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Page 2: ANNUAL REVIEW 2016 - Halifax Foundation NI ANN… · MATCHED GIVING 2016 Volunteering • 20 Volunteering claims were made by staff members who volunteered their time. • 1,063 volunteering

CONTENTS1. Chairman’s Report 3

2. Foundation Manager’s Report 5

3. Grants Overview 7

4. Matched Giving Scheme 9

5. Community Grants Programme 11

6. Community Grants Awarded 12

7. Community Grants Programme Process 20

8. Special Initiatives Programme 23

9. Trustees of the Foundation 25

10. Trustees’ Statement & Independent Auditors’ Report 29

11. Statement of Financial Activities 31

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Du Dance ‘Funding from Halifax Foundation enables us to run youth engagement groups for young people in Ballymoneyand Dungannon, using dance as a powerful tool for increasing confidence and self-esteem, and building skills andteam work. The groups focus on making an impact in their own community undertaking inter-cultural and inter-generational work. At the same time they have fun, get fitter and make lasting friendships.’

Mags Byrne, Artistic Director, Du Dance

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In presenting my first Chair’s report, I amdelighted that the Foundation has had anothersuccessful year. In 2016 we received £1,013,312from Lloyds Banking Group to support ourcharitable activities. This invaluable support hasenabled us in turn to offer funding to many worthyorganisations throughout Northern Ireland.

Given the Charity Commission requirement for allentities having a ‘charitable purpose’ to beregistered with them, we will now only acceptapplications from either registered charities, orthose is in the process of doing so. We alsoremoved closing dates for receipt of applicationsto the Community Grants Programme, whichmeans that charities can now apply at any time.In return, we now commit to responding withinfour months.

In 2016 the Foundation considered 377Community Grants applications, and we offeredgrants to 240 entities totalling £828,885. This wasa reduction of 30% on 2015, which may reflectcharities’ lag in adjusting to our changedprocedures. The Foundation continues to reviewour procedures, and our focus on those smaller,less well-funded bodies which have beenparticular hit by the public sector budget cuts.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2016We also continued the Matched GivingProgramme, where the Foundation matchesmoney and voluntary labour for chosen charitiesby Lloyds/Halifax Bank staff. In 2016, 413 awardswere made totalling £140,018.

Our third programme, Special Initiatives, supportsthe voluntary sector as a whole, although in 2016we made only one award, for £3,450.

The success of all our initiatives is due to thecontinuing dedication and hard work of bothFoundation staff and Trustees. This wasparticularly true in 2016 as maternity leave forseveral staff put pressure on everyone, as did theongoing management re-structuring.

Early in 2016, the Board approved a namechange, from the ‘Lloyds Bank Foundation forNorthern Ireland’ to ‘The Halifax Foundation forNorthern Ireland’. Early indications suggest thatthis is strengthening the relationship between theFoundation and the Lloyds Banking Group inNorthern Ireland, which consists of both Halifaxbranches and the wider Group supportadministrative centre at the Gasworks in Belfast.

My gratitude goes to all our invaluable Trustees,who give unstintingly of their time and expertiseto ensure, along with staff, that we maintain ourgovernance standards, meet our objectivessuccessfully, and also operate as efficiently andeffectively as possible. On behalf of all of theTrustees I would also like to express our gratitudeto Anthony Reynolds, our previous Chairman fromwhom I took over in March 2016, and James Grantfor their respective valuable contributions to theFoundation, as both retired having completedtheir terms of service. We also thank Pat Patten,who had a brief spell as Trustee until she had tostep down in September, and Richard Buckley,whose work commitment forced him to relinquishhis trusteeship on 31 January 2017. The Trusteesalso express their appreciation for the long serviceof Sandara Kelso-Robb, who stepped down asExecutive Director after fourteen years at theFoundation. We wish her well in the future.

I believe that over the years of the Foundation’sexistence it has created a special space for itselfin the Northern Ireland community. We will striveto sustain this by continuing to search for creativeways to alleviate disadvantage and disability in alltheir aspects.

Dr Brian ScottChairman21 March 2017

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Big Telly Theatre Company‘Big Telly Theatre Company are delighted to have received funding from Halifax Foundationfor Northern Ireland. Big Telly’s faerie trail at Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart is a series offaerie houses, designed by children from local schools and made by local men’s groups. Thefaerie houses reflect the personalities of magical characters inspired by new stories byBallymoney-based writer Jane Talbot, as well as birdlife in the park.’

Zoe Seaton, Artistic Director

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I am very pleased to report that the Foundationhas had another successful year.

Despite the severe challenges facing our voluntaryand community sector, the Foundation has beenfortunate, in being able to continue providing areliable funding source.

In 2016, we supported 240 charities via ourCommunity Grants Programme with a total of£828,885, an average of £3,453 per recipient.These modest sums have, in turn, impacted viathe grant recipients upon the lives of a remarkable89,853 people living in all parts of NorthernIreland.

We participate, along with our colleagues inHalifax and Lloyds Banking Group, in the MatchedGiving Scheme, which amplifies staff charitablefundraising and volunteering. 413 of thesematched grants were approved during the year,totalling £140,018. A particular aspect of this veryworthwhile scheme is that the staff themselvesselect the charities they wish to support.

The Foundation also makes Special Initiativeawards to support the sector as a whole. In 2016we gave £3,450 to the Northern Ireland RuralWomen’s Network, which operates in all parts ofour country areas to assist local women’s groups.

FOUNDATION MANAGER’S REPORT 2016We are proud of our evolving application process,considered to be one of the most user-friendly.Another feature particularly attractive to the sectoris our willingness to support core costs, which arealways very difficult for charities to fund.

As you read through the 2016 annual review, Ihope you will gain a sense of the wide reach ofour investment in the community.

None of the achievements of 2016 would bepossible without the support of our sole donor,Lloyds Banking Group, and we look forward toworking ever more closely with Bank colleaguesin the future.

The Foundation would, of course, not be possiblewithout the dedication of our Trustees andFoundation Team. I would like to expressparticular thanks to our outgoing Chairman, MrTony Reynolds OBE, whose commitment to theFoundation and the groups that we support wasgreatly appreciated. I would also like to extend awarm welcome to our recently appointed chair, DrBrian Scott, and deputy chair, Ms ImeldaMcMillan.

It was with sadness that we said goodbye inNovember 2016 to our Executive Director, SandaraKelso-Robb – both a mentor and friend to the staffteam. We wish her well with all future endeavours.

As we move in to 2017, we are both enthused andexcited at what the Foundation can offer the thirdsector in Northern Ireland. Already we are seekingout new ways to respond to the needs of thecharities we support.

Brenda McMullanFoundation Manager

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St. Patrick’s Flower Arranging Club‘St. Patrick's Flower Arranging Club is delighted to have received funding from Halifax Foundation.This has allowed us to flourish and bring the joy of flower arranging to many people fromdisadvantaged backgrounds and those with various physical and mental disabilities.

This opportunity has made a huge difference to the lives of these people, offering them socialinteraction, creativity and improving their overall confidence and well-being.’

Maureen Daly, Chairperson

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During 2016, the Foundation made 654 grants across 3Grant Programmes totalling £972,353.

We received a total of 377 applications to our CommunityGrant Programme and funded 240 organisations. Theaverage grant awarded in this programme was £3,453.Applications were received from across the sector includingcommunity groups, youth groups, older people’s groupsand organisations supporting those with a disability, toname a few.



240number of community

organisations supported in 2016

£828,885total awarded to

community organisations

£3,450total funding awarded to



413Matched Giving

applications wereapproved

£140,018total funding


The Halifax Foundation for NorthernIreland supports charitable organisationswithin Northern Ireland to enablepeople, who are disadvantaged or withspecial needs, to participate actively intheir communities.

£972,353total grant spend 2016


TOTAL: 654






HQ in UK










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£419 in fundraising


Matched Giving

St John Ambulance is the nation’s leading first aidcharity. Every year, more than 400,000 peoplelearn how to save a life through trainingprogrammes, including hundreds of thousands ofyoung people. Volunteers provide first aid in theircommunities, keeping people safe at events, andworking alongside the NHS in response to 999calls.

Photo: Marina Phair and Lisa Stanex from LloydsBanking Group who carried out volunteering for StJohn’s Ambulance in 2016.

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The Matched Giving Scheme is open to anyLloyds Banking Group plc employee based inNorthern Ireland, including group subsidiaries. Itprovides an excellent opportunity to increasefunds for local charities with employees takingpart in activities ranging from raffles andmarathons to dress down days. Group employeescan claim up to £1,000 a year to match fundsraised or hours volunteered for registered charitiesthat support disadvantaged or disabled peoplethroughout Northern Ireland.

In 2016, there were 413 applications approvedwhich resulted in £140,018 matched fundingbeing granted to registered charities in NorthernIreland. The average claim was £339.


• 393 fundraising claims were approved for avariety of fundraising activities.

• £131,514 was given to charities by theFoundation

MATCHED GIVING 2016Volunteering

• 20 Volunteering claims were made by staffmembers who volunteered their time.

• 1,063 volunteering hours were matched.

• £8,504 was given to the charities by theFoundation.

The overall financial benefit to charities was£320,432 including £180,414 raised directly byemployees.

The top ten charities supported through theMatched Giving Scheme were:

• BBC Children in Need

• Helping Hands Autism Support Group

• Macmillan Cancer Support

• Cancer Fund for Children

• Clic Sargent

• Tiny Life

• The Christopher McCollum Fund

• Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

• Marie Curie

• PIPS Charity

The types of fundraising activities included:

• Brave the Shave

• Cake Sale

• Abseil

• Fire Walking

• Raffle

• Quiz Night

The types of volunteering activities included:

• Football Coaching

• St John’s Ambulance

• Committee Work

• Youth Club Leader

• Wheelchair Basketball Coaching

£140,018Matched Giving granted 2016

Children in Needthe Charity of the Year for 2016

the Charity of the Year for 2016 was BBC Children in need. they received£20,086 from the Matched GivingScheme, which supported 60 MatchedGiving applications.

St John’s Ambulance 3 staff members of lloyds Banking Group, Marina Phair,lisa Stanex and lesley Burke volunteer for St John’sambulance. Volunteering includes completing trainingand administering first aid to those in need. the staffmembers were able to claim 181 hours, providing£1,448 to the charity ( a value of £8 per hour is setagainst volunteering hours). 1 fundraiser was alsocarried out raising a total of £419.00.



413number of

Matched Giving applications approved

£140,018total awarded through

Matched Giving

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Newry Muay Thai‘Through the generousity of Foundations such as Halifax we are able to continue to do our work,and impact so many in the local community. We would like to thank Halifax Foundation for NI forall they have done over the years to allow us to bring our organisation to where it is today!’

Sean Smyth, Chairperson

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The Community Grant Programme continues tobe the main focus of the Foundation withparticular emphasis on social and communitywelfare, and education and training. It is a rollingprogramme, allowing charities to apply to theprogramme at any time.

In 2016, we received a total of 377 applications tothe Community Grant Programme. Applicationswere received from a wide variety of charitableorganisations including pre-school groups,women’s and men’s groups, disability support andarts organisations.

Of the applications received, 240 were supportedin 2016 to a total sum of £828,885, resulting in anaverage grant award of £3,453.

COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAMME £3,453average grantawarded 2016



377applications made to our Community Grant Programme

240number of Community

organisations supported

£828,885total sum awarded

to Community organisations



6.5% Education / Training5.5% Support for Women

7% Early Years

1.5% Afterschools

4% Older Years

32% CommunityService/Development

Youth Provision 9.5%

Advice Services 1.5%

Disability Support 8%

Illness Support 2.5%

Health 6.5%

Sports 6.5%

Support for Men 0.5%

1% Social Enterprise

Arts 7.5%

53% - Mixed Age GroupsInfants (0-4) - 6%Children (5-11) - 6%

Young People (12-24) - 17%

Adults (25-49) - 8%

Age 50+ - 10%

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Organisation Grant Purpose Grant Amount £A Positive Life Towards the Positive Peers project. 3,870 Accolade Towards Admin Officer's salary, laptop and insurance costs. 4,469 Action Deaf Youth Towards rent costs. 5,000 Adoption UK Towards the rental of new premises. 4,000 Age Concern Causeway Towards the salary of the Community Engagement Worker. 5,000 Aisling Centre Towards the Probation Counselling Service. 4,000 All Set Cross Cultural Project Towards the 'Linking Special Schools with Mainstream Schools via Traditional Arts' project. 3,280 Ardinariff Historical & Cultural Society Towards the provision of a 20ft x 8ft storage container. 2,000 Ardoyne Association Towards the Community Empowerment Programme. 3,000 Ardstraw Area Women's Group Towards materials and facilitator costs. 1,000 Armagh Child Contact Centre Towards volunteer costs, running costs and a printer. 2,834 Ashes To Gold Towards rent, workshop tools and safety equipment. 3,445 Association of Infant Mental Health (NI) Towards conference catering and conference materials. 1,700 Autonomie Towards programme costs and course fees. 3,600 Ballee and District Community Group Towards art materials and venue hire. 3,000 Ballybeen Women's Centre Towards tutor and accreditation costs of the Beauty Means Business programme. 4,400 Ballyhornan & District Community Association Towards running costs. 3,600 Ballymarlow & District Community Group Towards promotion of Ulster-Scots culture. 3,000 Ballymena Area Children's Contact Service Towards rent costs. 3,999 Ballymena Family Addicts Support Group Towards the Rory/Lila Project. 3,451 Ballymoney Community Resource Centre Towards the salary of the Older People’s Support Worker and IT Tutor costs. 2,000 Ballyvea Football Club Towards the salary of a Project Support Worker and a contribution towards training. 3,000 Banbridge Arthritis Care Towards 8 IPads and tutor fees for a computer course. 2,676 Belfast Community Sports Development Network Towards the costs of a freelance Marketing / PR Officer. 2,200 Belfast Exposed Towards facilitation costs of 'the Town' project. 3,600 Benedy Community Association Limited Towards the provision of a Centre Manager/Coordinator. 3,500 Benview Community Centre Towards materials, activities and volunteer costs for the Young Peoples Interest (YPI) Programme. 3,660 Big Telly Theatre Company Towards the 'Tweetland Bird Boxes' project. 3,000 Brain Injury Matters NI Towards rent and centre maintenance costs. 5,000 Brassneck Theatre Company Towards the 'Brassneck Youth' project. 3,000 Broughshane & District Community Association Limited Towards lunch clubs costs. 1,980 C.A.I.R.D.E. Towards the salary of the Development Manager. 5,000


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Organisation Grant Purpose Grant Amount £Cairn Lodge Amateur Boxing Club Towards equipment and running costs. 6,500 Camowen Partnership Trust Towards transport and transport supervision costs. 3,500 Carnagat Area Community Association Towards the 'Community Reminiscence' project. 3,500 Carrickfergus YMCA Towards running costs. 4,456 Cathedral Quarter Trust Towards Culture Night 2016. 3,000 Cathedral Youth Club Towards the 'Active Families' project. 3,000 Causeway Older Active Strategic Team Towards the 'Positive Ageing Month'. 3,000 Causeway Women's Aid Towards the Children and Young Persons project. 2,945 Caw-Nelson Drive Action Group Towards the Reading Between the Lines project. 3,700 Chapel Road Community Playgroup Towards running costs, resources, Early Years Specialist, and outdoor area. 4,176 Cheers Youth Centre Towards core costs. 4,000 Children and Parents and Autism Towards the summer programme of activities. 4,000 Children In Northern Ireland Towards the salary of the Coordinator. 3,500 Children With Cystic Fibrosis Dream Holidays Towards the provision of a 1 week holiday for 2 families with children who have cystic fibrosis. 2,500 Church of Ireland Board for Social Responsibility (NI) Towards printed materials. 1,750 Churches Voluntary Work Bureau Towards training and accreditation costs. 3,000 Clogher Valley Playgroup Towards running costs. 2,000 Cloona Child Contact Centre Towards rent costs. 5,000 Cloughmills Cultural & Historical Society Towards craft instructors' costs, materials and historical speakers' costs. 930 Colin Community Counselling Towards the 'Counselling in the Community' project. 3,150 Commedia of Errors Theatre Company Towards staff costs, materials, marketing and transport costs. 2,000 Community Dialogue Towards the 'Giving Women A Voice In Society' programme. 3,000 Community Focus Learning Towards tutor costs & publicity. 3,300 Community Intercultural Programme Towards refurbishment costs. 4,000 Compassion Belfast Towards the salary of a part time Project Coordinator. 4,000 Craigavon & Banbridge Volunteer Bureau Towards rent. 4,000 Craigavon Travellers Support Committee Towards the salary of a Project Administrator. 4,000 Craobh Rua Camlocha Towards coaching costs. 2,500 Creating Space Ltd Towards the 'Helping Us Grow More to Give More' programme. 4,056 Creggan Preschool & Training Trust Towards the salary of the Education Officer. 4,012 Crossfire Trust Towards oil, electricity and insurance costs. 4,950 Crossover Basketball N.I. Towards equipment, coaching costs and a celebration event. 4,700 Deanby Youth Centre Towards equipment costs. 3,500 Dennett Interchange Towards the salary of an Assistant Cook. 4,200

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Ballybeen Women’s Centre‘Our Beauty Means Business project equips womenwith Beauty Practitioner, business and enterprise skillsallowing them to gain nationally recognisedqualifications as well as explore employment and self-employment opportunities. Many thanks to the HalifaxFoundation for NI for funding this project.’

Amanda MarshallEducation and Training CoordinatorBallybeen Women’s Centre

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Organisation Grant Purpose Grant Amount £Derry Well Women Towards rent. 3,760 Destined Ltd Towards the 'Access to Society' project. 2,900 Devenish Partnership Forum Towards the salary costs of a part time Community Coordinator. 5,000 Dialogue For Diversity Towards volunteer costs. 4,800 Disability Sport NI Towards the Disability Sport Roadshows. 2,500 Donaghmore District Community Association Towards the purchase and installation of a mirrored wall. 3,250 Donemana Haven Towards equipment for the luncheon club, a networking visit and event costs. 2,000 Douglas Bridge Cross Community Association Ltd Towards the Supporting Older People programme. 2,000 Dreamscheme Northern Ireland Towards outings, gardening, community & cultural events, workshops and a minibus. 3,500 Drummond Centre Project Ltd Towards the youth club. 3,840 Drumragh Evergreen Senior Citizens Club Towards meals, speakers and taxi costs for a senior citizen luncheon club. 1,000 DU Dance (NI) Towards facilitator fees for the Youth Engagement Programme. 2,700 Dungiven Celtic Youth Football Club Towards 3G pitch hire, promotion/advertisement and sports equipment. 3,375 Dunmurry Community Association Towards the salary of a part time Administrative Officer. 4,500 Edgarstown Residents Association Towards 4 iPads. 1,916 Employers For Childcare Towards mileage costs. 3,000 Enagh Youth Forum Towards the salary of the Youth Support Worker. 4,500 Erne Paddlers Towards kayaks, paddlers and buoyancy aides. 3,000 Family Mediation NI Towards the salary of the part time Admininstration and Finance Officer. 6,000 Feeny Community Association Limited Towards the salary of the Project Coordinator. 4,500 First Steps Playgroup and Parent & Toddler Group Towards 'Fun Club' activities. 1,500 First Steps Women's Centre Towards the salary of the Benefits Checker and interpreting costs. 4,500 Foyle Parent's & Friends Association Towards the 'Here to Care' project. 3,000 Foyle Women's Information Network Towards the 'Summer Splash' project. 3,500 Foyle Youth and Community Association Towards the 'Health 4 U' project. 2,880 Friends of Glenveagh Towards art and music therapy costs. 5,000 Friends of Mitchell House Towards music therapy sessions. 4,830 Friends of Pavestone Centre Towards the salary of the part time Sales/Marketing Coordinator. 3,000 Garvagh & District Community Association Towards fencing and safety netting for the pitch. 3,000 Garvagh Development Trust Towards the salary of the Project Coordinator. 3,000 Giving Life Opportunities to Women Towards the 'Real Me' Project. 4,000 Glencolin Residents Association Towards Welfare Advice and Family Support Service. 4,000 Glenshane Care Association Ltd Towards centre core costs. 4,000 Go Kids Go! (Association of Wheelchair Children) Towards the cost of wheelchair skills workshops. 1,800 Good Morning Down Towards the salary of a Senior Telephone Carer. 3,473 Good Morning East Antrim Towards landline and mobile phone costs. 3,400 Gortkids Afterschool Club Towards provision of a Level 5 qualification in Management and Childcare. 1,400 Greater Glen Women's Group Towards the Craft Programme and 2 training courses. 3,500

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Organisation Grant Purpose Grant Amount £Green Shoot Productions Towards the 'Cross Community Theatre Skills' programme. 2,000 Greenway Womens Centre Towards Tapestry Software, iPads, accessories and a TV. 2,013 Greysteel Community Enterprise Towards the salary of the Programme Development Officer. 4,000 Happy Days Children's Charity Towards ticket and transport costs to the theatre for young people with special needs. 3,000 Happy Days Playgroup Towards the salary of a part time Playgroup Assistant. 3,000 Harry Gregg Foundation Towards the Administrator's salary. 4,055 HERE NI Towards the Volunteer Project. 2,928 Hobby Horse Playgroup Towards room hire costs. 3,000 Holy Trinity Centre Towards sessional music and movement therapist fees. 2,500 Holywood Family Trust Towards the Project Development Officer's salary. 4,000 Home Start Ards Comber and Peninsula Towards the Assistant Organiser's salary, Scheme Manager, administration and transport. 5,768 Home Start Armagh and Dungannon Towards volunteer and staff costs, rent, a family fun day and a volunteer recognition event. 4,500 Home Start Banbridge Towards supervision sessions, travel expenses and insurance. 4,457 Home Start Newry & Mourne Towards volunteer recruitment, training and activities. 4,500 Home Start Causeway Towards the Organiser/Co-ordinator's salary, First Aid training, travel costs, recruitment advertising and equipment. 4,613 Home Start Down District Towards the salary of the Coordinator. 4,000 Home Start Lisburn-Colin Towards core and volunteer costs. 3,750 Home Start North Belfast Towards the volunteer project. 5,860 Home Start North Down Towards the Outreach Project Organiser's salary. 4,513 Infertility Network UK Towards the Think Positive Workshops. 2,000 Jigsaw (NI) Towards the 'Act-Fit' programme. 3,500 Kairos Enterprises Towards the Horticultural Facilitator's fees. 5,000 Kids Inn After School Club Towards rent and insurance costs. 3,000 Kilcooley Women`s Centre Towards the 'STEP' (Supported Training into Employment) programme. 4,838 Kilkeel Parish Bridge Association Ltd Towards the salary of the Project Manager. 4,500 Killyleagh Football Club Towards IFA coaching. 2,580 Larne Community Development Project Towards running costs for the Resource Centre. 4,500 Larne YMCA Towards the Anti-bullying programme, Makaton training and the Leadership Programme. 6,000 Laurencetown, Lenaderg and Tullylish Community Association Towards the 'Out & About' programme. 2,750 Leckpatrick Development Association Towards running costs. 3,000 Liberty Consortium Towards the part time salary of the Inclusion Officer. 3,915 LifeReach NI Towards the salary of the Project Coordinator. 3,400 Lifestart Foundation Towards rent costs. 3,900 Lincoln Courts Youth & Community Association Towards the 'Celebrating Diversity' programme. 2,500 Link Family and Community Centre Towards the Director's salary. 4,000 Lisanelly Regeneration Group Towards running costs. 2,000 Lisburn YMCA Towards the 'Building Future Leaders' project. 2,970 Lissan Cross Community Playgroup Towards exterior and interior painting of building. 1,000 Little Folk Playgroup Towards outside play and learning resources, surfacing and sensory equipment. 1,500

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Organisation Grant Purpose Grant Amount £Loughgall Playgroup Towards laptop and whiteboard equipment. 1,000 Lurgan YMCA Towards the salary of the Chief Executive and the Personal Administrative Assistant. 6,000 Mac (NI) Towards the Project Worker's salary. 4,500 Macosquin Village Community Association Towards training costs and IT equipment. 2,240 Maghera Cross Community Link Towards the 'Maghera Cross-Community Link' project. 3,750 Magherafelt Women's Group Ltd Towards the 'Drab to Fab' project. 2,655 Maiden City Academy Towards pitch hire. 3,500 Maiden Voyage NI Ltd Towards the Nursery/Schools Outreach project. 3,000 Migrant Centre NI Towards the 'Belonging' project. 2,812 Mount St Catherine's Out of School Club Towards the salary of an Assistant Leader. 4,000 Muscular Dystrophy UK Towards the salary of the Advocacy & Information Officer and Occupational Therapist. 3,000 New Belfast Community Arts Initiative (Community Arts Partnership) Towards the core community programmes. 3,000 New Horizons Partnership Towards the Just Like Newer project. 4,000 New Life Counselling Towards rent and service charge. 3,950 Newhill Football Club Towards pitch hire, insurance & coach training. 2,400 Newpoint Players Towards commissioned professional costs. 3,000 Newry Foodbank Towards rent and shelving. 3,662 Newry Muay Thai Towards Martial Arts Instructor and equipment. 3,460 Newtownbutler Playgroup Ltd Towards running costs and equipment. 4,050 North Belfast Foodbank Towards the salary of the Part Time Coordinator. 6,120 North Belfast Interface Network Towards workshop costs and 2 cultural trips. 3,000 North West Counselling Limited Towards counsellors' fees and room hire, heating and lighting. 3,600 North West Football Centre Towards the salary of Community Sports Development Worker. 4,800 North West Play Resource Centre (The Playhouse) Towards the 'Song for the Soul' project. 3,000 Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities Towards the salary of a Senior Development Officer. 3,500 Oh Yeah Music Centre Towards the 'Urban Affinity' project. 3,000 Omagh Early Years Centre Towards afterschool refurbishment costs. 3,000 Out of the Shadows Towards programme costs for the 'Hens' Shed'. 3,000 Owenkillew Community Development Association Towards the General Manager’s salary. 4,000 Panda Cross Community Playgroup Towards outdoor play equipment. 1,000 Patrician Youth Centre Towards teacher costs. 4,000 Peninsula Healthy Living Partnership Limited Towards the cost of alterations to existing community space. 3,750 Phoenix ADHD Project Towards the Phoenix Youth Forum. 2,500 PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland Towards the Director's salary. 4,000 Project Ballynahinch Towards the salary of a part time Centre Manager. 4,000 Race Against Multiple Sclerosis Towards a Bio Fogging Unit, Compressor, defibrillator and pads. 5,000 Rascals Community Playgroup Towards running costs. 1,200 Redeeming Our Communities Northern Ireland Towards the Regional Development Officer's salary. 4,000 Richmount Playgroup Towards rent. 1,000

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Organisation Grant Purpose Grant Amount £Richmount Rural Community Association Towards the salary of a part time Caretaker. 3,500 Rosemount House Limited Towards the Help the Homeless Project. 4,350 Royal Ulster Academy of Arts Towards tutor fees, transport and materials. 2,820 S.T.E.P.S. (Stress Time Educations Progress Support ) Towards running costs. 4,000 Saturday Night Extra Towards the 'Laser Clay Shooting' project. 550 Schomberg Society Kilkeel Limited Towards 'A Guide to the Future' training and workshops. 2,525 Seagoe FC Towards external pitch hire costs. 2,000 Shopmobility Enniskillen Towards running costs. 4,000 Shopmobility Lisburn Towards the salary of the Administrator and travel costs. 3,400 Shopmobility Mid Ulster Towards running costs. 4,000 Shopmobility Omagh Towards equipment costs. 4,128 Short Strand Community Forum Towards the salary costs for the 'Women Moving Forward' project . 6,292 Solas Moyle Towards running costs. 4,290 Speedwell Trust Towards the 'STAMP' programme. 1,730 Springfield Charitable Association Towards the Volunteer Support project. 3,000 St Canice's GAA Towards the Community Engagement Officer's salary. 2,000 St Mary's Youth Club Towards salaries, materials, Young Leader Award, First Aid training, contribution towards a teambuilding event & residential. 2,800 St Michael's Amateur Boxing Club Towards rent and equipment. 4,080 St. Luke's Family Centre Towards centre refurbishment & the ICT suite. 3,000 St. Mary's PTA Banbridge Towards Parents Capacity Building and Counselling Support. 3,500 St. Oliver Plunkett FC Towards costs of the Volunteer Development project. 2,880 St. Patrick's Flower Arranging Club Towards hall hire, materials and demonstrator costs. 2,000 Stadium Projects, City Life Centre Towards core costs. 5,000 Star Neighbourhood Centre Towards website costs, volunteer training, transport and entrance fees. 4,000 Storehouse NI Towards a purchase of second hand van. 6,000 Strabane Community Project Towards a part time Community Hub Administrator. 3,995 Street Soccer NI Towards the 'East Belfast Street Soccer' project. 4,000 Sugar and Spice Early Years Centre Towards the salary of a part time Special Needs Assistant. 3,500 Superstars Club Towards running costs. 5,000 Survivors of Trauma Towards running costs of the 'Victims & Survivors' project. 3,970 TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Births Association) Towards all day antenatal sessions and information packs for multiple birth parents. 2,000 The 1825 Project Towards the Administrator's salary and training venue hire. 4,000 The Aghaderg Circle of Friends Towards core and activity costs. 2,867 The Brain Tumour Charity Towards the Operation Manager's salary. 4,500 The Cinnamon Network Towards the cost of supporting 3 churches in their social action work. 3,000 The Compassionate Friends NI Towards the Counselling Support Service. 4,000 The Diana Award Towards the 'Inspire Series' event in Belfast. 2,500 The Harmony Community Trust Towards the 'Spellbound Kids' project. 2,800 The Open Door Centre Towards the salary of the Community Worker. 3,500

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Organisation Grant Purpose Grant Amount £The Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group Towards the salary of a part time Development Worker. 3,931 The Pregnancy Resource Centre Towards Family Support Counselling. 3,468 The Rectory Residents Association Towards the 'Rectory Well-Being' Programme. 3,090 The Strabane and Lifford Resource and Development Group Towards tutor costs. 4,700 The William Keown Trust Towards cup engraving & certificate printing. 1,200 TheatreNI Towards the 'Skills Development & Mentoring' programme. 3,162 Three Ways Community Association Towards the ' Youth Engagement' project. 3,200 Tiny Tots Community Playgroup Towards running costs. 2,000 Tullyally Community Partnership Towards the 'Reading Between the Lines' project. 3,700 Via Wings Towards the salary of a Support Worker. 4,000 Vineyard Compassion Towards the 'Back to work - Compassion Interventions' project. 4,000 Waterside Women's Centre Towards the 'PAL' project. 3,810 Westville Family Resource Centre Towards rent costs. 4,000 WheelWorks Towards the running costs of the 'Multiple Realities' project and 'ArtCart' programme. 3,995 Women in Business NI Towards marketing and promotion for the 'Connect' programme. 4,000 Women's Centre Derry Towards ICT equipment, upgrade and installation. 3,480 Young at Art Towards the 'Creative Child' project. 4,000 Youth Link NI Towards tutor fees and administration costs. 4,000 Youthlife Towards the Coordinator's salary. 4,000

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Application PhaseAll applications to the Community Grant Programme mustbe made online. Factsheets are available to help completethe form. These documents can be downloaded from theCommunity Grant Programme section of our website:

Guidelines for Applicants

• Advice on completing the Form

• Monitoring and Evaluation Factsheet

• Supporting Document Checklist

The Grants Team offer pre-application meetings to charitieswhich are new to the Foundation, should you wish to comeinto the office and speak to a member of the team aboutyour project plans. To book an appointment, or forassistance please call or email the Foundation office on:

Tel: 028 9032 3000 or Email: [email protected]

Once applications have been received, they are checked forcompleteness and eligibility.

Assessment PhaseA member of the Grants Team responsible for assessing your grant application may contact you by:

The Assessor’s report is presented to the Grants Team. The Team then agree a recommendation.

Telephone Email Visit to discuss the application


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Decision & Post-Decision Phase

3 4

1 Three Trustees consider theapplications, along with teamrecommendations at the Review Committee Meeting.

2 The applications andrecommendations arethen verified by the full Board of Trustees.

3 Letters advising of theapplications outcomes are sent to all groups within 7 days of the Board Meeting.

4 Successful applicants will be asked tosubmit signed Terms and Conditionsand bank details, on receipt of whicha BACS payment will be issued.However, if the Trustees require youto meet a condition, payment will bedelayed until the requirement hasbeen satisfied.

Evaluation (12 months later)

1 You must submit anevaluation form, whichyou will complete online.

3 Successful applicants can re-apply to the Foundation aftertwelve months, provided a project evaluation has beensubmitted and approved; an organisation has not beenawarded a grant in three successive years; and an organisationcontinues to meet the eligibility criteria.

2 You may receive anevaluation visit from amember of the Grants Team.

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Northern Ireland Rural Women’s Network (NIRWN)‘NIRWN is thrilled to be awarded funding from HalifaxFoundation NI. The award will allow us to follow up ourrecent research which identified the key issues ofconcern to rural women by: providing opportunities tolink rural women to decision makers; share lobbyingtools; familiarise them with the structure of local andregional government and produce a report that can beused by rural women to support them to address theirown issues.’

Photo: Louise Coyle NIRWN meets with BrendaMcMullan at a recent Digital event, held by HalifaxFoundation for Northern Ireland, Google, Reason Digitaland Lloyds Banking Group in Glenavon, Cookstown.

Left to right: Rosie McCann (Foyle Women’s InformationNetwork), Louise Coyle (NIRWN), Brenda McMullan(Halifax Foundation for NI), Melvin Slaine (Black HorseFinance), Majella Murphy (NIRWN)


72direct beneficiaries

500indirect beneficiaries

£3,450 total

towards facilitation, room hire, travel,

catering, volunteer costs,transport and

publication of report

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The Special Initiatives Programme is reserved forapplications to the Community Grant Programmethat have a strategic focus and with a NorthernIreland wide benefit.

In 2016, the Foundation received one such project– The ‘Rural Voices’ project from Northern IrelandRural Women’s Network (NIRWN).

Northern Ireland Rural Women’s Network wasestablished in 2006 and is a membership basedorganisation with over 500 members. Membersreceive support through:

• Information and communication

• Group development support

• Provision of networking opportunities

• Policy and advocacy

NIRWN are part of a Women's RegionalConsortium, working to ensure regional supportfor women in disadvantaged and rural areas. Theywork in partnership with a range of community,voluntary and statutory organisations to ensurethat the voice of rural women is strong, and toadvance rural women's activities.


Recent research carried out by NIRWN and whichformed the basis of their Rural Women'sManifesto identified 6 key areas of concern asarticulated by their membership. 'Rural Voices'proposed to host 6 symposia (one on each issue),held in rural community centres to explore eachof the issues separately. The issues identified are:

• Caring Responsibilities;

• Rural Transport;

• Rural Development;

• Education & Training of women;

• Poverty & the Economy;

• Social Isolation, Health & Wellbeing.

Local rural community groups will be afforded theopportunity to: engage directly with a panel ofdecision makers and topic experts to explorepractical solutions, policy levers and methods toinfluence for change. The input, findings, policyasks and potential solutions will be written up intoa report which will be presented at a largeregional event. The seminars and end event willbe open to the membership and anyoneinterested in the issues. Findings will be sharedwidely.

Strategic Focus

NIRWN see this project as the natural next stepfollowing their research report and Rural Women’sManifesto which engaged our members andstakeholders to identify their 6 issues impactingon their lives, groups and rural communities.Having identified the issues the aim of this projectis now; ‘what can we do about it?’ 

NIRWN have a responsibility not just to canvasviews and consult, but to support rural women totackle these barriers and issues. In recognition thatas an organisation, NIRWN do not have thecapacity to support each rural woman/women’sgroup to lobby on the key areas and how theymanifest locally for them, they devised this projectto provide strategic support and a workingresearch and lobbying document.  They will linkrural women to decision makers, share lobbyingtools, familiarise them with the structure of localand regional government and produce a reportthat can be used by rural women to support themto address their own issues.

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Chapel Road Playgroup‘Our grant from the Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland contributed to every aspectof our Playgroup, from employing our Early Years Specialist and training for our smallteam of staff and volunteers to creating a more holistic play experience outdoors. Weare very grateful for the continued support we receive from the Foundation, but alsofor their genuine interest in Chapel Road Playgroup."

Deirdre McDowell, Playgroup Leader

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Dr Brian Scott: Chairman (from March 2016)

Brian Scott worked in publishing and internationalAgri-business for many years, and later held therole of Chief Executive of Oxfam Ireland. Heserves on several local and public charity boardsincluding currently holding the role of Chairmanof Meningitis Research Foundation for the UK andIreland.

Imelda McMillan: Deputy Chairman (from March 2016)

Imelda became a Partner in O`Reilly Stewart in2000 and is currently the Staff Director,responsible for all personnel matters within thefirm. She is Head of the Property Department andspecialises in Reconstruction of Title, housebuilding developments, apartment schemesincluding site acquisitions and all aspects ofproperty law. She was President of the LawSociety of Northern Ireland in 2011/12.

She is also the current Chair of Women inBusiness, NI. Imelda is married, with two childrenand lives in Jordanstown. She is an ardentfundraiser for a number of Northern Irelandcharities, previously raising £10,000 for theFriends of Montgomery House and £10,000.00when participating in a “Strictly Come Dancing”event for Tiny Life in collaboration with the LawSociety.

TRUSTEES OF THE FOUNDATION – 2016 Tony Reynolds OBE Chairman (resigned March 2016)

Tony Reynolds spent most of his working careerwith Gilbert Ash, serving as Chief Executive from1988-2003 and then in the non-executive positionof Chairman. Tony has been involved in a rangeof professional and voluntary bodies includingbeing a current board member of Giving NI. Hewas awarded the OBE in 1998 for services to theconstruction industry, industrial relations andcharitable organisations.

Richard Buckley (resigned January 2017)

Richard Buckley is Editor and Publisher of BusinessEye magazine and a Director of Goldeneye EventsLtd, organisers of the annual UTV Business EyeAwards. He is a regular commentator on businessand economic affairs in Northern Ireland.  A careerjournalist, Richard has worked with the MortonNewspapers group and with Belfast TelegraphNewspapers. His career has also included a periodin public relations/marketing as a Director of theManley Group.

Hugh Donnelly

Hugh Donnelly is a Chartered Accountant withextensive senior leadership experience inBanking, Corporate Finance and Restructuring.He has held a variety of management rolespreviously and is presently employed as a Directorin the financial services sector. He is a graduateof Queen’s University, Belfast.

Janine Donnelly

Janine Donnelly is the Local Director for Halifax inBelfast & East Coast, part of Lloyds BankingGroup and has spent most of her working lifewithin Senior Management positions of LeedsPermanent, Halifax, Sainsbury's Bank and HBOS.She is also  an Assessor on the Lloyds BankingGroup Talent Development Programme.

James Grant (resigned March 2016)

James Grant is a Chartered Accountant withextensive experience of the third sector. He hasheld various financial and senior managementpositions within the voluntary and communitysector throughout Northern Ireland and inLondon.

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6Grants awarded

since 2004

£20,586total since


towards hall hire, materials, trips,

transport, entrance fees and guest speakers


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Mary Keightley

Mary Keightley is co-founder, speaker and coachof Mind Associates LLC, a leadership trainingcompany which operates in both London, UK andTampa USA. Mary previously worked in theNorthern Ireland Civil Service in variousmanagement roles and the Institute of PublicAdministration in Dublin as a Training Specialist.She is passionate about learning anddevelopment and specialises in mental toughnessin the medical field for doctors and for women inleadership positions. She loves travel and spendsher time between the USA, England and NorthernIreland, she is married and has 2 dogs Presley andPriscilla.

Paula Leathem 

Paula Leathem is currently the Senior HR BusinessPartner for Northern Ireland Electricity Networks.Having worked in the organisation for 30 yearsshe has held a number of positions within theCustomer Services area before moving into theHR function in 2003. She currently leads a team ofHR Professionals in the organisation with overallresponsibility for all HR Operations. Her ownspecialist areas are organisational and personaldevelopment, employee engagement andcoaching & mentoring. Paula is a Charteredmember of the Chartered Institute Personnel andDevelopment. She is a University of Ulstergraduate and also has successfully completed aCoaching & Mentoring Certificate at QueensUniversity Belfast and an Institute of Leadershipand Management (ILM) Level 5 Certificate inLeadership & Management.

Janet Leckey

Janet Leckey had a career in social work, teachingand in research in higher education. She servedon the Board of the Health Promotion Agency forNorthern Ireland (HPANI) and was a volunteer for26 years with Cruse Bereavement Care. She sitsas a Lay Magistrate and is the past President ofQueen’s Women Graduates. She was a layassessor with the National Clinical AssessmentService (NCAS) for ten years.

Jim McCooe

Jim McCooe is currently Head of Region forTelephone Banking in NI and has spent most ofhis working life in Senior Management positionswithin HBOS and Lloyds Banking Group.Following inception of the new Lloyds BankingGroup in 2009, he was appointed as the Group'sRegional Ambassador for Northern Ireland. Jim isa graduate of Durham University and is marriedwith two grown-up children.  He is an activevolunteer in his local Church and local footballclub.

Áine McCoy

Áine is the HR Business Partner for Lloyds BankingGroup in NI, she has held this role since 2003 andprior to this, worked with in both the Private andPublic Sector in HR. She is a Chartered memberof the Institute of Personnel and Developmentand a Graduate of the University of Ulster.

Staff Team

Sandara Kelso-Robb Executive Director (until November 2016)

Brenda McMullan Foundation Manager

Joanne Byrne Grants Officer

Joanna Johnston Grants Officer

Caroline Fulton Programme Executive

Laura O’MahonyFinance & Administrative Officer (secondee - Lloyds Banking Group)

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2Grants since 2015


towards hall hire, materials, trips,

transport, entrance fees and guest speakers


St Patrick’s Flower Arraning Club‘The Flower Club is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I live alone and have made somany new friends, everyone is so friendly and we help each other. I have learnt so much and I cannow arrange my own flowers for Church and can make arrangements as gifts. It's great fun.’

Irene, Flower Arranging Member

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Trustees’ statement on thesummary financial statements forthe year ended 31 December2016

The summarised financial statements are not thefull annual report and financial statements but asummary of information derived from both theFoundation’s Statement of Financial Activities andthe Balance Sheet.

The full financial statements, from which thesummarised financial statements are derived,were approved by the Trustees on 21 March 2017and copies have been filed with the Registrar ofCompanies.

The independent auditors have issued anunqualified report on the full financial statementsand on the consistency of the Trustees’ Reportwith those financial statements.

The full annual report and financial statements areavailable from the Company Secretary, of TheHalifax Foundation for Northern Ireland, 2ndFloor, 14 Cromac Place, Gasworks, Belfast, BT72JB.

By order of the BoardDr Brian ScottChairman/Trustee21 March 2017


Halifax Foundation for Northern


We have examined the summarised financialstatements which comprise the SummaryStatement of Financial Activities (incorporatingIncome and Expenditure Account) and BalanceSheet.

Respective responsibilities of trustees

and auditors

The Trustees are responsible for preparing thesummarised financial statements in accordancewith applicable United Kingdom law and theStatement of Recommended Practice: Accountingand Reporting for Charities.

Our responsibility is to report to you our opinionon the consistency of the summarised financialstatements with the full annual financialstatements and the Trustees' Report, and itscompliance with the relevant requirements ofsection 427 of the Companies Act 2006 and theregulations made thereunder.

This statement, including the opinion, has beenprepared for and only for the trust’s members asa body in accordance with Section 427Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose.

We do not, in giving this opinion, accept orassume responsibility for any other purpose or toany other person to whom this statement is shownor into whose hands it may come save whereexpressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

We conducted our work in accordance withBulletin 2008/3 issued by the Auditing PracticesBoard. Our report on the trust’s full annualfinancial statements describes the basis of ouraudit opinion on those financial statements andthe Trustees’ report.


In our opinion the summarised financialstatements are consistent with the full annualfinancial statements and the of The HalifaxFoundation for Northern Ireland for the yearended 31 December 2016 and comply with theapplicable requirements of Section 427 of theCompanies Act 2006, and the regulations madethereunder.

Martin Pitt (Senior Statutory Auditor)For and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPChartered Accountants and Registered AuditorsBelfast21 March 2017

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Du Dance‘I feel confident for being in the group and I feel like I belong. I amnervous but also excited and privileged to be a part of the company.’

Young participant, Youth Engagement Programme

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Statement of financial activities (incorporating income and expenditure account) for the year ended 31 December 2016

Unrestricted Total Total funds funds funds 2016 2016 2015 £ £ £Incoming resourcesIncoming resources from Generated FundsVoluntary Income – covenant from Lloyds Banking Group 1,013,312 1,013,312 1,102,781Grants returned 8,888 8,888 7,820Investment Income – Interest Receivable 2,412 2,412 4,632Total incoming resources / net income 1,024,612 1,024,612 1,115,233

Resources expendedCharitable activities

- Education and training 67,222 67,222 81,984- Social and community welfare 1,085,613 1,085,613 1,493,315- Matched Giving 196,277 196,277 100,097

Total resources expended / expenditure 1,349,112 1,349,112 1,675,396Net outgoing resources / expenditure (324,500) (324,500) (560,163)Reconciliation of fundsTotal funds brought forward 1,027,099 1,027,099 1,587,262Total funds carried forward 702,599 702,599 1,027,099

The charity has no other gains and losses other than those included in the results above and therefore no separate statement of other comprehensive income has been presented.


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Balance sheet as at 31 December 2016

2016 2016 £ £Fixed assetsTangible assets - 996Total fixed assets - 996Current assetsDebtors 6,840 57,223Cash at bank and in hand 911,385 1,302,152Total current assets 918,225 1,359,375Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (215,626) (333,272)Net current assets 702,599 1,026,103Net assets 702,599 1,027,099The funds of the charity:Unrestricted general funds 702,599 1,027,099Total charity funds 702,599 1,027,099


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Cover: Chapel Road Playgroup Photographs by: Michael Mckinlay photography. Designed by:

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HALIFAX FOUNDATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND Tel: 028 9032 3000 Email: [email protected]

@halifaxfni @halifaxfni

Registered in Northern Ireland Number 19019 Company Limited by Guarantee Charity Registration NIC101763
