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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


A.R.E. ®

Summer 2012

A Publication of Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., Pacific Northwest Area Teams

Nanaimo Metaphysical Network

Spring 2012 Report by Coordinators,

William and Judith Munns Everyone wants to know what will happen Dec 21

st 2012. Will it be the end of the world as we

know it, or what? It is no surprise that several speakers at our Network dealt with that question this year. First, Dr. Greg Arkos, a Vancouver Island University astronomy and science professor, described the planetary events that might signal something unusual. However, he also said that such events are happening all the time and many have already happened. And more will happen in the next years. One of several Mayan Calendars, famously ends on Dec 21

st 2012, but most Mayans

don’t seem to notice or care, according to one of our members who lives for 5 months each year in the Yucatan, and studies with several Mayan elders. So in conclusion – at least from the speakers at the network this last 6 months -- we have an exciting day to look forward to -- but let’s prepare for Dec 22nd and Christmas and New Years and 2013 as well! Our own conclusion: It’s best to continue our meditations, and as Mr. Cayce said, “Just be kind”

Carol Chapman visited Nanaimo from Virginia in April and led a day long workshop on “Everyone Has a Book in Them.” Judith attended, along with many other fledgling authors – and now Judith has now started a writers support group here in Nanaimo. Carol encouraged the group to “write every day, and don’t worry about editing or publishing.” (At least until a fifth or sixth draft!) While here, Carol also talked about ‘Edgar Cayce’s 5

th Root Race’ at a

regular Thursday evening event. She did a second Saturday workshop -- this one was “Atlantis and Its Mayan Colonies in the Yucatan.”

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


In early June Raymond Tarpey spoke on “Crystal Skulls and the Mayan Prophecies” and he followed that with an expanded and thoroughly fascinating Saturday workshop on the same theme. Raymond has become proficient in Mayan Calendar Readings, and they were so popular that the Tarpey group stayed an extra day in order to satisfy several people who wanted readings. Raymond, his wife Nobie, and their friend Pat Fincher from Eastern Washington, are wonderful house guests, and we had a great time in intriguing and friendly discussion. It is always fun and enlightening for us to catch up on the goings-on in our former PNW Region. Our Network, which we began in February of 2004, is now entering our 8

th year of operation.

We recently made one major change: we are now meeting only once a month, the first Thursday. We have also encouraged friends to start two off-shoot groups: in Parksville (A Shift in Action) and Comox (Comox Valley Metaphysical Exploration Group) -- both small cities north of Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. We are delighted that these two groups have also been sponsoring speakers once a month or more for the last few years, and have grown almost as large as our 900-member plus, Nanaimo group. One of our most popular Network events are “Psychic Potlucks”. We have to limit tickets sales to 70 because our venue will not handle more than ten tables of 8 people each. Did we mention each table has its own Psychic? Each person who buys a ticket brings their favorite potluck offering, gets a fabulous potluck meal, as well as two mini-readings during the evening. Tickets sell out very quickly, and there are always disappointed folks who didn’t get theirs in time! We sell tickets only through a local New Age shoppe called Lobelia’s Lair, which is owned by one of our favorite Readers, Liberty Haraka. Needless to say, the Psychic Potlucks are very well-attended! Next fall we will continue to sponsor a speaker on the first Thursday of each month on topics of general interest and also topics referring to the readings of Edgar Cayce. We have been working at some fascinating ideas to add more electronic features to our Network presentations, using YouTube, Skype, and other online lecture possibilities. We’ll share how that is going next time. CO-SPONSORS WITH TRUE BLUE SPIRIT In January 2012 in cooperation with a stellar local Canadian metaphysical magazine, True Blue Spirit, we presented the documentary, “Thrive” and had a pleasantly surprising response. Some who attended had seen it twice and wanted to see in again. Many others wanted a longer showing time so we could discuss the implications and local application of the video. If you haven’t seen it, it is available on YouTube and on its own website. Its excellent stand on social consciousness and community building attracted a big audience on Vancouver Island.

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


We are also working with True Blue Spirit to sponsor a well known professional Psychic Medium named Carmel Joy Baird in Nanaimo in late August. We are renting a very large venue for this event as we are expecting many more than our usual 70 to 100 in attendance. We have a wonderful connection with Dorothy Engst, the editor of TBS, her glossy and very professional magazine addresses a similar audience and projects a similar purpose to our network, so our rapport is an easy one. Blessed with wonderful Network volunteers, we love to simply host from the background while our hospitality crew shines in the kitchen, at the podium and at the registration table. We are planning a party soon to celebrate their dedication and smiling faces. How joyful it is to serve and be around others who serve as well.

_________________________________________ Editor’s note: Judith and Williams Munns are long time ARE members with many local ties and history here in the Seattle and upper NW areas. They are now long time Naiamo residents in the B.C. area. They both continue to be very active ARE members. Their website is worth the time taking a look at.





Alice Skiff

Meditation is probably one of the most important tools we have for our spiritual lessons

here on the planet. Dreams and visions, music and prayer and meditation are the tools in our

toolbox to connect with the reality realm of the infinite – the mind of God. Our guided group

meditations are about raising our energies, setting our intentions and communing together to

bless the planet, or to receive individual healing or wisdom. We are learning how to do that.

Our private meditations are more about personal soul growth.

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


In any kind of meditation, we are co-creating with God.

We are not meditating to escape our physical existence and join the spirit realm. It’s not

that we have to return to our TRUE SELF. Our TRUE SELF is not buried somewhere inside of

us just needing to be uncovered.

No -- we are learning to manifest our TRUE SELF. We are co-creating our TRUE SELF.

These bodies of ours are not hunks of flesh that bind us to our evolutionary future as God-

realized humans. Our bodies are very intricate instruments for the bringing of divine

consciousness into materiality. It falls to us, to decide how we express our energies to activate

their function of attuning us to Spirit.

In meditation practice, there is an aspect of that Self that has never left the timeless,


Ground of Being. As the Bible teaches, our higher Self always stands before the throne

of God – separate yet one with the Creative Forces. The fullness of your TRUE SELF is a

potential that must be brought to actuality. The germ, the spark, is there; but the manifest

version has yet to appear because you’re not finished making it yet! Hand in hand with the

Divine, we are co-creating to manifest our TRUE SELF, individual yet one with all that is.

Mayan, Hindu, Egyptian, Jewish, Christian, native Americans– all the ancients – tell the

same story. It is told and retold in many forms. Original creation moved from dream and heart

to physical manifestation. In the beginning there was darkness – total stillness. The origin of

creation was conceived in the infinite, still, unmoved consciousness of God.

Then the mind of God moved and it conceived -- not physical things, but created

thoughts, concepts, ideas-- emanating out from the movement of infinite consciousness –

expressing, manifesting as light, star playing with star and galaxies spinning out.

In the Bible, in Genesis 1, God created everything. Still in Genesis 2 we read that nothing

was “manifest.” Then a mist came up and thoughts created in the mind of God became physical


Remember this as you meditate -- you are co-creating your TRUE SELF with God.

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


We must bring our spirituality from the ethereal to the practical if we are to manifest the

Divinity of our TRUE SELF.

As you start each day, prime your awareness to be on the lookout for opportunities for

expansive perspective.

1. Think of the day ahead as a day of training at a premier academy for souls, one that

you were lucky enough to get into, one that is equipping you to be better and better at

manifesting God’s love and creative impulse in all that you think, do and say.

2. Look for opportunities to both see and create things that are good, true and beautiful as

they arise in your daily experience

editor’s note:

Alice Skiff is a long time local ARE member… “I do Cayce workshops and am doing

one at Summer Seabeck on Dreams. This year I have also been doing a talk based on the

Egyptian and Mayan glyphs surrounding 2012 based on much of John Van Auken's

presentations. Frequently I speak to groups unfamiliar with the Cayce material and I so enjoy

bringing new people to his doorstep! I don't charge fees for any of my work, including my

transpersonal hypnotherapy sessions, so call anytime and I'll get something on my schedule.”


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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


Insights and Understanding through Personal Astrological Charts by

Janet B.

Perhaps you are not aware that the astrological reports offered by our Puget Sound Area

Team are likely different from those offered elsewhere. The first charts my husband and I

bought nearly 20 years ago, the Basic Natal charts, were a good beginning point. Some

planetary influences were obvious to us, but a lot of information needed further consideration.

Spiritual maturity, or growth in self-awareness increased our acceptance of the

astrological insights, and their application in our lives. For example, I now understand that my

husband shows a nurturing aspect of his Sun sign through his love of cooking. This helps me

truly appreciate his efforts in the kitchen, rather than assume he only wants to prepare food how

HE likes it.

Some people remark that astrology charts convey seemingly contradictory statements. By

recognizing that we respond differently to various life situations, it makes sense: sometimes we

feel relaxed and calm, other times stressed and irrational. Where each planet lies (houses) or

what it is interacting with (opposition, square, conjunction, trine, etc.) affects how it influences

those specific areas in one's life.

Along with our understanding came the trust to allow "edited" thoughts or repressed

feelings and impressions from the past to resurface. That, in turn, facilitated greater

understanding! We ordered other charts, and each one offers more insights and clarity. After

reading our Relationships chart (describing how aspects of both our charts relate to one-

another), my husband wondered whether someone might be looking over his shoulder!

We are now able to see a larger spectrum of the variations of human nature, but also to

live with greater empathy. My favorite chart now is Karmic Insight which identifies patterns of

thinking or reacting that hinder growth, plus the keys to shift to desirable, positive patterns.

Wouldn't it be great to resolve karma by the end of this incarnation and start afresh in the next?

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


Do check out the selection of charts the Puget Sound Area Team lists on the website. All

proceeds go towards programs for our Area. Note that you should specify: charts are created

with either the Sidereal (Persian) or the Tropical (traditional) calculations for dates of birth


Upcoming Events

On August 11, Karen Bruner, a musician,

Reiki Master, and storyteller will be giving a

presentation at Germaine’s house. Karen has

experience in drumming in a number of cultures

including Celtic and American Indian, and has

worked many, many years in the Native American

culture. She will be bringing all her drums with her

to demonstrate the spiritual and emotional response

that can be elicited from the different vibrational

energies becoming released. It will become an

active participatory event. There will be a $10

donation being requested and a lunch will be

served. Please RSVP Mary Kralman or Germaine

Morgan ASAP!

Due to the response we had last March when

Francesca Fleming gave a small health related talk,

we are planning on hosting her again October 13th

from 9:30 – 4:00. We are reserving a larger

meeting place this time. She will be available

again for private readings later. Please RSVP

Mary Kralman or Germaine Morgan ASAP! Phone

numbers and e-mail addresses for Mary and Germaine are

on page 15.

Fig. 1

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


Editor’s note

Good morning sunshine!! I stuck my head out the door this morning and paused a

moment taking in the magnificent sunrise. Maybe this is the beginning of Seattle’s real

summertime again. This year has certainly been feeling almost surreal in a good way for me.

It started with the New Years event in January at Germaine’s. I gave a small reading

about being able to step up to the inner challenges we all would be facing moving forward into

this auspicious new year, the fateful 2012. Part of my topic was being authentic.

Germaine also hosted Francesca Fleming, a medical intuitive from Portland last March.

She gave a small talk and then gave private readings over the next three days. There was a small

lunch across the street at the Grace Lutheran that Germaine attends. We had about 30 attendees

and we are hoping on having Francesca back up in the fall. I personally found her to be very

helpful. Not only did she inspire me to make some healthful changes, I started a small container

garden and also started storing of some basic foodstuffs at my home. Here is a link to her web


I am happy here to acknowledge the contributions of the Munn’s from Nanaimo on what

they have been doing up north Alice Skiff on her article on meditation, and Janet B. for her

article on astrological charts. I feel a shift in our small part of the world…we all are being asked

to step up in some small way, “a little here, a little there…!”

Life continues to be a great big adventure…one thing keeps changing me for something

else. A number of years ago while attending a conference at Virginia Beach, I had a

spontaneous illumination while we were celebrating a sunrise Easter service on the beach across

from Headquarters. I know this is not something that occurs everyday or for everyone. I have

been involved with my spirituality from my early twenties, that’s been forty years ago and

many wonderful things have happened. There have also been many, many hardships also. I have

written, taken classes, and worked really hard as I have learned to personally integrate these

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


experiences into my daily life. I have also kept quiet about these experiences except for sharing

these in my writings. Since January at Germaine’s I have been watching the changes our group

have been undergoing. We are all stepping up in ways we never thought we would. We, much

to our gratefulness, have attracted new people to our gatherings. I would like to in some small

inner way, thank each one of you. If there is something of value from each one of our hearts that

can spread this welcoming light amongst ourselves, it will help spread the inherent blessings

amongst our All. I have always placed the lives of others in front of my own…”the first will be

the last, the last will be the first” is a gnostic expression I learned from a teacher/master long

ago. If there is some way that I too can help change the course in someone’s life while I am

here, terrifying as it sometimes seem to me, I am willingly offering to share my own story.

Cayce calls this process as becoming “one with the Creative Force…” It is terrifying, and

perplexing all at once….The Father and the Son are my guides and I am hoping that connection

to Spirit will too, become yours…

I have continued to teach and write in anyway I can. Here is a link to another article I had

posted on the ARE website last month.

So, here we all are. I sincerely hope that all us can help play a real part in this world that

seems to be changing before our very eyes. It has been as rapid and intense as advertised. Stay

calm as we continue to let our light shine! Many blessings to all...!!! gy

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


The Mystic’s Corner

I came up with another idea on how to help others learn something on the mystical

process that has enveloped my life. This has been the culmination of a lifelong journey starting

in the early twenties. My journey started early because nothing made any sense. I started

reading Carl Jung, Edgar Cayce, Carlos Castaneda, and a host of others. I now have become

spiritually illuminated or as Edgar Cayce says…”one with the Creative Force.” I haven’t ever

really shared this before. Things are changing for me and hopefully for our area team. We are

beginning to attract others into our group and I am hopeful that we all extend our welcome to all

those who are here.

Another facet of my earlier years is that I met and had a teaching/student relationship

with a Gnostic master who help guide my intentions for about five years. Those years, for me,

help lead me through some personally challenging and difficult periods. Now that I have come

out of the other side …I want to be able to help others who might have similar interests and

goals. For most of us, spiritual enlightenment, remains a distant goal. However, these times we

are experiencing have a much different intensity and added vibration. We are all awakening to

newer potentials in ourselves. If there is a word, a phrase, another hand extended in friendship,

now is the time. We can end up making a difference or…two!

I will continue to open this channel for all others who are here amongst ourselves. You

can all help by forwarding any requests for more information or questions. The light and love of

the Son and Father are here….God bless!

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Fig. 2

During his reading sessions, Edgar Cayce was often asked about astrological influences

upon mankind. The following question and answer is from one of those readings.

(Q) Is it proper for us to study the effects of the planets on our lives in order to better

understand our tendencies and inclinations, as influenced by the planets?

(A) When studied aright, very, very, very much so. How aright then? In that influence as

is seen in the influence of the knowledge already obtained by mortal man. Give more of that

into the lives, giving the understanding THAT THE WILL MUST BE THE EVER GUIDING


Astrologers believe that astrology gives one a better understanding of self, showing

tendencies, inclinations, strengths, weaknesses, probabilities and potentials. They believe that

the planets do not control our lives, but that we by our choices control our own lives. Edgar

Cayce said that "The strongest force used in the destiny of man is the Sun first, then the closer

planets to the earth, or those that are coming to ascension at the time of the birth of the

individual, but let it be understood here, no action of any planet or the phases of the Sun, the

Moon or any of the heavenly bodies surpass the rule of man's will power, the power given by

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the Creator of man, in the beginning, when he became a living soul with the power of choosing

for himself. The inclinations of man are ruled by the planets under which he is born, for the

destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the planets..."

The astrology charts and interpretations offered by the region are to help you better

understand yourself and/or a loved one. A chart wheel is included with every order at no

additional cost.

Cayce Past Life: Emphasis is inclined to the spiritual side of your life. Includes a 5-page

introduction and explanation of Karmic Astrology and how it relates to reincarnation. Explains

planetary sojourns. How the readings are used to identify your own past lives and planetary

sojourns. How to use prayer, meditation and affirmations to aid you in your present life. This is

our only interpretation associated with the Cayce readings. You may find some vocational

guidance in this report. Click here to view sample report

Basic Natal Interpretation: Originally, this was our only Natal interpretation. The report is

six chapters covering the most important planetary influences. Includes some vocational

guidance. Click here to view sample report Chapters are:

• How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others • The Inner You: Your Real

Motivation • Mental Interests and Abilities • Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

• Drive and Ambition: How You AchieveYour Goals • Other Influences

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Pacific Northwest Spirit –


Expanded Natal Interpretation: Ten chapters, which include everything in the Basic Natal

Interpretation, plus each chapter is expanded to include more planetary aspects. There are five

additional chapters not in the Basic Interpretation. Includes some vocational guidance. Click

here to view sample report

General Characteristics (Your fundamental needs and values) How You Approach Life

and How You Appear To Others The Inner You: Your Real Motivation Mental Interests and


Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your

Goals Growth and Expansion: Areas That You Enjoy Areas That Challenge You Or Are

Difficult For You Originality and Imagination: Areas Where You Are Creative, Unique,

Unstable or Compulsive Generalization Influences: Your Age Group

Major Life Themes: A different kind of astrology. The first paragraph gives an

explanation of how the 3 planet planetary patterns are determined. The report is organized by

placing your life themes in order with the most important themes first.

Though brief (1 to 3 pages in length), people are amazed about how accurately it

describes them. Click here to view sample report

Vocational Guidance Report: This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your

true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal characteristics, strengths, or

inhibitions, unused potential, karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to your

employment etc. is given. (From the report Introduction.) Click here to view sample report

Hidden Messages: This report is based upon the premise that we are a products of the

programming received during early childhood from those in authority over us including our

parents. These Hidden messages are so deeply ingrained in our subconscious that we respond to

them unknowingly. Click here to view sample report

Relationships: Uses the planetary aspects of two people to describe how they relate to one

another. Birth information must be provider for both people. Click here to view sample report

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Astrological Guide For Personal Growth (Adult Report): The report is customized for a

man or woman, and bears a title of “New Age Man Report” or “New Age Woman Report”

depending upon the gender of the person. This is one of our longest and most comprehensive

astrology reports. It is written in a way, which speaks directly to the subject person as an adult.

The report begins with two chapters covering the important aspects of the Sun and Moon, then

in the “Second Part”; it deals with “Your destiny according to the 12 astrological houses. Click

here to view sample report This is a very comprehensive report covering all aspects of life


• Your Personality, Your body, Your childhood • Money, Assets, Resources • Your

mind, Your education, Short trips, Your brothers and sisters. • Your home, Middle Age and

Later Years • Love, Romance, Children • Health, Nutrition, Work, Service • Associations,

Marriage • Dangers, Inheritances, Legacies • Karma Secret enemies, Bankruptcy. Child (An

astrological guide for parents) This report is designed as a guide for parents It has a special

commitment to help with the child’s growth and cultural upbringing with emphasis on

strengthening the child’s strengths and assets. It alerts the parents to possible mistakes or

problems the child could face during life. Includes vocational guidance. Click here to view

sample report

Day by Day Forecast (requires current residence city, state) This is an astrological

forecast something like reading your horoscope in the newspaper, but designed specifically for

your specific astrological influences rather than for everyone born under that sun sign.

Available for any number of months desired. Click here to view sample report

Relocation: Describes your astrological influences in different locations. If you are

anticipating travel for a vacation, business trip, or possible new residence, you can refer to this

guide. An accurate birth time is required for this report to be accurate. > Specify up to 4

locations. Since astrological influences extend 50 to 350 miles across a region, you should

specify locations that are not too close to one another. Click here to view sample report

Karmic Insight: As its name implies, addresses the Karmic issues you are dealing with

from past lives. While it does not specifically name any past life, it offers insight by naming

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problems and tendencies you are dealing with during this life, that have their roots in one or

more past lives. Click here to view sample report

Click here for Astrology Order Form

Our Area Team:

Julia Craig... Area Team Coordinator 425-398-0799

Mary Ellen Babbitt... Area Team Treasurer 360-377-7824

[email protected]

Kathie Marie Brave .. Area Team Contact Person 206-244-6217 [email protected]

Germaine Morgan... Glad Helpers 206-547-2816 [email protected]

Mary Kralman... Programs 360-825-3998 [email protected]

David Kralman.... Astrology, Mailing List, Web Site 360-825-3998 [email protected]

Gordon Yumibe.... Study Group Coordinator & Newsletter Editor 206-724-1683

[email protected]

Visit our web site at
