Page 1: Apps for Good: Space monkey's Fashion Disaster APP Pitch Presentation

Fashion Disaster

By Kyra, Chanel, Ellie & Marcus.

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Background situation

• - Who? - Woman from ages to 13-30yrs . - What?- Its an app that helps with your outfit choices. - When?- Any where. - Why?- Woman need help to know what they are going to wear for

certain occasions.

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- People aren’t dressing the way they are meant to/ according to their age range

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What core question are you addressing with the app?

Do you have problems with finding what to wear?

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Key insight statement(s)

• Use your key insights statements from your findings during Scoping to provide evidence that your app is solving a genuine problem in a different way for users.

Parents and other fellow students have said this app is a good idea because the problem we are trying to solve hasn’t been tackled before

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Mini Elevator Pitch

My team, Space Monkey is developing fashion disaster

to help women from the age of 13-30yrs with what to wear & how to style

it by looking at the trends and adjusting it to their style and personality.

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User profiles

Summarise what you have learnt about your users. Remember, these profiles must be based on the real

users you interviewed during scoping.

- Women from the age of 13-30yrs

- -who like to feel good

- This age group is conscious about what they wear.

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Competitors or alternative solutions that already exist in the market

Summarise what other solutions or alternatives you have found that already exist in the market and explain why they don’t fully

solve the problem you are looking at or why your proposed solution is better.

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MVP user stories and feature chosen

Give an overview of your app’s core feature and your MVP user stories.

A person in my school: said they find it hard to follow the trends

because they are always in uniform but when the have own clothes days she finds it hard to know what to wear when all the

other students are styled in the same trends.

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Flow of app

Show here what your MVP will look like in terms of flow and if/ how you have already integrated any user feedback.

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Key wireframes • Show here what your MVP will look like in terms of the key

wireframes of your app’s core feature.

Help me! Home

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[Data, content, technical] Data Feasibility

• Does your app require data or content? – No it does not. • Is the content owner happy to share it?- No their isnt an content owner to

share it with. • Is there authorization required?- No

Technical Feasibility

• Is your solution technically possible to build?- Yes it is • Could a professional developer build it in less than 3 months?- Yes • Can you find a simpler solution, using existing technology?

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Marketing Strategy

• Outline the three core marketing activities you planned and how you are going to reach your specific users in a targeted,

simple, social, scarce and cheap way.

• Handouts • Posters • Social networking
