Download pdf - Anyone Can Be Happy

  • 8/13/2019 Anyone Can Be Happy



    Most people in today's world suffer with anxiety, phobias, illnesses, depression,

    stress and so on... They complain about all the bad, by which they create even

    more bad, not even realizing how much they have to be grateful for. By this book I

    intend to show you just how much good there is all around you and lift your spirit

    up. I wish to teach you to be grateful even for the little blessings that you receive

    everyday. How can you ever be happy if you constantly complain about everything

    and never realize the good? Our purpose in life is to be happy. We were all born

    happy because when we were small we lived in a magical world where all was

    possible. It's only as we started to grow up we got introduced to a thing we call

    'reality' that took the magic away. But the thing that many people don't know, is

    that you choose your own reality, you create it.You can choose to be happy right

    now and start attracting good things to your life.


    - Ben Sweetland

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    I hope this book will make you happy and help you have a positive outlook on life.

    Chapter 1

    Is the glass half full or half empty?

    That's how you know if you are a positive or a negative thinker. Positive people

    aren't living in their dream world, they are quite capable of seeing the world in arealistic way. However they just choose to look at life from a different perspective.

    They choose to focus on the good and as a result of that they are more grateful,

    happier and live a more fulfilled life.

    It has even been scientifically proven that positive thinking lowers stress levels,

    attracts better circumstances into your life and motivates you to do your best in

    whatever task.

    Positive thinking can improve every aspect of your life, so why carry oncomplaining and being unhappy when you can do the opposite? Choose to be

    grateful and be happy!

    You might be thinking, what has positive thinking got to do with gratitude? And

    the answer is everything! When you are grateful for anything in your life right now

    or something that has already happened, you are being positive. As well as that, if

    you are feeling the gratitude you are bringing more good opportunities and

    experiences into your life.

    I read many self-help books out there that tell you to be grateful and to think

    positive, but many of them don't teach you how. They don't tell you what to be

    grateful for or how to think in a positive way which is the most important thing to

    know. This book I wrote is more about the 'how?' than about the 'what?' and it is so

    simple that even a child could understand it.

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    In the chapters below you will find my list of 100 amazing things most people can

    be grateful for and also the reasons why you should be grateful for them.

    There will also be a number of gratitude activities that you can do as often as you

    want, when you're feeling negative, to get you back to focusing on the good andattracting more of the good.

    This will be followed by 30 inspirational quotes one for each day of the month.

    Last thing will be the conclusion in which everything will be repeated in even

    simpler terms, so there is no way you won't understand exactly what to do.

    Chapter 2

    There are many ways to be positive. You can be creative with this and have fun

    with it. I am going to give you a few examples just to help you out a little.


    A positive person laughs and smiles a lot. Laughing and smiling on its own makes

    you happier, helps think in a more positive way and naturally relives stress and



    Watch a comedy and just laugh till you cry. Spend time with your friends telling

    each other jokes, or watch your pet or baby being silly with a toy. The more you

    laugh and smile the better. Life is better when you're laughing.

    Go to nature.

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    A lot of people spend most of their time on technology these days and they aren't

    to blame. Technology can be fun and it definitely makes life so much easier in

    many ways, but the worrying truth is that it mostly prevents you from actually

    living your life. Take a nice relaxing trip to nature and take time to connect with it.


    Observe all the beautiful things around you. Think about how beautiful nature is,

    smell the flowers, watch the animals living their lives, feel the green grass like a

    carpet under your feet, feel the gentle wind blowing through your hair and enjoy

    each moment. Say thank you for each of the lovely things you see or experience

    during this trip. You will no doubt notice yourself feeling happier and less stressed



    Another thing people lack these days and then wonder why they have so many

    physical and psychical problems. Exercise is very healthy for your body and mind.

    It also enables you to be in the moment. When you do exercise such as yoga, you

    concentrate on your body, the way you're moving it which is very calming and you

    haven't got the time to complain, stress or be thinking negatively. Yoga calms you

    down and soothes your soul. There are countless benefits of regular exercise

    including higher productivity, higher energy levels, better sleep, healthier body,stronger immune system, peace of mind and less stress just to list a few. No matter

    how inflexible you think you are, do some yoga.


    Try these 5 yoga poses you can do every morning and watch your health improve.

    1. Stand up straight and stretch your arms upwards as much as you can

    standing on your tip toes. Hold for about 10 seconds and then bend forward

    exhaling, towards your knees as close as you can. Hold for 20 seconds.

    2. Come back up and stretch upwards for 10 seconds again and then bend

    backwards inhaling, as much as your body will allow you, aiming for or touching

    the back of your legs, and hold for 20 seconds.

    3. Come back up and stretch to the sides. One hand on your hip and the other

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    arm going over your head in the opposite direction while exhaling. Hold for 10

    seconds and do the same with the other side.

    4. Kneel down, hold your arms in front of you and move your head down

    trying to touch your knees while exhaling. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

    5. Lay down on your back and keeping your legs straight, move them as far up

    and towards your head as you can. When you get to your limit stop there and hold

    for 20 seconds.

    And that's it! The simple side of yoga.


    As well as exercise there are also countless benefits to meditation. It's really not a

    hard thing to do at all and the benefits it can have are miraculous. Meditation is

    100% mind. It doesn't have to take up large amounts of time either. Simply put

    meditation could be explained as your time to relax, be aware of your thoughts and

    make sure they are positive. So make sure you do some.


    Try this simple relaxing meditation. Sit in a comfortable place with your legs

    crossed and your eyes closed. Let go of any stress you might have within you just

    for now. Just for now feel completely relaxed, like the weight of the world was

    lifted off your shoulders. Imagine yourself in paradise, whatever that might look

    like for you. If it's a tropical one, a winter one or another one, doesn't matter at all.

    Be in that perfect place and imagine yourself doing the things you love doing or

    the things you wish you could do. Concentrate on this imagination and make it feel

    as real as possible. Feel the happiness, excitement and peace that you would feel as

    if you were actually in perfect, carefree place. Stay in this feeling for as long as

    you wish. When you feel like it's the time to stop, slowly get back by clearing your

    mind of all things and slowly opening your eyes.

    Count the good things.

    The blessings can be as little or as big as you want. After each one think about why

    you are grateful for that particular thing. Counting your blessings puts you in a

    positive state of mind, helps you realize your blessings and instantly improves your

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    mood. It is impossible to think about things you are grateful for while being

    negative. I often find that when I focus on the good things in my life, I keep

    finding more and more to be grateful for. Make a list of your blessings.


    Make the lists on paper, on your computer, or in your mind every day. For example

    "I am so grateful for my dinner today, because it was tasty, it filled me up and gave

    my body energy and the needed nutrition. I even had it made for me and I am

    really grateful to that person. Millions of people in the world are starving and I am

    so blessed to have such a delicious meal."

    Chapter 3

    This is a very good practical with many psychical benefits. However, you have to

    honestly feel thankful for there to be visible changes in your life. Listing the

    reasons why you are grateful or thinking about why you are grateful in your mind

    helps you do this. Making lists of things to be grateful for is an amazing way to be

    positive and make sure you are focusing on positive things. List things that make

    you happy, activities that you love doing, moments that made you smile and what

    you are truly thankful for. This exercise requires you to think positively in order to

    identify things you are truly grateful for. Below there is a list of 100, I made it in

    about an hour with things that just came to my mind then. Even you can be grateful

    for the same things on that list or change it around. You can make your own or use

    mine and feel the gratitude for the blessings in your life. 100 things may seem like

    too much at first, but once you get into that grateful attitude you realize thatpicking 100 things to be grateful for from your wonderful life is really too little. If

    you get stuck, which can happen, look around you. What can you see that you like?

    Notice things you usually take for granted like the air you breathe 24/7, or the

    bright blue sky, a gift you received from a loved one. The possibilities are truly


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    Gratitude list

    1) I am grateful for my family, because they love me unconditionally.

    2) I am grateful for my friends, because they help me through tough times.

    3) I am grateful for my partner, and his/her love and company.

    4) I am grateful for my adorable pet, because it makes me happy.

    5) I am grateful for my home, because it is comfortable and I feel safe in it.

    6) I am grateful that I live in peaceful conditions, because there are wars in many

    places in the world.

    7) I am grateful for food that I get to eat every day, because millions of people in

    the world are starving.

    8) I am grateful for clean water, because we have plenty to wash ourselves withand to drink and that is a blessing.

    9) I am grateful for the education that I got/get to receive, because so many people

    don't get the much needed knowledge.

    10) I am so grateful that I have a job, because there is lots of people unemployed

    with no income of money.

    11) I am so grateful for my body, because it works perfectly.

    12) I am so grateful for all the organs in my body, working all day every day so

    that my body functions properly.

    13) I am so grateful for my sense of smell, because I can smell beautiful perfumes

    and lovely flowers.

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    14) I am so grateful for my sense of sight, because I can see all the beauty around

    me and where I'm going.

    15) I am so grateful for my sense of taste, because it allows me to enjoy my

    favorite foods and drinks.

    16) I am so grateful for my sense of touch, because it allows me to feel human

    comfort in a reassuring hug.

    17) I am so grateful for my sense of hearing, because it means I can listen to my

    favorite music and hear my loved ones voices.

    18) I am so grateful for my voice, because it allows me to express myself and

    communicate with others easily.

    19) I am so grateful for my brain, because it is so complex and better than any

    technology ever invented, it allows me to move and think and be able to do

    everything that I do.

    20) I am so grateful for the rain, because it's beautiful and keeps our water coming.

    21) I am so grateful for the warm sunshine that keeps us warm.

    22) I am so grateful for the trees that we need to exist, they produce oxygen for us

    to breathe.

    23) I am so grateful for carbon dioxide, which we produce and the trees and plants

    need to stay alive.

    24) I am so grateful our planet, because it is perfectly positioned for there to be life

    on it.

    25) I am so grateful for the police, because they do their best to keep everyone safe

    and protected.

    26) I am so grateful for democracy, because it allows everyone to be equal and

    have their say.

    27) I am so grateful for society, because it is working practically.

    28) I am so grateful for Fridays, because they are the last day of the week and after

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    comes the weekend to relax.

    29) I am so grateful for tea, because it smells nice and relaxes my mind.

    30) I am so grateful for coffee, because it wakes me up in the morning.

    31) I am so grateful for my phone, because I can communicate with people easily.

    32) I am so grateful for the internet, because it makes valuable information easily


    33) I am so grateful for all the fun I had with my friends playing out during my


    34) I am so grateful for all the presents and gifts I received throughout my life that

    others paid for.

    35) I am so grateful for my mum, for giving life to me.

    36) I am grateful for my dad, for always making us money.

    37) I am grateful for my siblings, for making growing up more interesting and less


    38) I am grateful for all the holidays and nice times spent with my family.

    39) I am grateful for all the money I have, because it is enough to live a

    comfortable life and many people are struggling or suffering.

    40) I am grateful for all the clothes I have to dress myself in, because they keep me


    42) I am so grateful for my shoes that protect my feet when walking.

    43) I am so grateful for my bed that I rest in every night.

    44) I am so grateful for electricity, because it is so useful for making breakfast,

    giving light, making the TV and computer and all electrical devices work.

    45) I am so grateful for all the technology that we use and that makes our lives


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    46) I am so grateful for my ability to read and write because that's how I get more


    47) I am so grateful for films, because they provide good entertainment.

    48) I am so grateful for beautiful music that always puts me in a better mood.

    49) I am so grateful for time, because it allows me to organize myself accordingly.

    50) I am so grateful for fruits, because they are healthy and taste nice.

    51) I am so grateful for butterflies, because they are a lovely decoration in my


    52) I am grateful for kittens, because they are just so cute and cuddly.

    53) I am grateful for my mirror, because it allows me to see myself.

    54) I am so grateful for all the nice people in the world that use their manners.

    55) I am so grateful for flowers, because they are lovely and make me happy.

    56) I am so grateful for social networking sites, because they make sharing ideas

    easy and fun.

    57) I am so grateful for rainbows, because they look lovely and magical.

    58) I am so grateful for snow in winter, because it makes everything glitter and

    look bright.

    59) I am so grateful for books, that we can read that provide us with entertainment

    or wisdom.

    60) I am so grateful for smiles from strangers, because it lifts my mood every time.

    61) I am so grateful for encouragement that I get from people I love when I'm

    feeling down.

    62) I am grateful for my life, because it's not only challenging but very beautiful.

    63) I am so grateful for photographs form my childhood, because they show me

    things I don't remember.

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    64) I am so grateful for photographs now, because they allow us to capture and

    keep perfect moments.

    65) I am grateful for pleasant surprises.

    66) I am grateful for honest, generous people.

    67) I am so grateful for art, because it brightens up life.

    68) I am so grateful for sleep I get every night, because it allows my body and

    mind to rest.

    69) I am grateful for imagination because, it's fun to be able to see whatever you

    want in your mind.

    70) I am grateful for apologies and forgiveness, because they are wonderfulqualities and allow people to be on good terms again.

    71) I am grateful for nice memories, because they warm my heart.

    72) I am grateful for hugs and kisses, because they allow me to feel loved.

    73) I am so grateful for massages that relax me.

    74) I am so grateful for my make-up, which allows me to feel more beautiful and


    75) I am grateful for respectful people, because it's good to feel respected.

    76) I am grateful for family holidays by the beach that I went on in the past,

    because they were fun, relaxing and I had time to bond with my family.

    77) I am grateful for growing up, because it would be boring not to have change

    and for everything to always stay that same.

    78) I am so thankful for different languages and cultures, because it's interesting tolearn and experience them.

    79) I am so grateful for individuality, because it means that every single person on

    this planet in unique, different and special.

    80) I am so grateful for nice smelling candles, which make a sensual light and

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    smell nice when you light them up.

    81) I am so grateful for the earth that farmers grow food in.

    82) I am so grateful for yoga, because it's the best exercise I have ever done and

    makes me flexible and healthy.

    83) I am grateful for my teeth that allow me to chew my food.

    84) I am grateful for the sea and rivers and being able to bathe in them.

    85) I am grateful for vanilla ice cream that is so tasty and cools me down on a hot


    86) I am grateful for hot chocolate that warms me up on a cold rainy day.

    87) I am so grateful for long hot baths or showers because they relax me.

    88) I am so grateful for lava lamps, because they are so interesting and fun to


    89) I am so grateful for seashells, because it is fun to collect them at the beach.

    90) I am grateful for jewelry, because it is a beautiful accessory.

    91) I am grateful for poetry, because it always makes me feel a specific emotion.

    92) I am grateful for being myself, because I am original and there is no one else in

    the world just like me.

    93) I am grateful for chewing gum/mints, because they make my breath smell nice

    throughout the day.

    93) I am grateful for nice smelling shampoos, conditioners, body washes, creams,

    soaps and all other hygiene things because they keep us clean and nice smelling.

    94) I am grateful for all types of animals and living creatures that make this planet

    more interesting.

    95) I am grateful for nice smelling perfumes, because they allow me to smell nice

    every day.

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    96) I am grateful for the beautiful blue sky with white clouds and the beautiful

    bright sun in the day, and the black sky with the magnificent shining stars and

    moon at night.

    97) I am grateful for delicious home cooked meals, because they are tasty andhealthy.

    98) I am grateful for museums, which provide us with interesting knowledge about


    99) I am grateful for magnificent sunrises and sunsets every day.

    100) I am so grateful for positive people, which are in charge of their own lives

    and inspire me.

    Thank you.

    Chapter 4

    In this chapter you will find methods that I made and use to be grateful for specific

    areas of my life.

    Method 1 - Mirror Practical

    Many people are unhappy with the way they look and only concentrate of the

    things they hate about themselves. In this exercise we are going to do the exact

    opposite and focus on things you like/love about yourself.

    Look in the mirror. Look at yourself carefully from head to toe. Notice your good

    features and don't hesitate to compliment yourself on them. E.g. say (your name)

    you have very nice hair!"

    Notice the features you perhaps don't like as much about your body as well. But

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    instead of bullying yourself about them look at them and notice they aren't even as

    bad and realize that it could be much worse.

    Stop comparing and judging yourself based on the ideals of beauty. Take the time

    to think about that no one is perfect but everyone is special and beautiful in theirown way. There isn't one single meaning of beautiful or good looking. Different

    people find different things attractive and that's the beauty of it. Remember

    "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" what you dislike about yourself might be

    the adorable flaw someone loves about you.

    If there is something that really bothers you on the other hand, think about ways

    that you could change it and make it better. Because no matter what people say, the

    way you feel about yourself has a huge effect on your happiness. You can't be

    happy in life unless you love yourself or are at peace with your appearance.

    Method 2 - Nice People Practical

    This is a bit of a meditation. It can be as long or as short as you wish it to be. Sit

    down in a comfortable spot and close your eyes. Relax, calm your mind and

    monitor your thoughts for a while.

    Start thinking about random acts of kindness that people have helped you with inthe past. It could have just been a stranger on the street that helped you pick up

    your shopping when you dropped your bag. Someone that gave you a smile when

    you were having a bad day. A hug from a friend when you were upset. Someone

    offering to lend you something. Etc. Etc.

    Go back to when these things happened, and imagine them, see them as if they

    were happening all over again. At the end of each one smile to yourself and say

    thank you to that person. In your mind or out loud but make sure your eyes are still


    When you have done as many as you want or as many as you can remember, sit

    and just relax for a while still thinking positive thoughts as you slowly open your


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    Method 3 - Amazing Family Practical

    Think about your family and answer these questions in your mind in as much detail

    as possible.

    Why do I love my family?

    What do I appreciate most about (name a family member)?

    What would life be like without my family?

    What are the most amazing things my family had given to me/done for me?

    Take as much time as you need for this because it's important that you realize how

    much your family has done for you.

    Then repeat the below words in your mind or out loud.

    "Thank you mum and dad for giving life to me and raising me. Thank you for

    making sure I always had clothes and shoes to wear, food to eat and a roof over my

    head. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and forgiving me each time I made

    a mistake. Thank you for your patience and support for all these years."

    "Thank you (siblingsnames) for keeping me company and making life more

    interesting and loving me"

    The point of this and many methods in this book is to make you realize something

    you usually take for granted and develop a positive attitude because of it.

    Method 4 - Gratitude Letter Practical

    Write a gratitude letter to yourself. Start it with "I am truly happy and grateful......"

    Outline all good things that happened in the past month. You might have went on atrip; had a really relaxing, long, hot bath; spent a nice weekend with friends;

    brought a new book; made a new friend; got a bonus from work; received a gift

    and so on. Anything positive that happened you should definitely acknowledge and

    write down.

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    3. Think of your home and all the homeless people that would love to live in

    one just like that

    4. Think of the food you eat every day and of all the starving people in third

    world countries that would be so happy to have food

    5. Think of your pay cheque that you receive on the same day every month,

    how happy would the poor be with that kind of money?

    6. Think of everything that you buy with money that helps you out and makes

    your life easier or more comfortable

    7. Realize how lucky and blessed you are

    8. Motivate yourself that you are able to make even more money and enjoy life


    9. Think how fortunate you are and ways you could help those less fortunate

    This should provide you with a bit more insight into the big picture of the world

    and realize how fortunate you are. It should also make you want to help out people

    that need it. Helping out in any way, shape or form is an act of kindness, act of

    love, a positive act.

    Method 6 - Health Gratitude Practical

    Health is what people take for granted the most. It is also the most important thing,

    if you don't have health you don't have anything, or whatever else you have is

    pointless because you can't enjoy it.

    Do a similar exercise with this as you did with money. Imagine all the people that

    suffer from various illnesses and diseases and then see yourself. Healthy body

    being able to walk and with everything functioning properly as it should. Feel that

    gratitude for your health. Write "THANK YOU THAT I AM HEALTHY" with big

    bold letters on an A4 sheet of paper, fold it and then unfold it and look at it, read it

    and feel very grateful for it many times a day.

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    Chapter 5

    Love yourself

    "Self-love, my liege, is not as vile a sin as self-neglecting."

    - William Shakespeare

    Loving yourself is one of the most important things, as you can never be trulyhappy if you don't. Don't listen to the people saying that it's being vain because it

    isn't. Loving yourself to a certain extent is good and healthy for you and everyone

    should do it. No one can achieve great things without loving themselves. If you

    don't love yourself you don't think that you deserve good things because your mind

    is subconsciously telling you "What are you doing? That won't work and you don't

    deserve it anyway." Without self-love you won't let yourself feel happy and have a

    good life.

    You need to get your subconscious mind to motivate your efforts by saying "Youcan do this, you deserve all the good things in the world!"

    To learn to love yourself you need to get to know your true self by spending time

    alone, meditating and just thinking about all that you have been through.

    How old are you? Try to list as many things as you have lived years that you are

    proud of yourself for.

    -To help you with this think about all the things and hard times you have been

    through in your life. For example a financial crisis that you got out of.

    -How many things you managed to sort out and overcome. For example arguments

    with people and relationships preserved despite them.

    -Any achievements that you are proud of. For example starting your own,

    successful part time business or getting good grades in your exams when you were

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    at school.

    Think of each individual year of your life. There must have been something major

    that you achieved your job now is to find it and be proud of yourself.

    There are also two other very good ways to start loving yourself unconditionally

    and completely that I'm going to share with you.

    Pamper yourself

    How much time do you actually spend doing this? We all eat food we like and go

    to sleep at night when we get tired but that isn't pampering.

    Make time for yourself. Maybe you could select one day after work or on the

    weekend to be your 'pamper day'.

    Make sure you have a few hours available for you to relax on your pamper day or

    pamper time. And here are some relaxing suggestions on what you could do:

    - Have a candle lit, hot and steamy, bubble bath. Just lay in it for about an hour

    relaxing, enjoying the feel of the hot water on your bare body and playing around

    with the bubbles. Or you could close your eyes and completely relax, letting go of

    all the stress and tension you might have within you.

    - Make yourself a nice, big, hot cup of herbal tea or coffee, and sip it while sitting

    in your bed, wrapped up in blankets and reading your favorite book.

    - Put on your favorite music, sing and dance along alone in your room and don't

    worry about looking stupid. No one has to know and it is a wonderful way to boost

    your happiness and lower your stress levels. In fact there is also evidence

    supporting that when one listens to music they enjoy, it reduces anxiety and lowers

    your blood pressure by the release of Endorphins which are chemicals that make

    you feel good.

    - Do gardening. Forget the gloves and get your hands dirty! Get rid of the weeds

    and focus on the wellbeing of your herbs/vegetables/flowers or whatever you're

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    growing. Gardening has countless physical and psychical benefits as many studies

    over the years have shown. It connects you with nature, reduces stress, and

    improves self-esteem and mood. Also being outside when it's sunny boosts your

    vitamin D levels which has protecting effects against a number of illnesses and

    diseases. Most people are vitamin D deficient. This is pampering as you are doingsomething that you know is good for you and has a calming effect on your mind.

    Also hopefully you will enjoy taking care of your plants and naturally develop a

    stronger, loving, nurturing connection with your plants any yourself.

    - Buy yourself your favorite sweets and eat them while watching a film you love.

    - Take care of your body by moisturizing your skin, shave your legs and have a

    nice deep cleaning facial mask. And yes you can still do this if you are a guy.

    My definition of pampering is an enjoyable, relaxing activity that is good for your

    body and soul.

    Give yourself attention and lovingly care for your body. Spoil yourself from time

    to time. It will all build yourself love as you will find out how good it feels.

    "Embrace and love your body, it is the most amazing thing you will ever

    own." - Unknown

    Make others happy

    Ever experienced that type of satisfaction, proudness and fulfillment when you

    made someone happy? If yes that's great and if no it is time to do so!

    Here are some things you could do to make someone happy. It will have an impact

    on your happiness as well, guaranteed!

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    - When you say hello or good morning do it from the heart. Look the person in the

    eyes and smile while saying it.

    - Call a friend for no reason just to see how they are doing

    - Say a nice thing to a loved one, for example give your mum a random hug and

    say "I love you mum, I'm so lucky to have you" and watch the smile on their face


    - Help out a loved one. It could be with a life crisis they are going through, cooking

    or an assignment.

    - Donate your old stuff to charity. Just think of the all the happiness the stuff you

    no longer want or use would bring to someone in a third world country.

    - Encourage people with their goals. "I know you can do it, I believe in you."

    following by a kind-hearted smile can go a long way.

    - Make time just to hang out and talk to a loved one.

    - Write a genuine thank you note/card to someone that has helped you through a

    bad time in your life, given you a gift or helped you move the furniture etc.

    - Make people laugh by sharing a joke that you especially liked.

    - Listen. Often when a person is going through a hard time they just need someone

    to talk to. Be that person.

    - Offer your opinion to a friend in order to help them resolve their crisis.

    - Express your love through hugs and kisses to the people that have missed you

    while you were gone. Anywhere. Even if you just came back from work.

    - Give someone a little gift that means a lot.

    - Genuinely compliment someone. Everyone loves compliments because they

    instantly put you in a better mood.

    "With one kind gesture you can change a life. One person at a time you can

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    change the world. One day at a time we can change everything." -Steve Maraboli

    I hope this chapter has helped you develop self-love and showed you how to make

    other people happy.

    In the following chapter you will find my 30 favorite, beautiful, daily inspirational

    quotes on life, love, gratitude and more. Hope you they inspire you to better your


    Chapter 6

    In this last chapter I will share with you 30 of my favorite inspirational life quotes.

    What matters the most, is what they mean to YOU.

    Day 1

    "Ships in harbor are safe, but that's not what ships are built for."

    - John Shedd

    Day 2

    "Only as high as I reach can I grow,

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    Only as far as I seek can I go,

    Only as deep as I look can I see,

    Only as much as I dream I can be." - Unknown

    Day 3

    "Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual

    experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude." - Denis Waitley

    Day 4

    "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear

    of failure." Bill Cosby

    Day 5

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot

    drive out hate: only love can do that." - Martin Luther King

    Day 6

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    "Live like there is no tomorrow,

    Sing like no one can hear,

    Love like you have never been hurt." - Unknown

    Day 7

    "Don't follow your dreams. Chase them." - Unknown

    Day 8

    "I have found that if you love life,

    life will love you back." - Arthur Rubinstein

    Day 9

    Inthree words I can sum up everything I've learned about life:

    It goes on." - Robert Frost

    Day 10

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    "Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up."

    - Pablo Picasso

    Day 11

    "Most smiles are started by another smile." - Unknown

    Day 12

    "I am who I am today, because of the choices I made yesterday."

    - Eleanor Roosevelt

    Day 13

    "You can't test courage cautiously" - Annie Dillard

    Day 14

    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today

    and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson

    Day 15

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    "Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadows."

    - Helen Keller

    Day 16

    "She turned her cantsinto cans and her dreams into plans."

    - Kobi Yamada

    Day 17

    "Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don't matter

    and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss

    Day 18

    "Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you.

    Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you." - Unknown

    Day 19

    "If we are not a little bit uncomfortable every day, we're not growing. All the

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    good stuff is outside our comfort zone." - Jack Canfield

    Day 20

    "Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is

    made up of little things." - Frank A. Clark

    Day 21

    "You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit

    quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder."

    - Unknown

    Day 22

    "The art of life, is to live it in the present moment." - Emment Fox

    Day 23

    "You are responsible for your life. You can't keep blaming somebody else for

    your dysfunction." - Oprah Winfrey

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    Day 29

    "Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other sins are made

    up nonsense." - Robert A Heinlein

    Day 30

    "Keep Smiling because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smileabout." - Marilyn Monroe

    It's best to have a quote for each day and really think about the meaning of the

    quote and what it inspires you to do. Just try it, I promise it will be enjoyable.


    I hope you got something good from this book. Whether it's inspiration, happiness,

    a new understanding of things or more knowledge. I am proud of you. Now just

    live your life to the fullest and start today. Do what you need to do; have fun doing

    it; be grateful for your blessings; love yourself and others and never forget to take

    chances. Life may seem long now, but when you look back it all seems to have

    gone by within a blink of an eye. And all you have left is memories. So make sure

    they are good.

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