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Page 1: ar-ruqyah

ة� ر� و� 17 االسراء/ اسرآئیل بنی ة�

ة� ز ر� ة� ر� ر م� م� ر�ا و� ة� و� ر� ر�ا ٱ �� ة� ء اا �ر ��� م ء ر و! ر� " ر ر�‌ م�ي م� و% ة و& ر)ا ز� ة( ر مي ر� ري م ي م& ـ+ ر.- ر.)ا ٱ� �0ا م/ا ء ر1ا (٨٢) ر2

(17:82:1)wanunazziluAnd We reveal

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 1st person plural (form II) imperfect verb

عاطفة الواومضارع فعل


P – preposition

جر حرف

(17:82:3)l-qur'ānithe Quran

PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Quran

مجرور علم اسم


REL – relative pronoun

موصول اسم


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(17:82:6)shifāon(is) a healing

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم

(17:82:7)waraḥmatunand a mercy

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative feminine indefinite noun

عاطفة الواومرفوع اسم

(17:82:8)lil'mu'minīnafor the believers,

P – prefixed preposition lāmN – genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

ومجرور جار

(17:82:9)walābut not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاطفة الواونفي حرف

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(17:82:10)yazīduit increases

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(17:82:11)l-ẓālimīnathe wrongdoers

N – accusative masculine plural active participle

منصوب اسم


RES – restriction particle

حصر أداة

(17:82:13)khasāran(in) loss.

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

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Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology

(1:1:1)bis'miIn (the) name

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine noun

ومجرور جار

(1:1:2)l-lahi(of) Allah,

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(1:1:3)l-raḥmānithe Most Gracious,

ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective

مجرورة صفة

(1:1:4)l-raḥīmithe Most Merciful.

ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective

مجرورة صفة

(1:2:1)al-ḥamduAll praises and thanks

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

(1:2:2)lillahi(be) to Allah,

P – prefixed preposition lāmPN – genitive proper noun → Allah

ومجرور جار

(1:2:3)rabbithe Lord

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(1:2:4)l-ʿālamīnaof the universe

N – genitive masculine plural noun

مجرور اسم

(1:3:1)al-raḥmāniThe Most Gracious,

ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective

مجرورة صفة

(1:3:2)l-raḥīmithe Most Merciful.

ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective

مجرورة صفة

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(1:4:1)māliki(The) Master

N – genitive masculine active participle

مجرور اسم

(1:4:2)yawmi(of the) Day

N – genitive masculine noun → Day of Resurrection

مجرور اسم

(1:4:3)l-dīni(of the) Judgment.

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(1:5:1)iyyākaYou Alone

PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun → Allah

منفصل ضمير

(1:5:2)naʿbuduwe worship,

V – 1st person plural imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(1:5:3)wa-iyyākaand You Alone

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun → Allah

عاطفة الواومنفصل ضمير

(1:5:4)nastaʿīnuwe ask for help.

V – 1st person plural (form X) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(1:6:1)ih'dināGuide us

V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verbPRON – 1st person plural object pronounPRON – implicit subject pronoun → Allah

« أمر فعل ضمير» نا به مفعول نصب محل في متصل و

(1:6:2)l-ṣirāṭa(to) the path,

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم

(1:6:3)l-mus'taqīmathe straight.

ADJ – accusative masculine (form X) active participle

منصوبة صفة

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(1:7:1)ṣirāṭa(The) path

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم

(1:7:2)alladhīna(of) those

REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(1:7:3)anʿamtaYou have bestowed (Your) Favors

V – 2nd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun → Allah

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ضمير والتاء ماض فعل

(1:7:4)ʿalayhimon them,

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

ومجرور جار

(1:7:5)ghayrinot (of)

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(1:7:6)l-maghḍūbithose who earned (Your) wrath

N – genitive masculine passive participle

مجرور اسم

(1:7:7)ʿalayhimon themselves

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

ومجرور جار

(1:7:8)walāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاطفة الواونفي حرف

(1:7:9)l-ḍālīna(of) those who go astray.

N – genitive masculine plural active participle

مجرور اسم

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م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(2:1:1)alif-lam-meemAlif Laam Meem

INL – Quranic initials

مقطعة حروف


DEM – masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

اشارة اسم

(2:2:2)l-kitābu(is) the book

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم


NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل نافية »


N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم

(2:2:5)fīhiin it,

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار

(2:2:6)hudana Guidance

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم

(2:2:7)lil'muttaqīnafor the God-conscious.

P – prefixed preposition lāmN – genitive masculine plural (form VIII) active participle

ومجرور جار

(2:3:1)alladhīnaThose who

REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

موصول اسم


V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعل

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(2:3:3)bil-ghaybiin the unseen,

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine noun

ومجرور جار

(2:3:4)wayuqīmūnaand establish

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاطفة الواوفاعل رفع محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعل

(2:3:5)l-ṣalatathe prayer,

N – accusative feminine noun

منصوب اسم

(2:3:6)wamimmāand out of what

REM – prefixed resumption particleP – prepositionREL – relative pronoun

استئنافية الواوجر حرف

موصول اسم

(2:3:7)razaqnāhumWe have provided them

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

« ماض فعل ضمير» نا « فاعل رفع محل في متصل و هم» وبه مفعول نصب محل في متصل ضمير

(2:3:8)yunfiqūnathey spend.

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعل

(2:4:1)wa-alladhīnaAnd those who

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

عاطفة الواوموصول اسم


V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعل

(2:4:3)bimāin what

P – prefixed preposition biREL – relative pronoun

ومجرور جار

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(2:4:4)unzila(is) sent down

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل

(2:4:5)ilaykato you

P – prepositionPRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار

(2:4:6)wamāand what

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاطفة الواوموصول اسم

(2:4:7)unzilawas sent down

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:4:9)qablikabefore you

N – genitive nounPRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

باالضافة جر محل في متصل ضمير والكاف مجرور اسم

(2:4:10)wabil-ākhiratiand in the Hereafter

REM – prefixed resumption particleP – prefixed preposition biN – genitive feminine singular noun

استئنافية الواوومجرور جار


PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(2:4:12)yūqinūnafirmly believe.

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعل


DEM – plural demonstrative pronoun

اشارة اسم

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(2:5:2)ʿalā(are) on

P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

مجرور اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:5:5)rabbihimtheir Lord,

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« مجرور اسم ضمير» هم باالضافة جر محل في متصل و

(2:5:6)wa-ulāikaand those -

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)DEM – plural demonstrative pronoun

عاطفة الواواشارة اسم


PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(2:5:8)l-muf'liḥūna(are) the successful ones.

N – nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

مرفوع اسم

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م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

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(2:102:1)wa-ittabaʿūAnd they followed

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine plural (form VIII) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاط�� ا��افاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3


V – 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(2:102:4)l-shayāṭīnuthe devils

PN – nominative masculine plural proper noun → Satan

مرفوع ع&3 ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:102:6)mul'ki(the) kingdom

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:102:7)sulaymāna(of) Sulaiman.

PN – genitive proper noun → Solomon

4ا��تح� �ج� � ع&3 ا�3 من ممنوع ألنه ا�ك��1 من بدالا�ص�ف

(2:102:8)wamāAnd not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

ا�تئ�افي� ا��انفي !�ف

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V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل


PN – nominative proper noun → Solomon

مرفوع ع&3 ا�3

(2:102:11)walākinna[and] but

REM – prefixed resumption particleACC – accusative particle

ا�تئ�افي� ا��اان» اخوات من نصب !�ف »

(2:102:12)l-shayāṭīnathe devils

PN – accusative masculine plural proper noun → Satan

منصوب ع&3 ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(2:102:14)yuʿallimūnathey teach

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form II) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعلفاعل

(2:102:15)l-nāsathe people

N – accusative masculine plural noun

منصوب ا�3

(2:102:16)l-siḥ'ra[the] magic

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب ا�3

(2:102:17)wamāand what

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا

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موصول ا�3

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(2:102:18)unzilawas sent down

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:102:20)l-malakaynithe two angels

N – genitive masculine dual noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:102:21)bibābilain Babylon,

P – prefixed preposition biPN – genitive proper noun → Babylon

�ج� � جا�


PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Harut

4ا��تح� �ج� � ع&3 ا�3 من ممنوع ألنه ا�ك��1 من بدالا�ص�ف

(2:102:23)wamārūtaand Marut.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Marut

عاط�� ا��ا 4ا��تح� �ج� � ع&3 ا�3 من ممنوع ألنه ا�ك��1 من بدال


(2:102:24)wamāAnd not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

ا�تئ�افي� ا��انفي !�ف

(2:102:25)yuʿallimānithey both teach

V – 3rd person masculine dual (form II) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

أا�ف مضارع فعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا)فاعل

Page 16: ar-ruqyah


P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:102:29)yaqūlāthey [both] say,

V – 3rd person masculine dual imperfect verb, subjunctive moodPRON – subject pronoun

أا�ف منصوب مضارع فعل في متصل ض ي� ا)فاعل رفع محل


ACC – accusative particlePREV – preventive particle mā

�ك��ف� كاف�


PRON – 1st person plural personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(2:102:32)fit'natun(are) a trial,

N – nominative feminine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3

(2:102:33)falāso (do) not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءنفي !�ف


V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

�ج م مضارع فعل

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(2:102:35)fayataʿallamūnaBut they learn

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل


(2:102:36)min'humāfrom those two

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person dual object pronoun

�ج� � جا�


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:102:38)yufarriqūna[they] causes separation

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form II) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعلفاعل

(2:102:39)bihiwith it

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظ�ف

(2:102:41)l-marithe man

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:102:42)wazawjihiand his spouse.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

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عاط�� ا��ا4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء �ج� � ا�3

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(2:102:43)wamāAnd not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

ا�تئ�افي� ا��ا�يس» 4 ��� �افي� »

(2:102:44)humthey (could)

PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(2:102:45)biḍārrīnaat all [be those who] harm

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine plural active participle

�ج� � جا�

(2:102:46)bihiwith it

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�

(2:102:50)bi-idh'niby permission

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � جا�

(2:102:51)l-lahi(of) Allah.

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � ا�جلا�� لفظ

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(2:102:52)wayataʿallamūnaAnd they learn

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:102:54)yaḍurruhumharms them

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

« مضارع فعل ض ي�» 3� نصب محل في متصل به مفعول

(2:102:55)walāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

(2:102:56)yanfaʿuhumprofits them.

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

« مضارع فعل ض ي�» 3� نصب محل في متصل به مفعول

(2:102:57)walaqadAnd indeed

REM – prefixed resumption particleEMPH – emphatic prefix lāmCERT – particle of certainty

ا�تئ�افي� ا��االتوكيد )ام ا�لام

تح�يق !�ف

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(2:102:58)ʿalimūthey knew

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(2:102:59)lamanithat whoever

EMPH – emphatic prefix lāmCOND – conditional noun

التوكيد )ام ا�لامشرط ا�3

(2:102:60)ish'tarāhubuys it,

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) perfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء ماض فعلبه مفعول


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(2:102:62)lahufor him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:102:64)l-ākhiratithe Hereafter

N – genitive feminine singular noun

�ج� � ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

Page 22: ar-ruqyah


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:102:67)walabi'saAnd surely evil

REM – prefixed resumption particleEMPH – emphatic prefix lāmV – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ا�تئ�افي� ا��االتوكيد )ام ا�لام

ماض فعل(2:102:68)mā(is) what

REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:102:69)sharawthey sold

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(2:102:70)bihiwith it

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


N – accusative feminine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب ا�3 ض ي�» 3� 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل


COND – conditional particle

شرط !�ف

(2:102:73)kānūthey were

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

ا�3 رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

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كان» »

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(2:102:74)yaʿlamūna(to) know.

V – 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعلفاعل

(2:103:1)walawAnd if

REM – prefixed resumption particleCOND – conditional particle

ا�تئ�افي� ا��اشرط !�ف

(2:103:2)annahum[that] they

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

« اخوات من نصب !�ف « » ض ي�» 3� متصل ا�ان» ا�3 نصب محل في »

(2:103:3)āmanū(had) believed

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(2:103:4)wa-ittaqawand feared (Allah),

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine plural (form VIII) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاط�� ا��افاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(2:103:5)lamathūbatunsurely (the) reward

EMPH – emphatic prefix lāmN – nominative feminine indefinite verbal noun

التوكيد )ام ا�لاممرفوع ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

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N – genitive noun

�ج� � ا�3


PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � ا�جلا�� لفظ

(2:103:9)khayrun(would have been) better,

N – nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3


COND – conditional particle

شرط !�ف

(2:103:11)kānūthey were

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

ا�3 رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعلكان» »

(2:103:12)yaʿlamūna(to) know.

V – 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعلفاعل

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م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(2:163:1)wa-ilāhukumAnd your God

REM – prefixed resumption particleN – nominative masculine singular nounPRON – 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� ا��ا4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف مرفوع ا�3

(2:163:2)ilāhun(is) God

N – nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3

(2:163:3)wāḥidunone (only);

ADJ – nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

����ف�ع� ص

(2:163:4)lā(there is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(2:163:8)l-raḥmānuthe Most Gracious,

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

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(2:163:9)l-raḥīmuthe Most Merciful.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

����ف�ع� ص


ACC – accusative particle

نصب حرف


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:164:3)khalqi(the) creation

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:4)l-samāwāti(of) the heavens

N – genitive feminine plural noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:5)wal-arḍiand the earth,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم

(2:164:6)wa-ikh'tilāfiand alternation

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine (form VIII) verbal noun

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم

(2:164:7)al-layliof the night

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:8)wal-nahāriand the day,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine noun

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم

Page 28: ar-ruqyah

(2:164:9)wal-ful'kiand the ships

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine noun → Ship

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم


REL – feminine singular relative pronoun

موصول اسم


V – 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:164:13)l-baḥrithe sea

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:14)bimāwith what

P – prefixed preposition biREL – relative pronoun

ومجرور جار


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(2:164:16)l-nāsa[the] people,

N – accusative masculine plural noun

منصوب اسم

(2:164:17)wamāand what

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاطفة الواوموصول اسم

(2:164:18)anzala(has) sent down

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

Page 29: ar-ruqyah

ماض فعل

Page 30: ar-ruqyah


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع الجاللة لفظ


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:164:21)l-samāithe sky

N – genitive feminine noun

مجرور اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:24)fa-aḥyāgiving life

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

عاطفة الفاءماض فعل


P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(2:164:26)l-arḍa(to) the earth

N – accusative feminine noun → Earth

منصوب اسم


T – accusative time adverb

منصوب زمان ظرف

(2:164:28)mawtihāits death,

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person feminine singular possessive

Page 31: ar-ruqyah


« مجرور اسم ضمير» ها جر محل في متصل و باالضافة

Page 32: ar-ruqyah

(2:164:29)wabathaand dispersing

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

عاطفة الواوماض فعل


P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار


P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:33)dābbatinmoving creature,

N – genitive feminine indefinite noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:34)wataṣrīfiand directing

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine (form II) verbal noun

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم

(2:164:35)l-riyāḥi(of) the winds

N – genitive feminine plural noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:36)wal-saḥābiand the clouds

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine noun → Cloud

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم

(2:164:37)l-musakhari[the] controlled

ADJ – genitive masculine (form II) passive participle

مجرورة صفة

Page 33: ar-ruqyah


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظرف

(2:164:39)l-samāithe sky

N – genitive feminine noun

مجرور اسم

(2:164:40)wal-arḍiand the earth,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم

(2:164:41)laāyātinsurely (are) Signs

EMPH – emphatic prefix lāmN – accusative feminine plural indefinite noun

التوكيد الم الالممنصوب اسم

(2:164:42)liqawminfor a people

P – prefixed preposition lāmN – genitive masculine indefinite noun

ومجرور جار

(2:164:43)yaʿqilūnawho use their intellect.

V – 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعلفاعل رفع

Page 34: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م� م4 ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(2:255:1)al-lahuAllah -

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(2:255:2)lā(there is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(2:255:6)l-ḥayuthe Ever-Living,

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

(2:255:7)l-qayūmuthe Sustainer of all that exists.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

����ف�ع� ص


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(2:255:9)takhudhuhuovertakes Him

V – 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء مضارع فعل

Page 35: ar-ruqyah


N – nominative feminine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3

(2:255:11)walā[and] not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف


N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3

(2:255:13)lahuTo Him (belongs)

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:255:15)fī(is) in

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:255:16)l-samāwātithe heavens

N – genitive feminine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:255:17)wamāand what(ever)

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاط�� ا��اموصول ا�3

(2:255:18)fī(is) in

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

Page 36: ar-ruqyah

(2:255:19)l-arḍithe earth.

N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

�ج� � ا�3


INTG – interrogative noun

ا�ت�هام ا�3

(2:255:21)dhā(is) the one

DEM – masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

ا�ا�� ا�3


REL – masculine singular relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:255:23)yashfaʿucan intercede

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(2:255:24)ʿindahuwith Him

LOC – accusative location adverbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء منصوب مكان ظ�ف4ا)اضاف�


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�

(2:255:26)bi-idh'nihiby His permission.

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء �ج� � جا�

(2:255:27)yaʿlamuHe knows

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

Page 38: ar-ruqyah


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظ�ف

(2:255:30)aydīhimbefore them

N – genitive feminine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« �ج� � ا�3 ض ي�» 3� 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(2:255:31)wamāand what

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاط�� ا��اموصول ا�3

(2:255:32)khalfahum(is) behind them.

LOC – accusative masculine location adverbPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب مكان ظ�ف ض ي�» 3� ج� محل في متصل 4ا)اضاف�

(2:255:33)walāAnd not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

(2:255:34)yuḥīṭūnathey encompass

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل


P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � جا�

Page 39: ar-ruqyah


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:255:37)ʿil'mihiHis Knowledge

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء �ج� � ا�3


RES – restriction particle

!ص� أادا�

(2:255:39)bimā[of] what

P – prefixed preposition biREL – relative pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:255:40)shāaHe willed.

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل


V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

(2:255:42)kur'siyyuhuHis Throne

N – nominative masculine noun → Allah's ThronePRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء مرفوع ا�3

(2:255:43)l-samāwāti(to) the heavens

N – accusative feminine plural noun

منصوب ا�3

(2:255:44)wal-arḍaand the earth.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative feminine noun → Earth

عاط�� ا��امنصوب ا�3

Page 40: ar-ruqyah

(2:255:45)walāAnd not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

ا�تئ�افي� ا��انفي !�ف

(2:255:46)yaūduhutires Him

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء مضارع فعلبه مفعول

(2:255:47)ḥif'ẓuhumā(the) guarding of both of them.

N – nominative masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine dual possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء مرفوع ا�3

(2:255:48)wahuwaAnd He

REM – prefixed resumption particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� ا��امنفصل ض ي�

(2:255:49)l-ʿaliyu(is) the Most High,

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

(2:255:50)l-ʿaẓīmuthe Most Great.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

����ف�ع� ص

Page 41: ar-ruqyah

2:256:1)lā(There is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »


N – accusative masculine (form IV) verbal noun

منصوب ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:256:4)l-dīnithe religion.

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3


CERT – particle of certainty

تح�يق !�ف

(2:256:6)tabayyanahas become distinct

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form V) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(2:256:7)l-rush'duthe right (path)

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:256:9)l-ghayithe wrong.

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:256:10)famanThen whoever

REM – prefixed resumption particleCOND – conditional noun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء

Page 43: ar-ruqyah


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

�ج م مضارع فعل

(2:256:12)bil-ṭāghūtiin false deities

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive noun

�ج� � جا�

(2:256:13)wayu'minand believes

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood

عاط�� ا��ا�ج م مضارع فعل

(2:256:14)bil-lahiin Allah,

P – prefixed preposition biPN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � جا�

(2:256:15)faqadithen surely

RSLT – prefixed result particleCERT – particle of certainty

الشرط جواب في اقع� الفاءتح�يق !�ف

(2:256:16)is'tamsakahe grasped

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form X) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(2:256:17)bil-ʿur'watithe handhold -

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive feminine noun

�ج� � جا�

(2:256:18)l-wuth'qā[the] firm,

ADJ – genitive feminine singular adjective

���ج� �� ص

(2:256:19)lā(which) not

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »

Page 44: ar-ruqyah

(2:256:20)infiṣāma(will) break

N – accusative masculine (form VII) verbal noun

منصوب ا�3

(2:256:21)lahā[for it].

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person feminine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:256:22)wal-lahuAnd Allah

REM – prefixed resumption particlePN – nominative proper noun → Allah

ا�تئ�افي� ا��امرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(2:256:23)samīʿun(is) All-Hearing,

N – nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3


ADJ – nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

����ف�ع� ص


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع الجاللة لفظ

(2:257:2)waliyyu(is the) Protecting Guardian

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

(2:257:3)alladhīna(of) those who

REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

موصول اسم


V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والواو ماض فعل

Page 46: ar-ruqyah

(2:257:5)yukh'rijuhumHe brings them out

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

« مضارع فعل ضمير» هم محل في متصل و به مفعول نصب


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:257:7)l-ẓulumāti[the] darkness

N – genitive feminine plural noun

مجرور اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:257:9)l-nūri[the] light.

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(2:257:10)wa-alladhīnaAnd those who

REM – prefixed resumption particleREL – masculine plural relative pronoun

استئنافية الواوموصول اسم


V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والواو ماض فعلفاعل رفع

(2:257:12)awliyāuhumutheir guardians

N – nominative masculine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« مرفوع اسم ضمير» هم محل في متصل و باالضافة جر

Page 47: ar-ruqyah

(2:257:13)l-ṭāghūtu(are) the evil ones,

N – nominative noun

مرفوع اسم

(2:257:14)yukh'rijūnahumthey bring them out

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعل« فاعل رفع ضمير» هم محل في متصل و

به مفعول نصب


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:257:16)l-nūrithe light

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:257:18)l-ẓulumāti[the] darkness.

N – genitive feminine plural noun

مجرور اسم


DEM – plural demonstrative pronoun

اشارة اسم

(2:257:20)aṣḥābu(are the) companions

N – nominative masculine plural noun

مرفوع اسم

Page 48: ar-ruqyah

(2:257:21)l-nāri(of) the Fire,

N – genitive feminine noun

مجرور اسم


PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(2:257:23)fīhāin it

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار

(2:257:24)khālidūnawill abide forever.

N – nominative masculine plural active participle

مرفوع اسم

Page 49: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(2:284:1)lillahiTo Allah (belongs)

P – prefixed preposition lāmPN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � جا�


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:284:3)fī(is) in

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:284:4)l-samāwātithe heavens

N – genitive feminine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:284:5)wamāand whatever

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاط�� ا��اموصول ا�3

(2:284:6)fī(is) in

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:284:7)l-arḍithe earth.

N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

�ج� � ا�3

(2:284:8)wa-inAnd if

REM – prefixed resumption particleCOND – conditional particle

ا�تئ�افي� ا��اشرط !�ف

(2:284:9)tub'dūyou disclose

V – 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive moodPRON – subject pronoun

Page 51: ar-ruqyah


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:284:11)fī(is) in

P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive feminine plural nounPRON – 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج� � ا�3


CONJ – coordinating conjunction

عطف !�ف

(2:284:14)tukh'fūhuyou conceal it,

V – 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive moodPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا �ج م مضارع فعل به مفعول نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء

(2:284:15)yuḥāsib'kumwill call you to account

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form III) imperfect verb, jussive moodPRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

نصب محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج م مضارع فعلبه مفعول

(2:284:16)bihifor it

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

Page 53: ar-ruqyah

(2:284:18)fayaghfiruThen, He will forgive

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءمضارع فعل

(2:284:19)liman[to] whom

P – prefixed preposition lāmREL – relative pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:284:20)yashāuHe wills,

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(2:284:21)wayuʿadhibuand He will punish

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

عاط�� ا��امضارع فعل


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:284:23)yashāuHe wills.

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(2:284:24)wal-lahuAnd Allah

REM – prefixed resumption particlePN – nominative proper noun → Allah

ا�تئ�افي� ا��امرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ


P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

Page 54: ar-ruqyah


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:284:28)qadīrun(is) All-Powerful.

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(2:285:2)l-rasūluthe Messenger

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

(2:285:3)bimāin what

P – prefixed preposition biREL – relative pronoun

ومجرور جار

(2:285:4)unzilawas revealed

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل

(2:285:5)ilayhito him

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:285:7)rabbihihis Lord

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والهاء مجرور اسمباالضافة جر

Page 55: ar-ruqyah

(2:285:8)wal-mu'minūnaand the believers.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

عاطفة الواومرفوع اسم


N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(2:285:11)bil-lahiin Allah,

P – prefixed preposition biPN – genitive proper noun → Allah

ومجرور جار

(2:285:12)wamalāikatihiand His Angels,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

عاطفة الواو محل في متصل ضمير والهاء مجرور اسم

باالضافة جر

(2:285:13)wakutubihiand His Books,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

عاطفة الواو محل في متصل ضمير والهاء مجرور اسم

باالضافة جر

(2:285:14)warusulihiand His Messengers.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

Page 57: ar-ruqyah


NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف

(2:285:16)nufarriquwe make distinction

V – 1st person plural (form II) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظرف


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

مجرور اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

(2:285:20)rusulihiHis messengers."

N – genitive masculine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والهاء مجرور اسمباالضافة جر

(2:285:21)waqālūAnd they said,

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

استئنافية الواو محل في متصل ضمير والواو ماض فعل

فاعل رفع

(2:285:22)samiʿ'nā"We heard

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ضمير» نا رفع محل في متصل و فاعل

Page 58: ar-ruqyah

(2:285:23)wa-aṭaʿnāand we obeyed.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاطفة الواو« ماض فعل ضمير» نا رفع محل في متصل و


(2:285:24)ghuf'rānaka(Grant) us Your forgiveness

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والكاف منصوب اسم باالضافة جر

(2:285:25)rabbanāour Lord,

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب اسم ضمير» نا محل في متصل وباالضافة جر

(2:285:26)wa-ilaykaand to You

REM – prefixed resumption particleP – prepositionPRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

استئنافية الواوومجرور جار

(2:285:27)l-maṣīru(is) the return."

N – nominative noun

مرفوع اسم

Page 59: ar-ruqyah

(2:286:1)lā(Does) not

NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(2:286:4)nafsanany soul

N – accusative feminine singular indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�

(2:286:6)wus'ʿahāits capacity,

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 3rd person feminine singular possessive pronoun

« منصوب ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(2:286:7)lahāfor it

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person feminine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:286:9)kasabatit earned,

V – 3rd person feminine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

Page 60: ar-ruqyah

(2:286:10)waʿalayhāand against it

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا �ج� � جا�


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:286:12)ik'tasabatit earned.

V – 3rd person feminine singular (form VIII) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(2:286:13)rabbanā"Our Lord!

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(2:286:14)lā(Do) not

PRO – prohibition particle

نهي !�ف

(2:286:15)tuākhidh'nātake us to task

V – 2nd person masculine singular (form III) imperfect verb, jussive moodPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

« �ج م مضارع فعل ض ي�» �ا نصب محل في متصل به مفعول


COND – conditional particle

شرط !�ف

(2:286:17)nasīnāwe forget

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل


CONJ – coordinating conjunction

عطف !�ف

Page 61: ar-ruqyah

(2:286:19)akhṭanāwe err.

V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل

(2:286:20)rabbanāOur Lord!

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(2:286:21)walāAnd (do) not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PRO – prohibition particle

عاط�� ا��انهي !�ف


V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

�ج م مضارع فعل

(2:286:23)ʿalaynāupon us

P – prepositionPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:286:24)iṣ'rana burden

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(2:286:25)kamālike that

P – prefixed preposition kaSUB – subordinating conjunction

�ج� � جا�

(2:286:26)ḥamaltahu(which) You laid [it]

V – 2nd person masculine singular perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� والتاء ماض فعلبه مفعول نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

Page 62: ar-ruqyah

(2:286:28)alladhīnathose who

REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(2:286:29)min(were) from

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:286:30)qablinābefore us.

N – genitive nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« �ج� � ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(2:286:31)rabbanāOur Lord!

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(2:286:32)walā[And] (do) not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PRO – prohibition particle

عاط�� ا��انهي !�ف

(2:286:33)tuḥammil'nālay on us

V – 2nd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb, jussive moodPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

« �ج م مضارع فعل ض ي�» �ا نصب محل في متصل به مفعول


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3


NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »

(2:286:36)ṭāqata(the) strength

N – accusative feminine noun

منصوب ا�3

Page 63: ar-ruqyah

(2:286:37)lanāwe have

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 1st person plural personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:286:38)bihi[of it] (to bear).

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:286:39)wa-uʿ'fuAnd pardon

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

عاط�� ا��اأا�� فعل

(2:286:40)ʿannā[from] us,

P – prepositionPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:286:41)wa-igh'firand forgive

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

عاط�� ا��اأا�� فعل

(2:286:42)lanā[for] us

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 1st person plural personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(2:286:43)wa-ir'ḥamnāand have mercy on us.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verbPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا« أا�� فعل ض ي�» �ا به مفعول نصب محل في متصل

(2:286:44)antaYou (are)

PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

Page 64: ar-ruqyah

(2:286:45)mawlānāour Protector,

N – nominative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« مرفوع ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(2:286:46)fa-unṣur'nāso help us

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verbPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

عاط�� الفاء« أا�� فعل ض ي�» �ا به مفعول نصب محل في متصل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(2:286:48)l-qawmithe people -

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(2:286:49)l-kāfirīna[the] disbelievers.

ADJ – genitive masculine plural active participle

���ج� �� ص

Page 65: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(3:1:1)alif-lam-meemAlif Laam Meem

INL – Quranic initials

��طع� !� ف

(3:2:1)al-lahuAllah -

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(3:2:2)lā(there is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(3:2:6)l-ḥayuthe Ever-Living

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

(3:2:7)l-qayūmuthe Sustainer of all that exists.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

����ف�ع� ص

(3:3:1)nazzalaHe revealed

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form II) perfect verb

ماض فعل

Page 66: ar-ruqyah

(3:3:2)ʿalaykato you

P – prepositionPRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(3:3:3)l-kitābathe Book

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب ا�3

(3:3:4)bil-ḥaqiin [the] truth

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � جا�


N – accusative masculine indefinite (form II) active participle

منصوب ا�3

(3:3:6)limāthat which

P – prefixed preposition lāmREL – relative pronoun

�ج� � جا�


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظ�ف

(3:3:8)yadayhibefore it,

N – genitive feminine dual nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء �ج� � ا�3

(3:3:9)wa-anzalaand He revealed

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

عاط�� ا��اماض فعل

(3:3:10)l-tawrātathe Taurat

PN – accusative proper noun → Torah

منصوب ع&3 ا�3

Page 69: ar-ruqyah


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(3:4:2)qablubefore (this),

N – genitive noun

�ج� � ا�3

(3:4:3)hudan(as) guidance

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(3:4:4)lilnnāsifor the mankind.

P – prefixed preposition lāmN – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � جا�

(3:4:5)wa-anzalaAnd (He) revealed

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

عاط�� ا��اماض فعل

(3:4:6)l-fur'qānathe Criterion.

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب ا�3


ACC – accusative particle

نصب !�ف

(3:4:8)alladhīnathose who

REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

موصول ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

Page 70: ar-ruqyah

(3:4:10)biāyātiin (the) Verses

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive feminine plural noun

�ج� � جا�

(3:4:11)l-lahi(of) Allah,

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � ا�جلا�� لفظ

(3:4:12)lahumfor them

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(3:4:13)ʿadhābun(is) a punishment

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3


ADJ – nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

����ف�ع� ص

(3:4:15)wal-lahuAnd Allah

REM – prefixed resumption particlePN – nominative proper noun → Allah

ا�تئ�افي� ا��امرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(3:4:16)ʿazīzun(is) All-Mighty,

N – nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3


N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

(3:4:18)intiqāmin(of) retribution.

N – genitive masculine indefinite (form VIII) verbal noun

�ج� � ا�3

Page 71: ar-ruqyah


ACC – accusative particle

نصب !�ف

(3:5:2)l-lahaAllah -

PN – accusative proper noun → Allah

منصوب ا�جلا�� لفظ


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(3:5:4)yakhfāis hidden

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

منصوب مضارع فعل

(3:5:5)ʿalayhifrom Him

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

�ج� � جا�


N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(3:5:8)l-arḍithe earth

N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

�ج� � ا�3

(3:5:9)walāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

Page 72: ar-ruqyah


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(3:5:11)l-samāithe heaven.

N – genitive feminine noun

�ج� � ا�3


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(3:6:2)alladhī(is) the One Who

REL – masculine singular relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(3:6:3)yuṣawwirukumshapes you

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verbPRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والكاف مضارع فعلبه مفعول نصب


P – preposition

جر حرف

(3:6:5)l-arḥāmithe wombs

N – genitive masculine plural noun

مجرور اسم


INTG – interrogative noun

استفهام اسم

(3:6:7)yashāuHe wills.

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

Page 73: ar-ruqyah

(3:6:8)lā(There is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل نافية »


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب اسم


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أداة


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(3:6:12)l-ʿazīzuthe All-Mighty,

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:6:13)l-ḥakīmuthe All-Wise.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

مرفوعة صفة


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(3:7:2)alladhī(is) the One Who

REL – masculine singular relative pronoun

موصول اسم


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(3:7:4)ʿalaykato you

P – prepositionPRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

Page 75: ar-ruqyah

(3:7:5)l-kitābathe Book,

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم

(3:7:6)min'huof it

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار

(3:7:7)āyātun(are) Verses

N – nominative feminine plural indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:7:8)muḥ'kamātunabsolutely clear -

ADJ – nominative feminine plural indefinite (form IV) passive participle

مرفوعة صفة

(3:7:9)hunnathey (are)

PRON – 3rd person feminine plural personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(3:7:10)ummuthe foundation

N – nominative feminine singular noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:7:11)l-kitābi(of) the Book,

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(3:7:12)wa-ukharuand others

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative feminine plural noun

عاطفة الواومرفوع اسم

(3:7:13)mutashābihātun(are) allegorical.

ADJ – nominative masculine plural indefinite (form VI) active participle

مرفوعة صفة

Page 76: ar-ruqyah

(3:7:14)fa-ammāThen as for

REM – prefixed resumption particleEXL – explanation particle

استئنافية الفاءتفصيل حرف


COND – masculine plural conditional noun

شرط اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

(3:7:17)qulūbihimtheir hearts

N – genitive feminine plural noun → HeartPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« مجرور اسم ضمير» هم محل في متصل وباالضافة جر

(3:7:18)zayghun(is) perversity -

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:7:19)fayattabiʿūna[so] they follow

RSLT – prefixed result particleV – 3rd person masculine plural (form VIII) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

الشرط جواب في واقعة الفاء محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعل

فاعل رفع


REL – relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(3:7:21)tashābaha(is) allegorical

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VI) perfect verb

ماض فعل

Page 77: ar-ruqyah

(3:7:22)min'huof it,

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار


N – accusative masculine (form VIII) verbal noun

منصوب اسم

(3:7:24)l-fit'nati[the] discord

N – genitive feminine noun

مجرور اسم

(3:7:25)wa-ib'tighāaand seeking

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative masculine (form VIII) verbal noun

عاطفة الواومنصوب اسم

(3:7:26)tawīlihiits interpretation.

N – genitive masculine (form II) verbal nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

جر محل في متصل ضمير والهاء مجرور اسم باالضافة

(3:7:27)wamāAnd not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

استئنافية الواونفي حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(3:7:29)tawīlahuits interpretation

N – accusative masculine (form II) verbal nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والهاء منصوب اسمباالضافة جر

Page 78: ar-ruqyah


RES – restriction particle

حصر أداة


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع الجاللة لفظ

(3:7:32)wal-rāsikhūnaAnd those firm

REM – prefixed resumption particleN – nominative masculine plural active participle

استئنافية الواومرفوع اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

(3:7:34)l-ʿil'mi[the] knowledge,

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(3:7:35)yaqūlūnathey say,

V – 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعلفاعل رفع

(3:7:36)āmannā"We believe

V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ضمير» نا رفع محل في متصل وفاعل

(3:7:37)bihiin it.

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار


N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم

Page 79: ar-ruqyah


P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive noun

مجرور اسم

(3:7:41)rabbināour Lord."

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« مجرور اسم ضمير» نا جر محل في متصل وباالضافة

(3:7:42)wamāAnd not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

استئنافية الواونفي حرف

(3:7:43)yadhakkaruwill take heed

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form V) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


RES – restriction particle

حصر أداة


N – nominative masculine plural noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:7:46)l-albābi(of) understanding.

N – genitive masculine plural noun

مجرور اسم

(3:8:1)rabbanā"Our Lord!

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب اسم ضمير» نا جر محل في متصل و باالضافة

Page 80: ar-ruqyah

(3:8:2)lā(Do) not

PRO – prohibition particle

نهي حرف


V – 2nd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل

(3:8:4)qulūbanāour hearts

N – accusative feminine plural noun → HeartPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب اسم ضمير» نا جر محل في متصل و باالضافة


T – accusative time adverb

منصوب زمان ظرف


T – time adverb

زمان ظرف

(3:8:7)hadaytanāYou (have) guided us,

V – 2nd person masculine singular perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ضمير والتاء ماض فعل« فاعل ضمير» نا نصب محل في متصل و

به مفعول

(3:8:8)wahaband grant

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

عاطفة الواوأمر فعل

(3:8:9)lanā(for) us

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 1st person plural personal pronoun

ومجرور جار


P – preposition

Page 81: ar-ruqyah

from جر حرف


N – genitive nounPRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والكاف مجرور اسمباالضافة جر


N – accusative feminine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(3:8:13)innakaIndeed You,

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والكاف نصب حرفان» اسم نصب »


PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(3:8:15)l-wahābu(are) the Bestower.

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:9:1)rabbanāOur Lord!

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب اسم ضمير» نا جر محل في متصل و باالضافة

(3:9:2)innakaIndeed, You

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والكاف نصب حرفان» اسم نصب »

Page 82: ar-ruqyah

(3:9:3)jāmiʿuwill gather

N – nominative masculine active participle

مرفوع اسم

(3:9:4)l-nāsi[the] mankind

N – genitive masculine plural noun

مجرور اسم

(3:9:5)liyawminon a Day,

P – prefixed preposition lāmN – genitive masculine indefinite noun

ومجرور جار

(3:9:6)lā(there is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل نافية »


N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم

(3:9:8)fīhiin it.

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ومجرور جار


ACC – accusative particle

نصب حرف


PN – accusative proper noun → Allah

منصوب الجاللة لفظ

(3:9:11)lā(does) not

NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

Page 83: ar-ruqyah

(3:9:13)l-mīʿādathe Promise."

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم


ACC – accusative particle

نصب حرف

(3:10:2)alladhīnathose who

REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

موصول اسم


V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ضمير والواو ماض فعلفاعل


NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف

(3:10:5)tugh'niyawill avail

V – 3rd person feminine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

منصوب مضارع فعل

(3:10:6)ʿanhum[for] them

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

ومجرور جار

(3:10:7)amwāluhumtheir wealth

N – nominative masculine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« مرفوع اسم ضمير» هم محل في متصل وباالضافة جر

(3:10:8)walāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاطفة الواو

Page 84: ar-ruqyah

نفي حرف

(3:10:9)awlāduhumtheir children

N – nominative masculine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« مرفوع اسم ضمير» هم محل في متصل وباالضافة جر


P – preposition

جر حرف


PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ


N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(3:10:13)wa-ulāikaand those -

REM – prefixed resumption particleDEM – plural demonstrative pronoun

استئنافية الواواشارة اسم

(3:10:14)humthey (are)

PRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(3:10:15)waqūdu(the) fuel

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:10:16)l-nāri(for) the Fire.

N – genitive feminine noun

مجرور اسم

Page 85: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(3:18:1)shahidaBears witness

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(3:18:3)annahuthat [He],

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

« اخوات من نصب !�ف والهاء» محل في متصل ض ي� انان» ا�3 نصب »

(3:18:4)lā(there is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(3:18:8)wal-malāikatuand (so do) the Angels,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative masculine plural noun

عاط�� ا��امرفوع ا�3

Page 86: ar-ruqyah

(3:18:9)wa-ulūand owners

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative masculine plural noun

عاط�� ا��امرفوع ا�3

(3:18:10)l-ʿil'mi(of) [the] knowledge -

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3


N – accusative masculine indefinite active participle

منصوب ا�3

(3:18:12)bil-qis'ṭiin justice.

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � جا�

(3:18:13)lā(There is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(3:18:17)l-ʿazīzuthe All-Mighty,

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

Page 87: ar-ruqyah

(3:18:18)l-ḥakīmuthe All-Wise.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

����ف�ع� ص


ACC – accusative particle

نصب حرف

(3:19:2)l-dīnathe religion

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظرف


PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(3:19:5)l-is'lāmu(is) Islam.

PN – nominative masculine (form IV) verbal noun → Islam

مرفوع علم اسم

(3:19:6)wamāAnd not

REM – prefixed resumption particleNEG – negative particle

استئنافية الواونفي حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(3:19:8)alladhīnathose who

REL – masculine plural relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(3:19:9)ūtūwere given

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) passive perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

Page 89: ar-ruqyah

(3:19:10)l-kitābathe Book

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم


RES – restriction particle

حصر أداة


P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive noun

مجرور اسم


REL – relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(3:19:15)jāahumucame to them

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

« ماض فعل ضمير» هم نصب محل في متصل وبه مفعول

(3:19:16)l-ʿil'mu[the] knowledge

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:19:17)baghyanout of envy

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(3:19:18)baynahumamong them.

LOC – accusative location adverbPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« منصوب مكان ظرف ضمير» هم في متصل وباالضافة جر محل

Page 90: ar-ruqyah

(3:19:19)wamanAnd whoever

REM – prefixed resumption particleCOND – conditional noun

استئنافية الواوشرط اسم


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل

(3:19:21)biāyātiin (the) Verses

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive feminine plural noun

ومجرور جار

(3:19:22)l-lahi(of) Allah,

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(3:19:23)fa-innathen indeed,

RSLT – prefixed result particleACC – accusative particle

الشرط جواب في واقعة الفاءنصب حرف


PN – accusative proper noun → Allah

منصوب الجاللة لفظ

(3:19:25)sarīʿu(is) swift

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع اسم

(3:19:26)l-ḥisābi(in taking) account.

N – genitive masculine (form III) verbal noun

مجرور اسم

Page 91: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

4. Al 'Araf : 54-56, 117-122 (bacalah berulang2 dan perbanyak lagi di ayat yg ke 120).


ACC – accusative particle

نصب !�ف

(7:54:2)rabbakumuyour Lord

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف منصوب ا�34ا)اضاف�

(7:54:3)l-lahu(is) Allah

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(7:54:4)alladhīthe One Who

REL – masculine singular relative pronoun

موصول ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

(7:54:6)l-samāwātithe heavens

N – accusative feminine plural noun

منصوب ا�3

(7:54:7)wal-arḍaand the earth

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative feminine noun → Earth

عاط�� ا��امنصوب ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

Page 92: ar-ruqyah


N – genitive feminine noun

�ج� � ا�3


N – genitive masculine plural indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3


CONJ – coordinating conjunction

عطف !�ف

(7:54:12)is'tawāHe ascended

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) perfect verb

ماض فعل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(7:54:14)l-ʿarshithe Throne.

N – genitive masculine noun → Allah's Throne

�ج� � ا�3

(7:54:15)yugh'shīHe covers

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(7:54:16)al-laylathe night

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب ا�3

(7:54:17)l-nahāra(with) the day

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب ا�3

(7:54:18)yaṭlubuhuseeking it

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

Page 94: ar-ruqyah


N – accusative masculine singular indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(7:54:20)wal-shamsaand the sun

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative feminine noun → Sun

عاط�� ا��امنصوب ا�3

(7:54:21)wal-qamaraand the moon

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative masculine noun → Moon

عاط�� ا��امنصوب ا�3

(7:54:22)wal-nujūmaand the stars -

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative masculine plural noun → Star

عاط�� ا��امنصوب ا�3


N – accusative feminine plural indefinite (form II) passive participle

منصوب ا�3

(7:54:24)bi-amrihiby His command.

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء �ج� � جا�


INC – inceptive particle

ابتداء !�ف

(7:54:26)lahufor Him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

Page 95: ar-ruqyah

(7:54:27)l-khalqu(is) the creation

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(7:54:28)wal-amruand the command,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative masculine noun

عاط�� ا��امرفوع ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VI) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(7:54:30)l-lahu(is) Allah,

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ


N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(7:54:32)l-ʿālamīna(of) the worlds.

N – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(7:55:1)id'ʿūCall upon

V – 2nd person masculine plural imperative verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا أا�� فعل

(7:55:2)rabbakumyour Lord

N – accusative masculine nounPRON – 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف منصوب ا�34ا)اضاف�


N – accusative masculine indefinite (form V) verbal noun

منصوب ا�3

Page 96: ar-ruqyah

(7:55:4)wakhuf'yatanand privately.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative feminine indefinite noun

عاط�� ا��امنصوب ا�3

(7:55:5)innahuIndeed, He

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء نصب !�فان» ا�3 »

(7:55:6)lā(does) not

NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل(7:55:8)l-muʿ'tadīnathe transgressors.

N – accusative masculine plural noun

منصوب ا�3

(7:56:1)walāAnd (do) not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PRO – prohibition particle

عاطفة الواونهي حرف

(7:56:2)tuf'sidūcause corruption

V – 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive moodPRON – subject pronoun

ضمير والواو مجزوم مضارع فعلفاعل رفع محل في متصل


P – preposition

جر حرف

Page 97: ar-ruqyah

(7:56:4)l-arḍithe earth

N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

مجرور اسم


T – accusative time adverb

منصوب زمان ظرف

(7:56:6)iṣ'lāḥihāits reformation.

N – genitive masculine (form IV) verbal nounPRON – 3rd person feminine singular possessive pronoun

« مجرور اسم ضمير» ها في متصل وباالضافة جر محل

(7:56:7)wa-id'ʿūhuAnd call Him

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine plural imperative verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

عاطفة الواومحل في متصل ضمير والواو أمر فعل

في متصل ضمير والهاء فاعل رفعبه مفعول نصب محل

(7:56:8)khawfan(in) fear

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(7:56:9)waṭamaʿanand hope.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

عاطفة الواومنصوب اسم


ACC – accusative particle

نصب حرف

Page 98: ar-ruqyah

(7:56:11)raḥmata(the) Mercy

N – accusative feminine noun

منصوب اسم

(7:56:12)l-lahi(of) Allah

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(7:56:13)qarībun(is) near

N – nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

(7:56:15)l-muḥ'sinīnathe good-doers.

N – genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

مجرور اسم

Page 99: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(7:117:1)wa-awḥaynāAnd We inspired

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف


PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Musa

�ج� � ع&3 ا�3


INT – particle of interpretation

ت�1ي� !�ف


V – 2nd person masculine singular (form IV) imperative verb

أا�� فعل

(7:117:6)ʿaṣākayour staff,"

N – nominative nounPRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف مرفوع ا�3

(7:117:7)fa-idhāand suddenly

REM – prefixed resumption particleSUR – surprise particle

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءفجا�� !�ف


PRON – 3rd person feminine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

Page 100: ar-ruqyah


V – 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(7:117:11)yafikūnathey (were) falsifying.

V – 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل

(7:118:1)fawaqaʿaSo was established

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءماض فعل

(7:118:2)l-ḥaquthe truth,

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(7:118:3)wabaṭalaand became futile

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

عاط�� ا��اماض فعل


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(7:118:5)kānūthey used to

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

كان» ا�3 رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل »


V – 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل

Page 101: ar-ruqyah

(7:119:1)faghulibūSo they were defeated

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine plural passive perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا للمجهول مبني ماض فعل

فاعل نائب رفع


T – time adverb

زمان ظ�ف

(7:119:3)wa-inqalabūand returned

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine plural (form VII) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاط�� ا��افاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل


N – accusative masculine plural active participle

منصوب ا�3

(7:120:1)wa-ul'qiyaAnd fell down

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

عاط�� ا��اللمجهول مبني ماض فعل

(7:120:2)l-saḥaratuthe magicians

N – nominative masculine plural active participle

مرفوع ا�3


N – accusative masculine plural active participle

منصوب ا�3

(7:121:1)qālūThey said,

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

Page 102: ar-ruqyah

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(7:121:2)āmannā"We believe

V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل

(7:121:3)birabbiin (the) Lord

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � جا�

(7:121:4)l-ʿālamīna(of) the worlds

N – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3


N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(7:122:2)mūsā(of) Musa

PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Musa

�ج� � ع&3 ا�3

(7:122:3)wahārūnaand Harun."

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Harun

عاط�� ا��ا 4ا��تح� �ج� � ع&3 ا�3 ا�ص�ف من ممنوع ألنه ا�ك��1 من بدال

Page 103: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

5. Yunus : 81-82 (ulang2i bacaan khususnya "innallaha sayubthiluh"

(10:81:1)falammāThen when

REM – prefixed resumption particleT – time adverb

استئنافية الفاءزمان ظرف

(10:81:2)alqawthey (had) thrown,

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ضمير والواو ماض فعل فاعل

(10:81:3)qālaMusa said,

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

(10:81:4)mūsāMusa said,

PN – nominative masculine proper noun → Musa

مرفوع علم اسم


REL – relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(10:81:6)ji'tumyou have brought

V – 2nd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ضمير والتاء ماض فعلفاعل


P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(10:81:8)l-siḥ'ru(is) the magic.

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

Page 104: ar-ruqyah


ACC – accusative particle

نصب حرف


PN – accusative proper noun → Allah

منصوب الجاللة لفظ

(10:81:11)sayub'ṭiluhuwill nullify it.

FUT – prefixed future particle saV – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

استقبال حرف محل في متصل ضمير والهاء مضارع فعل

به مفعول نصب


ACC – accusative particle

نصب حرف


PN – accusative proper noun → Allah

منصوب الجاللة لفظ

(10:81:14)lā(does) not

NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(10:81:16)ʿamalathe work

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم

(10:81:17)l-muf'sidīna(of) the corrupters.

N – genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

مجرور اسم

Page 105: ar-ruqyah

(10:82:1)wayuḥiqquAnd Allah will establish

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

عاطفة الواومضارع فعل

(10:82:2)l-lahuAnd Allah will establish

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع الجاللة لفظ

(10:82:3)l-ḥaqathe truth

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم

(10:82:4)bikalimātihiby His words,

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive feminine plural nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

محل في متصل ضمير والهاء ومجرور جارباالضافة جر

(10:82:5)walaweven if

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)COND – conditional particle

عاطفة الواوشرط حرف

(10:82:6)karihadislike it

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

(10:82:7)l-muj'rimūnathe criminals."

N – nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

مرفوع اسم

Page 106: ar-ruqyah

م� س� م� م� �� ل م� ٱل ـ ل� س� ل�� م� ٱل م�ي ل�� ٱل

17: Al-Isra (110-111)


V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

أا�� فعل


V – 2nd person masculine plural imperative verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا أا�� فعل


PN – accusative proper noun → Allah

منصوب ا�جلا�� لفظ


CONJ – coordinating conjunction

عطف !�ف


V – 2nd person masculine plural imperative verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا أا�� فعل

(17:110:6)l-raḥmānathe Most Gracious.

N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3

(17:110:7)ayyanBy whatever (name)

N – accusative indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(17:110:8)māBy whatever (name)

REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(17:110:9)tadʿūyou invoke,

V – 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, subjunctive moodPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا منصوب مضارع فعل

Page 108: ar-ruqyah

(17:110:10)falahuto Him (belongs)

REM – prefixed resumption particleP – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء �ج� � جا�

(17:110:11)l-asmāuthe Most Beautiful Names.

N – nominative masculine plural noun

مرفوع ا�3

(17:110:12)l-ḥus'nāthe Most Beautiful Names.

ADJ – nominative feminine singular adjective

����ف�ع� ص

(17:110:13)walāAnd (do) not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

(17:110:14)tajharbe loud

V – 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

�ج م مضارع فعل

(17:110:15)biṣalātikain your prayers

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive feminine nounPRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج� � جا�

(17:110:16)walāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

(17:110:17)tukhāfitbe silent

V – 2nd person masculine singular (form III) imperfect verb, jussive mood

Page 110: ar-ruqyah


P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person feminine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(17:110:19)wa-ib'taghibut seek

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperative verb

عاط�� ا��اأا�� فعل


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظ�ف


DEM – masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

ا�ا�� ا�3

(17:110:22)sabīlana way."

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(17:111:1)waquliAnd say,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

عاطفة الواوأمر فعل

(17:111:2)l-ḥamdu"All Praise

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

(17:111:3)lillahi(is) for Allah

P – prefixed preposition lāmPN – genitive proper noun → Allah

ومجرور جار

Page 111: ar-ruqyah

(17:111:4)alladhīthe One Who

REL – masculine singular relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(17:111:5)lamhas not taken

NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف

(17:111:6)yattakhidhhas not taken

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل

(17:111:7)waladana son

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(17:111:8)walamand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاطفة الواونفي حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل

(17:111:10)lahufor Him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(17:111:11)sharīkuna partner

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف

Page 112: ar-ruqyah

(17:111:13)l-mul'kithe dominion,

N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(17:111:14)walamand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاطفة الواونفي حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل

(17:111:16)lahufor Him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(17:111:17)waliyyunany protector

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم

(17:111:18)minaout of

P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(17:111:20)wakabbir'huAnd magnify Him

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular (form II) imperative verbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

عاطفة الواو محل في متصل ضمير والهاء أمر فعل

به مفعول نصب

Page 114: ar-ruqyah

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

. Thaha : 69 (ulangi beberapa kali)

(20:69:1)wa-alqiAnd throw

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular (form IV) imperative verb

عاط�� ا��اأا�� فعل


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(20:69:3)fī(is) in

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(20:69:4)yamīnikayour right hand;

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج� � ا�3

(20:69:5)talqafit will swallow up

V – 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

�ج م مضارع فعل


REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(20:69:7)ṣanaʿūthey have made.

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل


ACC – accusative particleREL – relative pronoun

نصب !�فموصول ا�3

Page 115: ar-ruqyah

(20:69:9)ṣanaʿūthey (have) made

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(20:69:10)kaydua trick

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(20:69:11)sāḥirin(of) a magician

N – genitive masculine indefinite active participle

�ج� � ا�3

(20:69:12)walāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

(20:69:13)yuf'liḥuwill be successful

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(20:69:14)l-sāḥiruthe magician

N – nominative masculine active participle

مرفوع ا�3


LOC – location adverb

مكان ظ�ف

(20:69:16)atāhe comes."

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

(20:70:1)fa-ul'qiyaSo were thrown down

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءللمجهول مبني ماض فعل

Page 116: ar-ruqyah

(20:70:2)l-saḥaratuthe magicians

N – nominative masculine plural active participle

مرفوع ا�3


ADJ – accusative masculine plural indefinite active participle

����ص�4� ص

(20:70:4)qālūThey said,

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(20:70:5)āmannā"We believe

V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل

(20:70:6)birabbiin (the) Lord

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � جا�

(20:70:7)hārūna(of) Harun

PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Harun

4ا��تح� �ج� � ع&3 ا�3 ا�ص�ف من ممنوع ألنه ا�ك��1 من بدال

(20:70:8)wamūsāand Musa."

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PN – genitive masculine proper noun → Musa

عاط�� ا��ا�ج� � ع&3 ا�3

Page 117: ar-ruqyah

Al Mukminun : 115-118. م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(23:115:1)afaḥasib'tumThen did you think

INTG – prefixed interrogative alifSUP – prefixed supplemental particleV – 2nd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

ا�ت�هام � � ا�ه �زائ(� الفاء

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� والتاء ماض فعل


ACC – accusative particleSUB – subordinating conjunction

ان» اخوات من نصب !�ف »مصدري !�ف

(23:115:3)khalaqnākumWe created you

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل به مفعول نصب محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف


N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(23:115:5)wa-annakumand that you

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا« اخوات من نصب !�ف ا�كاف» في متصل ض ي� ا�

ان» ا�3 نصب محل »

(23:115:6)ilaynāto Us

P – prepositionPRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

�ج� � جا�

Page 118: ar-ruqyah


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(23:115:8)tur'jaʿūnawill be returned?"

V – 2nd person masculine plural passive imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

في متصل ض ي� ا��ا للمجهول مبني مضارع فعلفاعل نائب رفع محل

(23:116:1)fataʿālāSo exalted is

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءماض فعل


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(23:116:3)l-malikuthe King,

N – nominative masculine singular noun → King

مرفوع ا�3

(23:116:4)l-ḥaquthe Truth.

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(23:116:5)lā(There is) no

NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3


RES – restriction particle

!ص� أادا�

Page 119: ar-ruqyah


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(23:116:9)rabbu(the) Lord

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(23:116:10)l-ʿarshi(of) the Throne

N – genitive masculine noun → Allah's Throne

�ج� � ا�3


ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective

���ج� �� ص

Page 120: ar-ruqyah

(23:117:1)wamanAnd whoever

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاط�� ا��اموصول ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

�ج م مضارع فعل


LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظ�ف


PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � ا�جلا�� لفظ


N – accusative masculine singular indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3


ADJ – accusative masculine singular adjective

����ص�4� ص


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف


N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب ا�3

(23:117:9)lahufor him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

Page 121: ar-ruqyah

(23:117:10)bihiin it.

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(23:117:11)fa-innamāThen only

REM – prefixed resumption particleACC – accusative particlePREV – preventive particle mā

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء �ك��ف� كاف�

(23:117:12)ḥisābuhuhis account

N – nominative masculine (form III) verbal nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء مرفوع ا�3

(23:117:13)ʿinda(is) with

LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظ�ف

(23:117:14)rabbihihis Lord.

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء �ج� � ا�3

(23:117:15)innahuIndeed, [he]

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ا�3 نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء نصب !�فان» »


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(23:117:17)yuf'liḥuwill succeed

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

Page 122: ar-ruqyah

(23:117:18)l-kāfirūnathe disbelievers.

N – nominative masculine plural active participle

مرفوع ا�3

(23:118:1)waqulAnd say,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

عاط�� ا��اأا�� فعل

(23:118:2)rabbi"My Lord!

N – nominative masculine nounPRON – 1st person singular possessive pronoun

ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا� حذ ف� والياء مرفوع ا�34ا)اضاف�


V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

أا�� فعل

(23:118:4)wa-ir'ḥamand have mercy,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

عاط�� ا��اأا�� فعل

(23:118:5)wa-antaand You

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun

عاط�� ا��امنفصل ض ي�

(23:118:6)khayru(are the) Best

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

(23:118:7)l-rāḥimīna(of) those who show

N – genitive masculine plural active participle

�ج� � ا�3

Page 124: ar-ruqyah

8. Ash Shaaffaat : 1-11. م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(37:1:1)wal-ṣāfātiBy those lined

P – prefixed preposition wa (oath)N – genitive feminine plural active participle

�ج� � جا�

(37:1:2)ṣaffan(in) rows,

N – accusative masculine indefinite verbal noun

منصوب ا�3

(37:2:1)fal-zājirātiAnd those who drive

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)N – genitive feminine plural active participle

عاط�� الفاء�ج� � ا�3


N – accusative masculine indefinite verbal noun

منصوب ا�3

(37:3:1)fal-tāliyātiAnd those who recite

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)N – genitive feminine plural active participle

عاط�� الفاء�ج� � ا�3

(37:3:2)dhik'ran(the) Message,

N – accusative masculine indefinite verbal noun

منصوب ا�3


ACC – accusative particle

نصب !�ف

(37:4:2)ilāhakumyour Lord

N – accusative masculine singular nounPRON – 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف منصوب ا�3

Page 125: ar-ruqyah

(37:4:3)lawāḥidun(is) surely One,

EMPH – emphatic prefix lāmN – nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

التوكيد )ام ا�لاممرفوع ا�3


N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(37:5:2)l-samāwāti(of) the heavens

N – genitive feminine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(37:5:3)wal-arḍiand the earth,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

عاط�� ا��ا�ج� � ا�3

(37:5:4)wamāand what

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاط�� ا��اموصول ا�3

(37:5:5)baynahumā(is) between both of them

LOC – accusative location adverbPRON – 3rd person dual possessive pronoun

ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء منصوب مكان ظ�ف4ا)اضاف�

(37:5:6)warabbuand Lord

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative masculine noun

عاط�� ا��امرفوع ا�3

(37:5:7)l-mashāriqi(of) each point of sunrise.

N – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

Page 126: ar-ruqyah

(37:6:1)innāIndeed, We

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

« نصب !�ف ض ي�» �ا ان» ا�3 نصب محل في متصل »

(37:6:2)zayyannā[We] adorned

V – 1st person plural (form II) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل

(37:6:3)l-samāathe sky

N – accusative feminine noun

منصوب ا�3

(37:6:4)l-dun'yā[the world]

ADJ – accusative feminine singular adjective

����ص�4� ص

(37:6:5)bizīnatinwith an adornment

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive feminine indefinite noun

�ج� � جا�

(37:6:6)l-kawākibi(of) the stars.

N – genitive masculine plural noun → Star

�ج� � ا�3

Page 127: ar-ruqyah

(37:7:1)waḥif'ẓanAnd (to) guard

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

عاط�� ا��امنصوب ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun → Satan

�ج� � ا�3


N – genitive masculine indefinite active participle

�ج� � ا�3


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(37:8:2)yassammaʿūnathey may listen

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(37:8:4)l-mala-ithe assembly

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

Page 128: ar-ruqyah

(37:8:5)l-aʿlā[the] exalted,

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(37:8:6)wayuq'dhafūnaare pelted

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine plural passive imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا للمجهول مبني مضارع فعل

فاعل نائب رفع(37:8:7)minfrom

P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3


N – genitive masculine indefinite active participle

�ج� � ا�3


N – accusative masculine indefinite verbal noun

منصوب ا�3

(37:9:2)walahumand for them

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا �ج� � جا�

(37:9:3)ʿadhābun(is) a punishment

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3

Page 129: ar-ruqyah


N – nominative masculine indefinite active participle

مرفوع ا�3


RES – restriction particle

!ص� أادا�

(37:10:2)man(him) who

REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

(37:10:4)l-khaṭfata(by) theft

N – accusative feminine noun

منصوب ا�3

(37:10:5)fa-atbaʿahubut follows him

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verbPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءبه مفعول نصب محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء ماض فعل

(37:10:6)shihābuna burning flame,

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3


N – nominative masculine indefinite active participle

مرفوع ا�3

Page 130: ar-ruqyah

(37:11:1)fa-is'taftihimThen ask them,

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 2nd person masculine singular (form X) imperative verbPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء« أا�� فعل ض ي�» 3� به مفعول نصب محل في متصل

(37:11:2)ahum"Are they

INTG – prefixed interrogative alifPRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

ا�ت�هام � � ا�ه �منفصل ض ي�

(37:11:3)ashaddua stronger

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3


N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3


CONJ – coordinating conjunction

عطف !�ف

(37:11:6)man(those) whom

REL – relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(37:11:7)khalaqnāWe have created?"

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل

(37:11:8)innāIndeed, We

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

« نصب !�ف ض ي�» �ا ان» ا�3 نصب محل في متصل »

Page 131: ar-ruqyah

(37:11:9)khalaqnāhumcreated them

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا « فاعل رفع محل في متصل «3� به مفعول نصب محل في متصل ض ي�


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(37:11:11)ṭīnina clay

N – genitive masculine indefinite noun → Clay

�ج� � ا�3


N – genitive masculine indefinite active participle

�ج� � ا�3

Page 132: ar-ruqyah

9. Al ahqaaf : 29-32.

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(46:29:1)wa-idhAnd when

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)T – time adverb

عاط�� ا��ازمان ظ�ف

(46:29:2)ṣarafnāWe directed

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل

(46:29:3)ilaykato you

P – prepositionPRON – 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(46:29:4)nafarana party

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(46:29:6)l-jinithe jinn,

N – genitive masculine noun → Jinn

�ج� � ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine plural (form VIII) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل

(46:29:8)l-qur'āna(to) the Quran.

PN – accusative masculine proper noun → Quran

منصوب ع&3 ا�3

Page 133: ar-ruqyah

(46:29:9)falammāAnd when

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)T – time adverb

عاط�� الفاءزمان ظ�ف

(46:29:10)ḥaḍarūhuthey attended it,

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ض ي� والهاء فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعلبه مفعول نصب محل في متصل

(46:29:11)qālūthey said,

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(46:29:12)anṣitū"Listen quietly."

V – 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا أا�� فعل

(46:29:13)falammāAnd when

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)T – time adverb

عاط�� الفاءزمان ظ�ف

(46:29:14)quḍiyait was concluded,

V – 3rd person masculine singular passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل

(46:29:15)wallawthey turned back

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form II) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

Page 134: ar-ruqyah

(46:29:17)qawmihimtheir people

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« �ج� � ا�3 ض ي�» 3� 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(46:29:18)mundhirīna(as) warners.

N – accusative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

منصوب ا�3

Page 135: ar-ruqyah

(46:30:1)qālūThey said,

V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا ماض فعل

(46:30:2)yāqawmanā"O our people!

VOC – prefixed vocative particle yaN – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

نداء أادا�« منصوب ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل

(46:30:3)innāIndeed, we

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

« نصب !�ف ض ي�» �ا ان» ا�3 نصب محل في متصل »

(46:30:4)samiʿ'nā[we] have heard

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا فاعل رفع محل في متصل

(46:30:5)kitābana Book

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل(46:30:7)minafter

P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive noun

�ج� � ا�3


PN – nominative masculine proper noun → Musa

مرفوع ع&3 ا�3

Page 136: ar-ruqyah


N – accusative masculine indefinite (form II) active participle

منصوب ا�3


P – prefixed preposition lāmREL – relative pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(46:30:12)bayna(was) before it,

LOC – accusative location adverb

منصوب مكان ظ�ف

(46:30:13)yadayhi(was) before it,

N – nominative feminine dual nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء مرفوع ا�3


V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(46:30:16)l-ḥaqithe truth

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(46:30:17)wa-ilāand to

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)P – preposition

عاط�� ا��اج� !�ف

(46:30:18)ṭarīqina Path

N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3

Page 137: ar-ruqyah


N – genitive masculine indefinite (form X) active participle

�ج� � ا�3

(46:31:1)yāqawmanāO our people!

VOC – prefixed vocative particle yaN – accusative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

نداء أادا�« منصوب ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل


V – 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verbPRON – subject pronoun

فاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا أا�� فعل(46:31:3)dāʿiya(to the) caller

N – accusative masculine active participle

منصوب ا�3

(46:31:4)l-lahi(of) Allah

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � ا�جلا�� لفظ

(46:31:5)waāminūand believe

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verbPRON – subject pronoun

عاط�� ا��افاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا أا�� فعل

(46:31:6)bihiin him.

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(46:31:7)yaghfirHe will forgive

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

�ج م مضارع فعل

Page 138: ar-ruqyah

(46:31:8)lakumfor you

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(46:31:10)dhunūbikumyour sins

N – genitive masculine plural nounPRON – 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج� � ا�3

(46:31:11)wayujir'kumand will protect you

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive moodPRON – 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا نصب محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج م مضارع فعل

به مفعول(46:31:12)minfrom

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(46:31:13)ʿadhābina punishment

N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3


ADJ – genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

���ج� �� ص

(46:32:1)wamanAnd whoever

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)REL – relative pronoun

عاطفة الواوموصول اسم

Page 139: ar-ruqyah

(46:32:2)lā(does) not

NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل

(46:32:4)dāʿiya(to the) caller

N – accusative masculine active participle

منصوب اسم

(46:32:5)l-lahi(of) Allah,

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(46:32:6)falaysathen not

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

استئنافية الفاءكان» اخوات من ماض فعل »

(46:32:7)bimuʿ'jizinhe can escape

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

ومجرور جار


P – preposition

جر حرف

(46:32:9)l-arḍithe earth,

N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

مجرور اسم

(46:32:10)walaysaand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

عاطفة الواوكان» اخوات من ماض فعل »

Page 140: ar-ruqyah

(46:32:11)lahufor him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(46:32:12)minbesides Him

P – preposition

جر حرف

(46:32:13)dūnihibesides Him

N – genitive nounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

جر محل في متصل ضمير والهاء مجرور اسمباالضافة


N – accusative masculine plural noun

منصوب اسم


DEM – plural demonstrative pronoun

اشارة اسم

(46:32:16)fī(are) in

P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

مجرور اسم


N – genitive masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

مجرور اسم

Page 141: ar-ruqyah

10. Ar Rahman : 33-36.

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

(55:33:1)yāmaʿsharaO assembly

VOC – prefixed vocative particle yaN – nominative noun

نداء أادا�مرفوع ا�3

(55:33:2)l-jini(of) the jinn

N – genitive masculine noun → Jinn

�ج� � ا�3

(55:33:3)wal-insiand the men!

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive masculine noun

عاط�� ا��ا�ج� � ا�3


COND – conditional particle

شرط !�ف

(55:33:5)is'taṭaʿtumyou are able

V – 2nd person masculine plural (form X) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� والتاء ماض فعلفاعل


SUB – subordinating conjunction

مصدري !�ف

(55:33:7)tanfudhūpass beyond

V – 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, subjunctive moodPRON – subject pronoun

محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا منصوب مضارع فعلفاعل رفع

Page 142: ar-ruqyah


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(55:33:9)aqṭāri(the) regions

N – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(55:33:10)l-samāwāti(of) the heavens

N – genitive feminine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(55:33:11)wal-arḍiand the earth,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

عاط�� ا��ا�ج� � ا�3

(55:33:12)fa-unfudhūthen pass.

REM – prefixed resumption particleV – 2nd person masculine plural imperative verbPRON – subject pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاءفاعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا أا�� فعل


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(55:33:14)tanfudhūnayou (can) pass

V – 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعلفاعل


RES – restriction particle

!ص� أادا�

Page 143: ar-ruqyah

(55:33:16)bisul'ṭāninby authority.

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � جا�

(55:34:1)fabi-ayyiSo which

REM – prefixed resumption particleP – prefixed preposition biN – genitive noun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء �ج� � جا�

(55:34:2)ālāi(of the) favors

N – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(55:34:3)rabbikumā(of) your Lord

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 2nd person dual possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج� � ا�3

(55:34:4)tukadhibāniwill you both deny?

V – 2nd person dual (form II) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

أا�ف مضارع فعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا)فاعل

(55:35:1)yur'saluWill be sent

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive imperfect verb

للمجهول مبني مضارع فعل

(55:35:2)ʿalaykumāagainst both of you

P – prepositionPRON – 2nd person dual object pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(55:35:3)shuwāẓuna flame

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3

Page 144: ar-ruqyah


P – preposition

ج� !�ف


N – genitive feminine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3

(55:35:6)wanuḥāsunand smoke,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

عاط�� ا��امرفوع ا�3

(55:35:7)falāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� الفاءنفي !�ف

(55:35:8)tantaṣirāniyou will (be able to) defend yourselves.

V – 2nd person dual (form VIII) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

أا�ف مضارع فعل رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا)فاعل

(55:36:1)fabi-ayyiSo which

REM – prefixed resumption particleP – prefixed preposition biINTG – genitive interrogative noun

ا�تئ�افي� الفاء �ج� � جا�

(55:36:2)ālāi(of the) favors

N – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � ا�3

(55:36:3)rabbikumā(of) your Lord

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 2nd person dual possessive pronoun

4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل ض ي� ا�كاف �ج� � ا�3

Page 145: ar-ruqyah

(55:36:4)tukadhibāniwill you both deny?

V – 2nd person dual (form II) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

أا�ف مضارع فعل فاع رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا)

Page 146: ar-ruqyah

11. Al Hasyr : 21-24.

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ�

Page 147: ar-ruqyah


COND – conditional particle

شرط !�ف

(59:21:2)anzalnāWe (had) sent down

V – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا رفع محل في متصل فاعل


DEM – masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

ا�ا�� ا�3


PN – accusative masculine proper noun → Quran

منصوب ع&3 ا�3


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(59:21:6)jabalina mountain,

N – genitive masculine indefinite noun

�ج� � ا�3

(59:21:7)lara-aytahusurely you (would) have seen it

EMPH – emphatic prefix lāmV – 2nd person masculine singular perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

التوكيد )ام ا�لام محل في متصل ض ي� والتاء ماض فعل محل في متصل ض ي� والهاء فاعل رفع

به مفعول نصب(59:21:8)khāshiʿanhumbled,

N – accusative masculine singular indefinite active participle

Page 149: ar-ruqyah

(59:21:9)mutaṣaddiʿanbreaking asunder

N – accusative masculine indefinite (form V) active participle

منصوب ا�3(59:21:10)minfrom

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(59:21:11)khashyati(the) fear

N – genitive feminine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(59:21:12)l-lahi(of) Allah.

PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

�ج� � ا�جلا�� لفظ

(59:21:13)watil'kaAnd these

REM – prefixed resumption particleDEM – feminine singular demonstrative pronoun

ا�تئ�افي� ا��اا�ا�� ا�3


N – nominative masculine plural noun

مرفوع ا�3

(59:21:15)naḍribuhāWe present them

V – 1st person plural imperfect verbPRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

« مضارع فعل ض ي�» �ا محل في متصل به مفعول نصب

(59:21:16)lilnnāsito the people

P – prefixed preposition lāmN – genitive masculine plural noun

�ج� � جا�

(59:21:17)laʿallahumso that they may

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

Page 151: ar-ruqyah

(59:21:18)yatafakkarūnagive thought.

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

رفع محل في متصل ض ي� ا��ا مضارع فعل فاعل


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(59:22:2)l-lahu(is) Allah,

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع ا�جلا�� لفظ

(59:22:3)alladhīthe One Who,

REL – masculine singular relative pronoun

موصول ا�3

(59:22:4)lā(there is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل �افي� »


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب ا�3


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أادا�


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�

(59:22:8)ʿālimu(the) All-Knower

N – nominative masculine active participle

مرفوع ا�3

Page 152: ar-ruqyah

(59:22:9)l-ghaybi(of) the unseen

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(59:22:10)wal-shahādatiand the witnessed.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive feminine noun

عاط�� ا��ا�ج� � ا�3


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ض ي�(59:22:12)l-raḥmānu(is) the Most Gracious,

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع ا�3

(59:22:13)l-raḥīmuthe Most Merciful.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

����ف�ع� ص


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(59:23:2)l-lahu(is) Allah,

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع الجاللة لفظ

(59:23:3)alladhīthe One Who,

REL – masculine singular relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(59:23:4)lā(there is) no

NEG – negative particle

أن» عمل تعمل نافية »

Page 153: ar-ruqyah


N – accusative masculine singular noun

منصوب اسم


EXP – exceptive particle

استثناء أداة


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(59:23:8)l-malikuthe Sovereign,

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective → King

مرفوعة صفة

(59:23:9)l-qudūsuthe Holy One,

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

مرفوعة صفة

(59:23:10)l-salāmuthe Giver of Peace,

ADJ – nominative masculine adjective

مرفوعة صفة

(59:23:11)l-mu'minuthe Giver of Security,

ADJ – nominative masculine (form IV) active participle

مرفوعة صفة

(59:23:12)l-muhayminuthe Guardian,

ADJ – nominative masculine (form II) active participle

مرفوعة صفة

(59:23:13)l-ʿazīzuthe All-Mighty,

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

مرفوعة صفة

(59:23:14)l-jabāruthe Irresistible,

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

Page 155: ar-ruqyah

(59:23:15)l-mutakabiruthe Supreme.

ADJ – nominative masculine (form V) active participle

مرفوعة صفة

(59:23:16)sub'ḥānaGlory (be to)

N – accusative masculine noun

منصوب اسم


PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(59:23:18)ʿammāfrom what

P – prepositionSUB – subordinating conjunction

جر حرفمصدري حرف

(59:23:19)yush'rikūnathey associate (with Him).

V – 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعلفاعل رفع محل في


PRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

منفصل ضمير

(59:24:2)l-lahu(is) Allah,

PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع الجاللة لفظ

(59:24:3)l-khāliquthe Creator,

ADJ – nominative masculine active participle

مرفوعة صفة

(59:24:4)l-bāri-uthe Inventor,

ADJ – nominative masculine active participle

مرفوعة صفة

Page 156: ar-ruqyah

(59:24:5)l-muṣawiruthe Fashioner.

ADJ – nominative masculine (form II) active participle

مرفوعة صفة

(59:24:6)lahuFor Him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(59:24:7)l-asmāu(are) the names

N – nominative masculine plural noun

مرفوع اسم

(59:24:8)l-ḥus'nāthe beautiful.

ADJ – nominative feminine singular adjective

مرفوعة صفة


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار


REL – relative pronoun

موصول اسم

(59:24:12)fī(is) in

P – preposition

جر حرف

(59:24:13)l-samāwātithe heavens

N – genitive feminine plural noun

مجرور اسم

Page 157: ar-ruqyah

(59:24:14)wal-arḍiand the earth.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

عاطفة الواومجرور اسم

(59:24:15)wahuwaAnd He

REM – prefixed resumption particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

استئنافية الواومنفصل ضمير

(59:24:16)l-ʿazīzu(is) the All-Mighty,

N – nominative masculine singular noun

مرفوع اسم

(59:24:17)l-ḥakīmuthe All-Wise.

ADJ – nominative masculine singular adjective

مرفوعة صفة

Page 159: ar-ruqyah


V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

أا�� فعل

(72:1:2)ūḥiya"It has been revealed

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل

(72:1:3)ilayyato me

P – prepositionPRON – 1st person singular object pronoun

�ج� � جا�


ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

« اخوات من نصب !�ف والهاء» ض ي� انان» ا�3 نصب محل في متصل »


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(72:1:6)nafaruna group

N – nominative masculine indefinite noun

مرفوع ا�3(72:1:7)minaof

P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(72:1:8)l-jinithe jinn,

N – genitive masculine noun → Jinn

�ج� � ا�3

(72:1:9)faqālūand they said,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

Page 161: ar-ruqyah

(72:1:10)innā"Indeed, we

ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

« نصب !�ف ض ي�» �ا نصب محل في متصل ان» ا�3 »


V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا رفع محل في متصل فاعل

(72:1:12)qur'ānana Quran

PN – accusative masculine indefinite proper noun → Quran

منصوب ع&3 ا�3


ADJ – accusative masculine singular indefinite adjective

����ص�4� ص

(72:2:1)yahdīIt guides

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل


P – preposition

ج� !�ف

(72:2:3)l-rush'dithe right way,

N – genitive masculine noun

�ج� � ا�3

(72:2:4)faāmannāso we believe

CAUS – prefixed particle of causeV – 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

�ببي� الفاء« ماض فعل ض ي�» �ا رفع محل في متصل


Page 162: ar-ruqyah

(72:2:5)bihiin it,

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

�ج� � جا�

(72:2:6)walanand never

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

(72:2:7)nush'rikawe will associate

V – 1st person plural (form IV) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

منصوب مضارع فعل

(72:2:8)birabbināwith our Lord

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

�ج� � جا� » ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل


N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(72:3:1)wa-annahuAnd that He -

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

عاط�� ا��ا« اخوات من نصب !�ف والهاء» ض ي� ان

ان» ا�3 نصب محل في متصل »

(72:3:2)taʿālāExalted is

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

Page 163: ar-ruqyah

(72:3:3)jaddu(the) Majesty

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع ا�3

(72:3:4)rabbinā(of) our Lord -

N – genitive masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« �ج� � ا�3 ض ي�» �ا 4ا)اضاف� ج� محل في متصل


NEG – negative particle

نفي !�ف

(72:3:6)ittakhadhaHe has taken

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(72:3:7)ṣāḥibatana wife

N – accusative feminine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(72:3:8)walāand not

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)NEG – negative particle

عاط�� ا��انفي !�ف

(72:3:9)waladana son,

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب ا�3

(72:4:1)wa-annahuAnd that he

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

عاطفة الواو« اخوات من نصب حرف والهاء» ان اسم نصب محل في متصل ضمير

ان» »

Page 164: ar-ruqyah

(72:4:2)kānaused to

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل

(72:4:3)yaqūluspeak -

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(72:4:4)safīhunāthe foolish among us

N – nominative masculine nounPRON – 1st person plural possessive pronoun

« مرفوع اسم ضمير» نا في متصل وباالضافة جر محل


P – preposition

جر حرف


PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(72:4:7)shaṭaṭanan excessive transgression.

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(72:5:1)wa-annāAnd that we

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

عاطفة الواو« اخوات من نصب حرف « » نا» و ان اسم نصب محل في متصل ضمير

ان» »


V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ضمير» نا في متصل و

Page 166: ar-ruqyah


SUB – subordinating conjunction

مصدري حرف


NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف

(72:5:5)taqūlawill say

V – 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

منصوب مضارع فعل

(72:5:6)l-insuthe men

N – nominative masculine noun

مرفوع اسم

(72:5:7)wal-jinuand the jinn,

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – nominative masculine noun → Jinn

عاطفة الواومرفوع اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف


PN – genitive proper noun → Allah

مجرور الجاللة لفظ

(72:5:10)kadhibanany lie.

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(72:6:1)wa-annahuAnd that

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

عاطفة الواو« اخوات من نصب حرف والهاء» ان اسم نصب محل في متصل ضمير

Page 168: ar-ruqyah

(72:6:2)kāna(there) were

V – 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

ماض فعل


N – nominative masculine plural indefinite noun

مرفوع اسم


P – preposition

جر حرف


N – genitive masculine noun

مجرور اسم

(72:6:6)yaʿūdhūnawho sought refuge

V – 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

متصل ضمير والواو مضارع فعلفاعل رفع محل في

(72:6:7)birijālinin (the) men

P – prefixed preposition biN – genitive masculine plural indefinite noun

ومجرور جار


P – preposition

جر حرف

(72:6:9)l-jinithe jinn,

N – genitive masculine noun → Jinn

مجرور اسم

(72:6:10)fazādūhumso they increased them

CAUS – prefixed particle of causeV – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural

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(72:6:11)rahaqan(in) burden.

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(72:7:1)wa-annahumAnd that they

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

عاطفة الواو« اخوات من نصب حرف « » هم» و ان

اسم نصب محل في متصل ضميران» »


V – 3rd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

في متصل ضمير والواو ماض فعلفاعل رفع محل


P – prefixed preposition kaSUB – subordinating conjunction

ومجرور جار

(72:7:4)ẓanantumyou thought

V – 2nd person masculine plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

في متصل ضمير والتاء ماض فعلفاعل رفع محل


SUB – subordinating conjunction

مصدري حرف


NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف

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(72:7:7)yabʿathawill raise

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

منصوب مضارع فعل


PN – nominative proper noun → Allah

مرفوع الجاللة لفظ


N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

(72:8:1)wa-annāAnd that we

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

عاطفة الواو« اخوات من نصب حرف « » نا» و ان اسم نصب محل في متصل ضمير

ان» »

(72:8:2)lamasnāsought to touch

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ضمير» نا في متصل وفاعل رفع محل

(72:8:3)l-samāathe heaven

N – accusative feminine noun

منصوب اسم

(72:8:4)fawajadnāhābut we found it

CONJ – prefixed conjunction fa (and)V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronounPRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

عاطفة الفاء« ماض فعل ضمير» نا في متصل و« فاعل رفع محل ضمير» ها متصل و

Page 173: ar-ruqyah

(72:8:5)muli-atfilled (with)

V – 3rd person feminine singular passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل


N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم


ADJ – accusative masculine singular indefinite adjective

منصوبة صفة

(72:8:8)washuhubanand flaming fires.

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

عاطفة الواومنصوب اسم

(72:9:1)wa-annāAnd that we

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

عاطفة الواو« اخوات من نصب حرف « » نا» و ان اسم نصب محل في متصل ضمير

ان» »

(72:9:2)kunnāused to

V – 1st person plural perfect verbPRON – subject pronoun

« ماض فعل ضمير» نا في متصل وكان» اسم رفع محل »


V – 1st person plural imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(72:9:4)min'hāthere in

P – prepositionPRON – 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

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N – accusative masculine plural noun

منصوب اسم

(72:9:6)lilssamʿifor hearing,

P – prefixed preposition lāmN – genitive masculine noun

ومجرور جار

(72:9:7)famanbut (he) who

REM – prefixed resumption particleCOND – conditional noun

استئنافية الفاءشرط اسم


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل


T – accusative time adverb

منصوب زمان ظرف

(72:9:10)yajidwill find

V – 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

مجزوم مضارع فعل

(72:9:11)lahufor him

P – prefixed preposition lāmPRON – 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(72:9:12)shihābana flaming fire

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم


ADJ – accusative masculine indefinite adjective

منصوبة صفة

Page 176: ar-ruqyah

(72:10:1)wa-annāAnd that we -

CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)ACC – accusative particlePRON – 1st person plural object pronoun

عاطفة الواو« اخوات من نصب حرف « » نا» و ان اسم نصب محل في متصل ضمير

ان» »


NEG – negative particle

نفي حرف

(72:10:3)nadrīwe know

V – 1st person plural imperfect verb

مضارع فعل

(72:10:4)asharrunwhether evil

INTG – prefixed interrogative alifN – nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

استفهام همزة الهمزةمرفوع اسم

(72:10:5)urīdais intended

V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive perfect verb

للمجهول مبني ماض فعل

(72:10:6)bimanfor (those) who

P – prefixed preposition biREL – relative pronoun

ومجرور جار

(72:10:7)fī(are) in

P – preposition

جر حرف

(72:10:8)l-arḍithe earth

N – genitive feminine noun → Earth

مجرور اسم

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CONJ – coordinating conjunction

عطف حرف


V – 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

ماض فعل

(72:10:11)bihimfor them

P – prefixed preposition biPRON – 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

ومجرور جار

(72:10:12)rabbuhumtheir Lord

N – nominative masculine nounPRON – 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

« مرفوع اسم ضمير» هم متصل وباالضافة جر محل في

(72:10:13)rashadana right path.

N – accusative masculine indefinite noun

منصوب اسم

م3 و1 م5 م4 &. ر م� ٱ� ـ+ ر و! ر.� م3 ٱ� م!ي ر.� ٱ� 13. Al Ihklash. 14. Al Falaq 15. An Naas
