a,m, specds of 112 mllcs an houl' were \\ Ith "Ihe JUS,II(c., II c ,ct In 25:;.R!lB.OOO ,old la,t ),c1r rx· seeond.term bid. Soon alter Ihe news was re, 4.10 p.m. 11.04 p,m. reeorrlcl!' ,Enl:land, she saId \\Jlh a .to,s~)I. rceded all)' preriolll year hoth :1'

---- .... ---- --.--.. ----.-.-. -------,--- ---.-.-.- number alld I'aluc. ,~I POll hil ·'recom. Britain has promised Cypru~ In. ,r"o 'hap~.'· . creased home rule, but insists

'r, :rnfr~l\)' lI'a, hov- that violence on the island mllst

~';;;' "'~ .. , b.'~, It ... R""d" CCF Casts Off Regina Manifesto, Talks roops, e s .' r In. Border Area On New "Swing'To The Right" 8attieCry _ ERRY. Northern China. • " , , , , . '.

lIurmese troops On the Chinese side of the bor· By RICHARD ANCO egnlcs. But on the surface It But they denounced monopolies ership is the only means' of en' I the deelara\:UJn adds., ~Vade1'! of Bur. der, In Yunnan, Burmese Intelli· Canadian Prell Staff Writer solved a philosphic crisis conf~nt. an,1 big business which they said richins the life of the people." Barriers of privilege arc hi"f

in,~ve, engaged in 'gence reports said Thursday, Red WINNIPEG (CP) - The CCF lng, social democrats everywhere were Industries for public owner, SOCIAL PLANNING. ,thousand~ live in want and in~1 ~ II uding one six. Chi n e ~ e troops are feverJshly Thursday threw asIde the Regina In an ern of prosperity and cap· ship. The nel~ decla~~t!On malntams curity, slums and inadequate hou,

urmese Army building loads and approaches'lo- Malnfesto, its guide In Canada pol. ItaUst optimism. I other delegates urged a return that a soclCt~ of mutua~ respect ing prevail pensions are too 10\'. Thursday.· ward Burma. ltics for 23 years, and took on a ANSWER CRITICS to'the "path of 1933" and a lirr;lrr and equali!y of op~ortumt)": call for health ~nd dignity. many 'can

Chi Chit .~Iyalng, Reports said the Reds have dug new battle cry of liberty, equality National Chairman Davld Lewis statement of CCF policy agamst best ,be bUilt by, SOCial planmng. ,; not afford hospital and medi~,' ~ere "ksf offIcer and In on Burmese soU. They have and mixed economy. and Premier T. C. Douglas of free enterpriSe and for a society Private profIt an~ corpora', care and educational institutipn .. , tiled and three cleared jungle paths and mule In a neW 24.paragraph declara. Saskatchewan. leader of the only of socialism. . p.olVcr must be subordmnted t~ S?, "are starved for funds."

In the slx.hour tracks leading Into wUd mountain. tlon of prinCiples, approved by the CCF provincial government reo Charlie Bleseck of Wmnlpeg clal planning designed to aehle~ C

the Chinese were ous reglo.IS peopled by headhunt. CCF national convention meeting plied to the critics. ' said that the' declaration may Ihe highest possible living ,st~nd. 'The declaration calls for a UI]; Ing tribes. here, the party advocates a swing They said private business had place 'the CCF in the hands of a,rds, frce40m from ~~crlmlDa. of rights. an international polic) IUlho 'Ii .

I Ch.' es dIsclosed iblU ,"ese (orce, be.

the bo t 500 :nen, had I~l!tn:,ucr area for ~n .

Col. Myalng said he has now to the right, a soclety with public its part to play in the life of the the Liberals "who, after alii hal'e hon and world peace. I~ says. of economic assistance to und~r ordered his officers to try and private and co _ operative enter. economy . that an clement • co.operative ·enterprise." Despite great ceonomlc expa~· developed counlries, prohibition r; avoid any further .. actlon. He said prise. choice I;as essential to·'1 Iree na. Mr., Douglas immcdiately reo sion and unp~ceedenlcd scicnti,llC nuclear lVeapons under erCecli'J(' . he Is awaiting reinforcements be, HolV radical "the change Is from lion and that free enterprisa. plir,d: . and adl'ances whl~h I conlrol and inspcction and a re:i\, cauSe his three battalions ,In 'ht the harsly anI! • capitalist man:· rathcl' than being Just toler?ted. "Socialism and stale o\\:nel'ship hal'c brought Canada, to I,hr lirmation of support in the United

di!pule be, :area are nOI enough to man pa. !esto w.a~ uncel·taln. It did arouse should be given OPPol'tu'nities and Afc. not .~ynonymous lel'~s. No, thr~sho.ld ,?(. ... a ,sc~o~d md(l~tl'l,:1 I Nations. Communist trois and guard the bourtary. , opposition from a mln~rity of del. h,clped in its growth. where have we s~id publIc own· revolutIon lDequahhcs conhnllo.

, ~

r . .' .,

The lIumuN' "I ncll' pa"rll~rr . cal' sales r05C tn a record 38Ii.%~ lI'ith a retail volue 01 SI.023.351 •. 000. compared to salcs valued al 5797.554.000 the pl'eriolls year and

I lopping the prel'ious high of 359,· : 172 cars valucd at S899.726.oo0 in : 19:;3, i Passenger car salcs in Ontario i totalled 180,888 of the total Cana. dian salcs. arid 80.918 cars II'crt!

'Id in Quebec.

A girl' should not worry about being too toll, There's alwoys a

,premium,o.:! long.stem~ rOles. J


, l i

I .

, .1 I I Ii Ii ,


, 1

I 'I I

. ,

Page 2: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

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2~ ________ ~ __________ ------~~----~~--------------------~w------~~~----~~l

. . '



. '. ;.,

Yes. folks, we have designed this page

especially for your 'round th.e bay~ conveni­

ence. Check these stores for your everyday

needs as well as for your holiday supply. The I

proprietors of these firms will meet your every

requirement. Shop along the highway today. ~


Whether you come in

for an oil check or

~~~;;=-a fill.up-you'll find

. that our Courtesy and Friendliness make a

visit more enjoyable I

\ ,


: , .




. IO'~GNA, lb •.................... ,II ••••••••• ,I •••••• 29c.



" ~. ~ ... ~ .. Jh'

~~.i ~: ,. " . .: ...

1 24-01. jar of CUSTARD and 1 package of WILSIL WEINERS .......... 69c.

JUICE .ORANGES,· dOl ............................. 49c.

LOCAL CABBAGE, lb ...................... ~ ...... ,15c. . •


Store open until Midnight from Sunday to Sunday

BRADBURY'S MARKET Prop. Mrs. Russell Phone 6826H

e:~: ' .' Lo~,L-----------------­.. " ~:

I"~------:---" 0'

.,~----=--=====--===----=~ " ',' " ' '. r, . , . :.:~ :;j . : I~ .: . OCTAGON . ~ '. GROCETERIA LTD. (., , :... . j:i . ~1 ~

· §i '" i~ ... ~ " ': -.~ t ' . ..... ~. " ".

: .~: ' ,.. ... · ':: ~~~1'~

t- ' ~.

~.: "



9 am.-11 pm., • MODERN UP·TO·DATE STORE



: :~ :.. ' •. EFFICIENT SERVICE .' , ~ ~r :" • ,CLEAN INTERIOR

,,>.¢ '~':;~/.:, .. ,:" . , .'





Kelligrew's' . Service Station

For Reliable



. Kelligrew's Service Station










(Rest Rooms)










. . i




" .


ospitl ., taff ~

1t11 Minister. the gea hospitals

_ •• nt'\'U"'" although:

~~~;~~~'~~~blelnS, Dr. Mel all over the ~ro

they cannot be said

demr.nd and neell fo: ahead o[ the pro\' to dcal with them,

'fin"'I.), stater! . arc growing

\I~Gr,!ln said. but Is not a serious f blcm is not only

~~rou~hout Ncw~oun ~Ii!lister contmue,

right aCross Canada, c 'hat the needs a

greDr: )lcGrath tolr! " wc need morl b~5piials in 51. JO~I

McGrath said space IS 'in dealing with thr

medical staffs. is :0 hc found hefOi

he wcnt on. Health )!inistcr ~r· new nursing sehc~e last ycar and, d.cSlgr training condItions

to prospective /1

would definitely the situation,

needs and the prohlrt discussion and ,·re

!crious consideration 1 .:. •• nm.nt he added.

prints, u with oth . hI! purchased, will bl only to I.O.D,E, membl to schools, hospilal~,

the .ged, and communll

"Stratford Adl' the beginning al

Ihe Shakespeare i .U'IU~lro, Ontario, and

of the Festival' to Its realization a~ In Canada's cultural

FALLS, Aug. X·ray unit wI

Grand Falls yester successful day toda; Falls mill and sinc

near the lime omee thi ~t 10.15, 612 workers

Company were X'I technician~ Fitzger Wcr emel by a' cr of workers who I

formation ncar and ~ach person

The unit will res

Page 3: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,





J7.48tfS .~. ,

• . ,

ST, JOHN'S, 'NEWFOUNDLAND, The Daily !yews FRIDAY, ~LGUST 3,1956

.Presentation On ,

ospitalsF acing Retirement July Were

Temperatures U·nder Nor'mal Shortage,

, lIlt ;,linistcl' the Hon. Dr. James IVlcGrath says po"~ ho,;pitals arc generally short-staffed and

~lthough conditions ihroughout\the pro­

, not as serious as those reported at the West­a.e . I' C B k I orial Hosptl<t In orncr roo,

\enl h " .• 1- t -----------. Ih trld I r ., CI\., "s ):'~~~t ,colrrnl11C~t apprcc· Children's Healt'h 1:1 ro blem! belll~ fllced '

p IhroughoU\ the pro· S I M 'k" is Ilkill~ dcfinite steps C Ierne a 109

\ ba:tin~ them. c,m Irom Cor nrr Brook P

.'. Fur coats and woolen gloves should' have bken the

sttnd~rd attire for ~esidents of NewfoundlaryWs Capital Clty·m July, according to the monthly weather report issued by. the Meteorology Office at Torbay' Airpo~f.

The average temperature last month ,was three degrees. below normal. The average high wa~ four degrees bclow normal, mid the average Idw thermometer readiDl was more than a degree off the uSlla! JlIly pace. The average tcmpera:ure In July was 56.8 de­

The C.N.R. Commi~sion studying I grees, the averl'~e .high was a the operation of the National Rail· none 100 warm 64.1 and the low way's Maritime services is expect- was 49.5.' ' cd 10 be in Corner Braok today as Tack on 5.31 Inches of rain and

A I(o\'ernment scheme to pro. i! ope~s its first ma~or investiga'l July, in comparis?!! wit]! past !lid 1hat the B(Jard of rogress I Weilern )Ielllorir,\

°lold the hllspital was ol'rrrrllwricd nnd

hons Info transportation problems ; Julys, ·was ,downright miserable. vide free medical, dcntal and op. in Newfoundland. ! Noticeablc rainfa1l1t·st month was

.' • tical care for Ncwfoundland chll· '. prohItJll'. I.)r )I:~~·a.h. dl'clI from birth 10 sixteen years of The Commission arrived in Port i recorded on fifteen days iJlcom· . ,II WI" .h(' I~I 01 Ince I a.~e I~ wcll advanced in Ihe plan. aux Basques yesterday and was to i pari!on with the averalle 13, the" ean:lPl Ill' ,aul to he nlnll stages. Dr .• Tames IIlcGrnth, journey on to Corner Brook. : On the other hand the sun did

. ~linister or Health, made Ihls Its 'understood the Commission, manage to poke its head between d;mr.n~ ;\nd lI("l'ri ff1~ ~c~. statement In an Inlerview with plans. two or three other stops he·: the perpetual o"ercast on 25 day!. Ihr.iI of Ihc 11'rol·.I,lIc


s t11~ 'DAILY NEWS last night. ' fore It reaches St. John's where its 'The r.ppearances or Old Sol, how·

I, dr,l willi t len!, Ie Dr. McGrath told the NEWS MR. G.' NOFTLE, AssIstant Superintendcn,t of The United Church Division of the Dept. of Education, expected the butk of Its work wili i evcr, didn't even giVe him timl ,. I Ii" I . be done. 'to tal,'e • bow. He managed to

, Ilinimr ;Iat~(, . tlint tiC gOl'Cfnment 5 carefully retlred on Ju y 31st, after 44 years of unbroken service in the field of education in Newfoundland. On Tues- n ',". I"t' arr ~rull"lII~ lon~. inl'estigntinll the scheme and A C.N.R. ~pokesman In St .• Tohn's 'slin his ra)'! through the cloud fr';. I,. I t riC" day ,morning co-workers at th,e Department met t,O SHY fat'c\"ell to Mr. Noftle and to p""sent hJ'm' wl'th a told the Daily News ·yesterday that i cur' 'aln on onh" 178 hours com·

.• l' (;rllh ,":rI. IU ol·e· (r Intte plans arc being mode to- ",,, th' . I" [I. "!l r.~t a ,(,,.lIlIIS !ar:or. ward its implementation. farewell gift, Left to right:-Mr. P. Henley (presenting' the gift of a mantle clock to :Mr. Nome), Mr. Charles . ~ chommlsslOn will pr~bably ar·! paring with 209.7 hours In any

" h"m i' IIIlt <lnly wide· The proposal to provide free R b • S 't d t f U C d me ere over the cOl.llln,l( wcck· norm~1 Jul)· .. 'I~"" _ II"!' f dl 0 errs, upel'ln en en 0 •• epartment.-(Daily News Photo), end. Ther· wa· more fo" last month '~l~~ut Srwfounc ~n". m~lcal ~re fur Newolln and _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •• ~ ~' \Ii~i;trr c"nlinllcd, hut children was fir5t announced by than the average citizen would

,'tilhl1CMi Canada. Premicr Smallwood late last year. Ed tt' Off" t '1 R t' ,llCMP Nab Woods welcome. We hrd 223.B hours of , ':h,1 thr nrril, are lOb- Later legislation authorizing Its uca IOn IC' la' e Ires Pol-IO \\1' I F ~:'dlnorcl09mlpahroius~n. with the .Iand·

Dr Ilel;rath lold the implementatlnn was passed In the a. • • . ' :"r nrl',1 more ~ta(f provincial legi~lalllrc after hnth or {ers j or The picture would not hare look·

·~;'rllJ:; In ~I ,·;:'. ~~y~rnmen! and opposition leadcr! lIIembcrs of the staff of the De- HI' t h t f I 11 I hied a3 miserable as It did hnd I~ 11,r.r'lh ' .. "I·r·1 ',I,.'rt' I' a l'ln IOIccd their support or the pro. t . f Ed II t I h en ey s regre s t a Mr. No tel wCi n t e great respons bllity Da,nger : n'lf' G . d !lot been for the fact Ihat Jun(' ._ , " • n' " par ment 0 uea on me n I e b leaving thc department. and wh ch lies ahead. ii""1 CrIn 0' 00 S

'n ~~alin: (I"Ith the lack ,~ram. , board room of the Department on that for Ihe last six months, while 1 Spealting to all the workeu In ' ' 'b produced more than Its share of " n,orl'I.';,1 ;1:I!lS. The I Dr. ~lcGrath. Inld the NEWS T I I 'sun tam. 'Wealher forec",;!crs , ' I tl t tl I I b 11 hi UeSC ay morn ng to say farewell he was taking over the new dutics II education, Mr. Nome said. "you 'I ,.Grand Falls. Aug. 2-At 12 :\"ere lookln" ,for' brlglltAr July.

" . h lOll"> hr!OI'c the, Ja Ie p an IS 10 C .loroug y t III Gilb rt N ftl I I tit d t ! hi d I t f II' lith k I k t d h " ~ n ~ .1.0 r" discllssed at an execuhve level 0 r. e 0 e. ass s an as super n en en 0 ~ epar· mus a In ove II' your wor 0 ' (, C ne yes er ay noon, t e RC.l b t t' d'd 't

'. "Inl ~n h f i . I t b I superintendent of the United menl he has been fortunate to to make a success.". ow,n' )!.P. were .called to .Rattling. B.r.ook i uSt·li'l iln~a .• e_om"!l~o·Pt·llnlst·lc mood "H!3Ilh )lini.lrr ~ •. i~1 tllC iti~I~~ ~~~e~.loI·e IS mac e 0 r ng Church 'divlsion, who retired on hal'e IIIr. NoftJe's help. IIIr. Noftle began teaching In : Depot. Blshop'~ ralls divISion.' ... ' .'" r II "h :/\\' nUI!il1: < In roo Announein" Ihe scheme In Ihe July 31st alter 44 ~'ears of un. IIII'. Henley presented Mr. Noftle 11912 and taught for 18 years, 15 11·.here the)' were advised that the, tillnMs look ~ Itt~e more rl. t 'l't \"tar a~d cir,<lgnc(1 to Lc"islature "Premier Smallwood broken servIce In education In with a mantle clock as a farewell! of these he Spent at Bonavista. In There's little apparent i camp or Mr. Sherron Bartlett was: fO.r .Augusl. despIte ,al! . of th~ 't;lir.'in~ [I)I1,lili"m more pointed out Ihat it would ellmln. Newfoundland. gift, and replylnR Mr. Noftle i 1931 he came to St. John's to work I closing and it was suspected that ~raln last night. Augus, IS u5ualt~ " In ~ro;prrlil"r nUfl,ing atr doctnrs and hospital expenses Mr. P. Henley, iuperlntendent thanked him for his tribute. He \ as a school Inspector on the super· \ danger of a polio epidemic some of the men were about to i our warmest month and there

. ' \1o.uld dr[initrl)' help and would provide free diagnostic of the Roman CathoUe dIvisIon found the oem ion a happy one, visory .~taff under the late Dr. in Nfld. thi! year, says Ileal'e the camp lI'ilh a quantit'l' of I should be less rain than In. July. tht !IIllatIN" and treatment service! for all was the chairman for the event. he saill, Inthal he was not leav· I, Levi Curtis. 1 Dr. James McGrath. Pro- !inned foods. the property ot'the: • , •

wd! a.nrllhr prnhlrlll~ ~re ,Newfoundland children sixteen and spoke of hli Ian/( associatlon ing the department alto~ether for In 1931 he wa~ reappoinled aSj' "I'ncial·ster of Health. I' A.N.D. Company. Ilr Ifaglstrate s Coun 'n I -r- beln" wilh Mr, Nome, "His '\IIords of he Ivould still bc ,sel'vl'ng"S a I a school superl"isor umler the m The police conducted R ·-arcll,lU •

'/i!(umOn n ( ,., ,. \'ears and under Irrespective of n I' "' "riOU! ron;icirl'iltion by Ihe ill~ans.' advice Rnd encouragement showed member nf Council. He was glad·, Commission of G01"e~nment and, Dr. McGrath told the lof the men's hits bags at the depot 1

. he arl.lcrl. Dr. ~lcGrath said last night that the deep wisdom he had Iccumul· to. have the pril'ilcge of serving, I served with Dr. H. L. Pottle. who Nc'ws yesterday that not a ! and found Ihat'seven logl(en had' A'man charl:ed with stealing a further news in connection with ated during his work", IIlr. Henley he ~aid, and to leave In 'sound Ilvas the executive officer at that I various amounls of tinned foods, boUle of whisky. from the ""are-

, ~aid as he spoke of the help giVen health. time, and was later appointcd as single case of polio had 'in their pos!eSsion. 1 hou~c of Ihe United States Bor· the childrens' health scheme can to him when he first took 'up the He scrved under three devout assistant. i been reported in Nfld. in I In court at Grand FAil! toda," ernmenl, pleaded guilty to ·the be expected withIn 'the very ncar work as Inspector of schools. men, Burke. B1ackall and Dr. Levi Mr. Noflle I~ a member of Ihe i the seven men were ar.raigned I charge In Magislrate's Court on fulure. He paId tribute to Mr, Nome Curtis, Mr. Noftle said, as he spoke United Church Council of Edu· July anc~ only three cases ,and conviCted for taking the food Thursday morning. He Will fined

AI a "man of prInciples, who when of his years of service. JIe lrav· cation, and also one of the execu· have been reported since I which was the property of the .~50.00 or one ·month. .

Nazis", Dead, he. decides Ihat a thing II right elled through Newfoundland and live of the Board of Prince of J f th' A.N.D. Company. IIIr. Lloyd E. An official of the U.S. Army will not .werve,l, He wished Mr. knew every cove Bnd most of the Wales ColI~ge. He plans, he said, anuary 0 IS year. Baggs, assistant secretary with the said that he !lAW" the accused

lalIT/net B Smart. pml'l Says German. Noftl, man,. ,.ta~1 of pleasant re- people, He considered the dpart. to have a "usclul re!ircment", and A.N.D. Company at Grand Falls leave a ship at thl dock, and tlrement. ment of, education the most 1m. h~s already been made offers for, I 11;'as. prcsent In court today and he noticed that he "II sUghtly In·

'Mr. Charlel' 1I0bertl. luperln. portant one In' the government future work but beforc he makes' "CO e" Fer' I advised the court that the A.N.D. toxlcaled. The man MSO lla'd a tendent of tbe United Church de- because of its deallngs with young further plans for his work he will . V IICS Company took a minus view of 40 oz bottle of Canadian Club

thl ~aliollal Chapler. 1m· 'C I I B C Order D,ughtm of Ih~ Em· onsu n .".

. lh,t Ihe Nationdl

partment' old th.t h •. Ihared Mr. live., and wished the department lake a long holiday. E I I" R such conduct not In the Ilght of whisky with him, and .... hen the

I j sta ) Ish ecord the Actual value of the items official went 10 «et the bottle

C' \ , '. L"k N S ' The veml was delivered to New II N t stolen on thi~ particular occasion Ihe man refused to give iUo him hI! purchmrl !il'e prInts :;llioo.1 Film BOHeI's

Adl'cnturr" 16mm

VANCOUVER (CP)-"Nillsm h dead in West Germany," UYI Dr. lIeinrich F. Liebrecht, West Ger· man consul in Vancouver:

agney.. I es •. Bedford, ~ass., recently for C~IS' ees 0 -- but with the. principle involved. and threw It down and broke the

b il . tom. clearance, ,On hand tn \\el· .... I . Newfollndla~d Transportation, ~Ir. Baggs mformed the court bottle. "Now where Is your evl· Ship u' de, rs tome the boat II ere )\{r, Ca~ney" JOlJll11 0' toeal Company rerrlc~ ~haltercrl erery I that the A.N.D. Company logger! dence" he uked the 1Iff1c!al.

In colour, for di~tribu· I.O.D.E. Chaplen across

~rinll, AI with othm the p\mhmrl, will h! shown

10I.O.D,r.. members, but IChDOI;. h";l'il.I.~, homes II!d, and community ,ath·

"Stut/~rrl Adl'enture" thl bq:innin~ and first

Shakr!pc.r~ Feslll'al Onl'l·in. and records

, Df the rc,li\"al'~ pro· t! It! rulizalion a! ~ mile. Il Clnada'! rultural ~ro\1"th.

Unit Fa]]s

''It will never develop Iialn. The German' people' salv the hor· rors and tragedies II can brlllg In CHESTElt. lUI; (CI') - The Its wake and they hI\', had' craftsmanship, and' reputation of enough," he saId. ' Nova IcoUa' •• hlpbulldel'R have a

Dmlnl the Hitler !'fllme, Dr. solid suppor\tr tn movie Ictor Liebrecht was sentenced t'o death Jamu Carney, f()r opposing the Itat.. but WII The fUm .tar II .. ltoulht a two· liberated I~ter by the Russianl, muted BUlfeye ketcll from Chll' His wife committed .uielde when ter, Seacraft. Induatri.. Limited ~he heard of her husband', !en· her •. tcnee and hIs baby daughter wa~ The lrete-h, f(IIIltruclld l1li order ~ent to ~ concentration camp and for Mr. Cagney, Is Illulpped with later dlcd. ..Iii and a' 30·~oratpower dlelel

The nell' consul says there art a moLor. He hll nimed, her Mary fell' NaZis left In Germany, chIefly Ann of Chilniark, . between ·the ages of 31i and ,45.

"Today there are no Commun. Upon the request of the West Isb In West Germany and as there German ,overnment, h~ rttumed Is no extreme lelt wing ,Ihere 15 to' Bonn In .1951 and. was later ap­no need for an exlremc right. The pointed \:onsul In San Francisco. people realize the middle of the After serving In San FrancIsco,

Il\~1l r \L1 S A ~ ~ T1 I road Is the best travellln;;." he, was given -the post of eonsul :lbile X ra',·· .:1 .. h~i-h Ie i Dr. Liebrecht was' educated at here,' L b h R I II Gran'd'ra'il URI tll'd C hard' 'I' the University of Goltingen alld Dr. Ie rec t saYI tile un Ins

~ )'r~ er ay a .' I til d j d" i G are the newesl,threat to Germany mcm!ul da1' lnda' at thc I II as a er appo n e u "e n er· H f hi Tal's mill '1 . ~ man courts. After his liberation he .e ~-ys m. '1 D S cDllntry's j. an~ ~lnce open· was appointed a judge in Bavaria,' farm land fa In the hands of Rus·

IOlh~ lime Qlhcc thIs morn· i He later left for the United States. sla and there are only jobs for .l~. 612 workers 01 the I . meehanlcally·lncllned persons in

C~mpa~y "m X-rayecl. I \\'ork tomorrow !morning at 9 We~t Germany.' , .' tlchntClar.\ Fitz~crald Rnd ,o'clock and its generally expected' Many of the, farmer! •. he says, '11 rmct hy a con~istenl ,that in view nf today's fine Ich· have come to Canada, but he adds ~I '.orken who lined up : iel'ement of 612 employees X· that West German emigration 10'

formalion ncar the X. I raved the total 1500 mill workers Canada has fallen off because the lh1nd each per;ol! \\'35 X. 1 will be completed tomorrow and people are needed to develop the

! unit will rrsumc i1s I Saturday. ' Republic.

hll lOll James. Jr., and ~klPpel' b .Ilrevious record for rchicle ~nd, are we!! paid Rnd fed and Piecel' of thp brokell boltle .... ere Jamn MeDamel of Chilmark. PC C · paS5cnner transport to and from' Her Ilnned foods or othprwlce h Id M Th th il d th b t

~ . . s own ft~ tl' ence. ~~s.. e ree sa e e o~ alll})ap'n I Bell Island in July. ! fhe mr.n do not consume It ha! to T\\'o molorl!'~~ arre.rled for 'rh"

to Chilmark Island. where Mr'l l,j The Compa","~ fCrl'it~ Elmrr 1 hr. rnturncd 10 the Comp~ny eook·· III d k bef re tIl· e h h . ' . h 1011 II' I ~ run wcre 0 0

agney AI a .summer ome. George Hce. fnrmr.r rrc'idenl "Ion~~ ~nd Klpawa h~I1t1lcd ncarly I ou~c. ~Ir. Bag~~ slaled Ih~t if Ihp courl I'I!Id had their USei ·110!t. DurlnBhthe trIp theliact?l' helped ~ of the Nation~'1 prog~c5sil'e' Con. i rifteen hundred ~Iol"e pa~scMcrs 5 or 6 tho~~and loggers employed pon~d ~ntil August 9th InL1 Au!·

reseUe tree men c ngmg tn A I . ..' I 'last month Ihan In June and the In' Ihe A.N.D. Companv In their d easized boat In Bunard'. Ba~·.: sCI:yatll'c AS5uc.lallon, 11"11 nut b; 1 numher of I'ehicles carried climb. val'iou~ divisions ~11 'took food U5t 16th. They were release on

I takmg. any ael1ye

o part In ~'C'l ell b" ncal'lv 900 in comparison f!'Om the' camp it would represent hond8 or ~20D.OO each and .uretieB

Fo h · B" . campaign pl~n~lII" for the'l with 'the pn;viouo month. consUlerahle loss to the company Ito t.he Bame lH1Iount. 19' tlng eat s- ~omlDg, prOVinCIal general electJo.n 'Figurc~ released yesterdav sholl" and the company was anxious 10 Five men arrested for drunken· In NCllfoundland. Mr. Hces IS I II t 1157" • d Imt ~ -top to tile practl·c· 1 ness were fined the usual amounts.

S'I' I did t "t h Au t C( la ."' passenger~ an,,·, ~. . II f SI J h' .

I n s~ Ie u e 0 VISI cr on gus, 4,967 cars. trucks amI huses were I ~II'. Baggs stated that a heal'Y. Cynt Spurre., 0 . 0 n 8, n 1 e ce elghtcenth. , handled by the two ecnies In: penalty was undesirable In this was charged Wlth 18 olfeneel fllr VICTORIA (ep) _ Fighting off P.C .. Leadcr lIalcol~ Hollett, ,July. ca~e but no leniency would be issuing w~rthless cheque. III the

told the Nc,!s yestc~da~ t!lat the, recommcnded in futllre cases of Magistrate I Court yesterday alte~. ~h:~z1ou bet~ .I~o onfig~ti~~e ~I~ ~or~tr hPreSldCn\ W;11 b\'l~grdhls i C. F. ~IcLenan, Jr., Grneral this kind. The men were fined $5. noon, and was remanded unbl silence ln order' not to frighten a am y ere pure y or a 0 I ~y . ~Ianager of Newfoundland Trans· each. Tuesday, August 7:h.

and there ar~ no plans t~ ask him: portatiou, commenting on the A motorist from th! Torba)' four·yearo<Jld girl, it doesn't al· to take part In thc orgamzation of ' [jgul'cs told the NEWS, "Contrary i DEAL England (CP)-A holel Road wu 'fined $100.00 yesterd~' W~;, ~~~. Mra. e. 'P. Lyons of !he Opposition campaign. to some opinions we're not crying' porter I~ this Kent town offered tu afternoon for driving while his VictorIa were camped along the Mr. Hollett, added, . hOIVever. 011 anybody's shoulders. park a guest's' car. He hit five license was suspended, Alaska Highway In their trailcr that Mr. Hees, now a Director of 1 "We're doing our best to do a other cars on' the way to the gar. when a large grizzly decided to the National Association, w!l1 be gond job In serving the publlc. age period unlll the end of AUIUSt• see If he could tear the moblle Invited to address a meeting of i "We arc very pleased with the ' . There has been no Indication .hen home apart. local citizens to outline P.C. activi· . £igllres", Mr. McLellan said. ... ' hI F h the Legislature might be dtuolved.

Their daughter, Susan. w~s tics In the last session of the House, "The crews of the ferrics shoulrl : ,L1SSCln y j urt er Dissolution of the House would be peacefully sleeping when the bear of Commons. be congratulated "for the work: ' the first step prIor to the calli~~ reared up and began to claw I ., thcy have done, he added.' . Proro!!ued of the election. . through one of the windows. I SCIence Bllildlll« I v !tumor. In St. Johll" now In·

"We tricd 10 yel! In a rather .... tl SLIGHT DELAY Extension of the prorogatIon of dicate the election ma,. beullrcl refIned sort of way In order ,not 0 S FX C LY~IPTON, Eng. (CP) - Muni· the House of Assem~ly until Aug. during t~e last week oC September to .fartle Susan· Who ",as Rlill nt.' j ,arnpus cipal officials or this Devonshire 1 29th was reported In the New·, or the IIrst week of Odoher. . asleep, but this was one bear who town have been told they wi!! have, !oundland Gazelle yesterday. 1 The only man I\"ho can TerJfy wasnt' afraid •• ,It I\1rs. Lyon; ANTIGONISH N.S. (CP) _ A' to \l'ait scveral months tor some i A proclamation i~ Gazette, lin· i these ru~on, Premier Smalhvooel. saId. . e ' 'n w T h' p d truc"1 'n new "No traffic signs: der the seal of the LIeutenant Gov· I has conhnued to be non-commltal

l;Jrge e ·s a e s "re v, h I 'I d th b t th It'd I the campus of$St. FraDc\~ Xavier a . ernor, ex en s c a ou e e ec Ion a e •.

Air Cadets In Training Cqmp UniversIty here will ~ devoted entirely to the teaching flf chem·

. istry and physic!.

'~~oA~R CADETS of 503 St~ Jo~n's Caribou Squad r'~n. are all . interest ,as th~y e"amin~ 'an Be,AF Dakota '. ~. ,Read~e take·off on one of ~he regular flights Which al~ cadets at R~AF Stahon Greenwood look, forward'

," .tng from left to right are:-T, Hayes, J, Hand,· G. Earles, J, Major and L,Nolan;~(Nat. DeL Photo), , . .


The GeorgIan colonial • .tyled bulldlng will match others on the campus externally. .

Internally It wiil be a techplcal milze designed lor the budding scientist. The new building, to be constructed on the site of the old engineering bliilding, replac~s a campus landmark. Beslde~ providing 15 offices'!1

store rooms. a machine. ~hop, two .~emlnar rooms and a ·Iarge li· brary, it will hOllse 24 laboratories 10 'for general Instruction and 14 for Ipeclalized use.

Equipment in the radio' chem· istry laboratory, wlll be used for ~torage Rnd handling of radlo·act· ive materials, among olher thtngs. The laboratory for study of ad· vanced optics will include conI· plcte darkroom equipment.

1II0re Involved, for the layman at least; will. be the mass spec· trometry laboratory to be used for precision measurement of lonlza· tion and appearance' potential, with particular application to de· termination of molecular struc· tures,

The building,. for which the ground was broken In June, will be specially wired to provide power needs of modern physics laboratories •.



1,600,000 persons used a spocidl telcphone scrviee. to follow the the scores o!' the third crielicl test match at Leeds between Eng. land. and Aurtralia.'


-. 'Men's Sp~rt Caps Cool, light weight Caps wIth 2 ventilating ey~lets on' eathside, Also a selection of regular Caps in lighl weight Tweeds. . ' . REG. 59-65c .... · ...... · ................ · .............. · .... · ...... · .. ·· ............ ""~" .. " .. ·49c.'

Boys' . Sport Shirts Of Khaki Drill with elastic at waistJine, Fit 2-5 years. , , , ORIGINALLY 97 c ... : ...... "" ......... · .. · .. · .. · .. · ...... 7 5 c


! I , ; '.


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Page 4: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,


, I

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\ '

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'f Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

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The DAILY NEWS I! a morning paper establi~hcd in 1894, and published at th' News Building, 355-359 Duckworth Street, SI John's, Newfoundland, by RoblllSOIl .. , Company, LImited,

MElIIBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS Tbe Canadian Press Is' exclu&lvely enlitled

10 Ihe use for republlcatlon of aU news cllsptolchcs In this paper credited til it or to The Associated Press or ~eulers and also the local news pub Us lied Ihere.\p,

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• I

Member Audit BaHlU Of '


, . •

In 'fhe News By W A YF ARER

--------------,------------,---PEPYS AT THE RACES led to keepe a watchful r~e on August 1 it Irst It come In conlact· with

So concerned was I about lhe me, wealher that we Ilouid hal'e on So, too, tn greet Bobble BUl'ns, Re)(atta Day that I did find nt)'- that comes c~1ch ~ eare 'rom Cor. self wide 81\ake at da\\ n II hich ncr Brook for thiS one special bore ~o well Ihe promise or a day in 51, John's and Ken Good. faire day that I did turn me back yeur, come from Grand Falls, to my bedd and slept till B of and tells me how,he no listen the clock, So tip ahd was making each week to my talkes 011 tho ready tn sett out for the .Iake· radio with ~reat preasure which side when I did heare the he· I am glad to hearl', Rinnlng of a salute to the Re, And so 1\ as much of the clay gaUa that was produced by D, 'passed in thiS interchangc of

, Brophy for C,B,N, and" to my pleasantries butt what, did glle great delight, to heare Aubrey me the greatest joy was to see Mae recite, In his Inimitable how ,II ell some onhe races were


"Glad to See You Got Rid of Those Guns~'

Dcpu:ment, Ottawy, style the ballad that Leo 'English contested, so that Ihe finish wa~ • ______________________ ~------------- did write about the Outer Cove thrilling beyond anytiung I' have

fIshermen and their course rec· seen Ihese few yeares back and Drd that has not been broken In if fewer young men do take to

... FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 ,1956

It Must , Be Stopped The insensate &stl'tlction caused in

Curtis Academv and Pl'ince of Wales College, prcsumabh' by youngsters, brinqs to the fore a major social problem.

What are we going to do as a communi­t~' .to clll'b juvenile delinquenc~' for the sake of the delinouents and their futurc ann for the security of societ\'?

The police claini the\' al:e helpless, 'rhey say Ihilt the Welfare Act conmcls them to relul'n tp their homes childrcn \l'ho ha\'e bp.en cllll!:!ht in criminnl ilcls Thcl-Cllflel' Ihese ('hildl'Cll must appf"l1l' heIoI'c Ih!' ,l'u\'enilc COllrt, Bul what happcn,; IhNC i, 110t c\'irlcntl ... l'Ollrlll('II'C tn <1pnl'o))l'iatc pllni~bl11ent, rrforl11 emd pl'rl'ent iOI1,

Cilse~ hil\'(' been ('ited of ~'(luthful r.(1n(~s \I'hooe ('onlcll1nt (01' Ih(> lall' hrls hcc!) illustrated 111' the commitmcnt of ncll' Offi"'l1CeS \\'I111c • th('I' nre 1\\I'ailin(! aopC1\I'antC 011 othel' dlC1I'g('S, :Lvl,uw of the' mcmbers {If these ,gang, al'e too young to be ahle tp \\'cirh thc moral consequcn­ces of theil' acts, But thc,\' nrc old enough to dE:f,\' the nolice ill the Jight of what knowledf1e the\' ha\'e of the pro\'isions nf the Welfare Act dealing with juv,mile de 1inquellc~',

, Suez Alternatives Some British parliamentarians have

spoken on Suez in the terms of the old jingoistic song: We don't want to fight but, by jingo, if we do, we have the ships, we have the men, we have the mone'" t it, " , 00,

It is a far cry now to the dav~ of the Pax Britannica' when little trouble spots were quickly eradicated by punitive ex­peditions, But the British have been touched on the raw by Nassar's seizure of the Suez Canal. As'Sir Anthony Eden IlilS indicated, Britain cannot accept light­I~' R unilRteral decision bv the President of E!:!~'pt that threatens the nation's liIe­line tlnd its oil.

,Lord HOI'e-Bc1i:;ha has, however. pre­~cnlc(1 Rn altel'nati\'e proposition, He hR~ sRid lhat when de Lessepl; was plannint( to unite the Mediterranean and Red Seas, he hRcl considered a route through Pales­tine as R possible site, Why not. sa~'s Hore-Belisha. build a new canal with Israel's co-operation?

The plan ma~r have merits, But the situation remains delicate and that was proven bv the swift decision of Mr, Dulles to go to London to join in the Suez talks, Russia is scared of the consequences, This is indicated by her counsel to Brit-

Now thi~ Act is lln lldVlll1Cec1 piece of ain and France to take it easy although Fnrilll lepi~lfltji"''' (If a kind to he found the Russians have also made sympathetic pJoo ;n Oi"')'''''' other nro\'inces, Ite; aim is gestures in Nasser's direction, }'lot to lct nrli""l1i"'ntc; (10 l1nnunish"rI but The meeting of the western powers in In ~m'p thf'm fl'rn, the r1anl1er~ of con- London' helS producM a proposal for a hl",il'elll on to 1,,, fOIl"'! in 1)ri ool1 an,1 frnm conference on international control of l'ri11'1 Imll"ll'd i"'111'l.v in ]if,. with the Suez to which Russia and Egypt will be il!l1nmi11," of II cl'll11inlll ('l'l1wiction, • hwitecl,

'T'he'c P"" ;.il11<; ,dlh ,\'1,;,,11 ~11 11 11111<111 i- This offers an oPPol'tunily to Nasser b,';"'" \I,HI S''''rI!)nt!1iz'', BlIl it i~ ""<1'11- to withcll'aw gracefully from an untenable ti:ll fnl' Ihe ('\11"l'il~ n\I'11 rond nnel fnl' position and one that ma\' well be charg-thr f1\tl11'p <rctll,jj\, nf <r)(,iell' thaI thev cel with explosive qualities, be ell'mho lind ,1lclCC1IHllch' dClllt \\'ith, The undenillble fact is that the British

al'c nearcr the point oC direct action in ddcnse of theil' right and security than thcI' ha\'e been at anv time since 1945 llnd F.\'en Nasser. despite his brash state­ments, l11av be getting a bil scared at the dan~e!:ous' forces he may have unleashed,

A ~1cl'n ll"(,tlll'(' f"{'m the b£'lll'h i:; not 1."1""H1h, Whcn~ lhe pal f"nt~ 111'£, reSllon­~jbJi'" ))P.l'<01''', "111<'11 of the burrlell m1\V \'C 1,11l('Pr! errect h'cl\' on t hci I' Rhoulc1crs, Aile! whore nal'enls' ('annol he tl'tI';lcd to take the neceO~,ll'\' rcsnonsibilih' of keep­inf! their ('hi1cll'en undel' proneI' contrl)l, it hecomes thp imnerati\'e r\utv of the authcrities to furnish and adequate sub­stitute,

This Suez business is deadly serious and the wor1d will be compelled to suffet· heightening tension until a workable solution has been found and accepted,

• p

Strength For The Day These children must be taught re~pect

for morel! law and for its guard;nng, The\' have respect for neither toda\', That must be changed, The rri'ost effecth'e means ma\' vary with individual cases, -:.-....----------------­The fac1r r'emairis. howe\'er, that it is an obligation of go\'crnment to sa\'e youth from the con~eql1enccs of rontinl1er! cle­linquency and to pl'Otcd society agail1~l per~ons of all\' aile who al'e clpriant of the la\\' ano the 'polk'e, 1f the Welfare Arl lacks teeth, these shoulr! be pI'o\'ided, Rut \\'e ,hall pa,\' a \'('\',\' hCll\'~' price in time to come if we fail now to ]Jut a stop to the \'outhflll marauders \\,ho are doing ~o niu('h dilmage, cOl1nni1 t inf! so 1111lnV acts of breakinf! and entel'ing and ,estab­lishintl fo,!' thcmsel\'es a pail ern of he­ha\'iour thaI will be hard to alter if It cannot be checked in go~d time,

Insurance For Fishermen The Bill which the Minister of Labour

has laid before the 'House of Commons in rcspcct of unemployment insurance for fi~hel'lnen docs no more than iluthorize the Unemployment Insul'an~e Commis­!;ion to \\'ork out R suitable plan,

This lends to suggcst'thal fiome time may yet elapsc bcfore a feaSible scheme can be el'ol\'cd to mcet thc nced~ of

WE CAN J.OVE IF WE WILL The Bible, speaks a great deal about l~ve, God Is

love-tlmt Is, love Is the substance of his being, WI' nrc !'Illilmanded :0 lo\'e God and our neighbor, All till' New Tl.'slnm!'nt writers Ilrgell their follow er~ til 101'e line ano!her, We nr!'ti to gel stralJ:ht in our minds whnt 10l'e

is, '1'0 be ~ure, Illl'e I~ an emotion, hut I~ 15 not pl'imnl'll~' a'l emotion, It Is secondarily an emotiun, t.OI'C primarily Is R pilrpo!e, You can love any· body If ~'ou purpose 10 dn so, }.o\'e means extend, Ing ~ood 1\ 111 and kindlines~ toward Ii per~on or a Rrllup of pcrsons, TO\lard Ihese persons WIl mR)', ~t first, p.xperience no emotion at ~I1, If \\Ie behave IowaI'd ~hem with loving purpose, the plealant emotlo:l o[ 10l'e will follow,

There are as many different kincls of love lIo5 there are nifferent relationships In life, A man's love for his wife 15 different from his love for his mother or for his children, A man's love for hts country Is different from hI! love for his neighbor, E"very relatlomhip In life carries wilh It a c1115~er of emotions, A mother's love for a child and the love of men and women for each other hlOwe about tbem I'ery Inten~e types of emotloD, A man's love for his neighbor 15 probably mostly good will and kindliness rather !han emotion,

So rcmember thaI the Bihle, In commanding us 10 lol'r., i~ commanrlln;( us to no ~omcthin~ we can lin, All love i~ under the conlrol o( the will.

Canada'~ 72,000 (bhermcll, o( whom all -:0:.,-,but a few thousand l1re self-employcr!. TV LESSON

But there is an approval in pl'inciple (Branlforct Expositor) as well as an expression of intent in this At Kenl\'iIl!' Nova ~cotia" four boys have Bill, ;,tlmilt~d cit-railing a railway train ~nd clJlim

Uj) ln now, the po~iLion has ~lw1\~'s they ~ot I h\,. know,how from walching II tele· been taken that the inclusion' of self- \lsion program, Thl5 5hould scm to lake the

1 ! f ' I ' I 'I l minds of the professio",,1 and amate~r do,gonders emp oyec IS 1el'lnen Wit 1111 t1e scope 0 "" IV ' uncmplo~'men 1 i115Ul'iltlCe would be ex- off the comic books for a hlte, ceedingly difficult, Now the ,point has, -0--

bCi!11 l'eRched where the appropl'iate au­Lhority has been authorized to fmd a rolution,

With a federal general election sc~eduled for l\ElXt' spring, it would be surprising if the Unemployment Insur-

'anee Commission were not to be asked to have a suitable plan'ready for. adoption at the next sesfiion 'of Parliament. At anv rate, fishcrmen have today a more' solid basis for hope than ever before, '

ODDlTV (Hamilton Spectator)

A letter 1rom II .man ~y at camp fal1l to mention mOlley and II btln, turned o~er to a coUcator of uterac)' eurlo.ltiu,

-:0:--IT'S- THE J.AlV!

(Kitcben·W.terloo Record) - The Ir,IV neslgnates the husb-and as the head

of the houst, Ie alan alvei the pedestrian the rlsht of way over .. truek, , ,/

more than 50 yea res, So, too, rowing, those thaI do spare with great pleasure to heare themselves not at all and In three Claude Hall tell the tale of the races in particular,' did rouse Morrissey brothers that, four the crowd to wild enthUSiasm score yeares ago, did walk and, excitement. through' woodland t r a II s' 100 I did obscrve among other miles to 51. John's bearing on things that IIII', Higgins, the their shoulders thm own boat president of the committee, to In which they were to win tbe protecl his head with a capp Ihat f!shermen's race of thnt yeare, is like to an army forage capp,

So to get me Into my eoach to and it did occur to me that he drive to Qui~i V!dl and strange. might be presented with on~ lhat to ~ee at thIS hme how few 1I0uld be more appropriate to other eoaches are on the road, the dignity or his office, Yell be. So, did, I perceive wilh much Ing that a topp halt lIould bp. ~alts(achon how ,II ell ,the new out of place and straws arc no cross,bells of whlte dId become' longer worn, it did occur to me those members of the co~stab\l- that the bright plaid ~olfCl"s I~ry t~at die! weal' tbem 111 the capp that Claudc Hall \I ear~~ Il1rechon o( tra[(~c: So, ton, al e mighl make a goode suhshtute the, mounled pO!lcr on dllt~ In for the pre~ldent'; CI'O\I n, theIr, ~cal'1et tumcs t~ dIrect the So to II alke about the cOIll"e

parkmg beyond the limIts of the and prctt" til scc the /:011' co,. Clit'o', , tumes 0(· the ladle', m"ny of

BCIII!: rome to the lakcsllie thcm ,eemm~ly returner! tn t"e whcrp ~lr, AnRcl, that il secre· crmohne annd pethcollls 01 a tal'y 10 the comml\lee, gl\rs me bl'~ollc agc, and s~range how my badge for th~ day, to spend well thiS rrmodeillng of 0 Ide the ne&;t, home In an exchange style suits the fairer sex where. of gr~rhngs with many that I as a return to the topp hats "nd see only one the da~' o( the races, black broadcloths that men clld So, fll'St among those that are once affect \\outd be ndlculous h,\' the committee lent, I spy bevond all imaglnin~ Mr, Mews, Ihe mayOl', and to· b'

tallie wllh him of the most ex· I did obsen'e in the afternoon cellent work that has been done how the crowd had grown many at the bend of the lake In the times above what il hadd bcen laying out o( the Memol'ial Park at noon so that I doubt if el'er and sO he wishes there were I saw a greater one on the banks more money for the purpose, of Quidl Vidl and all to be busy And to talke also wilh the old, wilh a- variety of dlver~ions al· est among the regular visitors beit I was sorriest for those hal'­and among them, Inspector Sav- 'nssed parents that did paRS most a'~e, that boasts of fOllr score of their day In restraint or search and thirteen yeares, and seemes of excited children that were all spry as he was 30 yearcs stuffing their small bellies with agoll(!, Talking with him and such a variety of im\igestible Chief of Police Strange about' foodes as to cause me to lIon· the problems of juvenile delin- der hOIl they could cat It all quenc)'. Mr, Sal'age to say how a and remain 1\ ell, So is this a louch of hiS slick was in his day day that is (or air ages one to as goode a cure a, he knew for be remembered, and cach ,I'm e had bo~s and many a ladd did to add to the store or memorie~ rome to hIm latcr III life to <ay that are accumulaled, to blllid holl' hr lias gralefull (01' the up in (he mmdes of all that no I~'.on, B\lt the Chle( troll hied attend rl'gulally an at\achmrnt by tbe lillIe r~s\leck that hadd thot make~ a tl'a ril I 1011, Yett ho~~ hale for the police in these would tbe he he qUlckl)' ~elelerl limes, Butt 1.0111. T \\i'h he had welc It not for the rommlttre been cal'r)ing hi! lIall,lIl~ stick that assume! eaeh )'e.1re the aud nol Ihe nell' S\\ agger slick thankless aurl ('xactlll~ la<k~ Ih"t \\ ith which hr rlid '0 emphasi!e mu~t needs be donr lf Ihls grcat hiS comment that r was compel· Ir3[iltion is to ~Urll\'e,

L!{;t:~L&S V'~f. Ben HurroU'riUI


"A TRUE' FRIENDSHtP" True illendslllp 1< a plIcrle<s

tiung '" far from the reach of gold '" a tl'Qasure beyond mea­sure '" wondrous 10 have and hold ,,' true friendship is a flowcr '" that blooms eternal, ly "hringing joy Inlo the lives ," of folks like you and me '" It Is a shong and lasting bond _,' and 11"11 go on and on , , ' acting as a glllding I1ght , " howcvcr dark the dawn , .. , and w.lien fair weather friend· shIp lea\'es ", us standing III Ihe rain ," true friendship will come smiling through ,,' to temper grief and pain '" gold does not make a friendship true , , , it takes mueh more than this " , , encouragemcnt and undel'standmg ,,' (ol'm'lts tcnder kiss ,', yeo, when thc l:lIPS of Ilfe are dll\\n "ancl II C bciun 10 slip ,Ii's then lIe get to know the tlungs that form a litre fnend<lup,

Revolution In "Summit Shuffle"

Canadian )11 rs~ Staff Wrlt~r

-Edson [ '!'TER~f!shingtonl SEA Was!tln:ton Corresl,"n~'"'

~~----R~rpnt r~omic Ipsts whlch'show It is pO<'lhl< 'n r"'IC. '.

"i II t" I ' , ! a.;]u c anger from I ast nuclear ~xplo'lon' ue !

RnSller to tho~e who assert that only enl can ,', '1< lrom fO."" experiments '-,

After the fIrSt H-homh lest In mid'P3clhc III 1054 Itf Energy Commission said the bie burs: had marie an r-rea tI i'J square miles perilous to life,

,Not long ago th!! Army's research liJrcctor, Lt focn. Jl::U

Gal'ln, told a Senate group that an all Ol1t \' ~ nurlr,' !'Ila nussia might kill milJions of peoples in fmnclh' \\'rs!ern la::1 enough to surfer from the drifting radlOactll e ,hl'l

And n group of sClCnlts:s has recen\l~ declared thai &

nuclear W3r might w£fl render tile eJr:h unlnh~hltable

The AEC is not, of course, inteff'sted III n akJn~ Ii.! bomb a painless weapon, But it deL,rly 1< co~c,.rncd Ilith II'll3t can be Ihe 1I1despreafl cffcets of !he fail 0'11,

From thc \'lclI'point of Ihe mihtnl')' expel't" the ~reat

oC nuclear weapons IS not thClr radi;,tion rlf,.cl. hut IhEir ril'strllctll e power, In other words,' Ihe ph) !'lc,,1 10m of Ihr is the imporlant thinj(,

So It i< who II), rea'on'lhle Ihat thl' AD ,I "1 tn 'fel, ~:':I 1llllllllllZIIIg I~rhatio~ "carr~" IIlllle tf\in~ 011 :',0' 111'11111' 10 Iy 01- refine the exptosil'r P()\ICI' 01 nllclr~1 "t'r"l" \.!: rncouro1g11U: 10 Irarn that our atomIC ~peclah'" It". n" ~urce~< m tbi. llircction,

Pronabl), the'~ anlanrl" II III not .1l1I Iht m',,,"ll' neufl"lI-t' p'pcri"lI), III A<la, r,nrl the nlhrl' ('HI .r:" "; e\(1pnmr~t Illth nuclear II C:1pnU5 i~ ~ <In .: '111" n 'm'r_' siwlllr! he halt~rl.

The, Ju,t cnunt>; hnng th~m,pj,", In b(, Ilw' ""ff'" ---,-----,-- LONDO" (ep), - Ob'rllrr< th,,1 the real el II I~ nol ollr tests nor ollr po" ," ,I

I entlOnal-1n Ihe hanrls of R huge uatll1n, th- ". '01 ["'r:

What Others Are SaYing ~ec ,vmptom, o( a Wlulehall reI·· olulion in the "'l1mnllt shu(f1e" m Britain's treasury,

is benl on world conqlles~,

"A nramahc hour'has struck In So lon;( as that Situation exists, we hale no eh'lce bit to • ~. ____________________ ~ ____ , ______ ~ __________ ~_6

Whitehall," say~ the ~Ianchester and enlar,!(e our nuclear we:!pon store, It is Ihr 011 clnb Ir.:t Guardian, commenhng on Ute lin· our free world friends cr,n hold over ~he pntpn! ,I aem,,'r , AS ONE AUTHORIZATION TO


(Globe and Mall)

UnquestIonably Mr, Jobn

AUTOMATION FOR SHEEP (Manchester Guardian) ,

It Is claimed, that !l shearing machine, invenled by a Queens­land grazier, will bring semi, automa~ion to the shearing in­dustry In Australia, '1'he machine uses the production line prin, eiple for the first time in sheep shearing, and the sheep are shorn, not "on th~ floor," but lying on 1heir backs in eradles round ~he ~dges or a circular shearing t,lble, The cradl~s are am;ngrtl abo\'e tiw lallIe, nnd four shrarl'r' stamlillg at Ihr m~chines e.,cb take liP P:1I t of the lleece as the she!'p PolS<C', The II pol drop, into a basket running on overhead ,~ires, anti is t"ken straigh~ to the wool

precedented appointments of two h I r'1';Q , tl Those" ho assalt the "e\'i1" of the te'" '" ! I a jOint permanent secretanes to Ie o(flce of Chancellor of the Ex- because 1\ e hal'e the bo~b in great numbel' rl ~o cn chequeI' lIalold ;llaemillan, nuclear force to constantfy more \'aried milltnr' I"r', !:1 lIIAJUNS nEct\J,LED Whc~her our critics realize it or IIkc It or '" H n I'e: r

SIr Roger ~rakins, 52, long.time tectors, the guarantors of their freedom to cr ,C •

foreign - serl'ice diplomat, has Let them say what they wish o( Bildm ao I I! - tc',' been recalled from hiS ambassa, 1 I I o~r dorial duties in Washington to co' of us know, if Ihey do not ,that Bikllli is a <\lIll " RU"I

I And I't I'S '.he shadow of that strcngth, fallmg ~cro·, . ordinate e1onomic anti fmancia n policies at homr Sir ~orman deters the tymnl ':Iud allows free men el er! II hm-I 1I100k, 54. a civil sen'ant smre Eu\'Op~ Hnd, ~cs. Asia-to go or speaking their l"IO,l- ___ 192.1 and now sel'I'ct:!r\' o( U:e ('all, -' ------inet, gl'I" an udditl;m31 joh a< Tj;.- he:l.ur) '~~'-;;~k- h:l' uload, C· l' J 1'll hC:It! of 'Ille hUlllf' cll',l sPI'lic(' cned I,'r~cly m po,t-Ilar ) ear., JIl't'US ,1l

1'1'101' til Ihe changes the til 0 und It- 1"l1t\lng CII'II 'el'l.lII{ b3. I rC'llOn.,\Jihties - lIen-!II) and had hi.; hand. full 1\Llhu,,! hUIlllg Draw, ('I'm\( S ch'll SCI'I'i<'I'-!CI\ UII on,· man', to \\.It \\ about P")' and appomt· shoulders, tho.p of SII' Edllard IlIpn!. III the re,t of the el\11 SCI'· 1.0:\1)(1:\ 11 ,'I' - r. Bridges, ,!',istetl bl a dcpull', Sir lice, tra!hllllll,d 1i.,,,'I, ~,r Bernanl Gilbel t, Both relite Ihl5 But olher IInplicalwlIs are III, II Hb IIH'JI " ,I" ,n ;1\llnmn and tiwil' po* \1111 he lolll'd, and thl'1I ( '''-

• • • ,aboh'hcd, bein!! replacell bl' the The I'llIanrial 'l'lIIle~ dra\\5 at 1IIId anllnn'- ,t' ,\Iii MARRlEn :\1E:-i UVE LOSGER "t\lo,hearied" joint secrctal'ship t{'nllon to one, SIl'/Hogcl, It sa)" big clOlld, I" ',r b: I~P\


(France Actuelle) )Iost ohscn ers I'e:!ard the dll" is a (orrl~n - ,rrllCe man 11kI' the "lo{))1lI nrl - II,m lll If ;oou want to 111'1' longer, j!et ision o( dulies as long OI'crdue, Prime ~!illlster Eden, and hence Slat;, thill Ihe ',n'erl (,re:;!

marrie~, That seems to be the' take that mat'hine 10 Hot Snrings: oth[eYrelSahtal'vree ~~:xp":~~~n~ean~~ca::~: tiling o( thr p 1·1 " ronduSlOn to dr,a,,: Irom a, new Arkl'n~as, pt:rchasrcl h.v tne pn' Lasl I' erk 111110 R1ngi:~

bv the Nat n I In t Iwe nomic matters and long trainin!! chairman o( thr (IInblrr SIITl'C;o , ' , 10 a S 1, lice department to tes! HIP de in' ~ dl<slmilar policy _ making h d Bjln:~ of Stahstics, wInch shnws that grees of sohriety or inefJrieh' o[ technlqne, ~~71~:r~~r~:I' ~' blllfl}~ French bachel~rs b~t\Veen 30 arrested motor car drl"ers, The "They shoulcl certainly beware greatest <ho,1 on f.rt~ ~~ and 50 are d~'ln,1! hVI~e as fr,st city jud~e lVas all set to hal'e the if in the coming years they fmd nouncer! thp ,"nnen M,­a,s the men IV,lth. WIves, The "drunkometer" ~ested by a vol, the m s e I v e s too conslstenly their ~lImmrr l'S, tOUr, , figures also indlca.e tha~ a 35- unteer-who had primed himself in agreement." But reporl' from tM y~Br,old frenchman: who ]s mar' with whisk)', vodka, wine and But the newspaper, like man), Europe indicate Ih,: rled can elCpect to ltve six years moonshine, But!\c tester lans' others, regards the change as "a men, with all theIr longer th~n If bacllelor of the ed Into unconsciou<ness just be' constitutional reform of the first are generalll' mort sam~ age Rnd th~ 55-year-old fore the show was to go on, and Importance," • ' Italv for pxamplf, married Frenchman lives nn tne test r,nd unvcilint: were Jlost. The Times agrees on its signif,' circ'Jses all of them a~'eral(e thrce ~ears lon~er than paned, Temporarily at Ienst, thr lcance but wonders wbich of the tiavellin·/.", I ln~ bachelor fl'l~nd o( ~e same machine was as helpless as it, two treasury twins will be senior, WC!t Gcrmnnl's IS Illi r,~e" The Instttute (mtls th"t \olunleer I'ictim, But in ~IiI, and sUj!j!e<!s' that thh dilficlIlty medium '11"(1 r;r"1! r' hll:: !narrled, women too, lIvc lonl:e~ 'Iaukce, on Ihe other haml, no 'h(!I~Ir1, he ,Rell!ed {r~m t1!C start. enjo~lll~ a h ,1m rnr ':r ;,han ~p~nsters, an~ It comments 1I'0ndlOlis Illnchine compllcateft 1IF.\I1,\UZE fREASUR'l or {our H:II _ ~nrl, ~Vhlle It seems lIkely lhat"mar, the rase o( Mr, ArchIe Ra~'om, i\lakln<, a popular ( the rcm;llmn~ h,: !1.1ntr rlre,(

rla)!e and, I~c, regular ~oO(htlO,ns who Wf,S, sU5pcc:cll of drtl'in~ Ullited Slates'sJncc 1952(nnil per· liar dn,' thr nrbrr~ 1~ of life It Implies exe,rClSc an m- willie under thc inllue!1ce or ,iust son3: fm~d, of Canada's Ex~ernal sill( t~~I'; the countr;,.,( ~Iuence on a pel's~n s hcalth, It one of the bc\cra~es mcntionrrl Af(alrs ~lImster PearsQn, 11111 be CIlral'an< ;lntl (:111'.'

I~ n~ Ic~s Irw\, t1,.al the '~atc o[ in the prcccriinl: parll:raph, The rcsponslble to ~Iacmilla·n, for " ma!rI~ony exer~lses 11 kind, of jlolice simnly a,ked him for a II hom he worked in Algiers in tlJe selection, excludln/! thoRc with sample or his handwritinl: ~Ir, last) cars of the Second World seriou~ chr~nie ,diseases an,1j in' _ nansom wrote nn the pad; "I W"r, He, is expecle,d 10 make !irmitie~," , love "ou I 101'1! vou 'I'h ; 11" somc molor ~ha,nges .In the he,as.

• .". , :' , " e "I t .. e, lII'y-lo "rel'lta!Jze" It, aecnrrimg WRITING .. OR TilE rOUCf: 10. tl"s rase lust fl/(uwl that a to one ob<erver-to speed up pro,

1 m,'Il who woule! show sucb effer, cedure Everything frim Com-(From the Hamilton Spectator) lion for ~he ~ollce waS In no con, monw~a1th finance to bome plan, , Two of"them L .. ,""III(1"~A In the midst of complicated dltlon to dflve a car and !lIe. I 'II hi d k mdoor II mter

electroglc devices tha! can di, fine was S150, We ~ust of{pr n ~g WI~ croiss s es, CirqUe d'Hlver 'If' vide twice pi R squared by 1he tl th dId I I roo" cab net secretary since Irerentll' featurEd In f lese ra er sor examp es on~' 1947 has been a' key ligur al I act In.! ~ cube root of the national debt, to show that the hllman element Cor;mon\lenltll conferences eaet I Trapeze) in \t lE En1· and give you all answer iIloglclll re I I I' ' 'and the Mel rano ' , ma n,5 supreme, n ,some Jllas,es in" \'lrtua11" a~ a one·man ,'eer", k I' enough for Inclusion In Ihe medl- f I f A(t II 1 I ~ , • o I en er a '.. YOII W liS, tariat. As head of the ci\'il ser. 1n de<ignalin~ Blf\{! I~I

Diefenbaker had his tongue In cheek (although it is not yet clear wnlch cheek) when he ask· ed In tlle Commons for " trans, script 01 what TaS~ said that Mr, William ll'l'ine suid in nu~­,<la, Whose lI'anscril)!? Obvious· I)' nol Tass, So It was rather like asking a m~n If he hr,u stoPIIP!t healing his II il~. Imllh'ing th"t eilhl'r Ihe (;fll'erlllllent didn't trust !he f:f:1' to go abroad or else the ecr l'al1y didn't trust it~ Alberta Socialist preRident. As R bl"pi nduct, Mr, Die(enlla· ker smoked out a CeF bead, qm,rters s!atcmenl, which was probahly what he wanted In the fIrst place, The CCF said Mr ' Irvine was in_Rmsia in a pri, "ate capacity, which wouln na· turally mean thrA be could sa'\' wbatever he ijked (!ince the eCF purports to be a nemocrat· Ie party), But then It added the ominous note that Mr, Irvine would be grilled on bls return, and disciplined with repudiation if It ~urned out he had said some­thing the backroom boys thought he shouldn'l All of which Is !rood party strt.tegy, But these subtle Implications were los! on ~he guffaWing backbenchcrs o[ the Government side who for once were right in recognizing 1)lat what Mr, Irvine now says b no concern of Ihe House, '1'rue, he sat therc fo!' twenty'scl'en :Vcars, hut ~ long as he is not a present member it wouldn't mRtter even If he hzod hl!en horn ther~, So the nct impression lplt wn~ of the official' Oppo,i· ~itlon nnce ~~ain scnl\cring it~ flrr. on things that iloll't matter, tn tile jeoparrly o( its impact on Ihinj!s Ihnl do, At that If Mr, Il'Ioine had chanced tn r~turn to his old hrAlnts as ft Ilallery spec· ~tor dUring, say, the pipeline debate he may have bad more than fulsome flattery in mind When (according 10 Tass) be said the "democratic nature" of the Supreme SovIet was "mlltch, ell l:y fpw parllnmfnh In other lIemocratie countrirs," E I' C n the Ru~siRns !nust ha,'e smiled

.t th.t one,

cal deductions scetlon of your in, pererl I 100e ';Ou 111'0 Ihe <'Iec' I Ice hr lIiII IIOI!; under )laclIIll. Ihe home CIIII .rrllrr, , 'come tax form, comES el'idence tronlc ear or /) drunkometer, lt Ian in dealin" \I ith pa\' pension~ ment ha< tlainllr(1 10 I that il is too early to write 0[( 1I'0uld probahly just raise its' and con d i Ii 0 n < or' ;Iork Bill II'ho i< in rh,1I'~' 01 lid ul human b~inl!! from the list o( eyehroll',',Rnd gile you_ one 01 highrr cI\l1 sen'icp appol1llmenls anti doe' Ill' job IndU!

useful mammals, For !!Istance those dubious looks, are left to the prime mmister, eign 5er\'lCe~ t


LARK'S o~ srCK LIST " friends of ~

Jllan~\, of South Ri' to hear that t:

Ihe General 1 Jul" 24th, ~I\ I

an append~cton re that he IS d

:an be expect e~. as, an\' friends In 111 ' m, • , d ' recovcry, a spce ~ "ER GUEST SPEAI, ' ~'1ECOSTAI, CH'!J

FE'stanley ~Iorgan 0 , ~ ho is al present (

II as the guest he~~~teco'tal Church

on sundar, July 2 'riends II ere "ery,

and hear from hll ~I gan is al'o here 'i~~ her husband, \IS A OfFICER TO

"Ii, Noscllorth)', I

,-\rmy Offlce~ Beach corps, I'

here the latter par in time to, tak~ cl

sunda) Sen'lees In In the ab'ence-, tile SCrI'ices ha

bv Corp, Sen H Reid for the past fe' , AUTO ACClDEN1

sundar night July Nash car from Peppe

Base Jumped the d into a polc at t

o( the Hodge W roads t\\'o occupant' of

taken to hospital IIhPfP Iheir IIljllr

tn, 11 1< IInrlcrsl


an~ \11'<, \l'llh~rr dp foral!' air

daughtrl', ~II'~, Re '[011 on' Clark'c'R

jlr', Chcsley ) their l'acatlOn ami friends at

Clarke" Beach, al ~Ir, j[olll'e is th

al Catalina, and jlrs, George

daughters GI spent the wee Beach \'isiting 1\

)11', and and his sister, , Mr, Compton

51, John's early :llone "here he will can on The New[ound!:

Board fur Ihe pub I ('ompton and chi!

at ~lIarke's I

J, 'Percy, Sh Perer with Elil

Ted Percy of St. J to Clarke's Beach lui)' 28th, While gUEsts of ~Ir, and

Harold Dall'e<oll ~I{h his daughl~I' llr, ~nd ,\irs, Bert I chllli ren I,eslk

amI BI'enllan of 1"lIars In ~Ir,


These are , Investment Island, Net


I 3 ,5

10 For COmpl tern Can8Cl presentat~


Page 5: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

Y NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST. 3, 1~'36 OAll '

K'S BEACH 'NEWS Regatta History • ~ICI\ I.lS7' I cousin ~Irs. E. S. Reid on Sunday, Compll~d frotp old files of the

O'~. friends o( ~lr. \\·!l. July 29th. Harbour Grace SlLndard through It! ntln .. o( Soulh Ilh'I'I' \\'111 Miss Elhel Slevenson Icft Sun· courtesy oC Mr. E. L. Oke.

[tDrt''' h Jr Ih~1 hI' lI'a, da)' wilh her aunt, Mrs. Hollell o! Our oldest record of Regatta , IOlh/ Grnml 1I0,pilal Burin. to spend a vacation. there. chronicles ~he holding of a ne-

JIII~ ~4Ih. 1I'11I'f!' he :\liss ,Christine )<'ord, who I~ em· gutta on the harlltlur on Seplem· '" 3Ppcndl'I'llllllY. l.:tst played at Argentia, spent the ber 13, 1876. The course. wa3

tnt a~h31 hI' i; doin!! as weekend al her home at Clarke's' from Olterhury to Riverhead, , IrC bt' rxprdrrl. \\'~ i?in Beach. gigs alld whaleboats were used,

I~ can, I' (riend. in II'I,hllll: ~Ir. Frrderiek Boone 1'lsUed his and among names were the Min· :' !.:~"r;d~' rrrOl,'r)·.. parent~. Mr. and MI'~, A. BODne, me. Weasel, Albert, Lily and I':~si m:,\la:r. :1 r 01 Soulh RiI'er .over the weekend. ~!HY. The Weaser made the best GI,I'EeoS]'.II. ('II( '//(.'11 ~Ir. Eugene Warfnrd D[ Sp~lng·. ~ime. B mlnutc,s. 11, secDnds-for rf~T 1 ' 'lor"aO "f ~Iont· field has arrived home from Ste· a mile and a half course •.

'I/n fl ,I " h '11 h h h b ~:., i~' al prr,rnt nn \'ar~· P CI1I'1 e II' ere e as een em· . A special r;~e was nne in which 1M a' th,' ~\I~,I sprakcr ployed for the past lew years. the whaleboats were "manned"

twt;<1 Church CIHrke's :\liss Joan Sle\'en,on spent the b~' \\'ornclI. ~:nS~lnri,,)' .• 1ul)' 291h. IIis \\'~eltend at ~el' hnme al Soulh On Thursday. August 13, 1898, . d. 11m 1('1'), ~Iad 10 RII·CY· 'Joan IS ~mployed al AI" a crew [rom Harbour Grace con·

Intn . I . . ~enll' d hrar (nlill 11111 a;:ntn. ". n. tested in .oared gigs. Owing to ,n i, al." herr 011 \,Hca· ~Ir;'. E\'~lyn ~lorgHn o.r .. SI. the .length .of- the programme, All

her hll;hand, ., ,Iohn s spent a weck here l'lsltlng ithc e\'ents were no~ finished. Har· ol'f/O:r. 7'0 :11l1l1\ f. h~r".sisler, :\Irs. Rex Moore 01 The 'bnur Grace won from St. John's

II. :\P'I'lnorlh~. Ihr nrll' ~l(lll.on. . . Tradesmen In their bo .. ts, but did ,\rlny Oifll'rr [or thr .~tl~; S'url~.)'. Gregor~ ?,f Come not IJa\'c Ihe opportunity of row.

'BNCh ('nrp'. I. d\l~ '.0 h~' Chall~e II:-Iled bel' sl~lcr . Ida Ing ofl. against Whllbour e I th' Ih" bll"I' pari 01 Ihls Dlrs. EI'IC Butler) of Soulh RII'cr rlnal. . n. n e

~!rlr'lmr I'; I~kl' chargr o! on Sunday, .Iuly 29th. There \I' R ,; t' h Id h I~ , }' 11'\ ~lr. and ~lrs. Morgan Simms o[ . as no eba.R e ere . Serril'r, III II~ I v Whitenwa\, \'isitcd Mr. and ~lrs. ) car but lhe of the

In Ihe ~h'rl1r~' o[ Corp; II. Clarke on Sunday.' On thcir 1'11'1' ~rlga?e held B picnic at Ihe ~rrlirr; ha\~ he.rn return }Innlo l'ICv were aceom. Mr. \\ alker s r.t Lady Lake. Shart·

bl' l'orp, S,'r~, )la,lol' v". " f [d il d th { . . k Imnic<i by ~1i5, :\tnrilyn Clarltc a~e 0 un s preY, a e em r?m :t Reid [or Ihr. rj~~.~~~\' IIW'S. \\'11<\ will spend a vacation ,there. attcndlng the 'Hltbournc Fall'. . .HTO ol( ( .. ~\('sm. Wm. and Harvey Clarke At the Rcgatta of, Thursday,

Sunday ni~111 .1111), ~91h .a of Bnll Island arc spendino a August .19th. 1897, at Lady Lake. Clr [nom PrplWrl'rll '\11' , .. I d d 1

jUnlPl'lI Ihr rlilch. ami 111'0 wcek I'acation at their sum· s x orlcs wcre use nsteB~ o[ inlo a pllir .11 Ihe June· mer residence Oil the IIDdse Watcr the usual whale bot-Is, due, aouht.

Ihe lInd~r Walrr and Lin~. less through thc lattcr being in Mt. and ~I\'s. Alec BDone and IPoDr conrlilidn. as· the need of new

;1:~I.~rrlIP.n" Il[ Ihe ral' lillie !laughter of Toronto nrri\'~!1 :whale hDats was s:ressed Rnd the Ilita 10 111"1111"1. in St. rerr,nlly hy phme on a I'isit to opinion expressed was that "No ~im Iheir 111.illl'lr~ II'Ne ~lr. B,1(1I1C'S pal·rnntmn. ~h·. and properl~' arran!(ed programme can

I", II II 111"10'1'.,,,,,,1. Ihal ~lr', C nO(1nl'. Soulh rtilw. h~ c.·rrier! out with dories 21 the nil -rrl""- In.llme.. ~li;~ ~In\ld Rnlph. who has Ileen only hnats."

~rcllr"OI' "fr' 1,11'1' rr· Ivi.ilim: her hrnthcl'. ~11'. and ~Il's. In the RCl!alta held on Jul)' '(i<lrliri,l nal11h and family at 291h. 18gS, hul tiro whalehoals i ('larke's Rrnch left Salurday eon:cst('r!. thp. Edith and M)TtI~. n~~I)· .. \/S ,~I"l'lIill~ for St .• John·s whcre she 'rhe Hettie \l'a5 to he rowed, bul

~' Ir~ Itr'. "'''!"m 1:\I,':r~' i ,illinl',rl hel' sistrr~l~rinn (~lrS'I0II'in~ 10 a rullllJ: hy the commit· r'~ ~r I.r;' r .11 r 11'111111:, lIe!'II'; D;lIl'r) of l.rll'l.'pol'lr., who, tel' that nn crel\'s were to h~ takcn

i,·:::'!rr. )11'- r.fX ~lnorr. had III~t hrrll (1i~cl1arl!crl from \' (rom oUlside of Harbour Grace in Ilrlion I I"'h, Hr.wh. ho;pilal aftH IlndcrJ:llin,: an op· the Tradesmen Race !hls hor.t was

,. ad \Ir·. Chhl,'.,1' \h"~!'r, are c\'~linn. Th~y lelt by plene the I wllhrl;awn. n,e brst 'time was . 1:1(11' Y""",",n.,' 1~111Il/: ~ame da~' for Gander, f~om where I' made bl' Bryant's' COI'e against

;' . l~l.. [nrlld· ill fhr ~III' Ihr~', I~ Lcwisporte.,. tho Hr. -Grace Island men, In the , Clarke' !lrach, .1nrl ~II!II h :\II.~ PhyllIS Relll of the C.N .. r.. M' t1 in the Fishermen's TIaee

.~Ir.. ~'H'I'I' I' Ihr l.:'\.I1. SI. Juhn·s. ,pc lit the weckcnd \\'llh id.~5.e, In the dory race, the R . •. l31,ll11l. . hel' parenls. ~Ir. and Mrs. E. S.. . th 'h I s

· I:,~ ~fr,. I; .. nr~r ('lImploll neid al South RiI'cr. Granl.IIDn e. ~ee regu ttr race .' d3u~htm Gloria and )\i5S Lillian Stevenson, R.N., against the l\Iernmac nnd .. Grab·

;~rnl tli., 1I'1'l'kcllIt al. ~pcnt a fell' days with hcr bro. All. Harve)'. Pike In the Merrimac Emil I'i,ilill~ ~11'. Cnmp· i Iher and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. won a sliver walch for single

, \11'. alld llr~. .T. L. Slc\'en~on. at Soulh River. handc~ dory race. ann hi, .-is"'r. )lrs. \\'m. :\11'. Harold Smith, who Is em. There is no mention of Regat· lIr, ('IIlllplon I'rtul'I1cd pllll'ed at Argcntla, spent the It.s for SDme time thereafter u~'

.I~ lohn', mly )londay mllrn· \\,l'~kenrl with his family at Soulh til nbout 1908, and in 1910, III lrom hl' will complet(' hi, nil'cr ~he Gu)' Centenary Celebrations, (3 Thr X,'lIf,"l1lrl1:rlld ~lark· ~1is~ Doreen FUller. spent n few one 01 the features was the annu~1

Emd fur thl' public exam,. r1a"s with hcr cousin, ]11155 Mudel Ucgatta, whcn six hoats wcre 10 Co:nplon and l:hihlrrll lI'ill, Bn'lten, of BarencNI. most or the races. They were the I al ~1I"rk,'; Bl'al'il for I ~[lIny Imppy rei urns arp extend· ~rag!lle. Edith, Myrtle, C.O.lJ.A., .; l'd 10 ~lis~ Daphne Balten of ~lury ttnd Volunteer. . •

,I:d llr;.r rank "organ II! i Clal'k("~ Beach ,\\'ho celebrated' Durlllg the years .of the FIrs. m n.iliJl~ ~ll'." ~lor'l hI'\' 1:llh birthday 011 Thursday, :World War, the Annual Rcgatlns

.1 ~olllil HIH'I·. ~lr~.I.luil' 261h. Greeting~ Irol1l her iwere discontinued. It was re­.' i, Ihe f"I'IIIPr Ellalrnr i l1Ioin nOll day. brotlm·s. sisters 1\'ll'cd In 11119, anel the races were · .. ,lall:iJfo'l' (II ~ll', ,\I>r ane! her nmn)' friends al Clarke's Illeld at Lady Lake. 0." Wednesday.

.... , 01 ~1I'l'!i nil!'I·. Brm'h.· ' ! AU~lIs\ 6th. Four boats were en· EI.:nllnil ~'HII1c1r'!" and 1\\0 ~laqrr Hr~~ie \\'il,on erlebrat· i teredo Brssie •. Edltll, Prince AI·

Linc." all.1 :-';IIrman /If rrl his hirlhrlA)' on ,Iul~' 28th. :hcrt •• nd ~Iaggle. 01 the 8 races . . n m 'I'O nlllll£ n (('II' IInppy hirthday from his mom and ilhe Bessie \\'on 7 lirst places. IInrl

11'1':0. h"" "01111 allil mOlll· rlad. ! Ihe ~Ia~~ic one. Some 80 o! all · llr;. f:. \ollol! anil lire, Ilirlhd~)' ~rrelinJ:~ al~o 10 ~Ir. irAnks 01 the Nrw!oundlann High·

.!I ~"'llh Ilill'l', El'cl'rll 11. Rrid whll crlehralrdlnnders, who were campin~ here I,lml<n lI"","" rl~!I~I~t~,l' his hir'lhdn)' on .ll1ly ~OIh. Be~t ; [or a week werr present at the lei IIr' " ~1""I'r: 1< "I~II. II ishcs from his wile nnel two I RrgnltR. and enlered A crew in '. from ~1. .Iohn', ~IN dnll~hl~rs Lorna allrl EI'cl)'Il. Ithe Brl~...cte Race, which was won

I .1,"10 ll.1 11111'-1' ~I Ihr Birlhd;I~' ::rrctings Rre abo e=<· b,' a crew from the local Kin~ H"rt!~t. ~hr I' Ihr ~l\e~1 tenrlcrl t(l ~lis~ Beatrice !lOoro'IE'dWRrd Brillacle. ' , \1,;' .Hr~ \lo"r(', .' II'ho crlehratcs hr.l· birthday .on A \'olume of hislor)' of Harhour

( ~~kr: of ~1. .Inh.n, .llIly 20th. and ~II\S ,r~an I!uss~y (trace Regattas cnuld well he com-R" . II II,"~ hrr ~"I\'lIl.n who celehrated her bIrthday on piled. The above Is bllt a brief

\,1) :'1~IIrr al (l'll'ke s : Jul~' 271h. utllne of a few years oC "Tile · I CELEBRATES WEDDING 0 "

I:d\llr~, lIarold TiI)'IIII' and ANNIVERSARY Ra~~~~t Items of Interest could ,llIIhan '1I1i1 Donald.'?f I Conl{ratulatlons to 1\Ir. and Mrs. be g~thered toge'her of commit·

· ~ 0 harr hel'n 1'I'1t· 1 Fl b f Th Woollen Mills" , 5~:llh Hirrr fnr Ihe p;,t':, s Icrb .Ot d tChelr "veddlng Rn: tee members, long la1d to rest, and ~r' ct • . ,\\ 10 c~ I' I a e '. f 'hose' of . more recent years ,,,ore 10 SI, John., tD' ni\,er.ary on August 1st. o. III I fel\' da)'\ Ililh ~Ir~. T~~" i Congl'atulallons to ~[r, and Mrs. who played their part in keep II

Paslor r.~d ~ll's. t'h~s'l R. W. Shepherd, who celebrated alive this sporting attraction. o( The Rplhc,da Assem-, Iheil' 33rd. weddIng anniversary To those or today who are striv· l 'p, '. Ion July 18th. Ing to carryon the traditions of , e.rc~ .• SllIrlr~! nlgb on 100 years, In fac! 84

~l1h \: alkms JET KILLS CIVILlA.'J 'ears the Harbour Grace public 10 ~err) .II[ SI .Ir,hn, Illllt· GIBRALTAR (Reuters) ,- A ~wes' a debt 'of gratitude for who I.', arkH B"~rh un Salm· Canadian jet aircraft making an e there who would wl;h-to see

, ~~'t 281~. 111111,· 1Il'I'l' Ihey Illl1~rgeney lanlling here Wednes· ~~e ltarbour Grace "Races" fade ~ 0 ~'r ~lId ~lr', E. 11.: lillY .hlt and killed a Spanla.rd into the dlin . pages of Its history.

It" '1 el'U'~lIl~ thL' ~il'poI'l nIDwHY WIth \' ,r;-.,I h.II,·',." 1,1 ~ll)lIt. ulhel' pClh'sh'ianN and cycllsls. The namel of Ibe 1956 Harhollr ~ .. ~ ,I, U.II~IiI'·r .lIlll sun·ill" 'l'he dl'ad man was f'ranclsco Grace Rcgt.!!a Commlttet art IS l;h:I~ld .)In }:"!I Tr;",t; all" (;I1\11~l Gal'cia, 40, a re£illent of follows:

~rln 1.",1,,·. ~11<·11lI1·1. GOlllet. Garcia 40, n resldl'nt of Ir. U,,'r,<I.di III S1. .Iulln·, Ih~ ncarby SI;anl~h IUII'n Df I.. Chalrman-R. W. Goodwin.

III ~Ir ))"I\I"IJIt'~, Lilll'a. Vlcl.' Chalrlllan-~l. P. Staple'

S/I gges t r m· your c01lsideratio1l.l




;hese Bre profitable and popular Trustee l~vestments in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward s and, New Brunswick and Newfoundljlld.


1 To 2 YEARS • • 3 To 4 YEARS ••

5 To 9 YEAR~ •• • 31/2'" • 3 3/4%

10 ' • YEARS. • .'. • • .4'" fe~r ~mplete jnform~ti'on contact The Eas­Pl~ an~da Savin~s and Loan Company ro­

sentatlVes in St, John's, "

BROWN, RENOUF & MERCER Barristers and Solicitors



tOll. Secretary,TreAsurer-F. n. Pike. C. ·Sheppard, S.M., U. Abhott,

R. Sheppard, P. E. Sheppard, ,E. L. Janes, E, D. Freeman; E. L. Oke. ·G. Parsons, R. Noseworthy, C. Pike, E. D. Hanrahan, A. G. Walsh, ·A. Crocker, W. 'B. Ken· Godden,' L. Pike, R. Cron, W. nedy, F. Moores, M. Gosse, A. S. Pike, C. DI'I'Ycr, G.' ~t Parsons.

Honorary Members Hr. Grace Regatta Commlttee-C. A. Crosbie, Archibald Munn, S. W. Moores, His Excellency Bishop O'NeIll, J. R. O'Dea, Hon, J. R. Chalker, Rev. III A. Ludlow, Rev. C. N. HDlme~, J. D. Hlggil'Js, Hubert Herder, E. Roper, F. P. Legge, J. J. Daley, F. W. McKay, L. T. Stick, MP.,

Reception Committee - R. W. GoodWill, M. P. Stapleton, L. Pike, M. Gosse and F. H. Pike.. •

Starter5-L. Pike, A. G. dtrdden, Judges-F. -Po Sheppard, H. R.

Sheppard: . . . . Tlmekeeper&-E. D. Freeman,

E; L. Oke • .. Wheel of Fortune Commltte~-

W. B. Kennedy, Frank Moores, E . D. Freeman, E. L. Janes,

Bingo Commlltee~G. Parsons, C. Dwyer, R. S, Pike, W. Walsh, R. F. Cron. .

Dance Committee-F. P. SheJl' pard, G, M .. Parsons, R.' F. Cron, C. Pike, M. P. Stapleton

GUIlller-C Pike.

STRUCK BY CAR MONC'l'ON (CP) - Srven·year·

old Catherine Ellzabeth Dunham died In ho~pital several hours . arter heing struck hy a car Wed· ne~day near her home In .. Salls· bury, JII nliles wut,

. I

. "


by· ..

Two Famous Makers: "GRANDMERE"

. AND ,


"GrandmereSmoothies" Now Machine Washable , Cloud.soft lambswool in gay new colours: coral, .. apple, tartan, mocha, dior blue, azure, grey mist,

red, surf, pi.nk citron, opal, tangerine, doeskin, beige

mist, peach, brown, maize and navy.

Short sleeve pullovers, sizes 14·40: ..................... 5.95

Long sleeve pullovers, sizes 14·40 ...................... 6.95

Long sleeve cardigans, sizes 14·4.0 .................... 7.9.5

~GRANDMERE ORlONS" Colours ecru, radiant, azure, pine, tangerine, smoke,

brown, dior blue, maize, navy, opal, turquoise, dt·

ron, pink and black. .'

Short sleeve pullovers, sizes 14.20 .................. : .. .4.95

Long sleeve cardigans, sizes 14·20 ............... , .... 6.9.5

• "GLENA YR KITTEN KNIT" Fully fashioped sweaters .•• ~oft as a kitten 5 purr ••• In the new

and beautiful colours of olive green, powder, yellow, ,brown, pink,

new moss, apricot, chamois, red, mint green, gold, platinum

beige, beaver, tartan and black.

Short 'sleeve pullovers, sizes 34·40 ................................ : ..... .t..6.95 . .

Long sleeve pullovers, !jZ~5 34·40 ............... : ............................ 7.95

Long sleeve cardigans ............................ , ................................ a.95

Another N'ew. Collection.





DEPT. Whether you love the pure beauty

of a pullover or classic cardigan

• •• you'll find the' one of your

choice in this exquisite hand-pick-

ed collection.

GOR-RAY· SKIRTS Your favourite "Konerayrt, IIDuchess"~ "Jeanettert, "Subrette", "Grandees:', "Matinee", "Florln~1I ancl . -' . accord eon pleated styles, •• in beautiful light and dark plaids, checks and plain colours of grey,

navy, brown, charcoal, white and black.

24 in. to 32 in. waists

8.50 to 17.25 \





I I , .. I ,

! 1 ... ,


, '

I : . .. ,

Page 6: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,



d ,


: I :. ill , . , !

! I , : . :

I ~ I , ,


I , I


CHIT-CHAT ~OLUMN 1ST BIRTHDAY office' vcry soon,

Little Shane Downs celehrates his first birthday toda)' with a LEFT TUESDAY pari" at his home, 159 .Casey SI. Mrs. John Coaulte ~ncl her two Greetings from his grandparents, children, IIliehacl and Sandra left unclcs and aunts. .here by 'r:C.,A. on Tuesday after

spending SIX week~ with her par· · U:FT ON ROUND TRIP' . ents, IIIr. and ~trs. .Tamcs Janes

~Iaster Toby Ash an~ Waltel' of 5· Gcorge Strcet. Mrs. C\laulte' Andrews left hcrc togethcr Tues· Ivas thc former Shelllt Jancs Rnd Is day for a round' trip 'on the S.S. payhig hcr flr:.t visit home In tcn :a lieu ycars. Her husband, ,Corporal • . ace a • John coaulte Is stationcry en· 'LEJIT FOR TORoNTo ' gincer with the R.A.F.

" ~!rs, Marjorie Moore, R.N .• o[ the' YISITING sciiOol CHUM 'Grace Hospital left ncre 01J Wed· I . " " · ncsday to spend a holiday with lIIiss Ka.rcn P~ice of \\ mdsor. . I I d In Toronto Nova Scolm. Is Visiting her school. r en 5 • chum, Miss Judy Randell, daughtcr

• ON ,BUSINESS of Mr. and Mrs.H. V. Randell, . :llr. Edward Bornlra o[ st. 82 Lcll!arehant Road. 'Karen In· .Plerre arrived In the city on lends sta~'lng two wccks. Shc Is Tuesday on a busincss trip. and Is a pupil at Edgehlll School for

.xeglstcred at the Balsam Hotel. girls. Windsor. and met her host·

lmTURNED t'nml CA:lIP •

ess there. SCI'cral other· New· foundland pupils at Edgchill will also ,he glad to sce Karim and wish' hcr a plelsant holiday. .. ',' Robcrt Glannou, Chcstnut Placr.

·.Peter nobcrt~. ~lilitar)" Road • ~.Huntcr Stcntaforcl. Wlntrr Al'cnuc WEIIDING A!':NIVEI1SAI1V ': and Barry Fra~er. \\,Inter AI'cnuc, Congratuliltions to ~Ir. and Mrs,

\l'ho spent a 1!lontl~ at Y c~~~t~' II, B. Laitc, 46 Prince o[ Walcs s~mmct c~mp In PIctoU c b' of" Ctrcrt, who celehrates their 13th NOI'a ScotIa. returned hOIl1 ~ . wedding nnnil'crsary today C.h, on Wcdncsda)'. •

PEN PAL W,\NTW ,IIRml TORONTO ' I I 'd I "'I I Ilc Deal' Slr5-1 11m intrrcslc! n · ~lr. anti ~Irs. E warc "C 10. 'correspondin" with a ho)' in St.





Celebrate Golden

• For Friday, Augud 1

Present-For You and Yours ... Rise and shine early on Ihis favorable morning. Somelhing good is indicaled on the business scene. Ideas wiu be well received, so, pre~ent them forcefully. Transits denote popularity, esteem and respect and people lend 10 be generous, kind and Ihoughtful under pres· ent radiations. -All in ·a)I, an excellent dayl

Futuro ... Decline in the new·. Past ... On Augu!l 3 autohl0bile mark~l. wilh res'ull' the Secrelarv or SI t ' lie!. ' ing unemployment in the De· Hay, 'inslructed all d,t. III:: trait area and other Michigan and consular officell t~Ic~1it eilies, may bring about a mi· term "Amerielll" 1\ I II!c fr~ gr~tion of workers to other ·Iive, instead o( "UititeN~;~ clhes. , .llet

. The 'Day ~nder Your Sign

ARIES IJor.M.,.~ 21 10 April 2111 LlUA ISopl.2) t. all 211 Social pre31iae .a.c.ctnttd. Consider tn· Emerlencit! ni'f, bl ,~ .• t«,t.inin, businul IcquainllOtet at thtm U )'OU ,.-dl r~~u~, ~~.1'1 t~>'I'! ~(lmt er in I fulllltant. htli' if )011 I'Ittd it~"" :".1. M ft TAURUS (Aptil 21 10 Moy 201 SCORPIO (Ocl. 211. Hit I Situujon mIl' aril't' v.-hich will N rliffi. ItOfttu)' ts Ih: txt! l>e'i" • 11 , cult lit hlnrllt "'ithout ofltndicc I dose but rtmcrdcr fl"':: t~i~ '~.~'O'l'l,~t. friend. ,"ourn-If II wr:::1 It tl) c.1~trL "'~;:q II 6EMINI ''''.y 21 10 Jun. 21) SAGITTARIUS IN" 1110 D \'0. ".ill be by .h, ,,:or<"lion ro.·11 bo .h, lif,., ,\, Hli .,"'111 you win from ftltnd. and family If you I'UI )'~ur "'orriu ui'l H',lrY~'f. att quidd,.. ' (U". Health im;rroH; ,MY. '.III ~ CANCER .(JUftt 22 10 July 211 ' CAUICORN (Otl.n I. JII AS~KIS fa\'~r d'~inl. bU5inu! Iln ! tuh Dnn'l ruth imtomftl I~H(h • ~~1 hlSit. [Mn t .IYf In 10 temptatIon to el'm,ullln, ~ur l'!I&rita' rln~~ "'!:'T" oYerload chulC IC(Clunl •• ' the advite Itr:~:,ul)'f 1M. • "-

EO (July 1) lo Aug. U) . ~.QUA~Ii.lS p ... 10 I, FI\' I You mlY not (e~1 up 1'1 par ....-htll you: S"mc unc~ft:~ltd il'ltt~t (rt.'rl 'I •• ~ up this mornlnr. but cntrt)' return. r~rft m~y corr.t ~e!H ".,. 'K:'.! q\lI~"ly. Lu\'r YOlJr moods at home.. M1Yi resultl proMi't t-: ht 'Of.(.' '~r YIRc;O {Aug. 23 I. Sopl. 221 ; PISCES (F.\,. 111.).1.,,\ 111 LJabililY II, ~u""ls ond lili,ui.ft ,It- Peopl, Itnd I. b4 ",Ih<rft 1'14 .. 1 iI ..... d dunn,r afl'tnOOtl bom. Blllff 1?1',OIth ....... VI cit" If Ii., 11t: poItpOIIo arllO.fttlfttftl.. ' _om unl,1 .. d'CI''''1 imr""

fl1!S6, lid! t., ..... bL

'a\1d their twin !~augh,ter~. LOUI~~ John's, NCII'~undlanri. Canada, as -and Lorralnc, a~l'Il'cd 111 St. John a pen pal. hctll'ccn tho age of 20 .11), T.e,A. on \I edncsday and left, to 28. I would like him to bc in· herc ycstcrday h)' car to spcnd R I tercstcd In artistic hobbics, I am l\IR d l\IRS WILLIA'l P DUGGAN ' "71

· liolida), with rc!atil'cs at Grand hoping that )'ou wlll hc able to • nn,. ". • Bank. help ,!,C find a pen pal, ~s I lovc On Tucsdnr, .Tul~· 31st. 11£1'. ann ~rrs. W. 1'. Duggan 'of 23 Field member. of· the SI. John's leam wh!en "Islted the :South Coast for M M k so, l~ad him b3Ck 10 the h nOM BROOKI,\'S to wrl~e and rccelvc mall and I: Sireet celebrated their fiflieth wedding anniversary.· games of socccr between south cor·s! towns 51.· Pierre and S!. John'. anners a e ask him 10 C:Ole Ihe c~~

· ~liss Henrietta Carter o[ Brook. ~~t I~~~n~r\~tt .fl~~nkal;~~ ~~~eri \ ,They were married at the Ca~hcdral of 51. John thc Baptist on from 1930 to '34. Fnoends knock and \\,ill\ Jor yoU to l\'n Hclghts, Nell' York. arril'ed in am hoping to hcar from you soon'IJU1Y 3151, 1906. Thcy, have two dr..ughlers, Marga;cl, ~!rs. 111. J., Hc is also well known for his Interest In counlry dances ftnd for it. It i~ not onlv St. John's (In Tuesday [roll1 51. Sincercly Gloria Anne Forney 56 Ryan and lIIlss Belty Duggan nt homc. Two sons, Michael nad DCI'm scvcral years was the director of • !Jarn dance group which broadcast. have a child wander tr>lttj!

)!iss Cartcr, II'ho Is emplo)'cd with A. grandchildren to/ld one great grandchild.' 0 S d 1.1 d M D h d' i" You can br e a k a neighbor's dangerous lor ntm ,J 'Pierre to be hercfor Ihe Regatta. Ann Ave:. Battle Creek, Mich. U.S, l'liVC In St. Jolm's, ~nd Kevin is IIl'lng In Toronto. Thcy havc sevcn' wcckly ovcr Ihc local. radio sta~ions. ,-- .' , house unannou~,c!d, it :1'

! Y k In n tln.:y r. an rs. uggan .were onoure w. Ith a lam Iy I ',small child of entering ,.'our hous~ I A child can 'et' h'ld ~ lIIacy's in New or' as nn • l\lr. Duggan,· who for manv. \.'·cars was wcll known in athlc~ic part t B.. d T d II Id t I " v ~ terior decorator is spending tll'O Y? n"us, an on ues ay eventni e ftn anmversary par y without knocking if you have a., thing he shouldn't hue be!,'

" in St, Plcrrc Ihls summcr. and Jeff S \cirCIC5 only stOPPCd


pla)1n:'~~~._~~34, an~~r.-!o~lr )'e~r_s was:, a~ thclr home. little patience. Each time he does I'know ~e is in ~e ho~;e,xl dtlring her vl~iL plans to complcte I y- ew ~ scries or skctches o[ "arlou5 aetil'llies and places nn the Island. Charmer ;l1i.s Carter pl"ns to hal'e an ex· hibition of her work In NclI' York sometime before the Nell' Ycar.

.,.Whlle llcrf~ ~hc is rcgistcl'crl at the ~cl\'foundlnnd 110lel, and plans to: :Tclurn to St. P~Odn)' hy plane. I 0:-; HOLIIlAY

, )Ir. and ~Irs. ,Iohn LeGrow and son CurLis. CraigllliIlar MClltle, are at present spcndln~ their an· nual holiday with rclalil'cs al· Blackhcad.

'l\lARRIED IS NEW JERSEY )\iss Adeline Blackmorc, !laught .

. cr o[ Captain and )!rs. W. B. Black· more, 104 Frcshwatcr Road. was

;I'cccntlv married to' "lajol' H. G. (Bud) ''ralma~c iii Nell' Jcrsey.' Thc), Rre now living at the USAF:

. ~tation In Utah. ! • _ i

~ 11;,\ "ISG }'on COR:'o.:n BROOK' : Mr. and ~!rs. Gilbcrt No[lIe and thcir daughtcr, ~liss llarjorie ~

; Noftle of the Audlo'l'isual division i : o[ the Department or Education.' : wlll be leaving here during the ; wcck.end 10 spend a holiday in. · Corner Brook. Thcy plan to &0' ! b~' rar. I ~BIRTHDA\, GmrISGS' ,

Patrick J. Lannlgnn, who Is with' : I he R.C.A.F. in Francc, celebrated. • his 22nd birthday on .Tuly 31st. His : parents and friends send greetings ! on his birthda>·. AJrman Holloway ; is the son of ~Ir. and Mrs. John! : Lannisan of 1~ Holloway Street. • 'HOME FRO~1 1I0LIDJ\ Y ! Mr. Peter Blundon, and hIs two ; sons, of Campbcll Mcnue, retitrn· t cd 10 the city recently after spend· 'ing a holiday at Bonavista and


Darling of your summer ward, i robe' Just thrce main paltcrll parts' - couldn't be easier. And' I

that graceful embrOidery Is fash . ion's newcst, smartcst touehl

Pattern 7245: IIIlsses' SiZes 12, 14. 16. 18, 20. Tissuc pattcrn, em, broldcry transfer. State size.

Scnd TWENTY.FlVE CENTS In \ CHRISTENISG coins for this patlcrn (slamps can· ; Edward Kelly. the Infant 50n of not be ac~eplcd) to ST. JOHN'S l Mr. and 1111'S. Tcd nus~en of Stoney' DAI,LV, NEWS,. ,Houschold Art N

; Ito,use Strcet 11'35 chrislened . on I Ilept, 1,0 FRON~ STRE~T WEST,. : Sunday; July 22nd at Coley's Point, ~ORON.TO, ONT. ~rmt plalnl~ . Anglican Church. The ehrlstcning : ~ A ~I~.. AIlD't~SS, PATfER~, :ceremony was perlormcd by the i NU~IBI.n nnd SIZE. I : Rev. Canon Thomas Richards, who, TlI'o FREE pattcrns-printed In :for man)' ycars scrl'cd as a ml~. the ncll' Alice Brooks Ncedlecl'alt :sionary on the Labrador and IS I h~ok lor 1956! Stunning designs now retired and living at Port de ' for yourself for your home-just


: Grave. Canon Richards. Is Mrs.: for you. our readers! Dozens of . Russell's uncle; and Coley's Point' other designs to order-all easy, .chureh Is the plnec whcre Mr. Rus· I, f~sclnaUng hand. work! Scnd 25 lsel! was christened and attended , e~nts for your copy of this won, ,as a boy. ·dlrful book rJght away!

:WEDDING TOMORROW . The wedding will take place to· :morrow morning at 9.30 at the

':Basilica of St. John the Baptlst o[ jMary Margaret, daughter of ~rl', fand Mrs. John G. Higgins, Rennie's IMiIl lIoad to Mr. Lconard Berar:! 'of Turner's Falls, ~Iass.

I '

RETURNED HOME . Mr. John G. Higgins, Q:C" whn. for the past month has bce.n a patient at the Victoria General Hospltal!n Halifax, returned home by T.e.A. on Wednesday. Mr. HiS'


Slices of cheese, chilled, can be made into a "finger food" for Baby by slicing them. can be similarly sliced to make a "log cabin" around Bnby's brea!:· fast. Hard·copked esgs, cut In quartcrs, seem more appetizIng to ' ~ome Bablcs Ihan they do whole.

Bins went to Halifax to addrels One mother carries a 5 m a II the annual convention of the Can· plastic cup In hcr' handbag for ad ian Authors Association, and Baby's USc at soda fountains or shortly 'after the convention en· othcr restaurants that, serve milk tered the hospital for surgery. on· or water In conical 'paper 'cups in his knee.· His many friends ,will I plastic holders. Most BabJcs chew ~e glad to learn that he Is fe~lIng these up and have trouble manag· fine and expects to be back at his Ing them. ..',. •

.. Just look at this line-up


, f . '

Join the August

ICE CREAM FESTIVAL ENJOY' "FOOD" 'THA T'S FUN Choose an ondless .varlety of dishes •• from 'just 'one foed. Yu you can, If you Itart right •• with Brookfield Ice Creamo In addition to offering a wide choicn C!f flavours, Brookfield Ice Cream Is, deliciously, the perfect mixer. Whether your taste rU,ns to pies or pastries, or to bottled beverages, Brookfield Ice Cream VIii! make them taste better than you ever thought possible. And of course, .when you rely on Brookfield you get variety easily and, inexpensively. There'. no strain on the cook ••. and no st~aln on the budget. So, whether you're at your favorite' fountain ar at home, treat your.elf ,to Braakfield Ice Cream aften. Your taste will never tire when yau chaos I the perfed mixer. TrY Brookfield Ice C,reamtoday.

, Ther. are dozens of different ways to enjoy the funfood~ 10 .tock up .on Ice Cream' today,







• • • ! ·take.ho me·

--- ........... . "

h,e,·.Cente ':"!t M FORWARD BfI fir;t' heard the hor

was astonished be I could scarcely I belie l 'e that a few articles of comm II lump of shoema

5m~other's spool of N sewing thread and

commonplace evel ld make such a fear


anticipated a~proXim expect and It haP. daylight-in fa~t, ar

on a fine summer. in my rather's 110

sound' of it gave m'

I had heard. stori~ Bansl1ep and their mal

and, holl' ,after the~ someone III the [amll)

die .. It secmed to n · some folks reall

. ii, or, did a good jl ,on,.they did 10 frighl'

iMln:gstelr5, What a galax was conjured up fo

or. perhaps our ente Besides Banshees,

Mel'maIO." fairies, vam goblins and

. 'little old fellow theJ . Leprechaun. By the Banshee I ever heard ( , be a female. I wonder

to the males! Ar frightening trih!

they called "Bon: I'cars 10 find out wh mcant when she'd

a good bo~' today won't get you ton

poor old Napoleon they had picked on. wh dead and buried Oi

Island (or some • Perhaps, however,

his body in it back to Paris, his

JUST • N£w shipmen'


• N!w shipmenl

• New line of K

• And for the Ki



REfRI , R.

I 5 YEo

GROUt leMj

DIAL 5433

Page 7: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

, :

: '



" ,'" "

, , '" ':: : .


AUGUST 3, 1 , '

____ -----·------------------------------~o'f~lt~,~a~lu~m;,p~olf~r:M~in~w;,a:s~e~a:sl~ly;---~::::==:=======:=~~~:=======~~~~~~--I~~--------------~----~------------------------~=:==============:: --- Centerville Banshee ::'~d~,:::~ .. ,I":;,'~;.:; Hollywood Today B'e'tween Us Women

were amateur shoemakers anyway. :By ERSKINE JOHNSON , R ~I FORWARD 'got loose and our parents were My dad actually made more than HOLLYWOOD (NEAl - Ex· By i 1\' hcard the horrible making the best of it. one pair of lirogans for me, and r" elusively YourS: Burt Lancaster

J~1l1 Ir. a!tonishcd beyond There used to grow In my fath· almost every family man had 0 D(3!! tried to talk Katherine Hepburn


I ;-a:ould !carcel~' bring er's front yard, and quite close to set of wooden or Iron lasts and tPo£ .. AM into doing ~ western for"hls in· A FEW HINTS ON. KEEPIN~ I her's dress, or another'. lack iif

\' b/licre Ihilt a fell' slm· the house, a dogberry tree, Around did some shoe repairing. They had dependent fJlm company Not on

.1: art'lelr,' III commerce,' the turn of the century the top of to or go broke! Such Dames as J'f" Ii d '" r COMMUNICATION LINES OPE~, pnrental control. , • .. your I e, rep e K~te. "~st. _ I Don't make ,derogatory remarks

"" 11 I~mp p[ ;hoemakcr s the tree had reached a height of Hop.Scotch and Sklp.the·Rope wore erns a alway w It th , I Illlmolh;r'! spool of :-i'll, 60 perhaps a foot or two above the out soles almost as fast as they re s ll. en WI, In almost any book or article about teen·agers in general. You h rl and an roof. On a slorm)' wInter's night, could be pegged on. Even a sole, ~en, nolt womenld, In mmndn. I d you read on helping your child I' would be surprised,how inany teen

!/~:~~o~pr:;~ el'cryday with the wind In from the south. Iron-clad with "B1akles," wore 0 on.e f I co~ ~et on a ho~se throu h adolescence you will find agers today think that growJ\uJfS • 1 fearsome east, the gales would whistle through quickly under the punish. and nde. But I m bred of playmg theSe g words' "Keep the chanl\cl don't understand or even like them makc suc 1 3 the strong-character woman who of communl~ation between you DonI' Dep,re.elate And Don't Snoop

through the bare branches of the ment we gave our boots. props up v .. eak men. Actually, the I " Don't ridicule teen·age h d 5. Inlicipalrd approximalely tree and occasionally bend the The hair.ralslng stories of ghosts, one part I'd "like to portray Is opeTnh'l's '15 l'\lst a hl'gll.faultin' wa" They may seem sill. 'I to yo.u, bu, t "p'cl '1111 it happened trunk so It hit the eave. Once In a fiends, spirits, bo"les, spooks and G C 0 J ,.' • I I hI" ary 0 per, I of saying "Dont' do anything tu you probably went In for Just RS

r.a\li~ht-jn [flet, around blue moon, It wou d h t t e roo wraiths, that were so much 8 part ' Burt ~nd Ka~e' are co.starrl~g make yo~r teen.ager clam up ~n, crazy fads when you were grow • .. On.a nnr 5ummrr after· with a, sort .of dull h.eal'Y knock, of ou~ conversations,-and added In the fllm version of ::The Ram· I " I ing up. And even if you dlan't,

d in n1~ 1"II1rr'~ home- t~rce limes 111 succession. At such I"to which was Old Nick hlmself,- maker' and It may be Burt's big YO~hat's good adl'ice. But how do II following fads is important to yll\1r I, 'ound o( it ~are me the times my fathcr woulrl cock his caused the bravesL of us youngsten c~ance to cr~ck the Osc~r bar· you manage it? teen·ager.

• ' car, put his finger to his lips and tn ha\'e certain qualms in dark rler 8[t~r seelll.g tWI) of hiS lead· I WeB in thi~ instance whaL you Don't keep harping on ho" JOu, , I harl heard >lorir~ of! with a sort of quizzical look In his: places, and particularly in passing Ing ladles, Shirley Booth and don't do is probably more impor'l did this and that when you wel'l il';~e' ,1:<1 lhm mails or, eye he would whlspel'. "Hugh~ I a graveyard at night, 1 don't r. Anna lIIagnanl. walk off with I tant than 'what you do, a kid, That's ancient history til

, "d ho'" ... lIer thr~' were Llslcn~ 1 think I hear a Banshee member el'er getting caught pm. Academy Awards. ' A few of the important don'ts! your child though it may seem I;O:1l!onr in lhr. lamily w~s, 'I' o~ltslde!" It n~I'er frl~htened me a ing 8 cemetery much after dark, Not that La Hepburn b a are' llike yesterday to you. It'l hi • . d:/ 11 !crl1lrcl 10 me In bit-I had climbed that tree so when I waR alone. I think I'll, tell !louch but because Burt's role of D~n't criticize his friend~. If teen·age rears your child Is lIvill"

ilomr lolk; rrall~', he· man~' occasions and m~' swaying you a little story bere that may gay, flamboyant ~reamer and you absolutely have to forbid him not yours. , or did a ,ood job of on It knock up against the eal'C, be ftpt. co~ m~n I~ h~nd.tallored-. part to run around with a certain friend ~on't snoop Into .your child's

Ih~~ did til frighten us that 1 was not to be fooled h~' that Myoid frIend, the late Edward l: he s milking. hke I ba!tery of . because the friend is really a bad private llfe. It 15 qUite one thin,' II'h,1 ~ ~alax)' of nne. All I el'cr heard WAS wInd Butler, owned a home on Nagle's I automatic milking mach mel, influence, do il. But don't just 10. make sure that you ~o" hll

, ' ns eOIl)urrrt lip for our whIstling through the branches Hill. His two lonl, George and • • • pick his friends te pieces, finding fflends. know where he 13 lolnl , ~.' pflhal'l our tnlertain. and a combined sort of moaning Fred, were my boyhood compan. The feature movie bued nn fault with one's manners, anot· when he leaves ~ome lnd !lUI~.

Silicic; 1I01l;hccs, there oround the eaves, which sounded Ions. The), had built a bough. the "Lassie" TV series Is due for another to read hiS mail, lIlten III litrnlaidl. (,irir~, I'amllires" direful enough when the trunk house In the woods back of theIr "And a dime for Shultz-he likes Ice Cl'f)am too Iilmlng In September .... Chari· other novelty song sits, says his on his telephone com'erutions,

, , '~o~IiIlS and a ca. would make Its three knocks. But, father's house and Invited me, ,nd .' . ,,--". - -' ,,_ ... _.. ton Heston and his wife, Lydia six·year-old son announced the and make ! habit of checkiDllIp 1:I1!e old (rllo\\, the~' call. the sound 1 heard that lummer a couple of other lads to spend I them and their fables of the was a room occupied by the pre- Clarke, 1\'i!1 make the summer other night that he. too, had on him to see if he Is tell In, 1011

L!r:reh3Un, n)' the W3)', afternDon, was unlike any I had. night with them. T'was 'a warm Banshees, ceptress and whieh had a transom stock tour through the east In written 8 song. It~ title: "Mom, the truth. Blr,! I rlw heard of was el'er heard hefore. II certainly summer evening, end around We put our luccessful expert· window over the door,-a perfect "Detective Story." Don't Throw the Bomb" Ross, You can keep Junior from d.m·

, II 3 Irmalr, 1 lI'ondfr what seemed to be out of thIs world eleven o'clock we left Cook Street ment to Its first use the following set·up, I, and a couple or other • • • by the WllY, ~ing5 on the screcn ming up on you Il you will just 10 the m.I~5: Anolher and the amazing thing was, that 1 for Nagle's HilI. We dIdn't give a night, In a neighbor's dining room, Inds, rigged a pin on the transom RKO I~ planting I eamera In for the first time in Paramount's treat him like a respected, tnIsttd [ri~hlellillg tribe was had helped to produce It. thought to the fact the hour was It was our custom, on one or two and waited 'till midnight to let go one of the covered wagons doom· "Three Violent People," and dependable meinber o! til. the~: r~Jled .. 1100)· ... 11 I am not quIte sure now who so late, or, tbat we were going to nights a' week, to meet Rt our the walls, There was considerable ed to roll over a 400·foot cliff In • • • family.

11m to lind out what my I the lad was that came up with pass the Newtown Road section of homes around eight o'clock Rnd commotion among the students the "Run of the Arrow" to obtain Gene Kelly ran into Dorothy ----------r,(;nl "hrn ,hr'd S3Y. such an un115ually bright brain. Belvedere· Cemetery. There were play cards unlll ten, or sometimes next morning. The following night some exciting iooLage. A novel Dandridge In Paris and came up \\lIERE THERE'S SMOKE

I cOl,d hoy today, and I storm of an Inl'entlon and who !ll'e of us anyway, so what did we eleven, The roaring game of "Pit' we were at it again, but as some idea at that, Usually it's the with an idea for a possible co· PEMBROKE, Onto (CP) - It ," .0n'l ~('I YOIl loni~hl." I' persuadcd me to use m)' father's care, about ghosts! We got the was played, if the old folks lVere of the girls became frightened, plot that goes over the clift in starring filmusical, ... PaL Mor· looked a~ though • local fieton'

Fir old :-i"pnll'on Bona. parlour window for the occasion. sudden urge for silence, however, out, otherwise we kept to the (one almost went into hysterics most Hollywood westerns. ison's mother, bedded two years was ablaze when I black palI Of I:'!~ ha~1 picked 1lII, who had Faintly. howel'er, 1 think the lad as soon as we passed 'Mr. calver'sl populor and less boisterous games and threatened, to leave for home), • • • with a broken hip, can now stand smoke hung over it one clear eve· :!I] and buried on St, 111'RS Bonald St. Hill, who lived home, the last residence on the of Casino or Forty.Fil'es. The game we gave up the awesome pastime. Hollywood designer Howard for 10 minutes a day, but ony ning, so an alert citizen called Gi.

1!,Iand lor !ome eighty \1 across the street from us. All I road I believe, and the eOl'irons lof Fort'·.Flves lVas generally pre· Of course. we also feared we'd be Shoup, gowning Debbie Reynolds with the aid of crutches. ' fire department. Sirens roar.! I h

'I f • II 'f f d t f • "B dl • and citizens racea to the seta. h(lWl'Wr. when know s, e lVasn t t Ie son 0 a of the graveyard were upon us. ferred. expe ed 1 oun oU. or un e of Joy," is thumbing • •

hi, hody in 1840 professional shoemaker for I had To reach Allandale Road, we The dining room of thIs home his nose at Paris' high·waisted Italian import Rossana Rory to find it was only smoke trom • it back 10 Pari!, hi5 !thos! to supply the rosin. Come to think decided to take the short cut was on the north side of the house styles, SayS he: "I'm giving Deb· about Hollywood: "I've always passing train.



• New shipr.1ent of 1711 CROSLEY T.V.


• And fat the Kiddies' new shipment of


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-- .. ---_._ .. _ ... -.. - --..... .. --


8 cu.ft.




DIAL 5433 .. P.O, BOX 441 </"fIf;'

through the field, around the north and- situated between the kitchen bie the lVaist· where· the· waist prided m~self on being a Jing~ist -P-O-IS-O-N--IVY--AID-, edge of the graveyard, foIl owIng and parlour. The parlour was scI. should·be·styles of. 1957," but ,there s one !angua~e" I Just PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP)-a well.deflned, footpath close to dam In use, and had acquired a·· • cant master-~} agent s. ! Househnlders plagued with polloa the cemetery fence. The graves kind of musty odor, (the blinds Jeff Morrow heard one of Mari· Room·full·of·lltles not e: The Ivy patches can eall up a Purl' came right up to the fence and were rarely drawn and one got an Iyn Monroe's associates complain !!1m "ersion of the broadway hit squad formed by a service elub 'some' of the weepIng willows and eerie feeling just passing it In the that she had to join the standinc "A Room ~~11 ?f, Roses," was (Kiwanis) here. They spray the othcr shrubbery actually hent out hallway). T'was I cold dark room. By Robert L. Dieffcnbncher, D.D. room only crowd to see a Broad· changed to DodlC, then to "Our weed, whieh many people, especi· over it and In the seml-darkness We didn't have mueh trouble In Most of the mistakes made by way hIt play, "EI'en standing,' Te~n.Age Daughter." Now it's ally children are still unable to of the starllght night the white fastening our pin to the InsIde of people are not made Intentionally. commented Jeff, "I'll bet sbe had bemg called "Teen·Aged Rebel." identify. The~e is no charge. tombstones stood DUt like apparl. the bay windoW of this parlour But frequently they are costly in the best seat. in ~ th; house." tions, - our Imaginations were during the afternoon. At nine p,m. tim e, embarrassment, m 0 n e y, working overtime too., We had four of us were seated around the material~, or effort. !t'ft lean' days for Hollywood gone perhaps about one hundred dinIng room table, seemingly en· When our mistakes affect other chorus do Is, Out of 350 dancerS feet down the path, when sudden. grossed In a game of Forty·Fives. people we sometimes find ollr. regisered with Central Casting, I)" we heard I groan and what About this hour, the old folks selves subject to criticism, dis. only 100 are at work these da"s

d d h Ilk th k mode U5 vi it f th kit h in a sharp decline of musicais, soun every muc e e crea. .. ,a s rom e c en, cipllne, or even penalty. Every ing of dry bones. The Immediate gave us some cookies, said they now and then our mistakes result both in movies and TV .•. Maur· shrubbery Inside the fence begnn were going to bed and asked us to in ph~'sical Injury or pain. een O'Hara and Errol Flynn are to shake "Iolently, as though a leave not Inter than ten·thirty, ad· Errors are exasperating and near tbe contract signing stage slldden sharp breeze had hit the monishing 115 to make as little ought not to be repeated, but los. for a movie titled "Lord Johnn~·." trees. We kept on walking in 511. noise as possible. We played on Ing our tempers and becoming II's due for filming in England in ence and, as the commotion In the '!i11 about ten o'clock. Then we got angry does not seeh to have much October. trees made no attempt to follow the rosin going. effect on the correction of 0 II r • • ,. , us, we sImmered down Rnd won. We had the thread come from ways. Scolding other people {or ,Joan CrawfOl:d IS MI5S Confu· I dered. That night, In Ihe bough. the parlour, out under the hall their mistakes dor-s not seem 10 810n O\'er telefllm offer!,

i house, we dieln't sleep a wink, hut carpet lind Into the dining room, influence them to make fell'er , "I don't knoll' whether I.:m go·

il kept up a sort, nf philosophical direct to our table. We dIdn't have mistakes. 109 t~ ta~kle T~ or not. she challer on the peculiar anlic~ of i t~ move, an Inch 10 make the hor. It i~ not enou~h to merely Ea)' say~. '1 dId a pilot once, but no ghosts, unlll sunrise. 'rsble nOIse. 11 took three or four that ;ve shall tn' to make fewer more, If they don" knoll' by noll'

Comln, home the following I healthy walls before the air! gen. mistakes, It is rutile to add pun· I\'~at I ha\'e to oHer they nel'er morning, 1 decided with some came dOll'nslairs tn finr! i ishment to the <elf.suf!erillg of \\',II~ 1 trepidation, to walk up the north. out I\'h~' we were making sllch lone who has made a !"Istake. • • •

, ern aisle of the cemetery from the fearful soundR. "Can't ye he morc The only II'n), In ~l'IlIeb \\'~ can Ross Bagdasarian, compose or I I t'" h k d 'Y I f r m,otakcs JO to "Come Onna My House," "He", eastern gate and keep as close to qu e, e as r. , ' e ~ound like earn rom au , , ,

the fence as I could. The gate was the wails of a sick Banshee!" Wllh study how and why we made them Brotber, Pour the Wine" and I wIde open, and In the middle of boyishly Innocent looks we asked, and to eliminate the ,c a II S e SPrayer relleves a great deal of I'

the main walk there before my "What sounds?" - "We weren't Much of the cause '7e fmd In our tension. God is a very good en· eyes, was the ~al1lng card or' our making any nolsel - just playIng lack of IItlenllo~ ~r m preocc~pat. gineer to steer our lil'es away' frIend "Bossy." I located "Bossy's" cards." His young Bon, who had ion. Some of It IS In Im~ntlence from mistakes. resting place by following the the rosin and string under tbe ~w~hi~le~m~u~ch~o~f~l:t ...:I~s ...:t:en.:s:lo::!1.~ ___ ---------------smaller droppings, up to whcre we table just then gave the thread an· had received our fright the night other rub and out from the par· before. Doubtless, the cow had lour came a sharp awesome wail. I been more frigbtened than us, and think the old gent turned colour, the terrible rustling oc the trees anyway he looked grayer than he was caused by her horns as she was. He stood there listening while

\ hooked them, trying to 'get away we, with mouths agape, let on we I from Us five youngsters wbo had were scared stiff. At last one of 'hroken her rest so ncar midnight the boys said. "Perhaps It's the I During the passing years I'I'D had Bansheel" "Nonsense," roared the i the consolation that I found m)'. old man, "there's no such thing!" II self brave enough to go through But I thought I detected a bit of

the cemetery, alone, on a hrlght eredullty in the tone of his voice.

I summer's morning. But, Lo get As he was a very br~ve man and back to our sick Banshee: determined to examlDe the par· I This particular afiernoon, the lour, we became fearful he'd notice I old folks and my sisters were away the thread so made no. more wails, I on one of those cnjo~'able picnics We foulld the strmg worked

I held so often out the Wishing Well equally well on the outside of a Lane, so we had the house to our. window, so for perhaps a month selves. we had the neighborhood disrupt.

We tied the No, 60 thread to a cd until It seemed lomeone lVas to pin, pressed the pin against the die In .almost every home in wIndow glass head up and tapped CentreVille. When we ceased mak· it into the lower woodwork of the Ing the noises, stories of the Ban· window frame, perhaps I quarter shees gradually died out. Perhaps of an Inch, Paying out about ten we had done a· needed job! But, leet 01 the thread and holding It every now and then a neighbor tlut, we rubbed the thread with WOUld, pipe up with, "Tis funny, I roaln. Oh Brotherl What a howling hnven t hC,ard R ~anshee wall now and screaming came out of that for a dog I agel glass I We all listened In amaze. In 1922, I brought the knowledge ment Boland'. Idea was a success of the Banshee's wall with me to a gr~ater .uccess than we had a boarding school in' Nova Scotia. dared to Imagine. As I remember It was a co-educational academy it the orIginal thought behind the and the boys and girls dormitories e~perlment was to frighten the were In separate wings of the IIvln, daylights out of our parents building, but came. together at the and lort of turn the tables on end of a long corrJdor. Right here







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Page 8: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,


THE DAILY 'NEWS, FRIDAY, i.8 ______________________________ ~--------~----~--~--------~----~~~~--~~~~~~~~1


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. ! ! ;

Report GulOAad lllOO IS 15 U Q M.I.II"rI 3%33 310 3%3 3~l _10 GulUlU wta 13n 920 • aLI 92n ;·tl Quomanl 151) 12'1'.. ~~'.' 27'" - 10 GwllUm 7COO 13 13 13 -'. n.dio,. 2300 '12n 110 m Hore RlIi:k ::210 1m \5 11 -Ii nllnvili. 123 110 160 ISII

Nil HUll '" '0' r III nore l:.rth !!71111 21.1 215 ~S.I H.r. Min liaCO M SI1 51) - 5 R')'rod, 3700 1111 115 110 ; I n .. ·... 7300 \I Il \I -" I n •• ,p.r 31100 Il 31 10 t'1 Hfllh 2SICO 2M\!!7 II - 10 n'D' nupun 2100 ::2 21 22 I n.... 2130 9 9 ,_ \j nh Alhlb 3100' 79 13 7S HI,II Brll 1200 93 U ~3 _ ~ noch. ~300 \1 15 11 HolUnltr 1330 239 ~ali 281, +" nockll'ln SOO 31 31 31 -I Ho~l. • 121311 110 11.\ lID , 10 Sl Michael 9100 13'.\ 41 42 Inl NI,k.1 .\~'90 SIOM 101 10-, - '.' S.n Ani .100 73 13 13 IWT nlnwl,k al300 63 60 63 I. Sand nll'or 19000 2)\, 191.. 221\ +1 I.on II.)· 3:;0 3U 31l ~U Sh'lI'k,y 6133 21 20 21 J.,k W.III 6~00 21 ~4 21 _ I Sho ... 111 21m tl.I 960 910 + to Jaye E,pl 2100 116 1111 110 _I SlIancn 10GII 1!!i ISl; IllHI .lllneU' 3';32 7 ~6 fiO 6l sa ~llIIr' 1111 120 113 1l -2 JelllcDO 3:100 21 20 20 _ I. SII Sland I!ill IS II I 3 Jow,.y 3119 III 101 110 -3 SI.eDO 310 83 SO. ftl -2 Klnvlll. 5011 BI' ,... A! .. -I, Sloe.n \. n 1:1.11 II I$!J ~O ,\, Ker, Add UlO 2$0 20 2U Slar .. U .:lOII 10 I 0 10 "1I.mb. 7,.0 3:~ 313 32. t I SI,ol' no,k ,.776 1211, 21 21 - Ii Kllpmbe WI. 4.0 lin 110 140 SllI"oon 1:300 60 sa M -2 Kirk Ilud 31600 13 10 1\ -2 Sullivan 1.1' lllO 410 :100 ; 2! Kirk Min 41.93 20.1 III 100 i IZ 5url Inld 500 1M lOS 101 Labrador lOll Un< ~I 2\ S~I"lnltr 1000 1~9 123 I ~lawll Lako Cinch -llOO 91 ~I 91 t I Ta.. A I qSOq I I 11 11 L lJulaull 7'136 ~'95 2IU 293 ,20 Teck Hu.h :1300 U UII In Lake Lin, I~'OO 11 11 11 Tema,o.,1 200 613 61l 67.1 L Short 100 430 IlO 4;0 -10 '1'1'001 Ld 1311 16. IlS 160 -I LI Lu, 100 4lU .01 lOl Tomblll 1000 31 32 3~·li-1!i LIII'h 3nJU 10 3 ~I 1011 -3 Towilmo, 30;)0 2~ 20 20 t I z.encou,1 1200 16 15 IA • I n.. 1200 lG'.' 3m 31!' - 'io 1.0.,.,. 43,11 _ 11 1l IS _ ~ U Mlnln. lOOlJ ~'2 ~'2 22 - la I. I. I,a. '2.1 2U 111 1,1 5 \I A,b .. IO. )173 1.,1 1~.1 7n ; 10 l.exlnd,n S3~J 21 2. "' , l \'n 630 fi~ 611 B)O Lorado 7:)00 1~3 III 123 -I U ~Iontaub 10M 21 21 21 ,I Lo.n',ourt 2J\J~ ~I :!J :!J _I I·,.don ~~OJ U lS ~O L)·.dh 1'f,lOU 123 lID 12! -3 I·cnt"r.. 2~7 Sift 47 1ft .1 M.r.... 21U.1 m 19.\ IPS \'100 91!:a 133 111 131 ,5


" ...... UM! tILL WAIT-- ' MY 14AND 16 A B\T ~HAKY"""MUST 6'.:; IHI$" 'COOL NIGf.\T AIR.'

. Ml.don.ld 9jOll 9U AI 11 _: I \'{ol'lno. .1no~ J9.I 191 1'l .1 M ... i'lr 7.00 ~'11 I~ IA ,,2 ,\\'e.'lon 2'..10.lR .1~ ;8 ~~~~~~===;::===:::~~~::::::::====~ M.c~ •• " .1110 39 :.Ill 38'.1 II'orn, ~ikl \2:0 65 f2 ~I - 3. .. MlcLrod moo 117 1,1" 11.; ,.II I II' Mal.. moo ~'2 ~" :!2 -',' ~ Da\le. 1000~' 21 ~I • Madlen I;OII!:.!U :10 2;0 .10 WiIl,n)' ~r.r,o 2!0 23A 2fi!.' 2l\ ~ '.lll Exrl 10030 190 m 186 "IA~RFRo~trr BOWRING BROS., LTD, Mal"ll. I"uu 1,. Ill! .111 ,2 11'I\ 1,lroO 1.,1, 15 1,\,.1 ~ Superior 3111 253 260 26.\ W 11'j 1., Min ... ' U 3,J 22 22 22 Wln''' 3000 Wi 10 10'.1 .'.1 Xordon 500 2J 20 211-3

Arch McKenzie dl5ClwI'ged a ". cargo of lumber and is now tak· 1.1,

Ing freight for st. Brendan's and . ~ the other usual northern ports, ~

Ma,al,o litCO 2) ~J 25 IV. 11." , 113 117 11.1 III ;o.;C UU. 1100· 725 71 0120 + 10 . ~I.rron 8\100 r.: ~I YoUo... 3lGII 13 12', 13 'h.,;C Oil1 "Is 210 193 313 393 ,5 DIRE('TORY Mariti",. 810 27. 261 270 • I "k 1I •• r ~IOO ~':D :11 22~ ,I ";orlhl •• d 1.;00 &I 76 II ,I , Mar 11 ~'IS PJU 8l 10 8S .5 '·ul.ono 100~ 11\\ 111. m Ull Solocl Z61110 16 15 131.; I. Marlin I(1OU 14 14 '1,1 Z •• m.c 1300 3ft 3.\ 33 - '\ 3200 ~'91 290 291 i 3 M.)b,un 49.50 114 tai 139 -3 Zulapa 22S0 60 ~9 6D .1 Pac Pol. 4361 $191i 19» 19 .~.

ON DOCK Clara Hallett, Feltham Is the r' McNamara's Construction Co's master. loai!cd freight for Bona· i:1

scow, Bowaters Drumbarker No.3. vista Bay ports and sailed Friday. ~ Mronl)Te 19. 90 m. 90 + 1'1 rurb Pan 11"'1 61000 U 31 42 +1 McKcD';' ~300 12 I" 42 ,I Bulolo 110 S\3 513 m Palhllnd.r 370n 1,1 I," 15l ,3 Mc~lannc 1000 13 13 13 _I Gaspe Cor 300 511 II 34 PU'e mv 3l1! 121i' m. 12Ii .. !. MeW.lln ~OOO 11 40 40 -2 Yukon Con 1230 63 ~3 6~ Pelrol 6jllU I~, I:!:! 123 -~ Whaler Spora and Codroy. July 20. §

AT' DOCK Crystal Stream sailed on Friday. ~ M,rrtll lollS ~8.1 110 Zs.; t IS OILS I'ondrr 9:00 7l 70 1~ M'la Uran 6~'W 3\ 30 30 ,\,me Gil 1300 21 20,21 ;.. 3 PI·alri. 011 700 411$ 47S 475 -10 'I V A tl d 'I N I S July 20, for northern ports. [:; ~lInda",r 1300 ~I • 20 ~'O AI' toni 10100 60 30. 60 ,3 I'rovo Gas 205lU ~Jl 230 235 MlnlnJ Crp 630 $~Rl1 :lO', :6\, • I. Amu,.. 100 660 663 BIO -15 11001 6000 16 a 15 ",. rc ea an ", . n so .S. S'I J b'l P t ~

Kyle sailing on Thursday on Lab. I vcr u I ce. arsons, mas er, I! ItUn End.av 11800 69 6li 63 -2 An,hor I.IIJO IB IS 18 mo Palnlr 29~0 20~ 19. 2U2 -1 IoIln3"ure 3100 2& 1.1 ::,; T I 11011.)· Sol A ~Z39 SIS'.. \1\, I~ .1. lIDunl 7000 I~'i 12Y, I~!' + II rador service" loaded a cargo of freight for Bon· ;, Mo~ul ~31~ 335 323 313 _, nallry Sol P" 310 '16'1 Jl 3&'1 t 1\1 IIoyaUIe IU7U~ 51m 15 16\1 T 1'.. Mo"eI. ~JiJiJ 61 61 ';7 -I nan!! IZ300 31l 300 31l • 10 Royallle pr 390 nOli 29 301, t 1\,

S,S. Glencoe Is "ettin" read" to avista Bay,and sailed Friday p,m, ~ h " , National Convention, Bridgeman, ~

Mull1.~IID 41600 m IU 176 .. 6 nala 600 14 14 14 Sal'phh·. 1000 2J~ ~;1 1.11 -I :-;11 E,pl 61t» II 31 51 -I B,lta\, '901\ 300 ~3 291 .3 Sc"rry·n 671611 310 :m 303 .10 go freighting from 1\'orth Sydney is master. is taking freight for En· !: N •• Labno 2100 m IT 311 IJ3 -I C.I.lla P 4100 111 133 III • \0 ~ocllr ~'r.. :W315 4S0 4>0 470 T S New Alger 8100 13 22 ~3 + Cal Ed ~19J $1m 231'0 291\ iii 1 South U 0111 30110 19 57 58 -I

to Port aux Basques. clee, Conche, St. Julien's, Goose I! MUNICIPAL BASIN 'I I !'iew Alhon. 1000 66 61 68 H Calnorlh 107100 10 38 40 .1 Spoon.r lliOa 39 37 1lI -I

~o ... BId mo Il IS 15 C 011 Lond. 1010 321 320 m -13 Slanwell ISB2I 10 11 i8 +1 ?II.V. Mercer and Greene re. Cove. Samt Ant lony ane Quirpon. It

HORWOOD LUMBER CO., LTD, ~ N.w Cal 1143 11 70 70 _I C Oil I. I'll 600 ~OO I~ 200 10 SUrolY 011. 100 I~I 101 101 New D,lhl lOll 101 101 10 CS pote 3l1~ 430 . 41" .30 -10 Trani Can 600. 100 15.1 ISS named the Sungloll' \Vii! go on dry Thomas J. Hodder. PicoU Is the ~ !'i0'" Dlckn __ 440 6J 163 ltiJ was Cdn Ad 011 3) 6a 6l 64 'J'rano·Em 210U::!3 2~U ~'21 + 1 N Gold,·". 3 .. 00 !!7 26 27 Cd" All Oil 4900 8~l 81l 8:!3 + 10 Tun gra 31330 J9 31 39 ~ llr:~~r:1t I~~ ~~ i~'i ~\i -+111 ~ ~~III.~~: ~~fo $~~',. ~~!t Uli ,I }::~~ ~:l: 2:0 I~· l~S 1~1 -2

dock on Wednesday. master. is taking freight for Fogo. '" M,\', Thcmas & Robert shifted M, V, Avonwood sailed Monday, ~

Now IIa,cD :lJ()O 33 30 30 -2 C Do,aUa wt.:;OO 56 36 16 ~ 1 '{rlad 011 70.. $121m 1\', Now. Ja.on U;)OO 17 16 1& -I Cdn Dev I' t30'l1 8U aas 611 III Un 011. 36300 264 215 263 I

up to allow vessels to dlsehargr ON THE SOUTHSIDE r,; at Horwood Lumber Co's wharf There is one Portuguese fishing lil

I'! ".Iore 61100 21 19 11 ~~ C Ex 0.. 1323 673 &GO 660 -5 I09Ju 3S 33 ·,lS ·1 So .. lund 4600 SB l3 sa + 2 C 1I0m.ld 4623 230 ~S 221 -3 IV ".hloy 9000 15 13'\ 13V. -I"

A. E. HICKMAN CO. LTD, trawler sailing on Tuesday for the i Thomas J. Hodder, took freight Grand Banks. i'i

N Manlloba 1T~10 143 13~ 144 "I Cdn PI. 1'01, 1l~1 .410 400 100 -10 IV Uecalla 2100 179 110' 170 _So S Mind. ::9610 1.1 tiJ 15 , a C Prospect 100 5919 S6.\ BSB - U IV Naro 6130 11.1 131 110 • S for Fogo, sailed on Saturda'·. ,-

'I V P ff II . H.M,C. DOCKYARD ~ ~ AIyl.,". 3300 16 16 I~ _', C WIIII,lon 100 303 311l 30S -40 W ~'l'O ~'Is 1100 ~'11 27 ~ft -2 ~eWnOrih ' 3000 13 13 13 -h Cr~1 l:,pl 1011 1;0 1.\0 ISO .13 Wllrlch 1100 43 13 IJ -2 "., ayo w 1 eh has been M, V, SeabeacoII, HOUllsell is the ~]

moored up all the winter Is slat· master, rcturned from Carbonear. '3 s.'" n6u~n 300.1 IA 18 IA I I'.nl Leduc 23010 5iO 135 1711 ,~O t:.rb ~o~' nonn 9m 31$ JGS III Charl.r Oil IlOO 21l 212 214 I Ualhousle ISoo II 21 21 ,2'.> ed to el'cntually go on dl'Y deck I I ' I' I . d 'j N. Srn'lor IOf.o 9 ~ I C Allenb.. 1~'200 19 18 19 • ~ OF3 .e1.),r /1I,,;b :0.:." Thu,b ~IOO II 13'" II (; Ura,.n 16613 II 52 l 3 -I NEW rOIlK CLOSING stOCKS

HI', Buffell, sailed TUl'sdal' I\' lel'e t Ie fair Ig It was repalrc .'c

CANADA PACKERS LTD. and lit. 1\'OIV waiting to go on SICk! Rim 31910 4.0 41.1 \.1.\ -5 l. Mlc ~I.. B30~ lIn ~OO 50.\ -5 II, n. ~ ... dlln r.ell ~Ipl.lnl 12\0 31.\ 36.\ m, C W .. I r.le f>OO $II 1m II 1. ,I'III'lh SI •• I I;;'. lionnecoll m', dock. ,~ "or.hrn,e 4:00 Inl ~\ 1M n •• nil 11\'" ,3'1 '2~ I~.\ AoU 'Warnll' 47\1 MonlY W I\oronll. 1061 ~'J ~, ~:~, _!.! nrl nlo MHl ~;3 110 It.\ , 10 (; and II 66 ~.:'iY

<)\, C, and A. Brown. Blackwood I,~ The RO~'al Canadian Firetug 3 i Aj 39\, I the master. takinll freight for I ne is moorcd u" for harbour lire servo f~ ~orl.ld 2"''''' 2.1 In 23 • I I 11"·.I .. <I~r "100 10\ I.n 1M _. ~ 1 tan. ~:dl'on .,~. nadlo (;orp

~orlart,e 1M' n U 1.1 I ]lome f,.pl 201\1 no 9)n 910 .10 I F.I 'ul Ill'" std 011 ~1 :~ . usual northern ports. sailing day. ,I' :9

71'~ light this Tllesdal' a,m. Ice. ~ ~.rmr!1 ". 105 7~ 11\11 _In llu"e. 3,00 ~3 ~I ~2 , I ,n O. ..' ••• ~or Inro 1000 9 I', A'\ _', f: Pn.n.y InSJ1~ 63 61 6; Grn EI,. .3', l:ld All,nl! .\01. "I' I G I' JOB BnOS, & CO. 1.1'11. j.n:!, ..., llr cy OO( ~'cnr 2nd. Hunt b The two trawlers Blue Haze :.¥ 0; nankin !I'I\'I II. II! 14~ _. I ~'II". mn 310 303 110 .10 I Good)'ur 1Sh I >n.dlum

"o"h'ran 'Inn III I:n 123 _! Gr. r,l. 3011 6:0 3M I:U ,10 Grn Eire U'.~ IJ,Id AIl'efOll OblSk. :.100 11'\ In 11'\ ,I', (;U! rei. A 600 ,\70 m m ,20 (lood~oar m~ \~. anl·dlum .0'. taking freight for the usual north· II and Blue Sprav which recently _.,

36'. ern ports, ' 0'lIrl.nI700 J,I' 3:l u' _I' (lr rial .. Drv 1OO 131'.; II .l1'.' I ca Nor ny II ~ 70• D'" Oflm. 210M 30 2! 2' + 1 Ilr S.· .. I Ii "00 JlO ll5 310 Inl T and T 33~. ""n,\ly 1.11Pf1 77 74 7 I S I {;, S~eel G 4300 3l1! 3ll 33.

CROSBI! & CO. LTD. came off dry dock, and of which I ';j Veteran Explurer came off dry Captains Scott and Blackwood arc I ~;

(h... 2 .. ICO 41 41 II (lrldoll IU 0 13 13 \'1 • '. r ... m.q 1MO 13 13 13 HI;h C ... I lO.I 0 Jm 31 33\1 + 1', T'ar~rr :00II 12 II II _ II': IIlRhwood 9200 45 39 13 .3 Parder :\.13 7.1 1.1 7l -3 110m. 011 A y~lI IS! II!. 14 1. ," Prrron 2300 251.:3 211 -I 110010 011 B 6031 'IS 131. 141,. I rl.k CrolV 916 IU 14.\ lIS 15 WII ::00 4RO "0 "0 ,0 Plone" :IlO I1l 171 115 -I Kroy 011 26230 2l~ 26 3 2lS + T PII,h,Oro SSOO 13 1\ 13 t \\ Llbenl Prte 11200 32S 3:0 3:3 +5 PI • .,r BOO II 1m 13 Ii t \\ 1.1 p.te 1000 16 16 16 .,.1 Prem Bord POOO 18 15 13 Morrill Ptto 1110 Sl8\1 18 18 - 'j r,UlOn SOO 600 591 600 ~ 5 Mldeon J6620 13.1 131 l3S i 1 Pronlo 300 M5 "I ~es .IS Mill City 23083 39 :rI 39 +4 T'u,dy, Mica 3000 31 30 'I + I Nal rei. . 300 495 410 110 -20 Q,. (bib 63%! 220 211 ~'20 -3 N Brt.!ol 2!SIl 137 m m Q.. Cop 12011 las 180 ISS N II Dom 3000 250 236 21. i 8 Quo Lab 2000 16 IS 1l -I N ClIbmrln 7625 110 165 110 tI QII. ~l.n 400 02 102 102 -3 N ConcorG 500 10 40 10 3

Q~I'lallu'r 32.1.1 310 32S 32! -10 N Conllnonl 810+ 0 67 6ft 67



• Glt CASH for. Fr .. h Start NOW-PAT LATER In convenient monlhly amount .. And ,et thn. Ixtr. benefits: Calh 'n 1 VII't-phon. Ifr.t-upGn approval, pick up cllb. 1111 C.n •• lhl.tlon Slrv". lit no eztr. COlti Reduc. your

'. monthly pa)·ment. and blv. mora 1.1t over. .' N.tlo"wW. C,e.t Car" rtto,niz.d It over 970 amUa, •• eM",!

Steamship Movements

~ock. moored up indefinitely masters, are gelting ready to re- ,~ tlI.V. Maneco Is stili up ror sume the Grand Banks fishery. \ b.

sale. MORE CONSUMER GOODS ~ Whalers Gun VI and Flnback arc MOSCOW (Reuters) _ The Sov'l D

moored up' for the season. -. iet Union produced more tele· ~ TBE NFLD • .oREAT LAIE! A YRE & SONS LTD. vision sets, watches, footwear and I ~o

STEAMSHIPS LTD. M, V, Ornate, Rogers Is the mas· h M.V.

Dundee from Toronto ter, Is going on dry dock on Wed- cameras during t e first six I d months of t his year than were I ~ Aug, 3, Montreal Aug. II for SI. nes ay, scheduled IInder the state plan, an I

John's, . ' G, S. Cutler took freight for official report disclosed wednes.·\ ~,' MV Lunan from Hamilton about Trinity Bay ports, sailed Monda>' day, But the report, issued by the

Aug. 10, Toronto Aug, 11, and night July 23, SQviet central statistical board., ' Montreal Aug 14 for St. John's. There lI'el'e 2 Red Cross motor said some ministries had failed to I' -

MV Perth from Hamilton about boats, M, V. Maral"al, Small is the cope with the program for the Ollt· Aug. 17, Toronto Aug, 18, and mnster, and M,V. Albert T. Gould. put of goods such as rolled metals, Montreal Aug. 21 for SI. John's. »awe• master, from SI. Anthonv metal cutting machines and sime'"

FURNESS WARREN LINE on mission services to hal'e their agricultural and computing mach·', Newfoundland leaving Halifax compasses adjusted, sailed for SI. ines. 1

July 28, dlle St •• lohn's July 30, Anthony on Wednesday, I Sailing same day for Liverpool. BAINE JOHNSTON & CO. L TO. AD~IlRAI. IIE:\IlS I!'iQUIRY

Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool Catherine Hann, Hann Is theRO~1E (Reuters) - Admiral:_ July 25 due St. John's July 31, master, from Petit Forte. discharg· Candido Bigliarrli. a senior Ital'l Leaving' for Halifax and Boston ed 400 qtls, fish at Steers East end ian derence ministry official. will p. Aug. 1 due lIalifax Aug, 3 and premises and is now taking freight head a seven·mnn commission to I Ii Boston' Aug. 6.' Leaving Boston I for Placentia Bay ports. inquire into the loss of the liner ~ Aug. 7 and HaHfax Aug. 11, due Annette Lovetta took freight for Andrea Dorin, it I\'as announced I ~ St. John's Aug. 13. Saillng' for Burin and SI. Lawrence sailed Sat· Wedne"dal' night. lie is director· 1ft Liverpool Aug. 14. urday p.m. gene!al ~r military and s~i~n\i[!c I ~

Newfoundland leaving Liverpool President Brown. Lewis Glover. sen'lees In the defence mInistry s M ~05 STREET, ST. JOHN'~ AuC. 11. due 51. John's Aug 17. master, o~vlng to a ~arcity or nal'al dil'ision. ; ~

2nd Floor, .,posltl Wnlnslty' •• Phent: 1-1303 Leaving for Halifax and Boston (relght sailed for Hare Bay on S N ' I OriN EVENtNGS av APPOINTMENT-'HONE ro. EVENING HOUK I Aug. 18, due Halifax Aug 20 and Saturday July 21st. tatutory otice I lilli ,"j, I, ItlijlOlt" tllll"mji., 1 .... 1 • ,.~ ... I FI .. ", (""pa" ., (.d, ,Boston Aug. 23. Leaving Boston M.V. MaggIe Green. Delorey. I

~-~----:::--~:---:-..;;.--.;.;..;'!!'-"': .;..;.;;.;.;.;;.;:;,;,;:.;.;..;;;;;;;;...__ Aug. 24 Ind HaliCax A u~, 28, due m ast cr. from Clarcm'iIIe wi th the ' St John's Aug. 30. Sailing same ferry Pach End in tow. sailed for In Ihe matter of th. Estal. of i .

•• _______________________ day for Liverpool, SI. Vine,:nt's at daylight Tuesday, Charlcs J. Truscott. late of St. i ~

F With & C Ltd Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool MV. Sid and Sam, Geo. Glol'cr John's In Ihe Province of New· I¥. :' urnes., I y ompany • Allg 25 due St. John's Aug. 31. is tile master, from northern ports, foundland, Tavern Operator, de· i~ Lca~'lng' for Halifax and Boston is taking !rcicht for Bonal'lsta, ceased. !¥

St, John' Sept. 1, due Halifax Sept. 3 and Dover, Hare Bay, Trinity, B.B., ;;j to Boston Sept. 6. Leaving Boston and Indian Bay. All persons c,ai111ill~ to be i,

L1verpoo Boston Scpt. 7 and Halifax Scpt. 'r. HALLETT LTD. creditors of. or who hal'e any ~ '~' . Liverpool St. John'. BOMon Ramn

to to HfI. & to to .'~ :. . SI. John'. Boston Halifax S\. Joha'.

J I 30 11 due SI. John's Sept. 13, Stiling M,V. Delroy, Keeping is the claims or demands upon or af·, ~ , ~~\\'foundland" "Nova Scotia" .iNew[oundland"

. "Nova Scotia" :"~ewfoun~land"

July 24 Jub 28 A~: 14 u:ne day for Liverpool. master, from Burnside, is sailing fecting the estate of Charles J'I m July 25 Aug, 1 Aug, 7 Aug. 11 Aug' .30 FURNESS RED CROSS today for English Harbour West. Truscott, late of st. Johll's afore- ~! Aug. 11 Aug, 18 Aug. 24 Aug, 28 S t 13 Fort Avalon leaving New York STEERS LTD. said, Tavern Operator, deceased, ~ Aug. 25 Sept, 1 Sept. 7 Sept. 11 cp .' St J h N B A 10 H 1 n Gill G'll I th a te arc requested to send partlcu· ;t"l]~ Sept. 12 Sept-t9 S t 25 S t 29 Oct 2 Aug. 8, • 0 n, .., ug., e e ,I S ems r, ep • ep , . Halifax Aug. 13, due St. John's taking freight for Valleyfleld. Inrs of same 111 writing, duly at· f

Persuns contemplating passage to Europe should make booking, Aug. 15, sallhig Aug. 17 (Corner Wesleyvillc, Pound Cove, Temple. tested to the ur.derslglled sollci· ~ well. In ad,·ance. . Brook and New York). mnn, Newtown, Cape Freels and tor [ar the executors named In ~ • I I I N Y k L d the will of said deceased, on or ~1 Alr Passages arranged b3 B,O,A.C. _ KL.M, _ Scandinavian Air Fort Ham Iton eav ng elV or um~ en. before the 28th day of August fi

lines-Pan Amerlca.n Alnvays ..:. T.W.A. and connecting Air. Aug. 17, Ha1l!ax Allg. 21. due St. CONSTANTINE CANADIAN A,D. 1056, after which date the t'i lines. John's Aug 23, sailing Aug, 27 SERVICES said executors will proceed to I tl Consult us regarding your travel problems. (Hall£ax). MV Edenwood leaving Montreal distribute the estate of said de· ~

Fort· Avalon leaving New York August ,1, arrivIng SI. .lohn's Aug. ceased, havIng regard I)nly to 0, FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE Aug, 30, St. John, N,B., 'Sept, 1, 6 the claims of wi'tich thcy shall ;]

Halifax Sept. 5, due st. John's . '" Sept. 7, sailing Sept. 11 (Corner MV Avonwood leaving Hamilton then have had llotice. ~

'PBONE SW Brook and New York), August 9, Toronto August 11 and Dated at st. ,John's this 19th ~ FOI'! HamLIton leaving Halifax Montreal August 14, arriving St. day of .Tuly A.D. 1956, u



.:' M/V IIAVONWOOD" HAMILTON ............... , •• , ••••••••••••. August 9th TORONTO .................................. August 11th

.:, ~(ONTREAr. •••••••••• , .................... August 14th ..... ARRIVING ST. JOHN'S ....................... August 19th

~: M/V "EDENWOOD" HA~nLTON •• ,',., I" • , •••••• , I •••• I • I , , • I ,August 26th TORONTO ..•••••• tt ••••••••• t,t ••• " •• , ••• August 27th MONTREAL' ........................... ,.September lst

ARRIVING ST. JOHN'S ..................... September 6th

("arllo accepted for direct delivery at St. Lawrence by Sped" \rrangement.

Fu'r n~tcs and Bookings contact

Murray Agencies & Transport Company, -Limited


TELEPHONE 2031 • 2 • 3 .I

John's August 19, JOHN H. DEVINE, ~ Sept. 11, due St. John's Sept. 13, 'IV Ed d I . H 'It S 11'1 f th E t I'" sailing Sept. 1:1 (Halifax, Phil.," enwoo eavmg ami on n CI or or • xecu 01'1, ~ New York). !t.lIgllst 26, Toronlo August 27 and City Chambers, Wat.r St., ~,

.. NFLD. CAN. STEAMSIIIPS ~Iontreal Sept. I, arril'ing St. St. John's, Nfld. ' I ~ Bel! Isle II In port, salling 10' John's Sip!. 6. ___ .~lyI9,26,aull.~.9---;----- ~

da~'edford 11 leal'ln~ Halifax Aug. Canadian National Railways i 3, due St. John's Aug, 6, sailing D Aug. 7. MONTREAL, Aug. 2-0perating net operating income was $8,875,. ~ A

BeJle7 ldsle Slit Ip.J.a'h'in,1I AHalifagX revenucs of the Canadian National 000, ' ~

sa~~~g AUg~e 11 •• , 0 n 5 ug. • System for ·the month of June These figures do not include any ~ 1956 amounted to $64,864,000. Ex· provisions for Jixed charges. The ~

Bedford II leaving Halifax AUg, penses, taxes and rents totalled 1955 figures have been restated for I~'··_ 10, due 51. John's Aug. 13, sailing $58,789,000, making the net oper. purposes of' comparison on the _ Aug. 14. atlng Income for the month $6,075,- bnsls of the revised accounting

Belle Isle II leaving Halifax 000. methods ordered for adoption In ~~fi~rAU~~e1:.t. John's Aug. 17, In June 1955, operating revenues 1956 ·by the Board of. Transport !iii'

CLARKE STEAMSHIP ,,0, were $62,160,000; expenses, taxes Cpmmlssioners·. Novaport In port; sailing today. and rents were $53,285,000; and the The summary is a5 follows: gj

Elespolnt leaving Montreal Aug. Month of June ill 3, due St. John's Aug. 8. IlIll1ng Increase or ~. Aug, 11. 1956 1955 Decrease

Novaport leaving Montreal Aug. Operating Revenues •• $ 64,864,000 $ 62,160,000 $ 2,704,000 15, due St. John's Aug 20, sailing Expenses, Taxes and Rents 58,789,000, 53,285,000· 5,504,000 Aug. 22 (Bay Roberts). --

Elespolnt leaving Halifax Aug. Net Operating Income •• ..$ 6,075,000 $ 8,875,000 $ 2,800,000 24, due st. John's Aug. 29, sail· ---Ing Aug. 3); . Aggregate to June 30th • Novaport leaving Montreal Sept. . 1956 1955 5, due St. John's Sept. 10,' sailing Operating Revenues ,. ,. . .S375,025,(}00 $327,842,000 Sept'12 (Bay Roberts). ' Expenses, Taxes and Rents 354,330,000 311.641,000

Elespolnt leaving Montreal·.Sept. ---14, due St, John's Sept. 19, salling Net Operating Income •• $ 20,695,000 $ 16,201,000 Sept. 21. ---

Increase I $47,183.000 42,689.000


long coats, short coats, fiHed and full coats • go

on scle at one-third less than regular prices, Take

advantage of The Royal Stores great mid-summer

fashion clearance to secure a smart coat to see you

through summer and autumn smartly and economi­

cally. Come in and select the coat of your choice at

Q wonderful saving.

Of All Summer

MILLINERY Freshen up your summer wardrobe wilh a smart new hat , • , during our great mid-summer cleG;' once so Ie. Every hat in stock has been reduced 0

half regulor price. Smartest shapes end shades t~ choose from including lots of white, r-----~-----.,.--.-- .... ~

All Sales Final and For Cas~

YORK-Allhougl Cianfarra and

as could be e the side of the Dol'

she was found survivors last Fl'

I:'.".a .... ~. S,.C.-Hid listen to speakers and Catholics in

'l'his . economy·mod

25 inChes Wid~, II

tan WaSh r. full 8.p the f . all10us West act'

lOll, by whieh Ufo

.ed, turned Ind "'inute '

• Has sln~ Water ad'

n soap cal


Page 9: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,


, a smart mer clear­reduced to

nd shades to

. , 9

FRIDAY, AUGUti I 3, 1956


World Events In Pictures , ;, .

YORK-Although suICering injuries to knee and shoulder, 14-year-old Lin~a Morg~n, whose st~~father, Cianfill'l'a ,mil hel' stcpsister. Jean Cianfarra, we re lost on the Andrea Doria ,looks m goo~ condItIOn anel

ii; COllld be cxpected. Linda had a miraculous escape from death. When the Stockholm s bow rammed side of llie Doria. it threw Linda out of her bed. and she landed on the battered bow of the Swedish liner.

;~e \\'a~ found by Swedish crewmen. She ,had been reported among the lost until the Stockholm br'OugM , i~r\'i\'Or5 las: Fricla~" This photo was made at St. :Vincent's Hospital.-(I.N. Photo).

, S,C,-Hiding behind white sheets and hood ed heads, members of the Ku Klux Klan in Columbia, : to speakers at a cross-burning rally here, Spe akers at the hate meeting reviled President Eisenhower. ;,:,1 Catholics in calling lor more members to swell the ranks.-,(I.N. Photo).

ihil ! tonom)··modcl Laundromat. only 1\ i~tt~ .

. , S Wldp, is fully,automatic anrl lin wash ' '

L lull 8'pound load. It features the la

mous Westinghouse Agi.Tumble Ittilln hI' • • . which clolhes are flushed, Uf:td t

, urned and tumbled 50 times a lilinUlt •

. lias single dial contra), Low 'ller Ind

50ap cDnsumptlon. NOW AT A ~E'\' L • OW PRICE:


'"Go West For




__ ._ ... , ... ~.I-' . -"" .. --:rr:v""~""'~' .~ .... ,~_ .. V1"_ ''\'

LE MANS, France-Ron Flockhart at Scotland Is flagged to \"ictor~· in the famous automobile classic. the 'ILe Manll 24-hours" drh'ing a British .Jaguar. Flockhart and team mate Ninian Sanderson, al50 of Scotland. had an a\"erage speed of 104.3 for the 2,521 mile race. Of 49 starters, only 14 fini~hed the gruelling race, partly due to the hea\'y rain which made the course treachel'ous.-(I.N, Photo).

, " 4~

PARIS France-While costumed extras look on. Italian mode star Gina Lollobrigida performs a dance roulin! io}' the' movie i'Notre Dame De Paris" in fronl of the fC1 ri10us Cathedral. Gina plays the role of "Esmeralda" in th~ movie. S~e had to take a course in dancing for the part.-(I.N. Photo).


,"our wcather worries are Ol'cr and " ~ ~ ,

, EVERY day is a good drying d3Y when, ~ ,

vou have a Westinghouse economy-

, lodel Clothcs D'ryer In your home,

Dries clothes just the way you want

them .. _ damp for Ironing, dry for , "

storage, lins short-time ~ettl!1gs for

drying the ~ew mirr>ele fabrics WITH­

OUT ~eat. ~ Just set the dial. Safety ,.

-signal tells r'on when clothes arc ready.

I .



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,i ,I






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Page 10: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

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Th. Blonde Cried _ ~/

. ,.,......., --C-B-.... -·-\1.: ~


:?7,"30-Sign On, CBC News. "'f.35-Top of the Morning.

8.00-CBC News and Weather. ·8.15-Musical Clock.

. ··II.llO-liorning De\'otions. '!;9.1l1-Program Prevlelf.

9.20-plano Playtime. ··9.30-11eeorda at Ihndom. 10.IlO-Musleal Program.

. : 10.10-Hlt of the Day. ·,1;15-IrIsPowtr. 10.2l)-CBO New!.

, 10.30-Monrin& Musleale. 10.45-!BC ·Varlety.

"l1.l5-Lllht and Lyrieal. I l1.3o-5ehool Broadmt. lUll-Mid Day Serenade. 1.llO-noyle Bulletin. U5-Laura Limited. 1.30-CBC New!. 1.3G-CBC News and Weather. 1.45-Aunt Lucy.

Musical Interlude ,'-________ -' .. ~;:;+-=:H:-f.:I

\, ACROSS 2 Poems 1~li~U I I Xlnd ot 3 Oppress ~

" Sales '1 concert employe' : 4 ~!~:~1 5 swingy tune , • r.;;ci~tlo!l e Andenhltt 1Uralt drink of Uris 18ltallan resort '7 Dandy

8 Hirsute t 14 Biblical nlm. adornment 15 Throueh 9 _ Ilomlnl 25 Hlllh carda 40 Droves 16 Circus 10 Drunkards 28 Show 41 Kind at bear

I animals ! 18 Stales 11 Essential contempt 421n a line beln' R7 Location 43 Withered

20 GHat u!d 17 _ anel 281ndivlduftla 44 Hlta II, 210m Grelel 29 Broad 46 Actual ! ru;nlnlnt 19 1'J'OplcaJ resin 31 Prlntin, 47 Sea elgl. 22 Writer, 23 Sine like . mistakes 48 Distort

, Georae- ~ 1 h • 24 Countenance In- .,3 Feme e orses 50 Be.ort 28 Without (Fr.) 24 Passlle rat. 38 Heroic poell'1 (prellx) ~TP1lnt 30 I'mplcaclty 32 Zodiac 61111 UGotobtd 35Cbeered



~ 3 ,. ,5

a Nt

b :J ~. t 10 II

. I~


2 . .,6-New •. 3.00-Dollara on Parada. 4.00-News. 4.05-Ralnbow Ranch. itOG-Newl and Weathtr 6.l5-Sportcast. 6.25-Lost and Found. 6.45-NeW5. 7.0G-Simon Mystery. 7.lS-Dr: Paul. 7.30-Rendezvoul with R~cords. 8.00-Back to The Bible. 8.3G-Big City. 9.0G-Headquarten Man. 9.3G-Come A·Camnl • 9.45-New8.

10.00-Eneores. 10.3G-Sammy Kaye. 10.4S-Newl. 1l.OO-Sporlscast. ll.IS-Sandman Serenade, News. 1.00-CloaedolVn.





__ What happens when an author THE STORY: A fright.ned woo I thought C\'en-thi "Trapeze" a tQut drama with becomes Indignant Is aptly iIIus'l man h .. .sk.d Mlk. Shlyne to Two weeks ago'l g ~i ~I!

a cIrcus b~ckground plus a big trated In the story behind the' invlltlgate the dlnpPl'uancl of Ing she W3. In tro: b~ :. name cast headr.d by Burt Lan. writing of "The President's Lady" the IIcdy of • murd.rei! min from "What sort of tr~/: . caster, Gina Lo11obrlgida and which Twentieth Century·Fox rOllm 316 It tl!,l1 HIII'-cul Hottl. "She didn't Il),. bll.' '1'ony Curtis. T1le multl·million .has produced as II motion picture Th' wemlJl say. tb, ylttlm II her to hold Cle fort 51 i dollar picture Is a Hecht·Lancu, with Susan Hayward and Cbarl· her hrether. A k,!~k CIIIM'I en I down-straight thro.I\1 ter production filmed in Cinema· ton Heston aB the stars. MI"'. tlfllir Ind 'h. wom~n h.t· hours. And when 1 II, Scope and coloI' in Paris under When In'lng Stone started to lie.". It II tJll murderer, w~ I she'd \·anlshed. I I.t the direction Of Carol Reed. write the story about Andrew ,unuM hu. A min Inttr5, In· vatc det~ctlI"e in James Hm produced the picture Jackion his orIginal Intention troducln, hlmlelf II .~rt Paul·! and this altcrnoo~ from Llam.O'Brien's screen adap· was to write a definite novel lIOn and Ilyl h" Is ,"kin. for I! he'd located hn in tation of the novel by Max Cat· about the seventh president of hi. "stlr, H. Idmlh ,,,rauln, Hibiscus Hotel. ROiIII! to, "The Killirg' Frost." Kat 'I the United St8tC~. Tile deepr his the wemln, whom ht ull Nellie.: ways b~forc when WI Jurado and Thomas Gomez head research got t~e more Stone wax· • • • : Miami We stayed at Ic' the featured cast. PhotograpllY ed indignant at the InjusUc suf· Xl : Arms-where thty kr.e; for "Trapeze" was directed by Cered by Jackson's wlte, Rachel, SH.'YNE told him dryly: "She I "What time did l"c~ Robert Krasker, Who worked with and the story wound up bein!! claIms she doesn't know Who you Isonvl\le," Carol Reed on "Odd Man Out" One of the tenderest love stories are. That she n!"·cr saw you be· "A little before 4 o'tl~l' and "The Third Man." of all time. Mr Stone's IlIdl!na· fore In her 1I£e. Sh~ suspects "Yoll weren't itl m~.

6:DO-Sundial and New.. "Trapeze" represents for Burt tion paid off for "The President's that you murdelt~d her brother, hurry to reach her" 'tlf 8.00-Breakfht Club. Lancaster the fulfillment or a Lady" became a best seller 1m· IInd-" : dl'yly. ··AIl)·bod~· ca~ dolt


2.00-Words and Music. 2.30-Muslcal Rendezvous. 3.30-Trans Canada Matinee. UO-CBC News.

36 Compass point 37 Vlr&lnla-3 g Subterfuge II

8.3G-Make up your Mind. dream. An old circus halld him· mediately after it was printed Paulson's look of astonishment hours." 8.45-Rex Koury. self, Lancaster has for a long by Doubleday Doran and later was ludicrous. "I'm her brother., "I had an accid!nl Ut 9.00-1t Happened lut Night. lime wanted to appear in a pic· was reprinted In condellsed Corm Didn't she teU you that?" '1' side cf Fort LaUderol',

rt .~ JJ

iI!~ ,,,

4.35-Timtly Tunel. ' i:i;' 4,45-Chlldren's Siory. \ G' 1i.IS-Fisherles' Broadcut. \' U5-S0ngs for SummerUme. 6.DO-Intermezlo. ;'. 6.25-Progrlm Preview. : 6.30-supper Guest.

. 6.45-Musieal Program. . 7.DO-CBC News and W.uther.

: 40 Strlllled

! Instrument 41 "-ror two"

'42 Property Item '45 Electra'. . • brother '.0 11 Annoy 112 Mouthward 53 Peruse

a ZIf 15'


3tI :3' ,

• 7.I5-Curtain Calli. . 114 United eMolstens Ie SUpptrY

jilt 113 ~

i /; 1

" f

7~3G-Tops Today. 'f.oIS-Doyle Bulletin. 8.15-Muslcal Program. 8.30-Teeder Brlltz-Barltone. 8.4S-Kltcl1en .comer. 8.4S-GerrfGrands Piano. 9.00-Wlnnlpcg Pops Concert.

10.0G-Thc Pilgrims Dinner. H:'. 10.30-London Studio Concert. 1l.3G-CBC National News.


6.3G-Bob Lewis Show. 6.3G-Nfld. News. 6.3l1-Weather. I}.45-Flshermell'. New. and Fore-

east. 'f.OO-NUd. Ne\U and SporiJ. 'f.05-Local Wetther, U5-Canldlan Nt\v. and Sp.>rt .. ·1.3O-Round the World New •• 'f.3S-Weather Roundup. 7.4S-Newl Summary. 8.00-Nfld. New.. V,.-8.20-Shi.p'pina Report. 'i ~, 8.25-K1dcllel Corner. " ' i 8.3G-Nfld. Ntw.. . 8.3S-Complete Weatber JtounC·

up, 8.45-Mornlng Merry·Go Round. 9.00-Nfld. News. 9.05-Duke Box Review. .' 9.25-It Take. a' Woman, ,'It'.'. I.~ 9.SO-News. .. r 9.31-Duke Box Rel'iew. r .... ·' 9.4D-Qulz. a:~r.r.· 9.4l1-Woman's News.

10.00-Newa. Courtship and Mat


17 "-World , Symphony" ! DOWN I I Mama'. ~ Ilusband

!n Sf



5.00-Howcly Doody. 5.3G-Klds Show. 6.00-Rlnch Time. S.3D-News. 'f.OD-Feature MOlit.

rlage. 10.15-0uke Box Rcview. IO.30-News, Who Am 11 10.40-Joan Blanchard. 10.45-Help!ul Harr),. 10.55-Wlfe Saver. 11.DO-News. 11.01-John Turner's Family. lUG-News, Tops Today. 1.00-Local and National Head

lines NeWialld Weather. 1.1G-Tops Today. 1.I5-News. 1.3S-Daily Interview., UO-Sports Re\'lew. US-Second FIddle. !!.OO-News. 2.01-0ut of the Dark.



~~ ___ l'

J.~--..;..... , (

, ,--------i~. ........ I ......

i~' --"1 ~ f.-- -. i \, • J T.M~'" vi: ".,-ei.. 7,2D i ~JIt~ ...... ,.u_.... !

'., Itt IWI.ti. Pi. u .. my inn.r tube I Sh .... ld ,hI'tll , . ill dldn'tl~" - . _I

• 4' •



ADMISSION PRICES FOR THiS l=NGAGEMENT, IVENING-ADULTS , ••••• 75c. CHILDREN ••••••••. SlIe. MATINEE-ADULTS •••••• SUe. CHILDREN •••••.•••• 2lir. ____________________________________ -=0




~ 7J

3&.~' 3'1

• IJ6

~ 51

~ IYf lSI> ISf

S.OG-Date Line S.3G-The 1I111110nairr. D.OO-LollY Too·Dum. !I.30-Star Stage.


'" f'II

lo.oD-A. E. Jlickman Show. IUD-News. lUG-The Late Show.


10.OO-Coffee Time. ture with a cirrus background. by Readers Digest Book Club. "No," he said. slowly. "She driver smashed Into ~' 1l.OO-Turn back the Clock. Since Burt Is-with Harold Hecht The same Innlgnalion that didn't teU me that, Paulson. She: when 1 slowed (or Iii;!!., 1l.3G-Pcpperrell Juke Club. -the owner of IllS own producing prompted Stone 10 write the bOOk assured me she had see,h Ule body i • • , 12.30-1I1llbl1ly l\fntlnee. compam', the neshing of his finally snarred famed playwright of he,r murdered brother In room; PA13LSO~ runbej h!1 t.OO-Behind Ihe Siory. I dream was no far·fetche fantasy, John Patrick to put the story In· 316 lit the Hibiscus Hotel no less: vauguely. "Slamm/d 1.15-Masters of Melody. An acrobat In his circus dnys- to pictu~e form. In a letter tl! that 10 minutes before ~'Ou I Ille windshield. Broke 1.30-Musical Express. and stili a pretty good athlete hy the film s proueer, Sol C. Sige,1, jumped at her In the corridor as ; and half Imocke~ me 1.45-Dob Crosby. I virtue of a healthy physicaHrnin' Patrick wrote the followln8. Ihe canlt out 'of the roOm." '\0 drive slol\' cornlne 2.oo-Matlnee. ing regimen-Burt was quick to "1 had rorgottpn my history IS Paulson's body went slack in i delaycu me 3 couple ti 2.3G-VOUS Record Room. master 1111 but the most difficult you do when your schcol days are his elllir. He closed bls eyes I it \\'as about 9:30 "t.t~ I 3.30-Bob and Ray, or .Parade of tricks or the trapeze artist, and long ago. I had forgotten that t.lghtly and put his leCt band over I the Hiblscu,:'

Sports. willJ the exception of these. per· Rachel Jackson ne\'er got to the them IS though he had to shut "And?" pl'ompl~d 3 55-N formed all of his trapeze work White House. When I came to the glaring over.l!.ead light. Paulson stopped again. 4:0G-TI~::sis Nell' York. in the film by himself, without that part of IrI'lng Slone's bOOk, "I'm Nellie's brother," he told I "Well. I went 10 thl 4.25-News. benefit of double. I wns 50 enraged, In such a /ever Shayne slowly. "I'm not dead, i and up to the third I. 30-L t M 0 Gina Lollobrigida is cast as the of white hot anger, my Ima .sina· as you can well sec. Now do you, walked dGwn t:IP 5:00-N!~l's: an lit. beautiful talented' and wonder· tlon was stirred. That provided renlize the condltl"n she's in?' :l16 1 saw the rtocr 5.15-World',of Sport~. I ously wr~ughl Lalla a tempestu· me with tile urge to do the screen Why I'm so wnrried? Wby I have ~ Bnd light \\'as S.30-Curtain Time. ii' ous aerialist whose' presence In play. I wanted to rio something to find her and take care of her?" i when 1 was about 60G-:oi the cIrcus makes for trouble het· to right t~ls great wrong. There'~ 5..lJayne said, "I can see thatXellie stepped OUll~d 6:l5-a;~;'art Street. I ween a trapeze artist and his par· a line In Death Of A Salesman all right. U ~ou are her brother! ward me. She ~m 6.45-0fficers Call. tner. Once of the remnrkable .where the wife explains that and are telhng the truth. But and !tarted [unnin& 7.00-Nell's. success skrrles of recent film his· though Willy Loman may not be you see, 1 got a completely dlf· direction. I'I'C

7.05-JackCarson. t01'Y, Gina Lollobrigida is. from a great man. he Is nevertheless ferent story fronl her. She hired thought about it: he 7.3G-Final Edition {~ews i \.lJe international viewpoint the n f!ne .h~man ~elng, Rnd she e~· me. t? protect her from. you-:de· Ily. "and I admit the hl

lind most popular Ilctress in the world claims. AttentJon must be paid sCrlbmg you perfectly, mclud111g: was dim and she'd jUi\ 8.00_~~~~~:e~~day.· today. 'to him.' I feel that way about the scar. And she also wants fl!c i out o[ a brightly·lit roo;'1 B.l5-PcpperreU Todar. Tony Curtis, Burt LancMter's Rachel Jackson-attention must to find out who cut her brother s 1 be she rlldn·t rec,g~,i!1 8.20-Flbber McGee and Mme. rival for the hand o[ Lollo in the he" paid her, hpwe\'er, belated· t~roat tonight and how they got 11I1.nce." a.aD-Crime and Peter Chambers. plcturc, Is the tr,lrd of the star· 1'1.. I I rid of the body. Un.t11 I find out: "It wouldn't txph!:.' 9.00-Could This be You? ring players who did many of his Patrick ~ anger against ~ Ie n· which ~ne of you IS telling the I ShaYlIe sha'rply, "her

i 9 own trapeze stunts Even morc justices Rachel suffered '.I as for· truth- 'being regislered at ~:~tk~~:S:onll~~til~~:~t. 1O:::~~:!\~1 ~~~~1er. interesting Is the fnct that, In tunately tempered, he admits, "But I can prove It." said Paul· Plaza Hotel with 3.oI-Housewives Club. 10 I5-P 11 "Trapeze" Tony ,for the first by Producer Siegel, a fine edl· son vehemently. He reached .into and going to the 4.0G-Gen. Provincial New.. 10:30--xe).f~:~: o~:.orts Desk. time In 'bis screen career plays tor. "There Is a great lo\'e story 11ls hlp pocket for. wallet, open· In response to a uli 4.05-Ranch Party. 11 a role ofma turlty and depth- between Rachel and Andrew ~d It an~ began pulling out cards, and finding hln, h'inc 4.3G-News. \2.~Music 'till Midnllht. and plays it, according to no less Jnckson, probably one or th~' h·e got Identification. I can prove In 316 with his Ihrolt I:l 4.31-Saddle Serenade. . Sign Off. an authority tilan Carol Reed greatest in An!erican history. I'm Bert Paulson. You look. I, pen" 5.0G-New5, Bob Lockhart Show. • • • with such skill and authority that said Patrick, adding: "I tried to don't set too well without my' 0 "B'ut thcre II'lsn·t e.OO-Newl In a Minute and De- • he will be recognized as an actor do It justice." glassel." . lite room-dead tr ,',

lailed Weath,r. C et 1 of the first rank. Shayne didn't ,lance at the I'tested Paulson. e.05-Bulletin Board. ., ,apl 0 Also starring in "Trapeze" are ACTOR SUES DISNEY cards. "And I can easily prove 1m (To I, Conllnvtll UD-National New.. A.',.,]. Kat 'I Jurado and Thomas Gomez. LOS ANGELEWS l~APJ. - K~rk Mike Shayne. But If I told you U5-Sports Parade. I,t .. • • u.., Kat 'I Mexico's most pupular Douglas sued a Isney or I had a sister named Nellie who TS\'ESTlG.UE POUI 8.25-Provincial Newi. " TO-m,Ol'r01V movi~ star, made an auspicious $415,000 Wednesday, charging that had luddenly gone C1zr and \,AXCOt:\,ER (CP) -6.45-Showcase of Slar~. Hollywood debut In "HIg.h Noon," movies of the actor and his chll· thouaht I was gol", to kIll her, authoriUe3 are 7.0G-New5, Courtship and Mal' and has since been secn In such dren riding a miniature train III that WOUldn't prove I was her case of a <.",.n.",,,.I\l~

ringe. pictures as "Arrowhead" and 'Disney's home were used on TV brother.", apparently hi! 7.15-Atom 1970. "THE LEATHER SAINTH "Broken Lance." without hi~ knowledge or consent. "Nellie and I U\'ed in ,Tackson· despite three Salk 7.30-News. JO~~~I~~~L DOUGLAS, Thomas Gomez, distinguished This, said Douglas' complaint, ville until I got pulled. into the Special tc.ts in Olli'otl ' 7.45-Rofal Stores Thtatre. stage and screen actor, plays the constituted Invasion of privacy Korean war. Mother died while: ordered to con!irm til 8.00-Nell·s, Parade of Hill. -. f I er and unauthorized use ,of his work I We! oversellS, and when I came I h 'd tifd 9.45-Dosco News. , EI'ery so often I! motion picture I! role of a amous c reus own. as an actor. Named with Disney back I found Nellie Ih'ing alone.' bf ~ ~ u?:,,~n: Ie

10.OG-lIIgh Ad\'cntllre~ come~ along that touches the ISER RS defendants were the ABC net- SlIe had I good job In' Jax and 1 famll) p.l ••• 10.3G-Nc\\'s in a Minute. hearts of mOI·IIl·goers and ever I FRESH~~~~l'\ I of Wight wor~" three spon~ors and three ad· seemed to be enjoying being on I, dO~bt !:.Jo D J 103G-D' f I.' t afterwards remains II treasured's C veril!lng agencies. h' ' po 10,. Sol :..

. Iary 0 a e. memol'Y "Going 1\1' Wa'" was (CPl-Farmer's son John Osman, ~r own. .. s : ant Cit,· mediC.: ~t~i~~~f~n:~dN~!~~" News. Ihat kind of fllm-rin of I~.~tmth, i 14, sprucing ~p for. a dan?e, nOMINATION WEAKEN~ .;;t t:::~~~~:.Y~~ot\~e~·~\~a~~l: I phasiz;d t~lt the lti'J 1l.15-Sports Final. charm lind humor-and "TJle I com~ed his hur too \'Igorousls- BOMBAY, India (AP) - Prim!! :ays-sort of over.possesSI\'e.· non.para_I~_·h_C. __ _ 1l.30-Houseparty, New,. Leather Saint," the VlBtaVlsion . _he_d_lslocated h'is shoulder. ~linister Nehru said Wednesday ... nd Nellie nc\·tlr bad been able LO~DO:-; i Reuters! _ 1.0G-Qucen And Sign Oft. dr~ka promises to be Mother. Co-starred are Ernest Truex night Egypt's nationalization of to call her soul her own. She had nlv.'·s t~ make e(~~Olll

_______ I e that Paramount classic 01 and Rlellard Shannon, with twe. the Suez Canal "is a sigJi of the a nervous breakdown when she;. ~ h . V 0 C M ye5teryear, "The Leather Sa!nt" Ive-year·old Ricky Vera featured. \~'cakening of Europea~ domina· was 18" he went on fiercely,: It~11 s :1[: .

Is a story 0lf tthel

tclelrgy-but with Former heavyweight contender han of Asia Bnd the Middle East "and sp~nt several months In Ii ~~n ~n 0 ~~i(orm. FRIDAY, AUGUST' 3 all unusua w s. t concerns an Lou Nova appears in the fight wblch "has la~ted more than 100 sanitarium. I alw.ys {cit it was First Lord o( the

630-0 th Ai - Episcopalian minister Who secret· sequences, Which are reported to I years. }I!s .flrst public ref~r~nee entirely mother's fault. So when : nouncin~ :hls in t~e '. n.e r. ,1'1 becomes a prize fighter to buy be thrilling, action.packed scenes. to the Suez Issue came durmg an I came back and thought I'd set· 'Lords Wednesdsl', Jui l!

7.30-Breakfast Club and New •. new hospital equipment for his Notable among the location address to 100,000 people ~t Poena tie down In Jax and Nellie could I I I' • P/C'I'~ ~·~L~h~~e UWllh ~e~~·s. HIlL polie·ravaged parish. While trying sites Is the Beverly Hills All raCe course. It was an ~sJde to an sort of keep house for me, I saw I ~ng e \~~l~ ~er ~i\':n ,I ~ 9'3G-A a cyan e to square himself with his own Saints Episcopal Church, marking appeal to Marathi:speaking, pcopi~ she resented It. She blew up ail I' 15 s'ible Tuin:n, IO'OG-Ne~~te with Denys. conscience. keep his activities un· one oC Ole rare times a movlc t~ accept :he ~o~ernment ~ .decl' over the place when I suggested be ~o~gan·ized 10 C~I 1m. 1O:05-A Oaie with Den.. noticed by his superiors, and hide company has been permitted to s}on to take ol'cr. t~e admlOlstra· it, and accused me of b~lng as bad 1 head. 10.30-Adopted Son. 7 his true calling from .hIs manager film Inside a church. Other sites hon of Bombay CltJ. as mother about wantmg to hold I __ , -iO.55-News. and the fight mob, he exerts an InclUde the McKinley Eoys' her down." THOl'GHTftL TJI1E1 11.OG-Burtons of Banner Street. extraordinary Influence on the School In the San Fernando Val. JlIUSICAI, NOTE • • • DUBLr.i (AP)-.~ Illl~ 1l.15-Song Time. ring world and its seamy citizens. ley and the Los Angeles Athletic RO'ITlNGDEAN, Eng. (CP)- with a butcher's kn~e. 1l.30-Keyboard Capen. John Derek stars as the fighting Club. During a "!lfusic While You "WELL, she was 20 Ind earn· gagged three 11.45-Tops In Popa. .. oClotih j Paul Douglas IS "The Leather Saint" Is the rlrst ~~~:~ ~~~!o, irol~cm 1!t::Vie~~ jllIt hhier,h0wdn IMdngl,"kHe. spread shop bcfor~ 12.0G-News. his tOUI\<', r ng,wlse managerj production of Hollywood's newest ou s an s an 00 ed at Sha· befor he lei' he 12.05-Rumblin' With Regan. Jody Lawrence as a nightclub and youngest team, Norman Ret. asked to speak to 'll. man leaving yne helplessly. "So I got a job and iskcd :.~cm to l2.15-Bank of Happiness. thrush who sees in Derek a sub- chin and Alvin Ganzer, who also a hotel. I"Not dUnless you want to in Detroit, and from her letters lease the "iri;. 12 30-N tit t f th fi h dl d i see me n n iI'orce court." the ." . cws. ,S u e or e ance IV 0 C n wrote the origmal story aild l' d . 12.45-Flshermea'. Forecllt. the ring; and Cesar Romero as a screenplay. man rep led and rO\'e off at high I.I5-Sportscast. ruthless syndicate kingpin with speed. l.3G-News. visions of a champion Derek as a I 45-Ramblln' mcaltlcket.


Susan Haywar~' C~arlton

thefi!iSmEij~ 'l" , • ..., JOHH M,'1IlIA1 ~ MIl. rAY IAIIt't111

"" .. ,,., Dt"d,", .... ...,., SOL C. SIEGEL' HENRY LEVIN • JOHN PATRICK

Also-NOVE~TY '. EVENING SHOWS: 7.11i - 9.1"



.. , 'w • ....w. '1.l.1' ~ 1'l1i*1

----~~~~~~~~~~----NEXT ATrRACTION


i •

"O'IJNOU..ND'S FRJ ...... V 'MlATD






ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: EVENING-ADUl.TS "" ..... '5c. CIlILnRE:'II ......... 3ac. ' MATINEES-ADm:rs ....... ,50c. CIIlLDREN ..•.... 25r.



Breathless Romance, Wild Ad\'~nttlrt, in !hI

Flaming Days of "alilf.







MATINEE ~ ,.111.

NEXT, ATTRACTiON , " £11' .... 1\·


... . ..



h t 'y" Rogers' " "S 0 '.

'.~nlesC1'IY held more "Shotty" last;

h ' took the Patri e . R · the Club a( \U d h' ",:aliUI~ blame 1m

,_;n"m,. Levi didn't he'd never cox aga again. He overcame on the pond. He 11 he guided the Pat

Championship Rae meaning for me I

. Ilihich highli~ht . FISHI

Reviewing this . Jjght, in my estimat ...-truly the most !>p was one of the'm modern history of from the Judges' B shells neared the b be a tight one. I do us who were in the the U.S.A.F. 'Band tension was moun. members of the tl closer and closer 1

dead heat just a fe judges leaned forw ·and the Outer COl

not more than six: lose" commenteq 0

but it was a great 01

5ums up this year' for all of the wi

, CO\'e crew and "tht! Incidentally fil

10 ha\'e been way chatting with vete bers tha t it ran ill •

A 'The SI. John's Cap , armed hurling

Falls to joust w semi-fir

toughel' session th:

Scheduled for COl

team if it does no! . Actually on pai= City's teams of

and infield. , ih the last Mo

Mounties 14-7) I w local boys possess \'ery much of a fl bull· dogged the B

Billy won that a lot of peop

Grand Falls series. plate., ~Iy guess

be lhe othel' two s' · MacDonald n

of his experience, are vcry dangero make good Use of balls m'er the sho The starting in fie' base, Jack Withe .and Gordon Brec new one. but its g'

th,e combinatIon of ~trong throwing.

,,~anpok.e the bal. on defense and ,although limp

, pr~ved he can fie seems to' eXI

~ryant iS'one of \' . and the pit. ),'Ith. speed, strer

· of the , Y~n say Grand E

, basesball leagUt as'good as ever a] aren't going to gl

wan,. ,1Ilg to the pIa s . erles in a very be toyed with al

~t. John's team 1 Worst games I hi .. 'members 0 ShOWing oCIast S

, (More ,on : S'

is" ,Ted _ Stea~1 U .. n ~fCorner 131

• fondo~btedly the 'hi ~e~, Humber' '\V:: but Personal] C,.lCh has apparE .~ty. I think Tel

.' ,anager of the lctive role' 'th 0.' .' In e ""CIai' '. ,

: t :~n. 'Perha , ,OItsetous and tho 'At· , . I

. ~Ylate ;ts , "I{'~' g1

, .IS ~any


Page 11: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

---ING turt, in the




Little League Basehall Schedule

.. •


, TODAY P.M. 2~30-Arcade "Specials" VI. Har·

vey's "Shamrocks", ' 'I.OO-O'Leary's "Blue lila des" VI,

Ayre k Sons "Alrdal!s".

Tom Dunne local sports pro mol. I Fritz Von Eric on the' other cr, held of! the sch~duled wrestling hand makes up the lighter" half bout Wednesday mght, d.ue to the of the Gcran world champion tag fact that the annual Regatta fell team. He and his partner Karl

Son that. day, Tonight at 8.30 10c~1 Von Schober are the two most· ha~·

B v,' ' t Off F · fans Will be able to sec twO' big cd men in the wrestling 'game tOo

"snOTTY'S" VICTORY ,ra es wep , ' IVe TV stars In action when Pat Flan· day.


' ." R(1gcr~' viclol'\' in the championship raceSlturdlY, Augu.t 4ih: ' . agan meet. one of the famous Refereen Tom Dunne will can, ,Sha II '. h ' f A,M.; world champion tag team in the trol the boys in the' main event· , • held \l101'e meantng t an most Rcgatta ans 9,30-Klwanls Club "Klwanlans" G' , C t B D d ' person of Fritz Von, Eric. . while Frank Man~ici will handl;

II,SO-Llons Club "Lions" vs, Mt, . Cl/Ishel "Rockets,"


,," last year madc an unfortunate mistake VS, Perlin's "HaIC·Plnts'~,' arne res y 0 gers Pat Flanagan Is well known to the boys In the local bout . . h d f h ll.OO-Slmon Lcvltz & Son's "Red ' , ' local fans both. as wrestler and a On tap in the local cir~urt to· h took the Patricians III on t e wrong si e 0 t e Sox" vs, Baine Johnston's ' hroadcaster as It Is Flanagan, who night is another tag- team match,

,e the Cluh R;lce. Some of the more belligerent "Indians", American League- clla homered off Ray Crone for I th It Ii U' ft Ii' broadcasts most of the bouls to 'which the fans enjoyed .0 much \11 bl"llll~(1 111'111 for (1I~libera\cl,v elimillatl'llg. tl'.e P.M. n t. If nt neup ler res ng loeal vlewers. on It! first appearance two weeks'

, ,f 2.30-Dawc's "Yankees" V,I. Nfld. Cleveland 4; New York 0, Newk'~ 16th victory that cut Mil· a grOIn ,Injury for. three ~ames, Flanagan main claim to lame Is ago. ' , LCl'i didn't takc it \00 wcll and was heard to American "Protectors". Chicago 5; Washington -4, waukee's lead over the thlrd·place drove In two runs WIth two, the Ia~t that. hp. trained world I Bill Fogwcll Rnd Mike Dillon

'aI' II l~Ul.ttlllatel\' 110\\1n

V r he d'd 4.DO-Hlckman's . "Chevrolets" V5, I Kansas City' 3;' B~llImore 2. world champions to two games and t Htermawn '1 Whem'I/~lerll' r'hePlaetlnhg champIon Whipper Willie Watson. will no doullt gl've I'I'C\"er' thel'r

he'd nerel' cox ag,. '. , " c , I, Boston 18' DetrOit 3 sll'ced the Braves' ~dge over tho • ar e I me lIe ft' n " 0 Terra Nova's "Pontlacs", ' " ,.. r r ." e e Pat was last seen locally two money's worth when they meet in He OI'Cl't':lmc the injul'Y and courageously went a.30-C. o[ E, Orphanage "Jets" 1\'ot,ionol LCRplle- Rettle~:sto t~~e ftasmt ed'efeat In tho young left~ ,pralned hiS' back in weeks ago when he dC£eated Mark I Bill Caul and Bill Jackson in' thl

ala Ih' c pond. lIe tI'1I1~' I'indicatcd hilUse]f Wcdnesday ,VS. B.P.O.E. "Elks". st. Louis 7; Pittsburgh II. ~ the lecond Inning, 1I'0n hla fifth Lewin In I TV match: ev t . I __ • Cincinnati 10; New York 2. lasl six games [or ihe Braves' who straight for the Cardinals, chipping en '. '

he guided Ih(' l'atricii\n~ ho~ne f~\'Sl in both the Cluh A.',I. MondlY, Aug.ult 6th. Brooklyn i~ ~l~~W~~~sO' ~~I:e rlj~is~g Rh~~e~l~gl o~ ,~\ ~~lrad d:~dble-'ntgOIWllln:dtwol hfoO~rt·rulnn To Report CaplOtals Meet ---ccampionship Races. HIS \,Iclol"le~ Wcdncsday held " ,u 0' ft

n\ean'lllg for me than an." of the other exeitin

r1 in- 9,30-Arcade "Specials" vs. Mt. Aissoelated Press Sbtn£!, 'hl/riter d St,. LhOtUhis tdU!l1Phcd Pflttsbur,h tlo the eighth after Stan Musial had T ' .. C .

" c Cashel "Bombers", B g Don Newcom e 'umme an elg s ralg t de eat, 7·5, n socke dhil 'l9th home run. ' ralmng a TI P \\"hirh highli~htcd this year's Regatta, 1l.00-Parsons "Monarchs", VI. that· pta" Cor 10 strikeouts and a 'the only other NIl game scheduled. Bobby Avila, Preston Warq, :-, mp i Ie eppers

FISHERMEN'S RACE Telegram "Telys".. four·hltter Thursday as the Brook· YANKS CUT DOWN Rocky Colavlt. and Chic? Carras· George Faulkner, weil known' T ° . I ' 'Re a't 1 til I I'gll P.M, , lyn Dodgers belted first place Mil· In the American, Cleveland's quel homered for the IndIans. ,member of the Shawlnlgan Fall~ Olllght

Rel'iell'lllg t \IS yellr s g. n al 0 er 1. 2,30-Hudson "Itornets" V!. Sport waukee 3·0 And compressed the runner·up Indians stepped out of Score, winning his llth,struck Cataracts hockey team And his '

U'bl in IIIr rstilnatioll, WIIS the Fishermen's Race 'Shop "Sporters". National League race again While the grave to hammer New York out .even-twlce fooling Mickey young wife are now vi'siting Bis·1 • ' ' I r I 1 I d d' 4.00-Steers "Green Giants" vs, second·place Cincinnati bashed 4·0 ~n Herb Score'~ fo~r.hltter, Mantle, who again went hlUess. hop's Falls as the guests of I The St. John's Capitals will gel

.. trul)'lhc Illost !>llCctllCl1 ar 0 t 16 ( ay, It .ee ,It . Standard "Matchless Kids" the NolV York Giants 10·2. ,cuttmg the Yankee I !Ir~t.plaee Jensen fell two Ihort of the AL George's parenls, Mr. and lIIrs.' their first real practice tl1nlght 'as one of Ihc'most spectllculnr meets In the 6:30-Constantlne "Canadians" vs Carl Furilio and, Roy Campan· ~ushlon to seven games by swe~~ one·gam. RBI r~ord, pokln~ a Lester F~ulkner. ]t's learned that when they meet Pep perrell , Pcp·

ml\odern histurr of Quid Villi, Viewing the race Nfld, American "Protcc. mg the fln~l three games In their home run; bases·loaded triple, George Is in receipt, of a letter pm wtih the team that Is to make

tors". Saturday, August 11th. set.. single and sacrifice fly In Bo.ton's from Mr. Frank' Selke, manager Ihe wslwal'd journey to represent from Ihe Jud!:cs' Boat jj was oln-ious as the three __ 'A.M. JackIe Jensen drove In nine l~·hlt attack against six pitchm of the Montrcal Canadicns hockey I S1. Jnhn'~, in the All·Nc\l!£ound· shells neare«1 tht' hOllthouse lltHt the finish would TueSday, August 7th, 9,30-Ayre & Sons "Alrdales", VS. runs·hlgh for either league this -who added 12 walks, , tam ol the National Hockey Lea'l

lanri baseball semi·finals at Grand

left tigl1t OIH'. I !Ion't thinl" ho\\'c"er, that allY of A.M. Telegram's "']:elys". season-as the Basion Red Sox . Moss' payoff 'homer came .In t~e lIue, r~questing him to rcport to Falls. ' , u 9.30-Da\\'e'~ "Yankees" \'~. Me. 11.00-llIckmnn's "Chevrolets" \,!, crushed Detroit 18-3. ~ thrce.~ Sixth for relle[ yeteran Elh~ Kin· the Montreal Canadiens training I In an opening pcrformance he·, us who wcrc ill the hORt l'cRlized how tight, While Klnla~"s "Vanguards", ' Arcadc's "Specials." homer by Les Moss ga~e the Chi' der, a 100th major league Victory. camp at Verdun, Que" on Monday fore lhe learn was pickcd the Pcp· Ihe tl,S,A.F. Rund was pln~'ing "UII the Pond" 1l.OO-Balne Johnston's "Indians" P.M, ~\~gOh'IWhtItC sOKx a lI·4 I\ofctory over, LaITY Doby's. double scored the !i. cpt. '17th. George will reporl 10, pel's clrubherl the Capitals, tI\U~

. I I vs. Harris & Hiscock's 2.30-"Llons" \'5. II ow r lng's as ng on, ansa. C Iy beat Bal· other two White Sox runs. Kenny Rearllon, Toe Blake And' man)' City fans arc expecting • tension was l1loUlltmg Rmong t le eig Itcen crew' "Sunbeams", "Bra\.es". tim ore 3·2. STANDINGS Sam Pollock. IbeUcr showing from the ho~'~ IOo llltmbers of thE' three shells. The boats drew P,M. .tOO-R. A. Murphy's "Rams" n Newcombe,. wlnnln, leven National League It's 'believed that thi~ '1'0'111 be! night.

'closer and rillsrr together until they were in a 2,30-Perlln's "Half PintA" vs. Constantine's "anadlans". slra!ght, ran hiS scoreles! 1 nnlnl W L Pct.GBL George's opportunity to tryout; -- ,---------"Jaycees", 6,30-"Llon5" V!. Mt, Cashel string to 24, walking none at the Milwaukee 57 a7 .6Qe for I berth on the ~fonlreal Can.' •

drad heal ,iust a few yards {rom the stakes. The 4.00-0ally News "Dodgers" VI. "Rockeh". , Dodgers rallied after an opening Cinclnndi 59 41 .590' 1 aulens of thc National Hockey, ~dges leaned fUI'\\'arcl, the stal.tcr cocked his gun Ayre & Sons "Alrdales", defeat In the four·game let to win Brooklyll 51 n ,582 2 League. George Rnd hj~ wife Arc I

d I 0 t C I 6,30-C, oC E. Orphanage "Jets" Monday, Aug'ust 13th, the last three. Furlllo tagged his SI. Loull 49 41 .~tO 9 havin/! ft ,'cry enjol'able I'Bealinn;

IR tiC II ~r O\'C crew nosel aCl"oss the line, \'J. Mt. Cashel "Rockets". 14th homer In the fourth, and Philadelphb '46 ~2 .469 13 at Bishop',~' Falls and they will he nol more than six inches IIheRd, "A tond1 one to '_ : Ag~O_Mt. Cashel "Bombers" vs. Campy hit his 13th, I two-run job, Pitt~burgh ", M .443 15Vl returning to Quebec tarll' in Scp, '

I se" con\ll1cntccl olle of th orri' I . tl b t WedneldlY, Augultlth, Hickman'S "Chevrolets". In the seventh, Chicallo 41 S~ .42117 I t;;mber. .,

o e cia S 111 Ie oa, .".M. 11.00-0'LearY'I "BIlle Blades" vs. Ray Jablonski swatted I grAnd. NelY YorK 34 59 ,366 W,~ I

but it 1I'8S ~ .great o~le to win and that, to mY'mind, 9,30-Hlckman's "Chevrolets" \'I. Dally News "Dodgers". slam homer and Stan Paly, follow· American League IUnll liP t liS ~'cal' S Regatta. It was a ~reat olle ~ft. Cuhel "Bombers", PJf. fd with a ~olo shot IS the Rell· New York 67 ,33. ,610 Bra,'lcs An(1 Cllh~ fOI all or the ,winners, 111I.rticulllrh. the Oilter 11,OO-Ayre &: Sons "Alrdales" \'1, 2,30-Sport Shop's "Sporters" V~. eg~ scored !ix In the se\'enth to Cleveland 59 39 .002 7 ' );:1 ~ Parsons "Monarchs", "Jaycees". brc~k e\'en ln their four·game Boston ~5 44 .55fi 111.-2 I G·· em ercl\' /l1\d the Patricians, P.M, 4.00-standard "Matelllc!~ Kld5" series with the last·place Giants. Chicago 49, 46 ,516 151~ alit P Ol1V WIns'

IndnentHlIy firsl cstimates of the crowd seem 2.30,..."Klwanlans" VI. Sport Shop VS, Harrll '" Hiscock's TilE KLU IIACK Baltimore "'i 55 .450 22 " "Sporters". ,Sunbeams", Rocklp. Frank Robinson Ilso DetroIt (5 55 ,(50 22 YCllerday saw two mor~ Pon~ to hm bec1\ way of[ hase. i would judge from ',OO-Slmon Levitz && Son'. "Red 6.30~Dawe's "Yankees" \IS. Nfld. homered, his 25th, for the Red· Washington (0 ,51 •. 396 271'.1 I'Lcallue baseball ~ames hein~ : thatting with \'ctcran Rc~attRCommit&oee mem. Sox" "5. Standud "Match. Ame'rican' "Protectors", leg~, while Ted Kluszewski, back Kansa~ City M M .364 30

1A. I played. The ~econd ::wmc ~C Ihe'

\mthat it ran ill the 'Vicinitv of 20 000 less Kids." ------------------- da)', which was plal'cd in thr. A CHALLEt-mE " ' /I,30-~~~;ral~i;~:'~~~~:Jfa~s,~'s. A.M. TiI.,dIY, August 14th, Look Good ~if!erl~On~~g:I·~~h!~or~~r~d b~~~\; :~ ,

, I d' I d d 9.30-R. A. Murphy's "Rams" VB. Alouettes fan ' I i.1e 51. John s Capita s, al1UC WIt 1 spee ,power lin Thursby, August tth, Dawe's "Yankees". . • I~ the morning the Cal'rlinals

armed hurling lea\'e the City to-morrow for A,M, 11.00-C, of E. Orphanage "Jets" In ,E' xh·lb·.t·IQn Series were defeatcd by the Bral'es fil'~ I' F II

' \ . tl th IJ t t . th All 9,30-Ntld. American "Protee. va. "Elks", 10 four. The winnill~ pilchcr was I asia Jails \\"1 1 e apc!' own eam In e - tors" VI. R. A, Murphy's P.M, k t h . : Thompson while the losing Car·,

ImoUildlalnd scmi.finals. Thc semi-finals will probably "l'tam!,". I 2,30-Harvey's "Shamrocks" vs MONTREAL, CP - The 111g i dell leared the Sas a c ~~a~ dinals had Bennctt on the mound,: loogher session than the finals, l1.00-Standard "Matchless Kids" Mt. Cashel "Bombers". . Four champion Montreal Alou·' touchdowns. Phil Branch a e In the afternoon the Red· Sox:

I Th n. Baine Johnston's "Ind. 4.00-Hudson's "Hornets" vs. uKI. eUes scored almost at will Thurs· I o~e· coLncvHegK EXPERI~lENTS b~ttl~d . it out with the Cuhs for!

S:heduled for Corncr Brook latc!' next wee t, e lans", wanlans", day night to wallop the Saskal· C FI h D W'alker left his first· SIX Innmgs whcn the ~ame lVas I if it docs 110t produce will be mauled by Grand P.III, a,30-Steers "Green Giants" V!, chcwan Roughriders 42·13 In an .oac oug u t'I caHed because of rain, As the I

h 2,30-Sport Shop'l "Sporters" vs.' Simon Levitz &. Son" "Red exhibition football game before strIng IInhCuPth!nd the gt

ame w~'I~ rain began 10 fall the score was i

Actualh' on paper St. John's looks better t an any Perlin's "Half.Plnh", ' Sox." " 20102 fans late In ~ e Ir quar er ! [or the Cubs VaHis, I , Tl h d' th ' . ' Frank Fllchoek oC the Roughnd· C b 3 R d 's I d City's tcams of the past. ley ave spee m ,~ 4.00-Telegram "Telys" 'VI, 0'. The outcome lVas never In doubt . t d ·'th d'ff r nt us, e ox O. On tiC moun I

and infield. Watchinr1

Wilf Cascy's daring base Leary', "Blue Blades". Wednlldey, August 15f.h.' after Montreal quarterback Sam e1J .experlm~ c t' III I I e :he for the Red SO)( was Meaney and b /I,30-Mt, Cuhel "Bombers" VI. A M Etcheverry found the passing paYIng com ma Ions rom -- I

in Ihe I,u;t ~Iount Cashel-St, Pat's game (won by Terra Nova'i "Pontlaes." 9~30-Nfld, American "Protec· range In the first quarter. After start of the game. . TONIGHT'S FOOTBALL l!llounties 14.7) I was truh- amazed at the talent which tors" V5, McKinlay's "Van· completing only one of his first came In the third quarter when he Tonight'E senior soccer game:

00,', 1''''''' in 'hi; departmen,Wilf reminded ",.." A",. 10th, "",,", r,", 'ru ... , ,'ob",," """,o! :;:";', ,,~' " '':-::'' !"~, .;~ <ut b. b., .. " 'h, G,,,,, "d I • A.!\f, 1l.00-"Elks" '1'5, Mt. Cashel on 14 in a row, thrce four touch· hisc oe~e:rihr~~ yard rpl:~~g~O i:Ct~e S1. Bon's, The teams will Cace off i much of 11 fleet-footed kid named Billy Martm 9.30-Bowrlng's "Braves" n.?, "Rockets." downs before leaving 'the game fI t t . at 7.00 p.m. on the Ayre Alhletie,!!C(1 the Brooldyn Dodgers in the 1953 World ' of E. Orphanage "Jets." P.M. later in the third quarter. rs quar cr. Grounds. The lineups arc as 101.:

11.00-Constantlne "Canadians" vs :!.30-C. of E. Orphanage "Jets" Hal Patterson scored two touch· O· d lo\\'~: \ Billy 1I'0n that sCJ'~s for the Yanks and Wilf may Dawe's "Yankees". n, "Elks". downs for Montreal, both on Etch· mItte Guards-Goal, Purchase; backs:, ~ lot of pcoplc with the \jlajor role he plays In, PJf, All bo~'s are requested to cut everry's passes, nnd Pat Abbruzzl Sm!lh, Goobie, Georgc, lloshacker, '

, Fnl, Is ,c:-ies, not onh.' on the base paths but also 2.30-McKlnlay's "Vanguards" vs out this ~chedule of games Rnd George Brancato, Red O'Quinn Omitted from tht linen!! In I Smllh: forwards, Sparkes, Taylor.' R. A. Murphy's "Ram~". pin It up in their room 50 as they and Leroy Campbell got one tach. i the IIlunlcipal Race at Wellnes· Pik~. Clark.~. Sn.ool,;s.

~!pla\e, ),[1' guess is that Mike Martin and Bill Gi1lie~ 4.00-Harr18 &. Hiscock's "Sun. will know when their teams arc Bud Korchak converted three oC i day's Annual Regatta ,lU8 the I Sc. BON S-I', ~ard~'. D. Bal" th~ o\h~l' ('.':0 starting outfielders alth9ugh Veteran beams" VI. Steen "Green playing, Please' be on 'time Cor ali the majors and Al Doggett kicke~ i name of Tom O'Toole, who row· ! rct!. K. Grant:. }- :lh~l'phY" I:, ~[ Giants," games, ~ll post paned games will Jhree singles to round out the Als ' t.d No. ~ oar In the winning, C~ughlan, J. Kin;, :II. Ems\c~. G, • acDonald may get the call to open in left on the 8,30-"Jaycees" VI, Hudson "Hor. be played' .t the end of the above scoring. ' I crew (Streetl Dept.) Sorry I Richards, J. MacNamara, L. Bruce.

clhis cxpt'l'iellce. Gillies and Martin arc flect of fool nels", schetluled I!ames, Ken Carpenter and .TIm Wad· Tnm. G. Brennan. ,--------

Any house\\ ife would have Ihought of it! Bul credit goes ,to Ihe builders of Ihe U.S. Navy's ' mighty new carrier, U.S.S. Ranger, for using aluminum foit to keep their product "fresh".

During construction,' a ship rests on wooden blocks, which absorb a lot of moisture. To protect their costly steel bull from rust and'corrosion during Ihe IS·mooth conslruetion pe. riod, the Navy simply covered Ihe blocks wilh ordinary house· hold foil. This brain\'ave was a natural for a marine builder, since nowadays he uses shiny, non.corroding aluminum so widely for superslruclures,life. boals and olhcr imporlan! ship­huilding componenls,


._-----' ire I'cry ciangerolls at bat-particularly, Gillies who --=:..:..------...:.:==::.-==:..-----.-:....-::.=-~~=:..-:..::--------~:-----------

good use of his long range hitting to pump. a hill o\'cr the 5hOI't lefl field fence in Grand Falls, '

~e startill~ infield will probably see Jack Harvey at calC, Jack \Vithers at second, Noel Sparrow at short DON'T SAY ROLLS-S AY '/tAMMY'S I~d Gordon Breen at third. The infield combination , onc. but it, good. Withers is the perfect example

combination of spced,' fielding skill, pesky hitting ~~rong throwing. Han'ey is a solid defcnsive player till poke the baH for the distance .. Noel 'Sp,arrow is

, Cn derense and swings a mean bat' while ,Gordon a,lthough lin:ping from last year's, Icg injury,

proled he can flCld as well as in the past .and his bat

B seems to explode against Grand 'Falls pitching.

-I'ant . " I; one of the best catchers St, John's has eveI ~. hand Ihe pitching staff is stronger than ever be· ~dt .speed. strenglh and enough .experience to take a I'antanc of th . I"d ' Ye ' ~ e, m( 1\'1 ual members~ natural tale~t. bt I ~a) Grand Falls, prcsents a challenge, ,The Grand

a lS€sbalJ league is in a sorry state, but the players .3 good as. cI'er and unless t~e ~apitals playas a team \"r' gomg to get very far in the semi-finals. A word :en~ng ;0 the players, .They are going to have to takc " rtes III a "ery business-like ,ina'nner, Grand Fans ce toved '\1 d ' Joh ' 11'1 1 an the players are hungry for a win.

"'or 1 n S team last Sunday stumbled through o~e of S games I have ever seen them play and if the

members of the tealU think trey can get by on of last Sunday they, are going to be very dis· tlvlore on this to-mo~l'ow),

T STEADMAN OUT ", I.' ed Steadman has been '}ib'eralin his critic-IltnolC .. ' Uad h orner Brook and its athletic-cndeavours. 10 ou tedly there is some truth to' what the

~~~ Humber Gardcns Manager.ha.s been say­II'hith ~ personally I think he asked for the trouble City I as apparently developed in the West Coast

"Man~ think Ted overlooked ,the fact that he was. 'tliv ger of the Gardens and shouid take a less IOtia~.role in the interior workings of the local as­

'consc!'.)n, Perhaps he was a little too publicity " At an OIlS an~ this may have' caused the problems,

tllectY {.a~c ~ts going to ,be interesting to see what '

Itt COihlS many 8tatements deCen'ding his: s~a Il ' .. "c,to have o~ Corner Brook sport. ,

, ' '-' .' .... . , --' of "-.'-'-'



¥'HAMBURGER ROLLS • ~. _!" \ I.. . .

. , . '


I ,.




tll1gest and most

, mo'dern bakery.

, ' .

' ..

, .



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Page 12: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

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I .... -----~-~-~-.... -~ ,Jacoby On,Bridge

the heart of yo ur . home ~~~::t:'::~D JACOBY

, ,

It they don't, you have loat noth· 'd' 'e serve s' ·t·h e' .' be s.t'· , • .~. 'ni~~~~;: W:~~~~l ~~~ g~oot:; Ing but your time. A 'typical ~x· 8mple was executed In the hand shown today when It was defend·

Superb Modern Chrome Kitchen & Dinette Sets

Here Is the ultimate In kitchen furniture, .turdY

construction with up-to-the-minute styling and a choice of

many beautiful color combinations Clnd pattlrns. Th.

gleaming chrome a.nd durable, washable plastics simplify

cleaning and make these fine seb an attractive and

practical addition to the furnishings of any hom ••



$ .50 On' Hire Purchase



Highest quality mat.rial. and work­

manship have blln combln.cI to bring

.iyou a combination of, .y. appeal ,

stylil'lg and mechanical p.rfectlon that

aSlure. troubl. fr.. p.rformanc. I .

through yeal'l of uHful IIrvlc.. The , .

's164.50 double wall_cI ·tub k",. water hot,

. 'ondthe Ingehl~u. hid. away arra'nge.

ment of the pump ho.e help. make

this gleaming bHuty a decorative

addition. to any home.


The, GreatEasternOil Company ~ Ljmited

I ..

__ --.... x: .... ,.,.. ... .-----------.-.. -- " .. _._ .. -

cd by Marshall Miles, of Los An· geles, In * recent r~glonal tOllr· namcn1,

West opened the six of dla· munds, . and !\Illes played the queen from the ~a8t hand. This .play would win If West had led from the .klng. l\Ioreover, there was no way to stop SOuth from winning a trick with the king of diamonds If he happened to bold that card. '

South won with the kIng of diamonds, led II cluh to dummy's jack, and returned a spade to­wards his hand. !'lIlIes hopped up with the ace of spades and reo turned the deucE' of diamonds,

South'! bidding IndIcated that , he held at least three diamonds probably headed by - klng.jack' .""-- .- --_.

HOlm (D, it . • u "AIIBI U "'AQJ84

W!lIJT EAST .AH .76 +AQ42 ",7832

" ' .1083 .K,QI02 + 108763· .,

I ..


Neither side wi. "llrih zi., . SolllJl West 1. FaSl 1. . Pus 2 • Pass 2 N,T. !>an I. Pan IN.T. Pa ..

I PaN Pate·

~~_IeIc!-" __ .. __ .

Miles knew that he wt)uld merely make matters easy for declarer If he cashed the ace of diamonds at an early stage, The low dis" mond lead might give declarer a guess or I persuRslve losing fin­esse.

South should have had no pro­blem. His only chance WIIS to put up the jack of diamonds In the hope that East lhad the ace. If South had done so, be would have taken the rest of the tricks, and East', lice of diamonds would

gone to sleep. As It happened. South could not

believe that East had first play­ed the queen of diamonds and had then returned a low diamond from any holding that included the ICt. Henel SOuth mllde the gIvI­up play of his low dIamond on the second round of that HUit. Now the defenders rattled off the rest of tbe diamond lult, lettlnR the contract! '


Frost said Wednesday that. be­cause ot • ~ut In provincial reV­enue from taxes Ontario i~ not as eager for federal hospital 'Insur· ance 15 Health Minister Martin may think, The premier, at a press conference, described IS "altogether too optimistic" state. ments made last week by Mr, MartIA that Ontario is almost ready to join the Dominion gov­ernment In an Insurance plan. "By restricting our revenUe from taxes the federal luthorlties are the authors of the lituatlon," he said. '


of Chicago's enUre water lupply went Into effect Wednesday. Since May 1 only' eertaln South side neighborhoods, bad been receiving fluoridated water. More than 1,000 United States cIties are fluorldat· Ing water supplies to eurb dental decay among children.


mander of French force~ 'in AI· geril, Gen, Henri Auguste Lorll­lot, Wednesday banned the official release of all casually figures­both Frencb and rebel-In the Al­gerian insurrection. No explana. tion for Lorillot's orders was given by French pr.ess officers, However, the French command has become Increaslnglp sensith'e 1.0 criticism from Moslem leaders th~t the army was \l'aging a cam· palg. 0{ "wholesale extermina­tion,"

the Welcome. Wagon

HOltess Will Knock on Your Door with Gifls and Greetings

from Ffiendly Business Neighbors anC4 Your

Civic .and Social '. Welfare ,Leaders -

O~ the occos;on of: . • . The Birth 6f c Baby,.

Arrivals of Newcomen 10' cily. '

'Pholl- 3031

• .I



Page 13: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

11 AUGUST 3, 1956

~--------------------------------------------~--------------------~~--~--~--------~ , \ E to I B hO This may be true (or a while. I REQU IRED ,; . s~en Ia rus In!! But hair with a temporary' wave, ,:~


I I U however nice it may look tor the I .:: \ moment, will soon grow lack, I 'By competen;, Stenograpl/.er.!: I ' BY ALICIA HART . I lustre and come out in consi~er.! Clerk Typist ar,d Typist oWe' ~:

, \ Deep In the recesses of I hell' : able quantities If it's not brushed, : employment. WllIlng to do somt , personBl,liye~, where ~10S~ wo"'!en I Brushing is the only exercise hail i, at home, if desired, at a reason· .;,

LAMl-S, FIXTURES Jet no one flOd out \lhat s. gomg, gets. And it needs it.' 'able rate of pay. Any persons or ,;! , on, tit.ere se~m5 \0 be a resIstance I I person please contact, ;.'

to halrbrushm!!. . I Brushing stimulates the sea I p ; sen interested please contact: '!: ,AND APPLIANCES'- One young woman hnallr ad- 1 and keeps the blOOd and nouri~h·' .:

mitted in public tha~ she nev~r 1 mcn! flow:ng up there. Brushin;:: 2S BOND STREET, ST. JOHN'S ; .-City Service' hI' us h e d her • hall' and ·tillS I takes the oil from the scalp and: . Telephone No. 6432H ;'

prompted three other women to I hair roots and sproads it out alan" I .1y31,ag2,3 '" confess they never did either. As the hair shaft so that it's control~ ------. ~,

Co., Ltdo a woman who. knew sometillng dust and dirt .between shamp'oos. .; so~n as the confession came ~utl able and -hiny. Brushing removes JIRIS[O .( about beauty raIsed her hands In Brushing keeps a healthy ship ::

• horror. that way. ' TO. "Brushing and shampooing are /'

INSURE tite bases of all good • looking A wave set in a beauty salon THE FINEST a·TRACK , hair", she exp18lried. , may be brushed out, true. Bul, EXTRUDED ALUMINUM

,YOUR The non.brushers all said t hat steady, consistent brushing will COMBINATION STORM AI-ID .

AUTO- they didn't brush their hair bP'\ eventually bring out • natur,ai SCREEN WINDOW .,

caUSe It took the wave out. wave. MOBILE.' ' . fova


,r,~, .. ".- ' ' " l' " ~ .. " - .' -" .~

. Stnilh 'Corolla' ~ '.': "~ ,::~::,~


, TYPEWRITERS and i"CASHiERS:~: ' .' ' DIAL 4052 "": " - . " '



CA~PBELL RIVER, B. c. (CP) Cor. Elizabeth and Porth,al e. I. ' -A 5m.pound ulmon, biggest of 'Phone 9011S • 1011. the season, waR callght here by Dial 91115 till.betll "n l

Mrs. A. S. Platt o( Bell, Calif. ' jylO.l1 ~==~~~~~~~====~~~~====--~==~:~-=.-------------



0' ..






DIAL 80021 to 80029

, ' '

Art you cram rspace? REMODEL FOR MORE tne Basement V!ay


LUMBER . and



to do fh.· .

job righ.

all here








INSTALL A ' , 'NEW I.<IT(:HEN ••• ,

, .



PUT ON A NEW ROOF ... .... .



YOUR HOME r •. , -~ ~.

- ,

ADD A ROOM ... ,


I ' ,





. ,


. ...


,; :;', ,

: I 'I' ~ : , . ' . ' i

" ":, !',", , . ~, , ~

" j I "

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.: . ,

Page 14: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

I, "

i' .. i' I •.

. ' ~,

" "

i': I ' I! .'

: ' : .





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• .' I . I " ' . , ,

" , ' ,,' l "-;. ,

, ". 't. , .

14. ." 'j

,: '~ :'" '~r~~'·J;' ~, .. i. THE .DAILY NEW~"}RIDAY,; AUGUST 3 'I ,

. ,


.FOR.SALE . . Fo'R SALE as she is, where she is, at· St •. Pierre, the .

. Auxiliary Motor Sc:rew Vessel "LUCY.MELlNDA". This vessel has been repaired following stranding. Asking pric:e nett to owners $12,000.00.




'The' Wat~r Follies ,'of, 19~

Open Monday through Frida'y

8:30 a.m to 6 p.m. Except on Statutory


Interested parties apply to

Week of July 30th to August 4th.

Home forAged and Infirm


WRESTLING, 8,30 p.m.




. Maids are required anhe ·Home for the Agl.!d and Infirm, Sud· ,bury Street, St. John's. The salary b $80 per mopth trom I

which thcre arc appropriate de·. duetlons for living In.· Uniforms and full maintenance are pro·




Fritz Von Eric



2 -,4 and 8 - 10 p.m.

'IMPORTED Passenger Tires $10,00 each: Tubes' $2.00 ca. nctrcaded Tires, 15 and 16

. in. Snow and lllud dcsign. :'\oIH'ulcanized rno sectional

or spot repairs) $14.95 cnch­-Uscd Tires Sales, 86 Ham·

IItoll A ,·cnuc.

Baird Motors Ltd ::~~~~~:otlons. Ihould.: be ad·

DIAl. 80378 9 . Th. SuperIntendent, • Home for Aged' and Inllrm,

MERRYMEETING ROAD. Sudbury Street, St. John'S.

Radios, Television" . R. L. ANDREWS, Depllty Mlnlsl4r

. .' ag3,11 or . any Electrical Appliances ~~---~---

Repaired at Loytest Prices.'


(Over Crane the Jewellers) 'PHONE 3411


Opp. I Brookfield Service Station, I . ,


Monday, 6th AT 11 A.M.

14 Head ,Young, Beef Cattle

'John D. , O/

B.30 p.m.


Augu!! 17·1 a, 2.30 P~.




Great . Eastern Oil l ~

'Company, Limit'ed ,LOOK WHAT YOU GET


2 Hour Show-W~:~ Champion Divill­

Fomou! Stage Acts-

Water and Slagt HI . -Funny Diving Cloll'l'l

GLfN PLAIDS 1 these stunning When \,ou ~ee Urquhart • orted G len • .,mp. 'II knoW what w plaids you we say there's CI.

mean whenKLC ' men" doth-SPAR j;; ,n ., neW ,

es for fall \ .

. . . '





$49.95, . $55, $59-.95

, .


:' : Services . SALES LADIES. '. .' i

,-for Coa(and Dress' Dep' art· : I . "

DON'T Mfss 111

World', Largest Pool .. 150 Feet tong

S T AC'IUM .. \' !11~nJf ~eference r~quir~d; , : A 'I '..'



: CORNER BROOK SERV1C~ !. ·THE PROMINENT , Local train leRvlng St. .Tohn S ' , STYLE SHO 2.00, 1.50, 1.00 pl~1 III

,,8.4,\3 : IS p.m. Saturday, August 4th, P ! wm make eonnectlon at Lewl!· . 282 WATER ST. . porte with S,S. Springdale for lh. Lewisport. • Corner Brook . --=-= -----

I Service, : CONNECTION BAY RUN ' I • PLACENTIA IIA Y I Relular9 a.m. train leavins ~t.

John'" Monday, Allgust 6t.;, wlll 1 make cDnnectlon at Argcntll with I M.V. Burin for the BIIY Run : Placentia Bay.


CONNECTION' NOTRI DAMI . BAY SERViCe I . Train "The Caribou" ltavll)lf : st. John's Monday, 1\ p.m., wlll

make connection at Lev.'lsporte i I with M.V. Clarenville for the 1

I Notre Dame Bay Sm'lct, : I FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES


freight tor regular points St. 1

.Tohn's.Lewisporte Service fer I forwarding via Lewlsporte and ; )f.V. Bonllvlsta. accepted Railw~v i Freight Shed Monday, AUlust II




Tenders For Asphalt PaYin, Tenders are requested for the work of layi"

asphalt in various city .treets.

Work must be done in ac:cordance with IP!C·~cc. tlons available at the office of the City Engineer.

Tenders must be submitted in sealed .nvelep!1 marked "Tender for. Asphalt Paving'~, adpressed IO~1 City. Clerk and deposited in hi. offie, not laW ~I~ Noon on Wednesday, Augult B, 1956.

The lowest or any tender will not nfl:tliarily"

'!'NEEDS 1 ~he great all·purpose fhabrle

for fall ' ••• equally at ome at the oHice or at a college

, n 'In many neW, warm


$10.00· MORE!

• Skilfully Ta'l1ored by "SCIENTIFIC"

Craftsmen of the finest fabrIcs avail-

I.S. Xyle operatln. on,' the ' ~uthern Labrador: Service for

! polnll u. t';r as Goose Bay and 1 connecting with M.V. Trepassey : for regular ports, to Hebron, will I noW sail !tom the D[)~k Coastal

W.harf Midnight To·nlght, FrtdBY.

accep.ted. I. I. fO~AN, City el,1


reunlO • . colors and weaves.


STRIPES 1 lng In' popul-Stripes are groW 'g suC. .

• 'this season omon onty of . mature years

:s~~11 ~:~he·. ex.eeu- ,

tive set.

fLANNELS I ," . \ . 'the 'II find them here n . ,

you 'ruddIer tone~ f~r fall,

:~~~~ 'os In ~~e ~Ios~~~ gray'

and blues. ';,.~ .. ,'


Tweeds, Sharkskins, Worsteds, Flan­

nels, Twists and Gabardines •• cholel

of Glen Plaids, Stripes, Solids' and

Mixed patterns I

. ' • Talis, Regulars, Shorts. Single Brealt.

ed Style I 34 to 48.






. .

, '

CLOTHES mah the man K CHAII makes thl clothe.


. .




TAKE Tlfl,'

'. ·FAMILy ... ··

SPECI~l; .:.

WElKLr .

.' RATIS',:': , ..

'EXCELLENT: M!AIS", SERVED IN'. THE: LOoG£.: . \ .." '. 'PHONE3062>; BOOK NOW'·. '.' .. HARV

FOR . l

~: ,

'.AU:GOST and SEPTEMBER' . ',' '(',. ,.



consisting of. four roc d two boat housl

.he, d' mahogany Spee B~c t 'rting 30 H.P. eng lO


.SEVEN . . : "uired lor the Bish .:dergJrten.-one Teach

'Grade l.-one Teach' IV-.two Teacher~

VI one' Teach~r. ApplJ beller will be given pr~fl



FO 33

Large furnac:e heate Apartment and detc ~ith several mature lind depth of 160 ft.

..., For further par



W~ A~

for immediate II

: lunity for a capa

working ccnditio


Ie One large furnisl

for two people

minutes' walk fr



The Deer Lal


Applications sf

should be addresse


Page 15: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,

, .


7. ••





SAlMONIER LINE . fng of four room Bungalow (furnish.d), wood­

(onlll ~o boot houses, wharves, etc. Also one new Ift~' any Speed Boat with remote control and electric ~ ~g 30 H.P. engine. Apply !'Orting HALLEY & COMPANY LTD.


SEVEN TEACHERS . . d lor th~ Bishop's Falls Amalilamated School:-l, '~t~~llen-one Teacher. some knowledJte of music preferred, Ki:Glllt I-Onr Teacher. 3, Grade III-dne Teacher. 4-5, t / I" two Teachers. 6. Grr.c\e V, onc Teacher .. 7. Grade G:I./r.! T;achcr. Applicants witll Grade I qualifications or ~:tl~'\I"i11 be ~il'rl1 prefercnce. All applications should be lent ~I~! ·![CRET.\Rl' OF THE BISHOP'S FALLS AMALGAMATED



large furnace heated Dwelling with small separate Ap"tment and detached two Car Garage. The lot lith leverol mature trees has a frontage of 1"3 ft. . e1d depth of 160 ft,

.' For further particulars and appointment to view



illM .

DIAL 2021


lor immediate employment •. Excellent oppor·

lunity for a capable person. Good wages and

wOlking ccnditions.

Apply to

Chester Dawe Ltd. 'PHONE 80161

TO RENT On. large furnished Bedsitting Room, suitable

~I two people or Sampie Room. A' few

!ninutes' walk from Water Streit. ...

'PHONE 2648A :i

l~ Deer Lake Amalgamated School . . Requires




Applications stating age and teaching experience

~uld be addressed to . .




• . ....... -.. '" ....... ~.- .... ,. . ~

FOR SALE 1952· Pontiac

H..ard top, two.door. Reason for sellln;-owner leaving Pro· vince - must sacrifice at $800.00. .

Apply PHILLIPS' care Russwood Ranch, Roche's Line, ~rigus



TO·N/GHT Leo Michaels'

Orchestra. Cover 50c DIAL 90069





1 oiclock


AI4 WOMEiII!W"A'T 11lE'I 6A"I .. •

Help Wanted-Female

$100 MONTHLY for wearing lovely drcsses Jliven you as bonus. Just show North Ameri· can Fashion Frocks to friends. No canvassing, Investment or experience necessary.-:-l'orth American Fashion Frocks, Ltel., ~163 Parthenals St.. Dept. W 1615. Montreal.


. The Beauty Nook

INSURANCE-Bowring Broth­.r Limited Insurance Depart· ment-Flre. Automobile. Mar· tne and all Casualty Une .. Telephone 3131.

A MESSAGE tn all prnpcrty owners living beyond. St. John's: Are you fully proteel· ed against loss by fire? What about LiablUty Insurance on your Truck and Car? Drive with the sun behind you, and


Will be CLOSED from

August 6th to

August 20th

. then you have peace of mind. -W, F. Caldwell, Fire and Casualty Insurance Agent, Temple Bulldlng, Duckworth Street, St. John's, 'Phone 2465

ljiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~ DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· '8 s· ANCE-Don't risk your valu· A EBALL abIes to "save" a few dollal'l, Our falr·rate, reliable polley


TENDERS For Laying Relief Intercepting

Sewer Tenders are requested fof' the work of placing a east iron pipe relief sewer from Quidi Vidi Lake westwards.

Specifications for this work are aVlililable at the office of the City Engineer;

. Tenders must be submiHed in sealed envelopes marked "Tender for Relief Sewer", addressed to the City Clerk and deposited in his office nol later than Noon on Wednesday, August 22, 1956.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

.E. B. FORAN, City Clerk I"'·'·" jly31,Rg3,6 ! .

. To-night . mves Immedlatll protection.

'Phone 6921 orwrlti I, J •. Lacey. P.O. Box 506.· -------------------

7!OO p.m.



FURNISS WITHY INSUR· ANCE ~partment offering dependable insurance-Auto­mobile. Fire, Burglary. Plate 'transportation, Travel Accl· dent, LIability. Phone 2073. Glass, Tourist BnRl!oge,

PEPPERS j Contact STAN FOWLER, R .. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ nouf building, for Fire Auto­':': mobile and Plate Glass Insur·

LOST ance. Claims promptly settl· ed. 'Phone 5531-P.O. BOl

from. Newfoundland· Hotel to' :::-:63:-:. =---,----__ Bus Terminal LeMarchant Rd l'toadERT DhWE & SON, Fire , . '. ., an Automobile Insurance. Lady, Gold Wmt Watch with I Be safe. be sure, Insure .. Tele-leather strap Finder please PRhone 2882, P,O. Box B~ .' oyal Bank Chambers. st. DIAL 3574F or return to 159 I John'a. Ca.sey 5t"B -R-O-W-N-'S--a-ur-In-P-.-n-'n-.u-'a­

TalCi Servlc_;. taxi leaves both St, John's and Grand Bank dally. For' passage 'Phone IID335-A St. John's or wire Jim Brown. Grand



.· Cod

In: Cellophane Packagtl ,

Call. Toll Operator

DANCE . Sunday Night


'MANUELS .Moulltcilners Orchestra.

Canteen Service. Buses returning after

the Dance


for general work for

'SUNSET LODGE Immediate emp.!9yment for 2 months.


Bnnk. my7,tf CASH paId for: Men'., wom;;';­

boys', gIrls' sllghtly used clothu and footwear, also comics And pocket books. JoJm D. Snow, 9 New Gower Street. . jly7,lm

WHEN YOUR HOUSE NEEDS a repair job done, small or large or It needs to be paint· ed at low cost and efficient service kindly call J. Strat· ! ton, 42 Ca~hln Avenue. Dial 7508.F. jne12,lmlh

ONL Y COMPLETE BLIND service. Manufacture. Laun· dry Repair Work' guaranteed. One day service. Frep quota. tions. Keameys Limited, Manufacturers. 45' water St.

WANTED a G.nent Mild for family of two. All modern cnnvenhcnccs. Apply Mrs. Alex Stewart, 17 Waterford ,Bridge Road or Dial 2840A. jly31,ag2,3

ALL WOOL MATTR'SSSES .r. picked, re-covered: &prlnla da, beds rewired; Inner spring mattresses recondition· ed. Write, Phon! 3891. wire Ii. J. Keata. 16 Mount Royal Avenue.


THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP We are now operating six chairs. You can be assured Qf the best possible service plus .the least possible walt· ing. 24 New Gower St. opp. MIlI.lde Motors Ltd.

Househ'old Movers and Shippers Ltd.

Large quantities of Good Used BRICK, JOISTING, 3 by 12/

LUMBE~ •. '. "p. p'ly'to Office anit Warehouse, TorOO, Rd.

1'\ '. New Phone Number 91925·L JOE FOLLETT E)(pert packing, cr&ting. 8hlppln~

" ...... ,'. .. hou~ehold furniture and . effects.

SPECIALS 1949 MONARCH ......................... ,$300.00 1951 MONARCH .......................... $500.00. 1954 CHEV. Sedan ................ $875.00 1953 CHEV. Sedan ................ $950.00 1954 MONARCH Sedan ............ $975.00 1953 METEOR Sedan ................ $950.00

1952 CHEV. Pickup ".. .... .... .. .. $600.00

1949 FARGO 1 % Ton Truck ........ $350.00



Good knowledge of shorthand essential.


Great Eastern ·011 Co.;Ltd~ Ig2,3i

Ride On The Best'!

B. F. GoodJ'ich Tires For as low as

1.00 Down $1.00 per Week

IJthon',28J1 or 7478 Local.and looli distali~~ m~vlng '. i . .• Agen.s In all prlncl~L e. ties. ·I~~.:IJW~~





AUGUST 12th. 163,1,1


Bally Haly Golf Club Members are notified that there will be CI

special entertainment on SATURDAY evening,

August 4th, in Honor of the visiting Grand

Falls team. The entertainment will include CI

britf movie and musIc. . ------------_ ..


Apply In person to

Canada Packers Limited BOND STREET


The Annual Joint




SUNDAY, AUG. 5th~ jly31,41

ENGINEER required by Newsprint Manufacturing Co. to

take charge of small Steam Plant, and act a. Alli.tant Master Mechanic of Repair Shop'

Applicant must possess a 1 st class British

B.O.T. Certificate or Canadian equivalent al

Marine Engineer, and otherwise be qualified

to conduct surveys and supervise repair. to

.hipping at request of L10yds Sub-agent.


jly31,121 BOX 27 c~re DAILY NEWS


K. K. DONNACONA ~", %", !!.t", %", %"


5 and 6 inch


. H. V. R,ANDELL 'PHONE 7166

Ig2,3i .~. "

.-C.-_ .



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Page 16: are y est roposes ·.ountry i n ana - · slDn of the facts In the case but I. Earlier Thursday,


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SEALED TENDERS addressed to "TE~'i5E~ntersigned and endorsed SION N OR R.C.M.P. J. DIVI.

, .C.O.'S MARRIED QUAR. TERS, FREDERICTON NEW BRUNS!VICK, wlIl be received In the office of the Secretary, unllI 3D·AOOy p.m. IE.D.S.T.), WEDNES.


, SEP'fEMBER 5, 1956. Plans and specification can be Arctic Command i

Seen and fo~ms' of tender obtain. I cd at the office of thc Chief Arch. Ro and Wild ................ 4.00 I iteet, Department of Publlc Works Roman Wall 9Uawa. Ontal'io, the District Arch: Hect, Old Post Office Saint John Bryher, , .. , ................ : .. 2.50 '; N.B., the Post Offic~r. Moncion: RI'ngs Around US II

N.~., anrl the Post Office, Fred. erlcton, N.B. Erne~line Gilbreth !

To be considered each tender ' Imus~ be accompanied by a secur. Carey ... ...................... 4.00 : I:; m the form of a cerllfied H bl At'

cheque or bonds as specified in onoura e nces or ! Ihe forms of lender and made on P' ert Standish ......... 3.25 ! or according to Ihese forms and I In accordance wllh the conditions Justice By Midnight . set forth therein. J ff F I 2 00

The Departmenl. through the eery arno .. '.......... I Chief Archtect's offce. or throu'lh The Golden Journey \ the undcrslgned. or through the officc of the District Archilect Agnes Sligh Turnbull .. 3.95 Old Post Office BuUding, Saint Th R T John, N.B .. wl11 supply blue.prints e osemary ree and specification of thc work on Elizabeth Goudge ..... ,2.50 deposit of a sum of 825.00 in Ihe h for m of a CERTIFIED bank A T ing of Beauty chcque or money·order payable to A:J C . 4 50 Ihe or4ler of the RECEIVER GEN. •• ronm.......... ...... . ERAL OF CANADA. The deposit The Truth About Cancer


New Potatoes, Onio,ns, Etc. Arrived. by to-day'S freight a shipment of Ontari!) New

Pota!oes, Large Canadian No. 1 Onions, Carrots, Cabbage,

etc., etc., and now ready for immediate delivery.



wl11 be released on return of the Ch I blue·prinls and sncclflcation in or es S. Cameron ..... .4.95 Plans For '57 good condition within a month The Mary Deare Cricket Scores from the datc of reception of ten· del'S. If not returned within Ihat Hamond Innes ........... 2.25 1\'la.fl"tI"me LI"ttle period the deposit will be, for· K M Th St f th U

LONDON (Reuters) _ Thurs. NEW YORK (AP) -pitchers for toda)"s mahr

day's. cr.lcket close of pTay scores games. (Won and lost feited. - en- e ory ° e

The 1~l\'est or any tcnder not I! German Frogmen and Lea(Jl,l e Tourney necessanly accepted. l'i.... ROBERT FORTIER: 1.:!d~et Submarine !'AINT JOHN, N.B. _ CP-

in .Bntal~: parentheses): Austrahans 143. Surrey 106 for I Xatimal League

• '. S t. Loui> at BrOQk irn ~hddl~sex 221 for 7 declared, I holsky (6·8) \'5 Craig '(I~

FOR Chlcf of Administrative" "

Scrvices. ami Secretary. C. D. Bekke r ... ........... 3.50 Plans for a Maritime province's Hampshire 89 for 3. 'Koufax '2.3) )

Department of Public Works. M . f H d' Little League br.scball touma· Ottall'a. Jull' 31, 1956. emolrs 0 a rlan ment In 1957 wili be discussed at

Lanc~shjre 118, Northampton. II Chicago 3! Xc\\' York shire 23 for' 3. Brosnan (3·.,) and RU!h

Marguerite Yourcenar .. 2 .. 75 a meeting in ~foncton in Octobcr, Hearn 13·10) and Littlefield Derbyshire vs Worcestcrshire, i or ~lcCa1i (2·3) district supervisor Ned Fowl of

~roncton sairl Thursday. No da:e has been ~et.

no play toda)'. rain. i Cincinn;;ti at Philadelpnil . Sussex 12, Lcicestershire 1 for 1 La II'rcnce (U·2) "s Simmonl

no wicket. I'. AmerICan Leagu/ ' , Attcndin~ would be Little Essex 212 for 5 declared Nol., Baltimore at Chicago (~l-k

SEALED T I : League officials from all over the tinghamshire 208 fOr 6. ' '1' rarese (4·8) \'; Pierce II>!) ENDERS addressed to W h'

.. th,c undersigned. and endorserl THE BOOKSELlERS Maritime provinces. A tri·prov. Gl '. as mgton at Kamas Lar ill s. MILLEY LTD. TENDER FOR WHARF RECON. ince tournament would probably ouccst,ershlrc ~,9 for 7 de· Pascual HZ} \'5 Ditmar (llll STRUCTION. PART "B". DART. 'Phone 3191 • 442J be held over the 1957 Labor Dr,y I c~~red, "arwlckshlre 46 for no Nell' York at Dctroit (:iI-TEl'lJ

Shirley Campblell Still Marathoner

Monroe Takes Amateur Golf

Hiland Fails To Swim

MOUTH, HALIFAX CO U N T Y week·end if an agreement is reach. ".Icke!. (5·2) \'s Hocft 112·9) N .. S.", will be received I'n tllc of: and 1\ green II'ght gi" b'h Y k h' . f fl. .en y. e or's Ire ys Kent, no play to· Boston at Cbdan· (X)-'. ICC 0 t Ie Secretary. until 3 p.m., . NOT CRICKET NOl'ernlng bod I " '. (E D S T) l\' D ,. y. (ny. rain. nelt (-1-2) I'S G<Hcia (i·~,

TORONTO (C.P.) - .Shirley T" I Juan De Fuca Campbeli. flshed limp [rol11 I.ake 1 t e Onlario Tuesday after a "aill 18~4' hour attempt tn swim 32 ni ilcs to SYDNEY -CP - John Jook VICTORIA-CP - Strong tides Toronoo, said she may yd Iry ~!unro of Sydne~' Unefan caplur. und 20·mile wInds Thursda)' forced a.:ain. lured the MarItime amaleur golf California housewife Amy Hiland

The 20.year·old stcnognpher· title Thul'srla~' but almost blew up to ,gil'e up her second attempt to model from FcrJ;us, Ont.. "'ounrl ror Ncw Glasgow. Clne·up. swim Juan 'de Fuca Sirait when up her second annual assatllt on At Ihe end of la·ll0Ie.~ Stewart she was within three miles of th.c !ake pal~.wrackcd and wcary \I'M leadlns one.up but Munroe her destination. WIthin a mIle of shore. She causht fire on the final 18 and Mrs. Hiland, who failed her first prompll)' announced she was I\'a~ up four with five 10 go. attempt when within 1 ~~ miles o( IhroThughdtr:/lngtill d d' I Stewart. Whose boomlnl( 300· the finish line July 13. was in

I I urs tar"r s T udn c; medical \'ard drh'es werc Ihe feature of the water 1 hours lind ~wo min· rea mcn 'or ues ay 5 OB ca. . • t she said: the malch, threw eau.lon to the u es,

"1 haven't given up maralthon wlnrl and made some ama.ln~ She would have been the sec· swimming bul I won't try Lake On. r1rh'es to sweep the next four ond person 10 swim the tortuoos tralo again until I try sometitlng holes. channel. Bert Thomas or Tacoma. else !II's!." Munroe, .aDpr,rcntl~· .littery from Wash" covered the 18.3 miles be·

She specwnled on the E~lIsh Stewart's pIa\'. found his toulh Iween Pori Angeles, Wash., nnd Channel. the Strait of Juan de Fuca al!~ln on the 35th to win the hole. here, In 11 hoors 17 'mlnut~s last or the Gibrilltar Straits. The 22·year·old nath'c of near· year.

Shirley's coach Bert Crot!kctt by Rmn'c shot par on the final Winds of ,20 miles an hour hud said he deflnltely Is finished with hole and Sicwart, who needed R hampered !III's. H!l;!nd's pro~ress the lake and maralhon swim In birdie, was forced 10 settle for for ~wo hours and powerful Van. lteneral. "Maralhon swimming was pt.r. eOUl'tr Island ebb tides sapped conceived in the minds oC sadistic Cecil ~Iaclntosh of New GIn her fitrength. monsters," he Was quoted. ~Oll'. defeated ~oe Smith of Glace ,"I hate myself for having any. Bey, and a Lmellan cluh memo

UST' 29 . 19 E NESDAY, AUG. FENITON, England (CP)-The. Plans' an~6. specification can be ~ cri~ket club of De\'onsh~rc­

seen Rnd forms of tender obtain. tOil n has ca~cellccl Its game~ \\'lth cd at the officc of thc Chief En. nearby Humton aller gettmg a· lIi.neer, Department of Public letter from Boniton sa)'ing Feniton I \\ o.rks, Ottawa, Ontario, at the players should wcar whites In oiflce of t~e. District Engineer. their ne:'>t game. Said a Honiton Pu~llc B~lldlOg, BerifOl'd ROII',I player: "LS5t lime they came pallfal(. KS .• and at the Post 0('1- hcre eight of thc mcn were wear.

ICC, at Dartm.outh. N.S. ing grey flannels. and some even To be eonslderc.d each lender had ordinal''' shoes"

!11us\ he accompamed by a secur. ____ '_:"' __ ... ___ _ Ity In Ihe form of a certified BIRTH cheque or Bonds as specificd in _______ ' _____ _ the form of lender and made on CARRINGTOX-At Frederlct. or according to these forms and N B • . d 'tl th on. •. ., on "ugust 1st, a In accor ance WI \ e conditions daughter to .JoyCC (nee Cranl. set forth therein.

The Department, through the ford) wife of Lieu!. D. B. Carring. Chief Engineer's Office rH. & R.), I_o_n. _________ _ or through, the undersigned. or through thc office of the District DEATHS Engineer at· Halifax, N.S.. will B supply blue.prints and specifica. RINTON - Passed away at tion of Ihe work on deooslt of a Bel\oram on August 1st, Captain sum of $50.00 in the form of a John Brinton. L~nving to mourn CERTIFIED bank c h e que or his wife and two daughters: Mrs. money·order payable 10 Ihe order Reo 1II0rrissey at St. John's and of Ihe RECEIVER GENERAL' OF D~rvl at Gander. CANADA. The deposit will be reo WHELAN - Passed peacefully leased on Tctu~n o! Ihe blue· away after a long illness on; prlnls and spcclflcatlOn In good" ' .', ' !

condition within a monlh from the :\Un~ISt 2 •• James Patmk "helan datc of reception of tcnders. If! 1I1 IllS 30th year. SUIl of lIlr. and \ not retm'ncd within Ihat period' illrs. Richard W.helan, Signal Hill 1 thr deposit will bc forfeited. ,Road. Leal'ing II. mourn his irre· '

WATER SHORTAGE Thc 1~lI'cst of any tendcr not parable loss widow :llary, father II

, .Rcslin~ In a holel room. Shiro LATCHLEY, Eng.' (CP)-Thcre neceSSarily accepled. and mother. Funeral from Signal I~y had time to mulJ ol'er the reo WORCESTER. England (CP)- were glum faces In this Cornwail ~OBERT FqR:rIER! Hill Road attended by Requiem II d f th i k t CIlle( of AdmmlstratJl'e lI! ". I

thing 10 do with It." bel'.' four and Ihree to win the consolation prize.

'ar 0 mara ons. So (ar she A policeman whose wrist walch village after an annual cr c c Services. and Secretary. I • ass at 51. JoSCP,\ s Church on has promlscd sa,loo in cash was not working pounded his beat match against nearby Pilla ton. Departmrnl of Puhlic Works, Saturday, .~UgUS! 4th. Interment i

. and aliout SIO.000 In mcrchandise wilh an alarm clock tied 10 his The home tctm was all out alter Ottawa. July 31, 1956. at Mount CarmcL . for her tortuous swim belt. scoring only one run. ~-...:..---.:.-.:...------ HISCOCK-Passcd peacefully :;.;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;; ___ ;~;; _______ ;;;;;_;;;=;; ______ ;;;: away on Tucsdar, July 31st, Wil· I Ham Hiscock, 'aged 77 years, for.

" 1

'/)' ~




I. Ii 'i'

11 Specializing in modern and antique furnitui~, as well as custom·mad. slip covers. ,. . .. .

*II .

~ This work will be supervised by JAMES L. NINNES, and guaranteed to b. of first quality workmanship, . Mr. Ninnes wol formerly' with .Maples of London, England, and Mitchell of Montreal. I ,. . _.

~ You may have the above work done by this hi.9h class tradesman' by contacting MR. JAMES MILLER or MR. NINNES-DIAL 8-0118.






SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned Dnd endorsed

"TENDER FOn R.C.M.P. OFFI. CERS' QUARTERS, CHARLOTTE. TOWN. P.E.!., will be received in the' office of the Sccretary. until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, '1956

Plans and specification can be· seen and forms' of lender obtain. ed at Ihe Offices of the Chief Architect, Department of Public Works, Oltawa, Ontario, Ihe .Dis. trlct Architect, Old Po.~t Office Building. Saint John, N.B.. the Post Office, Slimmcl'sicie. P.E.J., anrl the Post OCflce, Charlottetown, P.E.I. .

To be considered each tcnder must be accompanied by a secur· Ity in tbe form of a certified chcque or bonds as specified in the forms of lenrler and made on or according 10 these forms and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. .. The Department •. throu~h the Chicf Architect's office. or through the undersigned, or through Ihe office of thc, District Archilect, Old Post Office Buildin~, Saint John, N.B .. wm supply blue·prints and· specification· of the work on deposit of a· sum of $25.00 in the form of a . CERTIFIED bank cheque or money-order payahle to the' order Of the RECEIVER 'GENERAL OF CANADA. The de­posit will be released on return of Ihe blue.prlnts and, spec!f\c~· lion In good condition withm. a month from ,the date of ,reception of tenders. If not' returned within that perIod the deposit wlll be forfeited.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative,

Services, and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 31, 1956.

merly of Chamberlains, C.B. Sur. vl"ed by three daug.hters and one son. Funer£1 will take place on Friday. August 3rd, at 2.30 p.m. from Carnell's Funcral Home, 28 Cochrane 51. to the Church of England Church at 'fopsail. In· terment in Church of England Cemetery. Topsail.

ANTHONY -Passed peacefully away on August 2nd, Jemima, widow oi Thomas ,l\!, Anthony, In her DOth ycar. Leaving to mourn two sons. Josiah of New Brighton, Penn., and William H. of the City. 'fllrce daughters: Lily (Mrs. Hearl Constable J. R. Squibb), Trixie (Mrs; r .• T. Bishop), Mabel (AIrs. S. F. l\Iorgan) of the City. Funeral will take place on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. by motor .hearse, from her daughter's re­sidence, 18 Merrymeeting Road, to Ihe Anglican cemetcry.


lIlr. and Mrs .. James Ryan and Family of Pouch Cove, wish .to express thcir sincere thanks 'of apprecialion 10. all thcir kind friends and relath'cs, who seht fLowcrs and messages of Sy~· pathy and to all ihose who helJ!· cd in any way to alleviate their sC'rrow In the rccent death of their dear son anr! brother, James

-Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan Ind Family. ag3,4

Children's ' Denim·Jeans

Sizes 2 io 6. Dark shades.

Have Your Regatta

Day Films Developed and Printed by Us

In By 9.30 Out By 4.45

* Mirror Clear Prints

* Ultra· Modern Equipnlent * Expertly Trained Staff

* Speedy Service , ,



BEEF 'Fres'h Stock Just A-r,ived


'HALF ··BARRELS .,/ ·,t· . .1.





police constable. giving eVIdence In court, testified a miln fined (or a . motoring offence had "abused m~ as I have never becn abused [or a long time· anrl referred In me 85 1 have r.ever been reicned to before,"


. 89c ·pair At the GEORGE -NEAL LIMITE~

, I' '.


, i


dinil. 1his en ' n H

tbis afternoo • degleeS. .

• 4


Egypt.-A· richest ditel

British Empire East.-(IN :

Pol; Pr

SIDXEY T,\YL (Reuters) -

will produc more buttcr u !i1'C • year ~

Friday to bol: la~ging cconom

plan, drawn u or k c r s (Cor

for a "con Poland's defcO[ up When the ( height-to be

goorls prod: living standarc! 21,000,000 popu

• • Ifle

