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C. What is your vision?

By now you’ve decided on an area/sector where you would like to fight corruption, asnoted above. Now you get to let your imagination fly! You need to come up with avision for your project that:

1. Is one to two sentences long2. Is clear and understandable to yourself and others3. Is grounded and achievable

What is your vision if you go about fighting the corruption in the specific sector you chose?

Example: I would like to end corruption in the educational sector nationally. Studentsmust not be graded based the bribes they pay or their political affiliation, but on their academic merit.

Write down your Vision!

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D. What is/are your Goal/s?

Goals are the stepping stones to help you achieve your vision. As the saying goes,goals motivate and vision inspires. You should set a number of goals towards achievingyour vision. The idea behind it is that once you have achieved one goal you are thenmotivated to achieve the next one and eventually your vision will become reality.

Example: Firstly, I would like to create awareness to the corruption in my classroom.Once I have achieved this I would like to move my campaign to include the wholeschool. Next, I’ll extend my campaign to the schools in my town, and eventually, I’llreach the state and someday the whole nation.

Write down immediate Goal as well as future Goals!

E. Moving towards achieving your vision

By now you should have a good starting point (The area where you want to fightcorruption) and your end point (vision). The next step will be to figure out how to getfrom the start to the finish, and this could be a bit trickier than a 100 meter dash.So what will you need to do?

1. Plan your whole campaign2. Initiate your campaign3. Push through the struggle4. Look back and reflect

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1. Plan leads to PERFECTION

Before any action can be taken you need to have a solid plan. A plan that incorporates your vision and goals, a plan that you will be able to use to fight corruption and fight it well! Plansdo change, so when planning your campaign you need to consider all the possibilities nomatter how mundane they may seem. An adaptable and flexible plan is key to success.

A. Organise a team

It is logistically, mentally and physically very challenging to run an effectiveAnti-corruption campaign by yourself! So you will need to establish an executive team, if you have not already. Each individual of your executive team needs to have a corefunction, and they need to know exactly what their role is and what it entails. Theseexecutives will in turn have other individuals below them. You should not includeyourself in this team as you will be coordinating the operation.

NB: Fighting corruption is no walk in the park, so you will also need to find a reliableteam that will stay and not leave once it gets a bit hot.



SecretaryHead of the team



Media and ICTSocial NetworksNewspapers

Organising mediareports andawareness


LegalDemonstrationsCourt proceedings

Ensure thecampaign is runlegally


Roger Boris


BannersTech Equipment

Organising Marches,

Stand-ins etc



In charge of receivinganonymous reportsabout corruption

NB: Remember each campaign is unique so the way you set up your team needs to becustom made to fit your campaigns preferences.


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B. Create an awareness campaign

An awareness campaign is essential to get popular support for your cause. The morepopular support you will have the more likely you are to be taken seriously. Having aneffective campaign ensures you will get your message out there to the masses.

Hopefully, this campaign will be as truthful as possible. Make sure you have thenecessary evidence to go out there denouncing corruption. Failing to do so might jeopardize your entire campaign. Furthermore, the trustworthiness of your campaignwill influence the media. The media’s stance on your campaign is very important. If youdon’t get the support of the media, the majority of people will not believe you, and thus,your campaign is less likely to be successful. When planning your awareness campaign you need to decide what strategy you willuse to get your message to the masses. There are wide ranges to choose from. Belowyou will find a list of effective types of awareness campaigns;

1. Subtle messages – Use this at the start of your campaign, to ‘plant the seed’ inpeoples minds.

2. Posters - They are a cheap and effective way to get your message out there,organise protests and inform people about what is happening .

3. Media - In a country where there is an independent media your message will bebetter reported. If media in your country has been completely nationalised and isbiased, your story can be twisted and you can be made to look more like avandal, so when engaging the media be certain your story will be told properlyand truthfully.

a. Newspapers.b. Television.c. Radio (effective in developing countries where the majority of people are

illiterate and don’t have television).4. Social Networks – This is a very powerful tool to use to get your ideas and views

out to the masses, as we have seen in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.5. The Internet – There are thousands of possibilities on the Internet to get your

message out, you would just need to find the one that best suits you.6. Mobile phones - Mobile phones are everywhere and there are several cheap

and easy to use mobile-based applications that can allow you to communicate inmass and network.

What types of awareness campaigns will you use during your anti-corruption drive?Explain each one!






NB: Look at your current political situation. The more politically free your society is themore options you will have available to you. If you live in a country where the media isstate run and biased, be very careful when asking for their help!

C. What are your solutions to this corruption problem you are trying to solve?

When you go about corruption you need to have a solution or come up with one beforeyou start your campaign. You know what the problems are, you now need to figure outand write down what you think good solutions might be to fix the current problem.

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D. Risk assessment and possible short comings

You need to create two separate lists of the possible risks and shortcomings of your campaign.

When completing the risk assessment you need to look at what risks you may endureduring your campaign. You will upset a lot of people, specifically the people who benefitfrom the corruption, and so you need to know beforehand what the possiblerepercussions might be for your sake, your team’s sake and the populous that join your drive.

Corruption undermines democracy, human rights, civil liberties and sustainabledevelopment and, as such, is often deeply embedded within varying factions of

society. The fear of economic loss drives many to threaten and target anti-corruption advocates.

Those involved in illicit enrichment through corrupt practices will often stop at nothing to protect their unlawful gains. Not only are fraudulent financial gainsat stake, but reputations, influence and relationships as well. Exposing corrupt acts, therefore, becomes a significant threat. ’

- Transparency International

Risk Assessment:

• E.g. Personal threats to whistleblowers and supporters

Aggressive police at our demonstrations •

The second list will deal primarily with shortcomings. By this we mean logisticalproblems, problems when approaching people etc.

Short Comings:

• E.g. The media is state run and reports negative things about us

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E. What are your solutions to the possible short comings and risks?

As noted above, your campaign can become very risky and dangerous so you need tohave effective solutions to help protect yourself and the other activists who will befighting against this corruption, as well as whistleblowers who will also help you.

Make a list of the solutions you have to help reduce the risk of harm to yourself andyour fellow activists and whistleblowers. Remember, the less you can guarantee awhistleblowers protection and anonymity, the less likely they will be willing to comeforward.

Solutions to the possible risks you will face:

• E.g. Keep anonymity of whistleblowers and people that come to us with their reportsof corruption. This ensures more people will come and speak out about the corruptionaffecting them as they know their reports will be anonymous and so protected fromthe possible repercussions for ‘spilling the beans’

• Keep protests as peaceful as possible so as to prevent the police from using force to

disperse us.

Solutions to the short comings:

• E.g. Use other alternatives to get our story out there, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

• If there is illegal police brutality against your cause be sure to record it on your mobile phone so as to have proof and so gain more support

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2. Initiation leads to INSPIRATION

Once you have put a solid plan together, it’s then time for you and your team to initiate your anti-corruption campaign. If you initiate your plan well, people will be interested in what youare doing and begin to support your campaign.

Note: Planning an anti-corruption campaign and running one are completely different.Planning is mostly theoretically based with some practical knowledge coming from what youhave researched or gotten from other anti-corruption campaigns. So do not expect thecampaign will follow the exact lines of your plan. Chances are they will differ, use your plan asa guideline.

A. Launching your campaign

At this stage you should have already got a good idea about which channels you will beusing to promote your campaign. The media team would have already created accountson Twitter, Facebook and YouTube so as to document your struggle and keep thesupports up to date on what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen.

When launching your campaign, meeting with people who can do something and hopefullyhelp you change the current corrupt system is essential. One could say it’s the officialbegin of the campaign. It is however very unlikely that they will do anything if they are inactual fact benefitting from the corrupt system. Again, make sure that your team iscommitted. For this kind of campaign there must be complete trust among team members.

If they are not interested in what you have to say, inform them that you will demonstratethe current corrupt system and bring about change peacefully. You struggle has officiallybegun!

How will you go about launching your campaign?

• When will you first start spreading the message of corruption?o E.g. Once I have a solid plan of action I will begin to spread subtle

messages about the corruption in my school. So ‘planting the seed.’


• Who will be your target audience?o E.g. My target audience will be the children within the school. My hope is

that through their involvement and passion in the fight, their parents will take an interest and so a snowball effect of gaining supporters would have started.


• How will you get the attention of the media, school heads and ministry of education?

o E.g. We will plan a series of stand-ins, protests , etc . to get the attention of the press and through the them get our message out there to a wider audience.


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B. Protesting

There is a large variety of different forms of protesting you can participate in. Each andever one of them are effective depending on how well you implement it and where you


What different types of protesting will you organise during your campaign?• Marches

• Stand-ins

• Picketing

• Demonstrations

• Strike

Where will your protesting take place?• E.g. We will protest at the school, if nothing come of this we will walk to the

education ministry.

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3. Struggle leads to SUBSTANCE

Why does struggle lead to substance? Corrupt officials have on many occasions beenthreatened by individuals about their corrupt practices, but nothing has ever materialised from

it. Because of this they do not feel threatened and so do not take these past individuals andyou seriously. In order for this to happen you need to show him/her that you will fight until justice prevails and you will never give up. This stubbornness to never give up will show thatyour campaign is different from all the others; yours has a drive and substance to go to thevery end. This will do two things, firstly, it will scare the officials, and secondly, it will helpmotivate your supporters as well as gain more people to join your cause.

A. Be Prepared

During your struggle many unexpected things may happen. You might get arrested. Your fellow activists might also get arrested. Your families might be scolded by fellow peers andsome of your family members may loose their jobs. It’s not an easy thing to fightcorruption; you need to understand this. The people who benefit from being corrupt do not

want to loose their jobs, as well as the money they get from being corrupt. The morepressure you put on them and the more support you have, will make them sweat and soput a lot of pressure on you, your fellow activists, and their families. The problem is thatwhen you are showing the masses the true colours of these corrupt people, they thenbecome desperate and therefore are likely to do just about anything to save their tail.

B. Stand your ground

Your struggle will be long and hard, you will receive many threats, bribes to keep quite andpleas to stop from many people. Stand your ground, do not give in! This is the point whereyour leadership, integrity, strength, etc. will be tested.

How can you improve on your leadership potential so you can deal with theproblems you will face during your campaign effectively?

• E.g. I need to be able to rely and trust on the fact that my team members can dotheir jobs effectively so I can focus my efforts on conducting the campaign

When you are at the negotiating table what outcome will be acceptable if you areunable to achieve your exact goal or vision?

• E.g. Officials do not want to get rid of the corrupt teachers, so we then ask toappoint external examiners to ensure marks are being awarded on merit.

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C. Keep your team and activists motivated

Motivation is an essential part of ensuring that you have constant support throughout your campaign. What tends to happen is that support is high at the beginning of the campaign

when emotion and excitement is high but as time goes by the emotion and excitement canwear off. To prevent this from happening you need to keep the protesters and your teammotivated.

What will motivate your team?• E.g. Achieving goals that we had set during our planning stage will motivate the

team. Each goal achieve is another step closer to our goal and that alone is agreat form of motivation.

• We need to keep our supports updated on what is happening, this keeps theminvolved and helps motivate them when they see our progress

What will you need to do to motivate your team?• E.g. In order for me, the leader, to motivate my team I will need to stay motivated

and encourage the team members and large support group. Keeping them well informed through sustained lines of communication, their spirits up and energy high all depends on how motivated they are. My passion and drive will also helpwith the motivation.

• I need to follow through on all I have said and claimed, this shows my fellow supports and opposition that we mean business and we are not weak and doubtful.

Get out!• E.g. I am planning to host a football match during the weekend where we can

relax and recharge our batteries. Having some days off are good to help withmotivation.

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4. Review

Your campaign is finished. You have either reached all you goals and vision, reached some of

your goals or you were unable to reach any. Not achieving any of your goals does not meanyou failed, you did not fail. You stood up for what you knew was right and fought for it. Welldone! The job is however not finished.

The whole point behind looking back on what you have done is to document it. Write downwhere and when you came across problems, how you overcame them etc. At the end you willhave your own personalised manual on how you went about fighting corruption. This manualcan then be used as a blue print for other youth around the world who want to fight corruption.Even though you lost the battle it does not mean you lost the war on anti-corruption.

A. Where could you have improved your campaign?• E.g. We could have put more focus on fighting cultural corruption at the same time • • • •

B. What was a major obstacle during your campaign that you were not able toforesee?

• E.g. We did not have enough money to do everything we wanted. We should havetried to fundraise

• • •

C. What would you change about your leadership style?• E.g. I need to improve on my public speaking skills• •

D. What awareness campaign was very effective during your campaign?• E.g. Using the internet, mobile phones and social networks to get our message out

there to the masses• • • •

E. Which form of protesting was most effective? Why?
