
Lean Meat (Weigh Raw):

Lean Meat (weigh raw)

Beef, 100g = 137 Cal

Beef liver, 100g = 165 Cal

Turkey/Chicken breast, 100g = 106 Cal

Chicken liver, 100g = 116 Cal

Kangaroo, 100g = 102 CalKangaroo, 100g = 102 Cal

Lamb, 100g = 134 Cal

Lamb liver, 100g = 139 Cal

Pork, 100g = 143 Cal

Turkey/Chicken mince, 100g = 98 Cal

Venison/ Deer Steak, 100g = 150 Cal

This list is primarily designed for people with allergies to the foods in the meal plan.

Creating your own meal plan is NOT advised, weight loss may be slower.

Lemon and Lime with your water is fine! White Vinegar or Organic Apple cider vinegar (Mother) - also fine!

Fruit (Only 1 Per Day):

Apple – large, green = 110 Cal

Orange large peeled = 62 Cal

Strawberries 1cup of halves 100g = 46 Cal

Tomato (small) 100g = 18 Cal

Grape/cherry Tomatoes 100g = 18 Cal

GGrapefruit ½ = 41 Cal

(Do not eat if on blood thinning meds)

Lean Meat (Weigh Raw):

Moong Dal (Sprout only) 100g = 30 Cal

Hard Tofu 100g = 126 Cal

Egg Whites 1 = 17 Cal (Only twice a week)

Fish (Weigh Raw):

White (non oily) fish, 100g = 92 Cal

Prawns, 100g = 105 Cal

Crab, 100g = 87 Cal

Lobster/Cray fish, 100g = 116 Cal

Squid, 100g = 92 Cal

Sea Urchins (Kina) 100g = 120Sea Urchins (Kina) 100g = 120cal

Scallops, 100g = 132 Cal

Mussels 100g = 70g

Pipi 100g = 41 Cal

Abalone (Paua) 100g = 149 Cal

White Bait 100g = 153 Cal

Sea Vegetables:

Kelp/Wakame (2 Tablespoons) = 2 Cal

Kombu 10g = 10 Cal

Arame 1/2 Cup = 30 Cal

Parengo 2 Tablespoons = 5 Cal


Apple Cider Vinegar

White Vinegar

Tamari Sauce


NB: Coffee/Tea is not included in daily 3ltrs of water

Water 3 litres daily - fresh lemon/lime ok.


Tea/Coffee (1 tablespoon of milk daily)

Chamomile, Dandelion, Ginger

Green Tea, Peppermint

No Herbal Fruit Teas

Approved Foods For Step 2

Vegetables (Weigh Raw):

Asparagus 10 Stalks = 27 Cal (100g = 20 Cal)

Bamboo Shoots 1/2 Cup = 21 Cal (100g = 27)

Bok Choy/Pac Choy 100g = 13 Cal

Chinese Cabbage 100g = 13 Cal

Broccoli 100g = 34 Cal

Cabbage (green) 100g = 24 CalCabbage (green) 100g = 24 Cal

Cabbage (red) 100g = 31 Cal

Cabbage (white) 100g = 30 Cal

Cauliflower 100g = 25 Cal

Celery 100g = 14 Cal

Chard (Silver Beet) 100g = 19 Cal

Chicory (1 cup chopped) = 7 Cal (100g = 15 Cal)

Cucumber (21cm) = 45 Cal (100g = 15 Cal)Cucumber (21cm) = 45 Cal (100g = 15 Cal)

Fennel 100g = 31 Cal

Kale 100g = 50 Cal

Kamokamo 100g = 24 Cal

Lettuce 100g = 14 Cal

Onions 100g = 42 Cal

Radish 1 medium = Free Cals

SSow Thistle (Puha) 100g = 26 Cal

Spinach 2 Cups = 14 Cal (100g = 23 Cal)

Water Cress 100g = 15 Cal

Zucchini 1 Small = 19 Cal (100g = 16 Cal)
