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“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.”

Luke 1:78-79 KJV

April 17, 2011

DayspringUnited Methodist Church

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DayspringUnited Methodist Church

A Stephen Ministry Congregation

Our Mission Statement:To create disciples of Jesus Christ who touch and inspire people

through an open and diverse community

April 17, 2011 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

*As a courtesy, please make certain your cell phone is off during worship. Thank you.


MUSIC FOR GATHERING Rev. L. Michael Kelley at the Organ



We recognize you as ambassadors of this congregationin ministry with the people of Tochimizolco

and dedicate you to service in the name of Jesus Christ.Through our prayers we will be united with you in your work.

May God richly bless your labors.

The 2011 Team:Cheryl Anderson • Jim Baker • Katie Bosanquet

Phil Bosanquet • Valeria Breiten • Larry Butler • Sally ButlerBev Engelsman • Hal Hamilton • Kathy Hamilton • Krista Kappas

A.T. Long • John Long • Cathy Smoot • Chuck Winkler

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PRELUDE Sharon Elery Rogers“Palm Sunday Majesty”


INTROIT Gordon Young“When Morning Gilds the Skies”

The Combined Choirs

*CALL TO CELEBRATIONPastor: And the disciples began to rejoice and praise God

saying, Hosanna!People: Hosanna to the Son of David!Pastor: Blessed be the One who comes in the name of the Lord!People: Hosanna in the highest!

Pastor: Let all the children of God say, Hosanna!Children: Hosanna! Hosanna!


*HYMN OF PRAISE Hymnal #280“All Glory, Laud, and Honor”

ANTHEM Berta & Sonja Poorman“Hosanna, Loud Hosanna!”

The Combined Choirs and Brass


A TIME OF SILENCE (for personal prayer)

THE CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER Samuel Wesley“Lead Me, Lord”

THE COMMUNITY PRAYER (in unison)Lord, Jesus,

we are a fickle people, quick to turn away.We are quick to flock to you when all is well,

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but we are prone to scatterwhen there is opposition or criticism.

Too often we have kept silent before you,afraid to proclaim your praise.

It is easy to join the crowdas you ride triumphantly into Jerusalem–singing our joys and expectations,dancing our hopes and dreams.

It is far more difficult to stand by youas the crowd cries for your crucifixion.

Forgive our weakness when we turn away.Strengthen us for the journey ahead

as we relive your suffering and death,that we might stay beside you to the end.

Give us the courage to shout our hosannas,not only today, but each and every day. Amen.



OFFERTORY Arr. Robert Sterling“It Is Well with My Soul”

FortéLarry Lathom, Piano

*DOXOLOGY Hymnal #94Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!Praise God the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


*HYMN Hymnal #160“Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart”


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THE SERMON Rev. Jane Tews“Were You There?”

*THE CLOSING HYMN Hymnal #297“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”


*THE BENEDICTION RESPONSE Arr. L. M. Kelley“The Spirit Send Us Forth to Serve”The Spirit sends us forth to serve;

we go in Jesus’ nameto bring glad tidings to the poor,

God’s favor to proclaim.

*POSTLUDE George Fredric Handel“See, the Conquering Hero Comes” 1685-1759

from Judas MaccabaeusThe Dayspring Brass

*PATIO FELLOWSHIPPlease Join us for Refreshments on the Patio

*Those in the Congregation who are able shall stand

Assisting in the Service this Morning:Rev. George Smoot

The Pianist this Morning:Mary Sievert

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To You, our first time Guest: We’re delighted you’re here! Please stand when the pastor asks for first time guests, so we can recognize you. We also invite you to stop by the Welcome Table near the church entrance and pick up a packet with information about our church. Welcome to Dayspring!

Greeters This Morning:9:00 - Jim & Barbara Coffman

10:30 - Georgia Wells and Mary Kate Bourland

Acolytes This Morning:9:00 - Alex Krupinsky

10:30 - Katy Krupinsky

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING are given by The Krupinsky Family - Happy Birthday, Katy!

THE FOOD BASKET ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING is given by Laura & Dan McLane, in celebration of their 28th wedding anniversary.

LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS are available each week. Please ask an usher if you prefer large print. Also, please return large print hymnals to the narthex following worship.

HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE - This sanctuary is equipped with a hearing system. Please ask an usher for a receiver.

CHILDREN'S WORSHIP GUIDES are available in the narthex. Ask an usher if you need assistance. PLEASE RETURN THE FOLDERS TO THE “USED” BOX FOLLOWING THE SERVICE.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are located in the pew box. If you have a need or celebration, fill out the card and place it in the offering plate.

IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW is a victim of domestic violence, please know there is information and support available through Dayspring. There are packets of information in the narthex, or for assistance, please call Rev. Jane Tews at (480) 838-1446.

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with the confidential one-to-one Christian care you need to make it through a crisis or help through a difficult time. Call Sally Butler, (602) 524-2109, or Elizabeth Winkler, (480) 456-6573, if you need someone to care.

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As Members of The United Methodist Church, we have pledged to support our Church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness


Kim & Jared Curless, after the loss of their infant daughter to SIDSMark Cline, nephew of Joyce Larson, dealing with medical issuesThe Family of Kiyomi Hishikubo, Japanese exchange student of The

Jarus Family, for health and safetyNorma Ellis, mother of Pam Thuillez, continuing to struggle with

recovery from open-heart surgery on March 2 in WichitaElisa Garcia, recently diagnosed with cancerLaurie Fisher, friend of Christine Nagasawa, struggling with stage 4

cancerDon Billings and Family, friend and co-worker of Randy Wilson, who is

battling cancerMatthew Ellis, healing following knee surgery

Ongoing Health Concerns

Barb Porter, Lori Jarvis, Philana Riherd, Kathy Hamilton, Shirley Hughes, Lisa Benton Reed, The Ellis Family, Polly Smith, Teresa Webb, Marge Sydell, Kristen Stegeman, Pam Narcy and Joan Venturini

All military personnel and their families, especially those who are actively serving our country during this time of war.

*REMEMBER all those, known and unknown to us, who are in special need of prayer.

PRESENCEAttendance for April 10, 2011


GIFTSOffering received April 10, 2011

$19, 642


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BE A PART OF THIS MINISTRYWe invite you to explore the Dayspring family by attending our next NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION on Sunday, May 15, from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. with a light lunch served. The NEW MEMBER SUNDAYwill be held on May 22. Child care is provided. To register for the class, or for more information, please contact Carol Coleman at [email protected] or (480) 838-1446.

Easter Parking - As a reminder, Dayspring’s Boy Scout Troop 172 will direct traffic on Easter morning. Please use the North Entrance (closest to the church) to enter the parking lot. Scouts will direct you down an aisle that has open spaces. After the service, use the South Exit (back of lot), and turn left to exit. This helps keep traffic moving through the lot and neighborhood smoothly. Thank you for your cooperation.

Food Drive Next Sunday - Easter Sunday will be a good day to bring non-perishable food items. Peanut butter & jelly; cereal; dry rice, beans and milk are always needed, as well as canned meat, meals, fruit and vegetables.

Pictorial Directories Are Here! If you had your picture taken by Olan Mills (or submitted your own picture), stop by the table on the patio to pick up your directory.

Dayspring Youth Ministry (DYM):* 10:15 - 11:30 - Sr. High Formation in Room 111* 10:15 - 11:30 - Jr. High Formation in Room 110 * 1:30 - 3:30 - Confirmation, Room 111* Easter Sunrise Practice and Setup: All participating youth are

asked to be at Easter Sunrise practice and setup which will be held Saturday, April 23 beginning at 10:00AM. We should be done by 2:00PM.

* Easter Sunrise Arrival Times: All youth involved in the Easter Sunrise Service should be in the church courtyard no later than 5:15AM on Sunday morning. All Junior High youth not in the Sunrise Service are asked to meet in Fellowship Hall no later than 6AM to help set up and serve the breakfast.

* Confirmation Class: There will be no confirmation class on Easter Sunday.

Explorer’s Class - The class on the life of Jesus ends this morning with a session on the doctrine of Atonement. The class will not meet next Sunday on Easter. A new two-week series will begin on May 1. Details in next Sunday’s bulletin.

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Contemporary Issues - The Contemporary Issues Class will discuss “Reclaiming Civil Discourse in America.” Political and civil expression has become intolerant, one sided and unfair. We’ll discuss how we can restore civility to America’s political discourse. The class will be led by Eleonore and George Kerbs.

Book Club - The Monthly Book Club will be discussing Bel Canto by Anne Patchett on Wednesday, May 4, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. in Room 110. If you are interested in attending, please contact Carol Coleman at [email protected] or 480-838-1446. All are welcome to attend!

An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith - We will begin a 4-week study of this book by Barbara Brown Taylor on Wednesday, June 8, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. in Room 112. Used for the 2011 Women’s Retreat, the book reveals meaningful ways to discover God in our everyday lives. Contact Carol Coleman at 480-838-1446 or [email protected] for more information.

United Methodist Women - On Thursday, April 14, the Connie Reading Circle will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the home of Sally Jarus, and the Monthly Unit Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Room

Brown Bag Lunch - Come join us for Brown Bag Lunch every Tuesday at 12:00 noon. Bring your own lunch and socialize with people from the church. We always have a good time! Come and be part of this fun group.

Justice Class - During March and April, every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Room, a course on justice will be offered. We have a helpful DVD that practices polite disagreements and careful reflections. Methodism started as a “big tent” religion and justice was in the air of the Industrial Revolution in England. Presented by Craig Carpenter and John Fielden.

Singles at Dayspring -Singles, Etc. Lunches - Each Sunday after the second service, those who want to go out for lunch as a group meet at the restaurant listed below. If you attend first service, please join us! We gather around noon under the name “Dayspring”. April 17 - Macayo’s - NE corner of 48th Street and Warner.

UMOM Sunday Night Dinners - We need volunteers to help with the Easter Sunday night dinner at the UMOM Homeless Shelter. You would need to be there to help cook and serve from 3:30 - 6:30. Please contact Carolyn Reid at (602) 882-5292 or [email protected] if you can help.

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Koinonikos Schedule - The next deadline date for the newsletter is May 15, and will include events in the month of June.


SUNDAY, APRIL 17 - Palm Sunday9:00 AM - Worship

- Children’s Sunday School- Explorer’s Class, Adult Room

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship- Children’s Sunday School- Contemporary Issues, Adult Room

1:30 PM - Confirmation, Room 111

3:30 PM - Covenant Council Team Meetings

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Fellowship Hall- AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

5:00 PM - Covenant Council Meeting, Adult Room

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Fellowship Hall- AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

MONDAY, APRIL 1810:00 AM - Monday Morning Moms & Dads, Room 111

7:00 PM - BSA Troop 172, Fellowship Hall- Disciple II, Room 112- Foundation, Adult Room- Tour Choir, Choir Room- Venture Crew, Room 110

TUESDAY, APRIL 198:45 AM - Yoga, Media Center

12:00 PM - Brown Bag Lunch, Room 1125:30 PM - Dayspring Chimers, Choir Room6:00 PM - Yoga, Media Center6:30 PM - Daystar, Choir Room7:00 PM - Justice Study, Room 112

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 205:45 PM - Esperanza Choir, Choir Room6:00 PM - Cherub Choir, Adult Room

- Sprouts, Room 201- Sunshine Singers, Media Center

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 (con’t)6:30 PM - Celebration Singers, Choir Room7:00 PM - Genesis Choir, Media Center7:30 PM - Chorale, Choir Room

THURSDAY, APRIL 21 - Maundy Thursday7:00 PM - Maundy Thursday Communion Service, Sanctuary

FRIDAY, APRIL 22 - Good Friday7:00 PM - Good Friday Tenebrae Service, Sanctuary


SUNDAY, APRIL 24 - Easter Sunday6:45 AM - Easter Sunrise Service, Courtyard

- Easter Sunday Breakfast, Fellowship Hall

7:45 AM - Service of Celebration

9:00 AM - Festival Worship Service- Children’s Sunday School

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Festival Worship Service- Children’s Sunday School

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Fellowship Hall- AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

5:10 PM -Al-Anon,FellowshipHall-AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

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The Spiritual Formation Ministryinvites YOU to walk

The Dayspring Labyrinthas a part of your Spiritual Lenten Journey

The Labyrinth will be available in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, April 207:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Maundy Thursday, April 21and Good Friday, April 22

8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

The Sanctuary will also be open for prayer during those hours.

You will be provided with suggested thoughts and prayers for your use as you walk the labyrinth.

Lent is a time of renewal and dedication. The labyrinth is a tool for meditation, a focus for prayer, and a guide to inner reflection.

Come to walk the labyrinth, commune with God, and be renewed in spirit.

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Next Week, Easter Sunday,please join us for

The Easter SundayCountry Breakfast!

6:45 a.m. until 8:00 Fellowship Hall

Menu:Scrambled Eggs

Biscuits & GravySausage

Orange JuiceCoffee

All donations benefit

Dayspring Youth Ministry

You won’t want to missthis special meal

prepared by Tom Vetter!

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The ministers of this church are its members.

Those who assist them are:

Bishop Minerva CarcañoRev. Robert Burns, District Superintendent

Rev. Dr. Jane A. Tews, Senior PastorRev. George Smoot, Associate Pastor

Rev. L. Michael Kelley, Minister of MusicCarol Coleman, Minister of Spiritual Formation

Jill Moyer, Church SecretaryKris Kroeger, Program SecretarySusie Seckel, Financial Secretary

Mary Sievert, Music AssociateJulie Hackmann, Director of Bell Choirs

Penny Carpenter, Director of Children’s MusicJackie Miller, Director of Cherub Choir

Kris Kroeger, Youth Ministries CoordinatorKay Luzaich, Children’s CoordinatorLexie Geiger, Nursery Coordinator

Linda Falk, Preschool DirectorRon Venturini, Facilities Maintenance

Frankie Vasquez, CustodianJeanie Carr, Bookkeeper*

*Independent Contractor

Dayspring United Methodist Church is a welcoming congregation. We welcome all people, regardless of age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, or ability into the full life of this congregation.

Dayspring United Methodist Church1365 East Elliot Road • Tempe, Arizona 85284-1608

(480) [email protected]