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Browse the BookThis chapter discusses customer experience management in SAP Commerce. It also covers the suite’s tools for personalization, inclu-ding context-driven services, the personalization and conversion optimization solution that lives alongside these core management tools.

Seema Vishnoi, Sietse Verhoog, Drew Messinger-Michaels

SAP Commerce Cloud: Commerce with SAP C/4HANA531 Pages, 2018, $89.95 ISBN 978-1-4932-1699-4

First-hand knowledge.

“Customer Experience Management ”

Table of Contents


The Authors

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Chapter 5

Customer Experience Management

From the moment that an end customer arrives at your storefront,

every moment that he interacts with what you’ve built will fall to

some degree under customer experience, the topic of this chapter.

What do you want to enable him to do, and how will the experience

look and feel? How will you encourage him to return?

Customer experience (CX) refers not only to the design and flow of a customer-facing

web frontend—what we generally call user experience (UX)—but also to the way that

experience extends beyond any one channel and to the features and functions that

enable that omnichannel experience. A given customer-facing user interface is sim-

ply the frontend toolset with which your customers will interact. Customer experi-

ence includes that UI but also incorporates the functional flow from one UI or

channel to another, the data and media strategies that support those interfaces, and,

most importantly, the broader philosophies and principles that drive the design.

Everything that affects your customers’ interactions with what you’ve built, from the

moment you begin designing it, falls within the purview of customer experience.

When we talk about managing customer experience within SAP Commerce, some of

that more abstract philosophical work has of course been done for you. As we will dis-

cuss, there are omnichannel strategies built into the platform, as well as a set of fea-

tures and functions that will allow you to innovate beyond the current standard of

omnichannel and, in some cases, beyond the boundaries of standard commerce.

SAP Commerce draws a distinction between product content management (which

we discussed in the previous chapter) on the one hand and customer experience

management on the other. Data, media, design, and rules directly related to products

or categories belong to your website’s product catalog, whereas the rest of your con-

tent, from pages and page components to any media that is independent of struc-

tured product data, belongs to your content catalog, which is versioned much like the

product catalog (with staged and online versions) but handled separately.

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5 Customer Experience Management


In this chapter, we’ll discuss the design and management of content catalogs in SAP

Commerce, as well as the suite’s tools for personalization, including the newest addi-

tion to customer experience in SAP Commerce, context-driven services, the robust

personalization and conversion optimization solution that lives alongside these core

management tools.

5.1 Page Templates for All Channels

SAP Commerce uses responsive technology to deploy to multiple devices from a sin-

gle set of page elements. This means that rather than detecting the browser or oper-

ating system that the customer is using and then serving up a page template

accordingly (an approach called adaptive design), SAP Commerce accelerator store-

fronts detect the number of pixels being displayed and then select and size their con-

tent accordingly.


If you ever want to see whether your favorite site—or, for that matter, your least

favorite site—uses responsive design, just resize your browser window; if the layout

of the page changes, then you’re looking at something responsive.

The pixel counts are typically divided into breakpoints, which allow the responsive

frontend to determine whether it is likely displaying for a desktop/laptop, a tablet, a

mobile device, and so on. In principle, this approach can extend to any number of

devices, if some new screen size standard comes into play (perhaps, say, as wearable

technology continues to develop).

As an example, Figure 5.1 shows a block of content as displayed on the desktop break-

point of the responsive homepage in the apparel store of the SAP Commerce acceler-


Figure 5.2, by way of contrast, is part of the same set of content, resized for a mobile

device breakpoint.


5.1 Page Templates for All Channels


Figure 5.1 Full-Width Desktop Layout of Apparel Storefront

Figure 5.2 Vertically Oriented Mobile Layout of Apparel Storefront

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Here we see two different approaches to adjusting content for different devices. In

the case of the Shop Women banner, the image has simply been resized, making it

more prominent in the more vertically oriented mobile layout. The Start Your Season

banner, however, is a different crop of the source image, which preserves the model

as the focal point of the image, as well as the slogan and the call to action, in a way

that simply resizing a full-width banner intended for desktop screens would not.

It is up to an individual content team to decide which content should be resized and

which should be swapped out for different imagery entirely. In general, you should

keep the horizontality of mobile screens in mind and avoid visuals or elements or

(especially) text or buttons that will be difficult to interpret when displayed at a

smaller size.

In addition, any design elements that require the user to hover over an image should

be eliminated for mobile and tablet designs because there is effectively no way to

hover over an element on a touch screen. Indeed, this fact means that hover-overs

have fallen out of favor in general for SAP Commerce accelerator storefronts. Cus-

tomers generally want a consistent experience across channels in terms of the basic

actions that are possible through the user interface.

So if customers on mobile devices are not going to be able to hover over an image of

the front of a dress to see the back of it, for example, then you may not want to set

that convention on your desktop site. This is not to say that hover-over is outside of

best practices in and of itself, of course. It’s simply a question of starting from what

your customers expect on mobile and then fostering consistency. This point of cau-

tion ties into the larger principle of mobile-first design. The earliest mobile web pages

essentially took existing desktop pages and shrunk down as many elements as possi-

ble to fit on a smaller screen—which, from a design philosophy perspective, is pre-

cisely backwards. That approach can easily result in page elements that are unwieldy,

unclear, or otherwise unoptimized.

To avoid that, a mobile-first approach reorients your thinking in just the way that the

term implies, by challenging you to first consider the smallest screen on which your

content will ever be displayed, deciding which page elements are essential in that

context, and then building out from there.

Searching and Browsing

Optimized mobile design is beneficial throughout SAP Commerce experiences, but

it’s more important in some areas of your storefront than in others. Some customers,


5.1 Page Templates for All Channels


especially older customers, tend to be reluctant to convert while using a mobile

device—but these customers do tend to search, research, learn, select, and even

build shopping carts or builds of materials on mobile devices. This means that it’s tre-

mendously important to let such customers continue their purchasing processes on

other devices, as discussed in Chapter 3, Section 3.2. It also means that mobile-opti-

mized content, and therefore mobile-first design, is even more important on product

detail pages, product listing pages, and content pages than it is for checkout or

account management pages. Even if you have a complex purchasing process that

cannot be entirely optimized for mobile, it is very much in your interest to optimize

the search and browsing experience for mobile.

Elements that are vital to a customer’s initial interactions with your storefront

should be initially visible upon arriving at the storefront. Elements that are necessary

but may not be immediately necessary, such as account management tools, are typi-

cally hidden behind an icon composed of three or four horizontal lines (usually called

a hamburger) on the mobile site, as shown on the left in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3 Compressed Mobile UI Elements, Including Hamburger,

in the Electronics Storefront

The responsive technology in SAP Commerce accelerator storefronts works by com-

piling Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) into standard Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for each

breakpoint-specific layout. The system also makes use of resource minification,

meaning that in the cases of media and code and scripts, the system will try to reduce

the size of resources as much as possible without losing vital information.

In the specific case of images in a responsive SAP Commerce accelerators storefront,

breakpoints are interpreted via image populators. Whereas a standard imagecomponent

element simply holds and displays a single image, responsive components such as

the SimpleResponsiveBanner component (which is a concrete implementation of the

AbstractResponsiveBannerComponent abstract class) map individual image files to their

respective breakpoints. These mappings are stored in the Imager.min.js script

library—and they are not necessarily one-to-one; a tablet-sized image may or may

not also work for desktop or for mobile, depending on the design.

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This more conditional, keypair-based mapping is where image populators come in.

The SAP Commerce Accelerator provides two, ResponsiveMediaContainerPopulator

and ResponsiveImagePopulator. The former sends image-size parameters, and the lat-

ter populates the appropriate components with the appropriate images.

ResponsiveMediaContainerPopulator then passes the sorted results to Imager.min.js,

which looks for any and all <img> elements that have the js-responsive-image class

attribute in the web browser’s Document Object Model (DOM). When it finds one, it

renders images using the parameters in Imager.min.js, such as those shown in Lis-

ting 5.1.

<img class="js-responsive-image" data-media='{"100":"Image of width 100x50","200":"Image of width 200x50","400":"Image of width 400x50","600":"Image of width 600x50","800":"Image of width 800x50","1000":"Image of width 1000x50"}'alt="">

Listing 5.1 Responsive Image Sizing Parameters in Imager.min.js

By default, the system maps and populates images by means of naming conventions,

with filenames ending with the size of the images: _800x300, for example.

Imager.min.js checks for these suffixes first. The system also offers a fallback mecha-

nism, leveraging the mediaFormat qualifiers defined in the spring.xml file of the

acceleratorfacades extension. Here the breakpoint is based on width because, as you

can see in Listing 5.1, Imager.min.js uses image width to map images to breakpoints.

The named breakpoint widths appear as shown in Listing 5.2 in spring.xml.

<alias alias="responsiveImageFormats" name="responsiveImageFormats" /><util:map id="responsiveImageFormats" map-class=

"java.util.LinkedHashMap" value-type="java.lang.Integer"><entry key="widescreen" value="1200"/><entry key="desktop" value="992"/><entry key="tablet" value="768"/><entry key="mobile" value="480"/>


Listing 5.2 Named Breakpoints for Responsive Pages


5.1 Page Templates for All Channels


An ImpEx job for SimpleResponsiveBanner and its associated types and media items,

then, would appear as shown in Listing 5.3.

INSERT_UPDATE Media;mediaFormat(qualifier);code[unique=true];@media[][forceWrite=true];realfilename;altText;mime[default='image/jpeg'];$contentCV[unique=true];folder(qualifier)[default=images];;mobile;Elec_480x320_HomeSpeed_EN_01_480W.jpg;$siteResource/images/banners/homepage/responsive/Elec_480x320_HomeSpeed_EN_01_480W.jpg;Elec_480x320_HomeSpeed_EN_01_480W.jpg;"Fast Precise";;tablet;Elec_770x350_HomeSpeed_EN_01_770W.jpg;$siteResource/images/banners/homepage/responsive/Elec_770x350_HomeSpeed_EN_01_770W.jpg;Elec_770x350_HomeSpeed_EN_01_770W.jpg;"Fast Precise";;desktop;Elec_960x330_HomeSpeed_EN_01_960W.jpg;$siteResource/images/banners/homepage/responsive/Elec_960x330_HomeSpeed_EN_01_960W.jpg;Elec_960x330_HomeSpeed_EN_01_960W.jpg;"Fast Precise";;widescreen;Elec_1400x440_HomeSpeed_EN_01_1400W.jpg;$siteResource/images/banners/homepage/responsive/Elec_1400x440_HomeSpeed_EN_01_1400W.jpg;Elec_1400x440_HomeSpeed_EN_01_1400W.jpg;"Fast Precise";

INSERT_UPDATE MediaContainer;qualifier[unique=true];$medias;$contentCV[unique=true];electronics-homepage-spalsh-en;Elec_480x320_HomeSpeed_EN_01_480W.jpg,Elec_770x350_HomeSpeed_EN_01_770W.jpg,Elec_960x330_HomeSpeed_EN_01_960W.jpg,Elec_1400x440_HomeSpeed_EN_01_1400W.jpg

INSERT_UPDATE SimpleResponsiveBannerComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];$mediaContainer;;ElectronicsHompageSplashBannerComponent;electronics-homepage-spalsh-en

Listing 5.3 ImpEx Job for Responsive Banner

Finally, it bears mentioning that SAP Commerce accelerator storefronts allow for

themes, which allow the user to set global colors and typography for their storefronts

in the variables.less (for global settings) and theme-variables.less (for theme-specific

settings) files. For example, the @link-color variable sets the color of links, and the

@text-color variable sets the default color of text. You can also set variables for

brand-specific colors (primary, secondary, and tertiary) within a theme to create

brand-specific experiences within a shared responsive storefront.

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With the key points of responsive web layouts now clear, and before we move on to

SAP Commerce’s tools for managing web content, let’s take a closer look at the struc-

ture of an SAP Commerce accelerator storefront web application.

5.2 Web Content Management System

SAP Commerce uses the terms content management system and web content man-

agement system somewhat interchangeably, both because much if not all of the con-

tent you are managing will be deployed to the web in some manner or another and

because the management tools themselves are web-based. In this section, we’ll dis-

cuss these tools, as well as the overall content strategies and structures that they


There are two interfaces for web content management in SAP Commerce—the CMS

Cockpit and SmartEdit—as well as some relevant functionality in the administration

perspective in the backoffice (as shown in Figure 5.4).

Figure 5.4 Attributes of Banner Component for Electronics Store

Business users creating and editing pages from day to day will do so primarily in

SmartEdit, which we will cover in the next section. Here we will focus on the other

two interfaces, but before we can do that, we’ll discuss the overall structure of web


5.2 Web Content Management System


content in an SAP Commerce accelerator storefront. After all, we can’t talk about

managing content until we understand what we’re managing.

Individual elements in an SAP Commerce accelerator storefront—banners, product

information, forms, search results, buttons, and so on—are components, defined in

their purposes and behaviors by different component types. Components are mod-

eled as individual, modular, reusable parts that can be managed centrally and used

repeatedly throughout the customer experience. If your footer links and terms and

conditions, for example, are modeled as components, then you can easily include

them in your promotional communications or in new pages you create; just as

importantly, you can update them a single time in your content management sys-

tem and see the changes reflected in every location where the content appears.

Components are flexible in terms of the amount of information, visual or otherwise,

that they communicate; as such, customers do not necessarily know where one com-

ponent ends and another begins. In the electronics store, for example, the image car-

ousel at the top of the page houses multiple images within a single component,

whereas the content blocks lower on the page are multiple components, each holding

a single image, as shown in Figure 5.1 earlier.

But this component-based approach does not mean simply transcluding your header

and footer content on each page. It also means reusing banners, product imagery,

and other assets on, for example, your homepage, your product listing page, your

product detail page, and your promotional pages.

When developing new elements or pages for your site, you want to make sure, when-

ever possible, to componentize them; that is, you want as many elements as possible

in your storefront to be modular components rather than static, hard-coded web

content. This is helpful if you want to manage these elements centrally and deploy

them to multiple areas of your storefront, and it is necessary if you want to take full

advantage of personalization: swapping out some specific asset for some other asset

for a specific group of customers or when a customer adds a certain product to his


In practice, this principle tends to go by the wayside when project timelines get tight

or other areas of the project require more attention than you’d originally planned.

Although not ideal, this compromise can work so long as you are intentional about

which parts of your customer experience need to be componentized and which do

not. Perhaps your header and footer will be fairly static and therefore can be hard-

coded. Perhaps your checkout experience is specific enough to your line (or lines) of

business that you will not be changing or personalizing it. In such cases, leaving some

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components static may be perfectly acceptable, at least during your first phase of

deployment. If too much (or all) of a given page becomes too static, however, you will

be missing out on many of benefits of SAP Commerce’s personalization features,

which we will discuss in Section 5.4.

Components are vital to the structure of your storefront, but they are not the naviga-

tional unit that customers most readily think of when they interact with your web-

site. Rather, most customers imagine your site’s structure in terms of pages, the

effectual combination of structured content (componentized or not) that appears

when a customer arrives at a certain URL. To understand pages, we will first need to

understand page templates and page types, which are themselves divided into five

important page types:

1. Content pages

These are built primarily by hand by content managers (though they can be per-

sonalized for specific users, as we will discuss later).

2. Category pages

These list products for a given category or a given set of search parameters and are

therefore built partially by Solr search (which we will discuss more thoroughly in

Chapter 8).

3. Product pages

These show individual products or bundles and are therefore built partially by

your product content catalog(s).

4. Abstract pages

These hold functionality such as checkout, managing saved carts, creating returns,

initiating password resets, and creating support tickets.

5. Document pages

These generate emails and forms to keep them in line with the look, feel, and func-

tionality of the rest of your storefront.

It is important to emphasize that you have the highest degree of direct, day-to-day

control over content pages, such as the homepage. You can add personalized or pro-

motional content to checkout pages, product detail pages, product listing pages, and

so on—but these have certain elements that need to be structured and built by the

system, whether that means ordered search results in the case of a product listing

page (as discussed in Chapter 8) or address and payment forms in the case of a check-

out page (as discussed in Chapter 3). Content pages do not necessarily have any of

these more system-assembled or instrumental elements, and content pages are


5.2 Web Content Management System


therefore the best place to start when you begin to create new pages in the content

management system.

The SAP Commerce accelerator storefronts come bundled with some page templates

for each of the page types: landing page templates for homepages, product detail

pages for product listings, and even prebuilt layouts for frequently asked questions

and account management pages. Page templates include JSP-based layouts, sizing

information for each slot into which components can be placed, and rules for which

component type can be placed into which slot.

This can be as general as saying that a given component slot must contain an image

or as specific as saying that a given component slot must contain an image of a type

that specifies size, format, and origin. It’s up to you to curate your media types, but

your inclusion and exclusion rules can be as intentional and proscriptive as you like,

so long as your media items are organized and tagged accordingly. Being proscriptive

about your template and slot rules can prevent content managers from inadver-

tently breaking the page but also can limit their ability to be inventive within the

rules you’ve set.

Your goal always should be to balance these two factors because without explicit

exclusion or inclusion rules, the system will always tend toward adaptability. If you

have a slot for a full-width image, for example, and you do not specify some media

type that contains images of the correct dimensions, then a content manager will be

able to insert any image to which they have access into that slot, which would result

in a stretched, blurred, or otherwise suboptimal asset.

This same flexibility means that an attentive and inventive content manager can

achieve a large number of discrete looks and feels from a relatively small number of

page templates. Removing that full-width banner entirely will not result in a large

field of blank white space but rather in the components below that one rising to

meet the header, thereby creating an effectually different page layout, as shown in

Figure 5.5.

Page templates govern much of the layouts that customers see when they browse

your storefront, but again, it is the pages themselves that customers will interact

with, moment to moment, and that content managers will build during and after

development. An active, potentially browsable instance of a given page template,

with one or multiple URLs to reach it, is a page. Where a page template says an image

goes here, a page says this image goes here. Landing page 2 is a page template; the

homepage is a page.

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Figure 5.5 Dynamically Altered Layout for Store

That’s in the case of content pages. In the case of product pages, even the page says

the product content goes here rather than this product’s content goes here. There is

generally only a single product page on a given SAP Commerce accelerator store-

front, and, as described earlier, the specific product information being displayed will

originate in the product catalog rather than the content catalog.

With all of that said, we can move on to the admin perspective in the backoffice and

the Web Content Management System (WCMS) Cockpit, beginning with the former—

a view for your content catalogs, data model, and overall structure. You can see this

data set under the WCMS node (see Figure 5.6) when logged in as an administrator or

as any other backoffice user with access to content catalogs and their associated


Some important functions that are not available in SmartEdit are available here, as


� Creating content catalogs (and catalog versions)

� Creating homepages

� Restoring deleted pages

� Permanently deleting pages “deleted” in SmartEdit


5.2 Web Content Management System


� Adding actions to components

� Creating and editing page templates

Figure 5.6 WCMS Node, Viewed in Admin Perspective in Backoffice

It is also generally here that more senior or more technical content managers can

edit the details of catalogs, catalog versions, and page templates, as well as view

restrictions more holistically. (We’ll discuss restrictions in Section 5.3.4, as well as in

Chapter 9).

You may have noticed that this view does not cover intuitive, what-you-see-is-what-

you-get (WYSIWYG) page editing. That functionality is covered by SmartEdit—as well

as by the CMS Cockpit, the original purpose-built interface for content catalogs in SAP

Commerce. The CMS Cockpit has three important perspectives: WCMS page view, live

edit, and navigation. In the WCMS page view, shown in Figure 5.7, content managers

can edit pages in a wireframe-like view.

Live edit is essentially an earlier iteration of SmartEdit, allowing users to preview

pages (with personalization rules if desired) and edit those pages in place. In a system

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that has SmartEdit running, there is no reason to prefer live edit: though SmartEdit

has not yet achieved full feature parity with the old cockpit, the features that it lacks

are covered by the admin perspective in the backoffice, as described previously.

Figure 5.7 WCMS Page View in WCMS Cockpit

Navigation, meanwhile, allows content managers to create and edit the navigation

nodes that make up the headers and footers of pages. Although the header nodes typ-

ically mirror top-level product categories and/or page hierarchies, it’s important to

keep in mind that they are in fact entirely independent of these. They are purely con-

tent catalog items, even if they link to items in the product catalog.

Because navigation nodes also can be created and modified in SmartEdit, let’s now

move on to what is, for most users, the primary content manager interface in SAP

Commerce. Let’s talk about SmartEdit, both in terms of day-to-day use and in terms

of configuration and customization.


5.3 SmartEdit


5.3 SmartEdit

SmartEdit allows content managers to create new pages from existing templates,

add, edit, and remove those components via drag and drop, and test personalized

experiences within those pages, all from a single scalable user interface. In this sec-

tion, we’ll discuss the technology behind SmartEdit, its core features and functions,

the steps necessary to customize the tool, and, perhaps most importantly, the

groundwork that SmartEdit lays for personalized customer experiences.

From a technical perspective, SmartEdit is a UI for managing web pages and a Java-

Script framework that allows developers to connect pages to that UI, following a

model-view-controller (MVC) approach and using AngularJS modules to compose

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fragments.

This UI and this framework are both natively and automatically connected to SAP

Commerce accelerator storefront pages, but in principle they can be connected to

other web frontends as well.

5.3.1 Framework and Architecture

Before we discuss SmartEdit in greater technical detail, let’s take a moment to discuss

Grunt, third-party software used to build SmartEdit extensions. Grunt organizes and

executes plugins, configuring, ordering, and grouping them via the settings in Grunt-

file.js, located in the root folder of all SmartEdit extensions that make use of Java-


Grunt plugins format JavaScript and HTML files (often adding semicolons, which are

easy to accidentally exclude), analyze JavaScript syntax, translate HTML templates to

JavaScript modules, minify Angular JS JavaScript files, and manage source concentra-

tion, unit and integration testing, and generation of CSS files via LESS.

The primary function of Grunt in a SmartEdit context is for building extensions, but

you can also use plugins that watch for changes in the running system (the watcher

plugin) and integrate your system with other systems for debugging and testing (the

connect plugin). To add these plugins to your Gruntfile.js, add the code in Listing 5.4.

watch: {xyz: {

files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'web/features/**/*', 'jsTests/**/*'],tasks: ['dev'],options: {

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atBegin: true}


connect: {"dev": {

"options": {"hostname": "","port": 8080,"keepalive": true,"open": true

}},"test": {

"options": {"hostname": "","port": 7000

}},"debug": {

"options": {"hostname": "","port": 7000,"keepalive": true

}},"docs": {

"options": {"hostname": "","port": 9090,"keepalive": true,"open": true,"base": "./jsTarget/docs"


Listing 5.4 Adding Watcher and Connect Plugins to Gruntfile.js


5.3 SmartEdit


You call Grunt using the nomancillary extension of the npm-ancillary module. You’ll

need to include this extension in the extensioninfo.xml file for each relevant Java-

Script extension. The extensioninfo.xml file in the cmssmartedit extension, for exam-

ple, contains the parameters from Listing 5.5.

<extensioninfo xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="extensioninfo.xsd">

<extension name="cmssmartedit"abstractclassprefix="Generated"classprefix="CmsSmartedit"managername="CmsSmarteditManager"managersuperclass="de.hybris.platform.jalo.extension.Extension">

<requires-extension name="npmancillary" /><requires-extension name="smartedit" />

<coremodule packageroot="de.hybris.cmssmartedit"manager="de.hybris.cmssmartedit.jalo.CmsSmarteditManager"generated="true"/>

<webmodule jspcompile="false" webroot="/cmssmartedit"/>



Listing 5.5 Relevant Additions to extensioninfo.xml

This connects your extension to the extensioninfo.xml file, which in turn contains

and calls the gruntBuild macro. This macro creates a symbolic link (called node_mod-

ules) between the nomancillary extension and your own, as shown in Listing 5.6.

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="cmssmartedit_buildcallbacks"><macrodef name="cmssmartedit_before_build">

<sequential><linkToSELibraries path="${ext.cmssmartedit.path}"/>

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Listing 5.6 Making Relevant Additions to cmssmartedit

With an understanding of Grunt, we can now move on to the data model and config-

uration options of SmartEdit itself.

SmartEdit modules contain three key types of features, as shown in Figure 5.8:

1. Decorators, which add rendering and/or behavior to components. (In the code,

these behavior triggers are sometimes referred to as directives.)

2. Contextual menu items, which are added to the core contextual menu decorator,

with each item performing a different action.

3. Toolbar actions, which enact behavior when triggered by contextual menu items.

Figure 5.8 Key Modules Used by SmartEdit and Their Dependencies






















5.3 SmartEdit


To add a new decorator, start by creating an AngularJS module. In this example, let’s

name it SampleDecorator; call the decorator (or directive) itself sample. (Note that the

name of your module must end in the Decorator suffix.) Save the new module in the

web/features/sampleDecorator directory. Our goal will be to create a new decorator

activated by the customer’s mouse moving over the attached SmartEdit element. In

the code, these steps would appear as shown in Listing 5.7.

angular.module('sampleDecorator', ['myModuleTemplates']).directive('sample', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {

return {templateUrl: 'web/features/sampleDecorator/

sampleDecoratorTemplate.html',restrict: 'C',transclude: true,replace: false,scope: {

smarteditComponentId: '@',smarteditComponentType: '@',active: '='


link: function($scope, element, attrs) {$scope.visible = false;$scope.mouseleave = function() {

$timeout(function() {$scope.visible = false;

}, 1000);};$scope.mouseenter = function() {

$scope.visible = true;};



Listing 5.7 AngularJS Module for New Decorator

Let’s break down the results of that snippet. First, the code sets the value for templa-

teURL so that the compiled directive can locate the decorator template, as shown in

Listing 5.8.

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angular.module('sampleDecorator', ['myModuleTemplates']).directive('sample', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {

return {templateUrl: 'web/features/sampleDecorator/


Listing 5.8 Setting Value for templateURL

The code also sets the value for the restrict property to C, which will cause the direc-

tive to invoke only the CSS class type:

restrict: 'C',

Further, the code sets the transclude property to true and the replace property to

false. This means that the decorator will append the existing DOM rather than

replace it. In other words, this decorator will not override the entire UI but will simply

add to it:

transclude: true,replace: false,

The code in Listing 5.7 also adds the following three parameters, which we show again

in Listing 5.9:

1. smarteditComponentType, which defines the type of component being extracted

from the DOM

2. smarteditComponentId, which defines the ID of the specific smarteditComponent

being extracted

3. active, which acts as a toggle to activate or deactivate the decorator

scope: {smarteditComponentId: '@',smarteditComponentType: '@',active: '='


Listing 5.9 Adding Parameters and Enabling Transclude

Finally, the code sets the link function, which attaches event listeners to DOM ele-

ments, watches model properties for changes, and updates the DOM. When the direc-

tive is called, it acts as a controller. Listing 5.10 sets three values for the link function:


5.3 SmartEdit


1. visible is set to false, meaning that the decorator is not initially active.

2. When the customer’s mouse hovers over (mouseenter), the decorator becomes vis-


3. When the customer’s mouse is no longer hovering over (mouseleave), the decorator

is no longer visible.

link: function($scope, element, attrs) {$scope.visible = false;$scope.mouseleave = function() {

$timeout(function() {$scope.visible = false;

}, 1000);};$scope.mouseenter = function() {

$scope.visible = true;};



Listing 5.10 Adding Link Function and Its Associated Values

Note that any module you create for a decorator will need to contain the <div data-

ng-transclude> tag, which tells the directive where to inject its appended—or, more

exactly, transcluded—content. (We say that this content is transcluded because it

exists in a content repository and can be called in multiple contexts, and because it is

one part among several in a componentized presentation layer.)

Now, with all of this done, we can create a template. Call it sampledecoratorTem-

plate.html (decorator template names should always end in the suffix Template.html,

for a reason that will be clear in a moment) and place it under web/features/sample-

Decorator/SampleDecoratorTemplate.html. This template will define mouseenter and

mouseleave event handlers to properly control the visibility of the decorator, which

would appear in the code as shown in Listing 5.11.

<div><div data-ng-mouseleave="mouseleave()" data-ng-if="active"><div data-ng-mouseenter="mouseenter()"><div data-ng-transclude></div><span id='decoratorText'>decorator wired</span>

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</div></div><div data-ng-mouseleave="mouseleave()" data-ng-if="!active"><div data-ng-transclude></div></div></div>

Listing 5.11 New Template: sampledecoratorTemplate.html

With this done, next write the decorator to the module you created in the web/fea-

tures folder. Create a module called myModule and add the decorator as a dependency—

while also adding decoratorServiceModule, which will allow you to wire the decorator

to a component type in the next step, as shown in Listing 5.12.

angular.module('myModule', ['sampleDecorator',


Listing 5.12 Writing New Decorator to Module

You can now use the addMappings method of decoratorService to wire the decorator

to one or more components, as shown in Listing 5.13.

.run(function(decoratorService) {decoratorService.addMappings({

'sampleComponent': ['sample']});


Listing 5.13 Wiring Decorator to Component

If you want to wire decorators to multiple components, you can do so by listing the

exact decorator names:

'componentType1': ['decorator1', 'decorator2']

You can also specify a component type and apply the decorator to all components of

that type:

'.*Type1': ['decorator1']


5.3 SmartEdit


Or you can wire the decorator to all components, but with exceptions (the exception

here being any component with “Type1” in its name):

'^((?!Type1).)*$': ['decorator1']

Next, let’s use Gruntfile.js to create an AngularJS module for the decorator templates,

converting the HTML JavaScript modules as shown in Listing 5.14.

ngtemplates: {options: {

standalone: true, //to declare a module as opposed to binding to an existing one

module: 'myModuleTemplates'},run: {

src: ['web/features/**/*Template.html'],dest: 'jsTarget/web/features/templates.js'


Listing 5.14 Creating AngularJS Module for New Decorator Template(s)

On execution of this task, the system will find all templates with names that end in

Templates.html (which is why you used that suffix on your own new template) and

load them into the templates.js file. The templates will reside in an AngularJS module

called myModuleTemplates. You can then wire your decorator modules to the myMod-

ule.js module, thereby integrating your templates into the SmartEdit experience and

eliminating the need for real-time AJAX calls.

Note that this step is only necessary if you have created your own new module. If you

have an extension generated from the out-of-the-box ysmarteditmodule template,

then this wiring will be complete as soon as you have activated Grunt. The same

caveat applies to the next step, in which we will (at last) expose the module to the

SmartEdit application.

If you are dealing with a newly added module, then you will need to create a unified

JavaScript file to expose it. This file will live in the web/webroot/js directory. We will

concatenate a file using the Grunt build plugin and save it in myModule.js by adding

the contents of Listing 5.15 to Gruntfile.js.

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concat: {options: {

separator: ';'},dist: {

src: ['web/features/features/**/*.js', 'some other pattern'],dest: 'jsTarget/myModule.js'


Listing 5.15 Concatenating New File Using Grunt Build Plugin

5.3.2 Content Management

SmartEdit offers four main perspectives for content managers:

1. Preview, which allows the user to view pages as they would appear to a customer

without any personalization

2. Basic edit, which allows for quick, drag-and-drop changes to the positions and

properties of simple components such as banners

3. Advanced edit, which allows for the editing and movement of all components,

including navigation

4. Personalization, which allows the user to view the page as a customer would, with

personalization rules in place

You can and should restrict these different perspectives to different content manag-

ers (and in the case of preview and personalization, perhaps testers or business stake-

holders, who are not interested in making changes but who would like to see new or

updated content before it goes live). By doing so, you can offer basic editing to those

who are building simple pages, advanced editing to those who are making more com-

plicated, more custom, or more conditional changes, and so on.

While building and testing your storefront, you should be careful to properly compo-

nentize your content, as discussed earlier in this chapter. None of the page elements

or other components that you have hard-coded will be editable via SmartEdit or per-

sonalizable via restrictions.


5.3 SmartEdit


A common symptom of insufficiently componentized storefronts is the overuse of

paragraph components. These are intended for rich text (perhaps with tables, hyper-

links, or embedded images) and can be edited via a WYSIWYG interface in Smart-

Edit—but because they can contain rich formatting such as tables and hyperlinks and

because they can be edited directly in HTML format as well as via WYSIWYG, para-

graph components can also include more complicated HTML or scripts. Some devel-

opers and content managers will therefore insert custom “components” as large

blocks of arbitrary HTML in paragraph components.

This is not a best practice, for three important reasons. First and foremost, this prac-

tice is intensely sensitive to keystroke error, which could result in broken compo-

nents, poorly optimized scripts, or soft security practices. Second, should you notice

these issues, it can be very difficult to track down the offending code or even to deac-

tivate only the part that is malfunctioning without also deactivating some other, per-

haps critical, piece of functionality or content. Third, and just as importantly,

overusing paragraph components in this way denies the business the opportunity to

define, design, and refine the component types that they should have. If there is some

storefront element that is critical to your business but that is not represented or

accounted for in the accelerator storefronts, then your project should include build-

ing it. The results will be better, you will have more management and personalization

options, and you will save yourself a good deal of stress during testing and deploy-


SmartEdit is at its most useful when content managers are empowered to build new

pages and variations on existing ones without having to involve developers or inter-

nal IT—and the interface allows this, so long as your design and implementation

does as well.

5.3.3 Components

Accelerator storefronts ship with components, pages, and page templates prebuilt.

As discussed earlier in this chapter, these components can be added, edited, and rear-

ranged using SmartEdit. Developers will frequently create their own new component

types, sometimes using the SAP Commerce accelerators components as bases and

sometimes starting from scratch. These new components will need to be enabled for

SmartEdit, as described earlier in this chapter.

The component types enabled for SmartEdit by default, as well as their functions, are

outlined in Table 5.1.

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Component Type Description

Account navigation Provides the customer with access to self-service functionality, as

described in Chapter 7.

Category navigation Displays the product categories and/or other items that you have

added to your core storefront navigation, as described in Section


Footer navigation Displays the footer content, usually including static links to con-

tact information, frequently asked questions, and so on. This con-

tent is considered part of navigation and is covered in Section


Image map An image with a link embedded in some or all of its pixels, configu-

rable via HTML.

Link The component is nested under navigation nodes to provide con-

nections to other parts of the storefront, as described in Section


Mini cart Summarizes the current contents and total value of the cus-

tomer’s cart.

Paragraph A flexible component, editable via SmartEdit or any other content

management interface in SAP Commerce, that can contain plain

text, rich text, tables, images, hyperlinks, and so on.

Product carousel Displays a set of products, with the attributes of those products

(such as name, price, and image) being drawn directly from the

product catalog.

Product reference Shows products related to one another, in manners such as cross-

selling, upselling, and accessories, as described in Chapter 3 and

Chapter 4.

Search box The component that allows customers to search your indexed

search data for keywords.

Simple banner Shows an image and can link to a URL when clicked. These compo-

nents also contain metadata and, like all media in the SAP Com-

merce system, can be protected using security rules.

Simple responsive


Serves the same function as a simple banner but includes image

files and parameters for each of your responsive breakpoints.

Table 5.1 Component Types


5.3 SmartEdit


5.3.4 Restrictions Management

Restrictions mark a piece of content as being conditional—that is, being shown or

not shown based on some specific parameter. Time restrictions, for example, mean

that the component will only appear within a specific time range. Category restric-

tions mean that the component will show only if the user is currently viewing a cer-

tain category, thereby allowing bespoke content to be added to otherwise system-

built pages, such as product listing pages.

In SmartEdit, users can add restrictions to components by selecting the appropriate

component and then clicking the button, as shown in Figure 5.9. (For a more detailed

understanding of restrictions, see Chapter 9.)

Figure 5.9 Adding Restriction in SmartEdit

One specific restriction type that bears mentioning in this context is the CMS action

restriction, which, as its name implies, adds a CMS action to the component. This

means adding some behavior to a component, over and above linking to some other

part of the storefront via a click. The most commonly used CMS actions are as fol-


� PickUpInStoreActionModel, which initiates a buy online, pickup in store checkout

process (as described in Chapter 3)

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� ShareOnSocialNetworkActionModel, which opens an interface for sharing a product

or page on one or more social networks

� AddToCartActionModel, which instantly adds a product to the customer’s cart

SimpleCMSActionModel acts as the base for all CMS actions, and allows you to create

your own new ones. You would begin doing this by defining a new item type, which

we’ll call MyNewAction, as shown in Listing 5.16.

<itemtype code="MyNewAction" jaloclass="de.hybris.platform.acceleratorcms.jalo.actions.MyNewAction" extends="SimpleCMSAction"autocreate="true" generate="true"></itemtype>

Listing 5.16 Defining MyNewAction

To test this, wire it a simple visual element, a button that says Click Me! To do so, add

the following to your storefront extension:

<%@ page trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true" %><button type="button">Click Me!</button>

You can, of course, wire your new action to a more sophisticated component than

that. Listing 5.17, for example, shows how you would connect it to ProductAddToCart-

Component in the accelerator storefronts via ImpEx.

# this relation is used by CMSActionRestriction, by addingActionRestriction to your actionINSERT_UPDATE ApplicableCmsActionsTypeForCmsComponent;target(code)[unique=true];source(code)[unique=true];;ProductAddToCartComponent;MyNewAction;

# CMS ACTION RestrictionsINSERT_UPDATE CMSActionRestriction;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;;;ActionRestriction;A CMSAction restriction;

# CMS ProductAddToCart ComponentsINSERT_UPDATE ProductAddToCartComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;actions(&actionRef);&componentRef;;AddToCart;Product Add To Cart;PickUpInStoreAction,AddToCartAction,ShareOnSocialNetworkAction,MyNewAction;AddToCart


5.3 SmartEdit


# My New Action,INSERT_UPDATE MyNewAction;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];url;name;restrictions(uid,$contentCV);&actionRef;;MyNewAction;/mynewaction/act/{productCode};My New Action;ActionRestriction;MyNewAction

Listing 5.17 Connecting New Action to ProductAddToCartComponent

Finally, you need to add your new action to the appropriate component view, using

the syntax shown in Listing 5.18 (which comes from the example in the ProductAd-

dToCartPanel.tag SAP Commerce accelerators file).

...<%@ taglib prefix="action" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/desktop/action" %>...<div id="actions-container-for-${component.uid}" class="productAddToCartPanelContainer clearfix"><ul class="productAddToCartPanel clearfix"><action:actions element="li" styleClass="productAddToCartPanelItem span-5" parentComponent="${component}"/></ul></div>

Listing 5.18 Sample Syntax from ProductAddToCartPanel.tag

5.3.5 Navigation

Navigation components are unique insofar as they are specific to menus, usually

shared across pages, that allow the customer to move around the site. Although ban-

ners and other components will frequently include links to other pages, navigation

components exist primarily for linking; as such, they should be designed with some

intention. We generally recommend linking to your most important product catego-

ries and to any important nonproduct pages that you might have, from learning

resources to (especially in the case of highly regulated industries) policy information.

Product and product-related links typically go in your header, whereas Contact Us,

Frequently Asked Questions, and copyright boilerplate typically go in your footer.

Navigation components can be edited only from the advanced edit perspective, as

shown in Figure 5.10.

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Figure 5.10 Editing Navigation Components in SmartEdit

In addition, the onsite search bar is itself a configurable component. Employees in

the CMS Cockpit or SmartEdit can determine how long the search engine will wait for

before making suggestions, as well as the kinds of suggestions it will then offer—

suggesting keywords or specific products or both if autocomplete is turned on and,

after the search is executed, following up with “Did you mean?” functionality if spell

check is turned on. For a more thorough discussion of these features, as well as the

search functionality attached to them, see Chapter 8.


5.3 SmartEdit


There are some settings that are unique to the search bar component, however. Prod-

uct reccomendations are handled at the SAP Commerce level rather than the search

engine level, so they can be enabled only from the content managament side; like-

wise, the settings for delaying before returning results can only be set here. The sys-

tem allows you to set the number of characters that the search bar will wait for (three

by default) and the number of milliseconds (500 by default) that the storefront will

then wait before returning results.

You might be wondering why anyone would want to intentionally delay autocom-

plete results. After all, reducing your response time for search can be key to providing

a good customer experience, and long load times tend to greatly increase bounce

rates. But, perhaps counterintuitively, these delay settings can help to improve per-

formance and increase customer engagement.

This is because returning autocomplete results as quickly as possible, after every sin-

gle keystroke, generally results in verbose, unwieldy suggestions, while also requir-

ing the storefront to query the search engine after every single keystroke. It’s

generally better, then, to wait for a better idea of what the customer is looking for and

also to wait for some indication that they are no longer typing. This feature allows

you to account for both of those factors and to fine-tune the delay time based on

your search engine’s base response time and your customers’ specific expectations.

(For more on both these topics, once again, see Chapter 8).

5.3.6 User Accounts and User Groups

User groups are just what they sound like: groups of users organized in the SAP Com-

merce system. As we discuss in Chapter 9, user groups can contain employees or

customers—but in the context of SmartEdit, we’re concerned with customer-facing

user groups. By adding user group restrictions to specific pieces of content, from a

single banner to an entire page or section of your storefront, you can provide cus-

tomers with a highly personal experience even if you have yet to set up automation.

In the personalization perspective, users can choose to view a page in the context of

one or more user groups, each representing a category of customers to which you

want to tailor your storefront experience: customers who are loyal to some specific

brand, big spenders, deal hunters, or any other group that, in your view, drives (or

should drive) customer behavior.

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Most importantly, this view allows you to see what the page would look like to a cus-

tomer who is a member of multiple user groups. As shown in Figure 5.11, the content

that appears as a result of membership in each applicable user group will be color-

coded, providing users with a transparent view of what customers will experience,

why, and where the content might potentially clash.

Figure 5.11 Personalization in SmartEdit, Showing Components for Two Customer


5.4 Personalization

A storefront, however well-designed, only goes so far if the content is not relevant to

the customers using it—and because customers are not identical, the content that

you serve to them shouldn’t be, either. The personalization module helps you to tailor

your experience to customers’ preferences, expectations, and needs quickly and

effectively. We’ll start by going through the overall architecture of personalization in

SAP Commerce before going into more detail on both basic and advanced configura-

tion of those features.


5.4 Personalization


5.4.1 Personalization Architecture

Personalization relies primarily on two extensions, personalizationservices and

personalizationfacades, with the former handling core functionality and logic and

the latter exposing those functionalities by providing appropriate facades and expos-

ing POJOs for integration purposes.

The key objects used by the personalizationservices extension are as follows:

� CxSegments, which acts as the main object for customer classification, bridging the

gap between customer-facing user groups (as discussed above, as well as in Chap-

ter 9) with SmartEdit-specific segments

� CxAbstractAction, which is the main class for executing behavior, but which does

not itself define that behavior, relying instead on other classes to extend it

� CxCustomization, which groups restricted components for the appropriate seg-

ment, such as SummerSale2019

� CxVariation, which defines variations on the customizations defined in CxCustom-

ization—for example, SummerSale2019MensWear

� CxVariation, which stores the segments assigned to a user so that the system will

remember which customers belong to which segment

The personalizationfacades extension then converts segments to storefront con-

tent, using the following converter and populator types, as defined in the personal-

izationfacades-beans.xml file:

� populator, which defines the source values the target object

� populatorList, which groups the relevant populators

� configurableConverter, which uses the populatorList to define the populators that

will be invoked

� configurableSubtypeConverter and configurableSubtypeAwareConverter, which ex-

tend configurableConverter, defining the parent type of the object(s) to be con-

verted and sorting those objects as actions or triggers

The relations among these objects, then, are as shown in Figure 5.12.

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Figure 5.12 Data Model for personalizationfacades Extension

5.4.2 Configuring Personalization

As alluded to earlier, triggers activate variations for specific user groups. CxTrigger-

Service executes the CxTriggerStrategy element registered in the system. CxDefault-

TriggerStrategy uses CxDefaultTrigger to deploy a default variation—in other words,

your storefront without personalizations—and DefaultSegmentTriggerStrategy then

maps other variations to the appropriate customer segments.

DefaultSegmentTriggerStrategy also sets a threshold for customer affinity so that

only truly appropriate segments will be considered. You can set this threshold using

the personalizationservices.segment.trigger.strategy.min.affinity property.

Finally, ExpressionTriggerStrategy handles cases wherein multiple segments need to

be combined and defines the logic for grouping operators (and as opposed to or), ele-

ment negation, and segment definition. A JSON expression of this logic might look

like Listing 5.19.

"expression": {"type": "groupExpression","elements": [

{"type": "segmentExpression",




+convert(SOURCE) : TARGET+convert(SOURCE, TARGET) : TARGET+convertAll(Collection<SOURCE>) : List<TARGET>


+convert(SOURCE, Collection<OPTION>) : TARGET+convert(SOURCE, TARGET, Collection<OPTION>): TARGET+convertAll(Collection<SOURCE>, Collection<OPTION>): List<TARGET>+convertAll(Collection<SOURCE>, OPTION…): List<TARGET>+getDefaultOptions(): Collection<OPTIONS+getTargetInstance(SOURCE): TARGET


+getSourceClass: Class<SOURCE>+getTargetClass: Class<TARGET>+getMarkerClass: Class





5.4 Personalization


"code": "Men"},{"type": "groupExpression","elements": [

{"type": "segmentExpression","code": "Women"

},{"type": "negationExpression","element": {

"type": "segmentExpression","code": "HatsFan"


],"operator": "AND"

}],"operator": "OR"


Listing 5.19 Logic for Combining Multiple Segments, as Expressed in JSON

5.4.3 Extending Personalization

If you want to extend the logic of personalization converters, you can do so in the

beans for configurableSubtypeConverter and configurableSubtypeAwareConverter, as

shown in Listing 5.20.

<bean id="defaultCxTriggerConfigurableConverter" parent="cxSubtypeAwareConverter">

<property name="defaultOptions" ><value type="de.hybris.platform.personalizationfacades.enums.TriggerConversionOptions">BASE</value></property>

<property name="markerClass" value=

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"de.hybris.platform.personalizationfacades.trigger.converters.TriggerConverter" /></bean>

Listing 5.20 Extending Personalization Converter Logic

Using these beans, you can define one or more of your own configurableSubtypeCon-

verter elements, as shown in Listing 5.21. (Be sure to use the same marker class here

and in configurableSubtypeAwareConverter.)

<bean id="defaultCxSegmentTriggerConfigurableConverter" parent="cxSubtypeConverter" >

<constructor-arg name="markerClass" value="de.hybris.platform.personalizationfacades.trigger.converters.TriggerConverter" />

<constructor-arg name="sourceClass" value="de.hybris.platform.personalizationservices.model.CxSegmentTriggerModel" />

<property name="targetClass" value="" />

<property name="populators"><map key-type=

"de.hybris.platform.personalizationfacades.enums.TriggerConversionOptions"><entry key="BASE" value-ref="cxTriggerPopulators" /><entry key="FOR_SEGMENT" value-ref=

"cxSegmentTriggerForSegmentPopulators" /><entry key="FOR_VARIATION" value-ref=

"cxSegmentTriggerForVariationPopulators" /><entry key="FULL" value-ref="cxSegmentTriggerFullPopulators" />



Listing 5.21 Defining configurableSubtypeConverter

5.4.4 Advanced Personalization Module

The legacy CMS Cockpit includes an advanced personalization module, allowing SAP

Commerce to segment customers into behavioral targeting groups (BTGs), which act

as customer-facing user groups built on the fly and without necessarily having to


5.4 Personalization


persist past a single session. BTGs also can be configured in the administration per-

spective in the backoffice if you’re running a compatible SAP Commerce version.

The advanced personalization module creates BTGs using rules—in essence, if/then

statements that can contain one or multiple conditions and one or multiple results

when those conditions are met. These conditions fall into four main categories

(shown as they appear in the backoffice interface in Figure 5.13):

1. Customer rules

These check for account-level information, such as the customer’s country, postal

code, gender, or current user group membership.

2. Order rules

These check for details in the customer’s order history, such as the products, cate-

gories of products, or total value of previous orders.

3. Cart rules

These check the customer’s currently active cart for certain products, categories of

products, or quantities of products—or can simply check whether the cart is or is

not empty or check its value.

4. Website rules

These check for the customers’ browsing behavior on the SAP Commerce store-

front, including what products or categories they have viewed and what pages

they have visited—or can check for affiliate links or URL parameters (in the form

of keypairs, such as ?emailpromotion=true).

Figure 5.13 BTG Rules in Advanced Personalization Module

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Note that the first two categories require you to know which customer you’re dealing

with because they refer to past orders and customer profile information. Cart rules

and website rules, however, do not require a known user. You can extract relevant

information about the cart and/or browsing session of an anonymous customer just

as effectively as a known one.

It’s also important to note that the values we’re checking for do not need to be abso-

lute. You could, for example, create a customer rule that checks whether the cus-

tomer’s postal code starts with 606, effectively checking whether they are in the

greater Chicago area, rather than zeroing in on one specific zip code.

After evaluating some combination of these conditions, the advanced personaliza-

tion module then performs one or more actions—adding the customer to one or

more user groups and/or showing, hiding, or replacing a page component.

Advanced personalization relies on the btg and btgcockpit extensions, with the for-

mer handling the logic of BTGs and the latter governing the UI elements with which

employees can manage BTGs and associated rules. BTGs run on a proprietary tech-

nology stack, entirely different from the Drools-based rules engine discussed in

Chapter 8.

Because the advanced personalization module does not connect to SmartEdit, and

because SmartEdit’s personalization features serve a similar function with more flex-

ibility, the older advanced personalization module is considered deprecated func-

tionality. It is also less performant than user-group-based personalization and

generally should be used only in earlier versions of SAP Commerce that are incom-

patible with SmartEdit.

5.5 Context-Driven Services

SAP Commerce Cloud’s context-driven services is a cloud-based personalization and

conversion optimization solution for commerce customers. It’s offered as an add-on

to SAP Commerce Cloud as well as SAP Commerce on-premise solutions. The

context-driven services solution provides real-time customer experience personal-

ization by capturing and analyzing contextual and behavioral data across each

customer’s commerce journey. The analyzed data intelligently creates individualized

customer experiences, which results in an improved conversion rate, raises order

value, and increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.


5.5 Context-Driven Services


Combined with SmartEdit, customers are provided with relevant, valuable content at

every stage of their shopping journey. With every click, the understanding of the cus-

tomer is reassessed, enabling SmartEdit to show content that is relevant in that exact


There are four components in context-driven services to start with: foundation, mer-

chandizing, customer recovery, and segmentation and analytics. The capabilities are

being rolled out in an incremental pattern over 2018 and 2019. Foundation and seg-

mentation are available at the time of writing (September 2018) and are discussed in

this section. Merchandising and customer recovery and other additional compo-

nents have yet to be released.

All components are available when the option is included in the license. However,

because context-driven services is a multitenant offering, you will be able to access

these features automatically as they become available. These services can be imple-

mented independently at any time based on customer timeline. However, the under-

lying foundational data layer needs to be implemented first before any other services

can be implemented.

5.5.1 Foundation

Context-driven services foundation allows businesses to create, maintain, and con-

tinually extend customer profiles from a range of data sources. The context-driven

services foundation uses short-term and long-term contextual data from SAP Com-

merce behaviors and interactions to drive the SAP Commerce experience. The cur-

rent solution captures data from digital channels originating on the web, clickstream

data, and commerce data.

It provides attributes, scores, and real-time metrics per customer, from anonymous

to fully identified customers. Customer consent is always respected. The context-

driven services foundation platform is extensible and leverages a schema-less, flexi-

ble data structure to capture new data and insights to enrich and extend customer

profiles. The Lambda enricher framework provides full extensibility to utilize infor-

mation from other SAP data sources such as SAP Customer Profile (formerly, Gigya

Profile) and any external third-party systems and channels to create new insights.

Let’s look at the architecture of foundation, different components of foundation, and

how it integrates with the rest of context-driven services.

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Foundation Architecture

The foundation data journey consists of four main steps: data capture, identity man-

agement, context processing, and consumption.

The incoming data is referred to as context and can be either streaming data or trans-

actional data. The clickstream data from web events is mapped to the foundational

extensible data model by a profile tagging solution. Transactional data like customer

master data, orders, returns, and so on is passed on to SAP Commerce with prebuilt


Foundation starts to identify the customer from the first interaction. The anony-

mous user’s context is captured via cookies and known user context via the login

information. If the captured context matches an existing profile, it combines the

data; otherwise, a new identity is created. Session matching, cross-site matching, and

cross-device matching all contribute to building the context, and if the two profiles

are identified for the same customer, then they are merged, leveraging the fully auto-

mated merge service.

Once the context is built, it’s then processed and analyzed in real time and added as

observations, transactions, or insights to the customer profile. Foundation can be

extended via additional services to meet specific customer requirements.

The analyzed context can be consumed in two ways:

1. Through the foundation API that allows real-time access to a complete individual

customer profile or parts of it

2. Through the foundation’s real-time reporting service that allows you to query the

customer data on multiple aggregation levels

Figure 5.14 summarizes the foundation architecture, showcasing the flow from data

capture to identity management and context processing to consumption.

Customer profile data such as sessions, interactions, insights, and other relevant data

is stored in the document database. The document database has various advantages

compared to the traditional relational database, like providing flexibility to extend

without redefining the database structure, allowing easy data augmentations to pro-

files, storing customer data in one place within a single JSON document, and making

all customer profile data able to be retrieved with one request.


5.5 Context-Driven Services


Figure 5.14 Context-Driven Services Foundation Architecture

Foundation Components

Foundation is built up of multiple components, as follows:

� Profile tag

The profile tagging solution is a website tagging solution that is included with

context-driven services to effortlessly capture data. It consists of a graphical user

interface and JavaScript library.

� Context service

This is a big data cluster that stores all raw events in the context service. Each en-

richer microservice can query the context service to access all the message details

(context) for further processing.

� Enricher microservices

Enricher microservices process data that flows through a context adapter. Enrich-

ers usually analyze the data then persist insights and observations in the profile


� Data privacy and consent management

Customer data cannot be collected or used without a customer’s consent. The

brand or store owner exposes consent management using context-driven services

foundation consent services to customers at any level of data granularity, from

global control to fine-grained control of data types and sources.

Context-Driven Services

Data Storage

SAP Commerce Cloud

Other Digital Data Sources

Store Front

Profile Tag JavaScript

Backend Processes

Process Adapter(Orders, Returns etc.)

Web Site

Real-Time EventProcessing







SmartEdit Personalization

Real-TimeEnrichment Logic










Parallel Processing

Consent Management











Profile Tag JavaScript

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� Consent service

The consent service manages all tenant- and user-specific consents. It creates and

returns consent references, which can be used for all requests and operations.

� Profile service

Context-driven services foundation provides a dedicated service to manage and

retrieve profile documents. Consuming applications use the profile service to

retrieve either full profile data or partial profile data.

� Real-time reporting service

In parallel to the regular data processing through the context service and enricher

microservices, the system sends data to the real-time reporting service. The real-

time reporting service of context-driven services foundation allows you to process

large event streams (such as clickstreams or commerce data) in real time. Data

aggregation happens continuously and allows you to query data on different

aggregation levels, from a raw event (single click) to aggregated calculations span-

ning multiple months or years. You can use the real-time reporting service either

standalone or combined with enricher microservices—for example, to create

additional insights, such as average cart value, total order volume, referrer analy-

sis, and so on.

� Identity service

All identities of a user are clustered in a single profile by the identity service clus-

ters. It provides service endpoints to create, read, alter, and delete identities, pro-

files, and their relations.

Foundation Integration

Context-driven services foundation provides several prebuilt integrations, which

allow it to set up and use pre-defined scenarios with low effort. It captures and ana-

lyzes customer interactions, contexts, and behaviors to create a continually evolving

intelligent profile, enabling a deeper understanding of a customer’s motivation and

intent in real time. This enables customer-facing touchpoints like commerce and

marketing to react and interact in more personal ways.

Foundation has prebuilt integrations with SAP Commerce and SmartEdit for person-

alization and the assisted service module, as follows:

� Integration with SmartEdit for personalization

The prebuilt integration of context-driven services foundation with personaliza-

tion allows for mapping of the customer data from foundation to segments and


5.5 Context-Driven Services


using it in personalization via SmartEdit. The integration with personalization is

based on three extensions:

– The personalizationintegration extension translates data from foundation to

commerce with two mappers, CxScriptProfileMapper to interpret the context-

driven services foundation data and CxFixedSegmentsProfileMapper to return

fixed segments defined in a segmentation.

– The yaasconfiguration extension provides data models to hold required config-

urations to communicate with services to retrieve data.

– The personalizationprofile extension has mappers that navigate the founda-

tion data and convert it; it can also resolve product and category affinities.

� Integration with SAP Commerce

The prebuilt integration between SAP Commerce and foundation facilitates the

data exchange between the two. The system is configured to retrieve the founda-

tion data synchronously during login. Upon user login, an event is triggered that

executes the following steps:

– Calls context-driven services foundation to retrieve the user profile

– Maps the context-driven services foundation data to segment data for person-


– Updates the segments for the users in the database

– Calculates the personalized experience for the storefront

Figure 5.15 depicts the data integration with SAP Commerce to create a meaningful

customer experience.

Figure 5.15 Sending Data to SAP Commerce System


Process Engine

Retrieve profile

Map Data

Update Segments

Calculate Experience

Context DrivenFoundation

User login

User change event is triggered

Process starts

UserChange EventListner

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5 Customer Experience Management


� Integration from SAP Commerce

The data from SAP Commerce is sent to foundation for the events like registra-

tion/login, page views, adding items to the cart, order placement, and banner

clicks. The data is sent through profiletagaddon, the yprofileintegration module,

and hybrisanalyticsaddon, as shown in Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.16 Getting Data from SAP Commerce

5.5.2 Segmentation

The aim of segmentation is to provide a personalized shopping experience to the cus-

tomer when she interacts with the storefront by grouping customers into predefined

segments in real time. This functionality is available for anonymous users as well as

registered users, aligned with their consent preferences.

Real-time segmentation supports personalization from the customer’s first interac-

tions on site, if she has consented. Business users can quickly understand the seg-

ments that are driving various customer experiences and leverage that information

to increase conversion. Segmentation functionality helps personalize web storefront

content, promotions, and search. Segmentation drives conversion by placing the

right products at the right time to deliver customer-specific experiences.

The process begins when the customer begins interactions with the storefront and

storefront sends event data to context-driven services foundation. The context-

driven services builds the customer profile and, based on the storefront interaction

events, assigns the customer to the appropriate segment. The segment data is trans-

ferred to SmartEdit for meaningful personalization of the storefront layout. Figure

5.17 summarizes the segmentation process.



Processing and enriching ofthe message through spring

integration and eventservices

Context DrivenFoundation

User login

JSON call from frontend


5.5 Context-Driven Services


Figure 5.17 Segmentation Process in Real World

Let’s look at how to create a segment and how to match customers with the right seg-


Segment Creation

Segment Builder is a tool in which you can define groups to segment customers by

different attributes and conditions. The customer data may come from various

sources and channels. To begin, follow these steps:

1. In Segment Builder, to add a new segment, click Segmentation and then Segment

Builder; this will take you to the screen shown in Figure 5.18.

Figure 5.18 Create New Segment

2. Click the Add button and a window for defining the new segment and conditions

will appear, as shown in Figure 5.19.

CustomerSegment A

CustomerSegment B


Define customers segments to be triggered basedon their behavior


Personalize customer experiencesthrough commerce native tooling

Capture and Assign

Track customer behavior anddynamically segment them

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5 Customer Experience Management


Figure 5.19 Define New Segment Details and Activate Segment

3. Provide the segment rule details, like Segment Name, Description, and Active


4. Define the conditions a customer must meet to be part of this segment.

5. Save the segment and toggle the Active button to activate the segment.

When a customer meets the required criteria, the segment service will place the seg-

ment in that customer’s profile.

There are multiple condition types that are available to define a segment. For exam-

ple, order conditions (like order value, order count, last order value, etc.), cart condi-

tions (cart value, products in the cart, product value in the cart, etc.), customer

conditions (customer zip code, gender, brand affinity, locations, etc.), and website

conditions (URL matches and funnel level). In addition, custom conditions can be

defined as well.


5.6 Summary


Segment Calculation

Context-driven services segmentation ships with a segment calculation service that

assigns customers to the segments defined in Segment Builder in real time. It has a

number of attributes, as follows:

� As the customer browses the web storefront, the customer profile document is

updated by the enricher via the profile service.

� The profile service notifies you of the change in the profile document.

� The segment calculation service gets the segment information from the backend

and recalculates the segments.

� The segment calculation service stores the calculated segments in the profile ser-


This process continues for recalculation of segments in real time based on the cus-

tomer’s browsing activity. The segment calculation process is shown in Figure 5.20.

Figure 5.20 Segment Calculation Process

5.6 Summary

Customer experience is what expresses your brand’s identity to your customers,

leads them through their journey, and leaves them with a lasting impression of what

you offer. It’s the bridge between your offerings and your customers, your business,

and the people it serves.

SAP Commerce provides multiple toolsets for managing your customer experience,

from the overall layout, look, and feel of your site to rules and permissions associated

with individual components and slots to the properties and contents of the compo-

nents themselves. Personalization is built into all these toolsets, but most visibly into

Lambda Enricher Profile Service Segment



Store calculatedsegments

Notify aboutchanges in profile

documentStore Data in

profile service


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5 Customer Experience Management


SmartEdit and most robustly into context-driven services, the combination of which

can help you craft a fresh, relevant, and effective experience for your customers.

One key outcome of a solid customer experience is, of course, an increase in the vol-

ume and value of orders—so in the next chapter, we’ll look at how to manage orders,

from acceptance to fulfillment to repeat business.

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Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

1 Introduction 25

1.1 The Commerce Market ...................................................................................................... 25

1.1.1 Customer Expectations ...................................................................................... 26

1.1.2 Vendor Requirements ......................................................................................... 27

1.2 The SAP Commerce Story ................................................................................................. 30

1.2.1 The Platform and Its Evolution ........................................................................ 31

1.2.2 Modularizing .......................................................................................................... 35

1.2.3 Cockpits ................................................................................................................... 35

1.2.4 Cloudification ........................................................................................................ 38

1.3 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 38

2 Getting Started with SAP Commerce 41

2.1 Before You Begin ................................................................................................................. 42

2.1.1 Application Lifecycle Framework .................................................................... 42

2.1.2 Technical Requirements and Infrastructure ............................................... 43

2.1.3 Methodology and Recommended Practices ................................................ 45

2.2 Running Your Project ......................................................................................................... 51

2.2.1 Defining the Scope ............................................................................................... 51

2.2.2 Initiation Phase ..................................................................................................... 54

2.2.3 Foundation Phase ................................................................................................. 57

2.2.4 Development and Engineering ........................................................................ 61

2.2.5 Deployment and Cutover/Go-Live .................................................................. 68

2.2.6 Application Management .................................................................................. 71

2.3 Building Your Team ............................................................................................................ 72

2.3.1 Initiation Phase ..................................................................................................... 72

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2.3.2 Foundation Phase ................................................................................................ 74

2.3.3 Engineering Phase ............................................................................................... 78

2.3.4 Deployment Phase ............................................................................................... 82

2.3.5 Application Management ................................................................................. 86

2.4 Operating in the Cloud ..................................................................................................... 89

2.4.1 Cloud Portal ........................................................................................................... 89

2.4.2 Cloud Readiness Check ...................................................................................... 89

2.4.3 Platinum Upgrade Program ............................................................................. 90

2.5 Upgrade Projects ................................................................................................................. 91

2.5.1 Upgrade Considerations .................................................................................... 92

2.5.2 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................. 94

2.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 96

3 Commerce Management 97

3.1 Sales Organization .............................................................................................................. 98

3.2 Cart Management ............................................................................................................... 99

3.2.1 Extensions and Configurations ....................................................................... 100

3.2.2 Cart Merging .......................................................................................................... 101

3.3 Product Recommendation .............................................................................................. 103

3.4 Wishlists and Checkout .................................................................................................... 106

3.4.1 Wishlists .................................................................................................................. 106

3.4.2 Checkout ................................................................................................................. 109

3.4.3 PCI Compliance ..................................................................................................... 113

3.5 Promotions ............................................................................................................................. 114

3.5.1 Promotional Pricing ............................................................................................. 115

3.5.2 Promotions Engine .............................................................................................. 118

3.5.3 Rule Engine ............................................................................................................. 126

3.6 SAP Commerce Accelerator Storefronts ................................................................... 137

3.6.1 Extensions and Add-Ons ................................................................................... 138

3.6.2 Storefronts ............................................................................................................. 140

3.6.3 Sample Data and Configurations ................................................................... 144

3.7 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 146



4 Product Content and Catalog Management 149

4.1 Product Catalog Management ...................................................................................... 150

4.1.1 Structuring Products and Categories ............................................................. 151

4.1.2 Catalog Versions ................................................................................................... 153

4.1.3 Managing Multiple Catalogs ............................................................................ 154

4.1.4 Synchronizing Catalogs ...................................................................................... 158

4.2 Product Cockpit .................................................................................................................... 159

4.2.1 Getting Started with the Product Cockpit ................................................... 161

4.2.2 Creating Categories ............................................................................................. 174

4.2.3 Creating and Enriching Products ..................................................................... 178

4.2.4 Synchronizing Products ...................................................................................... 184

4.3 Configurable Products ....................................................................................................... 185

4.4 Bundling ................................................................................................................................... 186

4.5 SAP Digital Asset Management .................................................................................... 191

4.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 193

5 Customer Experience Management 195

5.1 Page Templates for All Channels .................................................................................. 196

5.2 Web Content Management System ............................................................................ 202

5.3 SmartEdit ................................................................................................................................. 209

5.3.1 Framework and Architecture ............................................................................ 209

5.3.2 Content Management ........................................................................................ 218

5.3.3 Components ........................................................................................................... 219

5.3.4 Restrictions Management ................................................................................. 221

5.3.5 Navigation .............................................................................................................. 223

5.3.6 User Accounts and User Groups ...................................................................... 225

5.4 Personalization ..................................................................................................................... 226

5.4.1 Personalization Architecture ............................................................................ 227

5.4.2 Configuring Personalization ............................................................................. 228

5.4.3 Extending Personalization ................................................................................. 229

5.4.4 Advanced Personalization Module ................................................................. 230

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5.5 Context-Driven Services ................................................................................................... 232

5.5.1 Foundation ............................................................................................................. 233

5.5.2 Segmentation ........................................................................................................ 238

5.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 241

6 Order Management 243

6.1 Sales Organization .............................................................................................................. 244

6.1.1 General Tab ............................................................................................................ 245

6.1.2 Employees Tab ...................................................................................................... 246

6.1.3 Accounts Tab ......................................................................................................... 247

6.1.4 Assisted Service Module Customer List ........................................................ 248

6.2 Quotation Management .................................................................................................. 248

6.2.1 Quotation Lifecycle .............................................................................................. 249

6.2.2 Requoting Inactive Quotes ............................................................................... 251

6.2.3 Viewing Quotes .................................................................................................... 252

6.2.4 Email Notifications .............................................................................................. 255

6.3 Capturing an Order ............................................................................................................. 256

6.3.1 Cart and Checkout ............................................................................................... 256

6.3.2 Store Locator .......................................................................................................... 259

6.3.3 Buy Online, Pick Up in Store ............................................................................. 259

6.3.4 Payment and Taxes ............................................................................................. 260

6.4 Distributed Order Management ................................................................................... 260

6.4.1 Order Fulfillment Cockpit .................................................................................. 261

6.4.2 Stock and Availability ......................................................................................... 262

6.4.3 Enterprise Inventory ............................................................................................ 264

6.4.4 Endless Aisle .......................................................................................................... 266

6.5 Order Orchestration ........................................................................................................... 266

6.5.1 Warehouse and Points of Service ................................................................... 267

6.5.2 Business Processes and Order Status ............................................................ 269

6.5.3 Order Splitting and Consignments ................................................................ 269

6.5.4 Sourcing and Allocation to Fulfillment Locations ..................................... 270

6.5.5 Orchestrating Multiple Backends ................................................................... 274



6.6 Fulfillment Execution ......................................................................................................... 275

6.6.1 External Fulfillment ............................................................................................. 277

6.6.2 Pick, Pack, and Ship .............................................................................................. 277

6.6.3 Pick Up in Store ..................................................................................................... 280

6.6.4 Declining or Relocating Consignments ......................................................... 280

6.6.5 Task Assignment Workflow: Inbox ................................................................. 282

6.7 Order Lifecycle ....................................................................................................................... 283

6.7.1 Backoffice Customer Support Cockpit ........................................................... 283

6.7.2 Additional Order Actions ................................................................................... 288

6.7.3 Order Cancellations ............................................................................................. 290

6.7.4 Order Returns ......................................................................................................... 291

6.7.5 Order Management Self-Service ..................................................................... 296

6.8 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 301

7 Support and Service 303

7.1 Backoffice Customer Service Cockpit ......................................................................... 305

7.1.1 Administration and Unbound Customer Attributes ................................ 306

7.1.2 Product Ratings and Reviews ........................................................................... 309

7.1.3 Customer Account Information ....................................................................... 313

7.1.4 Personal Data Reports ......................................................................................... 316

7.1.5 Orders ....................................................................................................................... 318

7.1.6 Returns ..................................................................................................................... 325

7.1.7 Support Ticket Management ............................................................................ 328

7.2 Assisted Service Module ................................................................................................... 334

7.2.1 Customer 360° View ............................................................................................ 336

7.2.2 Order Placement Support .................................................................................. 340

7.2.3 Promotions ............................................................................................................. 342

7.2.4 Integrating with Context-Driven Services ................................................... 345

7.3 Self-Service ............................................................................................................................. 348

7.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 351

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8 Search and Navigation 353

8.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 354

8.1.1 Search and Faceted Search ............................................................................... 355

8.1.2 Indexing .................................................................................................................. 356

8.1.3 Scoring ..................................................................................................................... 359

8.1.4 Solr Queries ............................................................................................................ 361

8.2 Configuring Solr Search .................................................................................................... 366

8.2.1 Deciding How to Configure Solr ..................................................................... 366

8.2.2 Adaptive Search .................................................................................................... 369

8.2.3 Search and Navigation ....................................................................................... 370

8.2.4 Solr Console ........................................................................................................... 378

8.2.5 XML and Spring Configuration ........................................................................ 379

8.3 Boost and Bury ..................................................................................................................... 381

8.4 Commerce Search and Adaptive Search ................................................................... 383

8.5 Solr and PCM in Backoffice ............................................................................................. 384

8.6 Indexing Nonproduct Content ...................................................................................... 385

8.7 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 386

9 Cross-Module Topics 389

9.1 Users, User Groups, and Permissions ......................................................................... 389

9.1.1 What Is a User? ..................................................................................................... 390

9.1.2 What Is a User Group? ........................................................................................ 392

9.1.3 B2B Customers and B2B Business Units ...................................................... 396

9.1.4 Extending the User and User Group Types ................................................. 398

9.1.5 User Groups in the SAP Commerce API ........................................................ 399

9.2 Internationalization and Localization ....................................................................... 400

9.2.1 Data Structure ....................................................................................................... 400

9.2.2 Countries and Regions ....................................................................................... 402

9.2.3 Currencies ............................................................................................................... 403

9.2.4 Languages ............................................................................................................... 405

9.2.5 Multicountry Rollouts ......................................................................................... 407



9.3 Search Engine Optimization ........................................................................................... 410

9.3.1 URL Construction .................................................................................................. 411

9.3.2 Sitemaps .................................................................................................................. 412

9.3.3 Metadata: Descriptions and Keywords ......................................................... 416

9.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 418

10 SAP Commerce Platform 419

10.1 Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 419

10.1.1 Architecture Layers .............................................................................................. 420

10.1.2 Extensions ............................................................................................................... 421

10.1.3 Modes of Operation ............................................................................................. 422

10.2 Data Model ............................................................................................................................. 424

10.2.1 System Types ......................................................................................................... 424

10.2.2 Core Data Types and Extensions ..................................................................... 425

10.3 Import and Export ............................................................................................................... 426

10.3.1 ImpEx ........................................................................................................................ 426

10.3.2 CronJobs .................................................................................................................. 427

10.3.3 Hot Folder ................................................................................................................ 428

10.4 Workflow ................................................................................................................................ 429

10.4.1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 429

10.4.2 Workflows in the Backoffice ............................................................................. 431

10.5 Security ..................................................................................................................................... 436

10.5.1 Permissions ............................................................................................................. 436

10.5.2 Managing and Checking Access Rights ......................................................... 439

10.5.3 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Mechanism ................................................ 441

10.5.4 HTTPS Certificates ................................................................................................ 441

10.5.5 Password Security Policies ................................................................................. 442

10.5.6 Data Protection ..................................................................................................... 442

10.5.7 Consent Management ........................................................................................ 443

10.5.8 Security Recommended Practices for Projects ............................................ 447

10.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 449

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11 Integration 451

11.1 Basics ........................................................................................................................................ 452

11.2 Master Data Management ............................................................................................. 454

11.2.1 Data Models and Objects Overview .............................................................. 454

11.2.2 Customer Data Integration .............................................................................. 456

11.2.3 Product Data Integration .................................................................................. 463

11.2.4 Pricing Data Integration .................................................................................... 464

11.3 Order Management Scenarios ...................................................................................... 467

11.3.1 Asynchronous Order Management ............................................................... 467

11.3.2 Synchronous Order Management .................................................................. 470

11.3.3 Leveraging Order Management for Commerce ......................................... 471

11.3.4 Multibackend Integrations ............................................................................... 473

11.4 Price Calculation in an Integrated SAP Landscape ............................................... 475

11.4.1 Price Calculation Based on Consistent Master Data ................................ 475

11.4.2 Price Calculation Based on SAP Pricing Engine .......................................... 475

11.5 Integration with SAP Marketing Cloud ..................................................................... 476

11.5.1 Data Replication to SAP Marketing Cloud ................................................... 478

11.5.2 Product and Offer Recommendations (B2C) ............................................... 478

11.5.3 Personalization with Segmentation .............................................................. 480

11.5.4 Clickstream Data Transfer to SAP Marketing Cloud ................................ 482

11.6 Integration with SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud ................................. 482

11.7 Integration with SAP Subscription Billing ................................................................ 485

11.8 Integration with SAP Customer Engagement Center ......................................... 486

11.9 Integration with the SAP Digital Payments Add-On ........................................... 487

11.10 Integration with SAP Jam Communities ................................................................... 488

11.11 Integration Strategy and Technology ........................................................................ 490

11.11.1 SAP Commerce, Data Hub ................................................................................. 490

11.11.2 SAP Cloud Platform Integration and Integration Objects ...................... 492

11.12 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 493



12 Cloud Portal 495

12.1 Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... 496

12.1.1 Portal Access .......................................................................................................... 497

12.1.2 Code Repository Setup ........................................................................................ 497

12.1.3 Building Manifests ............................................................................................... 499

12.2 SAP Commerce Cloud Operations ................................................................................ 499

12.2.1 Deployment ............................................................................................................ 500

12.2.2 Configuration ......................................................................................................... 503

12.2.3 User Management ............................................................................................... 509

12.3 Infrastructure Services ...................................................................................................... 510

12.3.1 Scalability ................................................................................................................ 511

12.3.2 Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 511

12.3.3 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 512

12.3.4 Database Services ................................................................................................. 512

12.4 Security ..................................................................................................................................... 514

12.5 Support ..................................................................................................................................... 516

12.5.1 User Creation ......................................................................................................... 516

12.5.2 How to Create an Incident ................................................................................ 517

12.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 517

The Authors ........................................................................................................................................... 519

Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 521

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Abstract pages ........................................................ 204

Abstraction layer ................................................... 127

Acceptance test-driven development .......... 136

Access policies ........................................................ 438

Access rights ................................................. 391, 439

Accounts ................................................................... 247

close ....................................................................... 349

Actions ............................................................ 127, 134

Adaptive design ..................................................... 196

Adaptive search ........................ 368, 369, 378, 383

Add-ons ........................................................... 139, 421

Addresses ....................................................... 458, 459

Administration Cockpit .................. 261, 456, 459

Administration console ........................... 391, 445

Administration perspective ................................ 37

Administrators ................................... 306, 307, 391

Adobe Experience Manager ............................. 139

Aggregated view .................................................... 166

AJAX calls ................................................................. 217

AngularJS module ................................................. 213

Anonymous user .................................................. 390

API hooks ................................................................. 100

Apparel store ............................. 140, 152, 196, 408

Application lifecycle framework ....................... 42

Application Link Enabling (ALE) ..................... 454

Application management .................................... 71

Architecture ..................................................... 59, 419

layers ..................................................................... 420

Assets ......................................................................... 191

Assisted service agent ............................... 334, 335

Assisted service module (ASM) ............ 249, 304,

334, 335, 337, 341

customer list ...................................................... 248

header ................................................................... 338

session .................................................................. 339

Assortment view ......................................... 167, 174

ATP Formula Service API ................................... 264

Attribute permissions ......................................... 438

Authorizations ............................................. 448, 517

Autocomplete ........................................................ 357

Automated scaling ............................................... 511

Automation ............................................................... 30

Available-to-promise (ATP) ........... 262, 263, 469

check ..................................................................... 472

formula ................................................................ 264

Azure database service ....................................... 512


Backoffice ............ 36, 37, 104, 115, 116, 124, 134,

174, 283, 354, 384, 427

workflows ............................................................ 431

Backoffice Product Cockpit .......... 150, 160, 161,

179, 371, 385, 404

Backup process ......................................................... 70

Beans ...................................................... 230, 343, 414

Behavioral targeting groups ................... 230, 232

Bidirectional contact maintenance .............. 458

Bitbucket ......................................................... 497, 498

Blacklist .................................................................... 442

Boolean scoring ..................................................... 359

Boost and bury ...................................................... 381

multiplier ............................................................ 378

Boost rules ............................................................... 369

Brick-and-mortar storefront ............................... 26

Browser area ........................................................... 164

Build manifests ............................................ 499, 507

Bundling .......................................................... 186, 187

criteria .................................................................. 188

pop-up .................................................................. 191

template .............................................................. 190

template components .................................... 188

Business execution ................................................. 42

Business logic layer .............................................. 420

Business-to-business (B2B) ........................... 26, 97

business units ........................................... 396, 397

customer data ................................................... 457

customers ............................................................ 396

units ............................................................. 458, 460


(B2B2C) ................................................................. 141

Business-to-customer (B2C) ...................... 97, 461

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Buy online, pick up in store (BOPIS) ..... 26, 109,

259, 280

Buyer quote ............................................................ 249


Campaigns ...................................................... 124, 481

Captcha ..................................................................... 139

Cart and checkout ................................................ 256

Cart management ................................................... 99

Carts .................................................................... 99, 270

configuration .................................................... 100

extensions ........................................................... 100

ID ............................................................................ 100

merging ............................................................... 101

model .................................................................... 103

restoring saved ................................................. 107

rules ....................................................................... 231

saved ..................................................................... 106

total value .......................................................... 119

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) ............................ 199

Catalogs ................................................. 149, 150, 167

design .......................................................... 154, 157

implementation strategies .......................... 155

maintenance ..................................................... 155

management ..................................................... 154

multiple ............................................................... 156

perspective ......................................................... 172

synchronize ........................................................ 158

system .................................................................. 154

versions ....................................................... 153, 363

widget ................................................................... 180

Categories ................................................................ 174

create new .......................................................... 175

edit ......................................................................... 175

fields ...................................................................... 178

general information ....................................... 175

pop-up .................................................................. 177

structure ..................................................... 151, 176

Category pages ............................................. 204, 416

Category restrictions .......................................... 221

Change management ......................................... 514

Change permissions ............................................ 437

Checkout ............................................... 106, 109, 341

B2C flow ............................................................... 111

express ................................................................. 110

Checkout (Cont.)

flow ........................................................................ 111

guest ...................................................................... 110

options .................................................................. 113

CIS framework ........................................................ 260

Classification data replication ......................... 464

Clickstream data transfer ......................... 477, 482

Cloud portal ............................................ 89, 495, 506

access .................................................................... 497

getting started ................................................... 496

Cloud readiness check ........................................... 89

Cloudification ........................................................... 38

CMS actions ............................................................. 221

CMS Cockpit ..................... 202, 207, 224, 373, 416

Cockpits ....................................................................... 36

Code analysis .......................................................... 447

Code repository ..................................................... 497

Collaboration ................................................... 46, 434

Commerce management ..................................... 97

Commerce marketplace ....................................... 25

Commerce search ................................................. 383

Compare view ......................................................... 168

Compatibility ............................................................ 93

Components ........................................ 203–205, 219

types ...................................................................... 219

Conditions ........................................... 127, 133, 134

Configurable products ........................................ 185

Consent management .............. 29, 235, 443, 444

Consent service ...................................................... 236

Consent template .................................................. 445

Consignments ................. 269, 276, 277, 284, 320

declining ............................................................... 280

relocating ............................................................ 280

workflow .............................................................. 282

Content management ......................................... 218

Content management system (CMS) ....... 32, 98

Content pages ............................ 204, 206, 354, 416

Context ...................................................................... 234

Context service ...................................................... 235

Context-driven services ........................... 232, 348

architecture .............................................. 234, 235

components ........................................................ 235

foundation .......................................................... 233

integration .......................................................... 236

segmentation ..................................................... 238

Contextual menu items ..................................... 212



Continuous delivery ............................................ 447

Core extensions ..................................................... 421

Country ..................................................................... 402


codes ..................................................................... 123

functionality ...................................................... 125

management ..................................................... 124

redemption ......................................................... 126

Create permissions .............................................. 437

Credit check ............................................................. 469

CronJobs .................. 159, 317, 377, 396, 414, 427,

432, 465

types ...................................................................... 427

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) ... 436, 441

Cross-selling .................................................. 103, 105

CSV files .................................................................... 428

Currencies ................................................................ 403

Custom extensions .............................................. 421

Customer 360° view ................ 316, 336, 342, 474

overview ............................................................... 337

Customer support agent (CSA) .............. 305, 318

Customer Support Cockpit ........... 261, 275, 283,

290, 291, 304–306, 309, 310

customer information .................................... 314

order view ........................................................... 319

personal data reports ..................................... 316

return rules ......................................................... 325

support tickets ................................................... 329

visual elements ................................................. 315

Customer types ..................................................... 396

Customers ................................................................ 245

accounts .............................................................. 313

affinity .................................................................. 228

data .......................................................................... 28

engagement ............................................. 116, 488

expectations .......................................................... 26

experience ........................................................... 195

history ................................................................... 336

ID ............................................................................ 459

information ........................................................ 316

personas ................................................................. 28

replication ........................................................... 485

rules ....................................................................... 231

segments .............................................................. 228

Cutover ........................................................................ 69

CyberSource ............................................................ 140


Data cleansing ........................................................ 368

Data collection .......................................................... 28

Data flow .................................................................. 479

Data migration ......................................................... 68

Data models ................................ 152, 424, 454, 458

Data privacy ............................................................ 235

Data protection ..................................................... 442

Data quality ............................................................ 167

Data readiness .......................................................... 70

Data replication ..................................................... 457

pricing .................................................................. 465

Data snapshots ...................................................... 512

Data structure ........................................................ 400

Data types ................................................................ 424

core ........................................................................ 425

Databases ................................................................. 502

Decorators ............................................ 212, 215, 216

new ........................................................................ 213

Deep links ................................................................ 340

Default language ................................................... 405

Default variation ................................................... 228

Delete permissions .............................................. 437

Delta loads ............................................................... 463

Deprecation process ............................................... 92

Development ............................................................ 61

tools .......................................................................... 45

Development phase ............................................ 447

Digital assets ........................................................... 191

Digital business ........................................................ 26

Digital transformation ................................... 26, 29

Dimensions ............................................................. 153

Disaster recovery .................................................. 513

Discount groups .................................................... 396

Discounts ........................................................ 116, 465

Distributed order management ............ 260, 262

Distribution channel ........................................... 456

Distribution model display .............................. 465

Divisions .................................................................. 456

Docker image ......................................................... 513

Document Object Model (DOM) ..................... 200

elements .............................................................. 214

Document pages ................................................... 204

Drools ........................................................................ 127

framework .......................................................... 131

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Drools (Cont.)

framework extensions ................................... 135

objects .................................................................. 131

RAOProvider ...................................................... 128

rule ......................................................................... 127


Electronics store ............. 140, 152, 206, 361, 407

Email campaigns .................................................. 481

Email notifications .............................................. 255

Email templates .................................................... 255

Employees ............................................................... 246

add to sales unit ............................................... 246

create new .......................................................... 246

Endless aisle ............................................................ 266

Endpoints ................................................................ 503

creation ................................................................ 504

edit ......................................................................... 506

management ..................................................... 504

Enricher microservices ...................................... 235

Errors ......................................................................... 133

Estimation .................................................................. 57

Exact search ............................................................ 359

Exclude product .................................................... 381

Explorer tree ........................................................... 162

Express checkout .................................................. 348

Extensions ..................................... 35, 346, 420, 425

recommendations ........................................... 422

External fulfillment ............................................. 277

extgen tool ................................................................. 35


Faceted search ........................................................ 356

Facets ................................................................ 163, 363

Favorites ................................................................... 345

Filter queries ........................................................... 379

Filters ......................................................................... 163

Find an agent .......................................................... 143

Firewall management ......................................... 514

Fixed scope ................................................................ 48

Fraud .......................................................................... 320

checks ................................................................... 320

detection ............................................................. 321

management ..................................................... 287

Fraud (Cont.)

reports ......................................................... 287, 320

rules ....................................................................... 288

score ............................................................. 322, 324

service providers ............................................... 258

symptoms ............................................................ 322

sympton weighting .......................................... 324

Free gifts ................................................................... 116

Free-text query builders ..................................... 380

Fulfillment execution ......................................... 275

Fulfillment locations ....................... 267, 270, 271

factors ................................................................... 272

Full return ................................................................ 325

Functional requirements ..................................... 58

Functional upgrade ................................................ 93

Fuzzy search ............................................................ 359


General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR) ............................................................ 28, 349

GitHub ....................................................................... 497

Global permissions ............................................... 437

Golden customer record .................................... 104

Go-live checklist ...................................................... 71

Google Maps API ................................................... 259

Governance ........................................................ 46, 58

Grunt ............................................. 209, 211, 212, 217


Hot folder ................................................................. 428

HTTPS certificates ................................................. 441

hybris Management Console (hMC) ................ 35


Identity service ...................................................... 236

IDocs ................................................................. 454, 466

iFlows ......................................................................... 493

Image populators .................................................. 199

ImageMagick ........................................................... 192

ImpEx .................. 45, 201, 222, 347, 426, 455, 493

Implementation project ....................................... 51

client team ................................ 73, 75, 78, 82, 86

deployment ........................................................... 68



Implementation project (Cont.)

foundation phase ................................................ 57

go-live ...................................................................... 68

initiation phase ................................................... 54

parallel activities ................................................. 67

planning ................................................................. 57

project team ............................. 73, 76, 80, 84, 88

SAP Customer Experience team ............ 74, 78,

81, 85, 88

teams ....................................................................... 72

Incident reports ..................................................... 517

Indexing ............................. 356, 371, 374, 384, 385

types ............................................................ 371, 372

Infrastructure types ............................................. 424

Initiation workshop ......................................... 55, 56

Integration .............................................................. 451

APIs ........................................................................ 493

basics .................................................................... 452

consumer data .................................................. 462

customer data ................................................... 456

multi-backend ................................................... 473

prebuild ................................................................ 466

prebuilt ................................................................. 452

pricing data ........................................................ 464

product data ...................................................... 463

real-time .............................................................. 469

SAP Cloud for Customer ................................ 482

SAP Marketing Cloud ..................................... 476

strategy ................................................................ 490

Intelligent enterprise ............................................. 27

Intermediate representation (IR) ................... 134

Internationalization ............................................ 400

Inventory availability ......................................... 264

Inventory data replication ................................ 464

Inventory events ................................................... 263

Invisible categories .............................................. 152

IP filter sets .............................................................. 515

IP filtering ................................................................ 505

Issue management .................................................. 45

Item permissions .................................................. 438


Java Connector (JCo) ............................................ 469

Java integrated development

environment ........................................................ 45

Java virtual machine (JVM) ............................... 420

JavaScript ................................................................. 209

extension ............................................................. 211

JSR-94 standard ..................................................... 127


Keypair-based mapping ..................................... 200

Keyword redirects ....................................... 367, 374

Kibana dashboard ................................................ 501

KIE modules ............................................................ 131

KieBase ...................................................................... 131

KML standard ......................................................... 259

KStemmer ................................................................ 366


Lambda enricher framework ........................... 233

Land and expand ..................................................... 50

Language fallback mechanism ........................ 371

Languages ................................................................ 405

Lean Order API ....................................................... 471

Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) ................................. 199

Legacy Product Cockpit .................. 160, 172, 177,

182, 186

Live edit .................................................................... 207

Localization ............................................................. 400

fields ...................................................................... 401

Loyalty tiers ............................................................ 117

Lucene ....................................................................... 355


Machine learning ................................................. 103

Marketers ................................................. 98, 116, 123

Marketplace store ................................................. 141

Master catalogs ................................... 155, 408, 410

Master data ............................................................. 475

Master data management ........................ 454, 474

Master data synchronization .......................... 452

Merchants ................................................................... 98

Metadata .................................................................. 416

Mini cart ................................................................... 100

Minimal viable products ...................................... 50

Mobile content ...................................................... 196

Mobile-first approach ......................................... 198

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Model-view-controller .................... 138, 209, 400

modulegen tool ........................................................ 35

Modules ....................................................................... 35

Monitoring ..................................................... 511, 513

Multicode coupons .............................................. 125

Multicountry rollouts ......................................... 407


Navigation ............................................ 208, 223, 353

Navigation nodes ................................................. 354

Nonfunctional requirements ............................. 59


Objects ...................................................................... 454

OData ................................................................ 492, 493

Omni Commerce Connect ....................... 139, 256

Omnichannel commerce .................................. 195

One-time consumer ............................................ 461

Online commerce .................................................... 26

Open Web Application Security Project

(OWASP) .............................................................. 447

Order calculations ................................................ 135

Order confirmation ............................................. 109

Order Fulfillment Cockpit ............. 260, 261, 263,

265, 268, 275, 283, 294

credentials .......................................................... 261

inbox ..................................................................... 282

Order history ................................................. 286, 297

Order management ................. 243, 269, 274, 467

asynchronous ........................................... 467, 472

for SAP Commerce ........................................... 471

My Account ........................................................ 297

real-time asynchronous ................................ 468

self-service .......................................................... 296

synchronous ...................................................... 470

Orders .................................. 256, 283, 318, 348, 456

actions .................................................................. 288

business process ............................................... 257

cancellations .................................. 258, 290, 299

details ................................................................... 284

history ......................................................... 318, 320

lifecyle .................................................................. 283

orchestration ..................................................... 266

place on hold ..................................................... 288

Orders (Cont.)

placement support ........................................... 340

recent ..................................................................... 337

rules ....................................................................... 231

splitting ...................................................... 257, 269

status ..................................................................... 269

versioning ............................................................ 257


Page templates ............................................. 196, 205

Pages ........................................................................... 204

Partial return ........................................................... 325

Password security ................................................. 442

Payment gateways ................................................ 114

Payment information ......................................... 109

Payments .............................................. 260, 285, 320

PayPal Express ........................................................ 114

PCI compliance ...................................................... 113

Permissions ...................... 307, 310, 334, 394, 436

assignment ......................................................... 439

best practices ..................................................... 440

services ................................................................. 439

Personal data .......................................................... 443

Personalization .................................. 226, 307, 480

advanced ............................................................. 230

architecture ........................................................ 227

configuration ..................................................... 228

extension ............................................................. 227

extensions ........................................................... 229

Personas ...................................................................... 59

definition ............................................................... 60

Perspectives ............................................................... 36

Pick, pack, and ship ............................................... 277

Pixel counts ............................................................. 196

Plain old Java objects (POJOs) ........................... 128

Platinum upgrade program ................................ 90

Points of service .................................................... 267

Porter algorithm .................................................... 365

Powertools store .......................................... 140, 152

Presentation layer ................................................. 420

Prices ...................................................... 100, 402, 464

calculation ................................................ 468, 475

conditions .................................................. 189, 465

conversation ....................................................... 404

engine .................................................................... 475



Prices (Cont.)

lists ......................................................................... 396

Process integration .............................................. 452

Product attributes ...................................... 356, 358

weighting ............................................................ 359

Product browser toolbar .................................... 166

Product Catalog Cockpit .................................... 184

Product catalogs .......................................... 141, 208

Product Cockpit ........................................... 104, 416

perspective .......................................................... 384

Product content management ........................... 31

Product data model ................................................ 33

Product detail page .................................... 350, 416

Product master ...................................................... 464

Product master replication ............................... 463

Product pages ............................................... 204, 206

Product perspective ............................................. 168

grid view .............................................................. 171

list view ................................................................ 172

tools ....................................................................... 170

Product ratings ...................................................... 309

Product recommendations .......... 103, 225, 476,

478, 479

replaces ................................................................ 105

Product references ............................................... 104

Product reviews ..................................................... 478

Product variants .................................................... 153

Product view ........................................................... 162

Product visibility .................................................. 153

Products .......................................................... 149, 343

attributes ............................................................. 153

bulk edit ............................................................... 181

content ................................................................. 167

create manually ................................................ 182

disable rules ....................................................... 189

edit ............................................................... 181, 182

enrich .................................................................... 178

grouping .............................................................. 151

hierarchies .......................................................... 152

packages .............................................................. 186

price ....................................................................... 189

search .................................................................... 355

set ........................................................................... 188

structure .............................................................. 151

synchronize ........................................................ 184

variants ................................................................ 185

Profile service ......................................................... 236

Profile tag ................................................................. 235

Project delivery frameworks ............................... 42

Project documentation .................................. 45, 61

Project management .............................................. 47

Project planning ....................................................... 61

Promote product .................................................. 381

Promotion engine ................................................ 114

abstract rules ..................................................... 119

Promotions ....................... 100, 114, 319, 337, 342

business cases ................................................... 115

clone rule ............................................................. 123

conditions ........................................................... 121

Drools ................................................................... 128

functionality ...................................................... 120

messages ............................................................. 122

planning ..................................................... 116, 124

pricing .................................................................. 115

qualifying ............................................................ 122

rules ....................................................................... 121

technical overview .......................................... 118

templates ............................................................ 120

Property value provider ..................................... 373

Public APIs ............................................................... 490


Qualification .............................................................. 55

Quality management ............................................. 59

Queries ...................................................................... 358

conditions ........................................................... 380

faceting ................................................................ 363

syntax ................................................................... 362

Quotations .............................................................. 483

Quotes ....................................................................... 248

details ................................................................... 252

lifecycle ................................................................ 249

statuses ................................................................ 252

threshold ............................................................. 249

view ....................................................................... 252

Quote-to-cash ........................................................ 256


RACI ............................................................................... 52

Read permissions ................................................. 437

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Real-time reporting ............................................. 236

Recommendations .............................................. 382

Recommended practices ............................... 42, 45

Recovery point objective (RPO) ...................... 514

Reference Customer ............................................ 456

Refunds ..................................................................... 325

Regex ......................................................................... 442

Region .............................................................. 402, 405

Regional catalog .................................................... 409

Registered consumer .......................................... 461

Relevance score ..................................................... 360

Repetitive content ............................................... 413

Replenishment orders ........................................ 110

Report converters ................................................. 318

Reports ...................................................................... 317

Requoting ................................................................ 251

Resource minification ........................................ 199

Responsive banner .............................................. 201

Responsive technology ...................................... 196

Restrictions .......................................... 221, 342, 343

new class ............................................................. 345

Retention rules ...................................................... 318

Return merchandise authorization

(RMA) ................................................. 293, 303, 326

Returns .................................................. 291, 325–327

accept goods ...................................................... 294

approval .............................................................. 293

create request .................................................... 291

history ......................................................... 297, 348

in-store ................................................................. 292

partial v. complete .......................................... 301

search ................................................................... 293

self-service .......................................................... 300

workflow ............................................................. 269

Reviews ..................................................................... 309

approval .............................................................. 309

coding ................................................................... 313

edit content ........................................................ 310

RFC call ...................................................................... 470

Roles ............................................................................. 59

Root certificate authority .................................. 441

Rule builder ......................................... 121, 127, 131

Rule compiler ......................................................... 134

Rule engine .................................................... 118, 126

extensions .................................................. 127, 135

Rule executed condition ................................... 122

Rule parameter data (RPD) ................................ 130

Rule processor ........................................................ 127

Rule runtime data (RRD) .................................... 130

Rule-aware object (RAO) ..................................... 127

conditions ............................................................ 130


Sales areas ................................................................ 460

Sales order ................................................................ 486

Sales organizations .............................. 98, 244, 456

view ........................................................................ 244

Sales units ...................................................... 244, 245

SAP API Business Hub ......................................... 490

SAP C/4HANA .................................................... 31, 38

SAP Cloud for Customer ..................................... 483

SAP Cloud Platform .............................................. 495

SAP Cloud Platform Integration .......... 466, 485,

486, 490, 492

SAP Commerce

approach selection ............................................. 49

features ................................................................. 452

getting started ..................................................... 41

infrastructure ....................................................... 44

installing ................................................................ 44

integration .......................................................... 237

project phases ...................................................... 49

project scope ........................................................ 47

requirements ........................................................ 44

technical requirements .................................... 43

type system ......................................................... 152

SAP Commerce accelerator

storefronts ............ 33, 137, 140, 390, 453, 489

addresses ............................................................. 347

core ......................................................................... 140

design .................................................................... 198

elements ............................................................... 203

extensions and add-ons ................................. 138

languages ............................................................ 144

sample data language .................................... 406

SAP Commerce accelerators ... 34, 142, 196, 368

data collection ................................................... 444

resolvers ............................................................... 411

sample data .............................................. 104, 144

upgrade ................................................................ 421



SAP Commerce Cloud .................... 38, 89, 90, 495

build creation .................................................... 501

build deployment ............................................. 502

configuration ..................................................... 503

create environment ......................................... 501

database services ............................................. 512

deployment ........................................................ 500

environments .................................................... 500

infrastructure services ................................... 510

maintenance ...................................................... 512

operations ........................................................... 499

performance report ......................................... 511

support ................................................................. 516

user management ............................................ 509

SAP Commerce Cloud, telco and media

accelerator ............................................................. 34

SAP Commerce platform ................................... 419

cluster ................................................................... 423

import and export ........................................... 426

modes of operation ......................................... 422

multitenant ........................................................ 423

security ................................................................. 436

single operation ................................................ 422

SAP Commerce, accelerator for China .... 34, 141

SAP Commerce, B2B accelerator ..................... 108

SAP Commerce, B2C accelerator .......... 108, 123,

145, 187, 260, 367, 395

SAP Commerce, citizen engagement

accelerator ................................................... 34, 144

SAP Commerce, data hub ..... 455, 466, 490, 491

interface ............................................................... 492

SAP Commerce, financial services

accelerator ................................................... 34, 143

SAP Commerce, telco and media

accelerator ................................................ 144, 187

SAP Commerce, travel accelerator ................. 144

SAP Customer Consent ...................................... 443

SAP Customer Data Cloud ................................. 443

SAP Customer Engagement Center .............. 453,

486, 487

SAP Customer Experience .................................... 43

SAP Customer Experience Cloud Services ... 517

SAP Customer Experience Expert

Services ............................................................ 43, 74

SAP Customer Identity ....................................... 443

SAP Customer Profile ....................... 233, 396, 443

SAP Digital Asset Management by

OpenText ............................................................ 191

SAP Digital Payments add-on .......................... 487

SAP ERP .................................................. 274, 454, 484

SAP Jam Communities ....................................... 488

SAP Loyalty Marketing ....................................... 395

SAP Marketing Cloud ...... 33, 104, 124, 396, 453,

463, 476, 479

data replication ....................................... 476, 478

interaction types .............................................. 478

SAP Master Data Governance (SAP MDG) .... 463

SAP ONE Support Launchpad .......................... 510

SAP Product Configuration .............................. 464

SAP Product Configuration add-on for

SAP C/4HANA .................................................... 185

SAP S/4HANA ................................................ 453, 454

SAP Sales Cloud ............................................ 482, 483

SAP Service Cloud ........................................ 482, 483

SAP Subscription Billing ................. 274, 485, 486

Scalability ................................................................ 511

Scope ............................................................................. 51

deliverables ........................................................... 52

Scoring ...................................................................... 359

schemes ............................................................... 359

Scrum methodology .............................................. 61

Search engine optimization (SEO) ........ 410, 412

Search engines .............................................. 355, 364

Search profiles .............................................. 369, 370

extensions ........................................................... 370

Searching .............................................. 163, 198, 353

Security ..................................................... 67, 436, 514

recommendations ........................................... 447

smoke tests ......................................................... 447

Segment Builder .......................................... 239, 241

Segmentation ................... 229, 238, 394, 477, 480

calculation .......................................................... 241

condition types ................................................. 240

Selective synchronization ................................. 409

Self-service ..................................................... 303, 348

Seller quotes ........................................................... 250

Selling hierarchy ................................................... 151

Service .............................................................. 303, 325

data ....................................................................... 315

Service recovery .................................................... 513

Session management ......................................... 448

Shipping ....................................... 109, 118, 278, 319

Page 37: “Customer Experience Management ” Table of Contents Index ... · 5 Customer Experience Management 196 In this chapter, we ll discuss the design and management of content catalogs



Shopping cart abandonment .......................... 481

Single-code coupons ........................................... 125

Sitemaps .......................................................... 412, 413

Sizing ..................................................................... 43, 57

SmartEdit ....... 104, 202, 209, 219, 232, 233, 236,

238, 354, 373, 395, 480

architecture ........................................................ 209

features ................................................................ 212

perspectives ........................................................ 218

restrictions ......................................................... 221

Solr .................... 160, 309, 355, 357–359, 386, 406

anlayzers ............................................................. 364

configuring search .......................................... 366

console ........................................................ 363, 378

customer search ............................................... 365

customization ................................................... 368

index ............................................................ 361, 367

legacy mode ....................................................... 380

overconfiguration ........................................... 367

queries .................................................................. 361

reindexing ........................................................... 371

score ...................................................................... 382

search query ....................................................... 362

spell-check .......................................................... 363

synonyms ............................................................ 375

underconfiguration ........................................ 366

XML and Spring ................................................ 379

Solution goals ........................................................... 58

Sort provider .......................................................... 360

Sorting ...................................................................... 360

Source control management .............................. 45

Source rules ............................................................ 124

Sourcing ................................................ 270, 271, 471

factors weighting ............................................. 273

rerun ..................................................................... 290

strategies ............................................................. 272

Spare parts ............................................................... 105

Spell-check ..................................................... 357, 358

Spring framework ............. 33, 138, 322, 414, 417

integration ......................................................... 428

Sprints .......................................................................... 61

execution ............................................................... 64

hardening .............................................................. 65

implementation sprints ................................... 63

postspring .............................................................. 64

sprint 0 .................................................................... 62

SSH URL ..................................................................... 497

SSL certificates .................................... 441, 514, 515

SSL handshake ........................................................ 441

Stemming ................................................................. 365

Stock information ................................................. 258

Stock levels .................................................... 262, 268

Stop words ..................................................... 364, 376

Store locator ............................................................ 259

Subscription order replication ........................ 485

Subscription product replication ................... 485

Subtypes ..................................................................... 33

Summary view ....................................................... 165

Supercategories ..................................................... 175

Support ............................................................ 303, 340

data ........................................................................ 315

Support team ............................................................ 98

Support tickets .......................... 326, 332, 349, 487

attributes ............................................................. 330

display ................................................................... 333

management ...................................................... 328

priority .................................................................. 331

properties ............................................................. 328

unassigned .......................................................... 331

S-user .......................................................................... 510

Synonyms ................................................................ 375

directions ............................................................. 376

System administrator role ................................ 509

System types ........................................................... 424


Tax groups ............................................................... 396

Taxes ................................................................ 260, 461

Technical upgrade ................................................... 93

Temporary pricing ................................................ 115

Testing .................................................. 59, 66, 67, 448

Themes ...................................................................... 201

Ticketing ................................................................... 512

Time restrictions ................................................... 221

Token ......................................................................... 114

Toolbar actions ...................................................... 212


BD50 ...................................................................... 463

BD61 ....................................................................... 463

BD64 ...................................................................... 465

VD01 ...................................................................... 456



Transaction (Cont.)

VD03 ...................................................................... 458

VK13 ....................................................................... 465

Transactional data ................................................ 234

Transclude ............................................ 203, 214, 215

Transition planning ................................................ 70

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ........... 423

Two-factor authentication ................................ 497

Type permissions .................................................. 437

Type system ............................................................... 33


Upgrade projects ...................................................... 91

considerations ...................................................... 92

roles and responsiblities ................................... 94

Upselling .................................................................. 105

URL construction .................................................. 411

URL resolution ............................................. 508, 509

User acceptance testing (UAT) ............................ 66

User creation .......................................................... 516

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ....................... 423

User groups ............. 146, 225, 343, 392, 394, 438

API .......................................................................... 399

customer-facing ............................................... 394

employee-facing ............................................... 392

extending ............................................................ 398

nesting .................................................................. 393

price restrictions ............................................... 396

retrieve ................................................................. 399

User management ................................................ 509

User rights ............................................................... 436

Users .......................................................................... 390

accounts .............................................................. 225

extending ............................................................ 398

permissions ........................................................ 394


Value provider ....................................................... 373

parameter ........................................................... 373

Value range sets .................................................... 377

Value resolvers ...................................................... 374

Variable scope ........................................................... 48

Vector space model (VSM) ................................ 359


Warehouse management .................................. 327

Warehouses ................................................... 258, 268

WCMS Cockpit .................................... 150, 206, 480

functions ............................................................. 206

Web content management system ............... 202

page view ............................................................ 207

Web proxy ............................................................... 504

Web-based storefront ............................................ 26

Website redirects .................................................. 505

Website rules .......................................................... 231

Wildcard search ..................................................... 359

Wishlists ................................................ 106, 107, 349

enable ................................................................... 108

Workflows ................................................................ 429

backoffice ............................................................ 431

creation ................................................................ 433

execution ............................................................. 434

items ..................................................................... 434

manage templates .......................................... 431

templates ................................................... 430, 432

types ...................................................................... 430

Workshops ................................................................. 58


yForms ............................................................. 143, 144

Page 38: “Customer Experience Management ” Table of Contents Index ... · 5 Customer Experience Management 196 In this chapter, we ll discuss the design and management of content catalogs

First-hand knowledge.

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Seema Vishnoi is the head of SAP Commerce market development and go-to-market activities in Latin Ame-rica. She has played key roles in solution management, sales operations, and innovative business solutions and has successfully lead various CRM initiatives for custo-mers within SAP. Outside of SAP, Seema is an adjunct professor at Villanova University.

Drew Messinger-Michaels co-created the CX Business Consulting and Functional Consulting groups within SAP Commerce, along with SAP Customer Experience Expert Services offerings such as the Commerce Capa-bilities Workshop, Solr Workshop, Roles and Permis-sions Workshop, Hybris Health Check, and Functional Analyst Certification.

Sietse Verhoog is the director of SAP Customer Expe-rience Expert Services for Latin America and the Carib-bean at SAP. He is responsible for the SAP C/4HANA experts, architects, developers, and industry specialists based out of Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil who provide support to the SAP C/4HANA customers and partners throughout the region.

Seema Vishnoi, Sietse Verhoog, Drew Messinger-Michaels

SAP Commerce Cloud: Commerce with SAP C/4HANA531 Pages, 2018, $89.95 ISBN 978-1-4932-1699-4
