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Brecklandbelle Classic Carriage Wedding car for your special day

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NPN 292 April 2014 NPN Contact: 07908382566 e-mail: [email protected] Postal address: 21 Canberra Road, Carbrooke, IP25 6GQ Village website Deadline for April Edition: April 16th Printed by Blackwell Print

From The Editor April at least for me has always been a month I’ve liked. The wet weather that puts us to misery over the winter and early-spring normally vacates itself from our great country, allowing the sun (yes, that good old friend) to burst through the clouds and brighten up our days! Well at least that’s the plan anyway. Easter of course comes at the end of April, with Easter Sunday on the 20th. Looking back at my childhood, I can only look and laugh when recalling a ‘Easter picnic’ I had in one of my first years at Primary School. We were allowed to bring in some teddies/soft toys for the day and whilst we were playing games and eating out on the fields, one classmate of mine (whose name nor face I cannot remember) decided it would be funny to throw some of the soft-toys into one of the playground-tree’s. Before our teacher and his mum could stop him, he had thrown some toys up. Luckily for my friends and I most of them were his. I can still just about picture a small Winnie the Pooh (remember that lovable bear?) cuddly toy caught up in the branches of a small oak tree. Online-editions of the New Penny News are now found on the Parish Council’s website via Recent past-editions have been uploaded. Don't forget if you would rather read the New Penny News online than receive a printed copy then just let me know by emailing me. May we all have a good month ahead. Don’t eat too many Easter Eggs! Adam

What’s on Carbrooke Bar in the Village Hall is open Friday evening 7.30 - 11.00 p.m. All welcome, membership not required. . Mobile Library: (Every four weeks on Mondays 10:10 to 10:30 Coronation Hall - Playgroup 10:35 to 10:45 Church Street 10:50 to 11:00 Mill Lane (near Chapel) Salmon Road has not been dropped, it has been moved to a Tuesday route. 14:40 to 15:00 For more details call 01953 881617 Modern Sequence Dance Club: Meets Thurs 7.30 - 10.00 p.m., Village Hall Pre-School: Mon 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Tues - Fri 9 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. Village Hall Phoenix Martial Arts: Mondays 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. Village Hall. Treetots Playgroup: Meets at the Blenheim Centre, Tedder Close, Watton. Mon 9 a.m. - 3.15 p.m., Tues - Fri until 2.45 p.m. WATTON RADIO MODEL CLUB - Dave Thomas 01953 881683—Last Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm for 8.00pm - Carbrooke Village Hall—Jan/Feb/Mar/April/Sept/Oct. November AGM to be first Wednesday of December—All Summer meetings on Fen Site Flying Field Parish Council meeting Monday 14th April

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Well I ha’a scrap round t’git this mardle dun afor the dead line. I recon thas a cos o’this warm weather (mid March)mean I ha bin a warkin in the gardin all day. When I draw back in doors I ha bin to warn out t’git me old computa out. I told the Mis-sus, if this warm weather keep a’goin I’m a goin t’teak my old string vest orf now instead o’waitin til the 1st April.........She dint say anything....she just gi me one o’har looks. I hant bin a gettin things to forad in the garden cos old mother nature have a nasty habit of catchin you out. Thas bin a wet winter but this bit o’sun und wind hev dried the old land out. I see a tractor a’pullin sum land down tuther day and there were sum dust a’blowin behind it. That seem a rummin but we ha got Catkins, Primroses und Daffodils all a showin at the same time. As I hev said afor old mother nature could still send us sum cold weather that could nip orf all the new shoots. Farmers a lambin sheep will be suffin pleased t’see this warm weather. Most on um will hev the sheep inside t’lamb but arter the lambs are born thy’ll want t’git them und their mothers out onta grass as soon as possible. There’s nothin worse than havin the weather tun bad once yu tuned them out. The little old lambs ull get cold und wet, even if the old ewe is givin plenty o’milk, any weak lambs will soon be-come tucked up. The thing is once the ewes und lambs are tunned out that ull du them more harm than good if yu bring um back in agin,..... even it yu hed the room. I know yu shount look back.... but I were a havin a look at a Norfolk Young Farmers year book for 1964. Yis I am in it . What I were a lookin at were the advertisements by local agricultural firms. There were thirty one on um. Only four on um are still a’goin fifty year later. One on um sell cars now, one’s in Insurance, another is a Builder und the last an Auctioneer, who my Missus’s Father warked for, thar still agoin although they dont hev any weekly livestock markets. All them firms provided wark. What that du show is how Norfolk farms hev got bigger und livestock hev disappeared. Them boys up a Carra Rood seem t’be a hangin on, they seem t’be a meakin a rear job on it though. I recon even if they du keep up w’the big boys there’ll be new new man in charge cum September. They tell me they want sum more help on the Millennium Green in the village. Sum folk hev left the committee. The Green is well established and is a growin livin thing. You ha got t’give Mother Nature a hand sum time. There must be sum on yar who could lend a’hand so we can pass the Green onta the next generation. Fare ye well t’gether und du yu keep a troshin.

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Local Directory

Parish Council Clerk: Tom Thurston : email: [email protected] Phone: 01953 881086 Ash Tree Park (Man Co.) Contact Jill Roberts 883546 [email protected] Beech Tree Park (Man Co.) Chris Hill Estate Manager & Director 9 Halton Rd Carbrooke IP25 6JN Maid Marion (Man Co) Ms B Carter 3 Dickson Rd Carbrooke IP25 6JQ Blenheim Grange Residents’ Assoc Phil Sampher [email protected] Breckland Council Chief Planning Officer, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham . 01362 656870 Breckland Councillor John Rogers, Bonne Nuit. 01953 883663 [email protected] Breckland Customer Service 01362 656870 2nd Watton (RAF) Brownies: Kate Winslow, 483476 (Thurs 6.15 - 7.45 p.m.) Carbrooke Church: Rector Revd Jane Atkins 01760 441191. Parish Office 881252 (Tues, Wed, Thurs 9.00am - 1.00pm) Carbrooke Pre-School: Supervisor: Melanie Findon – 07729 190 165 Mon 09:00 – 12:30 & Tues – Fri – 09:00 – 15:00 Children Aged 2 to School Age Chairperson: Gemma Long – Carbrooke School: Head: Nick Kings, 881537, Secretary: Jacqui Morphew PTA: Vicky Earl, c/o The School Carbrooke Heritage Group: Email: [email protected] Web: FaceBook: Carbrooke History and Heritage County Councillor: Stan Hebborn 07557634892 [email protected] Cycling Club Breckland: Mrs M Saunders, Thatched Cottage, Church Street. 885576 Doctor (Watton Medical Practice), 881247 Doctor (The Surgery, Chapel St, Shipdham), 01362 820225 Mobile Library: (Every four weeks on Mondays 10.35—10.45 Salmond Rd, 10.55—11.10 Treetops 11.15—11.40 Church Street, 11.45—11.55 Mill Lane Near Old Chapel For more details call 01953 881617 Maid Marion Way (Man Co): Chairman M Carr, 18 Newall Avenue Modern Sequence Dance Club: Brian Wells, 01603 412809. Meets Thurs 7.30 - 10.00 p.m. Norfolk Bus Information: Traveline: 0871 200 22 33 ( Konectbus: 01362 851210 ( Police: 01603 768769 ; Safer Neighbourhood Team 0845 456 4567 Crime Stoppers: 0800 555111. New Direct Number 101 (999 is still the emergency number) Phoenix Martial Arts: Ages 5 upwards. Mondays 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. Village Hall. 01953 882260 or 07811 196080 Treetots Playgroup: Gill Wakeling, 883506 or 07743 097618. Meets at the Blenheim Centre, Tedder Close, Watton. (Mon 9.00 a.m. - 3.15 p.m., Tues - Fri until 2.45 p.m.) (Parents and Little ’Uns, Tues 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. (term times). Village Hall—Chairman & Treasurer, Village Bar: John Fowler, Bramley, Shipdham Rd, Carbrooke, IP25 6ST, 07794422301. [email protected] Village Hall—Vice Chairman & Secretary: Brian Wells, 30 Bernham Road, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 5QQ, 01603 412809. Village Hall—Booking Clerk: Julia Fowler, Bramley, Shipdham Rd, Carbrooke, IP25 6ST, 07742921469, Email: [email protected] Village Hall website: Wayland Community High School: 881514, Fax 885677 Wayland Partnership, Wayland House, Watton 883915 Watton Radio Model Club: Dave Thomas, 01953 881683. Last Wednesday of each month, 7:30pm-8.00pm Wayland Carers Social Group: Jean Watson, 881842. 2 - 4 p.m., 2nd Thurs each month

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Carbrooke Church News This is the season of Lent, as we prepare for Easter. We often take the opportunity to take stock of ourselves and our lives. Many people give up something they enjoy, or try to live a simpler life, the improving weather can give us the incentive to do a bit of spring cleaning too. Perhaps it was fitting that on Ash Wednesday (5th March) and the first day of Lent, we were able to pay tribute to Judy Trollope at her funeral. Judy and David Trollope moved into the village 17 years ago, where David was Farm Manager, helped by Judy and lived at Oaklands Farm on Shipdham Road. Judy was involved in many aspects of Carbrooke life, particularly as a member of the PCC and as Church warden. Several years ago they moved to Hingham, where again Judy became involved in community activities, and served as President of the local ‘Womens Institute’. Judy was a wonderful person, kind and compassionate, with a sensible attitude to life, and always making time to stop, chat and take an interest in whatever you were doing. Judy died at a relatively young age and is a sad loss to us. As we contemplate our lives during Lent, and how we can improve ourselves, we would do well to remem-ber how Judy carried herself, considered others, and aim to emulate her attitude to life and others. ‘She is Gone’ by David Harkin, and read by Judy’s daughter. You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back, or you can open your eyes and see all she has left. Your heart can be empty because you can't see her, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember her and only that she's gone, or you can cherish her memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on

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mail the editor, adam, at

At our meeting on 19th February, we discussed how our Footpath project was

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the npn requires volunteers to distribute npn copies around blenheim grange. if anyone can spare a couple of hours a month can you please e-mail the editor, adam, at [email protected] for more information

Carbrooke Heritage Group At our meeting on 19th February, we discussed how our Footpath project was progressing, we have sent in all our findings to UEA, although we have not heard anything back yet. We hope to log the Fen pathways on 10th April at 10am, (flora, fauna and interesting points), so if anybody would like to take part, meet up at the Fen Farm pathway. We are planning a trip to the Norfolk Records Office on 16 April, please get in contact if you would like to come along, so that we can arrange transport and entry. We discussed how we can get involved with the Wayland Heritage project to commemo-rate WW1, and would like to hear from anyone who has family stories or family memories of how the war affected Carbrooke, family, employment, and after affects. I have recently been contacted by an American couple whose family has connections to Carbrooke and Woodrising in the 1800’s (The Sayer Family), as they are visiting, we have invited them to look around our area, and to a tea party in the village, (5th or 6th of June, arrangements haven’t been finalised), again if anyone would like to get involved and meet with them, please get in contact. Although they have arranged to stay in a local bed and breakfast, if anyone would like to accommodate them for 3 nights, they would be delighted. We have recently discovered that at the back of the Churchyard (on the left) we have a ‘Babies Graveyard’, this is where babies and young children would have been buried in years gone by, if they died before being baptised, there are no markers, but if anyone has knowledge of babies in their family being buried here, please let us know. Web: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Carbrooke History and Heritage Contact: Angela Weatherill 885353

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Carbrooke ‘Faith Hope & Charity’ Church Lottery: Sunday, 16th March, drawn by Rev. Jane Atkins 11.30am over our coffee and biscuits. The winners were: 1st (£40) Jan Godfrey (No:1) 2nd (£20) Angela Weatherill for Carbrooke PCC (No:21) 3rd (£15) Kristine Grix (No:96 ) Draws take place in the Church, every 3rd Sunday, prizes of (1st Prize: £40) (2nd Prize: £20) (3rd Prize: £15). April Events & News For Carbrooke Church 6th Family Communion 10.30am 13th PALM SUNDAY All Age Worship 10.30am 16th (Wednesday) Holy Communion 7.30pm 18th GOOD FRIDAY MEDITATION 2pm 20th EASTER SUNDAY, Holy Communion 10.30am Carbrooke Lottery Draw follows. 27th Lay Led Service 10.30am 4th May Family Communion 10.30am All are welcome to our varied services which are followed by coffee, biscuits and a chance to chat. Afternoon Tea and Cake will be served in the Village Hall on Friday 25th April 2pm. Come along, bring your children, or your parents! We have been learning to knit and crochet, so if this is something you like to do bring it along, but if you prefer, just come to sit and chat. 28th April Church PCC Annual General Meeting 7pm in the Church. All welcome Carbrooke Church website accessed through ‘A church near you’ or directly Facebook page ‘Carbrooke Church’, keep up with services, events and activities. For more information contact Angela Weatherill (01953 885353)

Saturday 10th May, 7pm CARBROOKE CHURCH

Keith Skipper, a Norfolk treasure, presents an eve-

ning of ‘Norfolk squit' and music. To raise funds for Carbrooke Church.

Tickets £8 inc. wine & refreshments,

accompanied children free.

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Farming Notes—April 2013 The rain has finally stopped and it is all hands to the pump or should I say the plough. Spring drilling is now well underway and – fingers firmly crossed on this one – might be finished by the time you read this article. It is a relief after the last two months of twiddling our fingers. In fact, the “quiet” period has allowed us to reroof barns, dig up tree stumps, cut hedges and clear out ditches among other things so it has been time well spent.

But now the real work has begun. First to be drilled has been the spring barley – just over 200 acres worth which will hopefully provide a crop that is suitable for beer or whisky. Next on the cards is just under one hundred acres each of peas and beans. Finally, we have around 350 acres of sugar beet to put in. Sugar beet is one of the mainstays of the farm. Alongside wheat and oilseed rape, it is the crop that we hope will provide us with the profit margins we need. For the first time in many years, farmers across the country have managed to negotiate a good price for the beet after a tense stand-off with British Sugar so we hope a suc-cessful growing season now follows to give us the yields. The wheat and oilseed rape crops, meanwhile, look as though they have survived the winter well. Planted in the autumn, they have not had to survive hard frosts like last year and seem to have avoided being damaged by the flocks of pigeons that descend on the fields to eat over the winter. Prices for these crops appear to be on the up as well. It might seem surprising, but these better prices are mainly to do with whether Russia is planning to send its tanks into all or part of Ukraine. The latter has always been one of the biggest pro-ducers of wheat in Europe so now the markets are concerned that the political situation in the country might mean that significantly less of the crop is produced there so causing a potential global shortage. As a result, the grain price has gone up. So what is my biggest concern at the moment? Dare I say it but it’s a drought! After all the rain, I have a niggling worry in the back of my head that we will see no more of it and all those crops being sown now will be unable to germinate and flourish. Oh to be a pessimistic farmer! Ed Buscall

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Minutes of the Meeting of Carbrooke Parish Council held on Monday 10th March 2014 in Scoulton Village Hall

Present: D Muller (Chairperson), E Buscall, P Sampher, N Webster, M Wormall. T Thurston (Clerk) Also present. J Rogers, (District Councillor). S Hebborn (County Councillor) 1) Apologies for absence: Councillors S Dunn and J Hind. 2) Declaration of Interests: Councillors Sampher & Wormall. Any Items regarding the Blenheim Grange. 3) Minutes of the meeting held on February 10th 2014: It was resolved to approve these minutes as a true and correct record of what took place at the meeting. The min-utes were duly signed . 4) Matters Arising: The clerk had obtained prices for the purchase of dog bins for Blen-heim Grange. Councillor Sampher had contacted Taylor Wimpey to see if they would provide funding for the purchase of the dog bins. As he had not received a reply to his request it was AGREED to made the dog bins an agenda item at the next meeting.

The clerk reported that the cost of purchasing the fencing panels to be erected between the Village Hall and the adjoining property was £290.

The Clerk had received a letter from Mr Gerald Morris of Wood Farm. He confirmed that the problem atic branches on the tree near the bus shelter had been removed by Mr Alun Gibbs

5) Suspension of meeting for public interest: Mr Gibbs asked if the Parish Council could contact Anglia Water regarding the recent failure of the sewage system in the Broad-moor, Mill lane area of the village. Residents had been unable to flush their toilets and other residents had raw sewage overflowing into their Gardens.

Although Anglia Water had dealt promptly with these events Mr Gibbs was concerned about the long term viability of the system. After discussion it was AGREED that the clerk should write to Anglia Water, with copies to Norfolk County Council & Breckland District Council, asking them what measures they were taking to prevent this happening again and if there were any plans to upgrade the sewage system in the village.

Mr Gibbs also asked why the Parish Council were meeting at Scoulton and not in the new committee room at the Village hall. Councillor Muller explained that the meeting had to be moved at short notice from the Village School. To comply with the rules...

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...regarding the display of the agenda three working days before a meeting. The Council had not been aware that the the committee room was ready until after this deadline.

6) Planning Applications: Applications 3PL/2013/1219/LB & 3PL/2013/12118/F for the renovation of farmhouse and bungalow at Wood Farm had been approved.

7) Correspondence: From a resident in Drury Lane asking when the pot holes outside his property were going to be repaired. The Clerk reported that he had register this work on the Norfolk Highways website.

A resident on Blenheim Grange had contacted the clerk complaining about the presence of vermin on the rough ground between her property and the SPAR mini-market. The Clerk had attempted , on several occasions, to contact the land owners Devirgo, about the problem.

Another Blenheim Grange resident had contacted the clerk about a dangerous hazard on the footpath/cycle way on the Norwich Road. A manhole cover had been removed and the hole fitted up with tarmac. This finished below the surrounding path level caus-ing a trip hazard. The Clerk had informed the County Council’s Highways Department and the tarmac was now level withe the surrounding path.

The Clerk had made Norfolk Highways aware of the laying water on the road between Caudle Springs and Drury Lane. It would appear that a drain grating had been tarmac over. The Highway Engineers are discussing with Carbrooke Estates to resolve this issue.

The Clerk had received notification that in order to save money the Norfolk Library Service are proposing to move the mobile libraries to a 8 week cycle. This would enable them to dispense with two library vans.

The Council had received a letter from a Blenheim Grange resident. This resident had been trying to negotiate the recent roadworks at the entrance of Blenheim Grange on her electric trike. While trying to go round the roadworks she was sworn at by one of the workmen involved Councillors Sampher and Wormall were aware of this incident and AGREED to try and get an apology from the firm and workman involved.

8) Finances: Account balances. Community a/c £6718 Tracker a/c £51922 (money held for the Blenheim Grange Project Group) Cheques signed. Veolia £32.69p (recycling waste) Norfolk Rural Community Council. £36 (PAYEE ) T Thurston £42.35p (clerk’s ex-penses).

The clerk had received a letter from Breckland DC stating that they had agreed to pay the Parish Council £1497.35p. This was to offset any potential adverse impact in the...

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Rainfall in Mill Lane, In February By Walter Muskett

2000: 53mm 2010: 82mm HIGH

2001: 76mm 2011: 43mm

2002: 51mm 2012: 13mm LOW

2003: 21m 2013: 42mm

2004: 72mm 2014: 75mm

2005: 53mm

2006: 50mm

2007: 77mm

2008: 26mm

2009: 62mm

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..reduction of the Council Tax base caused by the Localised Council Tax Support scheme. Councillor Wormall raised the question of 106 funding from Blenheim Grange. Council-lor Rogers told the Councillors it was important to apply for 106 funding when Bennett Homes applied for planning permission for their proposed development on the old Offi-cers Mess site. 9) Consider 2014 Funding bids: It was AGREED to adjoin this matter to the April meeting. 10) Consider 2014 Charity Donations: It was agreed to adjoin this to the April meeting. The Councillors AGREED that the Council should consider purchasing a defibrillator for the village. The clerk was asked to obtain some prices for a machine and was also to find out how other villages who had a defibrillator had obtained training in its use. 11) Electoral Review of Breckland: The Councillors AGREED that they had no comments that they wished to make to the review body. 12) Blenheim Grange Update: Heads of Terms Document—The Clerk reported that the solicitors were still discussing this document. This document mainly concerned Oasis Ltd and the Developers led by Taylor Wimpey. Play Area—The Clerk reported that Oasis Ltd had received plans and costings from Miracle Design and Play Ltd. The cost of the equipment was £40,000 and the cost of landscaping was £40,000. The Clerk had agreed with Bob Tash from Oasis Ltd that this was unacceptable. Bob Tash has asked the Designers to come up with a new design taking into account the wishes of the Blenheim Residents as to the type of play equipment they had nominated for the play area. The Clerk also told the meeting that he had been contacted by Shelley Power who wished to arrange a meeting of the Blenheim Project Group. Revised footpath - The clerk informed the Councillors that Taylor Wimpey and Bennett Homes were in discussion about the exit point of the footpath onto the proposed Ben-nett development. Bennett homes had said that while they are happy to discuss the footpath their land is still privately owned and they (Bennetts) do not wish to encourage unauthorized access it until the development was completed. Proposed Community Centre - The Clerk informed the Councillors he had received a reply from George Freeman MP stating that he would be delighted to support any funding application made for community facilities. The letter contained four possible fundings leads. These had been investigated by the clerk and Councillor Wormall. Only one of the four listed may have some potential. Councillor Rogers indicated that there was a £508,000 funding pot at Breckland Council It was AGREED that the clerk should write to the leader of Breckland Council asking for a £100,000 grant to go towards a new com-munity building on Blenheim Grange. This proposed building could be used by all of the Norwich Road Estates.

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The Clerk also informed the meeting that he had spoken to a Mr Barry Duffin from Norfolk Rural Community Council. who was the Development officer for Breckland. The Clerk reported that he (Mr Duffin) had experience of helping with community centre projects. It was AGREED that the clerk should convene a meeting Mr Duffin and the Blen-heim Grange Councillors. 13) Representatives Reports: Millennium Green—Councillor Webster reported that the next committee meeting was on March 26th. More Trustees were required as there were now only two on the committee. Village Hall—Councillor Webster reported that the committee room at the Hall was now ready for use. Councillor Hebborn—Nothing to report. Councillor Rogers—Said that he had asked the Manor Farm Planning Application to be visited by a Planning Inspector as the building on the application was situated very near a listed property. Councillor Rogers also told the Councillors that the cost of next years elections would not cost the Parish Council as much as they had budgeted for. This was because there were to be three different elections held on one day. Blenheim Grange Residents Association—Councillor Wormall reported that the PCSO’s day had been very successful and that the PCSOs would now be using the port a-cabin as a drop-in-centre. He also reported that events for Easter were bring organized for the estate residents. Village School—Councillor Sampher had not received a school report. He did report that cold call canvassers who were active on Blenheim Grange. When challenged they stated that they had PCSOs permission. The PCSOs later confirmed that no permission had been given. New Penny News—Councillor Nind had asked if the title of the NPN could be “All the Parish News and Views ” rather than “All the Village News and Views”. Councillor Muller confirmed that this would be changed for the next issue. 14) Future Agenda Items: Consider 2014 Funding bids Consider 2014 Charity Donations Dog bins for Blenheim Grange. Purchase of “Keep Off” notices for Pill Box near Airolite Garage. Date of next meeting. Monday 14th April 2014 Meeting closed at 8.55pm

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Message from the Revd Jane On 20th April is Easter Day and we celebrate the risen Lord Jesus, but on the 30th March we celebrate Mothering Sunday, or Mother’s Day, as it is often called. If you are receiving this magazine before the end of March, you might like to think about joining us. In church, we struggle to attract young families; Sundays are always so busy with shopping, hobbies, visiting, walking the dog, washing the car. This Mothering Sunday is very different in Carbrooke Church. There is no priest, no ministers, but the service is lead by the children who attend Mrs Denton’s Carbrooke Young Believers’ Club, an after school club for children wanting to explore the Christian faith, incorporating drama and sometimes singing too. Children are very important. When we are bringing up children, we become so busy, so tired, so stretched that we often forget that children are their parents' guests. They come into the space that has been created for them, stay for a while - fifteen, twenty, or twenty-five years - and leave again to create their own space. Although parents speak about "our son" and "our daughter," their children are not their property. In many ways children are strangers. Parents have to come to know them, discover their strengths and their weaknesses, and guide them to matur-ity, allowing them to make their own decisions. The greatest gift parents can give their children is love. We need to create a space in which our children grow, free from anxiety, encouraging them to develop confidence in themselves and find the freedom to choose their own ways in life. God is perfect love. He is our parent, our father, our mother, he takes away our anxieties and allows us to grow. Think about allowing your child the choice of joining us this Easter. You may have missed Mothering Sunday, but there are lots of other Sundays this year. Let us learn together about the God who loves us so much, he died for us. Happy Easter!!!

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BLENHEIM GRANGE EASTER FUN DAY Saturday 19th April From 12:30 — 3.00pm

There will be an Easter Fun Day on the playing field being the Spar at the Blenheim Grange Estate. There will be stalls, swing-boats, a selection of hot-food, a bouncey castle, children’s entertainer and face painting. We are pleased also to announce that Quazer Lazer Quest will be brining a lazer dome. There will be lots of fun and games so bring the whole family down and have fun!

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April Rise – A Celebration of Spring - Mixed Media Exhibition Saturday 29th March – Saturday 19th April The Dragonfly Gallery, Wayland House, High St, Watton. Opening Times: Weekdays 10.00 - 4.00pm, Saturdays 10.00 - 1.00pm

Our new exhibition, ‘April Rise’ is truly about the joy of Spring; about how our spirits rise with the first green shoots, the start of the dawn chorus, the first violets or primroses. We hope this will inspire our two and three dimensional artists and our photographers to think about how they can interpret this wonderful time of fresh colour, new life and raised spirits using still life, land-scape,jewellery, wood carving, miniatures - in other words every medium and style in the artists’ repertoire. “If ever I saw blessing in the air I see it now in this still early day Where lemon-green the vaporous morning drips Wet sunlight on the powder of my eye” Laurie Lee

Contact Susan Hollingworth for further information 01953 880205 The Dragonfly Gallery, Wayland House, High St, Watton. Opening Times: Weekdays 10.00 - 4.00pm, Saturdays 10.00 - 1.00pm

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Parish Council: Nigel Webster reporting for the Parish council said that the next meeting would discuss the church and grants . He was not sure when the meeting would be held Village Bar: John Fowler said that the till was working and had noticed that it had been zeroed in October . It was stated that this should be reported to the auditors when the accounts are presented. Guy Reynolds had helped John carry out a deep clean of the bar and all the equipment . Guy had also drawn up forms to allow an easy stock check . The chairman gave a list of bar takings which were showing a steady increase Pre-School Group: Gemma Long reported that a permanent manager had been ap-pointed and a new deputy supervisor was required. Gemma will resign as Chairman in July and a new chairman will be required to allow the opening of the pre-school in September. Funding had been received from Norfolk County Council Millennium Green: Nigel Webster said that Richard Dunn had resigned as chair-man and Nigel was chairman at the present time. There are now only two trustees . There is still a problem with dog fouling . Fete: Nothing to report. AOB: None Date of next meeting: Tuesday 4th March 2014 Meeting closed at 9.25pm


7.30pm, Saturday 3rd May 2014 DISCO, BAR, FOOD & RAFFLE

ADMISSION BY TICKET: Single £6, Double £10, Family £12

Tickets available from Village Bar (Friday Evenings) and

John Fowler 07794422301 [email protected] Alun Gibbs 01953884393 [email protected]

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AT 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th February 2014

Those present: John Fowler, Brian Wells, Gemma Long , Julia Fowler, Nigel Web-ster, Jonathan Fowler. Alun Gibbs. Apologies for absence: Darren Dade. Co-option of committee member: The Secretary stated that the constitution allows the committee to co-opt a new member Alun Gibbs be co-opted as a committee member was proposed by Brian Wells , seconded by Gemma Long , and agreed by the meeting Minutes of the meeting 7th January 2014: The minutes were agreed as a correct record and then signed by the Chairman. Matters arising: Brian Wells thanked Gemma Long for the notice of the Facebook page. He noted that the photograph of the hall was showing the old windows . Gemma said she would post a new photograph . .

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Chairman’s Report:

1) Loft insulation - still waiting to do the remainder of the loft insulation. Will try to do this in the half term.

2) Gas Supply - There is 56%.

3) Casual cleaner - has now been hired. Money for this will come from petty cash.

4) Submitted a grant to the Carbrooke Parish Council for repairs to the roof. Waiting to hear. Will be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting, which I have been invited to attend.

5) There are now no keys in the box. Now arranging for trustees or committee members to facilitate tables and chairs.

6) It has been suggested that an air rifle may have been used in the Village Hall car park. If this is the case, this is illegal and the police will be informed if this is correct. Have removed a second dead cat from the front of the Village Hall.

7) No laptops or phones are allowed to be charged in the hall as there is no TV li-cence. When equipment is on batteries it is covered by the owners home license.

8) Bookings - Darren Dade is recovering from an operation. We wish him a speedy recovery.

9) Valentine’s Party - Tickets are slow but I’ve had a lot of enquiries over the past 4 days and hope to sell many more. We do need to try and make sure these fundrais-ers are well attended as funds are urgently needed for the Village Hall.

10) PHS - Have not kept to the agreement as they have not emailed/text prior to their visits and no-one has signed for the service carried out. I shall contact them to discuss.

11) Heating - On Wednesday, we are going to install the new programmer etc.

12) Correspondence - letter received from Breckland regarding food licence to be reviewed.

13) Letter received from the TV Licensing - They are due a visit.

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14) Hall maintenance - we still have to repair the broken window in the portacabin. We are seeking advice on putting a skirt around the exposed base of the Village Hall to reduce heat loss. Need to discuss possibility of trying to improve the appearance of the Hall externally with possible donations from any budding gardeners in the village for items to plant. 15) Village Bar - With a great deal of help from Guy Reynolds, we have managed to get the till working correctly and we found 2 boxes of till rolls. We had been told that these items did not exist. A deep clean was started of the bar and stock checks have been completed last month. All glasses, optics and shelves and beer pipes have now been cleaned and will be done weekly. The bar is open from 19.30 - 23.00 on Fridays and the pool and table tennis tables are now available for all age groups working towards families to attend. 16) Co-option of Alun Gibbs—He is joining as houseman and helping to make sure the Hall is run correctly. He will form a working group with volunteers or tradesmen to do small works on and around the Village Hall. Finance: The Treasurer said that the account balances at 3rd February 2014 were Community account £1856. Business saver account £7269. £182 had been banked from the Bar .Barclays had said that the could not find a better interest rate for the money in the Business Saver account. Some pre-school rent was owing. Invoices were presented and cheques signed for John Fowler, for JV Trading and cleaning materials, Guy Reynolds for Bar equipment Bookings: The Secretary read an email received from Darren Dade He reported that there was a wake to be held in the hall on the 5th February . Arrangements had been made for access to the hall. A problem had arisen because the parish council had changed their meeting to a Monday evening without prior notification. It was suggested that their meeting could be accommodated at 8pm. Sara Dunn had emailed dates for Bingo evenings, 12th March, 16th April, 21st May, 18th June, and informed that the beneficiaries would change . John Fowler had informed the Radio Model club that they could only have a bar free of charge if there was a volunteer to man the bar. No rent had been paid. Correspondence: The secretary read an number of emails from the parish council and the owner of 4 Church Street about the boundary fence. A compilation of the emails will be filed with the minutes of the meeting.

Hall Maintenance: Much had been covered in the Chairman's report. A stone had penetrated a Portakabin window. Alun Gibbs said it should be reported to the police as it may be criminal damage The secretary agreed to do this.

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Chairman’s Report:

1) Loft insulation - still waiting to do the remainder of the loft insulation. Will try to do this in the half term.

2) Gas Supply - There is 56%.

3) Casual cleaner - has now been hired. Money for this will come from petty cash.

4) Submitted a grant to the Carbrooke Parish Council for repairs to the roof. Waiting to hear. Will be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting, which I have been invited to attend.

5) There are now no keys in the box. Now arranging for trustees or committee members to facilitate tables and chairs.

6) It has been suggested that an air rifle may have been used in the Village Hall car park. If this is the case, this is illegal and the police will be informed if this is correct. Have removed a second dead cat from the front of the Village Hall.

7) No laptops or phones are allowed to be charged in the hall as there is no TV li-cence. When equipment is on batteries it is covered by the owners home license.

8) Bookings - Darren Dade is recovering from an operation. We wish him a speedy recovery.

9) Valentine’s Party - Tickets are slow but I’ve had a lot of enquiries over the past 4 days and hope to sell many more. We do need to try and make sure these fundrais-ers are well attended as funds are urgently needed for the Village Hall.

10) PHS - Have not kept to the agreement as they have not emailed/text prior to their visits and no-one has signed for the service carried out. I shall contact them to discuss.

11) Heating - On Wednesday, we are going to install the new programmer etc.

12) Correspondence - letter received from Breckland regarding food licence to be reviewed.

13) Letter received from the TV Licensing - They are due a visit.

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14) Hall maintenance - we still have to repair the broken window in the portacabin. We are seeking advice on putting a skirt around the exposed base of the Village Hall to reduce heat loss. Need to discuss possibility of trying to improve the appearance of the Hall externally with possible donations from any budding gardeners in the village for items to plant. 15) Village Bar - With a great deal of help from Guy Reynolds, we have managed to get the till working correctly and we found 2 boxes of till rolls. We had been told that these items did not exist. A deep clean was started of the bar and stock checks have been completed last month. All glasses, optics and shelves and beer pipes have now been cleaned and will be done weekly. The bar is open from 19.30 - 23.00 on Fridays and the pool and table tennis tables are now available for all age groups working towards families to attend. 16) Co-option of Alun Gibbs—He is joining as houseman and helping to make sure the Hall is run correctly. He will form a working group with volunteers or tradesmen to do small works on and around the Village Hall. Finance: The Treasurer said that the account balances at 3rd February 2014 were Community account £1856. Business saver account £7269. £182 had been banked from the Bar .Barclays had said that the could not find a better interest rate for the money in the Business Saver account. Some pre-school rent was owing. Invoices were presented and cheques signed for John Fowler, for JV Trading and cleaning materials, Guy Reynolds for Bar equipment Bookings: The Secretary read an email received from Darren Dade He reported that there was a wake to be held in the hall on the 5th February . Arrangements had been made for access to the hall. A problem had arisen because the parish council had changed their meeting to a Monday evening without prior notification. It was suggested that their meeting could be accommodated at 8pm. Sara Dunn had emailed dates for Bingo evenings, 12th March, 16th April, 21st May, 18th June, and informed that the beneficiaries would change . John Fowler had informed the Radio Model club that they could only have a bar free of charge if there was a volunteer to man the bar. No rent had been paid. Correspondence: The secretary read an number of emails from the parish council and the owner of 4 Church Street about the boundary fence. A compilation of the emails will be filed with the minutes of the meeting.

Hall Maintenance: Much had been covered in the Chairman's report. A stone had penetrated a Portakabin window. Alun Gibbs said it should be reported to the police as it may be criminal damage The secretary agreed to do this.

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Parish Council: Nigel Webster reporting for the Parish council said that the next meeting would discuss the church and grants . He was not sure when the meeting would be held Village Bar: John Fowler said that the till was working and had noticed that it had been zeroed in October . It was stated that this should be reported to the auditors when the accounts are presented. Guy Reynolds had helped John carry out a deep clean of the bar and all the equipment . Guy had also drawn up forms to allow an easy stock check . The chairman gave a list of bar takings which were showing a steady increase Pre-School Group: Gemma Long reported that a permanent manager had been ap-pointed and a new deputy supervisor was required. Gemma will resign as Chairman in July and a new chairman will be required to allow the opening of the pre-school in September. Funding had been received from Norfolk County Council Millennium Green: Nigel Webster said that Richard Dunn had resigned as chair-man and Nigel was chairman at the present time. There are now only two trustees . There is still a problem with dog fouling . Fete: Nothing to report. AOB: None Date of next meeting: Tuesday 4th March 2014 Meeting closed at 9.25pm


7.30pm, Saturday 3rd May 2014 DISCO, BAR, FOOD & RAFFLE

ADMISSION BY TICKET: Single £6, Double £10, Family £12

Tickets available from Village Bar (Friday Evenings) and

John Fowler 07794422301 [email protected] Alun Gibbs 01953884393 [email protected]

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AT 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th February 2014

Those present: John Fowler, Brian Wells, Gemma Long , Julia Fowler, Nigel Web-ster, Jonathan Fowler. Alun Gibbs. Apologies for absence: Darren Dade. Co-option of committee member: The Secretary stated that the constitution allows the committee to co-opt a new member Alun Gibbs be co-opted as a committee member was proposed by Brian Wells , seconded by Gemma Long , and agreed by the meeting Minutes of the meeting 7th January 2014: The minutes were agreed as a correct record and then signed by the Chairman. Matters arising: Brian Wells thanked Gemma Long for the notice of the Facebook page. He noted that the photograph of the hall was showing the old windows . Gemma said she would post a new photograph . .

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April Rise – A Celebration of Spring - Mixed Media Exhibition Saturday 29th March – Saturday 19th April The Dragonfly Gallery, Wayland House, High St, Watton. Opening Times: Weekdays 10.00 - 4.00pm, Saturdays 10.00 - 1.00pm

Our new exhibition, ‘April Rise’ is truly about the joy of Spring; about how our spirits rise with the first green shoots, the start of the dawn chorus, the first violets or primroses. We hope this will inspire our two and three dimensional artists and our photographers to think about how they can interpret this wonderful time of fresh colour, new life and raised spirits using still life, land-scape,jewellery, wood carving, miniatures - in other words every medium and style in the artists’ repertoire. “If ever I saw blessing in the air I see it now in this still early day Where lemon-green the vaporous morning drips Wet sunlight on the powder of my eye” Laurie Lee

Contact Susan Hollingworth for further information 01953 880205 The Dragonfly Gallery, Wayland House, High St, Watton. Opening Times: Weekdays 10.00 - 4.00pm, Saturdays 10.00 - 1.00pm

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Message from the Revd Jane On 20th April is Easter Day and we celebrate the risen Lord Jesus, but on the 30th March we celebrate Mothering Sunday, or Mother’s Day, as it is often called. If you are receiving this magazine before the end of March, you might like to think about joining us. In church, we struggle to attract young families; Sundays are always so busy with shopping, hobbies, visiting, walking the dog, washing the car. This Mothering Sunday is very different in Carbrooke Church. There is no priest, no ministers, but the service is lead by the children who attend Mrs Denton’s Carbrooke Young Believers’ Club, an after school club for children wanting to explore the Christian faith, incorporating drama and sometimes singing too. Children are very important. When we are bringing up children, we become so busy, so tired, so stretched that we often forget that children are their parents' guests. They come into the space that has been created for them, stay for a while - fifteen, twenty, or twenty-five years - and leave again to create their own space. Although parents speak about "our son" and "our daughter," their children are not their property. In many ways children are strangers. Parents have to come to know them, discover their strengths and their weaknesses, and guide them to matur-ity, allowing them to make their own decisions. The greatest gift parents can give their children is love. We need to create a space in which our children grow, free from anxiety, encouraging them to develop confidence in themselves and find the freedom to choose their own ways in life. God is perfect love. He is our parent, our father, our mother, he takes away our anxieties and allows us to grow. Think about allowing your child the choice of joining us this Easter. You may have missed Mothering Sunday, but there are lots of other Sundays this year. Let us learn together about the God who loves us so much, he died for us. Happy Easter!!!

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BLENHEIM GRANGE EASTER FUN DAY Saturday 19th April From 12:30 — 3.00pm

There will be an Easter Fun Day on the playing field being the Spar at the Blenheim Grange Estate. There will be stalls, swing-boats, a selection of hot-food, a bouncey castle, children’s entertainer and face painting. We are pleased also to announce that Quazer Lazer Quest will be brining a lazer dome. There will be lots of fun and games so bring the whole family down and have fun!

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The Clerk also informed the meeting that he had spoken to a Mr Barry Duffin from Norfolk Rural Community Council. who was the Development officer for Breckland. The Clerk reported that he (Mr Duffin) had experience of helping with community centre projects. It was AGREED that the clerk should convene a meeting Mr Duffin and the Blen-heim Grange Councillors. 13) Representatives Reports: Millennium Green—Councillor Webster reported that the next committee meeting was on March 26th. More Trustees were required as there were now only two on the committee. Village Hall—Councillor Webster reported that the committee room at the Hall was now ready for use. Councillor Hebborn—Nothing to report. Councillor Rogers—Said that he had asked the Manor Farm Planning Application to be visited by a Planning Inspector as the building on the application was situated very near a listed property. Councillor Rogers also told the Councillors that the cost of next years elections would not cost the Parish Council as much as they had budgeted for. This was because there were to be three different elections held on one day. Blenheim Grange Residents Association—Councillor Wormall reported that the PCSO’s day had been very successful and that the PCSOs would now be using the port a-cabin as a drop-in-centre. He also reported that events for Easter were bring organized for the estate residents. Village School—Councillor Sampher had not received a school report. He did report that cold call canvassers who were active on Blenheim Grange. When challenged they stated that they had PCSOs permission. The PCSOs later confirmed that no permission had been given. New Penny News—Councillor Nind had asked if the title of the NPN could be “All the Parish News and Views ” rather than “All the Village News and Views”. Councillor Muller confirmed that this would be changed for the next issue. 14) Future Agenda Items: Consider 2014 Funding bids Consider 2014 Charity Donations Dog bins for Blenheim Grange. Purchase of “Keep Off” notices for Pill Box near Airolite Garage. Date of next meeting. Monday 14th April 2014 Meeting closed at 8.55pm

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Rainfall in Mill Lane, In February By Walter Muskett

2000: 53mm 2010: 82mm HIGH

2001: 76mm 2011: 43mm

2002: 51mm 2012: 13mm LOW

2003: 21m 2013: 42mm

2004: 72mm 2014: 75mm

2005: 53mm

2006: 50mm

2007: 77mm

2008: 26mm

2009: 62mm

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..reduction of the Council Tax base caused by the Localised Council Tax Support scheme. Councillor Wormall raised the question of 106 funding from Blenheim Grange. Council-lor Rogers told the Councillors it was important to apply for 106 funding when Bennett Homes applied for planning permission for their proposed development on the old Offi-cers Mess site. 9) Consider 2014 Funding bids: It was AGREED to adjoin this matter to the April meeting. 10) Consider 2014 Charity Donations: It was agreed to adjoin this to the April meeting. The Councillors AGREED that the Council should consider purchasing a defibrillator for the village. The clerk was asked to obtain some prices for a machine and was also to find out how other villages who had a defibrillator had obtained training in its use. 11) Electoral Review of Breckland: The Councillors AGREED that they had no comments that they wished to make to the review body. 12) Blenheim Grange Update: Heads of Terms Document—The Clerk reported that the solicitors were still discussing this document. This document mainly concerned Oasis Ltd and the Developers led by Taylor Wimpey. Play Area—The Clerk reported that Oasis Ltd had received plans and costings from Miracle Design and Play Ltd. The cost of the equipment was £40,000 and the cost of landscaping was £40,000. The Clerk had agreed with Bob Tash from Oasis Ltd that this was unacceptable. Bob Tash has asked the Designers to come up with a new design taking into account the wishes of the Blenheim Residents as to the type of play equipment they had nominated for the play area. The Clerk also told the meeting that he had been contacted by Shelley Power who wished to arrange a meeting of the Blenheim Project Group. Revised footpath - The clerk informed the Councillors that Taylor Wimpey and Bennett Homes were in discussion about the exit point of the footpath onto the proposed Ben-nett development. Bennett homes had said that while they are happy to discuss the footpath their land is still privately owned and they (Bennetts) do not wish to encourage unauthorized access it until the development was completed. Proposed Community Centre - The Clerk informed the Councillors he had received a reply from George Freeman MP stating that he would be delighted to support any funding application made for community facilities. The letter contained four possible fundings leads. These had been investigated by the clerk and Councillor Wormall. Only one of the four listed may have some potential. Councillor Rogers indicated that there was a £508,000 funding pot at Breckland Council It was AGREED that the clerk should write to the leader of Breckland Council asking for a £100,000 grant to go towards a new com-munity building on Blenheim Grange. This proposed building could be used by all of the Norwich Road Estates.

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...regarding the display of the agenda three working days before a meeting. The Council had not been aware that the the committee room was ready until after this deadline.

6) Planning Applications: Applications 3PL/2013/1219/LB & 3PL/2013/12118/F for the renovation of farmhouse and bungalow at Wood Farm had been approved.

7) Correspondence: From a resident in Drury Lane asking when the pot holes outside his property were going to be repaired. The Clerk reported that he had register this work on the Norfolk Highways website.

A resident on Blenheim Grange had contacted the clerk complaining about the presence of vermin on the rough ground between her property and the SPAR mini-market. The Clerk had attempted , on several occasions, to contact the land owners Devirgo, about the problem.

Another Blenheim Grange resident had contacted the clerk about a dangerous hazard on the footpath/cycle way on the Norwich Road. A manhole cover had been removed and the hole fitted up with tarmac. This finished below the surrounding path level caus-ing a trip hazard. The Clerk had informed the County Council’s Highways Department and the tarmac was now level withe the surrounding path.

The Clerk had made Norfolk Highways aware of the laying water on the road between Caudle Springs and Drury Lane. It would appear that a drain grating had been tarmac over. The Highway Engineers are discussing with Carbrooke Estates to resolve this issue.

The Clerk had received notification that in order to save money the Norfolk Library Service are proposing to move the mobile libraries to a 8 week cycle. This would enable them to dispense with two library vans.

The Council had received a letter from a Blenheim Grange resident. This resident had been trying to negotiate the recent roadworks at the entrance of Blenheim Grange on her electric trike. While trying to go round the roadworks she was sworn at by one of the workmen involved Councillors Sampher and Wormall were aware of this incident and AGREED to try and get an apology from the firm and workman involved.

8) Finances: Account balances. Community a/c £6718 Tracker a/c £51922 (money held for the Blenheim Grange Project Group) Cheques signed. Veolia £32.69p (recycling waste) Norfolk Rural Community Council. £36 (PAYEE ) T Thurston £42.35p (clerk’s ex-penses).

The clerk had received a letter from Breckland DC stating that they had agreed to pay the Parish Council £1497.35p. This was to offset any potential adverse impact in the...

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Minutes of the Meeting of Carbrooke Parish Council held on Monday 10th March 2014 in Scoulton Village Hall

Present: D Muller (Chairperson), E Buscall, P Sampher, N Webster, M Wormall. T Thurston (Clerk) Also present. J Rogers, (District Councillor). S Hebborn (County Councillor) 1) Apologies for absence: Councillors S Dunn and J Hind. 2) Declaration of Interests: Councillors Sampher & Wormall. Any Items regarding the Blenheim Grange. 3) Minutes of the meeting held on February 10th 2014: It was resolved to approve these minutes as a true and correct record of what took place at the meeting. The min-utes were duly signed . 4) Matters Arising: The clerk had obtained prices for the purchase of dog bins for Blen-heim Grange. Councillor Sampher had contacted Taylor Wimpey to see if they would provide funding for the purchase of the dog bins. As he had not received a reply to his request it was AGREED to made the dog bins an agenda item at the next meeting.

The clerk reported that the cost of purchasing the fencing panels to be erected between the Village Hall and the adjoining property was £290.

The Clerk had received a letter from Mr Gerald Morris of Wood Farm. He confirmed that the problem atic branches on the tree near the bus shelter had been removed by Mr Alun Gibbs

5) Suspension of meeting for public interest: Mr Gibbs asked if the Parish Council could contact Anglia Water regarding the recent failure of the sewage system in the Broad-moor, Mill lane area of the village. Residents had been unable to flush their toilets and other residents had raw sewage overflowing into their Gardens.

Although Anglia Water had dealt promptly with these events Mr Gibbs was concerned about the long term viability of the system. After discussion it was AGREED that the clerk should write to Anglia Water, with copies to Norfolk County Council & Breckland District Council, asking them what measures they were taking to prevent this happening again and if there were any plans to upgrade the sewage system in the village.

Mr Gibbs also asked why the Parish Council were meeting at Scoulton and not in the new committee room at the Village hall. Councillor Muller explained that the meeting had to be moved at short notice from the Village School. To comply with the rules...

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Farming Notes—April 2013 The rain has finally stopped and it is all hands to the pump or should I say the plough. Spring drilling is now well underway and – fingers firmly crossed on this one – might be finished by the time you read this article. It is a relief after the last two months of twiddling our fingers. In fact, the “quiet” period has allowed us to reroof barns, dig up tree stumps, cut hedges and clear out ditches among other things so it has been time well spent.

But now the real work has begun. First to be drilled has been the spring barley – just over 200 acres worth which will hopefully provide a crop that is suitable for beer or whisky. Next on the cards is just under one hundred acres each of peas and beans. Finally, we have around 350 acres of sugar beet to put in. Sugar beet is one of the mainstays of the farm. Alongside wheat and oilseed rape, it is the crop that we hope will provide us with the profit margins we need. For the first time in many years, farmers across the country have managed to negotiate a good price for the beet after a tense stand-off with British Sugar so we hope a suc-cessful growing season now follows to give us the yields. The wheat and oilseed rape crops, meanwhile, look as though they have survived the winter well. Planted in the autumn, they have not had to survive hard frosts like last year and seem to have avoided being damaged by the flocks of pigeons that descend on the fields to eat over the winter. Prices for these crops appear to be on the up as well. It might seem surprising, but these better prices are mainly to do with whether Russia is planning to send its tanks into all or part of Ukraine. The latter has always been one of the biggest pro-ducers of wheat in Europe so now the markets are concerned that the political situation in the country might mean that significantly less of the crop is produced there so causing a potential global shortage. As a result, the grain price has gone up. So what is my biggest concern at the moment? Dare I say it but it’s a drought! After all the rain, I have a niggling worry in the back of my head that we will see no more of it and all those crops being sown now will be unable to germinate and flourish. Oh to be a pessimistic farmer! Ed Buscall

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the npn requires volunteers to distribute npn copies around blenheim grange. if anyone can spare a couple of hours a month can you please e-mail the editor, adam, at [email protected] for more information

Carbrooke Heritage Group At our meeting on 19th February, we discussed how our Footpath project was progressing, we have sent in all our findings to UEA, although we have not heard anything back yet. We hope to log the Fen pathways on 10th April at 10am, (flora, fauna and interesting points), so if anybody would like to take part, meet up at the Fen Farm pathway. We are planning a trip to the Norfolk Records Office on 16 April, please get in contact if you would like to come along, so that we can arrange transport and entry. We discussed how we can get involved with the Wayland Heritage project to commemo-rate WW1, and would like to hear from anyone who has family stories or family memories of how the war affected Carbrooke, family, employment, and after affects. I have recently been contacted by an American couple whose family has connections to Carbrooke and Woodrising in the 1800’s (The Sayer Family), as they are visiting, we have invited them to look around our area, and to a tea party in the village, (5th or 6th of June, arrangements haven’t been finalised), again if anyone would like to get involved and meet with them, please get in contact. Although they have arranged to stay in a local bed and breakfast, if anyone would like to accommodate them for 3 nights, they would be delighted. We have recently discovered that at the back of the Churchyard (on the left) we have a ‘Babies Graveyard’, this is where babies and young children would have been buried in years gone by, if they died before being baptised, there are no markers, but if anyone has knowledge of babies in their family being buried here, please let us know. Web: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Carbrooke History and Heritage Contact: Angela Weatherill 885353

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Carbrooke ‘Faith Hope & Charity’ Church Lottery: Sunday, 16th March, drawn by Rev. Jane Atkins 11.30am over our coffee and biscuits. The winners were: 1st (£40) Jan Godfrey (No:1) 2nd (£20) Angela Weatherill for Carbrooke PCC (No:21) 3rd (£15) Kristine Grix (No:96 ) Draws take place in the Church, every 3rd Sunday, prizes of (1st Prize: £40) (2nd Prize: £20) (3rd Prize: £15). April Events & News For Carbrooke Church 6th Family Communion 10.30am 13th PALM SUNDAY All Age Worship 10.30am 16th (Wednesday) Holy Communion 7.30pm 18th GOOD FRIDAY MEDITATION 2pm 20th EASTER SUNDAY, Holy Communion 10.30am Carbrooke Lottery Draw follows. 27th Lay Led Service 10.30am 4th May Family Communion 10.30am All are welcome to our varied services which are followed by coffee, biscuits and a chance to chat. Afternoon Tea and Cake will be served in the Village Hall on Friday 25th April 2pm. Come along, bring your children, or your parents! We have been learning to knit and crochet, so if this is something you like to do bring it along, but if you prefer, just come to sit and chat. 28th April Church PCC Annual General Meeting 7pm in the Church. All welcome Carbrooke Church website accessed through ‘A church near you’ or directly Facebook page ‘Carbrooke Church’, keep up with services, events and activities. For more information contact Angela Weatherill (01953 885353)

Saturday 10th May, 7pm CARBROOKE CHURCH

Keith Skipper, a Norfolk treasure, presents an eve-

ning of ‘Norfolk squit' and music. To raise funds for Carbrooke Church.

Tickets £8 inc. wine & refreshments,

accompanied children free.

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Carbrooke Church News This is the season of Lent, as we prepare for Easter. We often take the opportunity to take stock of ourselves and our lives. Many people give up something they enjoy, or try to live a simpler life, the improving weather can give us the incentive to do a bit of spring cleaning too. Perhaps it was fitting that on Ash Wednesday (5th March) and the first day of Lent, we were able to pay tribute to Judy Trollope at her funeral. Judy and David Trollope moved into the village 17 years ago, where David was Farm Manager, helped by Judy and lived at Oaklands Farm on Shipdham Road. Judy was involved in many aspects of Carbrooke life, particularly as a member of the PCC and as Church warden. Several years ago they moved to Hingham, where again Judy became involved in community activities, and served as President of the local ‘Womens Institute’. Judy was a wonderful person, kind and compassionate, with a sensible attitude to life, and always making time to stop, chat and take an interest in whatever you were doing. Judy died at a relatively young age and is a sad loss to us. As we contemplate our lives during Lent, and how we can improve ourselves, we would do well to remem-ber how Judy carried herself, considered others, and aim to emulate her attitude to life and others. ‘She is Gone’ by David Harkin, and read by Judy’s daughter. You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back, or you can open your eyes and see all she has left. Your heart can be empty because you can't see her, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember her and only that she's gone, or you can cherish her memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on

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mail the editor, adam, at

At our meeting on 19th February, we discussed how our Footpath project was

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Well I ha’a scrap round t’git this mardle dun afor the dead line. I recon thas a cos o’this warm weather (mid March)mean I ha bin a warkin in the gardin all day. When I draw back in doors I ha bin to warn out t’git me old computa out. I told the Mis-sus, if this warm weather keep a’goin I’m a goin t’teak my old string vest orf now instead o’waitin til the 1st April.........She dint say anything....she just gi me one o’har looks. I hant bin a gettin things to forad in the garden cos old mother nature have a nasty habit of catchin you out. Thas bin a wet winter but this bit o’sun und wind hev dried the old land out. I see a tractor a’pullin sum land down tuther day and there were sum dust a’blowin behind it. That seem a rummin but we ha got Catkins, Primroses und Daffodils all a showin at the same time. As I hev said afor old mother nature could still send us sum cold weather that could nip orf all the new shoots. Farmers a lambin sheep will be suffin pleased t’see this warm weather. Most on um will hev the sheep inside t’lamb but arter the lambs are born thy’ll want t’git them und their mothers out onta grass as soon as possible. There’s nothin worse than havin the weather tun bad once yu tuned them out. The little old lambs ull get cold und wet, even if the old ewe is givin plenty o’milk, any weak lambs will soon be-come tucked up. The thing is once the ewes und lambs are tunned out that ull du them more harm than good if yu bring um back in agin,..... even it yu hed the room. I know yu shount look back.... but I were a havin a look at a Norfolk Young Farmers year book for 1964. Yis I am in it . What I were a lookin at were the advertisements by local agricultural firms. There were thirty one on um. Only four on um are still a’goin fifty year later. One on um sell cars now, one’s in Insurance, another is a Builder und the last an Auctioneer, who my Missus’s Father warked for, thar still agoin although they dont hev any weekly livestock markets. All them firms provided wark. What that du show is how Norfolk farms hev got bigger und livestock hev disappeared. Them boys up a Carra Rood seem t’be a hangin on, they seem t’be a meakin a rear job on it though. I recon even if they du keep up w’the big boys there’ll be new new man in charge cum September. They tell me they want sum more help on the Millennium Green in the village. Sum folk hev left the committee. The Green is well established and is a growin livin thing. You ha got t’give Mother Nature a hand sum time. There must be sum on yar who could lend a’hand so we can pass the Green onta the next generation. Fare ye well t’gether und du yu keep a troshin.

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Local Directory

Parish Council Clerk: Tom Thurston : email: [email protected] Phone: 01953 881086 Ash Tree Park (Man Co.) Contact Jill Roberts 883546 [email protected] Beech Tree Park (Man Co.) Chris Hill Estate Manager & Director 9 Halton Rd Carbrooke IP25 6JN Maid Marion (Man Co) Ms B Carter 3 Dickson Rd Carbrooke IP25 6JQ Blenheim Grange Residents’ Assoc Phil Sampher [email protected] Breckland Council Chief Planning Officer, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham . 01362 656870 Breckland Councillor John Rogers, Bonne Nuit. 01953 883663 [email protected] Breckland Customer Service 01362 656870 2nd Watton (RAF) Brownies: Kate Winslow, 483476 (Thurs 6.15 - 7.45 p.m.) Carbrooke Church: Rector Revd Jane Atkins 01760 441191. Parish Office 881252 (Tues, Wed, Thurs 9.00am - 1.00pm) Carbrooke Pre-School: Supervisor: Melanie Findon – 07729 190 165 Mon 09:00 – 12:30 & Tues – Fri – 09:00 – 15:00 Children Aged 2 to School Age Chairperson: Gemma Long – Carbrooke School: Head: Nick Kings, 881537, Secretary: Jacqui Morphew PTA: Vicky Earl, c/o The School Carbrooke Heritage Group: Email: [email protected] Web: FaceBook: Carbrooke History and Heritage County Councillor: Stan Hebborn 07557634892 [email protected] Cycling Club Breckland: Mrs M Saunders, Thatched Cottage, Church Street. 885576 Doctor (Watton Medical Practice), 881247 Doctor (The Surgery, Chapel St, Shipdham), 01362 820225 Mobile Library: (Every four weeks on Mondays 10.35—10.45 Salmond Rd, 10.55—11.10 Treetops 11.15—11.40 Church Street, 11.45—11.55 Mill Lane Near Old Chapel For more details call 01953 881617 Maid Marion Way (Man Co): Chairman M Carr, 18 Newall Avenue Modern Sequence Dance Club: Brian Wells, 01603 412809. Meets Thurs 7.30 - 10.00 p.m. Norfolk Bus Information: Traveline: 0871 200 22 33 ( Konectbus: 01362 851210 ( Police: 01603 768769 ; Safer Neighbourhood Team 0845 456 4567 Crime Stoppers: 0800 555111. New Direct Number 101 (999 is still the emergency number) Phoenix Martial Arts: Ages 5 upwards. Mondays 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. Village Hall. 01953 882260 or 07811 196080 Treetots Playgroup: Gill Wakeling, 883506 or 07743 097618. Meets at the Blenheim Centre, Tedder Close, Watton. (Mon 9.00 a.m. - 3.15 p.m., Tues - Fri until 2.45 p.m.) (Parents and Little ’Uns, Tues 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. (term times). Village Hall—Chairman & Treasurer, Village Bar: John Fowler, Bramley, Shipdham Rd, Carbrooke, IP25 6ST, 07794422301. [email protected] Village Hall—Vice Chairman & Secretary: Brian Wells, 30 Bernham Road, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 5QQ, 01603 412809. Village Hall—Booking Clerk: Julia Fowler, Bramley, Shipdham Rd, Carbrooke, IP25 6ST, 07742921469, Email: [email protected] Village Hall website: Wayland Community High School: 881514, Fax 885677 Wayland Partnership, Wayland House, Watton 883915 Watton Radio Model Club: Dave Thomas, 01953 881683. Last Wednesday of each month, 7:30pm-8.00pm Wayland Carers Social Group: Jean Watson, 881842. 2 - 4 p.m., 2nd Thurs each month

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NPN 292 April 2014 NPN Contact: 07908382566 e-mail: [email protected] Postal address: 21 Canberra Road, Carbrooke, IP25 6GQ Village website Deadline for April Edition: April 16th Printed by Blackwell Print

From The Editor April at least for me has always been a month I’ve liked. The wet weather that puts us to misery over the winter and early-spring normally vacates itself from our great country, allowing the sun (yes, that good old friend) to burst through the clouds and brighten up our days! Well at least that’s the plan anyway. Easter of course comes at the end of April, with Easter Sunday on the 20th. Looking back at my childhood, I can only look and laugh when recalling a ‘Easter picnic’ I had in one of my first years at Primary School. We were allowed to bring in some teddies/soft toys for the day and whilst we were playing games and eating out on the fields, one classmate of mine (whose name nor face I cannot remember) decided it would be funny to throw some of the soft-toys into one of the playground-tree’s. Before our teacher and his mum could stop him, he had thrown some toys up. Luckily for my friends and I most of them were his. I can still just about picture a small Winnie the Pooh (remember that lovable bear?) cuddly toy caught up in the branches of a small oak tree. Online-editions of the New Penny News are now found on the Parish Council’s website via Recent past-editions have been uploaded. Don't forget if you would rather read the New Penny News online than receive a printed copy then just let me know by emailing me. May we all have a good month ahead. Don’t eat too many Easter Eggs! Adam

What’s on Carbrooke Bar in the Village Hall is open Friday evening 7.30 - 11.00 p.m. All welcome, membership not required. . Mobile Library: (Every four weeks on Mondays 10:10 to 10:30 Coronation Hall - Playgroup 10:35 to 10:45 Church Street 10:50 to 11:00 Mill Lane (near Chapel) Salmon Road has not been dropped, it has been moved to a Tuesday route. 14:40 to 15:00 For more details call 01953 881617 Modern Sequence Dance Club: Meets Thurs 7.30 - 10.00 p.m., Village Hall Pre-School: Mon 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Tues - Fri 9 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. Village Hall Phoenix Martial Arts: Mondays 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. Village Hall. Treetots Playgroup: Meets at the Blenheim Centre, Tedder Close, Watton. Mon 9 a.m. - 3.15 p.m., Tues - Fri until 2.45 p.m. WATTON RADIO MODEL CLUB - Dave Thomas 01953 881683—Last Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm for 8.00pm - Carbrooke Village Hall—Jan/Feb/Mar/April/Sept/Oct. November AGM to be first Wednesday of December—All Summer meetings on Fen Site Flying Field Parish Council meeting Monday 14th April

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