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Sligo East City Cranmore and Environs Stage 4 Overview Report  

APPENDIX B COMMENTS FROM QUESTIONNAIRES Regeneration Masterplan CONSULTATION EVENT September 2015 352 Questionnaires Comments on Social Plan page 02 Comments on Economic Plan page 03 Comments on Physical Plan page 04 General Comments (Other) page 17

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Question S Social Plan: Action Areas Cranmore 18 S Should be prioritised

Other 34 S Youth employment very necessary and important in order to

continue the change in the fabric of the communities. Continuation of CCTV and monitoring of estate and other areas of East Ward. Set up on the present situation would have greater and more visible presence of Garda in area. Possibly by providing office or outreach office.

Cranmore 131 S The social plan is always welcome in any area

Cranmore 238 S Education, learning and training course should be made available at night for people that are working.

Cranmore 240 S Some courses should be held at night for people who work during the day.

Cranmore 272 S Training courses should be in evening when people are finished work.

Cranmore 281 S Some courses should be held at night for people who work during the day.

Cranmore 348 Other Need to have courses.

Cranmore 262 Other Geldof Resident: Housing management is a concern for me because I’m worried about what tenants would move into any new housing. I’m furious when council tenants don’t stick to a housing agreement and when the council don’t check houses that are being rented and that aren't being looked after.

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Question E Economic Plan: Action Areas Cranmore 18 E Should be prioritised

Cranmore 252 E Give local people a chance to get a job in this area and get the job

skills for that job.

Cranmore 286 E I would like to see the TAPPED Programme continue as we enjoy it very much and it is a great benefit to the community.

Tonaphubble 311 E I would like to see income adequacy on the economic plan

Cranmore 347 E Ensure to include jobs for people with disability. Disability is not mentioned in Sligo Regeneration Literature. Needs to be more awareness of disability and of the different levels of disability. Need to inform the Regeneration team more about this. Regeneration plan needs to be universally disability friendly.

Tonaphubble 311 Other Feel that income is one of the most important factors in the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Social Health of any community.

Cranmore 294 Other local people given jobs when building starts

Cranmore 258 Other I'd be very interested in work opportunities during building works: - I have trades and qualifications and health and safety certs. I’m finding it hard to get work. I’m a carer at the moment, I’d rather get a job.

Cranmore 267 Other Jobs for the residents are crucial to get "buy in” on the plan. Survey of the occupations of the Residents of the area and companies they work for *networking *making connections * using the relevant trade, skill and professions that are in the area.

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Question 1 Devins Drive Enhancements Cranmore 18 1 Should be prioritised

Cranmore 44 1 Ramps causing Noise Pollution. Residents sleep interrupted at

night with Delivery Lorries to super markets. Road Narrowing at top of Devins Drive causes problems for Residents to park due to Restrictive Access.

Cranmore 62 1 Road Calming areas at all junctions to slow down traffic from all Estates to Devins Drive.

Cranmore 95 1 Traffic calming roundabouts at entrance & exit to Devins Drive

Cranmore 96 1 Traffic calming roundabouts at entrance to Devins Drive and bottom too.

Cranmore 100 1 Traffic Calming roundabouts at entrance & exit of Devins Drive

Other 115 1 I don't agree with parking on Devins road as it will widen this busy road and encourage speeding

Cranmore 150 1 I think the idea of making the road at Devins Drive more like an avenue is a brilliant idea, in respect of making it a more pleasant place to drive through. I also think the John Fallon mound is in need of lowering to improve the visibility of the junction.

Cranmore 165 1 Like trees, but should not interfere with TV and Broadband signals

Cranmore 166 1 Really like trees, but there would need to be measures to ensure that they don't interfere with TV and broadband signals

Cranmore 167 1 Traffic Calming: roundabouts at entrance to exit to Devins Drive

Cranmore 178 1 Devins Drive a good idea, ideas would enhance this area.

Cranmore 181 1 Devins Drive Enhancement: this is a priority as Devins Drive is on the main thoroughfare and needs to be made more aesthetically pleasing.

Cranmore 197 1 No more trucks on Devins Drive

Cranmore 210 1 I would like traffic lights at both ends of Devins Drive or a roundabout at each end.

Cranmore 238 1 Traffic calming suggestion for Devins Drive - chicane associated with car parking instead of pinch point lay out.

Cranmore 240 1 Traffic calming for Devins Drive - chicane associated with car parking instead of pinch point lay out.

Cranmore 271 1 Large Trucks stopped -

Cranmore 272 1 Pinch Point layout would not work. Chicane with car park parking work better.

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Cranmore 281 1 Traffic calming for Devins Drive - Chicane associated with car parking instead of pinch point layout.

Cranmore 289 1 Would like measures to be taken to address the Heavy Duty lorries coming through estate. They should be forced to go around Cleveragh.

Cranmore 293 1 I live at no. 6 Cranmore place. We need extra car parking spaces.

Cranmore 303 1 Stop trucks up and down Devins Drive, more ramps.

Tonaphubble 311 1 If you slow the traffic down any more, there would nearly be no point in bringing a car at all (personal view). But it could potentially scupper the Economic Development plan. I would like to see Income Adequacy on the Economic plan.

Cranmore 349 1 People come too fast into streets. Need to slow them down coming around the corner e.g. Langan Drive into Racecourse View

Question 2 Abbeyquarter Site : which option: a, b, or c?

2 a Abbeyquarter site developed to allow new link through Mercy lands (Abbeyquarter centre would move to centre block)

2 b Abbeyquarter Centre refurbished, parking extended

2 c Abbeyquarter site developed for housing (Abbeyquarter centre would move to centre block)

Cranmore 7 2a Where are the dressing rooms and facilities for the pitch? We need facilities. With no facilities we will be going backwards instead of forwards. People can’t change in the rain, we play winter league.

Cranmore 18 2a Think this is a good idea, better access to the schools.

Cranmore 85 2a Sean Fallon Pitch - We paid 1.00 a week. The park was sold. Was privatized so it’s still part of Cranmore. Do not change it

Cranmore 97 2a Brilliant idea for Geldof Drive, Option A

Cranmore 175 2a No changes

Cranmore 237 2a Abbey quarter centre site redevelopment - ok with redeveloping 10 bungalows but not family 2 story houses. Housing for people with special needs is much more desirable than social housing.

Cranmore 238 2a Pitch should not be used as a land swap with mercy college unless it is put in the plans that this land cannot be converted into a commercial zone for use in extending the school. If the school is extended onto the pitch this would be an eye sore in the middle of Cranmore.

Cranmore 255 2a Plan 2A seems to be a worthwhile project as long as there is guarantees there are no more added on houses to the stated plans. As we enjoy the view from our house on Geldof. Also would they not consider some bungalows instead? Signed: T. C....... ??

Cranmore 262 2a I agree with 2a and 2b with no extra houses and the 10 bungalows

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are for retired people. Don’t want young families moving in. Include an allotment beside the potential space for bus turning.

Cranmore 272 2a Pitch should not be given as a land swap to mercy college unless it’s put into the final plans that this pitch cannot be converted into commercial land and should only be converted into some form of all weather pitch. If this pitch is built on to extend the school this would make an eye sore in the middle of Cranmore.

Cranmore 291 2a Let Geldof Drive Residents decide

Cranmore 291 2a Please keep the current community centre and upgrade as required

Cranmore 329 2a New link through Mercy Grounds should be monitored and locked at certain times to be agreed by affected Residents.

Cranmore 336 2a I don’t think Abbey quarter centre needs to be moved, it is a major benefit to community and I feel that relocation would be a major upset to both elderly and children in the area.

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

334 2a Why is knocking down Abbeyquarter Centre necessary? It is a good building, plenty of rooms; it could be used for different purposes. What happened to crèche? - Shortage of small children.

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

334 2a Not on I think.

Cranmore 9 2b Would like to see the centre left where it is in Cranmore.

Cranmore 12 2b I feel the Abbeyquarter is unfit to provide the needs of all the people and agree with the proposal to build a new centre with modern amenities.

Cranmore 127 2b I would like this but not with the school gate because there would be more kids it would be more noisier

Cranmore 128 2b I would like this but not school gate.

Cranmore 150 2b I think the plan 2b would be the most attractive to the Cranmore people because I do believe that keeping the centre is important to them, although there may be a new building somewhere else for all of the new facilities.

Cranmore 176 2b Abbeyquarter refurbished and extended

Cranmore 238 2b Community centre is ok relocating to bigger green area. However original building should be kept as older members of the community worked hard to fundraise and get this building built as part of the community. Building could be kept or rented for meetings. It would be an eye sore if this centre was knocked as it would be too overcrowded with houses in such a small area.

Cranmore 240 2b We would like Abbeyquarter Centre not to be knocked as to have houses built there would be an eye sore. Abbeyquarter Centre was built when the housing estate opened; it would be heart breaking to see it knocked down.

Cranmore 272 2b Community centre should be kept as part of the community and not demolished. Older residents put lots of effort to raise funds to get this building built. It is currently part of the heart of our community

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Residents take pride in knowing that their efforts created this centre.

Cranmore 281 2b We would like Abbeyquarter Centre not to be knocked, as to have houses built there would be an eye sore, and Abbeyquarter Centre was built when the housing estate opened it would be heart breaking to see it knocked down.

Cranmore 347 2c What do you class as "special needs”? Would prefer this type of house to be more dispersed and integrated into the wider estate so people mix better, and are challenged more. Otherwise this street could become known for the "one for people with disabilities". Suggest share with elderly.

Cranmore 12 2c I feel that this proposal needs to be discussed and agreed by the residents of Geldof Drive.

Cranmore 207 2c Split units in Abbeyquarter for small businesses like bike repairs/ furniture restore.

Cranmore 298 2c I think special needs have the right to live and mix, and also communicate with others in an open area where there should be more entertainment.

Cranmore 303 2c No new extra housing, bungalows used for special needs homes.

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

334 2c No need for more housing. Think the lessons should have been learned over the years.

Question 3 Geldof Drive: bungalows and courts site for housing Cranmore 6 3 Problems with car congestion - Previous issues with social housing

and anti social behaviour. Would prefer less houses, like green area instead

Cranmore 127 3 I would like the houses for special needs

Cranmore 128 3 Would like the houses for special needs.

Cranmore 150 3 There does need to be something done about the present boarded up bungalows also the pedestrian gate to the Mercy for the pupils is a great idea

Cranmore 178 3 No housing in Geldof Drive. Refurbish existing bungalows. Don’t agree with a walkway leading from Geldof Drive to Mercy college.

Cranmore 181 3 Geldof Drive: Existing bungalows need to be sorted as they are a complete eyesore.

Cranmore 235 3 If housing is built only for Elderly or special needs.

Cranmore 238 3 These houses were original used as social housing and should be kept for social housing if rebuilt.

Cranmore 261 3 Geldof Drive should stay as it is. No need for any more developments people are happy as it is quiet and private. Most residents have bought their houses.

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Cranmore 262 3 If 14 houses are built it will bring anti-social behaviour. Children will hang around in cul de sac. I’d like special needs housing where the bungalows are. No new extra houses (i.e... 4 suggested) use the courts for extra turning and parking for buses. At the moment they park in front of houses and I can’t access my drive way. (diagram on sheet to illustrate this)

Cranmore 271 3 Special needs housing - yes

Cranmore 272 3 These houses were originally social housing and should be made social housing if rebuilt.

Cranmore 275 3 Housing for special needs

Cranmore 276 3 Housing is for special needs

Cranmore 280 3 If housing is built only for elderly and special needs

Cranmore 291 3 Let Geldof Drive Residents decide

Cranmore 329 3 Bungalows should be done up for elderly and retired people. I oppose the building of more houses and bungalows should be redeveloped as they are. NOT two story. Proposed area for 4 new houses should be developed as a turning area for Buses an traffic, failing this, it should be developed as allotments for whole community, not just for a men’s group. As a woman with a disability I feel this is very important.

Cranmore 331 3 Would like to see Bungalows re - developed as they are - not 2 storeys. Also, no need for 4 extra 2 storey houses, this land could be used for Allotments and Bungalows used for elderly or special needs.

Cranmore 335 3 Would like to have bungalows knocked. Would like to see area used as picnic area and to make a nice garden area. All houses private and council be able to avail of any improvements. No extra housing built.

Cranmore 341 3 housing for Retirees / disabled

Cranmore 348 3 Put in a decent building with 3 workshops for (a) mechanics course - would bring people in (b) basic household maintenance (c) builder/plaster/block laying course

Question 4 Joe Mc Donnell Drive: New Link to Chapel Hill Cranmore 12 4 Proposals to knock and rebuild new houses needs to be discussed

and agreed by residents living in these houses - I do agree with the cycle path.

Cranmore 18 4 Don’t agree with four houses being knocked unless it was in full agreement with those living in it. Otherwise I like the idea.

Cranmore 105 4 I would not be in favour of this, as if anything, I think it will draw even more late night footfall into Joe McDonnell and it can be a problem. Noise from Drunken pedestrians is an issue at weekends. I also believe that if this new walkway is carried out, it will be only a matter of time before it gets changed to a road.

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Cranmore 108 4 Yes to a linkway, not a Road

Cranmore 109 4 I agree as long as it stays for cycle land and pedestrians and not turned into a road in the future.

Cranmore 150 4 From my own experience I know this new walkway is important not only for easier accessibility for people who live in Cranmore, but also for visitors and passersby (the fact that the link is currently an alley which is not very pleasant to walk through makes this high in my personal view of priorities for the projects

Cranmore 178 4 Don't agree with this idea.

Cranmore 181 4 Joe McDonnell Drive: New link to chapel hill, No, this is not a good idea.

Cranmore 197 4 Leave Alley in Joe McDonnell as is.

Cranmore 235 4 Agree if people living in those houses give full consent.

Cranmore 259 4 I don't agree with a new Road going through Joe McDonnell Drive. I have kids that play on that street and don't agree with the street being open.

Cranmore 275 4 Leave it up to the living in the four houses

Cranmore 276 4 up to people that live in the houses

Cranmore 280 4 Agree if people living in those houses give full consent

Cranmore 291 4 Let Joe Mc Donnell Residents decide

Cranmore 294 4 if the people in the 4 house agree

Cranmore 299 4 Existing Alley is safe both to use and to live beside. This project is not important enough to move 4 families out of their house, which they have lived in since 1985. I suggest to use and extend the existing alley into the Mercy field, then continue to chapel hill and extend the gardens of number 31-34. Also chapel Hill to be turned into a one way street.

Cranmore 336 4 I don’t think that the link to chapel hill is beneficial only my opinion.

Cranmore 348 4 If households agree

Question 5 Central Cleared Area: which option: a or b? 5 a (i) New Centre with park, pitches and play-spaces

(ii) Retirement housing on part of central cleared area

5 b Park, pitches, play-spaces and housing

Cranmore 18 5a1 Should be prioritised

Cranmore 18 5a1 We need a purpose built new centre that meets the needs of the

community today as well as in 20 years from now.

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Cranmore 22 5a1 I think the idea of a new centre is very good. Multiple agencies i.e. services need to avail of it to ensure residents can access as many supports i.e. services as possible in one location.

Cranmore 22 5a1 The idea of Housing for the elderly - people's needs change as they grow older and this needs to be recognised as well as ensuring they remain a part of their community and services are available locally for them.

Other 72 5a1 New Centre with park-pitches-Play space. Sport is playing a key role in social regeneration but the need for a community type sports hall is essential for activities for people of all ages. Indoor space necessary for sporting activities.

Cranmore 97 5a1 5a is the best option

Cranmore 132 5a1 Having had kids grow up in Cranmore and now grandkids it’s always good to see somewhere they can go to i.e. drop in club/centre with different activities rather than sitting on walls or hanging about the streets. A new centre would be ideal for different activities to be held in.

Cranmore 146 5a1 A new centre located on the present green site I would not be in favour of. Redevelop the area for a more recreational purpose would be more appealing. Parks, Pitches, Play areas. To redevelop the present centre and its surrounding areas i.e. from a 2 story building into a 3 story building using the ground we have already developed.

Cranmore 148 5a1 Regarding the central green area, I feel it is crucial to have a proper play area park etc for the kids.

Cranmore 149 5a1 As a symbol to the commitment of the proposed plans I think the prep and construction time for this project should be first priority. Also a legacy fund should at least be considered for the future running and up keep for the facilities and surrounding areas.

Cranmore 153 5a1 Medi Centre long overdue

Cranmore 156 5a1 Put running track around pitch and basketball court

Cranmore 160 5a1 regarding the Central cleared area, I feel it is crucial to have a proper play area, park etc for the children

Cranmore 161 5a1 Play area also would be good and an improvement

Cranmore 197 5a1 I am in favour of Plan 5a

Other 229 5a1 Essential for future community.

Cranmore 235 5a1 I agree we need a new centre but feel we have to keep Abbeyquarter.

Cranmore 266 5a1 A medical centre would be a great service to have in the area as a lot of people have a distant to when ill.

Cranmore 280 5a1 Agree need a new centre but I feel we have to keep Abbeyquarter.

Cranmore 291 5a1 The centre block should be kept as "green" as possible. Develop for eco - friendly initatives. Use for pay area and recreational facilities.

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Cranmore 294 5a1 in the courts area: outdoor squash alley

Cranmore 298 5a1 I think the Centre Block should be first priority because all the

young kids around Cranmore have nothing to do in the past few years. It would be fair for them to have a nice big open playground, sooner rather than later.

Tonaphubble 311 5a1 Don’t know enough about a medical facility to say yeah or nay. But would love to see elder home facilities, so people could stay in their own community.

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

334 5a1 no housing

Cranmore 338 5a1 No Houses

Cranmore 348 5a1 Have houses for people with disabilities and that would include the elderly - what age is elderly - is it when you get the pension, make sure it is affordable.

Cranmore 5 5a2 NO Housing in the Centre Block except Retirement - one story

Cranmore 10 5a2 There are enough houses in Cranmore - Some were knocked why build more.

Cranmore 11 5a2 No more houses

Cranmore 27 5a2 It is of little value building retirement Homes if they are a repeat of the other ones that were built when the elderly were put in and then abandoned to fend for themselves. I would be horrified to think this could happen again. A system on the theme of Nazareth House would be the right way to go.

Cranmore 291 5a2 Cranmore already is an area of high density housing - no need for more houses in a green field site.

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

334 5a2 No Social housing needed in Cranmore - Brings too many problems for everybody.

Cranmore 12 5b Although a good idea, there is an urgent need for a modern centre to meet the needs of the wider population of Cranmore.

Cranmore 150 5b I would like to see the toddler park developed as there is currently not many parks friendly for this young age

Cranmore 197 5b Not in favour of 5 b

Cranmore 291 5b option C - no housing or centre - play space and recreation area etc.

Cranmore 301 5b No more social Housing. Finality of roads Network.

Question 6 Mounds in Cranmore: Relandscaped 6 a Joe Mc Donnell /Fallon Drive Mound

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6 b Yeats Drive/Carroll Drive Mound

Cranmore 9 6a We do not want the mounds lowered in Cranmore

Cranmore 18 6a Careful planning and consultation with local residents is required.

Cranmore 98 6a No need to touch the mounds

Cranmore 108 6a No fencing

Cranmore 110 6a No fencing if the mound in Joe McDonnell Drive is lowered and developed into a green space there is any need to fence it. I am a resident who lives around the mound and do not want it fenced off. What are you achieving? You create a space that is deemed inaccessible to residents, you create a feeling of being "locked in" You create a "challenge" for youth, a mystery, something to get in at. Leave the space open, free and green. Fencing could always be added at a later date if needed. The height of the mound is also a concern. At the moment I look out on green, lowering the mound to much would mean I would lose my green view and be looking at houses. The height on the Joe McDonnell side of the mound should not be lower than one story. Funding and maintenance for the mound in the future should also be secured and outlined if funding cannot be secured, leave the mound alone.

Other 115 6a Joe McDonnell Bank current proposed parking on all sides

Cranmore 122 6a No parking on Devins Drive side of mound as this is main road

Cranmore 124 6a This area should be left as open area with no visible fencing. if the mound is to be developed it must include funding for the future upkeep of it.

Cranmore 131 6a The only item I wouldn't support is the Joe McDonnell re-landscaping and that is because I live in No. 4 and enjoy the look of the green mound which provides a measure of privacy and the idea of fencing would certainly take away from the aesthetic look.

Cranmore 165 6a I like the park proposal for the mounds, but do not like the idea of railings

Cranmore 166 6a Like what is proposed for mound but do not like the railing, I think they will remove community feeling

Cranmore 175 6a No changes

Cranmore 183 6a Do not feel that the parking spaces are necessary

Cranmore 184 6a Road should be wider and paths should be built but no parking on entrance to Joe Mc Donnell

Cranmore 291 6a Let residents decide re mounds

Cranmore 117 6a Good idea to remove mound at Joe McDonnell Drive and landscape instead.

Cranmore 84 6b I would love to see the bank cut down in Collery Drive and something put in there for kids and would love to see a skate park somewhere for kids to play on their scooters etc.

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Cranmore 108 6b No fencing

Cranmore 122 6b Yeats Drive: traffic calming put in place around mound as widening of road will result in motorbikes and cars going around at even greater speed.

Cranmore 150 6b The Yeats mound is in need of steps I know, from my personal experience, it would make the journey from upper Cranmore to lower, a lot easier

Cranmore 165 6b Again do not like railings

Cranmore 166 6b Again do not like railings

Cranmore 175 6b No changes

Cranmore 336 6b I don’t feel that removing this mound in Carroll drive would be any benefit to the area. Yeats Drive could be flattened slightly and planting boxes used to improve or allow children’s place for planting fruit trees. I think any trees planted should have fruit. Children would have fun picking.

Cranmore 347 6b I’m saying no to this because I want it assessed for disability access. I realise it may be difficult to make it universally disability friendly.

Cranmore 348 6b Make a half moon shape mound to maintain privacy and have space for landscaping.

Question 7 New link to Sports Centre from Cranmore

Cranmore 10 7 No Roads -

Other 72 7

New link to sports centre from Cranmore would open up access to Cleveragh Park for Residents.

Cranmore 150 7

This would make the racecourse more accessible but I would be afraid of some youths finding it a place for anti-social behaviour

Cranmore 161 7

Regarding the new link from Cranmore to the Sport Complex I think it is very good

Cranmore 175 7 No changes

Cranmore 197 7 Bike lane to sports complex with barrier system in place.

Other 226 7

Great idea, leading to more usage of regional sports centre, if they offer an attractive package to local residents. The entrance from race course to regional sports centre is not good coming in at back of centre. If you could change and put an entrance at the front of centre. With a nice pedestrian path to front of sports complex

Cranmore 336 7

I don’t think we need a new link to sports centre it is within walking distance for people in Cranmore anyway.

Question 8 Doorly Park Martin Savage Terrace: New local park

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Doorly Park-Martin Savage

307 8 In favour of a park but I am mindful of late night access and security.

Cranmore 336 8 I think the park location is fine where it is.

Question 9 Browns Field: new links, when Browns Field is developed Cranmore 27 9 Browns Field would be perfect for assisted housing as was done in

Cleveragh Rd and Sea Rd. If it was given as an option, I am sure a number of people from the area would avail of this freeing up more houses for tenants.

Other 34 9 Linkage to Brown's Land/Doorly Park/Cleveragh as with the linkage to Pearse Road is very important to the future of the Cranmore Area; it will remove the isolation that existed.

Cranmore 185 9 Would not like to see a Road coming through Browns Field onto Langan Drive, cycle and pedestrian route would be ideal

Cranmore 188 9 No road at Browns Field, Just bicycle and walk way

Cranmore 192 9 No road through Browns Field, just walk way

Cranmore 193 9 No Road through Browns Field

Cranmore 194 9 No road at Browns Field, just a cycle and walkway

Cranmore 291 9 not enough detail here

Cranmore 291 9 Long term plan lacks current detail to make an informed decision - too early to decide. more information required

Question 10 Energy Saving Measures for Housing in Cranmore Cranmore 18 10 Energy measures in Cranmore houses have to be developed.

Cranmore 105 10 I would really support these improvements, but only if they are

extended to each and every resident, and not only to those who are tenants of SCC. I would feel that if these are only extended to SCC tenants it may create division amongst residents, with private residents on one side and SCC tenants on the other. Private owners should not be "punished" because they own their own homes.

Cranmore 108 10 To include all housing in this area

Cranmore 109 10 this should be extended to both private and council houses

Cranmore 110 10 Funding for Energy Saving measures for houses should be made available to privately owned houses as well as council houses as the issues were council issues before residents bought their house.

Cranmore 117 10 Energy saving needed badly

Cranmore 124 10 Funding and grants should be made available to private house owners as well as SCC houses. We all live in the same area.

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Cranmore 146 10 Is badly needed

Cranmore 150 10 The houses in Cranmore need to be greatly improved and also the

environment. We had vents put in and my neighbours bathroom subsequently got flooded, so important for me for the work to be done properly

Cranmore 167 10 Include private house owners in refurbishment

Cranmore 238 10 Housing improvements should be also made available to private owned residents. If works are carried out. Houses should be returned as found.

Cranmore 272 10 Housing improvements should also be made for private residents.

Cranmore 331 10 Energy Saving measures should include Private Housing as well as Council Housing.

Cranmore 244 Other Include private housing on refurbishments.

Cranmore 245 Other Private houses to be included with refurbishments

Cranmore 247 Other No Social Housing: private Homes to be included in all refurbishment.

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

308 Other Doorly Park Martin Savage: I don't feel I can comment on these proposals because I am not a resident of Cranmore, but I do hope these changes do happen for the Cranmore residents. I would like to see some energy saving proposals for Doorly Park Martin Savage area.

Question 11 Housing Quality Measures for SCC housing in Cranmore Cranmore 108 11 Privately owned houses should be updated in line with council


Cranmore 109 11 Private homes should be entitled to new changes are these plans were not in place when homes were bought.

Cranmore 146 11 Is badly needed

Cranmore 161 11 we need a bigger house or an extra room

Cranmore 281 11 Re questions 10,11,12. - Housing improvements should be made available to privately owned Residents.

Cranmore 289 11 Refurbishment of houses must include the privately owned too.

Cranmore 95 Other Include private house owners in refurbishment scheme

Cranmore 96 Other Include private house owners in refurbishment

Cranmore 98 Other Include private housing in refurbishment i.e. grants

Cranmore 100 Other House owners help refurbishing their homes

Cranmore 107 Other Need for grants for private housing

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Cranmore 240 Other Re 10 - 11 - 12 Housing improvements should be made available to privately owned residents.

Question 12 Environmental Improvements for Cranmore Estate Cranmore 86 12 Please do something about the lane between the Collery Drive and

the Yeats Drive. The project 29 proposals do not look like they will happen and those of us who live on this lane will continue to experience anti-social behaviour, congregating young people, noise and over looking. Maybe even give us railings to stop people loitering outside our houses.

Cranmore 146 12 Is badly needed. These dead alleyways should be divided up to the surrounding homes so that those in the area can redevelop their gardens or extend their homes.

Cranmore 170 12 Closure of all the alleyways is a must but my interest is in the closure of 48-49 Cranmore drive as we own both and we moved in 1991 and the problems are still ongoing. We have had to have a security camera fitted. When we have anyone visit in the evening most evenings we have to run the gauntlet through 8-10 teens sitting on our walls. We need this closed as soon as possible

Cranmore 201 12 Closure of the alleyways with priority 48/49 Cranmore Drive. Allocation of waste ground behind Cranmore Drive to the residents of Cranmore drive as garden extension.

Cranmore 347 12 Lot of holes in paths, don’t need to replaced, just resurfaced. Kerb at Abbeyquarter path makes entrance inaccessible. Co-op and Regeneration offices are not accessible to me.

Cranmore 253 Other There are 5 houses in Carroll Drive and there are 20 cars trying to park in Carroll Drives. Car parking area. Residents from Racecourse View are also parking in the area.

Cranmore 253 Other I would like if the parking in Carroll Drive could be looked at, there is a large green area that could be used as a car park next to one of the houses.

Cranmore 279 Other Car parking spaces in Carroll drive is very bad, not enough spaces for the volume of cars. 5 houses in Carroll drive and all the cars for Racecourse steps are all parking up in the car park.

Cranmore 293 Other Have a wall that runs in my garden. I own my own house but the wall is running in between it and my neighbour. It's damp and gone very dirty the garden in front is mine. I would see is as an Environmental improvement.

Cranmore 267 Other Re naming the area - Cranmore has a negative association for Regeneration, a new name or breaking up into a number of districts will enhance the reputation of the area.

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GENERAL COMMENTS (OTHER) General Comments Cranmore 8 Other General Comment - I am in favour of 95% of proposals, but if

housing is to be included it should not be terraced, at the very least the housing should be semi-detached, with driveways. This would give the owners/tenants more control over their own space and in my opinion make for a more sustainable, happier house-hold. Also, I believe an increase in social housing/increase population will detract from the regeneration initiative. Final Point, I want Cranmore to be desirable and much sought after place to live.

Cranmore 1 Other No Roads, No Housing

Cranmore 11 Other No Roads - too dangerous

Cranmore 12 Other Overall most of the projects and proposals are positive for Cranmore. Improvements that may have an impact on local areas - streets need to be agreed by the residents living in these areas.

Cranmore 12 Other Well presented.

Cranmore 28 Other We don't want more houses - we are ok with the roads we have.

Cranmore 38 Other I agree, very good ideas. Improves peoples way of lives and it makes sense.

Cranmore 39 Other Good for the Cranmore areas, Buy, knock the bungalows in McDonnell Drive. Build 4 new houses in that area would be a good and better plan.

Cranmore 96 Other No Social Housing

Cranmore 98 Other No need for social housing or extra roads.

Cranmore 100 Other No social housing

Cranmore 110 Other All proposed new links, i.e. Joe McDonnell, Geldof, Mercy and Racecourse are guaranteed cycle/pedestrian, not for traffic/cars.

Cranmore 123 Other I think there's good ideas here - when will it happen? Some say 10 years??

Cranmore 129 Other This consultation is to be commended. The Regeneration Team listened and took on board the wishes of the residents. However, I found some of the questions too vague. Over and over again there is reference to "new links". It would be better if it were more specific - pedestrian, cycle or motor. The word link is open to different interpretations. My point of view is that urban regeneration is best served by opening the estate up to nature - green spaces, parks, trees, shrubs etc. Pedestrian and cycle links are welcome. Thanks to team.

Cranmore 130 Other Street Lights - Health hazard. Why? Overly bright - turn them down or a red light. Affects circadian rhythm, wake/sleep cycle. Thus when the human eye or animal is exposed to a bright blue light when it is dark this tells the brain it is daytime - suppressing

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melatonin production (sleep hormone) - the blue light 460 - 480 nm range. Experimental scientific studies it has shown an average person who is living in an environment with over exposure to blue-lights of this range had found their sleep delayed by 1-2 hours. Also caused children to be hyperactive. All of the above effects wildlife, plant life, trees and such need as much darkness as humans and animals do, if this is fixed it will also save electricity! Inadequate sleep causes chemical imbalance in the brain and body resulting in mental disorders such as insomnia, hostility, stunted growth and the inability to heal correctly to wake-up fresh. Personally, there is a streetlight directly outside my house and it greatly affects my sleep.

Cranmore 131 Other Would fully support most of the ideas, both from a visual point of view and the overall improvements in the general area.

Cranmore 133 Other I would support 90% of proposed plans for regeneration. This has been a long awaited plan for Cranmore which will mean a great deal for people in the area. Not just for existing residents but for future generations to come. I would express just one concern that is Anti-Social behaviour and its potential to destroy any future hopes and concern of the people of Cranmore and surrounding areas.

Cranmore 140 Other Skate park for kids

Cranmore 141 Other Help people who own their own houses up in Cranmore who help other people but don't get help themselves.

Cranmore 147 Other I would have a huge objection to more social housing and unnecessary roads i.e. no road at Browns field through the estate. I feel a walk/cycle path is favourable.

Cranmore 153 Other All Great Ideas and Good to see Council pushing forward with the backing of people from the area. Very Encouraging for our children and grandchildren. WELL DONE Now force some funds Keep Up the Good Work

Cranmore 167 Other no social housing

Cranmore 182 Other New housing development to be designated for disabled/elderly only. No social housing

Cranmore 192 Other No more social housing

Cranmore 193 Other No more Social Housing

Cranmore 194 Other No Social Housing

Cranmore 210 Other An indoor gym facility.

Cranmore 241 Other The ramps directly outside our house causes a lot of noise at all hours, with trucks delivery to Dunnes, Aldi, etc., We are woken at 4.00 am and the noise continues. These ramps should be removed to give people a bit of peace. Secondly I would like to see the green mounds left alone. If it is not broken don’t fix it.

Cranmore 242 Other I suggest more affordable houses built for full time workers or private business owners to buy especially for locals working hard as it is quite expensive to afford regular mortgage. That could be motivational for locals to be more aggressive in making themselves

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useful in getting jobs and engaging in some form of business.

Cranmore 248 Other Cranmore is in desperate need of kid’s activities centre or something like that and because in summer time there all a lot of kids 7 -8 -9-10 years of age that are very ??????? and looking for staff to d. There are some occasional kids ????? incidents.

Cranmore 253 Other It’s a very positive plan. I would like if the parking in Carroll Drive could be looked at, there is a large green area that could be used as a car park next to one of the houses. It would also be great to see the centre area been used and having a medical facility in the area. Overall it is a great plan and looking forward to the changes.

Cranmore 257 Other Why is it costing so much to show this??

Cranmore 262 Other And afraid to let my kids out because of the traffic. I’m afraid that people outside of my street (Geldof Drive) will have too much say on what happens on my street by looking at the plans.

Cranmore 270 Other I would love to see this carried out.

Cranmore 271 Other Geldof Drive Resident

Cranmore 274 Other Very good and practical plans

Cranmore 291 Other Well done on the work so far. Care needed to get any future developments balanced from a "sustainability" viewpoint.

Cranmore 291 Other Thanks for organising this info and providing extensive hours

Cranmore 294 Other Like water park to be built on the mounds or racecourse

Cranmore 294 Other Christian fellowship built here would be great

Cranmore 328 Other I am a resident of Geldof Drive, and I would like to think it is a worthwhile project.

Cranmore 348 Other Give people a say that moves into our Estate. Leave the Bungalows at Collery Drive.

Other 196 Other More utilisation of the Garavogue natural amenity by facilitating the build of changing facilities, toilets and equipment storage areas to encourage youth and indeed similar participation would have obvious benefits to health and general well being.

Garavogue Villas

211 Other Totally disgusted and very annoyed.

Other 217 Other Things that are circled are what I see as outsiders are important, more road access to town and Doorly park and to other areas. Caring for the elderly and meeting their requirements is a must. Adding to the community without upsetting some is unattainable. Cranmore needs to be seen as a part of the town and not seen as a part of the town and not seen as a separate village. Any energy saving measures is always welcome as is the quality of the housing. Better lights would make people feel safer. Offering a cafe or place to meet, would be a good in some cases but may get teenagers loitering. As Cranmore stands it already has a fairly good community feel, and if things were voiced more simpler and more broken down people may vote different. A Doctors is a must have.

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Other 218 Other I think we should get a new park.

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

306 Other Doorly Park Martin Savage: No Comment because I don't feel I can

Doorly Park-Martin Savage

308 Other Doorly Park Martin Savage: I don't feel I can comment on these proposals because I am not a resident of Cranmore, but I do hope these changes do happen for the Cranmore residents. I would like to see some energy saving proposals for Doorly Park Martin Savage area.

Tonaphubble 309 Other Project has advanced in a very positive way over the last couple of years. Marian and the team have put in a huge effort, and must be commended for same. As things look now, The use of the green area in "5a" is excellent use of what appeared to be wasted space. The mound and proposal of steps makes perfect sense.

Tonaphubble 314 Other Are the cameras working in Cranmore? Some say they are not. It is kept well. A lot of big changes, all the better. But what about illegal dumping?

Tonaphubble 315 Other My basic thought on the overall project is" I hope it goes ahead". It is very fortunate to have been approved for the regeneration funding. Even with this project still in its planning stage it has lifted the cloud of negativity that has been associated with this area for a long time. In fact I think it has affected the mental health of the community. There is a new sense of optimism. I know everyone will not be in agreement with all the changes, but we have to change to make progress. "I hope it all comes to fruition"
