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The Second Mind Jedi Mind Control Techniques for Brands

Building a Brand

Brand exists in a person’s MIND

(the world of a Jedi Master)

Stimulates Feelings

Stimulates Thoughts

Building a Brand

A brand created in a vacuum

is defined by how people project their own subconscious

thoughts and feelings onto the brand

A deliberately created brand

is defined by a well-focused set of triggers

and associations designed to create

specific feelings and thoughts Brand exists in a person’s


(the world of a Jedi Master)

Building a Brand

A brand created in a vacuum

Begin by understanding the

“group personality” of the target market.

What subconscious thoughts and feelings do they project into

the world?

A deliberately created brand

Begin by understanding how the target market

subconsciously perceive your brand


What subconscious feelings and thoughts are triggered by the


Brand exists in a person’s MIND

(the world of a Jedi Master)

Building a Brand

Understand the Brand Triggers

What are the brand’s positive

personality traits?

What are the brand’s negative

personality traits?

(the world of a Jedi Master)

The 2nd Mind Processes

The 2nd Mind:

• The human mind is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon.

• That part of human consciousness with which we are familiar (ie. the conscious mind) is merely the

tip of the iceberg.

• Human behaviour for the most part is rooted in the 9/10ths of the iceberg which lies beneath the


• The individual is unaware of the nature of the processing that occurs in the depths of his/her own


• Simple observation and mainstream research are insufficient to uncover non-conscious processing.

• In the field of business, this non-conscious processing impacts organisational culture, brand

effectiveness, and buying behaviour far more than anyone realises.

The choices, motivations, and behaviours manifested by human beings operate from the following well-established premises:

The 2nd Mind:

• We can quickly and accurately analyse any individual, group, or demographic sector

• This reveals the shared archetypal elements common to the majority, which can be exploited by

marketers (in projecting a brand and defining market behaviour).

In simple terms, we identify what really gets people going and t

hen strategise how to leverage this to the maximum.



The 2nd Mind:

• We can take an existing brand and identify its strengths and weakness in terms of its impact on this

all-important area of non-conscious processing.

• In other words, we can answer the following questions:

– Is my brand's current projection adequately targeting the 2nd Mind?

– How are people responding to my brand in terms of their non-conscious motivations (which is

actually responsible for 90% of their behaviour)?

– How can I tweak my brand strategy to optimise its impact on the 2nd Mind?

The 2nd Mind:

Whenever human beings aggregate around a common purpose, be it a family, a tennis club, company or

corporation, the group functions as an entity with its own personality, quirks, likes, dislikes, and most

importantly, its own 2nd Mind.

• The way this entity projects itself as a collective is known as “culture”. We have an assessment which

can analyse this entity's persona and 2nd Mind in order to know:

– How to motivate the behaviour of this entity in specific, desirable ways.

– To what extent this entity is harmonising with the business and its brands.

– How to strategise effective interventions in the culture.












Unique Brand Signature: Unaligned Unique Brand Signature: Aligned

Where Most Companies Are Where You Want To Be You vs. Your Competitors

Archetypal Brand Positioning

A case study

Composite Archetypal Brand Profile

By evaluating how the different archetypes interact with, and impact on, each other we are

able to distil a refinement (1 in 500+) of the basic personality style (1 in 12).

Assessment groups

Strategic Brand Evaluation

Technical Steering


National Steering


Provincial Steering


National Role


Provincial Role


Regional Role



(per competitor)

Brand Personality

Brand Personality

Brand Personality

Brand Personality

Brand Personality

Brand Personality

Brand Personality

+ + + + + + +

10 Archetypal Triggers

10 Archetypal Triggers

10 Archetypal Triggers

10 Archetypal Triggers

10 Archetypal Triggers

10 Archetypal Triggers

10 Archetypal Triggers

= = = = = = =

Unique Brand Profile

Unique Brand Profile

Unique Brand Profile

Unique Brand Profile

Unique Brand Profile

Unique Brand Profile

Unique Brand Profile

Consolidated Archetypal

Brand Profile

Competitive Archetypal

Brand ProfilesVS

The HSS Steering Committee Brand

Brand Personality

How did we get here?










Warrior Loyalist Intellectual Healer Ruler Servant Diplomat Magician Sage Executive Rebel Innocent

The Twelve Personalities

The Twelve Personalities

Quadrant Expression & Consumer Perspective Organisational Style

Mastery/ Entrepreneurial Driven by a desire to create personal change and self achievement in life. You seek to move beyond current boundaries and become something more.

An organisation that is driven by risk and opportunity and the desire to create. This type of organisation is highly energetic and courageous and seeks to dominate and explore beyond its current limits

Independence/ Autocratic Driven by the desire to be an individual, to reflect on your own path, to define the right and wrong of your lives and communicate who you are.

An organisation that seeks the truth, seeks to communicate and look at things in different ways. An organisation that is independent and seeks to go beyond convention. Can be extremely lateral in order to find a better way.

Belonging / Democracy Driven by the insatiable human need to connect, to belong and be loved. You are able to express and develop through a relationship.

An organisation that expresses itself emotionally, building and connecting communities. This type of organisation brings healing, upliftment, emotional release and well being.

Stability / Bureaucracy Driven by the need for routine, comfort, tried and tested. A place where you can be honest with yourselves and to let go, safely. Where you can restore and nurture yourselves and prepare for a new day.

An organisation that nurtures, builds and delivers results through planning and structure. This type of an organisation is solid, secure, dependable and professional

Mastery / Entrepreneurial

Stability / Bureaucratic

Independent / Autocratic

Belonging / Democratic

Style Of Change Description

Initiative & Action INITIATIVE & ACTION to get things started. Restless, goal-oriented, active, vigorous and enterprising, with verve, courage, ambition and great leadership potential. Key words: Activating, Initiating, Creating, Expressing, Illuminating

Sustainability ENDURING, able to see things through. Sustainability. The organiser who is steady, stable, persistent, intense, filled with purpose and strength, efficient, practical and traditional. Key words: Harnessing, Utilising, Sustaining, Empowering, Penetrating

Adaptability ADAPTABILITY – able to make changes. This style takes what has been created and attempts to alter or adapt it, providing the necessary changes. Versatile communicators, multifaceted. Learns and develops, flexible. Key words: Seeking, Evolving, Reflecting, Demonstrative, Distributing

Initiative and Action

Sustainability Adaptability

The loyalist

• “Loyalist“ brands have a very specific way of doing things. Managing brand change is a very difficult process and

needs to be very well thought out. Change needs to managed subtly rather than aggressively or forcibly.

• You cannot hope to make a 90° turn overnight. It requires a step-by-step, degree by degree process.

• The brand’s evolution requires planning and “baby steps”.

• The “Loyalist” brand represents passivity, hard work, determination and persistence, a desire to proceed slowly

without harassment.

• This brand invokes the desire to build and grow and achieve practical results. This growth is slow and structured rather

than dynamic.

• A soft approach is required to change or redefine the “Loyalist” brand image. Pushing too hard could result in damage

to the brand.

• People who identify with a Loyalist brand are, well, loyal. They feel a strong sense of brand ownership. They like to

control it, the way the owner of an expensive car does not want anyone else driving it. If this sense of ownership is

taken away, they will become dysfunctional.

• There is a high degree of physical and emotional attachment – maybe even an unhealthy degree of attachment.

• There is a fear of loss. Think of this in terms of a Ferrari owner fearing the theft / loss / damage of his vehicle.






















The 10 Brand Triggers

The Brand Personality is influenced by the 10 Archetypal Brand Triggers

Brand Clarity Score


The strong influence of the Growth and Thought Memes will elicit the following behavioural traits from

the group involved with the brand:

• The combination of the growth and thought memes is typical of a very big project.

• These brand types tend to be very idealistic. As such, they are subject to the pitfalls associated with big

idealistic projects.

– In practical terms, in reality, the brand fails to live up to the ideal that was advertised.

– This idealism from the group involved leads to them being too confident in the rightness of their cause and in

the correctness of their methodologies. This could result in failure to transform the ideal into reality.

• The brand vision tends have too much big picture thinking and gung-ho energy and not enough

attention to implementation detail.

• This brand has the ability to gather and marshall the troops. But everyone runs around on cloud nine

with big smiles on their faces, patting each other on the back, while the people on the ground looked

upwards and scratch their heads and wonder what all the partying and merriment is about.

Growth and Thought Meme Interaction

The interaction between the Growth and Thought Memes within the brand will produce the following influences/trends/characteristics:


• Planning and implementing the "big idea".

• Grandiose ideas.

• Respect and desire for knowledge.

• A love of teaching and disseminating knowledge.

• An optimistic and hopeful orientation - perhaps even too much so.

• Good planning and discernment abilities.

• A talent for selling itself.

• The ability to compromise.

• Maintains positivity even in the face of obstacles.

The Growth and Thought Meme Interaction

The interaction between the Growth and Thought Memes within this group will produce the

following influences/trends/characteristics:


• Disdain for details and trivialities.

• Promising more than can be delivered.

• Exaggerating one's own influence and abilities.

The Growth and Thought Meme Interaction

The Growth Meme

People who resonate with the Growth Meme exhibit the following traits:

• Collectively, they are manifesting an urge for self-improvement and personal growth.

• They feel an imperative to venture forth and explore life, seizing opportunities and seeking rewards.

• They are people with vision. They understand the big picture, the ideal. They are intrinsically optimistic

that this ideal can be reached.

• As a group, they demonstrate a tendency towards orthodox religion.

• For the most part, this group is benevolent and charitable. They want to be kind and to do good for

others who are less fortunate.

• They are conservative and respect the law.

• They are driven to succeed and have a high level of respect for success.

• On the downside, problems could emerge from being overconfident and perhaps boasting or

exaggerating a level of ability or importance which does not match up with the reality on the ground.

People who resonate with the Thought Meme exhibit the following traits:

• The ability to manage knowledge and sensory inputs and useful ways. (Intelligence.)

• The ability to express and communicate such knowledge.

• A preoccupation with mentality - intellect, intelligence, thinking, learning, teaching, reasoning.

• A talent for the written and spoken word.

• Nervousness and restlessness.

• Profanity and gossip.

The Thought Meme

Maslow's Hierarchy

Additional Analysis

Maslow’s Hierarchy








19 20



9 8





physiological security love esteem self-actualisation transcendence




The Group

• The archetypes around “love and family” emerged as a significant level in the pyramid.

• Aspirational figures such as Oprah and Cyril Ramaphosa have a strong resonance with this group. They were stirred by these images.

• If one exploits level 4 & 6 type “messages” in the branding and behaviour modification strategies, you are guaranteed to impact 43% of the target market.


• A large differential was observed on level 5 (self-actualisation) scores between men and women.

• The women of this group appear to focus more on food, sex, money and religion before they will engage in any creative self-actualising activity.


• By contrast, the men are strongly motivated by creative, self-actualising processes.

General Conclusions around the archetypal content of the group, as revealed by the Maslow series:

• HSS is a system that would be used by sophisticated, successful (& intelligent?) people

• using HSS will lead to success

• the HSS and its raison d'etre represents the highest ideals that human beings can aspire to

• the HSS is on a “mission from God”

• participating in the HSS ethos elevates oneself and is spiritually fulfilling

Maslow’s Hierarchy
