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CULTUREMeeting 15, March 1, 2010

Chapter 6: Bio-Cultural, Part IIMidTerm Review

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Self-Assessment of individual contributions (Late)

MidTerm on Wednesday, March 3 Reviewing

Assessing teamwork (March 10)

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Chapter 6: Bio-Cultural

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Teamwork Exercises

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Exam Questions

What is a good example of an integration between environment and society? An increase in local solidarity because of

natural catastrophes. The development of an opposable thumb. Bic lighters

What is acclimatization? Individual, quick, biological reversible change The development of an opposable thumb. Tempo car shelter

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First Half

Using This Book: Thinking Like an Anthropologist

1. Conceptual 2. Naturalistic 3. Holistic 4. Comparative 5. Temporal 6. Bio-Cultural

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Class Meetings

1. Concepts of Culture2. Roles, Cultural Anthropologist3. Self-survey, book, anthropology,

diversity4. Careers, Culture5. Characteristics of Culture, Race and

Ethnicity6. Ethics, fieldwork, ethnography7. Science/humanities, field methods

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Class Meetings

8. Holism, epistemology, structure, kinship 9. Holistic thinking10. Naturalism/Humanism, HRAF,

Folkloristics11. Etic/Emic, Universals12. Time, Cultural Change, Tradition13. History14. Environment, Biology, Integration

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Glossary Items (1-6)-1

1. Acclimatization2. Acculturation3. Agricultural

economy4. Balanced

reciprocity5. Biological

adaptation6. Biological


7. Biological evolution

8. Civilization9. Commercialization

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Glossary Items (1-6)-2

1. Cultural adaptation

2. Cultural construct3. Culture4. Culture shock 5. Development6. Developmental

adaptation 7. Diffusion

8. Direct diffusion9. Economic

anthropology10. Economy

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Glossary Items (1-6)-3

1. Emic/ Etic2. Enculturation3. Entrée 4. Ethnic flags5. Ethnic groups6. Ethnicity7. Ethnography8. Ethnohistory 9. Extended  family


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Glossary Items (1-6)-4

1. Foraging economy2. Fraternal

polyandry3. Genealogy 4. Generalized

reciprocity5. Globalization6. Holism7. Horticultural

8. Household9. Implicit culture

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Glossary Items (1-6)-5

1. Key informants 2. Kin terms3. Linear thinking4. Longitudinal5. Market6. Matriliny7. Monogamy8. Naturalistic 9. Negative

reciprocity10. Nuclear family


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Glossary Items (1-6)-6

1. Participant observation

2. Patriliny 3. Political economy4. Politicization5. Polyandry6. Polygyny 7. Post-marital

residence rule

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Glossary Items (1-6)-7

1. Q-mode/R-mode 2. Race3. Rapport 4. Reciprocity5. Redistribution6. Reductionism7. Revitalization

movement 8. Rites of reversal

9. Scenario10. Sexual division of


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Glossary Items (1-6)-8

1. Society2. Socio-natural

system3. Stimulus diffusion4. Strategy of

adaptation5. Syncretism 6. System7. Systemic

relationship8. Tempocentric9. Temporal