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Can one vote make a difference?

In 2004, Christine Gregoire won the Washington Gubernatorial election, out of a total 2,746,593 votes cast, Gregoire beat Dino Rossi by only:

129 Votes

In 2006, Republican Tim Pawlenty beat out Democrat Mike Hatch in Minnesota. Out of a total of 2,202,987 votes cast, Pawlenty won by:

Less than 1%

In 2005, Democrat Robert Deeds lost to Republican Bob McDonnell for Attorney General in Virginia. Out of 1,941,449 votes cast, Deeds lost by:

323 Votes

In 2006, Democrat Jim Webb beat Republican George Allen in Virginia. Out of a total 2,370,455 votes cast, Webb won by:

Less than 9,329 votes

In 2000, Democrat Al Gore lost to Republican George Bush in the presidential race. The presidency came down to Florida. Out of 5,962,657 votes cast state wide, Al Gore lost by:

Less than 500 votes

Washington, Minnesota, Florida, and Virginia all have a vibrant Arab community.

How Many Arabs live in Virginia?

Estimates range from 46,000 on the low end to as high as 180,000

Virginia is a battle ground state, our ability to vote in large numbers can be a decisive factor in whether Obama or McCain wins the Commonwealth of Virginia.

In the 8th CD we have over

Your vote can be the difference between more of the same or the change we all want.

You are not older than 18 or not a citizen as of yet, what can you do to help

get Obama elected?

Ways to volunteer

Help out during registration drives




Mahber Sundays

House Parties

This is a huge opportunity for Arab to make a difference, now is our time to get

organized as a community and vote for Senator Obama, Mark Warner, and Jim


Now is our time

To Turn Enthusiasm into Action

Yalla Vote!!

Important dates to remember

October 4th: Last Day to Register to vote

November 4th: Election Day

What happens after November 4th?

First, we will REST!

Participate in local elections

Create a platform where

Create a receptive audience for Community events

Create a coalition with other communities

Create programs to involve your youngsters

For more information

Virginia Arab Democrats@

[email protected]
