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Japan takes home the prizeTreaty of Shimonoseki is signed



Inside this issueJapan takes home the prize, Treaty of Shimoseki is signed ---Page 1& 3

What about you? The weekly interview ------Page 2

Japanese soldiers monsters?

------Page 4

Dear Mushi ------Page 4

Weekly cartoon contest

------Page 5

What’s in? The new lifestyle

------Page 5

Speak up! Editorials

------Page 6

Apr, 23 !895, Issue 103

By Anny Hu

•China had to give up Korea and recognize it as an independent state.•China had to give Formosa (Taiwan), the Liaoning Peninsula and Pescadores Islands to Japan•4 new ports were open in China for the Japanese to trade.•China had to pay an indemnity of 200 million teals to Japan.•Japan gained most favored nation rights on China

The Chinese were very unpleased with the treaty as they have lost so much power. However, they did not have any options but to agree as they lost miserably and suffered a terrible defeat against the Japanese armies during the Sino-Japanese War.

This treaty provided the Japanese with more control over East Asia, and proved to the Western countries that Japan was becoming a strong nation that they could not neglect. The Japanese government and the generals were all very proud of the outcomes of the war. “This was one of the best battles we’ve fought so far.” said General Hito. (continues on page 3)

After Japan’s defeat against the Chinese during the Sino-Japanese war, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed on April 17, 1895 by Ito Hirobumi from Japan and Li Hong Chang from China. This officially ended the war after 2 years and showed Japan’s victory as China had to pay harsh prices to Japan, providing them with many privileges and power.

By the terms of the treaty, China had to give much of its land and power to the Japanese. The main provisions of the treaty were:


“Japanese soldiers are like cruel, cold-hearted beasts with no humanity. It is people like them who make this world such a bloody place”

-British journalist(read more on page 4)


Sino-Japanese War Special: Page1-4


AGE: 83





WHAT ABOUT YOU?The weekly interviewBy Anny Hu

In this week’s issue, we have the Yoshima Ita as our guest. He has lived in Sapporo his whole life working as a peasant. Let’s see what he has to say about Japan’s big victory in the Sino-Japanese war.

Q: How did you first hear about the victory of Japan?

A: One day, when I woke up in the morning, many people were shouting and screaming loudly outside my window. I went to check what all the noise was. I was somewhat worried because I thought some Chinese men came to Sapporo and wanted to attack. However, I found out that China had surrendered to Japan the day before. This was exciting news! I then opened my newest radio and I hear that Japan had won a great victory!

Q: Were any of your children in the army?

A: Yes, I have two sons and one daughter. Both my sons are in the army, but my daughter is at home because girls are not allowed to fight. I am very proud of both my sons, one is alive but the other one is still missing. Hopefully we will hear from him very soon. The whole family is very worried; however, dying for our country is a very proud thing to do. I wish I could go fight for our country myself but I am too old.

Q: Did you feel very scared when the war was happening, what if the Chinese armies came?

A: No, I did not feel any fear at all. I love my country very much and would be very proud if I had died fighting for it. However, they are fighting in China, and the Chinese armies are not powerful enough to invade Japan. It is proven that they weren’t even strong enough to defend their own country! –Laughs-

Q: There is a lot of news about the Battle of Port Arthur leaking from the westerners. It is said that the Japanese were very cruel beasts and immoral because they killed everyone they saw and cut off innocent peoples heads. However, the Japanese government did not say anything about this. What is your opinion?

A: I think that what they said is nonsense. Although I respect everything that is western, I believe that what they reported is wrong this time. I think that the Chinese made them do this on purpose as a war strategy. Us Japanese are not cruel monsters; we are simply very strong and brave people fighting for our own country. And besides, if we didn’t kill any people in the war, how could we have won?

Q: Do you think the Japanese army should fight again?

A: Absolutely. China is such a big country with so many people, while Japan is so small. We are a very strong and powerful nation and should definitely have more land! War is simply a way to decide upon a argument. If you are more powerful, the opposing country should listen to you. I think war is just a strategy to find out who is more powerful.

Q: How have your feelings about Japan changed after this war?

A: I have always believed that Japan is one of the most powerful nations in the world. Although it is small, it can defeat many big countries. After the war, we now have evidence of this and have proven to the world how strong we are. With not even a quarter of their land and nearly half their people, Japan has won China without any challenge. I hope more countries will soon realize that Japan is very superior.

Would you like to be the next guest? Dial 8967-1564 now to get a change! Our next station is Tokyo, don’t miss out on this great opportunity!


As Japan tasted their victory, the country was once again in peace. The war lasted two years, with Japan defeating and conquering a lot of the Chinese land, forcing them to surrender.

Overview of the Sino-Japanese War

As China and Japan have been enemies for a long time, they never publicly attacked one another. However, China’s dominant role in East China was recently challenged by the more powerful and modern Japan, under Meiji’s rule. Japan strived for “RICH COUNTRY, STRONG MILITARY” and began to use war as a solution to its problems.

Korea had always payed tribute to China, as China was a very big and strong country. The Japanese disliked this situation as they wanted more power in Asia. The government requested Korea to pay tribute to Japan as well as China ; however, the Korean government refused to do so. The Japanese started a military campaign (started by the ex-samurais) and in 1877, they forced the opening of Korea. Japan used a gunboat diplomacy (like Perry’s in 1853 against Japan itself) and opened a few ports and also recognized Korea as a independent country.

China and Japan’s relationship therefore became worse and worse because of Korea. In 1894, the Korean government asked for some Japanese and Chinese armies to help them squash the rebellion that wanted to preserve “Eastern Learning”. After both troops arrived, the rebellion was already put down by local forces. Neither of the countries wanted to leave and Japan forced the King of Korea to sign an order to expel from the Chinese. The Chinese were very unhappy about this and sent a troopship to Korea, which was sunken by a Japanese Navy. A state of war then existed between both countries.

The war was fought for nearly two years about the independence of Korea. The Japanese won great victories on both land and sea. Japan won most battles, such as P’yongyang, Weihaiwei, Manchuria and Port Arthur etc. More Chinese soldiers were killed and China was therefore forced to surrender and sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

Map of the battles during the first Sino-Japanese war.

Timeline: Sino-Japanese WarTimeline: Sino-Japanese War

1894 Events

1 August Declaration of war

16 September Quick Japanese victories at P’yongyang

17 September Chinese warships defeated at Yalu River

21 November Port Arthur, Manchuria falls to the Japanese

1895 Events

12 February Final collapse of Chinese fleet at Weihaiwei

17 April Treaty of Shimonoseki ends war


Japanese Soldiers monsters?DEAR MUSHI

By Anny Hu

DEAR MUSHI, My parents are all farmers and have never gone to school before, I am the first one in the family. However, I do not like school because there is too many things to memorize, but my parents are mad. Should I quit school?

Yoshima, age 14

HELLO YOSHIMA,No, you shouldn’t quit school. After the Meiji emperor has come to thrown, everyone is finally allowed to learn. Your parents did not have the opportunity and ended up being farmers. Surely, you do not think want to grow up like them. You should still go to school and learn knew knowledge so that one day you can become a general in the parliament or a better job with more money.


DEAR MUSHI, Today is my birthday and my son bought me a new american hat. He has told me that I could cut off my topknot and wear this hat instead. I have worn my topknot since the age 20 when I first became a Samurai; althouth I am not one now, should I take my sons advice to wear this new hat?

Honako, age 62

HELLO HONAKO, Yes, I think that it is a good idea that you cut your topknot and wear this new hat. After the Meiji emperor came to thrown, everything has become better and more modern. The western clothing is a very important part of this. You should feel honored that you can wear their things. Thank your son for this wonderful present. The topknot is no longer needed since the rule of all samurais having topknots no longer exists.


Is there something bothering you? Something you can’t decide? Well then write to Mushi for great suggestions!

By Anny Hu

It has been reported by many foreign journalists and media that “Japanese soldiers are cruel, cold-hearted monsters”. This was very shocking to many Japanese citizens since they’ve never heard such a thing. This statement was made after the Battle at Port Arthur during the Sino-Japanese war between China and Japan on November 21, 1894. The Battle of Port Arthur proved to be a very bloody and cruel fight. It was estimated by the Chinese government that more than 60000 Chinese were killed in this battle.

The siege of Port Arthur was a drawn out, brutal affair that lasted more than three months. However, after it ended, only 300 Japanese soldiers had died. On the other side, more than 60000 Chinese soldiers were killed by the Japanese forces. The foreign journalists and Chinese reported that many of the people’s heads were cut off immediately after spotted by a Japanese soldier. They also used crucial methods such as burning the people or shooting them in the body, letting people wait until they lost too much blood and die. The Chinese were killed in their homes, on the streets, anywhere to be seen. The roads were filled with corpses and blood was everywhere to be seen. The Japanese soldiers have completely lost control and became human killing monsters.

However, the Japanese government and military tried to defend themselves, “Indeed many Chinese men were killed”, said a General, “But it was just like any other battle. In order to win, we must kill our opponent. We killed how much was needed in order to win. We didn’t kill anyone we saw, that is simply a rumor. The soldiers were completely in control and were simply doing what they were told, defending our country. And what is a war without blood? China is willing to risk their men in a war. There is no “insurance” for anything once they’ve agreed to fight for justice. What do you think is wrong with brave and powerful soldiers who love their country and are just doing their job.” The Japanese government want the citizens to know that they were not monsters and hope that they do not listen to the foreign journalists and the Chinese.

Who to believe? Is the real question for all the Japanese citizens. Although the government is denying this situation, it is still hard for people to completely trust them. A recent journal entry was found, it was written by Okabe Nakio, a Japanese soldier.

“As we entered the town of Port Arthur, we saw heads of a Japanese soldier displayed on a wooden stake. This filled us with rage and a desire to crush any Chinese soldier. Anyone we saw in the town was killed. The streets were filled with corpses, so may they blocked our way. We killed people in their homes...We shot some, hacked others...Firing and slashing, it was unbounded joy. At this time, our artillery troop were at the rear, giving three cheers for the emperor. “



The truth about the Battle of Port Arthur is yet to be discovered. The Japanese government still need more evidence to prove that they didn’t do the wrong thing. And what about Nakio’s journal? Is that all true? All in all, Japan’s reputation in the world has gone down a level. In other people’s eyes, the Japanese soldiers have already became “cold-hearted monsters.”




Like to draw? Want to world to see it? Then hurry up and subscribe your drawings to THE MEIJI WEEKLY now, and win a free american radio!



This spring, the newest ballroom gowns are the most popular clothes you can find! They are designed in the west and imported from overseas. The British wear them, the Americans wear them, and so should we! Take off the old-fashioned uniforms and put on the beautiful western gowns to show all your friends and family. They are suitable for people ages 15-60 and will make you look graceful and modern. Most importantly, they will make you look western! Now don’t miss out on this great chance to dress live like a westerner.

What hairstyle should you cut? The answer is easy! The British hairstyle is the most suitable for you. It will make you look elegant and beautiful at the same time. The westerners have had this hairstyle for many years and they have it whenever an important event comes up. As it is one of the most popular hairstyles in Britain, we must start learning as well. So take off your topknots, and start braiding! The attention you will get will overwhelm you. Don’t hesitate to try the best hairstyle ever!

Don’t you all want to give your husband a surprise dinner when he comes home after a long and tiring day of work? Don’t you want to show how grateful you are for all his hard work? Well make him some beefsteak for dinner! This delicious meal is one of the most popular dishes in America and provides people will energy for their next day. Tired of Sushi? Tired of rice? Try the newest beefsteak, they’re easy to cook and delicious to eat!


By Anny Hu



In 1873, the government was in a financial crisis because they spent to much money on new capital for industry. Therefore, in order to fix this problem, a new land tax was introduced. Farmers had to pay 3 percent of their annual crop to the government. But this became a huge burden on the farmers, but was the greatest source of revenue. What do you think about this?


My life as a peasant was hard ever since I was a young girl. My family didn’t have that much land and we had to work very hard in order to feed ourselves. Ever since the new land tax started, my life became even harder because I had to give up some of my money to the government, although I had a little to start with. I think that the land tax should stop because it is making the lives of the farmers harder. Although the government do need money. I think it is more reasonable for them to cut back on some of the annually costs. I believe that they waste a lot of money on unimportant things. The government shouldn’t be so selfish and make the poor and hardworking peasants fix and make up for their problems.


The new land tax was the greatest idea the government every had. I think that they should keep on doing this because although the farmers have to work a little harder, the government now have some more money to make Japan a better country. Ever since the the Meiji emperor came to thrown, Japan has become a better country. But in order to do so, they also need money to make this happen. As a Japanese citizen, I believe that it is only right for us to help our nation. We have to look at the big picture and see how this will only benefit ourselves. The new land tax should definitely keep on going and Japan will become a strong country!


-Emperor Meiji

