
    TIPS AND TRICKS For Digital signage Applications


    By Robert Dickie, Digital Video Team

    March 2011

    Based on Grass Va l ley MEDIAEDGE™ ®

  • Contents


    About This Overview

    Getting Started

    What to consider in creating your digital signage

    Screen sizes/environment and observ ing Readabi lity distances

    Practical working display Areas wi thin Mediaedge templates

    Pixel edge trimming to sui t screen display

    Theme brand integrat ion wi thin templates including company colours fonts ’ s tyle etc

    Audio Levels and practical daily use

    Language and Font integration

    URI Feature Ease of updating Regular information display items


    Converting existing media sources

    Constructing Display templates

    Background graphics

    Flash Components

    HTML Components

    Ticker Components

    URI Components

    Video Components

    Text areas

    Media Content creation and display

    Understanding and using formats

    Standardising media content to for better source integration


    Getting the most from Mediaedge

    Setting up the material bin categories

    Practise in a unique test area

    Methodical cleaning of the material database

    Understanding the system

    Multi -Channel scheduling and blanket schedule copying

    The preview window

    Suggested Scheduling guide

    What to show and when to display it!

    Good Morning W elcome

    Main Schedule

    Obtaining Staff feedback

    Main Schedule al ternates

    Staff talent

    Internal Advertisement

    Heal th and safety

    Special events

    Dedicated Areas

    Staff Awareness

    Further Information

    w w w . g r a s s v a l l e y . c o m iii






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    Grass Valley’s MEDIAEDGE is a powerful Digital

    Signage System used by countless companies

    throughout the world to effortlessly display Live

    and Scheduled HD/Multi Format Digital Signage

    content via a simple network scheduling interface.

    E f f e c t i v e l y D e s i g n i n g c o n t e n t f o r t h e i n d u s t r y w i l l b e s t

    u t i l i s e y o u r M E D I A E D G E s y s t e m c a p a b i l i t i e s , c a p t i v a t i n g y o u r

    a u d i e n c e w h i l s t s i m u l t a n e o u s l y c o m m u n i c a t i n g c r e a t i v e l y

    s c h e d u l e d n e w s a n d i n f o r m a t i o n .

    “ M E D I A E D G E T V R e a l W o r l d D i g i t a l S i g n a g e S o l u t i o n s ”

    This Application note will assist you in constructing, scheduling and properly displaying Mediaedge Content into your daily display platform whilst simultaneously providing an informative guide to related aspects involved in creating this content and addressing difficult issues and real world display guidance as it progresses....

    About This Overview

    This application note has been written in a semi technical format to supplement existing Mediaedge documentation available

    which currently covers in depth the technical requirements of Installation and operation

    It is directed toward a graphic designer or system controller who has been appointed to create/update media and begin

    scheduling content for display on the installed Mediaedge system.

    This guide will assist you in a simplified overview on how best to use the Mediaedge system to obtain your display requirements,

    it also contains a range of content enlightened video demonstrations which illustrate examples of Real World Digital Signage

    Solutions for various listed display category themes, raising your awareness of issues involved in designing and creating a

    Digital Signage portfolio using the Mediaedge system.

    • What to show when, how and why

    • Mediaedge tips and tricks

    • Download samples for guidance

    This document is intended specifically for Mediaedge However, users of any Digital Signage system product will find this information valuable as a quick method of getting to know MEDIAEDGE capability, without long explanations of technologies available in the fully detailed Mediaedge documentation. 1



    Robert DickieTypewritten Text.


    Getting Started

    Pre Project Planning

    The Planning Preparation to your digital signage system Templates/ content will save much wasted time and cost in creating / integrating unsuitable media to your system. Attention to this early preliminary planning process may help avoid much re-design at a later stage

    The birth of your concept

    In its early stage your concept designs should be outline simple sketches as illustrated. These layouts should be discussed and revised with all Team members Involved to define ideas’ and requirements for the preview template construct, finalisation of this step provides a basis to move forward through the various elemental stages of this guidance note. You must fully appreciate the purpose of the Digital Signage content to begin any design, much discussion and understanding on the reason “why the signage is there” should be strongly considered at this early stage of your preparation.

    Consider What Media content formats are actually available

    Whilst Mediaedge is easily capable of displaying Full HD 1080 content, for best results consideration must be given to media formats presently available to your client .The design of your Templates will have to incorporate this i.e. having a template designed to display HD actually displaying SD 4:3 footage will merely result in loss of display area in your template and be visually unpleasing, apply this process to all content types and consider that perhaps other media items such as PowerPoint Video presentations may have to be integrated, this is likely to have a large impact on your template format aspect ratios and design layouts.

    Having ascertained the existing media formats It is then advisable to prepare a few advance sketch template designs which permit the proper display of both existing and Full HD media content.

    Get the right people involved

    Make sure all contributors have been advance notified and asked to define precise requirements for their display material, the overall structure of your design will become more focused by observing this process, in large corporate organisations this process would also involve The Head of Content Management - Group Communications who will be able to provide additional guidance to effectively ascertain what media and possible layouts will be required.

    What is the purpose and perspective of each screen

    A Complete compiled survey of all display screens will permit a quick and easy reference in the design of your required templates this will also prove invaluable to the Controller or operator in IP recognition and installation of new firmware, Fonts and fault control.


    Robert DickieTypewritten Text


    What to Consider in creating your Digital Signage

    Screen sizes/environment and observing Readability distances

    The purpose of the Digital signage is to communicate information! This will be become completely ineffective if the content is unreadable by viewers. The necessary Font sizing to provide clear readability of material on your various screens must be systematically established and fully tested before creating any templates.

    This is best done using highly readable fonts like Calibri and sample text included in a trial template for display as shown, ascertain the various environments and tailor your content toward this considering: perspective, monitor screen sizes and viewer reading distances/screen positions.

    Practical working display Areas within Mediaedge templates

    It may seem attractive to include as much as possible on to your new signage screens trying to impress the audience with your array army of display gadgets, however in practise it is recommended to create 3 main self-defining viewing areas on the screen and introduce content to these areas, only at very close screen reading distances or on very large screens sizes should additional areas be considered.

    Pixel edge trimming to suit screen display

    Pixel edge trimming settings should be available on site monitors to best suit your viewing requirement. It is important that this setting is agreed before creating any designs as a later change in this setting may result in trimming or distortion of your template edges.

    Theme brand integration within templates including company colours fonts’ style etc

    Involving the Branding Team/Media controller to communicate your brand via the Digital Signage is very important; fully establish this prior to template construction. Under discussion try best to manipulate your visual presentation into to something that fit's the company brand, while providing clarity of content and media to the viewer.

    Retaining the company brand and colours and font throughout the schedule is good practise to retain consistency in presentation; consideration should be given to the following when integrating these elements.

    The company Branding documentation and guidelines Existing Market/advert branding Fonts used and acceptable variants Acceptable colour variants from main company colours Template region colour distribution and definition outline Individual or Unique style to Digital Signage templates



    What to Consider in creating your Digital Signage (Cont)

    Audio Levels and practical daily use

    The use of audio can at certain times have either a positive or negative value depending on the environment, for example within the working office environment continual use of audio would become an annoying distraction after a very short period and should be avoided. In such a situation your signage content must then be directed toward strong visual communication by use of defined talk bubbles or large font well defined text, or by the use of the Mediaedge scroller feature

    TIP: Mediaedge DCM Control Panel Interface In addition to content scheduling also provides an integrated Audio level –On/off scheduling system to seamlessly control audio levels throughout the display platform and as such your content can easily be constructed around the presence or absence of audio in the various display environments.

    Language and Font integration

    The use of Language fonts may strongly affect your designs, for instance the Arabic language not only requires a specific font to be available in Mediaedge but also the justification of the text is from the right. This would of course have a large design impact on any layout you are creating and forethought as to the requirement for special character’s /language should be considered at an early stage to avoid later problems It is wise to carefully index any possible special characters that may be required for display on the system and choose/install a font that contains all of these.

    Tip: Mediaedge Replacement fonts can easily be installed to each individual set top box as required to permit alternate language options to be available in various display areas of your system, In selecting this font ensure it contains both your native language and the optional language display characters In practise Arial best displays in the ticker feature and widely available variants’ of this font also contain integrated language packs.

    Special characters required if not available in any font pack can be easily integrated quickly and easily using software such as High Logic Font creator which can be used additionally to merge fonts to expand the available font content.

    URI Feature - Ease of updating Regular news display items

    Before embarking on your template designs it is worth mentioning that If your Mediaedge system contains many channels which perhaps require regular daily update of news items hilst the scheduling system can complete this optionally the use/integration of URI content can have a substantial time saving in this area, by constructing various areas of your template to utilise URI elements for instance a news HTML page it becomes unnecessary to change any of the scheduling content, by simply scheduling the URI to reload on a regular time period any changes made are seamlessly delivered to your signage system and as such careful design consideration should be discussed at this time to effectively create the template layout you require.


    The use of Flash components adds style and dynamic informative media to your design, some research should be done at this stage to determine what components are to be integrated within your templates Weather and Time clock features are but a start to the rich media available from flash.

    The choice of clear precise and well defined components add presence to your template construction; here are few SWF/FLA examples to get you started in this area

    Download sample flash components starter pack

    Converting your existing media sources

    TIP: Mediaedge may not support some media content directly this can be easily overcome by use of readily available media convertors for instance Power Point presentations while not directly supported by Mediaedge can quickly be converted to video using software such as PowerPoint to video pro many convertors are available to allow the complete transfer of most media to the Mediaedge Digital Signage system. 4


    Constructing Mediaedge templates Background Graphic 1920 x1080 Pixels

    MEDIAEDGE uses a PNG Format graphic 16bit for the template background layer

    The background graphic can easily be created in any good imaging software, for the graphic opposite Photoshop was used exporting on completion to the required 16bit PNG file format.

    To create a template background simply make a new image 1920 x 1080 pixels and construct your various display zones reflecting on the previous sections of this display note, good practise would group each of the visual elements into layer folder categories, Flash.HTML etc. this process is of course a matter of preference.

    Download sample template and assembly guide

    TIP: Mediaedge video display requires an alpha transparency area within the finalised flattened graphic, please ensure that this transparency dimension is the correct perspective for the video it has to display i.e. 16:9, 4:3 format etc. this is easily achieved by creating a new layer to the size of the video and symmetrically downscaling to the required template display region. On completion of the template use this outline layer selection to precisely create the transparent alpha area within the background. This technique can also be used to accurately position all the various components of your template.

    Flash Components (Max component resolution 960 x720 pixels)

    Flash 7.0 components can be included in your design this will allow weather clocks and numerous vibrant components to be easily included in your template

    TIP: Mediaedge by defining a guide layer in the template for the location of any component it becomes very easy on assembly within the MEDIAEDGE DCM to plot the relative position of each component simply by using ruler guides in your image software to determine the (x,y )offset from (0,0)image position to the top left corner of the layer - plotted pixel’ sizes can be accurately obtained.

    Download FLASH samples starter pack

    Due to high processor usage it is wise to thoroughly test any dynamic flash component to ensure proper display the use of excessive transitions should be kept to a minimum.

    HTML Components Max Component resolution 960 x 540 pixels

    HTML components/pages can be included in your design which permits the input of web pages and URI information sources

    TIP: Mediaedge HTML coding is displayed using the HDMA box Linux based chipset this will produce results which differ from your browser display or the internal Mediaedge preview for that matter by respecting however certain basic coding elements this can be overcome, the HTML pages below will display correctly within your Mediaedge Set top box and should be used as basis for your further development certain codes have been included “Although ignored in the HDMA box” will be respected in the preview mode a brief explanation of this is available in the respective coding guide and working examples download.

    Download HTML samples and coding guide


  • Constructing Mediaedge templates (cont) TICKER Components

    Text Ticker components can be included in your design which permit the display of both remote news feeds and local scheduling text information,

    TIP: Mediaedge Currently The Ticker component font is limited to the characters in the single font installed on the HDMA set top box this can easily be replaced using the control panel to your desired brand font type optionally by combining font types available characters can be expanded to include your precise requirement

    URI Components

    URI Components provide a very powerful solution for integrating to your template external/internal information sources such as web pages, news feeds, tickers, flash and much more.

    TIP: Mediaedge Remote source URI Template regions are defined by URL strings which can be controlled by the inclusion of extended string code to permit display and control of any remote source to your URI template layer, a brief explanation of this process and its further capabilities is explained in the working examples/guidance note below.

    Download Remote URI coding overview

    Text Ticker components can be alternated from both local to various remote URI sources which expands the diversity of information displayed in any one information ticker.

    Video Components

    Video Integration within Mediaedge Templates allows for rich media presentations by creating specialised video clips seamless delivery of news or product information can be delivered Grass Valley tools Edius and various Media Convertors allow for quick and easy video conversion to the formats used in Mediaedge

    TIP: Mediaedge By standardising video lengths to minute or 10 second intervals where possible scheduling template content is found to be much more controllable and easier to adjust within the DCM

    Text Areas

    Mediaedge system currently does not support an editable text area layer however this is easily overcome

    TIP: Mediaedge By utilising graphic software that supports editable text layers the background graphic can be merged to include variable text content, this is easily achieved by creating a master image using layer editable text areas over the background design then by simply updating the text area and saving a flattened image in the PNG Format text can be introduced to your display template background, this can be furthered by alternating backgrounds in your schedule producing text statements that can be transitionally displayed




    Media Content creation and display Understanding and using Formats

    Mediaedge permits the display of the following HD/SD video formats

    Mpeg2 H264

    Edius provides for export to this format by selecting the Mediaedge format from the export format list, by setting up a watch folder system much time can be saved in drag and drop conversion of any video content being transferred to Mediaedge.

    Standardising media content from source for better system integration

    In the construction of your templates many external sources will be used for the respective material try as best as possible to consider using the external content in original format and display sizes wherever possible this avoids unnecessary resizing and alteration of content for instance a web site GIF advert may be a source for a section of your schedule, by being able to immediately use this from the original source without conversion much time and effort can be saved

    In is most useful to provide contributors with a detailed media format specification in order to best obtain suitable material for system display, perspectives and sizes of video content/images together will text entry limitations etc. this permits faster control in your scheduling system. 7


    Getting the most from Mediaedge

    The working manual for Mediaedge DCM will provide full guidance on using the software however in practise the listed application notes below have been found to offer advantage

    Setting up the material bin categories

    It is advisable to spend time prior to uploading content into the database properly preparing categories for all of your material content and layouts etc. this will save much time as the system reaches its running operational status an effectively named filing structure will prove invaluable in your daily tasks furthermore constant daily attention to maintaining this is invaluable

    Practise in your test area

    New users to the scheduling system should be directed to a custom created test category area this will avoid duplication of content and allow quick and easy deletion of unnecessary items on completion of training

    Methodical cleaning of the database

    After training and prior to activation of the system it is advised to complete a thorough clean of any unnecessary components, this area causes many issues in daily use and strict and daily observation of the cleaning process will ensure your system runs at optimal performance

    Currently Mediaedge does not have a material bin replacement feature so when introducing replacement content delete the existing component first to avoid any retained hidden use of the original item Mediaedge will report where the content is being used at which point you can delete it’s presence .

    Understanding the system

    It is advisable to spend time learning the various shortcuts available within the Scheduling interface to permit much faster updates in your system. For items that require fast update it is possible to use URI components referencing components located on the DCM PC file system by simple replacement of these at source information updates can be made instantly without the requirement to alter the scheduling system. Further information on this is available in this article

    Multi Channel scheduling and blanket schedule copying

    The latest addition to Mediaedge provides a new action “Copy or Delete 1 day’s schedule” this powerful feature allows you to accurately compile a single channel schedule which can then be blanket copied to multiple channels and multiple days of display.

    The action can then be applied for deletion of any channel schedule and or days of display

    The preview window

    Be fully aware that the preview mode whilst offering a guide to your template may in practise be different from the viewing output visible when displayed via the set top box , be sure to fully test any template or design in its actual working environment especially when utilising Flash and HTML components 8

  • 9.15am - MEDIAEDGE

    Suggested Scheduling item guide

    What to show and when This guide was assembled from a typical office environment video examples can be viewed by clicking the respective thumbnail, some of the examples are provided with a downloadable Mediaedge template builder pack which includes all material, Installation and reconstruction guide

    A warm inviting daily staff welcome video End of day thank you message

    Main news display 4:3 format (with/without Audio) DOWNLOAD THIS TEMPLATE AND GUIDE

    At Interim intervals request staff feedback

    Obtain ideas! Improve Scheduling Media Content Rank/Improve existing content

    Main news optional colour scheme/varient layout Christmas/festive Holidays

    At Selected times introduce portfolios for staff talent for competitions 9


    Suggested Scheduling guide (Cont)

    What to show and when

    Selected times Internal Adverts Charity and fund based For live events and programs

    Health and Safety messages

    Keep fit at your desktop video exercise Fire training /Coshh/staff awareness General Information programs

    Event listing for internal staff Events Awards Sports Up and coming event listings Live event coverage Seasonal functions

    Meeting or training room scheduling utilising HTML Dedicated areas: unique customisable signage Part of a wayfinding system structure DOWNLOAD THIS TEMPLATE AND GUIDE

    At Selected times introduce staff awareness ie Happy at work


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    Suggested Scheduling guide (Cont) What to show and when

    Health and Safety Messages Humerous Health and safety Delivery Visually Orientated

    Financial Updates Progress reports Department performance reports

    Further suggestions for content display

    Fire Training Videos Fire testing advance warning screen Internal Job placement advertisement Company events Live event screening 1 1

    And finally make sure you create an informative promotional advert about your Digital Signage System Displayed periodically on your schedule.

    Robert DickieTypewritten TextFor each respective channel or area a filler file or screensaver will be requiredA very useful feature of Mediaedge which allows each HDMA box to display a filler video should no scheduled content be playing or while the system is updating, easily updated via the control panel

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    Further Information

    For further information about MEDIAEDGE, Grass Valley hardware and software, and further training, visit

    A Full Gallery of menu template examples created for Mediaedge

    can viewed here



    Local and regional sales contacts can be found by visiting

    Local and regional support contacts can be found by visiting

    © Copyright 2010 Technicolor USA, Inc. dba Grass Valley. All rights reserved. Grass Valley and MEDIAEDGE are trademarks of Technicolor USA, Inc. All other tradenames referenced are service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Specifcations subject to change without

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