
Are there more personality disorders intreatment-seeking pathological gamblers than in

other kind of patients? A comparative studybetween the IPDE and the MCMI1

Enrique Echeburúa2 (Universidad del País Vasco, España) andJavier Fernández-Montalvo (Universidad Pública de Navarra, España)

(Received October 31, 2006/ Recibido 31 de octubre 2006)

(Accepted February 3, 2007/ Aceptado 3 de febrero 2007)

ABSTRACT. In this ex post facto study, the most frequent Personality Disorders (PDs)related to pathological gambling are described. A sample of 50 consecutively recruitedtreatment-seeking pathological gamblers was compared to 50 consecutively recruitedpsychiatric outpatients with non-addictive disorders and to 50 normative subjects fromthe general population with the same demographic features (age, sex, and socioeconomiclevel) to find out the prevalence of PDs. All participants were assessed with theInternational Personality Disorders Examination (IPDE), the Millon Clinical MultiaxialInventory (MCMI-II), and with the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Accordingto the results, 32% of pathological gamblers and 16% of the general clinical sample(versus 8% of the normative sample) showed at least one personality disorder. Themost prevalent ones were the borderline personality disorder (16%), followed by theantisocial, narcissistic, and non specified personality disorders (8% each). The coincidenceabout the number and the kind of PDs diagnosed by both instruments was not strong.Finally, implications of this study for clinical practice and future research in this fieldare commented upon.

1 The research reported in this paper was supported by a grant (BSO 2003 05895) from the Ministerio deCiencia y Tecnología (España).

2 Correspondence: Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamientos Psicológicos. Facultad dePsicología. Universidad del País Vasco. Avda. de Tolosa, 70. 20018 San Sebastián (España). E-Mail:[email protected]

© International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology ISSN 1697-26002008, Vol. 8, Nº 1, pp. 53-64

54 ECHEBURÚA and FERNÁNDEZ-MONTALVO. Pathological gambling and personality disorders

Int J Clin Health Psychol, Vol. 8, Nº 1

KEYWORDS. Pathological gambling. Personality disorders. Comorbidity. Assessment.Ex post facto study.

RESUMEN. En este artículo se presenta un estudio ex post facto acerca de los tras-tornos de personalidad más frecuentemente asociados al juego patológico. Para ello secontó con una muestra de 150 sujetos (50 jugadores patológicos, 50 pacientes clínicosno aquejados de ningún trastorno adictivo y 50 sujetos sanos de la población normal,con las mismas características demográficas). Todos ellos fueron evaluados con elInternational Personality Disorders Examination (IPDE), el Inventario Clínico Multiaxialde Millon (MCMI-II), y el Cuestionario de Juego Patológico de South Oaks (SOGS).Los resultados obtenidos pusieron de manifiesto que el 32% de los jugadores patoló-gicos y el 16% de la muestra clínica (frente al 8% de la muestra procedente de lapoblación normal sana) presentaba, al menos, un trastorno de personalidad. El trastornode mayor prevalencia fue el trastorno límite de la personalidad (16%), seguido deltrastorno antisocial, el narcisista y el no especificado (8% cada uno de ellos). Los dosinstrumentos de evaluación utilizados para los trastornos de personalidad no mostraronuna gran coincidencia ni en la tasa ni en el tipo concreto de trastornos de personalidadencontrados. Por último, se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la prácticaclínica y para las investigaciones futuras.

PALABRAS CLAVE. Juego patológico. Trastornos de personalidad. Comorbilidad.Evaluación. Estudio ex post facto.

The role played by Personality Disorders (PDs) in other addictions (cf. Solomon,Shollar, Solomon, and Zimberg, 1993) has encouraged clinicians to conduct researchabout the relationship between PDs and pathological gambling (Henderson, 2004; Steeland Blaszczynski, 2002). However, there are only a few studies where the personalitydisorders comorbidity in pathological gambling is analyzed. The main global studies upto now are summarized in Table 1. Unlike other recent reviews (e.g., Petry, 2005), inthis table studies dealing with an only PD, mainly antisocial PD, are not included.

TABLE 1. Personality disorders in pathological gambling.

Authors Instrument N Most frequent Personality Disorders

Lesieur and Blume (1990) Unknown 7 � 71% with personalitydisorders

� Schizotypal: 28%� Obsessive-compulsive: 14%� Passive-aggressive/

borderline: 14%� Non specified: 14%

Specker, Carlson, Edmonson, Johnson, andMarcotte (1996)

SCID-II (interview)

40 � 25% with personalitydisorders

� Avoidant: 12.5%� Obsessive-compulsive: 5%� Narcissistic: 5%

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As it can be seen, there is a tendency for a higher proportion of pathologicalgamblers to be found within the dramatic cluster B category (antisocial, borderline,histrionic and narcissistic). This category, most of all in the case of borderline PD, istypified by characteristics of impulsivity, poor self-regulation, affective instabilitymanifested by marked shifts in mood in response to environmental stimuli, personalrejection, criticisms and ego-threat, and intolerance for frustration (Steel and Blaszczynski,2002).

Anyway, it is not possible to draw definitive conclusions from these studies becausethe prevalence rate of PDs among pathological gamblers can range between 25% (Speckeret al., 1996), 42% (Ibáñez et al., 2001) or even 93% (Blaszczynski and Steel, 1998) andbecause the average number of diagnosed PDs for each patient is, in some studies(Blaszczynski and Steel, 1998), over 4. In these studies overdiagnosis of PDs may bedue to the use of self-report personality inventories, apart from the apparent lack ofreliability for these disorders and the extensive overlapping. Self-reports are easy toadminister and take less time, but in some cases can tend to overpathologize (Segal andCoolidge, 1998). Since PDs diagnosis has been fraught with controversy and difficulty,even though diagnostic criteria have become more refined in recent years, it is importantto use appropriate assessment tools. Structured interviews generally are more reliableand allow consideration of important observational data, but they require extensivetraining and experience on the part of interviewer (Segal and Coolidge, 1998).

In a previous study, IPDE diagnoses were compared between pathological gamblersand a normative group (Fernández-Montalvo and Echeburúa, 2004). Going on with thisarea of research, the main aims of this ex post facto study (Montero and León, 2007;Ramos-Álvarez, Valdés-Conroy, and Catena, 2006) were, firstly, to find out if the frequency

Blaszczynski and Steel (1998)

PDQ-R (self-report)

82 � 93% with personalitydisorders

� Borderline: 69.5%� Histrionic: 65.9%� Narcissistic: 57.3%� Dependent: 48.8%� Paranoid: 40.2%

Black and Moyer (1998)

PDQ-IV (self-report)

30 � 87% with personalitydisorders

� Obsessive-compulsive: 59%� Avoidant: 50%� Schizoid: 33%� Schizotypal: 30%� Paranoid: 26%� Borderline: 23%

Fernández-Montalvo and Echeburúa (2004)

IPDE (interview)

50 � 32% with personalitydisorders

� Borderline: 16%� Antisocial: 8%� Narcissistic: 8%� Paranoid: 8%

TABLE 1. Personality disorders in pathological gambling. (Cont.)

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and profile of PDs among treatment-seeking pathological gamblers were different fromnormal population and from non-addict patients who sought treatment for another AxisI mental disorder. And secondly, to compare the concordance between two well-knowntools for assessment of PDs: a semistructured diagnostic interview (International PersonalityDisorders Examination, IPDE; Loranger, 1995) and a self-report (Millon Clinical MultiaxialInventory, MCMI-II; Millon, 1997). This study has both theoretical and appliedimplications. The accurate understanding of PDs in pathological gamblers could helpto guide further research regarding treatment decisions according to the patient’s personalitypattern.


SubjectsThe sample for this study consisted of 150 subjects (50 consecutively recruited

pathological gamblers, 50 consecutively recruited non-gamblers outpatients, and 50normative subjects from general population). All of them gave written informed consentto take part in the study.

The pathological gamblers sample consisted of patients who sought outpatienttreatment at the Pathological Gambling Center of Rentería (Basque Country) during theperiod from October 2001 to August 2003. According to the criteria for admission tothe study, the patients had to a) meet the diagnostic criteria of pathological gamblingaccording to DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000); and b) have ascore equal or above 5 on the Spanish version (Echeburúa, Báez, Fernández-Montalvo,and Páez, 1994) of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS; Lesieur and Blume,1987). The average score on the SOGS was 11.9 (SD = 2.5), with a range from 9 to18. Gambling behavior was characterized in mean values as being frequent (4 days perweek), entailing a considerable amount of money invested (157 € per week), andinvolving a substantial amount of time (8 hours per week) and of debt (3,673 €).Patients were dependent of the gambling for nearly 6 years before seeking treatment.

The clinical control group was selected among the non-gamblers subjects whosought outpatient treatment for different mental disorders (most of all, for mood/anxietydisorders) in a community Mental Health Center. The most frequent diagnoses accordingto DSM-IV-TR criteria were panic disorder (30%), dysthimic disorder (26%), socialphobia (18%), major depression (16%), generalized anxiety disorder (6%), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (4%). Inclusion criteria included to be of age 18 years or older andto be able to give voluntary consent. Psychotic patients were excluded from this group.

The normal control group was composed by people without mental disorders ofAxis I, selected among workers at university (clerks; n = 25) and in a canning factory(n = 25). Both clinical and normal control groups were matched up in age, sex, andsocial class with pathological gambling group.

The most significant demographic characteristics of the total sample are presentedin Table 2. The only difference between groups was observed in the previous psychiatrichistory, which was significantly less frequent in the normative control group.

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TABLE 2. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample.

VariablesPathological gambling

group(n = 50)

Clinical controlgroup

(n = 50)

Normative controlgroup

(n = 50)

Test ofsignificance

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) FAge 33.5 (5.52) 35.2 (6.76) 34.8 (6.01) .32

n (%) n (%) N (%) �2

Sex Men 50 (100%) 50 (100%) 50 (100%) ---Marital status Married Single Divorced

38 (76%)8 (16%)4 (8%)

36 (72%)11 (22%) 3 (6%)

40 (80%)7 (14%)3 (6%)


Education None Primary studies Secondary studies University

8 (16%)18 (36%)20 (40%)4 (8%)

5 (10%)21 (42%)16 (32%) 8 (16%)

4 (8%)20 (40%)20 (40%)

6 (12%)


Socioeconomic status Low Middle-low Middle Middle-high

10 (20%)8 (16%)24 (48%)8 (16%)

5 (10%)6 (12%)20 (40%)19 (38%)

9 (18%)10 (20%)25 (50%)6 (12%)


Previous psychiatrichistory Yes No

16 (32%)34 (68%)

18 (36%)32 (64%)

5 (10%)45 (90%)


*p < .001.

Instruments– The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS; Lesieur and Blume, 1987) is a screening

questionnaire composed of 20 items which are related to gambling behavior,loss of control, the sources for obtaining money, and the emotions involved. Therange is from 0 to 20. According to Lesieur and Blume (1987), a score higherthan 5 (the cut-off point) serves to identify probable pathological gamblers. Thefour-week test-retest reliability is .71 and the internal consistency is .97. Fromthe perspective of convergent validity, the correlation with the clinical assessmentof pathological gambling according to the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-III-R(American Psychiatric Association, 1987) is .94, and it is .60 with the assessmentby a patient’s family member. In this study, the Spanish version of SOGS(Echeburúa et al., 1994) was used. This assessment tool has a test-retest reliabilityof .98 and the internal consistency is .94. The convergent validity with DSMcriteria is r = .92.

– The International Personality Disorders Examination (IPDE; Loranger, 1995).The Spanish version developed by López-Ibor, Pérez-Urdániz, and Rubio (1996)is a semistructured diagnostic interview designed to assess PDs. Items reflectingPD criteria according to the DSM are grouped into six thematic headings: work,


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self, interpersonal relationships, affects, reality testing, and impulse control. TheIPDE covers all the criteria for the 11 Axis II disorders of DSM. In order toestablish reliable diagnoses, the behavior or trait must be present for at leastfive years to be considered and the criterion must be met before the age of 25.A self-administered IPDE screening questionnaire is available prior to the interviewto assist in identifying personality disorders that might be of focus in the interview.Inter-rater reliability of the IPDE generally is good (median kappa = .73), aswell as test-retest reliability (median = .87) (Blanchard and Brown, 1998; Segaland Coolidge, 1998).

– The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-II; Millon, 1997). The Spanishversion (Ávila, 1998) is a 175-item, true/false, self-report questionnaire. It wasdesigned to identify clinical states and personality disorders similar to thosecontained in the DSM. The MCMI-II contains eight basic personality scales: a)Schizoid-asocial; b) Avoidant; c) Dependent-submissive; d) Histrionic-gregarious;e) Narcissistic; f) Antisocial-aggressive; g) Compulsive-conforming; and h)Passive-aggressive. In addition to the basic personality patterns, there are threepathological personality scales: Schizotypal (S), Borderline (B), and Paranoid(P). This instrument has proven to be useful for the assessment of personalitydisorders (Besteiro, Lemos, Muñiz, García, and Álvarez, 2007; Marañón, Grijalbo,and Echeburúa, 2007). According to the conservative criteria of Weltzler (1990),a base rate score above 84 is considered to be significant. In this study additionalclinical syndrome scales of Axis I have not been taken into account because arenot relevant for the purpose of this research. In this study MCMI-II has beenused, instead of MCMI-III, because this last version is not yet available inSpain.

ProcedureThe pre-treatment assessment of the pathological gamblers was conducted in 2

sessions. In the first one, data related to gambling behavior were collected and theMCMI-II and the IPDE screening test were carried out. And in the second session, thepresence of personality disorders identified in the previous screening test was assessedwith the IPDE interview. The time interval between assessment occasions was oneweek. The assessment of both clinical and normative control groups was carried outwith the same instruments (one session dedicated to MCMI-II and IPDE screening andthe second one to IPDE interview) and with the same time interval.

In order to control the inter-rater reliability, two experienced clinical psychologists,sitting in on the same interview and providing independent rating, carried out togetherthe clinical diagnosis of Axis I mental disorders (or of its lack, in the case of the normalcontrol group) and of personality disorders in the three groups. Regarding pathologicalgambling/other mental disorders of Axis I, both professionals coincided in all cases. Inthe case of personality disorders, the inter-rater reliability in joint interviews was quitehigh (kappa = .85).

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Personality disorders with the IPDEThe 32% of the pathological gamblers and the 16% of the non-gambling clinical

sample (versus the 8% of the normative group) showed at least one personality disorder(average: 1.5, that is, more than one personality disorder for person). Comparisonbetween groups in the overall prevalence rate of personality disorders showed statisticallysignificant differences (χ2

2 = 9.8, p < .01). Personality disorders were more frequently

diagnosed in gamblers than in the other groups.The most prevalent one, among the gamblers, was the borderline personality disorder

(16%), followed by the antisocial, paranoid, narcissistic and non-specified (8% each).In turn, the most diagnosed PDs in the clinical control group were the obsessive-compulsive and the avoidant (4% each). And finally, in the normative control groupthere were only 4 subjects with different personality disorders. The only one significantdifference was observed in the borderline personality disorder, which was more frequentlydiagnosed among pathological gamblers than among clinical sample (see Table 3).

TABLE 3. Personality disorders with the IPDE.

Note. The total number of people affected by personality disorders is inferior to the total sum of disordersbecause there are patients who present more than one personality disorder.

*p < .01.

Personality disorders with the MCMI-IIRegarding the results in the MCMI-II, the prevalence rate of PDs is showed in

Table 4. As in the case of the results with the IPDE, personality disorders were morefrequently diagnosed in pathological gamblers than in the other groups. However, nowthe most prevalent one among gamblers was the narcissistic personality disorder (32%),followed by the antisocial and the passive-aggressive (16% each), all of them with asignificant higher rate than the observed in the clinical control group. In addition, the20 gamblers with PDs presented an average of 2.2 disorders.

Personality disordersPathological gambling

group(n = 50)

Clinical controlgroup

(n = 50)

Normative controlgroup

(n = 50)c2

n (%) n (%) n (%)Paranoid 4 (8%) 1 (2%) -- 5.3Schizoid -- -- -- --Schizotypal -- -- -- --Histrionic -- 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 1.1Antisocial 4 (8%) -- -- --Narcissistic 4 (8%) -- -- --Borderline 8 (16%) 1 (2%) -- 13.4*Obsessive-compulsive -- 2 (4%) 1 (2%) 2.1Dependent -- 1 (2%) -- --Avoidant -- 2 (4%) 1 (2%) 2.1Non specified 4 (8%) 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 3.12Total 16 (32%) 8 (16%) 4 (8%) 9.8*


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TABLE 4. Personality disorders with the MCMI-II.

Personality disorders

Pathological gambling


(n = 50)

Clinical control


(n = 50)

Normative control


(n = 50)


n (%) n (%) n (%)

Schizoid -- -- -- --

Phobic -- 3 (6%) 2 (4%) 2.8

Dependence 4 (8%) 3 (6%) 2 (4%) .7

Histrionic -- 2 (4%) 1 (2%) 2.1

Narcissistic 16 (32%) 1 (2%) -- 31.9***

Antisocial 8 (16%) -- -- --

Aggressive-sadistic 4 (8%) 1 (2%) -- 5.3

Compulsive -- 3 (6%) 1 (2%) 3.6

Passive-aggressive 8 (16%) 2 (4%) -- 11.14**

Self-destructive -- -- -- --

Schizotypal -- -- -- --

Borderline -- 3 (6%) 1 (2%) 3.6

Paranoid 4 (8%) -- -- --

Total 20 (40%) 15 (30%) 7 (14%) 8.5*

Note. The total number of people affected by personality disorders is inferior to the total sum of disordersbecause there are patients who present more than one personality disorder.

*p < .05;**p < .01;***p < .001.

Comparison between the IPDE and the MCMI-IIFrom a clinical point of view, it is very relevant to know the degree of concordance

between a self report instrument and a clinical interview for diagnosis of PDs. Resultsof this comparison are showed in Table 5.

TABLE 5. Comparison in the rate of personality disordersbetween the IPDE and the MCMI-II.


n (%) n (%) n (%)Pathological gamblers 12 (24%) 16 (32%) 20 (40%) 9.96*Clinical 6 (12%) 8 (16%) 15 (30%) 6.81*Normative 4 (8%) 4 (8%) 7 (14%) 19.5**Total 22 (14.6%) 28 (18.7%) 42 (28%) 40.6**

*p < .01; **p < .001.

In all cases, the prevalence of PDs was significant higher when the MCMI-II wasused. The IPDE seems to be more conservative in the diagnosis of PDs. Likewise thecoincidence about the kind of PDs diagnosed by both instruments was not strong.Finally, the concordance between the IPDE and the MCMI-II in the total sample was



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of r = .54, p < .001 (gambling group: r = .49, p < .001; clinical group: r = .43, p <.01; normative group: r = .73, p < .001).

This discrepancy is observed in the lower rate of PDs diagnosis when a positivescore in both instruments was required (14.6%). Thus, the PDs rates among the differentgroups were the following ones: 24% in the gambling group, 12% in the clinical group,and 8% in the normative group.


The main contribution of this study to a better knowledge of the comorbidity ofpersonality disorders and pathological gambling is related to the specific design. Thatis, apart from the experimental group, there were a clinical control group and a normativecontrol group. The aim of this design was to find out if the frequency and profile ofPDs among pathological gamblers were different from normal population and fromnon-addict patients who sought treatment for another Axis I mental disorder. In addition,the diagnosis of a personality disorder was identified, by using a systematic andcomprehensive approach, by two assessment tools (IPDE and MCMI-II). Theserequirements are unusual in the previous literature. The sample size is 50 in each group,which is comparable to other similar studies in the literature (ranging from 7 to 82participants; M = 40).

Participants in this study are representative of treatment-seeking pathologicalgamblers. The most relevant finding is that 32% of the pathological gamblers metDSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder compared to 16% of the non-addict patients and to 8% of the normative control group. That is, PDs were verycommon in pathological gamblers, but not so strangely frequent as in other studies,ranging from 71% to 93% (Black and Moyer, 1998; Blasczcynski and Steel, 1998;Lesieur and Blume, 1990; Specker et al., 1996). This lack of consistence is probablyrelated to the assessment tools, mainly the IPDE, which is more accurate and conservativethan self-report inventories used in those studies. Anyway, the main contribution of thisstudy is to have proven that this high rate of comorbidity with PDs is specific ofpathological gambling and much higher than in other Axis I mental disorders, such asmood and anxiety disorders.

Unlike other studies, where the average number of PD diagnoses is over 4(Blasczcynski and Steel, 1998), the average number of diagnosed PDs for each subjectin our study was 1.5. Once again the lack of consistence between the studies could berelated to the different assessment tools. Other factor which might contribute to thedifference with previous studies is the sample difference (particularly sample size andsex and type of gambling). PDs found in pathological gamblers tended to be within thedramatic cluster B category, mainly the borderline personality disorder (present in the50% of patients with PDs). Actually the role played by impulsivity in the developmentof pathological gambling has been stressed by other studies (Blaszczynski, Steel, andMcConaghy, 1997; Fernández-Montalvo and Echeburúa, 2004; Steel and Blaszczynski,2002). The main difference between pathological gamblers and non-addict patients wasthat the former ones showed 2 times PDs more than the latter ones. The main difference

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between both groups regarding the type of PDs was the presence of cluster B personalitydisorders in the pathological gamblers group (versus cluster C in the clinical sample).In turn, non-addict patients showed 2 times PDs more than the participants of normativecontrol group.

The purpose of this paper was to understand the role played by the psychiatriccomorbidity (referred, in this case, to PDs) in pathological gambling and to help identifydifferent kinds of patients. In other studies (Fernández-Montalvo and Echeburúa, 2004;Ibáñez et al., 2001) gamblers with PDs showed a higher severity of symptoms in allstudied variables. Personality processes must be integrated to forward our understandingof pathological gambling (Steel and Blaszczynski, 2002). This information could behelpful in alerting the clinician to potential obstacles and difficulties early in therapy,thereby guiding treatment decisions based on the patient’s personality pattern. Furtherresearch is needed to develop tailor-made treatment for this kind of patients.

Yet much remains to be achieved. The findings are not consistent with previousstudies, which are themselves inconsistent. This is a pilot-study with the sample sizebeing not large enough to generate generalizable and reliable findings. There are severalsuggestions of this exploratory study which could shed light on further research. In thisstudy, according to the diagnostic philosophy contained within DSM-IV-TR, PDs havebeen considered in a categorical way. However, the dimensional approach to personalitydisorder diagnosis may yield more precise information (Ullrich, Borkenau, and Marneros,2001) to plan interventions within a promising individual therapy model that focusesboth on pathological gambling and maladaptive schemas and coping styles (Ball andCecero, 2001). Moreover it would be interesting, according to the typology based onindicators of vulnerability and severity (Blaszczynski and Nower, 2002; González etal., 2003), not to consider pathological gambling as an only construct, but to study theapplication of this empirically-derived typology to treatment matching. And, finally, theexclusive focus on men in this study (women pathological gamblers are rarely treatment-seekers) is a limitation which should be dealt with in further research.

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