  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qu

    Total Date Submitted:D I S T R I B U T I O N

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    11 100

    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2010

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    Program Control Unit: Amount Amount

    Department/Office: Regular Contingency

    Description Unit Cos

    Item 1st Quarter

    No. t Quantity Unit Total Cos QTYt Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY A

    1 A. F. 57 90.00 pads 5 450.00

    2 A. F. 51 100.00 pads 100 10,000.00

    3 CTC 43.45 pads 100 4,345.00

    4 A. F. 55-F 85.00 pads 20 1,700.00

    5 A. F. 58 65.00 pads 5 325.00

    6 A. F. 56 160.00 pads 60 9,600.007 CTC Corp. 72.60 pads 2 145.20

    8 A. F. 51 100.00 pads 100 10,000.00

    9 Community Tax Cert. 43.35 pads 100 4,335.00

    10 Community Tax Cert. 43.45 pads 50 2,172.50

    A. F. 51 100.00 pads 10,000.00

    12 A. F. 51 100.00 pads 60 6,000.00

    13 CTC 43.45 pads 50 2,172.50

    14 A. F. 55-F 85.00 pads 20 1,700.00

    15 A. F. 57 90.00 pads 5 450.00

    16 A. F. 56 160.00 pads 60 9,600.00

    Total 72,995.20

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    3rd Quarter 4th Qu

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    2nd Quarter

    ro t

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qu

    LGU Form No. 2

    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2010

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    Program Control Unit: Amount Amoun Page of Pagest

    Department/Office: Date Submitted:Regular Contingency Total

    Description Unit Cos

    Item 1st Quarter

    No. t Quantity Unit Total Cos QTYt Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY A


    This is to certify that the above procurement program is in accordance

    with the objectives of this LGU.

    Recommended by:____________________________________ Approved by:__________________________________ General Service Officer (Local Chief Executive)

    LGU Form No. 2

    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2010

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    rogram ont n : mount mount age o ages

    Department/Office: Date Submitted:Regular Contingency Total

    Item 1st Quarter

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    2nd Quarter 4th Qu3rd Quarter



    26 Mebendazole 500mg 726.00 9 bxs 10,517.00 2 1,452.00 7 9,065.00

    27 Rifampicin sy 99.00 70 btls 6,930.00 70 6,930.00

    28 Izoniazid sy 65.00 100 btls 7,484.00 70 4,550.00 30 2

    29 Ambroxol 15mg sy 88.00 50 btls 4,400.00 50 4,400.00

    30 Guiafenesin sy 41.33 125 btls 6,900.00 75 3,100.00 50 3,800.0031 Mebendazole susp. 63.00 350 btls ,150.00 50 3,150.00

    32 Rifampicin susp. 200mg 115.00 550 btls ,750.00 50 5,750.00

    33 Amoxicillin susp.250mg 88.74 450 btls ,437.00 50 4,437.00

    34 Pleuragex sy 99.70 100 btls 9,970.00 100 9

    35 Salbutamol sy 57.90 50 btls 2,895.00 50 2

    36 INH sy 77.70 30 btls 2,331.00 30 2

    37 INH Tablet 449.90 10 bxs 4,499.00 10 4

    38 Metroprolol 742.50 6 bxs 4,455.00 6 4




    No. 2



    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2011Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    Program Control Unit: Amount Amount Page of Pages

    Department/Office: Regular Contingency Total Date Submitted:

    escr pt on n os

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    Item 1st Quarter

    o. t uant ty n t ota ost mount mount mount

    1 Adding Machine Ribbon 18.00 25 pcs 450.00 10 180.00 10 180.00 5 90.00

    2 Adding Machine sharp EL-260 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 - - 1 5,000.00

    3 Adding Machine Slip 57mm (Best buy) 20.00 50 pcs 1,000.00 15 300.00 10 200.00 15 300.00 10

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    l B d 3000 3000

    Book Cover Tax Declaration 250.00 90 pcs 22,500

    Book Cover- Faas 250.00 90 pcs 22,500

    Business Permit Sticker, Orajet laminated Outdoor

    Sticker 40.00 3000 pcs 120,000.00 3000 120,000.00

    Building Permit Forms 750.00 7 pads 5,250.00Calling Card 4,000.00 12 boxes 4,800.00

    Cover Line- Birth 300.00 36 pcs 10,800.00

    Community Tax (corp) 100.80 2 pads 201.60

    Community Tax Certificate (individual) 64.40 200 pads 12,880.00

    Desk Pad/for Mun.Mayor & Administrator 260.00 20 pads 2,600.00

    Desk Pad/ for

    List ot Taxpayer Form (Index Card) 6.00 500 pcs 3,000 500 3,000.00

    Mayor`s Permit form elit (vellum Cream)

    Special Board paper 10.00 3000 pcs 30,000 3000 30,000.00Sanitary Permit Forms 6.00 3000 pcs 18,000 3000 18,000.00

    Tricycle Permit Sticker Drajet, Laminated Outdoor

    Sticker 40.00 3000 pcs 120,000 3000 120,000.00

    Tricycle Permit Form (vellum Cream)

    Specia oar paper 10.00 pcs 30,000 30,000.00

    Total 321,000.00

    This is to certify that the above procurement program is in accordance

    with the objectives of this LGU.

    Recommended by:____________________________________ Approved by:__________________________________

    General Service Officer (Local Chief Executive)

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qu

    Page of PagesTotal Date Submitted:

    Total Date Submitted:

    Page of Pages

    LGU Form No. 2

    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2011

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    Program Control Unit: Amount AmountDepartment/Office: Regular Contingency

    Description Unit Cos

    Item 1st Quarter

    No. t Quantity Unit Total Cos QTYt Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY A

    Total -

    LGU Form No. 2

    - a en ar year

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    Program Control Unit: Amount Amount

    Department/Office: Regular Contingency

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qu

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    Page of Pages

    Total Date Submitted:

    t t 2n uarter 3r uarter 4t u

    Description Unit Cos

    Item 1st Quarter

    No. t Quantity Unit Total Cos QTYt Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY A

    Total -

    LGU Form No. 2

    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2011

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    Program Control Unit: Amount Amount

    Department/Office: Regular Contingency

    Description Unit Cos

    em 1s uarter

    No. t Quantity Unit Total Cos QTYt Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY A

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qu

    Total Date Submitted:

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    Page of Pages

    Total -

    LGU Form No. 2

    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2011

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, Cavite

    Program Control Unit: Amount Amount

    Department/Office: Regular Contingency

    Description Unit Cos

    Item 1st Quarter

    No. t Quantity Unit Total Cos QTYt Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY A

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qu

    Page of Pages

    Total Date Submitted:

    Total -

    LGU Form No. 2

    ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN - Calendar year 2004

    Name of Local Government Unit: Naic, CaviteProgram Control Unit: Amount Amount

    Department/Office: Regular Contingency

    Description Unit Cos

    Item 1st Quarter

    No. t Quantity Unit Total Cos QTYt Amount QTY Amount QTY Amount QTY A

  • 8/2/2019 Annual Procurement Program


    Total -
