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Shawn BergerUnit PlanDr. MuellerMay 14, 2008

Introductory Statement:

I chose Sophocles’ Antigone because I feel that it is a significant text that is under

rated in adolescent education. I like the idea of teaching a play that isn’t Shakespeare as

well. Greek drama, as well as drama and plays regardless, are one of my favorite forms

of literature. My enthusiasm and passion towards the subject as a whole, and particularly

this text itself, influenced me as well. If I can teach something I am especially

enthusiastic and passionate about it will be that much better for the students. The theme

of this unit plan is “Reading for content.” This is a theme that will be woven into all of

my lessons involving reading. As I have made clear in many papers and discussions

there is nothing more important than reading for in depth content knowledge, and nothing

more dangerously unfair than depriving students of that type of growth and development

as people studying English, as well as people in general. As you will see the majority of

my lessons are discussion based. In these discussions I am simply a guide, steering the

conversation to cover topics and key points that are worthy of discussing. The class will

sit in a circle, and I will be part of the circle like everyone else. This is in order to respect

and give the student authority as a learner. My lessons cover in detail the key points and

themes our discussions will examine. The discussions are structured to follow the

previous nights reading in chronological order. In order to assure efficient and

progressive learning, aside from discussions the class will participate in group

discussions and conversations with peers, as well as keep a journal. The journal is where

students will keep all their quick writes as well as any other thought provoking

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assignments that are not immediately turned in. At the end of the semester I will collect

the journals and assess the students on participation.

I believe this text and unit plan would be suitable, with perhaps some minor

adjustments, for ninth through twelfth graders in all levels of English classes. I am a

strong believer that generally, nothing is too hard or too simple and boring for anyone- it

all depends on how it is communicated. When students are treated like critical and equal

participants of a learning community and presented the material in an interesting way

they will willingly participate with in enthusiasm (for the majority of students).

My main objective for this unit is understanding Antigone and how the structure

of the play impacts the plot. As a class we will examine Sophocles’ use of dichotomies

and antithetical pairs in order to convey the irony of the text itself. We will also be

looking at character development, reasoning and justification, key themes of the play

such as: Justice, Sexism, and Authoritative Power, among others.

This unit plan addresses all four New York State Standards:

Standard 1:

Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.

As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas, discover

relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral,

written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and

written language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.

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Standard 2:

Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.

Students will read and listen to oral, written and electronically produced texts and

performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives, and develop an

understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and

performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written

language for self-expression and artistic creation.

Standard 3:

Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.

As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues

presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they

will present, in oral and written language and from a variety of perspectives, their

opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.

Standard 4:

Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.

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Students will use oral and written language for effective social communication with a

wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications

of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.

As well as all twelve NCTE Standards:

1. Students read a wide range of print and non-print texts to build an understanding of

texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire

new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and

for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and

contemporary works.

2. Students read a wide range of literature from many periods in many genres to build an

understanding of the many dimensions (e.g., philosophical, ethical, aesthetic) of human


3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and

appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers

and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification

strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence,

sentence structure, context, graphics).

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4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions,

style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for

different purposes.

5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing

process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of


6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling

and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique,

and discuss print and non-print texts.

7. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions,

and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of

sources (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries

in ways that suit their purpose and audience.

8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries,

databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create

and communicate knowledge.

9. Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language use,

patterns, and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and social roles.

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10. Students whose first language is not English make use of their first language to

develop competency in the English language arts and to develop understanding of content

across the curriculum.

11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a

variety of literacy communities.

12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes

(e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

In order to achieve and fulfill all the goals of this unit plan, we will employ a wide

range of materials such as a:


-DVD Player



-Writing utensils (pen)

-Book (Antigone)

-DVD (Oedipus Rex)

Students will be assessed for participation through class discussion, the

completion of papers and assignments, and journal entries. The final grade for a semester

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would be structured as follows: Discussion Participation = 40%, Papers and Written

Assignments = 30%, Final Assessment 20%, and Journal Entries = 10%. I believe

“Discussion Participation” should weighted heavier than the rest because it is where the

most active and progressive learning will take place. Students must actively participate

in my class in order to achieve success.

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Sophocles’ Antigone Unit Plan

Lesson 1 - Introduction of Sophocles’ Antigone

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12Objectives: Give a background of Greek Drama and the evolution of theater; Introduce Sophocles’ Antigone; Give a background of the Theban Plays, Introduce the Laios/ Oedipus family; Students will develop an understanding of the evolution of drama and plays as well as a basic understanding of Sophocles, the Theban Plays, and Antigone.

(5 - 10 minutes)Introduction: Introduce Antigone, overview what the next two weeks will be cover and consist of, note what the assessment of the unit will be(10 - 15 minutes)Beginnings of Greek Drama:Begins as religious festival reenactment of mystery accompanied by song (like modern church)3 main, notable playwrights

Thespis (*any words come to mind? Thespian: an actor) - b.535 b.c.e.: Basically the first recorded playwright. Characters the speak rather than sing. Turns the priest into an actor; only one actor. Much like today you go to church and the priest is telling a story from the bible.

Aeschylus - b.525 b.c.e.: Adds a second actor to the drama (protagonist- main character) (antagonist- adversary; rival character)

Sophocles - b.496 b.c.e.: Adds a third character; reduced importance of chorus in plot

Euripides - b.480 b.c.e.: Adds multiple characters(25 - 35 minutes)Background of Antigone:

Most widely known plays written by Sophocles are what is known as the Theban Plays or The Oedipus Cycle which include: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Kolonos-were not written all at once as a trilogy, possibly written over the span of at least 40 years.

-In greek mythology Oedipus killed his father and married his mother unaware that they were his parents. The family was doomed for three generations.Sophocles’ Oedipus The King

-Chronologically the first of the trilogy, Oedipus becomes king after he answers the sphinx guarding Thebes riddle for the first time. The sphinx, flustered, kills himself. Until now no one could answer the riddle and in turn would be killed. Thus, Thebes became cut off from the world. On his way to the Thebes he killed a man in a confrontation, the King of Thebes, and marries his widowed wife.

Does anyone know the riddle? “What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?”

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Does anyone know the answer? *Think about it and at the end of class we’ll come back to it* “Human beings because in the morning we crawl, in the afternoon we are mature and walk, and at night we are old and walk with a cane”

Eventually Oedipus learns that his parents, the King and Queen of Thebes, gave him up in fear that he would fulfill the Delphic Oracles prophecy that he would kill his father. When his mother and wife, Jocasta, realizes what has happened she commits suicide. In turn, Oedipus pokes his eyes out *why might he do this?* However, they had four children before all this.Sophocles’ Antigone

After Oedipus’ downfall his son Eteokles becomes king. His brother, Polyneices, challenges him for the throne and they both kill each other. Kreon, their uncle, Jocasta’s brother, becomes King. Kreon rules that the loyal brother, Eteokles, will be properly buried and that the unloyal one, Polyneices, will be left unburied for animals to feed on. Their sister, Antigone is outraged and against Kreon’s law will bury Polyneices properly. Her sister Ismene refuses to join her, in fear of death. *that's all I’ll tell you for now, so as not to ruin the story*Family Tree

King Laios * Queen Jocasta - Kreon * Eurydice | Key: King Oedipus * Queen Jocasta *married

| -siblings Polyneices - Antigone - Ismene - Eteokles | offspring

Homework: Skip intro, read up to page 27, note in your journal any themes, anything that interests you, anything that sparks emotional feelings, anything else

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Lesson 2 - Visualizing Greek Drama & Antigone/Ismene Dialogue

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,6,7,11,12Objectives: Develop an appreciation for visualizing plays and theater; Students will visually understand plays; Give students a visual and audible perception of Antigone and Greek Drama; Students will learn the significance of seeing a play as opposed to reading it; We will begin to discuss the antithetical structure of Antigone; We will briefly begin to discuss Antigone and Ismene as well as their beginning dialogue.

(5 minutes)Introduction: Today we will be watching Oedipus Rex to get an idea for visualizing greek drama. We will briefly go over the dialogue between Antigone and Ismene and address structural themes and elements of the story (i.e. antithetical pairs and dichotomies).(20-25 minutes)Film: Oedipus Rex: Students will visually get a sense of Greek Drama. Look for: Masks, wardrobe, mise-en-scene, proxemics, the chorus, etc.)Student’s Thoughts: What were some things you saw, noticed. I will guide this conversation towards the meaning of the overall mise-en-scene and the significance of watching a play vs. reading one (plays are meant to be watched, not read; easier and more efficiently understood when visual; better shows character’s emotions and feelings). From here we will transition towards the written dialogue between Antigone and Ismene.(10 minutes)Antigone/Ismene Dialogue: What happened here? What were some things that made you feel a certain way or emotion, something you could relate to or totally couldn’t? Some things that interested you? What were some themes you noticed? Anything else?

-Did any of you notices any pairs at all? Pairs of concepts, ideas, relationships, etc.? *Handout “Family Tree” Sheet* (Refer to “Artifacts” section)I had you skip the intro because its more than you need to read, and quite hard to read as well. But lets turn back to the intro where it says: “The Antigone displays schematic pairing and antithesis in structural detail as well as an idea”

Any ideas about what this means? Schematic: symbolic, Antithesis: contrasting pairs

Define entire quote: Antigone displays symbolic contrasting pairs through specific, significant detail, as well as an idea.(5 minutes)Review and Homework: Reread pages 20-27. Come to class tomorrow with three antithetical pairs from pages 21 to 25. Read up to page 35 keeping an eye out for pairs (similar and opposing)

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Lesson 3 - Pages 21 to 25: Antigone/Ismene Dialogue and Dichotomies Within

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12Objectives: Students will understand Antigone and Ismene’s characters and what their role in the play is; Students will understand key events and their significance so far, Students will be able to discover and explain antithetical pairs and dichotomies from the text and understand their significant connection to the structure of the play and characters; Students will find their own relationship to the text so far.

(5 - 10 minutes)Introduction: How’d the reading go last night? Anything cool or interesting come up? Any questions? Go over “Antithetical Pairs” quote from introduction of the play. Today we will be going over antithetical pairs between Antigone and Ismene.(10-15 minutes)Character Sketch: Go over Antigone and Ismene to make sure students understand their roles as of now.Antigone: Stubborn, dedicated, family before state (define state: civic body), justiceIsmene: Understanding, obedient, sensibleWhat significant events have happened so far?

-Brother’s differing burial-Antigone and Ismene opinions on what action to take concerning Polyneices

(15-20 minutes)Reading: Lets turn to the beginning and we’ll read through together. Every time a pairing theme or antithesis comes up relevant to obedience vs. disobedience yell “Stop!” and we will make a list of all the contrasting as well as similar ideas and themes.Make a list on the board of each pair.Reviewing Our Findings: What do these dichotomies (define “dichotomy”) represent about Antigone and Ismene’s character sketch?(5 minutes)Quickwrite and Homework: Who do you relate with more? Antigone or Ismene? why?Read pages 34 to 45

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Lesson 4 - Lines 126 to 310: Chorus, Kreon and Koryphaios Dialogue

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12Objectives: Students will be assessed for reading and attentiveness in class; Students will be able to discover and explain antithetical pairs and dichotomies from the text and understand their significant connection to the structure of the play and characters; Students will understand Koryphaios and Kreon’s characters and what their role in the play is;(10 minutes)Introduction: Quickwrite: What’s been happening so far in the play? Who is Kreon? Who is Koryphaios? I will collect quickwrites and go over a few anonymously, elaborating on and/or commending each. Discussion: Who is the chorus, why is there a chorus? Turn to page 25- have student read “Chorus”.

The chorus sing; contribute to the reading by giving a background of what is happening, an impartial take about what is happening, chorus reflects a larger picture and problem at hand, almost like a god might? What is their tone? Wise, aware, fair, etc.(10-15 minutes)Character Sketch Discussion: Whose your favorite character so far? Why? Another character? *Go over characters briefly until all characters have been gone over (assessment of participation and attentiveness)*. Focus mainly on Kreon and Koryphaios and what they’re like (as of now).

Kreon: State above all, stubborn, sexist, power over justice, unfair (how?)Koryphaios: Sensible, fearful of Kreon), logical, pushover?What significant events have happened so far?

Brothers differing burialAntigone and Ismene differing viewsKreon is new kingPolyneices burial law is stated

(15-20 minutes)Reading: Lets turn to page 27 (go over what role the chorus plays again). Every time a pairing theme or antithesis comes up relevant to King vs. Subject yell “Stop!” and we will make a list of all the contrasting, as well as similar ideas and themes (using the chalkboard to make a visual list). (go till the top of p. 31)

-page 28: Kreon’s statements (paragraph 2) in relation to Antigone-page 30: “you can go a long way, walking a short distance

-What does the sentry mean?Reviewing Our Findings: What do these dichotomies represent about Kreon’s character? Is he sexist? How does he view women? What kind of ruler is he? How does Koryphaios feel towards him-fearful; why might he feel so?(5 minutes)Group Work: Talk with a neighbor about whether Kreon is just or unjust towards his own family- is he wrong? Does he make a good king?Go over what students came up with

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Homework: Read pages 45 to 52 with today’s notes in mind

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Lesson 5 - Pages 29 to 40: Comedy through the Sentry, Antigone and Ismene found guilty

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12Objectives: Students will be assessed for reading and attentiveness in class; Students will find reasoning or fault on their own in the “Polyneices’ burial law”; Students will understand the role of the Sentry (reiterating King vs. Subject); Students will thoroughly understand what is happening in the play; As a class we will discover what happened to Polyneices (buried or not);

(10 minutes)Introduction: Quickwrite: Yesterday we learned about “Polyneices burial law”- Do you feel that this law is just? Why or why not? I will collect quickwrites and go over a few anonymously, elaborating on and/or commending each. Discussion: We just began to meet the Sentry. Who is the Sentry? What did he begin to say? How did he begin saying it?-Very lengthy, well spoken, comical introduction. Why did he begin like this?-“Virtually encircle the business, you build a blockade.”-Kreon to the Sentry. Why build a blockade? Sentry is pretty funny, talks almost too himself a lot; in his own mind, questioning his own conscience. Does Kreon’s rule force those inferior to him to question their own conscience? Let’s turn to page 29 (and read through )(30-35 minutes)Reading and Discussion: Page 29- I read and stop for relatively brief discussion when a significant line or part warrants it:

Significant areas concerning the Sentry:Line 295: How does the Sentry feel?Line 300: Again, he goes back to defending himself for the newsLine 306: Kreon says he’ll dismiss himLine 310: “Somebody up and buried the corpse and went off: sprinkled

dust over it and did the ceremonies you’re supposed to do.”Line 322: “We couldn’t see the body; and he wasn’t really buried...a fine

dust on it”“Buried or not” discussion:

-Is Polyneices buried or not? Why do you think so (get a few differing opinions)-Use examples from the story to come to a conclusion (lines 310-327)-Most likely conclusion: Antigone didn’t bury him by definition, rather she

covered him with dust and performed the ceremonial proceedings

Line 349: What does the sentry mean by this? Pair it with Kreon vs. Antigone (vice-versa)

Line 355: Kreon boldly questioning the gods. why? -anger, stubborn, or actual belief that they don't care about Polyneices?

Line 380: Kreon thinks this was done by unloyal men seduced for moneyLine 386: Kreon holds Sentry responsible- seems wrong; unjust. Thinks

he did it for money. Kreon paranoid of money; bribery?

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Line 395: “Does it hurt in your ears, sir, or in your soul?” What is Sentry saying here? Why?

Line 403: “Kreonic motif”-Kreon’s character and method of rule is repeatedly being exemplified in different times and places

Lines 408-13: How does the Sentry feel about Kreon?...That Kreon is unfair and unjust, if it weren’t for the gods there would be no justice...fair to say Sentry feels this way?

I will read and go over chorus (lines 414 to 455), then designate roles and allow students to read from 456 to 603:

Line 524: So a storm from the heavens roared once Polyneices was “unburied” until Antigone appeared - Gods vs. Kreon; Polyneices now has been unburied, “buried”, unburied, and “reburied”

Line 575: Antigone justifies herself: The gods don’t agree with this “burial law”, you (Kreon) do not have power to override them. Antigone didn’t want to be punished by the gods for following Kreon’s law and in turn, breaking their law. Antigone says: I am going to die anyway, my life is so troubled now, an early death will benefit me. Letting Polyneices stay unburied would have been more suffering then facing this foolish conviction.

Line 583: Kreon on a “power trip”(5 minutes or less)Homework: Read pages 52 to 58 AND “Persuasive Defense Assignment” (Refer to “Artifacts” section)

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Lesson 6 - Pages 40 to 52: Character development; Ismene shares blame; Haimon’s Character

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12Objectives: Students will build a relationship to the current events in the text by questioning their own character, from developing this relationship, they will in turn become closer and further invested into the characters of the play; Students will be up to date and completely aware of what has been taking place; Students will thoroughly understand each character by learning from each other in group discussion guided by me.

(5 minutes)Introduction: Somebody tell me what has happened since Polyneices’ burial law was put to effect: (Polyneices was buried, Antigone was found guilty for burying him, Ismene is also held accountable). Today we are gonna talk about Ismene and Haimon.(35-40 minutes)Discussion:(5-10 minutes)Antigone:

What is Antigone saying to Kreon on pages 40 to 42? Kind of radical thinking isn’t it? : “They have been locked in silence by fear”-Antigone is calling out Kreon’s rule as one that rules with fear- ,“A king may do and want what he wishes. This is his greatest good fortune.”, “No, they keep silent to please you.”, “Death is a god who wants his laws obeyed”, “Maybe, down there, all is pure.”(5-10 minutes)Kreon:

What about Kreon, what does he have to say during all this? He tells Antigone she is the only one who thinks he rules with fear. Does Kreon really believe this? Calls attention to the fact that dead or alive, Polyneices was an enemy to Thebes. “Enemies and friends are two different things, and dying doesn’t reconcile them.” How does Kreon feel about family and the state?-Despite family, if you are not with the state, your are no longer related (fair to say that's how he feels?). How many of you agree? How many of you could kill your brother or sister if they did not agree with you? Kreon says, “Im alive though, and no woman will rule me.” Kreon fears women? being overpowered by woman, people in general? Sexist. Right away what does this tell us about his rule? He’s not fair, and does essentially rule using fear. Through Kreon’s character/personality we are shown this fault in his rule. Would any of you want to be loyal to a leader who was prejudice towards your gender, race, religion, etc.?Ismene:

Why do you think Ismene was held responsible as well? Why does Ismene agree to the charge when she did not want to participate in the burial earlier?-Honor, nothing left to love in life, doesn’t want Antigone to die alone; Is Antigone callous towards Ismene because she is truly angry or just wants Ismene’s life spared?

*Again, Kreon is shown to be sexist: Lines 705 and 716(15-25 minutes)Haimon:

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Was to be wed to Antigone; *Kreon to Haimon: “Everything is second to a father’s will”- What about a mothers?; *Page 47: Kreon lectures Haimon, attempts to steer him towards the same mindset as himself, has a lot of philosophies and thoughts on male and female roles and lifestyles as well as king vs. subject, “obedience to authority”, “not be called worse than women”*; Haimon responds politely as an inferior, in fear of being completely honest to Kreon, about people feeling fearful of being honest to Kreon; then tells Kreon about the “national” grief for Antigone- “no one is more innocent, no death more awful, no deeds more noble than hers, with her own brother fallen slaughtered” -What is this saying about Antigone? Kreon and the state he rules? Kreon fears the youth of being “smarter”, yet they are; Designate speakers for Page 50 Dialogue: What is Haimon saying here? Kreon? What does their dialogue represent about their character/personality? *5 main antithesis reflected during their dialogue: Father and son, king and subject, obedience and disobedience, male and female, power and ignorance; Haimon is saying: the nation belongs to everyone because without them their would be no nation, don’t judge by appearance, but by action, be honest to yourself, don’t be ignorant/arrogant, I love Antigone; *Lines 916-17; Haimon will not let her die while he is present

-Kreon ends up releasing Ismene, but confirms that Antigone will be buried alive *Antigone is alive but being buried, but her brother was dead yet unburied* (Less than 5 minutes)Homework: Koryphaios Worksheet due tomorrow (Refer to “Artifacts” section)

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Lesson 7 - Pages 52 to 58: Antigone Punished; Others React

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12Objectives: To identify the significance of Antigone’s public punishment (what does it say about the nation?); Students will relate to the text and build on each other’s take on the text

(5-10 minutes)Introduction: Collect homework. So why do you think Kreon released Ismene after all? Why do you think he punished Antigone so severely? Turning to page 52, what do you think about Kreon’s last paragraph, and further, his last line?(20-25 minutes)Discussion: Chorus begins talking about “desire” as harmful and Love as genuine and priority, although not ideal; Koryphaios openly talks about his feelings for the first time: cries when he sees Antigone this way (unjustly punished); Antigone starts really going on in this part, long, full dialogues- Why?; Chorus, line 1020-24, notice their change in tone once Kreon enters- They go from ambiguous philosophies to a personal accusation; Antigone references gods (Niobe (daughter of a primordial king punished with the loss of all her children for her excessive pride ;hubris,*actual Niobe “weeping rock” exists in Turkey*), Persephone (simultaneously embodiment of Earth’s fertility and queen of the underworld)); Refers to the underworld as her “home after exile”; Justifies herself: “Had I not been a single woman without children and only my remaining immediate family, I would not have taken this burden. But because I can never have another brother (unlike a son or husband whose position can be “replaced”), I had to honor you (Polyneices). I was never loved (romantically) or nursed a child, so now I go alone, alive, to my grave”; “unjust justice”; she is speaking publicly, everyone is watching an innocent girl be unjustly killed (not the best PR for Kreon).(10-20 minutes)Students Time: How do you guys like the play so far? why and why not? Talk with a neighbor quickly:

-name 3 things you like or dislike about the story-what you think will happen next-whose your favorite character why or why not?

Go over a few as a whole class, specifically opposing and similar viewsHomework: Read 58 to 63 Bring a personal definition of “Justice” to class tomorrow

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Lesson 8 - Teiresias and Justice vs. Injustice

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12Objectives: To understand who Teiresias is and what the significance of his role is; use the “6 cheerleaders” article to relate high school “drama” to Greek Drama (Antigone p. 60 and 70, specifically); what is justice?

(5-10 minutes)Introduction: Quickwrite: “What is justice?” -Teiresias, if applicable use personal experiences to justify your definition of justice. Today we are proceeding to conclude the text. Where are we at; what has happened so far? (10-15 minutes)Reading: Turn to page 59. Can anyone tell me what happens here? Who is Teiresias, what does he say/prophesies, what is his role?: *Ironically, he tells Kreon he's hurting the state* The gods express their disapproval through him- However, Antigone has already hanged herself rather than be buried alive. When Kreon arrives at the tomb she's in, his son, Haimon who was to marry Antigone, attacks Kreon and then kills himself. When Kreon's wife, Eurydice, is informed of her son and Antigone's deaths, she too takes her own life.

-Kreon thought he was being JUST, yet his life was ruined because of his attempt to achieve his idea of “Justice”(15-20 minutes)YouTube/Article 6 cheerleaders beat up...: & Relate high school “drama” to Greek Drama, specifically page 60 and 70 of Antigone (write quotes on board)

-What happened here?-What the girl did in order to end up here-Other girls already got their point across, why beat her more?-What is justice? Justice vs. Injustice

Assessment: Comprehensive conversation, using the board to visualize the meaning of justice, in order to define and/or come to some agreement about what Justice means.Homework: Finish the play, pages 63 to 72

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Lesson 9 - Pages 63 to 72

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12Objectives: Wrap the play up with a sufficient level of closure as to its overall meaning

(5-10 minutes)Introduction: Today we will finish talking about the play, Antigone. Before we start, there is a quickwrite: Why does Kreon wait until Teiresias leaves to change his mind?(25-35 minutes)Discussion: (Start off by calling on people to share their quickwrites and from here we transition into discussion) I personally think Kreon finally realized his stubbornness was beginning to dig him a hole too deep. Does anyone agree? disagree? Why does Kreon of all people decide to listen to Koryphaios? I think Koryphaios was just there at the right time, a time when Kreon was reaching the threshold of his stubbornness. Agree? Disagree? Elaborate?

Does Kreon make it on time? What happens? How does that make you feel? Did you like this ending or would you have wanted to see it differently? What does this irony mean/ represent? Do you think Sophocles thinks in terms of Irony? Yes? No? Why or why not? What evidence justifies your answer?

Is Kreon fairly punished? Why? Why not? Look back to page 60, line 1187: “What good is it to kill the dead again?” -Teiresias. Does this change how you feel about Kreon’s punishment. Because he did realize he was wrong- just too late.

What did you all think of Antigone? Justify your opinions. What are some of the prevalent themes and major lessons of the play? (5 minutes or less)Homework and Paper Assignment: Reflect in your journals all of your thoughts on the play, specifically what it meant to you and how, if at all, it changed your outlook on life. Look at your paper assignments. For tomorrow come up with a thesis and we will have individual conferences to discuss the direction and structure of your paper. Finish “Antigone Paper Assignment” (Refer to “Artifacts” section)

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Lesson 10 – Final Paper

Standards Covered: NYS: 1,2,3,4 NCTE: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12Objectives: Through one on one conferences with me, students will better their paper as we discuss problematic issues as well as points that are working well in their thesis; we will also discuss briefly a lay out to structure their paper.

(5 minutes)Introduction: Today we are going to go over your paper assignment and have brief individual conferences to work on your thesis. While you are not in conference with me you will be starting your papers.

(40 minutes)Conferences: Each conference will be approximately two minutes long. What I am looking for is a detailed, significant, arguable, and plausible thesis. I want to see that students have a direction for their paper. Each student will receive a “Paper Helper” at our meeting. (Refer to “Artifacts” section)

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Artifacts : Antigone PaperEnglishMr. BergerD/M/YY

Antigone Paper Assignment *

You have now read the play. In a well-written essay of 4 to 6 pages, discuss which character, Antigone or Kreon, suffers more in this play. Depending on which character you choose, how much blame should the other character shoulder? How much blame must the character himself or herself bear? Use plenty of examples and quotes from the play to support your opinions. Conclude your essay by defining “Justice” in relation to the play. Your essay must have a title as well.

Due Monday, D/M/Y

* (modified from Thomas Trevenen’s Greek Drama Unit

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Koryphaios WorksheetEnglishMr. BergerD/M/YY

Koryphaios Worksheet

Think about who Koyrphaios sides with in the play: King Kreon or Antigone (the nation)? Using at least three quotes from the play, pretend you are Koryphaios writing in his journal. Here you can put down your deepest, truest feelings and opinions towards everyone and everything that has been going on in Thebes. Focus on the trial of Antigone, Kreon’s position and “progress” as King, and how the rest of the nation feels. Using the text, discuss why you agree with Antigone, and disagree with Kreon (or vice-versa)?

You may refer to hypothetical characters (a soldier you talked to, or someone from the street, etc.) for testimonials, as well as hypothetical situations and conversations between existing characters (as long as they do not alter or disrupt the actual proceedings of the play). End your journal entry by justifying the actions of either King Kreon and his character, or Antigone and her character. Be sure to use plenty of examples and quotes from the play (especially antithetical pairs). The more examples you use, the better you will do.

Also, Reread page 52. In your journal, think about why Kreon releases Ismene after all and why he punishes Antigone so severely?

Due D/M/Y

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Persuasive Defense AssignmentEnglishMr. BergerD/M/YY

Persuasive Defense Assignment

For this assignment you will be writing two 1 page long persuasive essays. For the first essay, pretend you are Kreon. Justify and defend your punishment for Antigone by using plenty of quotes and examples from the play. Then, for the second essay pretend you are either the Gods or the disagreeing country (lines 841 to 850). Justify and defend why you think Antigone should not be punished for her reverence. Be sure to include counter arguments in each paper defending your claim. Keep in mind how justice relates to their situations. Again, the more quotes and examples you use from the play itself, the better you will do.

Due Monday, D/M/Y

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Family TreeEnglishMr. BergerD/M/YY

Family TreeKing Laios * Queen Jocasta - Kreon * Eurydice

| Key: King Oedipus * Queen Jocasta *married

| -siblings Polyneices - Antigone - Ismene - Eteokles | offspring

Introduction Quote on Antithesis:

“The Antigone displays schematic pairing and antithesis in structural detail as well as an idea”

-Definitions: Schematic: symbolic; Antithesis: contrasting pairs

Translation:Antigone displays symbolic contrasting pairs through specific, significant detail, as well as an idea.

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Paper HelperEnglishMr. BergerD/M/YY

Paper Helper

Thesis Statement: A statement of a sentence or two that is:-Detailed-Important-Arguable-Plausible

Title: A good title:-Hooks the reader’s attention-Condenses your thesis

Three ways to write a title are:

Write a noun phrase:

Antithesis in Antigone and Ismene’s Beginning Confrontation

Pose a question:

Is Antigone and Ismene’s Beginning Confrontation Antithetical?


Eteokles Burial: Antithetical Pairing in Kreon’s “State Principles” Scene