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    A IDENTIFICATION OF THE AREA ............................................................................................................................. 3

    A1: Name of the proposed Geopark ................................................................................................................... 3

    A2: Surface area, physical and human geography characteristics of the proposed Geopark ............................ 3

    A3: Organisation in charge and management structure (description, function and organigram) of ............... 10

    the proposed Geopark ....................................................................................................................................... 10

    A4: Application contact person (name, position, tel./fax, e-mail) .................................................................... 13

    B GEOLOGICAL HERITAGE ..................................................................................................................................... 14

    B1: Location of the proposed Geopark (geographic coordinates, geographical map) ..................................... 14

    B2: General geological description of the proposed Geopark .......................................................................... 14

    B3: Listing and description of geological sites within the proposed Geopark .................................................. 21

    B4: Details on the interest of these sites in terms of their international, national, regional or local value (for

    example scientific, educational, aesthetic) ....................................................................................................... 28

    C GEOCONSERVATION .......................................................................................................................................... 30

    C1: Current or potential pressure on the proposed Geopark area ................................................................... 30

    C2: Current status in terms of protection of geological sites within the proposed Geopark ........................... 31

    C3: Data on the management and maintenance of these sites ........................................................................ 32

    C4: Listing and description of non-geologic sites and their integration into the proposed Geopark ............... 33

    D ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND BUSINESS PLAN .................................................................................................... 37

    D1: Economic activity in the proposed Geopark ............................................................................................... 37

    D2: Existing and planned facilities for the proposed Geopark (e.g. geo-education, geo-tourism, .................. 38

    tourism infrastrukture etc) ................................................................................................................................ 38

    Financial plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 38

    D3: Analysis of geo-tourism potential of the proposed Geopark ..................................................................... 40

    D4: Overview and policies for the sustainable development of geo-tourism and economy, geo .................... 41

    D5: Policies for, and examples of, community empowerment (involvement and consultation) in the ........... 43

    proposed Geopark ............................................................................................................................................. 43

    D6: Policies for, and examples of, public and stakeholder awareness in the proposed Geopark .................... 44

    E: INTEREST AND ARGUMENTS FOR JOINING THE EGN / GGN ............................................................................. 46

    Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................... 47

    Literature and sources ....................................................................................................................................... 47


    - Appendix 1 Self-evaluation document

    - Appendix 2 Separate copy of chapter B - Geologic heritage (chapter B and a 150-word introductory

    geologic summary)

    - Appendix 3: Supporting letter

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    A1: Name of the proposed Geopark

    Geopark Karavanke Geopark Karawanken Geopark Karavanke

    Slovenian German English

    The name of the applicant geopark is the Geopark Karavanke/Geopark Karawanken (hereinafter Geopark). It is a cross-border geopark and it is named after the mountain chain which is connecting or dividing the regions on both sides of the border. The basis of the logo is a combination of the slogan “Skrivnosti zapisane v kamninah”/ “In Stein geschribene Geheimnisse” (“Secrets imprinted in stone”), the Geopark name and Geopark symbols. The graphical image is based on the shape of an ammonite revealing several images connected to geology (ammonite, G as in geology, G as in geopark, spiral of geological periods etc.). The basic lines of the logo form stylized elements symbolizing the meaning and diversity of the area (geological features, nature, cultural heritage, people, free time etc.). The colour combination of black and yellow-orange is recognizable and legible. The colour yellow-orange symbolizes creativity and joy. At the same time, it is the colour of wulfenite and stalactites – two of the most important geological features of the Geopark.

    A2: Surface area, physical and human geography characteristics of the proposed Geopark


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    Map 1: Location of the Geopark with regard to Europe and both countries

    The Geopark is located between two Alpine mountains that exceed 2,000 metres: the Peca and the Košuta. It is marked by the rich, geological variety between the Alps and Dinarides, and its administrative borders follow the borders of thirteen municipalities (see Table 1). On the Slovenian side, the Geopark is a part of the Koroška region, and on the Austrian side, part of the Unterkärnten region. Both of these regions are considered remote within the countries they belong to, despite the fact that they are located centrally in Europe. The distance between the Geopark and bigger towns is: 110 km from Ljubljana, 80 km from Maribor, 50 km from Klagenfurt/Celovec and 130 km from Graz/Gradec. To the south, the Geopark has no direct connection to an express road; to the north it is directly connected with the A2 motorway (Vienna–Venice) which is subsequently connected to all the major cities of Europe.

    The Geopark is also accessible by train and by plane. The closest international airports are Letališče Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana and Flughafen Klagenfurt. The main railway station in the area is in Bleiburg/Pliberk which has connections to Maribor in the east and Klagenfurt/Celovec in the north, linking the area to the European railway network. In addition, there are hundreds of kilometres of bicycle routes in the area.

    Surface area and administrative borders

    The Geopark extends over an area of 977 km2 with a population of 50,378. It covers part of the south-eastern Alps (part of the Karavanke, Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Strojna, Kozjak, Pohorje and Kömmel). On the Slovenian side, the programme area includes five municipalities (out of a total of 12 Koroška municipalities) and is located in the East Slovenia (Vzhodna Slovenija) cohesion region (NUTS 2) and in the Koroška statistical region (NUTS 2). In Austria, the Geopark is located in the Bundesland Kärnten according to NUTS 2, and covers parts of the Unterkärnten region, according to NUTS 3. It includes seven municipalities (out of altogether 42 Unterkärnten municipalities) and the Klagenfurt-Villach/Celovec-Beljak region including one municipality (Zell/Sele). Of the eight Austrian municipalities, seven belong to the Völkermarkt/Velikovec district and one to the Klagenfurt Land/Celovec-Dežela (Zell/Sele) district.

    Map 2: The Geopark area covers 13 municipalities

    Municipality Population Surface (km2) Pop. density (inhabitant/km2)

    Črna na Koroškem 3,545 156 22.7

    Dravograd 9,038 105 86.1

    Mežica 3,665 26.4 138.8

    Prevalje 6,844 58.1 117.8

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    Ravne na Koroškem 11,621 63.4 183.3

    Feistritz ob Bleiburg/Bistrica nad Pliberkom

    2,066 54.07 38

    Bleiburg/Pliberk 3,932 69.72 56

    Neuhaus/Suha 1,123 36.33 31

    Globasnitz/Globasnica 1,635 38.43 43

    Gallizien/Galicija 1,798 46.8 38

    Sittersdorf/Žitara vas 2,064 44.97 46

    Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla 2,415 199.12 12

    Zell/Sele 632 75.3 8

    Total Geopark 50,378 973.64 63.1

    Table 1: Basic data about the Geopark

    The names of the NUTS regions on both sides are very similar, revealing the common history of Koroška (SI) and Unterkärnten (AT). The Koroška region and the wider area of the Bundesland Kärnten used to belong to one historic region in the Austrian part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This historic division of the provinces is still deeply rooted among the people in these parts of Slovenia and Austria. After the 1919 peace treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and a referendum in Koroška in 1920, Slovenia got the south-eastern part while Austria got the remaining parts of this historic region. With Slovenia's accession to the EU, both provinces have been symbolically reunited.

    Physical geography

    a) Relief and waters

    Image 1: Slope erosion over the Topla valley Image 2: Through valley in Hainschgraben/Koschuta

    Lively break and thrust tectonics during the formation of the Savinja Alps and the Karavanke, as well as glacial and karstic geomorphologic processes and erosion, have created a unique and interesting relief in the area between the Peca and Košuta mountains. The Geopark surface is mostly a hilly and mountainous area, with valleys along the Drava, Meža, Mislinja and Vellach/Bela rivers and the Jauntal/Podjunska valley in the north of the Geopark. It covers the Eastern Karavanke, including its northern and southern mountain ranges, a part of Kamniško-Savinjske Alps, and parts of the Košenjak, Pohorje, Strojna and Kömmelberg/Komelj hills along the border. In the northern part of the Eastern Karavanke, which is the highest area of the Geopark, the highest peaks are the Obir/Hochobir (2139 m), Košuta/Koschuta (2136 m), Peca/Petzen-Kordeževa glava (2126 m), Peca/Petzen-Bistriška špica (2113 m), Raduha (2125 m) and somewhat lower Uršlja gora (1699 m), while the highest peaks of the southern part are the volcanic Smrekovec mountain chain (1577 m) and Olševa/Ouschewa mountain (1929 m). The relief is quite unevenly formed due to the varied geologic

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    structures and different tectonic events. The prevailing forms are rounded, stacked forms and plateaus. The limestone relief has characteristic steep slopes and narrow ridges. On the other hand, the magmatic and metamorphic relief has a more even and wider surface. The northern part of the Geopark covers the Jauntal/Podjunska dolina demarcated by the river Drava/Drau in the north and the Karavanke in the south. Along the national border, the highlands of Strojna are remarkable, thanks to their massiveness and their undulating slopes and gorges. Between Peca/Petzen and Uršlja gora in the north and Raduha and Smrekovec in the south, there are lower stacked highlands with gentle slopes that descend into the deeply carved Meža and Bistra river valleys. In the east, the Mislinja river valley demarcates the Eastern Karavanke and Pohorje mountain ranges.

    Image 3: 3D relief Geopark model

    The geological structure also influences the water network. There are almost no surface water streams on limestone and dolomite; however, the river network is quite dense on an impermeable stone basis. The major river in the project area is the Drava and most other rivers (Meža, Mislinja, Jaun/Podjuna, Vellach/Bela) in the area flow into it. With the river Drava flowing along the limits of the Geopark, the majority of the area's hydrographical network is formed by the Meža and Vellach/Bela river basins. The Vellach/Bela rises in the Kamniške Alps, follows the Vellach/Bela valley and Žitarsko korito (part of the Jaun/Podjunska valley) and joins the Drava in Gallizien/Galicija. The Meža rises on the slopes of the Olševa mountain (under the Maroldčev summit – 1490 m) and mostly follows the direction west-east. It makes its way through a predominantly narrow gorge, dotted with pools, rapids and terraces.

    a) Climate

    The Eastern Karavanke (Peca/Petzen, Olševa/Ouschewa, Koprivna) have a continental precipitation regime, which means that most rain falls in the summer. The quantity of rain diminishes towards the east, where the continental regime is replaced by a moderate continental climate. This area has two characteristic weather phenomena: temperature inversion in winter and a gusty regional wind named a northerly or Karavanke foehn.

    b) Soil, vegetation and land use

    The majority of the Geopark is covered by forests; indeed, the area stands out in both countries for its abundance of forests. They represent a great potential for the economy and industry (timber manufacturing, sawmills etc.) as well as for the sustainable development of the region (the use of local natural material in construction, wood biomass as a source of energy etc.) and of the Geopark (educational forest trails, educational experimental grounds etc.).

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    Magmatic and metamorphic stone constitute the basis for acidic brown soils and rankers, which are covered by acidophilic beech forests, and in higher altitudes, beech and fir forests typical of the Alpine foothills. On carbonate stone (Peca and Uršlja gora), rendzinas and brown soils have developed, which are suitable for beech forests in lower altitudes and pine forests in higher altitudes. As far as nature protection issues are concerned the Karavanke Mountains are important for their beech trees, being a particularity in Europe and therefore a composite part of the area Natura 2000. On alluviums of the river Vellach in the valley of Jauntal an area named Dobrova is extending with continuous forests (once mostly deciduous oak forests, today coniferous trees are dominating). Afforestation with coniferous trees (predominantly pine trees) has overgrown the initially mixed forest. In some areas, deciduous trees were harmed by pollution (an extreme case is the "Valley of Death" in Žerjav). In high mountainous areas, slopes are rocky (especially northern parts), further down towards the foothills, rocks are replaced by grassy turf. River terraces have riverside soils covered by meadows. Alpine meadows and small villages sprung up on small flattened parts, mostly on wet ground, which usually proves that there are Palaeozoic stones in the surface. These were usually also used for building and tools.

    In the Geopark area, extensive agriculture is characteristic of the valleys, while high mountain farms focus primarily on cattle, ecological agriculture and agricultural tourism. Farming in this area doesn't have it's best chances, although it is an important former and maintainer of the cultural landscape and population in the rural regions, as well as an outsized spatial element. This element also represents quality heritage, that should be preserved for future generations.

    Map 3: Land use in the area of the Geopark

    Human geography of the area

    a) Population and settlement

    Due to depopulation (outward migration, high death rate), this area is among the most scarcely populated areas. The population of the Geopark is 50,378 – with a population density of 63.1 inhabitants / km2 (see Table

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    1). In valley villages and towns, the concentration of the population is higher; the mountainous areas, however, are scarcely populated (for example, the population density of the Črna na Koroškem municipality is as low as 23 inhabitants / km2). The population of the area has primarily been influenced by the iron, mining and coal-mining industries that have transformed the former villages in the valleys and foothills into towns. The most common settlement types in Koroška are dispersed settlements and secluded farms in high altitudes. In fact, the area has some of the highest situated farms in Slovenia (for example, Jekl at 1322 m).

    In the whole of the Geopark area, a considerable ageing of the population has been noted that is comparable to the Slovenian average but is still substantially below the Austrian average. In comparison with the Slovenian average, more people have higher or university-level education, which should provide them with great potential for employment and economic development. On the other hand, the Austrian side of the Geopark has a low educational structure with regard to the Austrian average. Unfortunately, there is a considerable lack of employment opportunities in the entire area (the only exception being the manufacturing sector, e.g. Mahle-Filtersystemebetrieb, Metal Ravne, d. o. o., …), and existing jobs mostly demand lower qualifications. According to our estimates, new forms of tourism – like geotourism in the Geopark – could help create new jobs directly in tourism, or indirectly in trade and entrepreneurship (15–20 new jobs).

    b) Economy

    The economic analysis of the Geopark area is based on a comparison of statistics for the Koroška region (SI) and the Völkermarkt/Velikovec county (AUT) in 2006 and 2010 (subject to availability of data). Both regional units had approximately the same number of active population in 2010: 11,697 in Koroška and 11,192 in Völkermarkt/Velikovec. On the other hand, the GDP of the two regions is quite different: in 2010, GDP was only EUR 1,280 in Koroška, and EUR 2,054 in Völkermarkt/Velikovec. The two regions also have a similar number of businesses. In 2010, 1,116 businesses were registered in Völkermarkt/Velikovec and 1,059 in Koroška.

    Employment in individual economic sectors In the Völkermarkt/Velikovec county, secondary and tertiary sectors are predominant, while in the Koroška region, the secondary sector with manufacturing activities is the strongest, accounting for more than 60% of the region’s profits. Due to the natural beauty and attractive regions in the Geopark area, future economic development is oriented towards tourism. Another focus of economic development includes small and medium enterprises, which presently employ the most people. Statistics from 2006 show that the Geopark regions have a higher share of jobs in the primary sector in comparison with the Slovenian (6%) and Austrian (5.5%) national average. This obviously reveals the highly rural character of the area; another rural characteristic is its population density. Agriculture and forestry are most important in the municipalities Zell/Sele, Neuhaus/Suha, Gallizien/Galicija, Globasnitz/Globasnica, Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla, Črna na Koroškem, Mežica and Prevalje. The secondary sector in Geopark regions still employs an important share of the population, especially the car and metal industry. The enterprise Mahle, based in St. Michael ob Bleiburg/Šmihel nad Pliberkom, has 2,500 employees and is one of the most important businesses in the Austrian Bundesland Kärnten; the enterprise Metal Ravne, d. o. o., based in Ravne, has 1,000 employees and is one of the most important businesses in the Slovenian Koroška region. Importantly, both enterprises contribute to a high employment share (41%) in the secondary sector. In the Geopark regions, the employment share in the service (tertiary) sector was around 47% in 2006, much lower than in the Bundesland Kärnten (66.4%), Austria (68%) or Slovenia (58.6%).

    Economic sectors Bundesland Kärnten (%)

    Völkermarkt/ Velikovec (%)* Geopark total % ~

    Primary sector 5.9 9.9 7.9

    Secondary sector 53.7 29 41.4

    Tertiary sector 40.4 53.9 47.2

    Quaternary sector 7.5 10.8 9.2

    Table 2: Economic data for the Geopark statistical regions

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    The economy has high hopes for the construction of a new railway line “Koralm” and the 3rd development axis of the Slovenian motorway network, linking the entire Geopark area to the international economic area. The major employment centres in the Geopark area are Völkermarkt/Velikovec, Eberndorf/Dobrla ves, Beliburg/Pliberk, Feistritz ob Bleiburg/Bistrica nad Pliberkom (St. Michael ob Bleiburg/Šmihel nad Pliberkom), Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenj Gradec, Dravograd and Prevalje, accounting for 70% of all jobs.

    The unemployment rate in Geopark regions is 12.18%, much higher than the European average (EU27 – 9.6%), almost twice as high as the Austrian average (6.9%) and somewhat higher than the Slovenian average (11.6%).

    a) Tourism

    Tourism is the second most important service sector industry in the area of the Geopark. In total, accommodations offer 3,901 beds. In 2010, providers of tourism services in the area registered 179,142 overnight stays, of which more than half of the total (51.6%) was provided in the Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla municipality. On the other hand, only 8.8% were provided on the Slovenian side of the border. The area is mostly visited by domestic tourists (Slovenia – 58.6%, Austria – 73.9%), followed by tourists from Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy and Sweden. The average stay is five days. In summer and winter peak seasons, there is a higher concentration of visits, however, in the off-season, it is predominantly one-day visitors.

    Image 4: “Green tourism” activities in the proposed Geopark

    The tourism offer’s key elements are seasonal summer and winter activities, cultural, historic and natural sites, farm tourism (in connection with traditional cuisine) and health tourism (that accounts for the major share of overnight stays and is mostly located in the health spa of Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla).

    The most common summer activities are hiking, cycling and climbing, as well as visiting health resorts. The hilly and mountainous landscape, with its well managed hiking and mountain trails, offers numerous opportunities for different target groups. Sections of two international mountain trails cross the Geopark territory: the E6 European long distance path and Via Alpina, as well as stages of the Slovenian Mountain Trail, the Koroška Mountain Transversal and others, all dotted with 12 mountain cabins. There are also more and more thematic hiking trails (Košuta Geotrail, educational forest trails etc.).

    There are several geomorphologically interesting rock walls, attractive to various types of climbers. During the months when climbing in the open air is not possible, indoor climbing walls are available, and in Feistritz ob Bleiburg/Bistrici pri Pliberku, there is a climbing tower that is used for ice climbing in winter.

    The Geopark area has a vast network of cycle paths. A part of the international Drava Cycling Route as well as numerous local thematic cycle paths (for example the Pliberk-Šmihel Art Path, Kundi paths etc.) cross the area. Several forest and mountain roads are marked as mountain bike routes (for example, the cross-border mountain bike route around the Peca Mountain) and one can also find the first Slovenian mountain bike park. The two especially attractive activities for cyclists are cycling in the mine tunnels of the abandoned lead and zinc mine under the Peca (Podzemlje Pece) on the Slovenian side, and downhill biking on the mountain road from Peca on the Austrian side.

    Among the health tourism opportunities, water tourism is the most important. This is mostly due to the unique Bad Eisenkappel Kurzentrum-Kurbad thermal health resort and lakes on the Austrian side (Pirkdorfersee/Breško jezero, Gösselsdorfersee/Goslinjsko jezero and Sonnegersee/Sončno jezero); tourism at

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    the only lake on the Slovenian side of the area – Ivarčko jezero – has stagnated for years. The Drava river has gained potential as a navigable river, offering tourist tours on traditional rafts.

    The main winter sport centre is the Petzen Bergbahnen, with more than 20 km of skiing slopes. This offer is complemented by smaller ski slopes at lower altitudes on the Slovenian side (Ivarčko, Črna, Poseka, Rimski vrelec and Bukovnik), cross-country ski trails and attractive areas for ski touring.

    There are numerous cultural, historic and natural tourism attractions in the area, the most important being the Geopark project’s two key partners: the Podzemlje Pece tourist mine and the museum in Mežica, with more than 230,000 visitors since 1997 and the Obirske caves natural monument in Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla, which has been visited by more than a million people since the animation and interpretation programm in the cave has been improved in 1991. Both tourist mines (combined with other Austrian and Slovenian mines) form a cross-border tourist mine transversal.

    The number of tourist farms, together with accommodations and day-trip farms in the area, is steadily growing, as is the number of brand names under which different traditional farm products (in particular food) are marketed. The local catering industry puts a lot of emphasis on traditional cooking.

    The first examples of cross-border entrepreneurial cooperation in the area of joint planning and marketing of tourism are already in place. Such partnerships will be additionally extended and strengthened through activities linked to the Geopark.

    A3: Organisation in charge and management structure (description, function and organigram) of the proposed Geopark

    Management structure of the Geopark

    In 1988, when mining activities stopped and the Mežica mine began closing down, strong initiatives emerged for the conservation of the rich natural, technical and cultural heritage. In the framework of the tourist mine and museum Podzemlje Pece d.o.o., valuable mine sections have been conserved and dedicated to education, promotion and tourism. In 2002, the Slovenian part of the Geopark area was recognized as valuable by geological and environmental experts due to its extraordinary geological and geomorphologic heritage, which should be conserved and promoted appropriately. At the same time, this part of the Geopark was identified as a potential geopark area within the Cultural Heritage and Natural Values Conservation Strategy in accordance with the UNESCO international legal instruments and activities as well as the Resolution on the National Environmental Protection Programme for 2005-2012. The promotion, protection and marketing activities of the geological, as well as other natural and cultural heritage, also started on the Austrian side of the Geopark area with the Obir caves at its centre. This natural monument has been open to the public since 1987 and has had more than one million visitors in the last 20 years. The idea to work together for the joint promotion and marketing of the cross-border area started at the local level in the year 2000, when the Underground Transversal of Mining Museums of Slovenia, Austria and Italy was created, and further developed within the cross-border working group “Dežele pod Peco” (“Countries of the Peca foothills”). The idea was supported by local communities, regional politicians and expert institutions, and implemented with the application of the project for the “Geopark”.

    The Karavanke Geopark created in 2010 is managed by a cross-border partnership network including two key geo-centres, local communities and support institutions in the areas of natural, geological and cultural heritage protection as well as in regional development.

    The Geopark organs are: - The management team, - The partners’ council, - The expert council and - Thematic working groups.

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    Organigram 1: Organizational structure of the Geopark

    Management team

    The management team is headed by the managers of both geo-centres – Podzemlje Pece d.o.o. and Obir Tropfsteinhöhlen GmbH/Obirske jame– with professional support from the Maribor regional unit of the Slovenian Institute of Nature Protection and Joanneum Research Graz (in the area of research, development, nature protection etc.) as well as the Regional development agency of Charintia (RRA Koroška, SI) and the Regional Management in Charintia (RMK, AT) (in the area of cross-border coordination of local communities and integration into development activities at a regional and provincial level etc.).

    - Podzemlje Pece, Turistični rudnik in muzej d.o.o. (Peca Underground – Tourist Mine and Museum) is a company that emerged from the company rudnik svinca in cinka Mežica, v zapiranju, d.o.o. (Mežica lead and zinc mine in closing) at the initiative of employees and former mine workers who wanted to conserve the rich and long mining tradition and make it accessible to younger generations. There is an information centre on the museum grounds, which offers information on the Geopark. The centre also organizes numerous research and educational activities. The museum has collections of natural and cultural heritage, an archival collection and offers promotional material. Within the Geopark, the company Podzemlje Pece is responsible for the management, coordination and investment of the Geopark area.

    - Obir Tropfsteinhöhlen Errichtungs- und Betriebs GmbH (OTH) (Obir caves) is the central point of the Geopark on the Austrian side with an information centre in Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla designed to present geological contents, and to inform and communicate with the local population. OTH is also responsible for the management of the Geopark information centre (information area, guides, annual exhibition concepts, administration), for the implementation of investments in the area of Eisenkappel, for marketing activities in the whole Geopark area, for the management of information and the Geopark guide system, for geo-touristic positioning and development, as well as bilateral coordination.

    The management team’s tasks are: - managing and coordinating the activities of the Geopark partners, - promotional activities, - educational activities, - research and development, - information and communication, - providing support for the functioning of the expert council and working groups, - organizing the implementation of programmes adopted by the partners’ council, - coordination and communication with national UNESCO representatives, - coordination and communication with the bodies of the European Geopark Network (EGN), - cooperation with Geoparks in the EGN network, - implementation of policies for the protection of natural and cultural heritage etc.

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    Partners' council

    The partners’ council includes representatives from all local communities in the Geopark area, the two geo-centres and support institutions:

    Podzemlje Pece, d.o.o. (SLO),

    Obir Tropfsteinhöhlen GmbH (AT),

    Slovenian Institute of Nature Protection, Maribor regional unit (SLO),

    municipality of Črna na Koroškem (SLO),

    municipality of Mežica (SLO),

    municipality of Prevalje (SLO),

    municipality of Ravne na Koroškem (SLO),

    municipality of Dravograd (SLO),

    municipality of Zell/Sele (AT),

    municipality of Bleiburg/Pliberk (AT),

    municipality of Feistritz ob Bleiburg/Bistrica nad Pliberkom (AT),

    municipality of Globasnitz/Globasnica (AT),

    municipality of Sittersdorf/Žitara vas (AT),

    municipality of Eisenkappel-Velach/Železna Kapla-Bela (AT),

    municipality of Neuhaus/Suha (AT)

    Koroška regional museum (SLO),

    RRA Koroška, Koroška regional development agency (SLO),

    Regionalmanagment Kärnten Dienstleistungs – GmbH (AT),

    Tourismus Klopeiner See-Südkärnten GmbH (AT).

    The partners' council tasks are:

    - forming policies for the sustainable development and functioning of the Geopark, - adopting annual Geopark work programmes and supervising the implementation of planned activities, - establishing links with local actors, and coordinating activities at the local level, - creating links between the Geopark and bodies like the municipal councils.

    Expert council

    The expert council includes experts from different areas at a national and regional level, who are responsible for the area and its priorities in their respective professional domains.

    Members of the expert council are representatives of competent bodies from both countries:

    Geological Survey of Slovenia,

    Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, Department of Geology,

    Slovenian Institute of Nature Protection,

    Slovenian Ministry of Culture,

    Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning ,

    Slovenian Tourist Organization,

    Joanneum Research Graz,

    Tourismus Klopeiner See-Südkärnten GmbH (tourist organisation),

    Department 8 of the Kärnten provincial government, centre for environment, water and nature protection,

    Department 3 of the Kärnten provincial government, centre for regional development and municipalities.

    The expert council task is to offer professional support to the Geopark partnership.

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    Thematic working groups

    Five working groups have been formed to achieve the Geopark’s goals in the following priority areas: - protection and conservation of natural features, - cooperation among, and development of, local communities, - training and awareness-raising, - tourism and related activities, - culture and heritage.

    The thematic working groups’ tasks are: - establishing new connections and strengthening existing ones among local actors and across national

    borders, - generating joint development ideas, - designing and implementing development activities, - promoting the Geopark idea among the local population and beyond.

    A4: Application contact person (name, position, tel./fax, e-mail)

    The person responsible for the management of the Geopark and the handling of all correspondence is:

    M. Sc. Suzana Fajmut Štrucl, Geologist PODZEMLJE PECE, d.o.o. tel.: ++ 386 (2) 870 01 61 fax: ++386 (0)41 446 358

    e-mail: [email protected] website:

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Image 5: Geology features mosaic

    The geological history of the Geopark is long. The oldest stone formations in the area date from around 500 million years ago. The area has a rich mining, iron and coal mining tradition. By promoting and protecting its geological heritage, we would like to show the link between its geology and its ways of life in the past and today. Due to the varied geological basis of the area, the habitats, vegetation and fauna have developed the same richness and variation. We would like to demonstrate in detail how geology and biology, and with them geodiversity and biodiversity, are mutually dependent. The Geopark, with its several millions years of history, has many interesting stories to tell. Through education, promotion and awareness-raising, we would like to show that the geological structure and processes, i.e. the geological heritage, is the basis of our life, and that it can be destroyed by thoughtless actions, thereby causing irreparable harm to both nature and ourselves. However, with thoughtful visits and by observing this geological heritage, we can enjoy its beauty and learn a lot about ourselves and processes that have shaped – and are still shaping – the territory of this Geopark.

    B1: Location of the proposed Geopark (geographic coordinates, geographical map)

    The Geopark location is:

    Latitude: 14° 15´ 38,7´´ - 15° 13´ 4,8´´ Longitude: 46° 38´ 51,1´´ - 46° 22´ 29,8´

    For the graphic location and map of the Geopark see chapter A3.

    B2: General geological description of the proposed Geopark

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    Map 4 : Detailed geological map of the Geopark Karavanke

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    Simple explanation of geological history and genesis of the Geopark

    The Karavanke/Karawanken Mountains (K. Mts) are built up of exceptionally varying sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks from Ordovician to Miocene in age, which were formed during late Caledonian, Variscian and Alpine orogeny cycles in the time span of more than 450 million years. The prevailing area of the GeoPark has been formed by a succession of sediments originating from a carbonate platform of southern margins of the Palaeozoic Palaeo-Tethys Ocean and the successive Mesozoic Neo-Tethys Ocean. Mostly shallow water platform carbonate sediments now belong to the upper part of the Adriatic micro-continental plate, which was in the time of sedimentation still attached to the northern part of a larger African continental plate, but it is now far away.

    Map 5: Main tectonic units of the Geopark Karavanke

    The tectonic geological heritage of the GeoPark area is exceptional. During the peak collisional - Eoalpine tectonic event between African and European continental plate in the Late Lower Cretaceous almost 100 million years ago the Tethys Ocean sediments were thrusted around 250kms towards the north over the European continental plate all the way from the GeoPark area into the direction of the recent Bavarian Plain. The recent Northern Calcareous Alps - far away from the GeoPark on the north of Austria are forming the northern front of the huge nappe with Tethys Ocean originating sediments formed previously in the broad oceanic area between both continental plates. Intercontinental collision induced high temperatures and pressure was the cause of synchronous extensive regional metamorphosis of very various rock types precursors succession. As a result of this process now we can find within the GeoPark varied metamorphic rock in the whole range from ultra-high metamorphosed eclogites and serpentinites to rocks of a very low stage of metamorphosis. All these rock now belong to the basement rocks of the European tectonic plate and geotectonic unit Eastern Alps. They are cropping out in the northern and eastern part of the GeoPark in the area, where the upper nappe of the Tethys sediments was eroded. Within the metamorphic rock succession there are also dikes of pegmatites with an interesting Mg-tourmaline - dravite and its type locality from where it was described for the first time. During the Eo-Alpine intercontinental collision the first Alpine orogene was

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    formed, which was an even higher and broader mountain chain than the recent Alpine one, which is the result of the second uplifting phase. The first Alpine mountain chain had been almost eroded already before the end of the Eocene. Recent K. Mts have been formed as a part of the second - younger Alpine mountain range by uplifting from the Eocene shallow seas up to the recent elevations. The mountain building is still going on as proven by the recent seismic activity and by high precision GPS measurements. The process of the recent K.Mts uplifting is the result of the second - repeated and still continuing compression phase between the continental plates and synchronous counter clockwise directed rotation of the Adriatic plate, which resulted also in the eastward lateral displacement of the huge ALCAPA (Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian) tectonic blocks along the one of the most prominent European fault zones – Periadriatic lineament (PL), which is also part of the GeoPark.

    PL forms the sub-vertical deep southern tectonic border of the extruded blocks of the European continental plate to the north with the African plate to the south. Along the several tens of kms deep PL there was executed dextral eastward lateral displacement of northern blocks for about 250kms. PL is the eastern continuation of the first order Judiacarian fault zone from Italy with the length more than 1000kms, which is running in the west-east direction in the studied area all the way towards Budapest in Hungary. The compression between continental plates resulted in an extrusion of deep seated intrusive and metamorphic rocks and lateral displacement of high level sedimentary rock successions as short but wide divergent nappes, which formed exceptional form of so called “flower tectonic structure”. Within the PL fault zone, which is up to several kilometres wide, igneous and by the contact metamorphism overprinted regional metamorphic rocks are extruded and they form the “deep roots” of the central part of K.Mts and divide the geotectonic units of Northern (N.K.Mts) and Southern Karavanke/ Karawanken Mts (S.K.Mts). N.K.Mts is a succession of nappes pushed from the PL fault zone towards the north generally perpendicularly to the extension of the PL. They are made up of Tethys Ocean sediments.

    Table 3: Rock column: Southern Karawanken – left; Northern Karawanken – right (see also legend below)

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    The succession of nappes thrusted from the PL fault zone towards the south, which were also built up of the Tethys sediment, forms the recent S.K.Mts, which are part of the Southern Alps and Dinaric orogen. Within the PL fault zone an interesting variety of very diverse rocks and tectonic contacts can be observed in the three sub parallel belts in the west-east direction on a relatively confined area. The northern belt is formed by Late Permian to Middle Triassic differentiated series of intrusive magmatic breccia in composition from olivine gabbro to monzo gabbro, monzonite, and sienogranite were formed. Dikes of Granodioritporphyr within intrusive breccia have Rapakivi texture. Exceptionally interesting and rare ocellar structured quartz growth is found within the gabbro fragments due to metasomatic replacement of mafic minerals by minerals replaced from younger granitic magma.

    Map 6: Geological map of the area Bad Eisenkappel (Ebriachvalley) north of the Periadriatic lineament (PAL).

    Southern belt is built of Late Oligocene syn-tectonic emplaced tonalite. Tectonic movements during emplacement gave orientation to the mineral grains with the prismatic form, so the tonalite has the “gneiss kind of look”.

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    Within the tectonic unit of middle PL fault zone at the contact with magma during the process of contact metamorphosis the primary regional metamorphic rocks were altered to migmatite and hornfels. Schists were impregnated by magma and metasomatically changed them into cordierite-knots-schist. Oldest rocks of the GeoPark are grey biotite-plagioclase paragneiss, in which there are up to 15 m thick layers of a fine grained intensely foliated amphibolite and up to 30 m thick concordant intercalations of microcline-gneiss. North from the PL fault zone there is a tectonic block built of shales, conglomeratic sandstones, basalt dikes and pillow lavas and their pyroclastic rock varieties, which were deposited in a rifting environment of the deep sea and are probably of Ordovician age.

    North of this block with a sub vertical fault as the border is a stack of three northward oriented sub horizontal nappes built of Triassic and Jurassic rocks, which is the core of N.K.Mts. The oldest and lowest part of the N. K. Mts are built up of Upper Permian to Lower Triassic terrigenous quartz sandstones and conglomerates with gradual upwards transition into marls and then into oolitic dolomites and platform fossiliferous limestones. Within the Anisian dolomites formed in the intra- to supratidal environment there is a unique type – one of its kind known so far Zn-Pb stratiform early diagenetic mineralisation at Topla. Three small mineral deposits were formed in an early diagenetic process within the paleokarst topography on the carbonate platform. Sulphides precipitated by the reducing action of cyanobacteria organic matter decay onto the previously deposited Zn and Pb carbonate minerals.

    Image 6: Most important minerals of the Geopark

    In Ladinian sedimented more than 1000 metre thick Wetterstein Fm. had three sedimentary facies: fore-reef, reef and lagoonal carbonates with rare localities of a spectacular fossil gastropod fauna. Within porous and permeable parts of the rock succession the ore brine gave Pb and Zn mineralisation of the Mississippi Valley Type. Discordant vein type ore bodies were formed by precipitation of ore minerals (galena and sphalerite) within opened tectonic fissures at the time of the ore formation. Within porous emersion breccia horizons in the lagoonal facies of rocks strata-bound – concordant type of ore bodies were formed. Huge columnar breccia ore bodies are the result of old submerged karst cave roof collapse. Ore minerals form the cement to carbonate rock fragment. The Liassic (Pliensbachian) age of the epigenetic ore was proven by succession of ore and gangue carbonate vein microscopy. As a part of secondary mineralisation formed by the oxidation of primary minerals the generally seldom wulfenite colourful crystals are the world-known crown-mineral of the mining area.

    There were more than 400 ore bodies in the area of Peca Mt. of more than 100 km2. More than 20 million tonnes of ore have been mined out during 350 years long mining history, which are presented in the Museum mine in Mežica. Carnian beds have three horizons of shales with ammonites and plesiosaurs bone remains. Limestone intercalations contain rich fossil molluscs and crinoid fauna. Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic beds are developed as carbonate platform shallow water and reef limestones, and partly closed lagoonal sedimentation with dolomites. In Middle Lias (Pliensbachian) there was a regional rifting tectonic phase, which opened deep fault joints and gave rise to the ore brines which formed epigenetic Pb-Zn mineralisation deep in the Wetterstein Fm. The rifting resulted also in the opening of the Jurassic Penninicum (Northern Tethys) Ocean and formation of deep water sediments with Mn-nodular ore. Lower cretaceous beds have orbitoides

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    fossils. On the metamorphic basement on the north nummulites and alveolina foraminifera limestone was sedimented in Eocene north from K.Mts. The Palaeozoic succession of S.K.Mts comprises Ordovician and Silurian shales, Upper Silurian and Devonian to Lower Carboniferous shallow sea water massive coral reefs and various bedded lagoonal carbonate rocks. Lower Carboniferous “Hochwipfel” flysch was sedimented synchronously with the uplift of Variscian orogeny at the north on the continent. Synchronous volcanism gave dikes and pyroclastic rocks. Hydrothermal fluids produced nowadays non-economic ore veins and metasomatic types of Zn-Pb-Cu mineralisation. After the Lower Carboniferous Variscian orogeny in the Upper Carboniferous molasse sedimentation of the Auernigg Fm. of quartz conglomerates and sandstones, and shales with unique and rich fossiliferous assemblage of plants and marine fauna accumulated in limestone intercalations during the short transgressions. Asturian tectonic phase gave fluids for metasomatic iron carbonate – siderite, Pb and Zn mineralisation within lenses of marine limestones. In the Uppermost Carboniferous and Lower Permian limestones of Dovžanova soteska synchronously with Trogkoffel limestone were formed. Exceptionally rich brachiopod and other fossil fauna remains are known worldwide as top international paleontological heritage.

    In the Middle Permian erosional phase synchronous to Saal tectonic phase basal breccia of Tarvisio Unit were formed and were followed by transition into quartz prevailing terrigenous continental clastic sediments of Gröden Fm. In the Upper Permian transgressive marine sedimentation with evaporitic mainly dolomite sedimentation took place in more or less isolated lagoons. In Lower Triassic intercalations of oolitic limestones are common within mostly clastic sediment succession where there was gradual diminishing of terrigenous input. Towards the end of Lower Triassic and in the Anisian shallow water pure carbonate sediments prevailed. The Middle Triassic tectonic phase of aborted rifting induced formation of tectonic trough and sedimentary facies differentiation from shallow water, slope and deep water basin sediments. Synchronously with the rifting volcanic activity from effusive basalt to rhyolite explosive (bimodal) took place. Smaller Hg mineralisations of the Idria type as well as some Pb and Zn mineralisation were formed as a result of hydrothermal activity. In the Upper Triassic were prevailing shallow water sedimentation in lagoons, and reefs. Within the wide spread tidal environment cyclic Lopher facies rocks dominated. Pliensbachian extensional tectonic activity in Lower Jurassic induced deeper water sedimentation with radiolarites and shales with Mn-nodules mineralisation. Mn-ore from Begunjščica Mt. was the source for the first industrial Mn-steel produced in a smelter at Jesenice and it is very important geological and cultural mining and metallurgical heritage.

    In S.K.Mts follows Eocene mostly fine grained clastic rocks with plant remains and some coal seams, and fresh water mollusc fossils assemblage. Time equivalent of the Late Oligocene Miocene tonalite magma intrusion was the intense effusive and explosive volcanic activity. The broad area of Smrekovec Mts is formed by effusive andesite and its tuffs, and various pyroclastic and turbiditic rocks.

    The area of S.K.Mts was heavily deformed after the formation of south-merging thrusts between PL fault zone and sub parallel Sava fault south of S.K.Mts. There was around 250kms eastward displacement along the PL and only around 90kms along the Sava fault. Elongated tectonic “lenses” of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks were formed in S.K.Mts along sub-parallel faults due to shear as the difference in the extent of the lateral displacement along main regional faults. Carbon dioxide rich mineral and warm water springs are results of deep water migration along extensional parts of deep faults and interesting hydrogeological heritage.

    The youngest – postglacial sedimentary rock deposited at the carbon dioxide rich springs is travertine. Quarries with the recent travertine “growing area” are a unique sedimentological heritage. World’s known important bone and stone tools of our early ancestors and Quaternary mammal bones were found in karst caves of the Olševa Mt. The main uplift phase of K.Mts began in the Sarmatian stage of Miocene, around 12 million years ago, as demonstrated by little older coal seams within the fine grained clastic succession of sands and clays sedimented in the previous tectonically calm stage on the Triassic limestones of the K.Mts and at the same time also on the metamorphic rocks of the European continental plate in their northern foreland.

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    S.K.Mts were started to uplift first and its rocks were the first source of sediment transported to the north as proven by admixture of well-rounded quartz pebbles to the prevailing calcareous components sedimented in the basin to the northwest. The succession of clastic sedimentation has typical upwards-coarsening demonstrating gradually faster uplifting in the eroded hinterland. Within the Late Sarmatian sediment can be found re-sedimented rock components originating from the N.K.Mts. This proves that also the northern part of the mountain ridge started to be elevated and eroded. Also the coal bearing sediments deposited on Triassic limestones were uplifted together with the K.Mts and can be found on the southern slopes of the N.K.Mts.

    At the same time the metamorphic basement of the foreland sank and was filled with the coarse-grained debris from uplifted N.K.Mts. The thickness of this foreland clastic sediment fill exceeds more than 1000 metres. The continuing pressure from the south was combined with further uplift, which leads to overthrusting of young sediments by the N.K.Mts. The sub horizontal overthrusting plane is clearly visible at their northern foot, where Mesozoic rocks are lying above described clastic Miocene sediments. In the broad area west from Mežica, the Miocene very poorly cemented slope sediments – fossil scree with huge blocks are cropping out.

    The PL fault zone is recently tectonically almost non-active. Main active tectonic deformations and seismic

    activity moved sub-parallel to the neighbouring zones.

    B3: Listing and description of geological sites within the proposed Geopark

    Geosites and Geopark localities

    c) Geosites are sites and/or areas of geologic and geomorphologic importance and interest. They can also be of importance in other areas like archaeology, history, botany and zoology or they can actually be mines and/or coalmines. All these site types have a strong link to geology. Lookout spots, where geologic landscape forms or other geologic features can be observed, are also included in geosites.

    d) Geopark localities are areas and/or sites where geosites are presented in an interesting and clear way. There are various promotion tools: the areas and/or sites can be equipped with information or interpretation boards, leaflets, brochures, films etc. They should be marked on the ground and/or maps. It is important that Geopark localities are interesting and presented in a way that is appropriate and interesting for the general public.

    The geologic heritage of the Geopark has been classified in table 5 according to category (geosite or Geopark locality) and the sites along the geologic trails have been marked. According to relevance, they have been classified into internationally, nationally (locality of national importance in Slovenia or Austria) and regionally/locally relevant. We have also classified them according to their purpose (educational, tourism, scientific), protection status (based on the Slovenian Nature Conservation Act, UR. l. RS št. 96/04-ZON-UPB2, and Rules on the designation and protection of valuable natural features, Ur. l. RS št. 111/2004, as well as the Austrian Bundesland Kärnten law on nature protection, K-NSG 2002), and type (geologic, geomorphologic, mine, hydro-geologic, historic, botanical and/or zoological).

    In the Slovenian part of the Geopark, these sites and/or areas have been classified as geosites and Geopark localities that have the status of a valuable natural feature under the Nature Conservation Act (Ur. l. RS št. 96/04-ZON-UPB2) and the Rules on the designation and protection of valuable natural features (Ur. l. RS št. 111/2004). Some of the sites and/or areas are located in conservation and protected areas. On the Austrian side of the Geopark, these sites and/or areas have been classified as geosites and Geopark localities that have the status of a natural reserve, regional reserve or natural monument under the Bundesland Kärnten law on nature protection (K-NSG 2002). For more information see chapter C2.

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    Geosites and Geopark localities in the Geopark area

    Until now, 48 geosites, from those 14 Geopark localities have been registered in the Geopark area. Geopark sights are equipped with information or interpretation boards, they are presented in various publications, some are presented in leaflets and brochures or are already part of an existing educational, tourist or geologic trail. In the framework of the Geopark, the continuous development of existing points, and the establishment of new ones, are planned. Until now more than 35 Geopark localities (for example the Mežica mine – Glančnik tunnel, Moring, Topla, Helena and old Fridrih mines, Frančiškov tunnel-Leše, Smrekovec, Obir gorge, Trögerner gorge, Vellacher Kotschna, Topla regional park etc.) have been equipped with boards as well as information and educational material provided by the Geopark that can be used by schools, tourists, locals etc. (for more information on geosites and Geopark localities see the management plan of the Geopark).

    Topic Abbreviation Category

    Category G geosite

    GL geopark locality

    GEOTR geologic trail

    Relevance INT international

    NAT national

    REG regional / local

    Purpose EDU educational (geoeducation)

    TUR touristic (geotourism)

    SCI scientific-research

    Protection status PN protected natural heritage

    NP not protected

    Type GEOL geologic

    GEOM geomorphologic

    MIN mine

    HYD hydro-geologic

    HIS historic

    BZ botanical and/or zoological

    Table 4: Explanation of the abbreviations used on the list of geosites and geopark localities in the Geopark.

    List of geosites and geopark localities in the Geopark area:

    No. Geosites and geopark localities names, short descriptions Features

    1. Bad Eisenkappel, Eisenkappel‐Vellach Granodioritporphyr with large, zonar built feldspars from Rapakiwi‐type


    2. Bogatčeve peči Almandine mica rock blocks with almandine, muscovite and flintstone crystals of up to 1-centimetre in diametre


    3. Božičev slap Cascading 35-metre tall waterfall in Gabbro


    4. Breg – folds Triassic folds in Breg pri Mežici


    5. Burjakova stena This rock wall was created by tectonic activity and a smaller regional break; its overhanging surface is an interesting climbing site


    6. Ciganska jama Horizontal cave in the Topla valley, bat habitat


    7. Dobrova – dravite deposit Typical deposit of dravite mineral and one of the five major deposits in the world


    8. Bistra valley – break zone of the Periadriatic lineament The Periadriatic lineament is one of the major elements of the collision of the African and Eurasian plates; joint ore outcrops are best visible along the Bistra creek


    9. Ebriach, Eisenkappel‐Vellach Tapping of natural mineral water and exposure of granite


    10. Ebriachvalley Intrusive rocks near Periadriatic lineament

    G, GEOL, EDU

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    11. Hainschgraben –Gröden beds Beautiful trail to the Hainschgraben springs


    12. Hainschsattel Landscape formed by local glacier, slope debris of Košuta


    13. Hamunov vrh – iron mineral deposits in an abandoned mining tunnel Hamunov vrh mines are the only massive ore deposits of magmatic segregation in Slovenia where hematite and magnetite can be found



    Helenski potok – gorge and Carnian fossil site This creek gorge is one of the three richest deposits of Carnian crinoids in Europe and is an absolute rarity in Slovenia with regard to how numerous and excellently preserved the ossicle crinoids are; in the source region of Helenski potok, there are marshy meadows and fragments of source moors



    Hochobir, Eisenkappel‐Vellach The Hochobir is at an altitude of 2139 m the highest mountain in the eastern North Karavanke. Because the summit region lies above the tree line, the Wetterstein limestones are exposed very well here, and the summit offers a beautiful view of the Karavanke and its northern foreland


    16. Korančevka cave An inclined, around 50-metre long dry cave in the Topla valley



    Jegartkogel, Sittersdorf The well bedded laminated limestone and Kössen beds are exposed only at the northern foot of the Karavanke and can be best studied at the northern slope of the Jegartkogel


    18. Kärntner Storschitz, Eisenkappel‐Vellach A very scenic view standing on a Devonian coral reef. (Signed as path-route)


    19. Kordeževa glava This natural rock window on the Peca mountain was created along the break of Triassic limestone


    20. Mela Koschuta Impressive tectonic fault zone at the eastern end of the Košuta


    21. Muri Quelle, Eisenkappel‐Vellach In the area of steep dipping Palaeozoic shales plenty of CO2 reaches the surface. A lot of natural Fe‐CO2 springs can be found here.



    Najbržev plaz This vast, isolated landslide on the eastern slope of the Peca mountain with a visible thrust surface (named Peca thrust) is also the eastern-most and lowest habitat of the rare Wulfen's primrose (Primula wulfeniana)


    23. Obir Tropfsteinhöhle, Eisenkappel‐Vellach The most beautiful stalactite cave in the Karavanke


    24. Podgora – Eocene limestone deposits with fossils One of the rare primary deposits of Eocene alveolina-nummulitic limestones in north-eastern Slovenia


    25. Ravbarska luknja The only cave of pegmatite rock in Slovenia; bat habitat


    26. Potokgraben – Fossils and folds Folded and fossil rich middle-Triassic beds

    G, GEOL, EDU,

    27. Potokgraben, Trögerner Klamm, Eisenkappel‐Vellach A geologically and botanically interesting walking route


    28. Leše – coal deposits The abandoned Frančišek tunnel from 1849 is the last remnant of mining activity in Leše


    29. Rimski vrelec Mineral water source in Kotlje



    Remscheniggraben‐Kuratkogel, Eisenkappel‐Vellach The Andreas forest road, which branches off from the Remschenig valley to Kuratkogel, crosses the Periadriatic lineament several times. This gives an insight into the different tectonic lamellas thinning out at the Periadriatic lineament.


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    31. Remscheniggraben‐St. Margarethen, Eisenkappel‐Vellach The Remschenig valley follows the Periadriatic lineament and crosses several times the old crystalline of Eisenkappel and the tonalite gneiss



    Helena mine One of the rare remaining wulfenite deposits in Slovenia, the richest in Europe and one of the most famous in the world; the site also has extraordinary and unique calcite crystal deposits in Slovenia


    33. Mežica mine Ladinic layers containing ore and typical Mežica ore deposits



    Topla mine The ore deposit belongs to a growth-sediment supratidal lead-zinc ore site featuring typical sediment textures of sphalerite ore, paleokarst relief and supratidal sedimentation; on a global level, it is an important proof of the sediment creation of such ore deposits in supratidal zones.


    35. Schenkalm Channel filling of Tarviser breccia in Trogkofel limestone, rockfall

    G, EDU, GEOL


    Smrekovec – magmatic and pyroclastic stone deposits and habitat of rare andesite flora The lower Smrekovec mountain range is a larger complex of magmatic and pyroclastic stone in Slovenia, evidence of Tertiary volcanic activity; habitat of some rare plant species of Slovenia and endangered animal species.



    Mučevo gorge Picturesque rocky gorge, the habitat of rare and endangered plants belonging to the Orchid family featuring characteristic dry meadow vegetation and surface lead-zinc ore outcrops


    38. Stari Fridrih – lead-zinc ore outcrops One of the oldest Mežica mine districts featuring a preserved mining tip and lead-zinc ore outcrops


    39. Steinbruch Ebriachklamm, Eisenkappel‐Vellach, The most impressive exposure of Ordovician pillow lava in the Karavanke



    Topla – fossil snail site Easily recognisable fossil snail outcrop, the Omphaloptycha rosthorni species, that can be determined as a leading fossil that only come up in highest limestone layers containing ore, and the Gradiella gradiata species.


    41. Trögerner Klamm, Eisenkappel‐Vellach A scenic and geologically and botanically interesting, about 3-km-long canyon within the Schlern dolomite of the Košuta unit


    42. Uschowa Natural arches in karstified Dachstein limestone. (Signed as path-route)


    43. Volinjek Karst relief (grooves, natural windows, sinkholes) on Triassic limestone


    44. Votla peč This natural bridge is an extraordinary geomorphologic form, and an important geosite due to pegmatite and schorlite


    45. Vellachtalklamm, Eisenkappel‐Vellach, The upper Triassic (carnian) Cardita beds are only exposed in a few localities, because they serve as a tectonic movement plane


    46. Zajčja peč This site features a visible Peca thrust, and an important tectonic element linked to slips along the Periadriatic lineament


    47. Zelenbreg – pegmatite dikes with schorlite and muscovite Occurrence of pegmatite dikes in biotite-muscovite mica that have rich deposits of muscovite and the only tourmaline schorlite site in Slovenia


    48. Wildensteiner Wasserfall, Gallizien A partial fossil‐rich layer sequences of uppermost Triassic to lower cretaceous; overthrusted by Triassic rocks


    Table 5: Overview of geosites and geopark localities between the Peca and Košuta mountains, their short descriptions and categories.

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    Map 7: Geosites and geopark localities in the Geopark.

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    An example of the Geopark localities description:

    Name of geopark locality:

    Helena mine

    Short description:

    Wulfenite and calcite deposits in an abandoned tunnel of the Helena mine in Podpeca, northwest of Mežica

    Zp. št.:


    Coordinate UTM(x): 486411 Coordinate UTM(y): 5146993

    Type: geologic Relevance: international

    Purpose: educational, touristic, scientific-research

    Protection status: natural heritage protection (protected as a natural monument under the Act declaring a part of the Mežica lead and zinc mine a natural and technical monument, inter-municipal official journal 1/97 (Medobčinski uradni vestnik 1/97).

    Rating: The wulfenite deposit in Mežica is one of the rare remaining deposits in Slovenia, the richest in Europe and one of the most famous in the world; the site also has extraordinary and unique calcite crystal deposits in Slovenia. Wulfenite is one of the most beautiful Slovenian minerals and features prominently in mineralogists’ collections all over the world.

    Description: In the upper parts of the Helena mine, there are rich calcite and wulfenite deposits and protected mineral deposits on the Doroteja and Barbara levels. The mineral was named after the Austrian mineralogist F. X. Wulfen. Chemically, it is a lead-molybdenum oxide and a secondary mineral of lead mines. It occurs in yellow, orange red and red brown colours, and builds square plates; however, wulfenite crystals in Mežica vary from thin plates to cubes and prisms. Also, calcite crystals have been found in the abandoned mining tunnels. Mežica calcite crystals often develop scalenohedral crystals and have a relatively simple morphology. They can occur as individual crystals or twin crystals.

    Location on map 1 : 50 000 (Atlas Slovenije)

    Location and directions: The entry to the mine is to the northeast of Črna, close to the road following the Helenska valley to Podpeca.

    Image 7: Wulfenit The Helena mine is the richest wulfenite deposit in Europe and one of the most famous in the world. Wulfenite always occurs together with other oxide minerals. It usually appears as plates, sometimes as pseudo-cubes, pyramids and bi-pyramids. Colours vary from pale brown, to a red brown or greenish yellow. The minerals from the Mežica mine feature in mineralogy collections of natural history museums all over the world.

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    Name of Geopark locality:

    Obir Tropfsteinhöhle

    Short description:

    Obir stalactite cave

    Zp. št.:


    Coordinate UTM(x): 465376 Coordinate UTM(y): 5150757

    Type: geologic Relevance: national

    Purpose: educational, touristic, scientific-research

    Protection status: natural heritage protection

    Rating: The most beautiful stalactite cave in the Karavanke and in Austria.

    Description: From 1870 in the area of Unterschäffleralpe the Obir caves were discovered during excavation of the Markus‐mine. They were designated as the most beautiful stalactite cave in the Karavanke Mts. and one of the most interessting in Austria. The caves had no natural acces from the surface. The cave is located in the karstified Wetterstein‐limestone at a height 1078 m above sea level. Different parts of the cave reveal the mining history and the hard conditions of the working life inside the mountain, in coexistentce of the natural underground karst phenomenons – stalactites, stalagmites, pillars and curtains. The most impressive karst treasure is a hiden small side passage with a blue-green lake and pure white dripstones is only 40cm high and at the floor of the path. This makes this place hard to reach and will probably protect it from destructions for years to come.

    Location on map:

    Location and directions: The tour through Obir caves starts at the center of Bad Eisenkappel. There are numerous parking lots at the upper end of the town – five minutes walk to the ticket office. From here a regular bus shuttle brings the visitors to the Unterschäffler-Alpe at 1,080m asl. from May to September.

    Image 8: Obir caves – hiden lake

    The stalactite caves date back 200 million years. The temperatures in the caves stay at a constant 8 degrees centigrade throughout the year. In 1998, a research station was placed in a part of the cave off limits to the public. This device provides valuable data on the dynamics of stalactite growth.

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    B4: Details on the interest of these sites in terms of their international, national, regional or local value (for example scientific, educational, aesthetic)

    The geosite and Geopark localities listed in the table 5 demonstrate the great geodiversity of the area (the oldest Palaeozoic stones, important mineral and fossil deposits, deposits of metallic minerals that were won in the past, karst caves and other karst forms, evidence of volcanic activity etc.) which is exceptional and unique on a global level. Some of its treasures:

    one of the three richest deposits of Carnian crinoids in Europe, in the Helena creek valley;

    the Mežica mine has one of five lead-zinc ore outcrops of this type in the world;

    wulfenite deposits in Mežica are the richest in Europe and one of the most famous in the world;

    the Topla valley mine shows evidence of sediment creation of ore deposits of global importance;

    Dobrova pri Dravogradu is a typical deposit of dravite mineral and one of the five major deposits in the world;

    the Periadriatic lineament is the joint of two large lithosphere plates – the African and Eurasian plate – that can be observed in nature;

    Obir Tropfsteinhöhle is the most beautiful stalactite cave in Austria, discovered by coincidence during a lead-zinc ore excavation;

    one of the tallest waterfalls in the Korte/Trögerner Klamm natural reserve with the famous Tarviser breccia deposit;

    slopes of dark grey pillow lava in the Obir gorge are evidence of volcanic activity;

    several mineral water sources along the break zone between Jezersko and Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla;

    one of the biggest and most modern coalmines in Slovenia (in Leše) supplied the most important European ironworks with its ore;

    Image 9: Geoparks treasures

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    The Geopark also offers a lot of opportunities for experts. Geologists have been researching the area for a long time, producing more than 200 publications (see the list of literature below). A lot of geological research has been done in the area, university papers and theses written, and numerous technical and scientific articles published. Also, there have been several popular scientific articles and television programmes about the Geopark area. Tourists are familiar with the rich underground world of the Peca mountain and Obir caves. The nature and rich cultural heritage of the area ensure and enable a number of different opportunities for active pastimes (cycling, hiking, family outings, visits to cultural monuments etc.). We are convinced that, in the future, we can further expand the offer and activities in the area with interesting interpretations of geologic heritage and links to the existing offer. In this way, we will draw and raise the interest of even more visitors, including those who have not yet been particularly interested in the area between the Peca and Košuta. We would like to welcome as many tourists and geo-tourists as possible from all over the world to the Geopark.

    Geosites and Geopark localities have been classified into three categories according to their purpose: educational (geo-education), touristic (geo-tourism) and scientific (see table 5).

    educational (geo-education) From the very beginning, we have been aware that geology awareness-raising, education and promotion have to begin at a young age. For this reason, our activities are mostly intended for schools (and youth); with them we would like to establish partner relations and show the value of gaining knowledge from nature. Outdoor classrooms are one of the most effective teaching methods. Schools and natural sciences students regularly visit the Geopark, deepening their knowledge from books and the classroom with practical examples in nature. We are aware that only informed visitors can help conserve and promote our geologic and other heritage.

    scientific The Geopark area has been well researched by scientists and is of interest to the expert public. Since the beginning of systematic research, more than 200 expert publications have been published on national and international levels. However, research continues; new geologic technologies and methods are enabling further and more detailed research. Geosites that belong to this category and are mostly of national and international importance form the bulk of the literature referred to in this application. They are discussed in numerous publications and guides, some of them are also described in leaflets available at information points in the Geopark.

    tourism (geo-tourism) The listed geosites and Geopark localities are special natural treasures that have been attracting visitors for a long time. Mines, where different kinds of ore were won in the past, have been adapted for tourism and attract the most visitors (the Mežica and Obirske jame mines). Special geologic features are of interest to casual visitors as well as to more active and demanding visitors that would like to gain more experience and knowledge about nature and geology. The varied geological basis is ideal for the development of numerous varied habitats that are home to diverse vegetation and fauna. These habitats, and their life forms, attract numerous visitors who are engaged in research and recreation or just enjoy the environment. By adding information and interpretation boards and connecting the geological heritage with the natural and cultural heritage of the area, we would like to attract new tourists from near and far as well as geotourists from all over the world.

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    C GEOCONSERVATION The conservation of geologic heritage in the Geopark area is laid down in legal acts that are already in force in Slovenia and Austria. Individual geosites and Geopark localities, as well as other points of natural and cultural heritage, are protected by regulations that are in force in both countries. Protection of geologic heritage and the entire Slovenian system of nature protection is regulated by the Nature Conservation Act (Ur. l. RS št. 96/04-ZON-UPB2) in combination with the implementing of regulations and builds on the general law on environmental protection (1993). According to the Nature Conservation Act, nature and its areas with especially valuable characteristics, such as valuable natural features and biodiversity, are protected in Slovenia. The valuable natural features protection system ensures conditions for the conservation of valuable natural features’ and natural processes’ characteristics. The Rules on the designation and protection of valuable natural features (Ur. l. RS št. 111/2004) foresee more detailed protection and development guidelines and other binding rules of procedure to ensure the protection of valuable natural features (including the ones in the Geopark area). On the Slovenian side of the Geopark, three geosites are protected as natural monuments on the basis of the act declaring a lead and zinc mine a natural and cultural monument (Ur. l. RS št. 8/1997) and the act declaring a part of the Mežica lead and zinc mine a natural monument and culturally technical monument (Medobčinski uradni vestnik 1/97). These acts foresee a protection regime and management ensuring the protection of these sites.

    The protection of geological heritage and all other natural features in the Bundesland Kärnten is regulated by the Austrian Bundesland Kärnten law on nature protection (Kärntner Naturschutzgesetz 2002 – K-NSG 2002). Geologic heritage is protected in the framework of protected areas with the natural reserve or regional reserve status or partially as natural monuments. Minerals and fossil protection is defined by paragraph 8 article 45 K-NSG. According to article 42 “it is prohibited to intentionally damage and destroy minerals and fossils. It is prohibited to collect minerals and fossils using special techniques (like explosions, use of chemicals etc.) or it is permitted only when authorised. This applies also in the area of national parks and in the areas where owners prohibit the collection with a clear information board.” Article 43 includes provisions on an obligatory report: “The finder must report to the Kärnten provincial government any found minerals and fossils of special scientific importance due to their size, rarity, composition and other circumstances.”

    By joining the European Union, Slovenia has acquired a single protection system on the EU level. This is a network of specially protected areas called Natura 2000 (Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, Directive on the conservation of wild birds) intended to conserve biodiversity with a protection system for natural habitats and endangered plant and animal species that are important for the European Union.

    The protection and conservation of both natural and cultural heritage is also ensured by raising awareness among locals, owners of heritage and visitors to the area that can help conserve it.

    C1: Current or potential pressure on the proposed Geopark area

    No major negative pressures or risks have been observed in the Geopark area. However, the area is marked by a mining industry that, in the past, caused much pollution with micro-dust particles and land pollution with heavy metals. Due to the negative effects of 350 years of mining and metallurgic industry, the Meža river is one of most endangered streams in Slovenia. The cause of pollution was mostly eliminated some time ago but there was no intensive rehabilitation process before 1988 when the Mežica lead and zinc mine began shutting down. Slovenia adopted a law on the rehabilitation of the Mežica valley, allocating funds for the closure of the mine. Today, it is used for educational, research and tourism purposes and has access to sources of drinkable water. In general, individual geosites and Geopark localities are not at risk. Some geologic profiles are potentially at risk of becoming overgrown and some mineral and fossil deposits are at risk, due to excessive removal and

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    destruction. We will ensure favourable conditions for potentially threatened profiles by way of nature protection measures already in place. Potentially threatened mineral and fossil deposits will be protected with limited access (individual localities are not accessible to the general public and are dedicated solely to scientific and research activities; there is only one such locality on the Slovenian side). Although the area between the Peca and Košuta is rich in fossils and minerals, their deposits are not very obvious in the landscape and visitors often cannot see them. The goal of the Geopark will be to present geologic particularities to locals and visitors (tourists) and raise their awareness about how to protect them with the aim to making people more conscious of nature conservation.

    C2: Current status in terms of protection of geological sites within the proposed Geopark

    Based on the two Directives (Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, Directive on the conservation of wild birds), there are 10 protected Natura 2000 sites in the Geopark area: Dolina smrti, Votla peč, Šentanelska river (Mežica), upper Drava with tributaries and Pikrnica – Selčnica and Vellacher Kotschna/Belska Kočna. (see map 8).

    Ecologically important sites in Slovenia go beyond Natura 2000 and include habitat types, parts of habitat types and larger ecosystem units that significantly contribute to biodiversity conservation. Ecologically important sites in the Geopark area are the upper Drava, Kamniško-savinjske Alps and Pohorje.

    As Slovenia and Austria each has their national legislation on nature protection, protection systems are listed for each country individually.

    In Slovenia, geologic heritage protection covers the following protected categories:

    valuable natural features (naravne vrednote) are defined by the Nature Conservation Act as rare, precious or famous natural phenomena as well as other valuable phenomena, components and parts of the animate or inanimate nature, natural sites or parts of natural sites, ecosystems, landscapes or landscaped nature. Valuable natural features are especially geologic phenomena, minerals and fossils as well as their deposits, surface and underground karst phenomena, caves, gorges, narrows and other geomorphologic phenomena, glaciers and other forms of glacier activity, sources, waterfalls, rapids, lakes etc. Valuable natural features are defined by the Rules on the designation and protection of valuable natural features (Ur. l. RS, št. 111/04 in 70/06). In the Geopark area, there are 60 registered geologic and geomorphologic valuable natural features (including geosites and Geopark localities).

    protected areas (zavarovana območja) are a result of measures for nature protection. The Nature Conservation Act defines the following protected areas: national parks, regional parks, landscape parks, strict nature reserves, nature reserves and natural monuments. Protected areas within the Geopark that feature individual geosites and Geopark localities include: 1 protected landscape (IUCN category V) – the Topla landscape park; 1 natural reserve (habitat/species management area) (IUCN category IV) – the Smrekovec-Komen mountain ridge; 3 natural monuments (IUCN category III) – the Glančnik tunnel with a part of the Moring district, and the Helena and Topla mines.

    In Austria, geologic heritage protection covers the following protected categories:

    natural reserve – IUCN category IV (Naturschutzgebiet): Natural reserves are large, naturally conserved habitat/species management areas: protected areas managed with the aim of conservation using management interventions, land and/or sea areas managed with active interventions to ensure habitat conservation and/or meet the needs of certain species. Restrictions and guidelines for these areas are defined in the legislation (§ 24 K-NSG). In the Geopark area, there are two – Trögerner gorge and Vellacher Kotschna.

    protected landscape– IUCN category V (Landschaftsschutzgebiet) Protected land/marine areas: protected areas managed with the aim of conserving land/marine areas and recreation; a land area including shores and the sea (if applicable) where the mutual activity of people and nature create an area with well-defined features and significant aesthetic, ecological and/or cultural value and

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    often containing great biodiversity. The protection of this traditional mutual activity in its entirety is necessary for the protection, conservation and development of such areas. In the Geopark area, there are four – Hemmaberg, Pirkersee, Pirkdorfersee, Katharinakogel.

    natural monument or feature – IUCN category III (Naturdenkmal) Natural monument: a protected area managed with the primary aim of conserving special natural features; an area with one or more special natural or natural/cultural features, exceptional or unique values due to its rarity and typical or aesthetic features or cultural importance. In the Geopark area, there are nine (marked on the map – Wildensteiner waterfall, Jerischacher lake and Rosaliengrotte.

    Map 8: Nature conservation in the Geopark area

    C3: Data on the management and maintenance of these sites

    In Slovenia, a special legal arrangement for valuable natural features is implemented for the public interest, based on a constitutional provision stating that each person is obliged by law to protect natural sites and rarities as well as cultural monuments. It is a special public law regime. Most geosites and Geopark localities in the Geopark have the status of a valuable natural feature. In Slovenia, the state is responsible for the management and maintenance of valuable natural features in case of valuable natural features of national importance, and local authorities are responsible for valuable natural features of local importance. The management of natural monuments is regulated by the act declaring a lead and zinc mine a natural and cultural monument (Ur. l. RS št. 8/1997) and the act declaring a part of the Mežica lead and zinc mine a natural monument and culturally technical monument (Medobčinski uradni vestnik 1/97). According to the act (Ur. l. RS št. 8/1997), the Glančnik tunnel, with part of the Moring district, is managed by the company Rudnik svinca in cinka Mežica v zapiranju d.o.o. (its legal successor being Podzemlje Pece, d.o.o., turistični rudnik in muzej) which is legally bound (Medobčinski uradni vestnik 1/97) to also take care of the natural monuments that are the Topla and Helena mine.

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    Natural herita
