Page 1: APP EduSprint SILVER it may be: football, cards, video games.. everything. And because he couldn't stand

Q-1 We know your name, but can you brief us about

what does it stands for ?

Ans. 'Banchhanidhi Pani' is one of the 108 name of Lord

Krishna.'Bancha' means desire and 'Nidhi' is ocean,

which collectively means "Treasure house of desire" .

Q-2 How were you as a student ?

Ans. When I was young, I was never a good student. I used to

love playing cricket and choose it over my studies. But

when I was of your age I became serious and did

exceptionally well in academics. So what matters is not

how much you have studied but how much you are

determined to achieve your goals in life.

Q-3 Why didn't you pursue a career associated with

your hobby? Why did you choose Civil Services in

particular ?

Ans. Every hobby in life cannot be your career option. There

are various other factors that decide your career than

just your interest. Moreover, I choose Civil Services

because serving people was what I really wanted to do.

Q-4 What is a typical day at work for you like ? Or there

is nothing like 'typical' ?

Ans. I would say that every minute I spend at work is

different. I am the Chairman of over 500 committees and

Dear Readers,

The Silver Sparks, a creation by kids and teens like you!

The cold winds did not dampen our creativity and

imagination, so we have come back to enliven your

spirits with a variety of topics in this issue of the SILVER


Silver Sparks has stirred the young and candid minds of

enthusiastic writers of SBPS. The second edition

showcases their evident creative zeal through yet

another conglomeration of stories giving a vignette

portrayal of character and settings, charming poems

and various thought provoking articles.

A visible change was observed in the students'

perspective towards creative writing as many new

talented writers showed up with their fascinating write

ups and eye popping illustrations.

It was extremely amazing to see the young children

carrying out the work of Silver Sparks so expeditiously. I

would like to acknowledge the diligent work of the

students in the Editorial Team, who have worked hard

to present a resplendent range of young writing.

Please note that your submission will be subjected to

editorial amendments.

Anticipating your encouragement…Happy reading!


Annam Raji, Shraddha Vyas

Spy Reporters :

Vrushti Shah & Anupama Estarla (11th Arts)

Editorial Team

We at Silver Bells Public School believe that the

creative potential exists in all, but only a few

possess the urge to create. It has been our constant

endeavor to stir this urge by getting students,

parents and teachers, to write about the things that

they feel, see and do.

The best job includes change and challenge. And in

this second edition, both were provided by our

students. We encouraged creative writing sessions

to help our students report news, to bring to you up-

to-date happenings and their achievements and

their creations.

We hope that this initiative will help them develop

into the writers they want to be.


Chakrapani Estarla

Hear me say...

From Editors' Desk....

Issue : 02January, 2016 Pages : 04Published by : Silver Bells Public School, Shantinagar, Kalvibid, Bhavnagar. - Affiliated to CBSE Board, New Delhi (AFFI. 430107)

Kashvi Pathak I-CKrisha Deshani III-E Dhiraj Sukhani VII-A Hir Rathod III-D Khushi Shah III-E Raj Kotila II-A

Broadening Horizons



Take a look and get inspired to write your own

stories, creations, articles, experiences, feedback

& suggestions which will be included in the

school magazine ! Submit them to us at:

[email protected]

“Education should

lead to the discovery

and perfection of one's

capabilities and instill

a commitment to serve

the best interests of

the community and the

world as a whole.” To

understand the quoted lines in the most innovative manner

Silver Bells Public School attended the most gracious events


The first event graced by our students was 2nd International

Environment Olympiad 2015.

The aim of this competition was to spread the message to save

the environment. The message was well conveyed by our

students in the form of street play, dance, speech. They

marked their presence by winning trophy and medals along

with certificates. It was a big platform for our students and

even for the team of teachers who accompanied them.

The second most influential event attended by the dual schools

was CMS Confluence 2015.

The aim of the event was to convey the message of peace and

unity throughout the world. The students participated in

various categories. ASIS bagged the second position in collage

making along with a consolation prize for SBPS wherein they

received trophy, medals and certificates.

The thoughts of universal peace were very innovatively

instilled into the minds of all the students. To embrace the

occasion our Managing Director and Principals of both the

schools felicitated the

p a r t i c i p a n t s a n d

honored them to keep

their flying colours at

h i g h s p i r i t s a n d

a p p r e c i a t e d t h e

performance of each

participant child.

silverbells.cbseschool SBPS ASIS Follow@SilverBellsPS EduSprintAPP

Round Table

nd 2

Best Schoolin Bhavnagar

A group of energetic class XI Arts students expressed that they looked up to the collector Mr. Banchhanidhi Pani as a role

model for themselves. So they went to meet the collector with principal Mr. Chakrapani and spoke to him over a cup of tea.

hence there are endless topics that I have to deal with,

making each day a unique one for me.

Q-5 As a parent, would you like your children to follow

your footsteps or choose a career of their choice ?

Ans. I believe that we are parents to our children but they are

a gift to us from God. They are also free to choose what

they want to be in future . And so, opting a career for

themselves will be entirely their own decision.

Q-6 What was your initial impression about Bhavnagar?

Have they changed after coming here ?

Ans. To be honest, my initial impression was not so good.

However, now surely it has undergone a positive

change. Bhavnagar is a progressive district and is set on

the path of having a brighter future

Q-7 What message would you like to give to young

aspirants like us, who wish to pursue a career in

Civil Services ?

Ans. Civil Services offer an attractive and challenging career

for those who aspire to contribute to the society and to

the nation in general. My message to them is always

value your morals more than money. When you value

your morals, money will follow.

- HIGH FIVE (Vrushti, Anupama, Yash, Kiran, Heena)

Page 2: APP EduSprint SILVER it may be: football, cards, video games.. everything. And because he couldn't stand

You may have thought the arrow looks like

a smiley face, meaning Amazon's main

mission is to make their customers happy. But notice the arrow

is pointing from the a to the z. This represents the fact that

Amazon has a large variety of items for sale, from A to Z.


Let's Read Let's Care Let's Know


There was once a boy who liked nothing more in

the world than to win. He loved winning at

whatever it may be: football, cards, video

games.. everything. And because he couldn't

stand losing, he had become an expert in all kinds of tricks

and cheating. He could play tricks in practically every

situation, without being noticed; even in video games or

playing alone. He could win without ever being caught.

He won so many times that everyone saw him as the

champion. It meant that almost no one wanted to play with

him. He was just too far ahead of everyone. One person,

who did play with him, was a poor boy, who was a bit

younger. The champion really enjoyed himself at the poor

boy's expense, always making the boy look ridiculous.

But the champion ended up getting bored with all this. He

needed something more so he decided to apply for the

National Video Games Championship, where he would find

some competitors worthy of himself. At the championship

he was keen to show his skills but when he tried using all

those tricks and cheats he knew from a thousand different

games, well… None of them worked, when the competition

judge prevented any of the tricks from working.

He felt terribly embarrassed: he was a good player, but

without his cheats, he could not beat a single competitor.

He was soon eliminated, and sat there, sad and pensive.

Finally, they announced the name of the tournament

champion; it was the poor boy from home. The one he has

always beaten!!!

Our boy realized that the poor boy has been much cleverer

than him. It hadn't mattered to the poor boy if he lost and

got a good beating because what he was really doing was

learning from each of his defeats and from so

much learning he had been transformed into a

real master.

From then on, the boy who had loved winning

gave up wanting to win all the time. He was

quite happy to lose sometimes, because that

was when he would learn how to win on the

really important occasions.

- Vanshika Parekh (VI-C)

Sleep is more important than you

may think. Can you think of a time

when you didn't get enough sleep?

That heavy, groggy feeling is awful

and, when you feel that way, you're

not at your best. So if you're not too

tired, let's talk about sleep.

Why You Need Sleep

The average kid has a busy day. There's school, taking care

of your pets, running around with friends, going to sports

practice or other activities, and doing your homework. By

the end of the day, your body needs a break. Sleep allows

your body to rest for the next day.

Everything that's alive needs sleep to survive. Even your

dog or cat curls up for naps. Animals sleep for the same

reason you do — to give your body a tiny vacation.

Your Brain Needs Zzzzzs

Your body and your brain need sleep. Though no one is

exactly sure what work the brain does when you're

sleeping, some scientists think that the brain sorts through

and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves

problems while you snooze.

Most kids between 5 and 12 get about 9.5 hours a night, but

experts agree that most need 10 or 11 hours each night.

Sleep is an individual thing and some kids need more than


When your body doesn't have enough hours to rest, you may

feel tired or cranky, or you may be unable to think clearly.

You might have a hard time following directions, or you

might have an argument with a friend over something really

stupid. A school assignment that's normally easy may feel

impossible, or you may feel clumsy playing your favorite

sport or instrument.

One more reason to get enough sleep: If you don't, you may

not grow as well. That's right, researchers believe too little

sleep can affect growth and your immune system — which

keeps you from getting sick.

- Annam Raji


BMW has a history in aviation and its logo stays

true to its roots. The blue and white represent a

propeller in motion with the sky peeking through. In

fact, BMW had a role in World War II as a creator of

aircraft engines for the German military.

The Apple logo represents the forbidden fruit from the

“Tree of Knowledge” in the Biblical creation story of

Adam and Eve.

This logo is so creative. If you look closely

you will see the arrow between the letter

'E' and 'X', which represents the company's

forward thinking ways and outlook towards the future.

Let's Sing

The pink in the logo may seem artistic,

but the colouring is meant to actually

reveal the number “31”, using the

curves of the “B” and the backing of the “R”.

l People say “ Bless you” when you sneeze because when

you sneeze your heart stops for a millisecond.

l ELEPHANTS are the only animal that can't jump.

l Butterflies taste with their feet.

l All Polar bears are left handed.

l A snail can sleep for three years.

l It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

l A Shrimp's heart is in its head.

l “Google” is actually the common name for a number with

a million zeros.

l Like finger prints everyone's tongue print is different.

- Vaibhav R. Sachadevani (II-C)

The three ellipses that are found in the logo

for Toyota represent three hearts: the heart

of the customer, the heart of the product, and

the heart of progress in the field of


The Mercedes-Benz logo is the most confident of

all. The tri-star represents the company's

dominance in quality and style over all things

land, sea and air.

The 'V' stands for “volks” which means people in

German and and the 'W' stands for “wagen” which

means car. It's the car for the people.


15th August is the day of pride,

It is celebrated nationwide.

National flag with colours bright,

Is hoisted left and right.

Pigeons fly high in the sky,

Fighters memories make us cry.........

- Mrunmayee S. Patil (VIII-A)

Independence Day

Let's Try

§Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

§The big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug back

§While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash washington's windows with warm washing water.

§Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

§Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and twit and twat, to learn the letter ''T''

§If you understand say understand'' If you don't understand, say ''don't understand''. But if you understand and say ''don't understand'' how do understand that you understand ? Understand ?

§I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

§I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.

Let's Make

Finger Puppet

Print this figure on a sheet of thick card paper. Paint or colour it. Cut it

out. Then take it for a walk !!!

A mother is one who

understands the things

you say and do

Who always overlooks

your faults and sees the

best in you

A mother is one whose

special love inspires you

day by day

Who fills your heart with

gladness in her warm

and thoughtful way

And the dearest mother in

all of the world is the one

I call my loving own mom.

- Ayusha Vaghela (VIII-C)

Let's Wish

I want to learn horse riding in the school because I

love horses. Arnav Jha (I D)

I want to get good grades in 4th standard so that I can

make my parents happy.

Mahek Doshi (IV C)

I want to learn cooking so that I can help my mom in

her household work so that she can have her well

deserved leisure time.

Shubam Rajguru (11 Comm.)

I want to improve my mathematics so that I'll be able

to score well and make my parents proud.

Dhruva Raval (VII C)

I want to learn to control my anger so that I can have

better relations with people.

Priyanshi Kukadia (IX B)

Let's Laugh

Let's Think

1. What has foot but no legs?

2. A man is driving a truck. His lights

were not on. The moon was not out. Up

ahead, a woman is crossing the street.

How did he see her?

3. If an electric train is travelling south, which way is the

smoke going?

4. How do you make number one disappear?

- Anupama Estarla (XI Arts)

Answers : 1. A snail 2. It was a bright sunny day 3. There is no smoke as it's an

electric train 4. Add the letter ”G”, it's “GONE”.

Why did the teacher wear

sunglass to school always?

Because she had bright


Ek aadmi ki 6 ungliyan(6

fingers) hoti hain… sab log

use “Hanuman” keh kar

bulate hain… batao kyun???

Ans: kyounki uska nam

hanuman hai!

A teacher asked a student to

write 55.

Student asked: How?

Teacher: Write 5 and beside it

another 5.

The student wrote 5 and


Teacher: What are you waiting


Student: I am confused which

side to write the other 5.

- Vrushti Shah (XI Arts)

Let's Learn

Page 3: APP EduSprint SILVER it may be: football, cards, video games.. everything. And because he couldn't stand


Harnessing Parenting Power

Educat iona l Benef i t s :

Becoming involved in your child's

school life is a powerful way to

encourage educational success.

When parents are involved in

their child's school life, the children have

higher attendance rates, better grades,

higher standardized test scores and

fewer behavior problems at school,

according to International research.

Social Benefits : When your child

watches you engage with other people in his life, such as teachers and coaches, he

learns how to behave in social situations. With proper social behavior, your child

will become more well-adjusted and will be able to make and keep friends more

easily. Children with involved parents are more likely to display age-appropriate

social behavior with their peers, as well as with adults.

Mental and Emotional Benefits : When you take time to become actively

involved in all aspects of your child's life, it sends the message that he's important

and that you genuinely care about his interests/activities and he'll have a higher

self-esteem. A high self-esteem and a feeling of self-worth can reduce the risk of

your child becoming depressed and improve his mental health, too.

The Benefits of Parental Involvement in a Child's DevelopmentCooking with kids is great family time. It provides

practical experience with many essential skills such as

reading, following directions, and measuring. Getting

involved in cooking helps your child to develop fine

motor skills, eye hand coordination, and even early

concepts of math and science. There are just so many great

benefits to cooking with kids. It is an opportunity to meal plan,

look for recipes and share ideas on why and how to make meals

healthier for the whole family.

With all the benefits of teaching kids to cook, and no limits with

starting, what are you waiting for?

Step 1 : Place 3 pieces of bread onto a flat surface. Use a rolling pin to flatten bread slightly.

Step 2 : Take the first piece of bread and spread cheese spread over it. Top with grated carrot and


Take 2nd piece of bread and spread peanut butter and jam on it. Place tomato sauce and mayonnaise into a

bowl. Mix gently to combine and then add cabbage. Spread mixture onto 3rd piece of bread.

Step 3 : Roll up to enclose filling. Cut each roll in half. Wrap all sandwiches in plastic wrap. Store in the

fridge until ready to pack into lunch boxes.

Let your kids be creative. Put a large variety of ingredients into bowls and on the counter, so they can

choose what they put in their rolls! - Shraddha Vyas

Sandwich Rollup Receipe

World Days

A State Level "Save Energy" Drawing competition was held by the Gujarat state on 06-11-2015 at

Dehgam, Ahmedabad. Manan Shah represented the school and stood 2nd at State level. He was honoured

with a certificate and a cash Rs.15000 . He has been selected to exhibit his talent and skill at National level

now which is going to take place in December.

High Flyers

A letter Writing Competition was held on 12-10-2015 during National Postal Week by the Department of

Post: India -Bhavnagar. Students of class IX and X had participated in this competition representing the

school. Shubham Kukadiya of class IX -C has brought laurels to school by securing first position in Std. 6

to 10 (Group).

Shubham Kukadiya

An Initiative towards the Society...

Amarjyoti ma'am, the director of Silver Bells Public

School was invited to TB Jain Kanyashala, Bhavnagar.

She addressed the teachers and 300 students of the

school. She told them "how the progress of the society

depends on empowerment of women".

She motivated the girls students to study hard and have

a progressive mindset. She told the girls to learn self

defence and voice out their thoughts. She suggested

that they should be independent and must

contribute to the progress of the nation.

Interview in Interval

gives us goose bumps because of various reasons that are all known to us. Whenever we think of

this place, a tsunami of thought comes into our mind and makes us think, how is it going to be?

It was in Sr. KG, this small chubby boy name Priyarajsinh Zala entered the extended home of Silver

Bells Public School, leaving behind his home Kamalpur a village in Surendranagar District. His parents had to be strong

to send their son away from them, so that he acquires the best of the education that they had dreamt of .Today the silent,

obedient, hardworking boy is in class 10th(CBSE). The teachers who have taught him say that he is always ready to help,

learn and rectify his mistakes. The teachers support and Amarjyoti Ma'am motherly love and care has moulded Priyaraj to

be a confident boy and turn into an independent individual to face the real world.

As he looks back he recalls all his tantrums and moods swings as a young boy, the gossip sessions with friends, the exam

time. He fondly remembers everyone running around with notes, busy group studies session , the midnight munching , the

late night celebration of birthdays . He says these special moments all are to be cherished and fondly remembered


Today his parents are on cloud nine and proud of him –praising him always for his good behavior and mannerism.

This long journey of 11 yrs in this school and stay at the extended home has groomed him to manage his own affairs . It

has taught him lessons to manage and plan, be polished and cultured, helped shedding his shyness ,communicate freely

live together in perfect harmony and mutual cooperation.

- Priyanshi Kukadia, Shivam Rathod, Suyash Khambhaliya (

Teacher Co-ordinator : Ms. Nandita Shah


" M e m o r i e s a r e

timeless treasures of

the heart…"

When we sit back and

consider the significant

event of past, the

important aspect being

the hostel life. The term

Priyarajsinh Zala

The Art of Giving...

Giving is one of the best investments you can make towards

achieving genuine happiness. True giving comes from the

heart, with no expectation of reciprocation. You’ll find that the

more you give, the more you’ll receive.

If you find yourself feeling unhappy, try making someone else

happy and see what happens. The catch is that you must do this

work with passion and enthusiasm.

You may be wondering what exactly do we have to give?

t Give and share your talents or knowledge with others to

improve theirs.

t Give your support to someone by praising, appreciating and

expressing your gratitude.

t Give the gift of laughter and smile to those who are sad and depressed.

t Give encouragement to those who are filled with doubt and fear.

t Give without keeping score -real giving is expecting nothing in return

t Give forgiveness to those who have hurt you by words, thoughts, behavior etc.

t Give an act of kindness it kindles back the hope of life in others.

t Give love and respect to all the living things.

True giving, without expectation of anything in return is as effortless as breathing. The intention behind your giving is

the most important thing. When we give, we reap the joy of seeing a bright smile, laughter, tears of joy and gratitude

for life. We know that if people give just a little more-of their time, skills, knowledge, wisdom, compassion and

love—the world would be a more peaceful and healthier place.

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.”

- Ms Shailly Jain

Manan Shah

""Nari Nidarta Abhiyan""

SBPS: An Extended Home


National Army Day

National Girl Child Day of India

National Tourism Day

National Voters Day

Republic Day of IndiaInternational Customs Duty day

National Martyr's Day


World Cancer Day

Valantine's Day

World Peace Day

National Science Day

National Defence Day

National Safety Day

National Security Day

International Women's Day

World Consumer Rights' Day

World Water Day

World TB Day


April Fool's Day

World Health Day

World Earth Day

World Dance Day





















Page 4: APP EduSprint SILVER it may be: football, cards, video games.. everything. And because he couldn't stand


Teacher's Column

From childhood to old age, life is a rainbow with

each colour representing a different shade of life.

As we go through our lives we play the same

character in different colours.

Childhood is filled with moments which are looked

back upon as fond memories. The years of fun,

laughter, innocence and mischief are the ones that

remain in our minds as eternal bliss. Whether we

spent them running around playing games,

engrossed in books, surrounded by friends or

pulling pigtails on the playground, we all have

stories about the early years of our lives that we tell

with such joy. We hold these years of life closest to

our hearts, cherishing the joys of our ignorance.

But as we all know, childhood doesn't last forever

and before we know it we're teenagers,

understanding ourselves and the world around us.

These colours of life make this journey a beautiful

one. Shared with friends and family, we always look

back affectionately on the years gone by and

ambitiously on the ones coming. However, the

moments that you're living right now are the ones

that really count.

- Deepa Kanakiya

Class Teacher (V A)

I feel happy saying that “ This is an excellent school to study

in”. I do not have to worry about my kids as I know they are in

the safe hands and clean environment. My kids love to go to

school as they get to do different activities here. In this

school teaching goes without punishment of any kind. And

the best part is that my kids miss school get bored during

holidays .During the year various competitions are held for the

development of the kids. And the best part is we can talk to all

the teachers without hesitation and check our child's progress I am very happy with the school. Excellent relation between

parent , teacher and students is maintained. It is a school with

friendly teachers. Whenever I go to school I see smiling faces

around and I experience positive energy flowing everywhere .- Parents of Pahal K Vaidhya (II B)

Kartik Vaidya & Aadhya Vaidya

Greeting to Silver Sparks

It gives me immense pleasure to put forward my feelings for

SILVER SPARKS. As a parent, I was quite amused by this new

venture from the school fraternity. It must have been a big

challenge for the team to collect these articles and to bring

out this news letter. It was a wonderful experience for my

child to see a news letter with colourful illustrations. He is

now aware of the content of a news letter with a wide variety

of articles.

I personally feel that this has ignited his desire to write on his

own and this will help him in his future also. I am sure he

will cherish all these moments when he grows up.

A big thank you to School management for this beautiful gift

to children.

- Parents of Shrut Parikh (II C)

Dr. Shital Parikh & Deepa Parikh

. I am happy to learn that Silver

Bells Public school is publishing its

mouth piece. “Silver Sparks”

This institute has so many

w o n d e r f u l a s p e c t s w o r t h

appreciating . The teachers here

guide the students to gain new

heights in learning and acquiring

intelligence instead of only

teaching in the classroom.

They keep children involved in

sports arts music drama camps

and trekking. All this helps an all

round development of children

and helps them to be world class.

This news letter I am sure will

bring the news views and reviews

by the students, of the students

and for the students.

They will eagerly wait for the next

issues. It will be useful in

highlighting the achievements of

the students and thereby will

encourage and inspire them. I

wish it a grand success.

- Dr. Tejas Doshi

Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers , motivated students

and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. Taking a step further to enhance the

communication between the school and parents, Silver Bells Public School launched its

mobile application – Edusprint MICM last year in December. With the advancement of

the technology such a step seems to be imperative and highly fruitful to make the parents

aware of their child's progress.

As the App completes a year, A survey was conducted to review it and gain a wider

perspective. Most of the students and parents appreciated the App for making them able

to view attendance records circulars daily lesson plans transport and cafeteria

schedules, exam and class timetables and syllabus related information.

The App was described to be user friendly enabling easy navigations with clear

instructions throughout. A student says "The App is most useful to know what is going to

be taught next day. It also helps us to know the lesson taught case of absence from


The problem commonly faced by parents is that “How to add the validation code of their

second child”. All that needs to be done is to log out and enter the validation codes of both

their children with a coma separator in between . Also parents suggested to make the

App available on the windows platform as it is currently available of iOS and Android. On

an average the App scored a good 4 out of 5 in the survey.

Continuous efforts are being made to improvise on the App. Imparting quality education

in the technologically up to date environment is the best a school can do. Parents with

regular updates play a major role in the child's progress. So if you don't have the App get

it now.

Alternatively search for the App Edusprint on Google Play Store OR APP store.

- Anushka, Ragini, Nancy (XII Science)

On 6th Nov.2015 students of Class IX & X participated in “Sugar & Spice – Fireless Cooking Competition”. They

prepared a dish and a drink. There was a tremendous response for this competition where 165 students enthusiastically

participated in this.The dish and drink they made were judged on taste, nutritive value and presentation.

It's your time to be the critic!!! What did you think of this

issue ? Grab your pens and shade the stars to review our

January 2016 Issue.....

Round Table ....

Interview in Interval...

Harnessing Parenting Power

Teacher's Article

Parents' Corner

Poem, Story, Jokes

Riddles, Tongue Twisters, Amazing Facts

Broadening Horizons

Young Chef

Time for Review

Mobile Application 11


Mob. : 990 904 3535

E-mail : [email protected]

We are going to publish our school magazine in

March 2016, which will be circulated all over

in Bhavnagar city. So, pick the chance and....

Young Chef


Cooking Competition

How you would like to spend your summer vacation?

How you would like to spend your summer vacation?

Send us your plans in not more than 3 lines and

submit us on [email protected]

Amazing ideas will be published in the upcoming

school magazine.Loved it Liked it It was ok

Disliked it Hated it
