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Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India,Best Cancer Hospitals in India radiotherapy for Ovarian cancer,


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Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India,Best Cancer Hospitals in India radiotherapy for Ovarian cancer,

Ovarian cancer is often termed a "Silent Killer" because its symptoms do not cause alarm amongst the women till it has already reached an advanced stage. Early detection of ovarian cancer offers a 90% cure rate. Sadly, a lack of symptoms from this silent disease means that about 75% of ovarian cancer cases will have spread to the abdomen by the time they are detected.

Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer

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• Blood tests, including complete blood count (CBC), liver and kidney function test.

• A pelvic exam is performed by the doctors checking the vagina, uterus, ovaries,

bladder, and rectum for Endometrial Cancer (Uterine Cancer). An instrument

called a speculum is used to widen the vagina so the doctor can see the upper

portion of the vagina and the cervix.

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Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India,Best Cancer Hospitals in India radiotherapy for Ovarian cancer,

Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer

Email your medical reports for a Free No Obligation Opinion by Top Doctors in India. Email : [email protected], [email protected] Visit us at International Helpline Phone : 0091-9899993637

• The Pap Smear test is often performed during a pelvic exam. The doctor uses a

wooden scraper (spatula) or small brush to collect a sample of cells from the

cervix and upper vagina. The cells are then sent to a medical laboratory to be

checked for abnormal changes.

• A Biopsy may be needed for a definitive diagnosis where the surgeon performs a

laparotomy and removes a sample of tissue. A pathologist examines the tissue to

check for cancer cells, hyperplasia, or other conditions.

• CA-125 assay (for Ovarian Cancer) is a blood test used to measure the level of

CA-125, a tumor marker that is often found in higher-than-normal amounts in

the blood of women with ovarian cancer.

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Ovarian Cancer Treatment at Most Advanced Cancer Centers in India

Surgery : The surgeon may usually perform a Laparotomy (through an abdominal incision) or Laparoscopy Assisted Biopsy (Minimally Invasive procedure where a tube containing a light and camera is inserted into the pelvic cavity through a small incision).

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A sample of the tumor is excised and examined immediately under a microscope to confirm ovarian cancer and rule out malignancy. Once ovarian cancer is confirmed, surgeon may decide to perform a suitable procedure like a Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus [womb], bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries on both sides), omentectomy (removal of the fatty tissue that covers the bowels) or lymphadenectomy (removal of one or more lymph nodes).

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Ovarian Cancer Treatment at Most Advanced Cancer Centers in India

Email your medical reports for a Free No Obligation Opinion by Top Doctors in India. Email : [email protected], [email protected] Visit us at International Helpline Phone : 0091-9899993637

Chemotherapy : Involves modern cancer drugs that are administered intravenously or orally to kill cancer cells and to reduce the chances of the tumour returning elsewhere in the body.

Radiation therapy : India's leading Cancer hospitals now have some of the

world's most advanced radiation equipment like Linac, Novelis, Gamma Knife and Cyberknife for treating ovarian Cancers. High technology radiation is used to kill cancer cells without affecting the healthy tissues.

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The Most Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery for Ovarian Cancer at World Class Hospitals in India

This is definitely the treatment of choice for early Ovarian cancer. The procedure is also useful in certain cases of recurrent Ovarian cancer that require extensive radical resection, including partial or complete exenteration or removal of the pelvic organs. If the tumor appears to be confined to the ovary, your doctor may recommend a minimally invasive procedure called laparoscopy for biopsy and tumor removal. It allows the surgeon to remove all or parts of your tumor using several small incisions rather than one large incision.

A thin, lighted tube with a camera at its tip (called a laparoscope) is inserted

through a tiny incision in the abdominal wall. Guided by the highly magnified image generated by the camera, the surgeon can take a sample of the tissue using specially designed surgical instruments. Like the open surgical procedure laparotomy, laparoscopy can be used to stage (to determine the extent of the tumor) and to remove cancerous tissue.

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What is unique about Stem cell Therapy at World Class hospital in India

Our strategy is to promote the recovery of neural function with a close integration of Neuro-regenerative (stem cell), Neuro-protective (medications) and Neuro-rehabilitative (physical/occupational/speech) therapies. This therefore combines the best of Neurobiological repair technologies and Neural restorative techniques. We recognize that even small functional gains may have a significant effect on the quality of life of our patients. Our treatment is individualized to the specific requirements of each patient.

Email your medical reports for a Free No Obligation Opinion by Top Doctors in India. Email : [email protected], [email protected] Visit us at International Helpline Phone : 0091-9899993637

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Prostate cancer treatment india 6600 US dollars 6 days stay in hospital

Note: Cost Estimate for above include stay in a Private Room where a Companion can stay

with the patient surgeon fee, medicines and consumables, nursing care, food and Airport Pick &

Drop. More accurate treatment cost estimates can be provided if medical reports are emailed to

us or after the patient is examined by doctors after arrival at hospital in India and medical tests

are done after admission.

Email your medical reports for a Free No Obligation Opinion by Top Doctors in India. Email : [email protected], [email protected] Visit us at International Helpline Phone : 0091-9899993637

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How it Works

1. Email your Medical Reports to us for opinion by India's Top doctors at [email protected] or [email protected]

2. We will send you No Obligation Expert Medical Opinion and Treatment Cost Estimate from India's Leading Hospitals.

3. Once you Decide, We will help you to Schedule appointments, Apply for Medical Visa, Airport Pick up, Post Hospital Stay. No advance payment to be made. You will the hospital directly.

Email your medical reports for a Free No Obligation Opinion by Top Doctors in India. Email : [email protected], [email protected] Visit us at International Helpline Phone : 0091-9899993637

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